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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  December 15, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PST

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microsoft a perfect gift for the multitaskers with windows 11 and vibrant screen sleek and beautiful design and amazing battery life that will keep it going all day long. it is available at the microsoft store with up $400 in savings and three two day shipping. be sure to get it. it is perfect. this is great, fantastic. >> steve: can we just put it right here? >> brian: i might wear this tomorrow. >> ainsley: do not tell your kids. >> brian: i was hoping to leave with a jon pardi cd but i'm leaving with this. ainsley comeaux know you're off next week. >> ainsley: i love you all, merry christmas or whatever you celebrate, god bless you. i will get dressed every morning. >> brian: thank you very much for joining us on this friday. it was a great show. >> brian: jon pardi, thank you. >> ainsley: merry christmas. >> bill: the question for the moment as the white house
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wavering on the middle east. the vp kamala harris once the u.s. to get tougher on israel as anti-israel protest pop up seemingly everywhere across the country. good morning, everywhere it is friday and you almost made it. dana is off today, i'm bill hemmer live in new york and our friend is here with us today. >> this is amer "america's news" but i am glad that i get to join you at 5:00 a.m. the one you used to do it. you would say it is friday. spilling your client at that. >> and wendy examined the mic exemption pro-palestinian shutting down traffic in new york and los angeles. we have also seen them vandalize during hanukkah. some protesters in the palestinian flags. >> bill: meanwhile on the college campuses as we have seen the eruption of anti-israel protest. some have turned violent. meanwhile the vice president
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kamala harris pushing the president to get tougher on israel and show more sympathy for palestinians in places like the gaza strip. peter doocy asked john kirby about that yesterday. >> john, it is leaked that the vice president is upset with the president about gaza? >> that is great question. >> you have seen officially on the record refute the basic premise of the story that there is some sort of daylight between the last president and the president. the president is comfortable and confident that vice president here as he has a real teammate. and a significant leader who understands the foreign policy direction that he's trying to take this country. >> bill: you have that and jacqui heinrich leading coverage from the north lawn. this is a very interesting back-and-forth i would suggest, what would you here today? >> good morning to you, bill, the officials denied there is
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any daylight between biden and harris to eradicate hamas and moreover if not giving advice to the president, that would be a bigger story. but the news of this private push from the vp, for biden on white house officials to show more public concern for palestinians comes as the white house is also denying that national security advisor jake sullivan told israel they need to end their high intensity kinetic campaign with gaza in weeks not months. officials said that is not true. so live and attach no timeline to these talks and probably the u.s. has not been given direction to his rope asking questions and offering advice. but said this morning the u.s. expects that a lower intensity phase will come in the future and the u.s. is deeply involved in the discussion about the timing and conditions. >> what i heard him go on to say is the fight against hamas will take months. of course, we agree with that, but there will be a transition
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to another phase of this war, one that is focused and more precise ways in targeting the leadership and intelligence driven operations that continues to deal with the ongoing threat that hamas poses. >> republican critics sounded off. >> this is pinball diplomacy that counts from one pumper to the next, depending on how the polls smack look. we are confusing the situation to call for a timeline to actually be dictating in the media of when things would end and when they would not to telegraph that to hamas. >> nikki haley slammed that. the president saying this is, "why none of our enemies spirits because they see what biden does become either your friend or not" appeared earlier this week, the president put it in his own words. >> do you want israel to scale back with gaza at the end of the year? tone it down and moved to a
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lower -- >> we want to be focused on howw to save civilian lives, not stop going after hamas but be more careful. >> there was a lot of reaction to the president's remarks earlier this week that israel could be losing international support over what he called indiscriminate bombing in gaza. >> bill: jacqui heinrich from the white house leading us off. >> shannon: white house attorney covering up hunter biden testifying behind closed doors after whistle-blowers alleged she obstructed the federal investigation. about republican sake getting her to answer most questions wa. live at the justice department, good morning, david spent. >> good morning to you, republican sent that hearing room a closed-door hearing say former assistant u.s. attorney leslie wolf chose to stay quiet for most of the time she was behind closed doors several hours and answer questions but not in the detail they would
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have liked to. she recently left the justice department and sources tell us, shannon and bill, she did so on her own terms and this was planned for a new opportunity. she was however helping to oversee the tax investigation into the president's son. she worked for delaware u.s. attorney david who is the special counsel and irs gary shapley said before congress in over the summer that slow walked aspects of the investigation and she nixed a plan to search a guest house on the president's delaware property where hunter stayed telling congressional staff that she said, "the decision was whether the juice was worth the squeeze." as for her testimony yesterday, watch. mrs. leslie with refused to answer our questions and we had a number of exhibits where she sent an email and receiving the email and she refused to answer just about every question that
