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tv   America Reports  FOX News  December 15, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PST

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>> dagen: john kerry will sue on behalf of the forest. >> kayleigh: i'll toss it to you. >> it's amazing, i hope they don't come down to georgia, i chopped down several trees in the front yard and i'm telling you that they don't have any rights, when it comes to georgia. >> emily: does that mean christmas tree and the christmas tree season would suffer litigation? >> don't mess with us christmas trees. that's a holiday, we have to keep that going, that tradition. >> kayleigh: remember yesterday, it's a crime to breathe. apparently breathing adds to co2, we have that going on. >> can't have too many kids, carbon dioxide, not good. >> dagen: that makes john kerry the biggest polluter in america. >> emily: guys, thanks for watching. don't for get to dvr the show. here is "america reports". >> john: emily, thank you. u.s. customs and border
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protection issuing a major warning to agents urging them to watch out for explosive devices at the southern border, as we cap off a busy week at the u.s.-mexico border. hello, john roberts in washington. end of the week. >> sandra: we made it this far. sandra smith in new york. internal memo obtained by fox business says the mexican military seized 10 ieds filled with black powder and shrapnel, found in mexico at the arizona-mexico border. >> john: and a gun fight in mexico. hillary, we are hearing the dhs secretary is on the hill today. has he had any response? >> no, he has not. he did not say anything to reporters asking for an update about the border immigration talks on this border deal that
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congress is trying to work through here. but in regards to this story, we do know that border patrol is warning agents to be careful after the mexican military found 10 explosive devices on the mexico side of the u.s. border. a federal law enforcement source shared with us an officer safety alert that went out to cpb agents this week, r agents should exercise extreme caution and report any possible armed subjects approaching the border with possible explosive devices. also describing the explosives, saying the mexican military seized ten ieds filled with black powder and shrapnel in an area located east of the sasabe port of entry. border patrol agents stumbled on a cartel turf are war gun fight near the ranch in pima county,
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arizona, arrested a man with an ak-47 rifle, loose guns and a handgun, and cbp says tucson sector border patrol agents encountered an armed subject along the u.s. side of the international boundary fence. once the subject noticed the agents, he gestured to the mexico side of the boundary where multiple armed subjects were located. according to the alert, the suspect told agents there were 11 armed suspects nearby, agents heard gunfire coming from the mexico side, pulled back to a safer area. the mexican military responded, that's when they found these ten ieds. my law enforcement source says the ranch has a gap in the border fence typically used to funnel drugs through but now a magnet by the cartel to push people through. so essentially it was a gang war trying to fight for control over the gap in the fence. my source says the gap is there because it was part of the
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border wall that was just never completed. john. >> john: yeah, you know, there's a few sections like that, and they remain open, and not only are they now a conduit for people to come across the border illegally, but you pointed out, the subject of turf wars. hillary, thank you so much. sandra, the problems at the border grow every day. >> sandra: amazing the demands on the agents and the officials on the border, and now this, watch out for explosives? and per our own reporting this week, john, they are outsourced. they are running out of resources and what is it, one border patrol official for every 200 migrants pouring over the border right now, incredibly unsustainable situation. >> john: when you consider jay johnson said 4,000 a day would be untenable and we are more than double that now. i don't know how they are coping. >> sandra: more reaction to that coming up.
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meanwhile, awaiting house republicans to hold hunter biden in contempt of congress after he skipped out on a deposition he was subpoenaed for. all comes after the approval of impeachment inquiry into president biden. what republicans say is a pivotal moment in their investigation. one of the lawmakers leading the charge, house oversight committee chairman james comer will join us in a moment with an update. first david spunt has the news live from the justice department. >> david: quite a week involving the president's son, hunter biden, especially when he gave the surprise statement on capitol hill and skipped out on the closed door deposition with lawmakers, republican and democrat lawmakers. yesterday a former assistant u.s. attorney lesley wolf, worked with david weiss, saturday with lawmakers, she declined to answer many questions behind closed doors.
