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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  December 15, 2023 7:00am-8:01am PST

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appeal. you have to patcher system. that means update security solutions because we know that phishing emails if you click on these links, that is an entry point for malware and ransomware. it can lock up your systems in less you pay a ransom here that is a massive problem. ai was only hoping that get more accurate. think at least three times before you click on embedded link and again, trust your gut. if something seems wrong, it probably is. >> bill: i like that of byes, think three times before you click on the link. good stuff, kara. it is here for a while and we will learn as we go and we shall with your help. thank you for being here today. >> thank you. >> bill: kara frederick. washington to see first lady, melania trump has a public event when she addresses new american citizens. she attends a naturalization ceremony, national archives and washington, d.c., implants to
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tell those 25 new citizens about the importance of guarding our freedom and the responsibility of u.s. citizenship. melania trump, and emigrant herself, naturalized in 2006. we will bring you her remarks as they get underway in washington, d.c. meanwhile not just migrants but drugs and guns at the border and bombs could be in the mix. the feds are warning the agents to be on heightened alert for explosive devices. that begins a brand-new hour. i hope you are at home today, i am bill hemmer but dana has the day off today. well deserved, i would add from a well earned. >> shannon: she has a hardworking woman. we miss her, but i am shannon bream and i will try to help out. not that you need my help come up that vigilance is the key word after mexican military seized ten ieds at the border. u.s. authorities not letting down their guard on antismuggling unit in el paso, texas. they found thousands of dollars
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in cash and a rifle. fox business is live on capitol hill. >> hi, good morning, shannon and bill. these ten ied devices seized by the mexican military on the mexico side of the u.s.-mexico border but it was close enough u.s. border patrol is warning their agents to be on the lookout for explosive devices. a federal law enforcement source share of the officer safety alert that went out to cpe agents wanting them to be careful. the alert reads this, h answered should exercise extreme caution and arm subjects approaching the border with possible explosive devices. this incident happened wednesday. border patrol agents stumbled upon a tour for gun fight near the trays ranch east of the port of entry and pinot county arizona. they arrested a person on the u.s. side of the border who surrendered and armed with loaded ak-47 rifle, two ak
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magazines, loose trance and a handgun. we reached out to cdp who gave us the statement in the last few minutes, "customs and border protection are aware of the violence in mexico on december 13 tucson sector border agents encountered and arm subjects along the u.s. side of the international boundary fence and once the subject noticed the agents, he lowered his weapon to the ground to the mexico side of the boundary where multiple, additional armed subjects were located. please contact the government of mexico for further information." the person said there were 11 arm suspects nearby. agents heard gunfire coming from the mexico side. they pulled back to a safer area. the mexican military responded. that is when they found ten explosive devices filled with black powder and shrapnel. the law enforcement source says, this ranch has a gap in the border fence typically used to funnel drugs through, but now it is a magnet for the cartel to push people through appearance
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of this gun fight was essentially a game port war trying to fight for control over this gap in the fence and my sos this gap was a spot in the border wall never completed, but guys come it goes to show the dangerous conditions at the borr that law enforcement are working in and also shows how lucrative of the business it is for the cartel that human smuggling is, that they are willing to arm themselves and fight for control of monopoly over entrances across the border to try to push their paying customers through, shannon. >> shannon: hillary vaughn on capitol hill, hillary think you very much. that leader supposing a two-two-state solution in gaza. the u.s. national security advisor jake sullivan on his trip to israel. the pair discussed hostage released efforts today as fighting continues in the southern gaza strip where israel has seen a spike in our own casualties. live in southern israel, hey, greg. >> hey, shannon, a mile from
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gaza strip and fighting discontinue in the past 5 minutes or so. we have watched four hamas rockets launched from gaza heading towards jerusalem. i understand there are sirens in jerusalem right now. we will also hear a lot of artillery, automatic gunfire, strikes, a lot of smoke around. this work is continuing and that is exactly what national security advisor jake sullivan is trying to deal with in a visit here. he met with today among others is really president and he has said it is not the time to be talking about an independent state. that is one of the many differences sullivan has to deal with as he tried to push israel to shift to current intense warfare and something more targeted and safer for civilians. listen to a little bit of what he had to say. >> we had constructive conversation yesterday about the transition from the high intensity face forward and we
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expect that will occur in the future. when exactly that happens and exactly what conditions will be continuing intensive discussion between the united states united states and israel. >> intensive discussions. but still, israeli officials, shannon, including prime minister netanyahu defiant and saying they will fight until they finish off hamas at a war that could take several months. again, we can confirm idf is not letting up its target of hamas and vice versa as humanitarian issue as well. ransacked by starving people. there is little shelter, food, medicine, power, water and the latest description u.n. has four gaza, a living. the hostage news, idf corporal nick and sergeant ron sherman, both 19-year-old snatched by hamas from nearby base. it was thought they were alive in captivity as it was thought