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we had. again, democrats say she didn't answer much because she was not involved in any nefarious plot to cover up for the president's son. >> she has not even a government employee anymore, but they are making her go through these motions because still in the middle of the desperate search to find something that can justify the impeachment query they launched yesterday. but they will keep coming up with dry holes. >> sources familiar said the committee is in talks, productive talks with the president's brother james biden who is cooperative through his attorney and is next on the list for questions behind closed doors. back to you. >> shannon: thanks, david spunt, thank you. >> bill: good morning to you. i just listen to that, right, it jordan said they shot a bunch of blanks. ivy said it was a waste of time so both are concluding essentially it was wasted time but for different reasons. how do you see it?
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>> it doesn't seem like a waste of time from my perspective, ms. wolfe exposed to a certain degree but we don't know how much. but the whistle-blowers who alleged that hunter biden had defrauded the government and not that there was a certain amount of exposure he should face with conspicuous fashion we thought to be true but these charges coming out of california against hunter biden probably wouldn't have happened in the absence of that testimony. a certain amount of credibility that mr. shapely has appeared i wouldn't defer to him. hunter biden is attempting to help his father who was facing congressional investigation for obstructing congress by refusing to abide by congressional subpoena. you are not helping hunter! you are making things a little bit worse. hunter biden is facing charges now that are very easy to convict on. this is an open and shut case and no extenuating circumstances that say, i should have paid $1.4 million in taxes but
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instead i spent on fast cars, fancy clothes and women. that gets a conviction and profound conundrum to his father. >> shannon: you have written about this in your piece and this will put the present in a terrible position and he will be faced with a horrible choice is the least agonizing only involve the life and death of his political career. biden is the one person to spare his only surviving son. the consequences of his actions. if it isn't already the temptation to poll the trigger, it will be overwhelming but the consequences of doing so would be disastrous. is that why does press secretary said the first time this question was asked months ago he will not pardon his son? >> it is a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation. if i was a father i would not hesitate to pull that trigger and i don't know any further that wooden pier there were consequences for it if he were to pardon his son. pulling has suggested as early as october and worse now and
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americans the majority of americans believe that he was in some fashion or malfeasance. if he was to pardon his own son, he would have to pardon himself the political consequences would be severe. if he were to pardon him and preside over his own son's prosecution, conviction and possible imprisonment, what does that due to his political image? he presented himself in 2020 is this warm, soft glowing ball of empathy. he would save his own political skin and allow his son to suffer these consequences? that is the sort of thing. >> bill: very intriguing answer in democrats may or may not do on behalf of the president. what do house republicans do in 2024? how do you see the strategy playing out? >> that is a very good question when it comes to impeachment. first of all, i don't know if the votes are there to pull the trigger on impeachment conviction and we will send it to the senate. but it would be dead on arrival. >> bill: it could make the headlines. >> that should be the whole point of the exercise to issue
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subpoenas and force them. but the votes aren't there now. they could be later. it is something of a fishing out exercise which is a danger. republicans should understand that they are imperiling their own narrative by going out seeking a fact-finding investigation without having the facts in front of them. however, the amount of smoke around this with joe biden at the situation suggests there is more to find. we don't know what could be there yet. they don't have it and they may never have it. but how can you not open an investigation given the circumstances they are confronted with? something is being hidden here. >> bill: more to talk about soon, thank you, nice to see you in the studio, thank you. christmas travel for millions. get ready come america. it starts this weekend just as a powerful storm targets these closed. shannon, we are tracking that. >> shannon: plus, getting a slap on the wrist in the nation's capital for the most violent crimes. how a controversial d.c. law and armed controversy. >> bill: all aboard and
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heading north, stunning new video show migrants trying to catch a train from mexico to the u.s. southern border on the local communities, are they rea? don't count on it.ur m [cheers and applause] ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) veteran homeowners, car payments are getting out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans. [music playing] subject 1: cancer is a long journey. it's overwhelming, but you just have to put your mind to it and fight. subject 2: it doesn't feel good because you can't play outside with other children.
