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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  December 15, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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negotiations over the border and says texans cannot hold on much longer the way things are. can fake it at the old the white house will sign onto? will border for ukraine money? and what happens in the house? in brand-new polls sunday morning on everything going on in the world and 2024. so we will have enough for you sunday morning. >> bill: great to be with you. >> shannon: i will see you there. merry christmas. >> bill: check out shannon fox news sunday and today harris is out but julie banderas takes over on "the faulkner focus." here is julie and have a wonderful weekend, guys. >> we began with fox news or alert, pending court dates and official impeachment inquiry into the president himself. it has been a tough week with the biden family, forging ahead in their efforts to improve joe biden knowingly profited from hunter's foreign business dealings. this is "the faulkner focus" in
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for harris. lawmakers are starting to hear from witnesses as impeachment investigation is now official. one republican says his party needs to get the truth. >> going down these impeachment routes could be a problem politically? >> no, i don't come in fact, if we don't go down these impeachmt routes, a huge part of america is just going to say, we are not supporting republicans anymore. >> julie: on the other side of the aisle, denials all around as you can imagine. shifting from president biden who has never spoken allegedly to hunter about business. that is their story. now, in fact, he was never financially involved. some he did at the white house briefing about this. >> it is certainly baseless political stunt pier that is what we are seeing. there is zero evidence and you can ask me about engagement and what the president has done with
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his family but there is no evidence spirit weight, but there is no evidence! there is no evidence that the president has done wrong doing. there is none, absolutely none, no. >> julie: i don't know if you were counting, five times, no evidence. andy biggs is here to weigh in on that but first, david spunt joins us live from the justice department, hey, david. >> julie, busy weekend a hunter biden investigation at least from perspective of congress. he ignored the subpoenaed to testify behind closed doors on wednesday though yesterday my former assistant u.s. attorney who worked on the hunter biden text case did sit behind closed doors with republicans and democrats. though republicans complained she did not have many details to her answers. her name is leslie with and until recently, she worked for the department of justice. sources say she had a long planned departure for another career opportunity here are the
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sources say that in the thick of the hunter tax investigation, she did call the shots and she d make decisions. she worked for delaware u.s. attorney david weiss who is also the special counsel. irs whistle-blower gary said to congress over at the dash slow walk aspects and nixed a plan to search desk house on the president's delaware property where hunter stayed telling congressional staff that she said, "the decision was whether the juice was worth the squeeze." >> she refused to answer any of our questions and an exhibit where she is sending me emails and receiving emails and she refused to answer just about every question that we had. >> democrats say she didn't answer many questions in detail because she was not involved in any sort of nefarious plot to cover for hunter biden.
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>> she's not even a government employee anymore, but they are still making her go through the motions because they are still in the middle of this desperate search to find something that can justify the impeachment inquiry that they warranted yesterday. they will keep coming up with dry holes. >> next up to be asked these questions, the president's brother james biden was supposed to come in earlier this month td but republican sources say things are moving along well. he has been cooperative through his attorney so we wait to see what shakes out with james, julie. >> julie: all right, david spunt, i think as much. republicans answering the spectacle of this week with contempt proceedings on top of his two indictments. it could spell trouble for his father. the white house response to hunter speech raising i eyebrows as well. >> the president was certainly familiar with what his son was going to say. i think what you saw was from the heart of his son when it
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comes to the president and the first lady, they are proud of him continuing to rebuild his life. >> constitutional law scholar jonathan turley says if joe biden did come per with hunter on to find congress, it was a breathtaking mistake. obstruction is a part of a potential after testimony, outline four articles he thinks the house could bring up, obstruction, bribery, conspiracy and abuse of power. he reposted that op-ed yesterday and ask her to read like this: "what must be established is the president's knowledge of participation in this krups game here the house will need to strengthen the nexus between the president and seeking first-hand accounts of meetings, calls, money transfers." republican congressman andy biggs joins me house oversight judiciary committee and also border security pockets, great to see you as always. >> thanks, julie, good to be
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with you. >> let's talk about these charges because you heard karine jean-pierre talk about from the pulpit if the president had dealings whatsoever with hunter's dealings. she said five different times, no evidence, no evidence. this impeachment inquiry come of course, should allow the house to inquire long sought records of hunter, james command joe biden as well as to pursue witnesses involved in their dealings. let's talk about the so-called evidence that she says does not exist. >> let's think about this, suspicious activity, of course, bank records that a chain of money transfers. we have the shell corporations that they are running money through peer the people receiving the money, and then we have very specific situations. you have got hunter biden and his partner devon archer who testified and said the product was joe biden up here that is what they were selling.