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to come at 28-year-old french israeli citizen was alive. he was kidnapped from that music festival which was targeted by hamas appeared his body and those of the soldiers have been returned from gaza to israel. the toll rights is on both sides despite diplomacy, back to you, shannon. >> shannon: southern israel, thanks, greg. >> is there an easy way to counter the central message with interactive associates lying in absence? speak with the president has not learned about anything as it relates to what house republicans are trying to do. it is baseless and apolitical stoned. >> bill: the questions beginning for the white house now and that response pretty strong about president biden's past reactions with his son, hunter. house republicans ramping up pressure with former impeachment inquiry. "wall street journal" op-ed wonders though in the long run if it is worth it for republicans to go down the road appear at writer, columnist
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kimberly stressful is with us. reading from a little bit from your column today, impeachment once rolling takes on momentum like the boulder in the readers of the lost ark and the more evidence republicans collect, the greater the pressure will be to impeach mr. biden but is it warranted and is it worth it? you posed that question today so go ahead and answer it. >> well, look, the investigation, impeachment and requirement is absolutely warranted and totally necessary. in fact, the white house did not give republicans any choice here appear the problem is we know the white house's own claims hae been untrue and constantly shifting definition of what exactly the president was doing with hunter. he never spoke to him at all and now apparently he was not financially involved. we know from testimony from former hunter business partner bobby that he was in on deals and calls and meetings with
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hunter. so is not been telling the truth. and the american people deserve that truth. and that the issue in the column if you go along the column whatever they find doesn't rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors. this is going to be our third impeachment inquiry in under four years here and soak i think the other start of the ledger, we need to make sure we are not using this grave tool of impeachment as part of political sensor of an imposing policy. >> bill: let's take it into the hearings and it will reveal a few things and once it does, we can have a better idea how they proceed. but your point is well taken. i want to talk about jake sullivan to go visit new ten yahoo. and i bet the prime minister was very much anticipating that visit. there was a question about whether the white house is urging israel to wind this down. here is john kirby on is really timeline yesterday. >> one of the things jake did
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talk to them about his progress in the war and where the israelis think it will go. and he did talk about possible transitioning from what we call high-intensity operations which what we have seen him do now to lower intensity operations. i don't want to put a stop time stamp on it. >> bill: there was a wiggle room in that. i'm not so convinced that president biden is telling is telling benjamin netanyahu to wrap this up. >> i don't know if he's telling him to wrap it up but public pressure or private issue on the conduct of this war, the united states has no business doing that in terms of its timelines, when high-intensity phase begins or ends. the israelis are on the ground that they know the outcome of the stated objective to eradicate hamas. they know what it will take to get there. this is a white house publicly responding to the progressive left to pressure israel and to simply stopping this all
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together. then i think it is unfortunate. the president was strong in the beginning but now you see hedging on this front and it is putting unnecessary pressure on israel to take actions that are now putting their own soldiers at risk rather than focusing on the original mission. >> bill: last point here, your paper writes this, biden rising tension with israel, israelis know is not biden is under pressure the democratic party to stop gaza's and to satisfy him. i think your point is well taken on that. what did you make of the white house staffers who publicly expressed their disagreement with this administration's policy so far? >> you know, if you don't like the people that you are working for, there is a very obvious and easy answer and that you resign. what you do not do is undermine the sitting president. and we are seeing this in different departments. the state department and
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elsewhere. we saw interestingly, obviously, a lot under donald trump you would you expect that more often that they don't like republican presidents. i think it says something how dangerous and dangerous staffers have become emboldened to undermine the stated goals of the people they work for it. >> bill: it may have happened in the past, but kimberly, it is rare when you see this. thank you for coming on today, nice to see on friday morning. >> thank you. >> bill: you bet. we were talking a moment ago about the hostages. it seems like every day, the news dribbles out and await a lot of ways the families don't want to hear. the further the idf gets in there and searched him and fortunately they are finding more human remains. >> shannon: if there is talk of a round of negotiations and getting people out you have to have conversations and we have to believe that is happening behind the scenes. well, we have been telling you about this verse lady melania trump to welcome a new american citizens with a message
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about guarding our freedom today. that is a live fluke. we are waiting her remarks and when she goes live we will take you they are. >> bill: plus, not so silent night in iowa after nativity scene stirred. one way group hold for the christmas display to be taken down altogether. >> shannon: plus republicans leading a push to defund harvard and other colleges accused of anti-semitism. >> you are sitting on a pile of cash the way you are and/or spending it doing crazy left wing things during anti-semitism. you know what, we will pull that back. do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day! veteran homeowners. have you tried getting a home improvement loan at a bank lately? good luck. some of those rates can be 12 to 15% or higher. our rates are a fraction of what some of those banks charge.