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subject 3: as a parent, it is your job to protect your family. but here is something that i cannot do. i cannot fix this. i don't know if my daughter is going to be able to walk. i don't know if she's going to make it till tomorrow. [music playing] interviewer: you can join the battle to save lives by supporting st. jude children's research hospital. families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. subject 4: childhood cancer, there's no escaping it. but st. jude is doing the work, continually researching towards cures, giving more than just my child a chance at life. interviewer: please, call or go online right now and become a st. jude partner in hope for only $19 a month. subject 5: those donations really matter because we're not going to give up.
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and when you see other people not giving up on your child, it makes all the difference in the world. interviewer: when you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt. you can wear to show your support to help st. jude save the lives of these children. subject 6: st. jude is hope. even today after losing a child, it's still about the hope of tomorrow, because. childhood cancer has to end. interviewer: please, call or go online right now. [music playing]
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>> bill: we want to get to this fox weather dolma colored pier the east coast bracing for a wet week in a purely coastal storm that will impact millionss covering that to hit the region with heavy rain and strog winds. major cities include boston, new york smoke washington to maybe 3 inches of rain? that will run things. that storm likely to impact trap on the road to major airport so plan ahead to make sure you download the fox weather app that you see on your screen.
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it seems this time of year we get these anyway but you are tough enough, right? you will figure it out. >> shannon: i mean, rain! i don't like turbulence. and i fly almost every weekend so a lot of that lately. so rainy and stormy and all of that, you have got to go. >> bill: tell pilots to keep it calm for shannon. >> shannon: please, pretty please. in the news come authorities have arrested ten teens with two carjacking rings in the d.c. area. they are among 150 people arrested on carjacking charges in d.c. so far this year. an elf local officials a controversial, local law could be to blame for fueling the surge and chris tomlinson is living in washington, d.c., where we know looking both ways driving down d.c. and downtown, these days, lucas. >> that is right carjacking's in the nation's capitol have doubled under controversial d.c. law. the judge has the option to grant later sentences to 24 years and under effectively
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killing mandatory minimum 15 years in jail for carjacking and as you mentioned, operating a grand theft auto like carjacking ring in the d.c. area, biden d.c. blames that law for fueling youth crime. >> up and sound think they'll the law that the criminal justice system that d.c. has does not meet the moment. the mayor has correctly flagged the law has gone too far over the last seven years. >> this year, carjackings and 169 carjacking arrests, more than half involve juveniles. when d.c. facilities to house juvenile offenders ran over capacity last month. the 88 bed facility 100 arguments in one day, some were sent home. >> is the population goes up, certainly as the population exceed the facilities capacity, we did see it is a challenging environment to
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operate. and it is not only the population is high, but there are staffing challenges that have been reported. >> these are not the impetuous crimes of a child who temporarily lost control. they are the calculated crime of someone going to hold a gun to someone's head for life, for money or property. >> according to d.c. public schools, 43% of ninth graders had 21 or more unexcused absences last year. many of the region think the high crime as part of the reason that weights and caps are leading tcn heading across the river. >> shannon: it's been tough in d.c. lucas, thank you so much. >> bill: we go to a high alert the university of the arizona campus after students were followed and attacked over the last week. an attacker attempting to kidnap one of the women come up william la jeunesse trying to figure this out for us and reports live in l.a. what did we learn, william? good morning. >> this would be a story with a very bad ending had these not
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been quick thinking students. to some place, looking for a hispanic male 34 years old, 6'2" hundred pounds buzz cut, groping one female student and trying to abduct to others near the campus. the first attack happened last thursday two blocks from the university and the next day another coed was followed by the same man and a third on sunday this week, he grabbed her around the waist, she screamed and was able to get away appear the victim say the man drove an early corolla come up blue four door sedan, tinted windows. police hope this description plus security cameras will give partial plate and six license plate readers should they get ahead, they will saturate the area quickly to make an arrest. >> our personal well though my personal have spoken will use that information with leads and i don't want to give too many details on that and make but we identified witnesses in the area