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and they are on the burisma board and the concerns and joe biden said he used that as extortion so that links weather china, russian oligarchs, they go right hand-in-hand. money changes hands an action by joe biden takes place. that is what we are talking about. >> julie: devon archer also trouble with the president and hunter. that is a little odd but bring your kid to work day and bring your kid to workday and his friend especially overseas trip seems a little bit odd to peer there are money transfer to joe biden claims payment for money he loaned to family members. this is another big question because in sworn testimony, the lawmakers earlier this month irs whistle-blower's said i don't believe we obtained records that which i was any light on that transaction and "all the different scenarios, there was
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nothing to verify that they were loans in the evidence." here is one of those whistle-blowers joseph siegler yesterday. >> that is why gary and i came forward to shine a light on some of the darkest corners of doj that they are not treating taxpayers the same. that should cause concern to every single american out there that we are not treating people the same. >> julie: no, we are not treating people the same, gee, of course not! the president's son not being traded my trade at the same as a layman would be or any average citizen with accusations and alleged corruption that he has been accused of had he not been the son of the president. >> right and hunter biden has actually admitted that on television interviews. he has said, "look, yeah, all of the advantages i have had is because my last name is biden." he admits that. we have a separate bank official who said on the $5 million china
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transfer, when i looked at it, he basically sent a memo. is this a bank loan? they are not selling a product. how was this $5 million coming from the bank of china? how was this originating? it looks suspicious. there was no bank loan. there was no loan here. joe biden didn't have the wherewithal to make loans to jim and sarah biden. it is just -- when i hear there is no evidence, that is their only defense. oh, we don't have evidence. but there is a mountain of evidence and our problem is to sit through it to make sure that people understand. >> julie: they are four potential articles of impeachment: bribery, conspiracy, obstruction and abuse of power. bribery i want to talk about second under article two, the allocation of the president received a bribe with millions, actually documented on ft 1023
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formed by trusted fbi source. he was paid significant amount of money by the government. how do you confirm this and if confirmed because this is yet to be confirmed, how do you see this play out? >> there are two ways to confirm it. we can get to the actual informants, but we don't know who the informant is. we suspect we know, but that informant is in hiding because now they have got, you know, they are a target. the second thing would be if the fbi would disclose honestly who the informant is and whether they trusted that document and what they did to verify that document. and they haven't done that. what we do know is four years, they paid this informant big dollars and they trusted that informant on multiple occasions and found that that informant was one of veracity. he told the truth often enough they relied on him. the third way, i guess you can
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do is the former burisma ceo who is in hiding in the mediterranean, we are told by a volunteer to go find the guy. but the reality is, that is what has happened here appear these people that actually have disappeared, you know, whether china, patrick and others come at some of them disappeared to. that is what happen here as well. >> julie: congressman andy biggs, thank you for talking to us. we really do appreciate it. >> thinks you, julie. >> julie: the white house struggles with messaging on the israel hamas role. a ri growing between the presidt and vice president as the administration is telling israel how to fight. plus the biden campaign looking nervous about slipping support
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>> julie: the president, the vice president and national security advisor all waiting in how israel should conduct its war against hamas. they are pushed to wind down fighting in gaza creating tension with our ally, israel and prime minister benjamin netanyahu. earlier this week, president biden warned that israel is starting to lose global support "by indiscriminate bombing that takes place." and then this yesterday. >> do you want israel to scale back its assault on gaza by the end of the gear? do you want them to tone it down, move to lower intensity phase? >> i want them to be focused on how to save civilian lives, not stop going after hamas. >> julie: at the same time, there may also be division within the white house.