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>> bill: right about 18 minutes past the hour now and nativity display in a town in iowa is back in its longtime location. this after one group complained
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about it here at the mayor did not authorize removing it, but the fire department took actiond a possible lawsuit. so what is going on with this now? lauren green the correspondent was there and what is up, lauren? >> il-1's are defending more than christmas. but the values it represents for their communities. in the small town of toledo, the fire department removed nativity scene in a station after atheist outside of their county complained. and a letter, the freedom of religion foundation threatened legal action stating "nativity scenes on property are necessary, inappropriate and divisive." it is irrefutable that the best solution is to remove nativity scene and continue hosting religious displays on property altogether. on monday, they packed a meeting and someone outside of the small town could disrupt their way of celebrating christmas spirit
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last night, the nativity scene was back in front of the firehouse but with the addition of more secular holiday items like snowmen, santa claus. the mayor said it was a necessary compromise. >> we could avoid this by a simple conversation. but instead, we are slept from a letter from an attorney. >> now, while in the state capital, controversial display by the satanic temple and rotunda with a flood of complaints. governor kemp reynolds called the display objectionable. and a post on x glorified the evil influence we oppose and that the correct response is prayer. but last night the display was actually vandalized beyond repair. the suspect has been arrested in the vandalism. by the way, the mayor of toledo's at the controversy has brought their community closer and they are planning bigger christmas displays next year.
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>> bill: on the river, thank you, lauren, nice to see you. speak to republican lawmakers to strip billions of dollars in federal payments and tax breaks from colleges who failed to respond and think accurately to anti-semitism. a harvard among the targets after the fallout after last week's congressional testimony by its president. the ivy league school got $1 billion in government money from federal funds. cohost of the big-money show, brian brenberg. i want to start here to map out for us. we have a graphic to show you with the federal taxes that harvard gets a pass on and boy, does it add up. >> they get a pass almost everything, 1.4% here that is only if you have an endowment where the average is like $500,000 per student. that is one big problem. these guys have massive pots of money. they earn billions of investment income. they don't pay anything on it
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and you have a lot of people saying, "why did they not have to pay?" but let me also add, if tom cotton has 6% tax and that would raise $15 billion i think j.d. vance has one to raise that rate to 35% on investment income. that would raise more money, but the key here we are not paying in enough attention to this, the government is handing $1 billion a year to harvard! if they take a little sliver back, where does that leave us? still in the hole and taxpayers giving money to these guys. let's go big and go for the money we are giving her bird and out the little bit they are not getting back. >> bill: do you think the republicans can score on this? >> i don't think they can use it in the end zone to use your analogy but it will shine a light on the problem appeared to build on the numbers brian was building there, the top ten schools have $270 billion in their endowment so
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president biden goes around, oh, rich people should pay their fair share but way out the schools paying their fair share? j.d. vance proposing 35% rate to increase 1.4% and tax these big tent it would raise income but you know what you don't have to go that far, tom cotton said 10% you can reach $16 billion in revenue out of 6% rate and that would pay funding of israel and also the border wall. it gives you a sense of perspective and a lot of people say you want to draw a line in the sand with anti-semitism, you do not deserve to have a tax break. >> bill: i don't know if they will be successful or not but they will draw attention to the things you are talking about, stand by the former first lady melania trump has arrived in washington, d.c., at the national archives. she is about to welcome 25 new immigrants, check it out. >> it is my privilege to share
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this great nation america with you throughout our lives, we cross thresholds and offered obstacles of stand and innovate our goals. we persevere as we understand that conquering them would provide great access to personal development, fulfillment and even eventually self -- for me reaching the milestone marked the sign of certainty. at that exact moment, i forever discarded the layer of burden connected whether i would be able to live in the united states. i hope you have similar feelings of comfort right now.