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as well as victims. >> the police are working with victims to develop a sketch of the victim. they have asked residents and businesses in the area to join police departments open camera registry that lets police know if you installed security camera making it easy for detectives to know where to look for possible lead. in the meantime the police have stepped up patrols. the students are urged not to walk alone off campus and yesterday as the last day of class because as we know, bill, not everybody goes home for the break. >> bill: something to watch, william, nice to see you're from los angeles, william la jeunesse. >> shannon: former first lady melania trump will address a group of immigrants who will be newly sworn in as american citizens. we will bring you live and plus going after schools that allow anti-semitism here the republican bill would strip them of key critical government breaks and funding but could that actually passed congress? >> public confidence and i ed
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>> bill: i want to get to this coming up 9:30. elements at the border reported by fox business. u.s. officials wanting agents to watch out for ieds improvised explosive devices. this with according to internal memo by fox business mexican military seized explosives at the border. agents should exercise extreme caution and should report any possible arm subjects approaching the border with possible explosive devices. where this comes from, we are not entirely sure yet. however, you have been watching the cameras. the break of day whether arizona or texas. we have seen it nonstop throughout the month of december. >> shannon: we only save the bad guys only have to be right once with the devices or weapons or whatever it is where
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thousands of people are innocent bystanders caught up in this mess. >> bill: and the border has not been solved. that is pretty apparent. whether they come up to it a deal is one of the things we wait for a period may be in the new gear? maybe? >> shannon: maybe next week. dramatic footage out of mexico shows thousands of migrants waiting to hop a train for texas. joining me tom sure bertha sherif of maverick county texas. sheriff, good to have you with us today. what is the reality on the ground for you, men and women trying to manage this? >> it is a really bad situation. i feel bad especially for the troopers, i can see in their faces that they are tired of the situation. and they should actually be working the highways. the agents across the scene are processing. it is not a good day and bad and
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our deputies we don't have enough deputies working over time and they are tired of working overtime. of course, they would like to have more time. >> shannon: how hard is it to hire her? when people have extreme pressures on them in these jobs? >> yeah, it is a little difficult. i don't have the man manpower. right now, we have private companies like housing immigrants and depending on the money. much more money than we pay. so we lose those deputies to work over there. and that is one of the reasons we have problems. of course, vote patrol have their own problems over there. but we need more help from the federal government. maybe that would help a lot to come up but we haven't had any help from the federal government. >> shannon: tomko mike let me ask about this, you heard a
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warning talking about explosive devices, ieds things come across the border, found at the border. that i want to partner with this at the southwest border. the last few years, you can see have a growth from 118th in 2021, 165, 240 meant to share in the fiscal year we already have 13. how do you manage all of those things come explosive devices, people on the terrorist watch list what you are dealing with in your communities? >> welcome i didn't hear the whole wording, but i think i got the concept. the community is not very alert. we have people walking around in the areas, strangers. of course, people are crossing and not all coming here for better lives in the summer. some are coming from other countries. some burglaries here, some
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homicide problems with immigrants. so, i know my constituents are afraid. they are afraid of what is going on. we have a new place closer to the river and i had a conversation with one of the ladies, the older ladies. and they are nervous. they are very afraid. they asked me to patrol often through their neighborhood. it's a little hard because my priorities as a county, but then i have the problem of immigrants. so, i have them manpower to do what i'm supposed to do with security of the county. >> shannon: how do you manage that? doesn't make it impossible and aside from this or assured that it is a problem at the border. those things with the manpower shortage, how was that sitting with members of your community? >> it is very difficult. very difficult. i know that i talked to my