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politico reporting vice president kemal harris wants the white house to be more sympathetic towards palestinians. peter doocy live at the white house, hey, peter. >> juliet sounds like president biden and vice president errors have something to talk about in the dining room because politico has this item and it says this, vice president kamala harris telling the administration she wants the white house to show more concern publicly for humanitarian damage in gaza where lockton bloody prolonged battle with hamas. according to people familiar with her comments. president joe biden is among the officials that kamala harris to show more sensitivity for these palestinians. >> the leak that the vice president is upset with the president about gaza? >> that is a great question because i mean, if i could answer a question like somebody
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would leak, that would make me pretty smart and a lot smarter than i am. she is part of the team. if she wasn't offering her counsel to the president on innumerable issues, that would be a story. >> ted cruz saw this story about potential rift between the president and vp and he tells fox since day one, biden administration have been pathologically obsessed with undermining israel and unfortunately that continues ine aftermath of hamas atrocities october 7th. the cause for and national security are catastrophic. we don't expect to hear anything from president biden or the press secretary about this today. nothing on camera on the schedule, julie. >> julie: you didn't get invited to the lunch? >> i would love to go to that lunch. >> julie: i'm sure they would love to have you at the table. >> open doors. >> julie: i think they would love that, peter doocy sitting
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down with the vice president and the president. >> i could get in on the solid portion. >> julie: maybe you get leftovers, peter doocy, thank you much pure the pure "the wall street journal" editorial board, "the idf takes great for us to satisfy the president's demands to fight in gaza." israel gets little credit for it sacrifices but america does appear the president can focus on supporting a u.s. ally in vanquishing a genocidal enemy. ari fleischer white house press secretary and fox news contributor joins me now. this is war. i don't know it seems a short-term memory happening among some of the white house and obviously many on the left which is why the white house is taking the stance against israel. we have a presidential election coming up. a lot of hard core left and the squad does not like to see israel depending itself but israel did not start this war, hamas did. >> julie, what is happening now
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in the biden administration has a lot less to do what is happening on the ground between israel and gaza and what's happening to do with the ground in michigan. inside the democrat, liberal base, her personal base. witches is deceptively anti-israel base. this is the result of decades of erosion for democrat support for israel. democratic elected leadership has tried to be strong for israel and that by grassroots rebellion. this administration is increasingly, the rhetorically caved into the rebellion appear that is what you are saying. >> julie: it actually caved in to anti-semitism and allowing to happen in the country. denouncing israel for fighting against hamas, this war is about eliminating and eradicating hamas but not about sending a warning. if benjamin netanyahu will not finish until he finishes what he started and that is to eradicate hamas. hamas has committed genocide and
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unfortunately, yeah, civilians do die in war and that is the part of work. israel did not start this and by pulling back, you are enforcing, and powering a terrorist regime that must be taken down and has worked for years and years and years to try to kill jews. that anti-semitic sentiment is being protested all over our country. you don't see the president crying that. you don't see kamala harris declining that, do you? >> joe biden says israel is guilty of indiscriminate bombing against gaza. saving civilian lives. it means he has to caved to the left. here is the military problem when he says things like that. instead of saying hamas firing rockets from humanitarian zones, why isn't he condemning hamas for targeting civilians everyday in israel? that should be joe biden's focus. here is the problem, if joe biden puts pressure on
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israel were continues to put pressure on israel, the result could turn the israel gaza fight into ukraine a stalemate where israel cannot achieve objectives. objectives. we know joe biden has dragged his feet on ukraine and slowly only after time provided ukraine with what they need to defend themselves after originally asked for a needed and could have used it. biden has created that quagmire in ukraine. if he is able to keep hamas alive because he stops israel from destroying them, it is the same quagmire appeared we will be back to war in the middle east. israel needs to finish what it started and destroy hamas. thank goodness prime minister benjamin netanyahu will ignore joe biden on that front and carry out the mission to save and protect israel because it is existential for israel and political for joe biden. >> julie: just like the mission in iraq to destroy al qaeda and afghanistan to destroy isis. it is the same thing. i have to move on with my president biden making a new
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pitch to minority voters support among them keep sliding. this new ad trying to address that big problem. watch this. >> our firm has been here over generations but a lot of black farmers just hanging on. joe biden gets it. >> julie: recent fox voters say they are not buying by genomics and half of hispanic voters disapprove of his handling of the economy. those numbers are no better on inflation either and the majority of black voters and three quarters of hispanic voters do not approve of biden on that issue as well. in the white house has this impressed about this persistent food prices problem. speak with the president could continue to fight for the american people and make sure they have a little bit of breathing room. is there more work to be done? absolutely, but we have seen some prices go down. >> julie: well,