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finally, i could plan all of the aspects of my life. and a tremendous sense of pride and belonging after i decided the united states alliance. the pathway to citizenship is arduous. i was born and raised in the picturesque country of sylvania where my parents taught me the importance of strong work ethic and pursuing my dreams. the values they instilled in me at an early age passion my modeling career and brought me to paris and malan. while working internationally, it's headed shares of trials and tribulations, it was not until i moved to new york city in 1996 that the system truly tested my determination. upon my arrival, i immediately
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knew that i wanted to make the united states my permanent home. with a goal of securing a work visa come i began researching and visiting consulates and embassies and compiling the required records of my work experiences quickly, my life turned into organizing paperwork. but then, the convenience of technology did not exist as it does today. patients and perseverance became my constant companions as i navigated through the this interstate web which i'm sure you can all relate to. even if every time-consuming, my dream to become a citizen push me to meticulously gather every
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last piece of information required, ensuring that no detail was overlooked. my personal experience of traversing the challenges of immigration process open my eyes to the harsh reality is that people face, including you to try to become u.s. citizens. and then, of course, there are nuances to understanding the united states immigration laws in the complex legal language contained therein. i was very devoted, but i certainly was not an attorney. and eventually, it would provide political for me to obtain counsel. i was fortunate to do so as ultimately, my journey was streamlined and brought me over the finish line as a naturalized
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citizen. what chmy challenges were numer. the rewards were well worth the effort. i applaud you for every step you took, every obstacle you have overcome, and every sacrifice you made. it is an honor to stand with you in this house today in the presence of the declaration of independence. the very document on which our founding fathers carefully composed the words captured the ideal surrounding liberty at this great republic. arguably, one of the most important documents of all time. becoming an american citizen comes with responsibility. it means actively participating in the democratic process and
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guarding our freedom. it also means leading by example and contributing to our society. it is a life altering experience that takes time, determination and sometimes even tremendous strength. you are now a part of a nation with a rich history of progress, innovation and resilience. and you come from 25 different countries, but your dreams and inspirations intertwine with those who came before you sent 7076. and together, shape the future of these extraordinary countries. be proud of yourself. stand your ground and embrace the opportunities that lie ah ahead. you are american.
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to be a beacon of inspiration for your children and those who follow in your footsteps. may your journey be filled with endless possibilities and may your contributions reach the fabrics of these this great nat. congratulations again. [applause] >> thank you. >> bill: they seem curious in that audience with melania trump, 25 people from 25 different countries around the world who have just been sworn in as new american citizens. what a day of accomplishment for them. live in d.c. to bring us more on this watching along with us, rich admin. >> you have to know she was in the great hall of the national archives building washington, d.c., standing right before where the declaration of independence is. you see in the summer long lines
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to see that document. melania talking about her own story and the challenges of becoming an american citizen and the rewards on a she said, the rewards she said will be well worth the effort. she's at the pride that she has in these new citizens. melania was born in slovenia and moved to new york in 1996, 2006 she became a u.s. citizen. and showed an personally invited malan into the ceremony and reportedly met malan it was first leg of the spirit and worr the white house historical association. the first lady told fox digital she was honored to receive the invitation for the ceremony. the national archives is the caretaker for the nation's treasure documents. there is a declaration, the constitution, photographs, films, all sorts of documents appear at the archives set off a major investigation of the former president when he return boxes with presidential records, documents and classified markings. prosecutors charge the former president with dozens of
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accounts accusing him of mishandling, hiding, retaining classified documents and obstructing justice. the government tried to get them back but pled not guilty to it, trump and the trial to begin in may. the ceremony comes as immigration becomes a significant issue in next year's presidential election. while more than 2 million migrant encounters at the southern border each of the two task my fiscal years. they have ripped the biden administration for failing to secure the border and all of the migrants in the u.s. the president has a crack down on the board, limits on immigration a massive deportation operation to begin if he is elected again. back to you. >> bill: rich, nice to see you, rich edson that story in washington, d.c. i want to go through this. for those 25 in the audience today, this is what you need. the requirements for citizenship, lawfully permitted residents come able to speak, read, write english, demonstrate the u.s. history, willing to take the oath of allegiance and