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she has left the department of justice, this was a planned departure for a new job opportunity. she was, however, once helping to oversee the tax investigation into hunter biden. now, irs whistleblower gary shapley said before congress that wolf slow walked aspects of the investigation. he says wolf nixed a plan to search a guest house on the president's delaware property where hunter stayed, telling congressional staff that she said "the decision was whether the juice was worth the squeeze." >> miss wolf refused to answer most of our questions, and a number of exhibits she sent an email, receiving email, and she refused to answer just about every question it seemed we had. >> david: democrats say she did not answer much because she was not involved in nefarious plot helping to cover for hunter biden.
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>> she's not even a government employee anymore but they are still making her go through these motions because they are still in the middle of the desperate search to try and find something that can justify the impeachment inquiry they just launched yesterday. but i think they are going to keep coming up with dry holes. >> david: and next on the list for questioning, the president's brother james biden. we are told he is cooperative through his attorney and at some point is expected to speak wa lawmakers fairly soon. back to you. >> sandra: david spunt, thank you. john. >> john: give that man a cough drop. bring in house oversight committee chairman james comer. congressman, thank you for being with us. appreciate it. further to what jim jordan was saying, did you and your committee get any more cla ry at this into allegations by gary shapley and joseph ziegler that miss wolf discouraged asking witnesses about the big guy and asking for the affidavit to be
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changed, should be nothing about political figure one, believed to be joe biden, in here. did you get any more clarity into any of that? >> not from that deposition, but at the end of the day i've said this before, all roads led to lesley wolf. if you look at the irs, clearly investigating the biden crimes, and they knew that joe was an integral part of that as they approached joe biden, that's when wolf stepped in and told them to stand down. from the sources we have in the fbi, the same thing. the fbi was also investigating the biden family. this says a lot about the biden family. and then we know the department of justice in listening to the different u.s. attorneys in varying jurisdictions, the reason they could not come in and complete an investigation was because of wolf. so, lesley wolf has a lot of questions to answer and it's my understanding she did not answer
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many questions in the deposition. >> sandra: are there more depositions between now and the holidays? >> we are trying to bring people in. people are using the holidays as an excuse, the attorneys say we have christmas commitments we can't make, but we are scheduling depositions for january and we expect everyone who has been issued a subpoena to come before us and answer some questions. this has been a very transparent, very credible, very substantive investigation. we follow the money, we have thousands of pages of emails and we need to know exactly what happens so we can connect the dots and try to determine why the bidens aren't held accountable years ago. >> john: on the subject of people coming before the committee under subpoena, will you seek a contempt of congress charge against hunter biden for showing up on the senate side, giving a statement and then skipping out on the subpoena and the deposition that he had been
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subpoenaed for. a lot of people drawing parallels to peter navarro and steve bannon, but debbie dingell voiced a difference yesterday, she said navarro and bannon refused to testify at all even in open session, hunter biden said he will come before congress in an open session but not behind closed doors. so on that basis, would you seek a contempt of congress citation? >> yes, i mean, look. hunter biden displayed the arrogance of entitlement that we felt like he's had the whole time. when he showed up at the exact same time he was supposed to be in for a deposition, a normal deposition from a normal congressional investigation, we had over a dozen members of congress from both parties in there. had dozens of staffers in there. we had tens of thousands of pages of documents. hundreds of specific questions. and he just goes out and basically gives congress a middle finger, goes out and says he wants to make a statement and have a press conference and when
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he got through making his statement, asking for pity, then he drove off in his car and wouldn't answer any questions. this is how the bidens have operated. and just because the doj, irs, the fbi and every other government agency that was supposed to catch people like hunter biden for the crimes people like hunter biden committed doesn't mean we are going to turn a blind eye and treat him any differently. he's treated like everyone else. he does not set the rules, we set the rules. this deposition will be transparent, we will release the transcripts and then we'll have a public hearing. >> sandra: ok, so obviously with this being the friday capping the week where we know the house gop did vote to formalize this biden impeachment inquiry, there are many critics of the right saying there is still no evidence. where will republicans get with this, congressman? >> we have five payments going directly to joe biden where we