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"the new york times" said met with black democratic leaders and they hope to boost the president's numbers specifically when it comes to black men. okay, so i think biden took it for granted and assumed all african americans would vote for him because he was the vice president to barack obama. that is backfiring big time. you need to have a little more substance to get the minority vote. number two, when it comes to the hispanic vote and 50% of hispanics not for biden, let's look at the border. the porter is a mess. in fact, custom border patrol uncovered ten ieds collected from the mexican cartel. our border is wide open and terrorist could be crossing the border never mind the hundreds and thousands that are being shipped into democratic cities. the white house does nothing about it. why would minorities support the president. >> let me put this in plain terms how disastrous this is for joe biden and the democrats. could you imagine if a
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republican president heading into reelection your have to run ads to bring the christian coalition on board for the president of the republican party? that is how serious the base of the democrat party is cracking. the fact that joe biden, the democrats have to run ads at african americans, hispanic americans, historically one of the strongest especially african americans democrat voting blocs? they are base is cracking and they are cracking because people see joe biden for who he is. he is too old to come a two week command he is not a strong leader. and everybody can see that. plus, you lady and what you're talking about the economy. every time i hear them say the numbers are going down, they will lose more voters because it shows how out of touch they are. they talk like economists where the rate of growth is slowing down. if you bought gas for $2 and it went up to $3 and then $3.50, $4, $4.25, to the consumer the
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price is always going up. to an economist, the rate of increase is going down. that is out of touch. that is the reality of inflation. that is why it hurts the administration so badly with the most current numbers appear they are out of touch, in trouble, losing their base. >> julie: ari fleischer my thank you so much. good to see you. >> thank you. ♪ ♪ >> julie: critics asking what first lady joe joe biden was thinking. she is getting a torch for a christmas video that has more hunger games vibes than true christmas spirit. what is this? we will talk about this. a new push to hit elite schools where it hurts with -- >> at the very least, there should be a heavy cost imposed
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on the schools. >> julie: the new g.o.p. bill that would strip millions of federal dollars from those schools. i have sean duffy on deck next. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900 to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochures. with rosland, there are no hassles, no gimmicks, and our shipping is fast and reliable. remember. keep it simple. make gold your new standard.
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and this kid, who has three kids. marlo thomas: give thanks for the healthy kids in your life, and give a gift that could last a lifetime. >> julie: a new republican bill in the house would strip hundreds of millions of federal dollars from universities where anti-semitism is running rampant as we have been talking about this our. in the meantime come a jewish student carnegie melon university selling the prestigious school she claims a cruel campaign of anti-semitic abuse was carried out by its faculty and administration. she says it left her with debilitating and nausea inducing migraines, depression and anxiety. the head of the organization that filed the lawsuit spoke to fox. >> the lawfare project filed a groundbreaking lawsuit against
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carnegie mellon university, which just so happens to be one of the largest recipients of foreign funding from qatar and we know qatar is connected to hamas. the question is what is the relationship between foreign funding and the radicalization on college campuses? >> julie: bryan llenas has more on the story, hey, brian. >> congressman eli crane introducing a bill to strip federal funding from universities where anti-semitism is found. the house bill specifically targeting ib leak or prestigious universities with endowments over $5 billion. ohio's republican senator j.d. vance has a bill to raise the federal tax on you know diversity endowments from 1.5% to 35% for colleges with at least $10 billion endowments. >> university endowments, which have grown incredibly large on
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the backs of subsidies from the taxpayers and they have made these universities completely independent of any political, financial, or other pressure. that is why the university system in this country has gone so insane. >> in pennsylvania, state house republicans blocked $31 million from going to the university of pennsylvania's veterinarian school, punishing upenn even after the president liz magill resigned. some like former republican governor and purdue governor mitch daniels say the funding goes too far. >> i think it is fine for people to draw attention and legit to comment on the disgraceful behavior we have seen lately, but i am not a fan of the federal government throwing its weight around. if this problem arose when the boards of trustees and the presidents they selected didn't do their job. >> 20 universities and colleges under investigation for discrimination by the department
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of education since october 7th by hamas. d.o.e. cites alarming rise, julie, in anti-semitism and islamophobia and lead education in the workplace is investigating university setting up a new email address for anti-semitism complaints on campuses, julie. >> julie: all right, thank you so much, bryan llenas pure john duffy host of "the bottom line" joins me now. just moments ago i mentioned the fact that there is anti-semitism all over the country but especially at the universities, the university presidents apologizing some 48-72 hours after making extremely offensive marks. you have kamala harris in the white house who believes the president needs to come out and support palestinians, which sort of ignores the idea of the war is not against civilians but again hamas. what is wrong with this country when it comes to anti-semitism? >> julie, we have seen anti-semitism on college campuses and shed a spotlight what is happening on college campuses. that is not the only problem.