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only apply after three or five year wait. >> shannon: has rich noted, she talked through how difficule whole process, documents. and it is interesting as this comes across at the same time as the border and the debate in washington when you had a member yesterday democrat run house says he blames republicans for the problem at the border because they do not allow illegal immigration. >> bill: think about that live shot the other day, bill going up and down the line of the single men who cross the border. just about everyone came from a different country. in that audience today we still have a shot guy. guys we had afghanistan, australia, bangladesh, belgium, bolivia, cameroon, china, el salvador, france, germany, guatemala, haiti, mexico nigeria, peru and i can go on if you would like but 25 in total
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from 25 different countries around the world. that is a remarkable moment right there as rich points out immigration will be super hot topic as we push towards the new year of the election year 2024. >> shannon: the legal pathway is not quick. okay, parents do not have enough to worry when they sent their kids to school, fourth graders got sick eating gummy bears from a back that tested positive for fentanyl. five students taken to the hospital. the good news is they were doing fine. two adults arrested in connection with the incident. joining us her son, taken it. let's start there, how is he? >> he is doing good. he is in high spirits. he is definitely learning from all of this and taken a whole lot better measurement that it could have. >> shannon: absolutely. these pictures of him so young. when you get a call from the school and we have got to get your kid to the hospital.
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your baby boy, what were you thinking as a mom? >> you know, we didn't know what it was at first. we just knew it could have been contaminated the gummy's and a sandwich baggie. so, i wasn't on a different level until we got to the hospital. the superintendent and the doctor had called me back and stated that, "this baggie contains fentanyl." and that was definitely a whole other level of scared to. >> shannon: that has got to be a shock. when something fentanyl-related and proximate to what your child eight, that is a heavy word. >> it is. it is so potent. it is deadly. just a grain of it could kill not only one but multiple people. it is sad that we have to live in today's society to explain that to a 10-year-old. >> shannon: this is something from the school about what
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happened say can we think it was unintentional. the child who brought the gum is consumed the commies and have no idea anything was there. we don't feel it is unintentional event but we will continue the investigation. kids eat food all the time and something good like commies versus broccoli that your parents packed you, but what is your word of advice for parents and for kids question market is a common thing to do. >> it is and you can't -- unfortunately can't share anymore like we used to be able to do back in the day. my message to everybody is, you know, let your kids be aware of what is going on in today's society. nobody wants to talk about drugs or let them know, you know potential death could occur. but unfortunately in today's world, we have to. we have to let our children know that don't take things from anybody. it is just too dangerous.
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>> shannon: christina we are so glad that hayden and the other kids are safe and sound and thank you for joining us to share this story. it is good to see you. >> thank you so much. >> bill: she has a story to tell, doesn't she? the border, el paso border patrol intercepted 73 pounds of combined fentanyl and methamphetamines for smuggling attempt. so, they got it there in other areas but the amount is extraordinary. and they had a story the other day about a million pills that contain this so no easy day in and for that woman in virginia. she has a story for a long time. >> shannon: one little grain is all it takes. >> bill: we moved to a small town in kentucky bearing the brunt of the opioid crisis. it leads the nation in fatal overdoses per capita. douglas kennedy went there and has more from the newsroom in new york city. what did you find out this morning, doug? >> these days, fentanyl seems to
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be everywhere, but that there is one place worse than anywhere else. >> so this is a small county. everybody knows everybody here. you are basically watching your friends and neighbors die here. >> correct peer that makes the situation much worse. >> andrew is the corner of bath county located in the northeast corner of kentucky. for decades it was famous for its natural springs that gave bath its name. but now it is known for fentanyl deaths. according to preliminary numbers from the cdc, bath has more overdose deaths per capita than any place in the country. making at ground zero for the national fentanyl crisis and 2022. not much better in 2023. so every few days you get another overdose and every couple of weeks, you have another death. >> yes, and people are devastated here in bath county. every time we lose someone commit to someone we care about.