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constituents and we are doing the best we can, but we also have immigrants as a problem. it's not that i don't want to work the immigration deal. but like i said before, persons that are crossing, runaway, they are criminals. so that is part of my job that i have to know who is coming through here and what is going up north. my deputies are working on the highways and chasing vehicles with illegal aliens and back and forth and so forth. it takes a lot of time from us to do a regular job, which is to protect our community and county. i'm losing the manpower that i'm supposed to have. >> shannon: sheriff, god bless you and the men and women in uniform doing exceptionally difficult job. we appreciate you and your time today. >> thank you very much. >> bill: we have been on this thing for three years, right, with no let up inside. you know in washington, d.c., and will come up in your program
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this week and about negotiations between congress and the white house. will they be able to tie a deal between ukraine and israel and the border and get all wrapped up? >> shannon: you heard him say he needs more help from the feds. that is a question but the republicans say it is not just about money and funding because there is money from the supplemental white house but they want policy changes. asylum, and all those things. the latest from the negotiations they say they are inching closer. and coming back next week, he thinks a deal is within reach. >> bill: do you see joe biden accepting a remaining in mexico policy again? will he go for that? >> shannon: it is possible. he know how bad the polling is this issue and the recent polling this week shows folks pulled across the country think trump whether they like him or not is better when it comes to the issue of immigration border and he knows he needs to make a deal. >> bill: the iowa caucuses exactly one month from today. >> shannon: can you believe
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it? >> bill: we will find out based on who they caucus and support how this issue rings for people in iowa and we will move to new hampshire. >> shannon: those are cool places, bundle up. >> bill: so intriguing to learn where the american people are on this topic. also, we have got this, is oprah working a double standard? the tv icon opening up about her weight loss journey. so what happened to the trademark message of body positivity? we will talk to the good doctor about this, plus this. >> weighed up, wait up! weight! >> bill: that is good, good luck with that tripled aaa projecting triple record levels of traveling. so if traveling, what is in store for you. a beautiful shot in philadelphia. good morning, everybody, and merry christmas.joan ♪ ♪ what we do at saint ju
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♪ ♪ >> shannon: we are monitoring some breaking news for you in the middle east. there are reports of more attacks by iranian backed rebels and this happened laced last night with reports in three shifts being targeted by ballistic missiles in the past 24 hours. no word yet on in the extent of damage on any of the ships. the pentagon says the u.s. navy destroyer, u.s. mason responded to offer assistance. so far, at least 19 commercial and military vessels have been targeted by missiles, drones, attempted hijackings, the rebels sense a terrorist attack in israel. bill, that has not settled down but ramping up. >> bill: a lot of people wonder why u.s. response has not been more significant.
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they administration is concerned about a fire in the middle eas. >> shannon: they want to contain it where it is now. >> bill: for poorest country and you talk about the rebels because of the u.s., whose side are you going to take? let's watch that story now. new built by house lawmakers could strip hundreds of millions of federal dollars away from american universities. now, a republican led proposal targeting colleges not doing enough to crack down on the anti-semitism on campus. bryan llenas on that story live in the new york newsroom in new york city, will this happen, brand? >> we will see, colleges nationwide receive $175 billion in federal funding in 2021. now republicans are threatening to defund them. arizona congressman eli crane introducing a bill that would strip federal funding from the universities where anti-semitism is found. his bill specifically targets specifically targets ivy league or prestigious universities with
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endowments over $5 billion. now, in pennsylvania, state house republicans blocked $31 million from going to the university of pennsylvania's veterinarian school punishing even after its president liz magill resigned and former republican governor and mitch daniels said the funding goes too far. >> the federal government throwing its weight around. this problem arose when boards of trustees and the presidents they selected didn't do their job. speak with a republican led committee on education in the workplace is also investigating, calling on people to email anti-semitism complaints on campus. the committee says, "having a centralized will effectively review and act on a credible of anti-semitism." 20 universities and colleges under investigation by the department of education since october 7th attack by hamas.