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have sourced the revenue that went to joe biden from the biden influence peddling scheme. we have emails and text messages that show joe biden communicated with all the people that he once said he never met. we know that there are hundreds of pseudonym emails that the white house will not turn over to us that were on government emails where joe biden used a fictitious name to communicate with eric schwerin. we know that. it was in the indictment of hunter biden in california. this should have been a freedom of information act request from the white house because these were government emails, nonclassified. they are obstructing us and that's why the republicans voted unanimously to proceed with impeachment inquiry because we are being obstructed. there's evidence everywhere that shows of multiple crimes by the biden family and joe biden was involved in all of them. he has not been truthful with the american people, we need to get answers. the majority of americans want
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answers, that's what our objective is. >> john: congressman before we go, if i could come back to the hunter biden contempt of congress citation, have you spoken with officials at the doj about this and are they favorably disposed to pursue charges? >> well, that's a great question. i have not spoken to anyone at doj. jordan is the point person on the oversight economy, he's chairman of the judiciary committee. you'll have to ask jim, we'll see how that turns out. we'll see whether or not there's a two-tier system of justice. see if merrick garland is going to be consistent how he treats people who defy subpoenas. >> john: thank you, merry christmas, probably won't see you before then. >> thank you. >> sandra: houthi rebels have claimed responsibility for attacks on ships sailing near the coast of yemen, and now a u.s. navy destroyer is heading
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to the area to offer assistance. what a top biden official is saying about the incidents and who he says is pulling the strings. >> john: and could the war in gaza cause a divide in the white house? the vice president wants to do more to rein in israel's retaliation and urging the president to take a similar stance. but critics say that sends the wrong message. >> this is a white house now publicly responding to pressure from the progressive left to pressure israel into just simply stopping this all together. putting, i think, unnecessary pressure on israel to take actions that are now putting their own soldiers at risk. >> john: reaction from former state department spokesperson morgan ortagus coming up next. i was 5...6 years of age and i knew i was going to be a vet. once alexandra called me to let me know that bank of america had approved my loan...
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>> sandra: the u.s.s. mason is right now en route to assist a liberian flagged cargo ship hit by houthi rebels in yemen, the ship catching fire after the attack. they believe ballistic missiles targeted three ships in the same vicinity over 24 hours. jake sullivan called on iran to stop the houthi attacks, threatening shipping vessels in that area. >> while the houthis are pulling the trigger, so to speak, they are handed the gun by iran. and iran has a responsibility to -- to take steps themselves to cease these attacks because these attacks, as i said before, are a fundamental threat to international law and international peace and security. >> sandra: while iran-backed
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proxies are blamed for at least 92 attacks since mid october against u.s. forces stationed in syria and iraq. john. [gunshots] >> john: new video showing israeli forces inside gaza where the idf is locked in a brutal battle with hamas. national security adviser jake sullivan is in israel, amid mounting palestinian deaths, as the idf continues the blitz on the ground and in the air, hammering north, south and central parts of the territory. morgan ortagus will weigh in on all of that in just a minute. but we begin with our senior foreign affairs correspondent, greg palkot. >> greg: a mile away from gaza,
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and seeing all day into the night what national security adviser jake sullivan is talking about, hearing explosions, artillery, hearing gunfire and hamas rockets going out. the war very much on. sullivan met with the palestinian authority abbas after sessions with benjamin netanyahu and others. pushing the biden line to get israel to shift from intense warfare to something more targeted and safer for gaza civilians. here is a bit of what he had to say today. >> we have very constructive conversation yesterday about the transition from the high intensity phase forward and we expect that will occur in the future. when exactly that happens and under exactly what conditions will be continuing intensive discussion between the united states and israel. >> greg: israel continues the sound, we are hearing it right now, act defiant, saying they will finish until the finish, until hamas is over and it could take several months, they say.