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these are camps teaching young minds to be little communist activists across the country. our federal government and state governments fund it so not just by not taxing endowments but we guarantee loans to go to these colleges and often times, trying to pay back those loans or forget those loans to students. why we would find institutions that would undermine the values and morals we hold in this country. and also free speech and the constitution, anti-conservative, anti-everything that this country was based on. i think we have to have a real look at what is happening at these institutions. and we think how we fund them and whether they have to be completely gutted. and we make sure we educate instead of an doctrine young minds of america. that is not what is happening right now. anti-semitism is horrific, but it goes much deeper than that and a much bigger problem that
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if we have a strong country with patriotic americans who love this country and can recognize what is going wrong but also the beauty of what we have created here, we have to have institutions that teach it. we don't have that with with profession don't like professors. >> julie: you hit the nail on the head, the message comes from college universities and presidents but we are talking about the white house and the message that comes from there. we hear about the vice president who is now kind of add a sort of crossroads with the president regarding our lack of support for gaza and our support for an ally in this war. you are like, what are you talking about? >> exactly, where are we in this country? it is a good point, julie. not just the top of joe biden, kamala harris or college presidents, you have the staff in the white house but you also have professors and administrators throughout universities that share the same
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opinions and beliefs. and i think a lot of americans are waking up today, what has happened on american college campuses that i didn't actually know this was happening? you and i know because if you pay attention what happens to conservatives on campus, you would understand what is taking place the last couple of decades. but most people haven't. i'm not surprised, but again, this is a point where the country can come together and go, it is time to fix it. we don't tolerate this in america. we will come together to have solutions and money speaks, julie. take money away. take the gifts away, the tax breaks away and you will see significant changes on campuses. >> julie: and fake apologies as well. critics gorged first lady jill biden on social media over this bizarre christmas video sh. watch this. ♪ ♪
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i actually kind of want to keep watching it. i mean, it is like a clown show. but when user called it "cringeworthy and dystopian." and another disney clockwork works. that was a good movie. how tasteless and anti-christmas spirit of the by the white house christmas video was missing the reason for the season. fox news also learned the new york city dance company promotes defunding the police and abolishing pensions on the website imprisons, rather, little typo there and i had to figure that out. it urges people to join their local black lives matter chapter. do they not do a background check on these people before they promote them? or do they promote them knowing they have got these very leftists and offensive opinions and beliefs? >> i have to believe that they actually bedded this dance company.
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>> julie: right, you are not allowed in the white house without a background check. >> of course, listen they want white people to support black lives matter come at the pump lease and deep on the prisons. this is a radical group and by the way, i love christmas. i'm not a big nutcracker fan and a take at the nutcracker. but i don't see the christmas theme of this. i do believe it misses the theme of the season, which is the birth of. and i don't get this. the first lady should be excoriated for putting this out there. i think she is a little bit surprised, why aren't more people thrilled with this tap dancing to the white house? again, i don't get it you're like a manger, christmas trees, little music. that works for me, julie, not this garbage. >> julie: i just watch the nutcracker and i don't see clara and i don't know who the heck that man is with the hat with the flowers on top here that is not a character. i don't know who he is or they
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come i'm not really sure. >> definitely get it right. i'm not quite sure either, julie come i can't figure that one out. >> julie: john duffy, great to see you, thank you so much, thank you. former first lady melania trump making a rare public opinions. new citizens in washington and her message to them focused on protecting freedom here at former nba player freedom slamming lebron james for lack of patriotism. >> there are many brave people who fought so hard for this country, man and woman. so lebron and everyone can live a better life, free life and peaceful life. and this is how you appreciate them? >> julie: what lebron did to spark the latest controversy, we have abbe lowell were up next in
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>> julie: former first lady melania trump addressing a group of new american citizens last hour. she spoke at a naturalization ceremony at the national archives in washington. she stressed the importance of guarding america's freedom.
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ririch edson. >> first lady melania trump with personal expanse moving to the united states living it in 1996. traversing the challenges at the immigration process open to the harsh realities people face. she says the rewards are well worth it but they come with a duty to the country. >> becoming an american citizen comes with responsibility. and it means actively participating in the democratic process and guarding our freedom. it also means leading by example and contributing to our society. >> the u.s. showing they personally invited melania to the ceremony. they met with the first lady and worked for the white house historical's association. melania spoke in a rotunda of the national archives before the declaration of independence and constitution of national rights.