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>> overrunning the funeral parlor where owens is the director and taxing the county ems system. >> 911, what is going on? >> and overdose. >> sometimes we have three and four overdoses in a day and sometimes two at a time taking both of our ambulance out to do one call or something. >> not to mention, the small town police force. >> there is so much fentanyl here, really difficult to keep track of. almost impossible to stop. >> it is. it is very difficult to stop. it affects our small town community. you would think you would only hear about it in the big city but not. >> not indeed appear in fentanyl also small communities and west virginia, arizona, california and all across the country taking fentanyl the number one cause of death for young adults, exactly what this man is calling for a national reckoning. >> which is affecting everyone in the united states from the
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poorest of the port to the richest of the richest. >> jim is with families against fentanyl. the problem is most of it comes from other countries like mexico and china. he wants it declared a weapon of mass destruction to empower border agents and law enforcement to stop it before it gets to places like bath. >> because it is killing people at the same rate nuclear explosion or plutonium would do. >> but for now, owens says bath county needs resources. so you guys need protective gear, you need training, you need more ambulance personnel, more police personnel. >> yes, this is very overwhelming for this community to have to deal with this crisis. >> unfortunately, he says small communities are often neglected by state and federal government. back to you, bill and shannon are. >> bill: they pay a price for it, douglas kennedy thank you for going to kentucky and bringing us that story, thanks. >> shannon: new data
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illustrating why this was such a rocky year for travel. what it means for folks applying over christmas. plus, country store luke homes sued one of his fans. how it happened and how he is working to make that right. ♪ ♪
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>> bill: so we have some breaking news overseas. i've been watching this all morning now. earlier today, reports of more attacks by irani and back rebels out of the m and appeared reports of three ships in the red sea targeted by ballistic missiles and drones over the past 24 hours and the pentagon says u.s. navy destroyer and
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uss mason to offer assistance. we are learning for shipping giant out of denmark has ordered all commercial vessels to cease traveling in the red sea. this can be a big deal now. that would include the suez canal. if you want to transit that area you have to go around the horn of africa and the amount of time it adds with transit fees, et cetera, just watch it and see how it develops and whether the uu.s. military takes a turn agan iranian-houthi rebels. for 2 minutes before the hour, there is this, country store luke holmes apologizing after accidentally suing a fan. that is today's news. here we go, a woman sold 18 drink tumblers with his face on it. she was a huge fan. >> shannon: really. >> bill: she was facing legal action only days after she was hospitalized.
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now the singer-songwriter when he heard about her story was like, "this ain't right." and said the following. >> i have spent the last two hours trying to make this right and figure out what is going on. i was completely and utterly unaware of this. >> we do have a company that goes after folks only supposedly large corporations operating internationally that make millions and millions of dollars. apparently, this woman, nicole, has somehow gotten wrapped into that. that makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. >> shannon: i didn't know he got personally involved. >> bill: he did the right thing and send her $11,000 to pay her bills. that is a good outcome. nice. >> shannon: well done. just as holiday travel season gets busy, airline complaints hit record levels this year. more than 26,000 the first five months of 2023, that is double
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2022's record numbers back then. lost language among the top complaints. live at chicago international airport, kelly, one of the most busy. how are things going today? >> yeah, today, not bad. we spoke to several people taking a flight who said, things will hopefully be smooth sailing as they get up for the holiday season to go visit family members or whatever it may be. as you mentioned, a lot of complaints have to do with delays, cancellations, lost baggage, late refunds and according to public research group watchdog. u.s. travelers file 26,000 complaints against u.s. carriers in the first five months of 2023 alone. that is more than double that time period last year. the frontier airlines and spirit lead the pack of complaints. >> a lot of us might get cranky about a lot of things but not
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take the next that to file a complaint. so we know that these numbers are just a fraction of the number of travelers who have had a bad experience for one reason or another. >> and as we know, last year southwest had a bit of controversy with the meltdown leaving about 17,000 flights canceled appeared to many passengers stranded. the ceo vowing this year will be different, back to you, shannon. >> kelly, thank you so much anti-semitic sky rocket but so does the cost of beefing up security at synagogues. a rabbi will join us know what some are calling anti-semitism tax. attacks. with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. it's one pill, once a day. many taking rinvoq saw clear
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i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday, and this is what she ate in two days. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty. this hanukkah, your urgently needed gift of only $25, will help rush a food box packed full of life-saving essentials, and includes everything they need to celebrate the miracle of the hanukkah holiday. i am very proud to partner and align with the international fellowship of christians and jews. this trusted ministry is giving christians like me a way to bless elderly jewish people who live in extreme poverty around the world. i need to humbly accept it with gratitude because this is the only food i would have.