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most recently stamford, rutgers. and looking into alarming rise in anti-semitism and islamophobia incidents. mit is also investigating. it has nine disciplinary cases related to what they call campus tensions as mits embattled sally kornbluth a supportive bill with controversial congressional testimony last week. mit alumni board of directors said she has the vision to take mit forward. >> bill: we shall see on that, bryan for backing that story today, bryan llenas. >> shannon: the way does weight l weight loss craze, may reduce symptoms of alcohol use and those drugs have tripled but the drugs popularity making it tougher to find. so dr. marc siegel here to break it down, wait to see you, doctor. >> great to see you. >> shannon: list talk about this because i have a relative who is diabetic and having a
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hard time getting this drug on a regular, steady basis. >> i don't think this drug needs any more hype or celebrity input. it's had tons of it. the thing about being useful for alcohol use disorders possible but only used in six patients. the fact that it works well for weight loss, everybody knows that already. and i come as a position, describe it for people at risk of all kinds of complication of weight including blood pressure, heart disease, cancer. you want to get weight down, no question. but this drug is so over prescribed that you can't find it. nobody can find it. it is not in any pharmacies. these injections are being used at the wrong dose leading to 3,000 calls last year to poison control centers because people grab whatever they can. now, oprah coming out, and she didn't mention the word position once, i need this for maintenance. it is a redemption from fat shaming. i thought back in the 1980s, she was the redemption from fat shaming when she said, "body
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positivity, love the way you are." in 1968, she lost 67 pounds with diet and exercise. again, and for these drugs but redemption is a religious term. we have too much of a religious frenzy over this drug. >> shannon: she i doing weight loss with the food and exercise too. >> bill: i will read her statement, the study and alcohol simple six people? that is not a study. >> of course not commit as case reports but basically something that needs to be brought out, which is ozempic suppresses hunger in the brain and all three of them and in doing so it may suppress the addiction centers. it needs more study. it is possible. >> bill: here is the quote from oprah to "people" magazine, the fact a medical only approved for managed weight and staying healthy and my lifetime feels like relief, redemption, like a gift and not something to hide behind. once again, the ridicule for.
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i'm absolutely done with a shaming from other people and particularly myself. >> bill, i don't think they are shaming anymore, that is the thing. by the way, oprah with millions of people reading that weren't reading because of the oprah book club p or cheese down so much great including weight. she is behind the times. i think the stigma is gone right now and the stigma over weight is gone but the stigma over injections is gone. everybody is rushing for them. so i don't think she needs to connect the use of these drugs with fat shaming pier that is already past. everybody wants them, nobody can get them here at the company that makes ozempic is the number one selling company. >> bill: they don't make that here? >> know they make that over in saudi arabia. >> shannon: this is why everybody wants the drug, a study of 2,000 adults with diet and exercise changes versus obese adults who made the
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lifestyle changes. half of the people lost 50% of body weight and a third of the participants lost 20% of their body weight versus the people who didn't use the drugs but made lifestyle change, 2.4% body weight down. that success story, like you said, the drugs do not need p.r. people can't get their ha handsn them. >> you said something else that you emphasized, because the drugs work and we have obesity epidemic in the united states commit needs to be a tool to use. but i have to be able to get it. you talk about a diabetic and your family might want diabetic staff at first. it works well for diabetics and then i want to use it for weight loss. for me, physicians like me, primary doctors are in truth and knowledge is better, use it. i'm nervous about the telehealth weight watchers on telehealth. i want a regular doctor to be checking you. if you have any side effects, are you nauseous? have you fill in this drug? is it making you anxious? i want to monitor the does, not
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telehealth. >> bill: 9 million people were on these weight loss drugs. i'm just trying to listen to you carefully. are you recommending this or not question rick >> i am recommending that i have a one-on-one, same with vaccines. i am one-on-one with the patient. i figure out how much they weigh, what their wrists are for heart disease, et cetera, what else they have tried and if they have tried diet, exercise. then sometimes my absolutely use it. not for everyone. now, as more and more come out and we find out it suppresses drinking, may be helps in different ways we didn't know, then we will expand use for the obese, for the obese. >> bill: i'm trying to figure out if this is a revolution or not. >> here is why it is a revolution, we have not yet had a drug that work before appear we finally have a weight loss drug that works. >> shannon: how long have these been around? what are the long-term effects of these? >> over a decade or something like it. we have a good idea it is safe and most people.