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three more soldiers killed today and some nasty house to house fighting. humanitarian situation in gaza is worse, ransacked by hungry people. little food, shelter, medicine, power. the u.n. is calling it a living hell. as the hostage news is worse, idf corporal nick biezer and sergeant ron sherman, 19 years old, snatched from hamas by a nearby base. they were thought to be alive. so was 28-year-old french israeli citizen, he was kidnapped from the music festival targeted by hamas. his body and those of the soldiers returned from gaza to israel and john, literally in the last five minutes, we have some more tough news. i'm quoting daniel hagari, the spokesperson for the idf, said on camera publicly, that in some very tough fighting inside gaza today, israeli soldiers misidentified three individuals, they turned out to be captives,
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hostage, alive, inside gaza, now they are dead. now they are coming out, again, we just had this word, quoting daniel hagari, more news on that, we'll give it to you. back to you. >> john: greg palkot with the difficult news, thank you. you know, war is hell, sandra, and unfortunately things like this happen that there have been a number of idf soldiers killed by friendly fire, according to reports and now we learn three hostages were killed by friendly fire. the idf is going to be looking into all of this to find out how it happened. >> sandra: and they are, per hagari's statement a few minutes ago, he just wrapped his remarks where he did confirm three hostages held in gaza were killed in the friendly fire. he said the israeli military says the armed forces take full responsibility for what has happened and an investigation has been opened. so that's all we know right now and we'll continue to bring our viewers updates.
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and now this, as the biden administration is urging israel to narrow its operations in gaza, vice president kamala harris reportedly wants the president to be more sympathetic to palestinians. according to politico, she is pushing individuals, including the president, to be more concerned for the humanitarian concern in gaza. but the white house is downplaying the rift between the two. morgan ortagus, great to have you here today. what should we know about this? is there an actual -- is there a disagreement between the vice president and the president, what are we hearing? >> morgan: only the two of them know but appears to be a disagreement, sandra, from within the white house at large. we do know that of course the white house interns issued a letter saying they disagreed with the president's policy and preference towards israel and we
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saw just a few nights ago a report pictures from the white house where white house staffers were protesting their own white house in the front lawn. so, we know for sure, for a fact, that there is major disagreements in the white house because they have been public. now the reports are that it's coming from the vice president. it's very concerning, if so. as a republican who supports the state of israel, you know, you look at, sandra, you look at president biden's support of israel, look at the veto at the u.n., i've been critical on many foreign policy issues, it was a hard veto to make and they did it, but you do start to worry, is president biden an outlier in his party on support for israel. that's certainly concerning for the state of israel. you need to have a relationship with more than one political party if you are israel. you need to have it with both political parties. >> john: peter doocy yesterday
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at the white house briefing asked john kirby about potential split at the white house, what kirby said in response. >> i think we already pushed back on the premise of the story there is a daylight between her and the president. i would say that the entire leadership team here in the administration, peter, wants to see no civilian casualties, wants to see the israelis be more surgical, more precise, wants to see that humanitarian aid is increased into gaza. >> john: no question biden has got an arab american voter problem and the big question is, how long does he stand steadfast with israel in the face of this mounting political pressure and how soon does he go wobbly on all of this. >> morgan: it's easy to stand with the state of israel right after the october 7th attacks whenever they appear as victims. it's harder to stand with them when you have all of the public pressure, especially from your own political base. but i think standing by israel has been the right policy call,
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and in fact, if you look at the president still wanting to maybe have a deal between israel and saudi to try and thwart iran's plans for the region, if you want a new palestinian authority, a new governing mechanism in the west bank and gaza, to do all of those things you have to get rid of hamas. so you have to empower israel to do that, to finish the job. and add we are placing so many restrictions and expectations on israel that we don't expect on any one else, even ourselves whenever we are at war, everybody wants to minimize civilian life -- civilian loss of life, civilian casualties. you are seeing israel opting to go through the hand to hand combat in gaza that greg palkot was reporting on. at least ten idf soldiers were killed overnight in the hand to hand combat. israel is giving humanitarian aid to the hospitals in gaza, and set up corridors, and what has hamas done with that?