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my brightest memories are going to my aunt rosa, and i remember her on jewish holiday. they lit the menorah. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story, and i will find a matching soul that would understand i face hunger again. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the miracle of hanukkah.
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the all-in-one and done symptom relief of mucinex is delivered fast with doordash, so you don't have to leave the couch. oof! that was fast. mucinex. available on doordash. it's comeback season. >> bill: you've had this search of hate crimes against jewish americans forcing senegal to spend money on security. some call that anti-semitism t tax.
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a rabbi of the congregation with here in new york city on the upper east side of manhattan. a good morning to you. i would say happy hanukkah. >> this is the last day. >> bill: so officially. >> happy hanukkah until sundown. >> bill: how is your congregation doing and all of the events around the world. you look at the direction not just overseas but at home in new york city. >> i think my congregation is shocked. i think everybody is concerned about security here to be actually had to ramp up security. when you talk about it being anti-semitism tax. if you go into the vicinity of the synagogues and go down the block, in the spring come in the summer, the doors are open. you literally could walk right in and they want to invite people to come right in. our synagogue has a whole group of security guards outside, double doors and you get checked when you come in. we have to spend enormous amount
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of money on the security. that is anti-semitism tax because it comes out of our budget. we have to pay to protect ourselves. >> shannon: how do you end the season that we are in that we talked about during the commercial such a shock. you knew they bubbled under the surface but people saying and doing things openly without shame that are clearly anti-semitic. how did you walk through hanukkah and with your congregation and what has been reeled over the past few weeks? >> certainly we see the darkness. this is the darkest nights of the winter. but hanukkah is about seeing the light. so let me give you a few points of light. one point of light is the fact that my congregation is so united, understands how important it is to come together as a community, and understands how important it is for us to stand in israel. that is one beautiful point of light that in many ways is so much brighter than all the darkness around us. here is another point of light.
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that is we have a lot of friends. yes, they are anti-semites and very often focused on college campuses. very often in the streets. there are so many friends we have. i was in salt lake city just the other night, wednesday night. i was out a religious conference and at the end of the conference it was not a participant but the plus 1 of 1 of the entertainers. he came over to me and said, "i pray for your community and i pray for israel every day." and this is not the first time this has happened. we have so many wonderful friends in the united states of america. and we feel that americans are behind us. that is a beautiful point of light. >> bill: if you have a stunning statistic here, between october 7th, december 7, 2,000 incidents of anti-semitism and up 33%. that is extraordinary.
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stay strong. hang tough, happy hanukkah. >> thank you. >> shannon: nice to see you, bye-bye. well, breaking news a group of female track and field athletes in connecticut. you have heard us cover the case here from apparently got the right to sue over a policy allowing transgender athletes to compete in biological girls athletic events. they wanted the chance to sue the state in several connecticut icicles with a transgender athletes in competition with them violates title ix trend by providing to provide female athletes with equal treatment to peer appeal was heard earlier ts year and thrown out by a lower report. this gives them an essential right to go back to district court and begin this case in earnest. >> bill: we will watch that. we will watch open fox news sunday was shannon bream sitting next to me. that is before we go today. we have you in d.c., what is up? >> shannon: senator john cornyn among the guests.
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he is in the thick of negotiations over the border and says texans cannot hold on much longer the way things are. can fake it at the old the white house will sign onto? will border for ukraine money? and what happens in the house? in brand-new polls sunday morning on everything going on in the world and 2024. so we will have enough for you sunday morning. >> bill: great to be with you. >> shannon: i will see you there. merry christmas. >> bill: check out shannon fox news sunday and today harris is out but julie banderas takes over on "the faulkner focus." here is julie and have a wonderful weekend, guys. >> we began with fox news or alert, pending court dates and official impeachment inquiry into the president himself. it has been a tough week with the biden family, forging ahead in their efforts to improve joe biden knowingly profited from hunter's foreign business dealings. this


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