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it set off major investigation of her husband, former president trump return dozen of boxes of documents and classified markings. they charged him with dozens of counts accusing him of mishandling classified records and obstructing justice when the government try to get them back. trump has pled not guilty. milani also addressed new citizens as immigration becomes a major issue ahead of next yeas election. republicans ripped the biden administration's policies and historic search of the counters at the southern border and migrants into the u.s. they have promised a crackdown on the border, limits on immigration and domestic importation. julie, back to you. >> julie: thank you very much. former nba player enes kanter freedom taking aim at lebron james. the los angeles lakers star went to his son's basketball game at usc and chose to sit the national anthem as it played.
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enes kanter freedom has slammed james' controversial comments on china and didn't hold back this time. >> lebron james will stand up for anyone who pays him the most money. if that was a chinese nationalist, trust me, he would have stood up and put his hand on his heart. this is happening and a college game. there are tons of kids in the arena idolizing him by you disrespecting the flag in our country. it is a poor representation. so, he should know better. >> julie: lebron has had anthem issues in the past. he famously took a knee with his team during the george floyd protest in 2020. abby hornacek foxed and daughter at nba player, joins me now. he makes a good point about taking a seat in the middle of the national anthem at a college game. this is why our college youth are so screwed up because they
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look up to the celebrities and look up to these people who are disrespecting our country and end up becoming just un-am un-american. >> julie, you make a great point and so did enes hear these kids are so impressionable. to see lebron who is their hero in los angeles especially being with the lakers and being at usc galen center, they are looking to him and noticing everyone and even with his young daughter, too. what is he teaching her? the fact of the matter, enes talks about the money to be paid what it is like to live in a country where you are labeled as a terrorist for speaking hampshire president were talking about the human rights abuses. lebron lives in a country that allowed him the opportunity to make $500 million playing a game you love and that is not even including business adventures or endorsements. so i think the best part about this is people can look at this,
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and i love that he got a little more pushback on it because he keeps doing these things, and he sat down and disrespecting the freedoms that we have that are really priceless. we can talk about money all day long but the freedoms in those countries, it is priceless to get to experience the things that we do here. and unfortunately come i don't think lebron cares. >> julie: no, he obviously does not care any did it in the middle of the anthem and what is more despicable, he is not only disrespecting freedoms and what we have fought for but the men and women serving overseas putting their lives on the lines. you should be standing and giving them a standing ovation. that is what you should be doing. so when the national anthem plays, we stand in pledge of allegiance and stand to pledge our allegiance to america and to the heroes that have fought for this country. that is disgusting. and so un-american. he might as well move to another country. let me ask you about this new fox nation special out today, ride to work but this is a
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special twist, who is secret santa? and we have to figure out which fox host is behind the beard on a drive through midtown manhattan. so, we will have a peak here and i will see if i can get through the secret santa is. let's watch. ♪ ♪ >> do you also set with three or four other people? >> every day at 5:00 p.m.? >> no. >> do use it with four or five other people at 5:00 p.m. to eat dinner just like the three wise men? >> no. >> do you work with four wise men and women? >> we all work with a lot of wise men and women. >> okay. >> julie: okay, can i guess? if i guess, would you tell me or do we have to wait to watch on fox nation? >> you have to wait, julie. >> julie: kennedy. >> it is not you. >> julie: audley, you have not dressed like that ever in my life. kennedy. i think it is kennedy.
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yes, at first i thought it was -- first of all you you are the best elf ever, straight out of the movie elf. i was actually more impressed with your costume and santa was rough around the edges. if i so santa in a dark alley. tell kennedy she pulls off santa really well. >> i don't know. this person was pretty short. i'm not confirming nor denying. but i will say my guest and did my best. i didn't know who it was. i thought for sure i would know who it was. >> julie: i was thinking janice dean or kennedy come i don't know. >> how many of these are there? >> we have to watch. this is a special. well, maybe it will be you next time, julie, who knows? this is part of the broader series right to work. season 3 but this is a special. we want to do something christmasy, festive and this person that got in my car really did an excellent job of
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committing 100%. so, if you are getting in the christmas mood and ready for next week, this is hopefully a great thing you will like to watch. >> julie: it is amazing. when does this hit? >> weight is out now. so right after your show. >> julie: i will log onto fox nation and then you reveal at the end, right? >> yeah, it is a great reveal and you have to stick around. >> julie: that is great, abby, thank you so much. it will be fun to watch. who is santa on secret senton fox nation? thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." thank you for watching and "outnumbered" is up after the break. ♪ ♪
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♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪


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