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>> shannon: it is always helpful to talk to you. >> oprah's great by the way, i just think she overdid it here. >> bill: good to see you soon. we are awaiting comments from the former first lady melania trump. she will be in this room here at the national archives in washington, d.c. she will speak to a group of emigrants newly sworn in as america citizens. we will bring that to you live in a moment. how skimmers are using ai to infringe on your holiday shopping. what you need to know so pay attention to this one. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> i'm not against anyone coming in here leave, go, leave. i want to say that clearly. for those who have not, they don't pop us or go before us.
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>> shannon: chicagoans slamming johnson and his allies for blocking a vote on whether chicago should remain a sanctuary city. the referendum would appear on a march primary ballot, but the city council shot it down. chicago struggling to house thousands of migrants, many of them forced to sleep in parks and police stations. >> bill: that is the story, write, especially an election year. ai can give scammers a helping hand this holiday season. thieves are using the technology to lure consumers with a fake discount code or shopping deal. so the question today, you need to be on the lookout for it. knows better than anyone the director of tech policy, welcome back to the program and good morning to you. first, it is kind of faith to cope wrong deal because ai is new. you will be out there shopping and how do you see the story on the face and then we will get to tips and recognition ideas. >> yeah, what ai is doing is
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sharpening the tools and the attacker's arsenal. so you always have bad actors looking to scheme and scam people. what ai does is it helps it be more accurate and thorough scum improves the chances of success. what i would say is there is a thing called automated target customization. what that means come all of these attacks will come unmasked. you can automate at machine speed and scale. now that we have ai, particularly degenerative ai and techniques like natural language processing which is more humanlike, that increases the chance of people being fooled. these phishing emails and we will say automated spearfishing that will salt your inboxes, try to get you to click on links and ai is helping them look a little more real, little more believable. so you have got to -- >> bill: that is a good set up at attachments and everybody said don't open them. some people did and they learned
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a tough lesson. some people like in the highest levels of government learned a high lesson. here are your tips for recognizing ai generated damages. to find a high resolution image and zoom in, sorry guys, go back to one, beautiful we will get to tips and a find high resolution solution and zoom in. look for other physical inconsistencies. i'm not sure what that means. strange textures or glossy effect. do you, kara? explain. >> these machines are not perfect. a lot of generated damages have told. you said those inconsistencies, may be a second or start of a third eye or something like that on another person. if there is a leg out of place, may be an extra line or missing a leg kind of thing, these images are not perfect. they will have specific, like you said, inconsistencies.
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the pixels or something will look off. >> bill: kara my was thinking, but the better it gets the better the images will become, right? this is right for ripping people off. here are your tips now, trust your god, verify the sender, error on the side of caution and patcher system in anticipation of a act so take that away. >> exactly. when i say error on the side of caution or trust your gut, that means if something looks off, it probably is. if you look at conventional domain,.com,.org, those are great. make sure it is not coming from anything like weird like .cam, try to verify the sender. if the text in the email has misspellings, ai is helping it get better but if misspellings or time bound response requirements like hurry or you will lose this deal. that is a toll.
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emotional appeals to mike appeal. you have to patcher system. that means update security solutions because we know that phishing emails if you click on these links, that is an entry point for malware and ransomware. it can lock up your systems in less you pay a ransom here that is a massive problem. ai was only hoping that get more accurate. think at least three times before you click on embedded link and again, trust your gut. if something seems wrong, it probably is. >> bill: i like that of byes, think three times before you click on the link. good stuff, kara. it is here for a while and we will learn as we go and we shall with your help. thank you for being here today. >> thank you. >> bill: kara frederick. washington to see first lady, melania trump has a public event when she addresses new american citizens. she attends a naturalization ceremony, national archives and washington, d.c., implants to


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