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launched at least 116 rockets from the safe zones that israel established and they steal the aid intended for the palestinian people and intended for the hospitals. so, in no other war is someone who is defending themselves expected to give humanitarian relief to the population, are they expected to set up humanitarian zones, only expected of israel and every time they do it, hamas takes advantage of that. so if you want to stop civilian casualties and loss of life, one way it could happen right now. tell hamas to surrender. tell hamas to let the hostages go. it is hamas who stands behind women and children and doesn't come out and fight like a man. it is hamas that uses their own people as, you know, as hostages, uses their own people as human shields. it's not the state of israel doing it, it's hamas and if hamas is not militarily defeated, it will only embolden every other terrorist group around this planet. >> sandra: morgan ortagus,
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appreciate you joining us. thanks very much. and we are learning more about this idf accident that did kill three abductees, the idf put out a statement, shot and killed the three abductees when they were misidentified during fighting in gaza. it's not clear if hamas had released those hostages or had escaped or they were abandoned. but the idf says they misidentified them as a threat and as a result, the troops fired towards them and they were killed. reading deeper into this statement, it's quite a lengthy statement about all of this. the idf says they have begun reviewing this incident immediately, emphasizing it's an active combat zone, ongoing fighting over the last few days has occurred. immediate lessons from the event have been learned passed on to all idf troops in the field and all three hostages have been identified per this idf statement. >> john: the whole area is on a hair trigger, particularly after
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the incident that morgan cited a couple days ago, nine -- well, originally four idf soldiers were caught in explosion, other soldiers rushed in to try to rescue them, after they lost contact and they were killed as well. so, it's kind of -- you get into a point often in combat where it's shoot first and ask questions later because it's either, you know, it could be your life or theirs. and unfortunately it ends up in situations like this. see if the idf pulls back, takes a bit of a pause, kind of refreshes everybody on rules of engagement and how do avoid something like that happening in the future. >> sandra: tough news, john. >> john: absolutely. >> hey, hey! >> john: take a look at that. just outside of san francisco, a long time store clerk jumping into action to stop a potential smash and grab robbery. he joins us after the break to
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explain how it all went down. >> sandra: plus, carjackings in the nation's capital spiking in the past year. why one federal attorney says a d.c. law is helping younger criminals get away with it.
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and they can change yours, too. because a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. >> sandra: all right, as we just reported a few moments ago, just got word from the idf that the israeli military says it has mistakenly killed three israeli hostages during its ground operation in the gaza strip. they said that during combat the idf mistakenly identified the hostages as a threat and as a result, the troops fired toward them and they were killed. victoria coates is joining us now, joins us by phone. idf, victoria, said during the searches and checks in the area in which the incident occurred, suspicious rose over the identities of the deceased, their bodies were transferred to israeli territory
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ff for examination, they were three israeli hostages. your thoughts as we take in the details. >> thank you, sandra, just the nightmare scenario we have been dreading since october 7th when the hostages were taken because obviously hamas has not treated them in any kind of reasonable way. they are just -- have been pawns of the terror group for the last two months. and this has always been possible, i know the israelis are doing everything they can to mitigate this danger, but unfortunately today it came to pass. >> john: victoria, this happened in shejia, the northern part of gaza, the scene the other day of the hamas ambush in which 9 or 10 idf soldiers were killed. so it's clear that that whole area is on a hair trigger, and when you get into asation like that when you are engaged in
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close quarters, ground, almost hand to hand combat fighting, you see a threat, you are going to try to neutralize it before you check it out. it's an unfortunate product being an environment like that. but to your knowledge, what could the idf possibly do to mitigate this in the future? >> unfortunately, john, there's no silver bullet here, and that's why civilized nations don't behave the way hamas is behaving in terms of embedding themselves in their own civilian populations, treating israeli civilians as combatants, what they have done here. this is not in any way normal behavior, and i think that's what a lot of americans need to realize is the leadership of hamas while hugely problematic and need to be eradicated, is not the end of this problem. they are so deeply embedded in gaza and now we are seeing their numbers soar in best bank.
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so, this is a very, very deepen trenched problem that israel is dealing with and they need really strong support from the united states because heaven knows they are not getting it from anywhere else. >> sandra: and victoria, further details on what we are learning. tom haim was one of the hostages killed in this incident. he was kidnapped from a kibbutz by the hamas terrorist organization on october 7th. for many who have been following the stories of each of these hostages, he was the drummer from kafaraza, last seen in a video he sent his mother on saturday morning, october 7th. and samar talaka kidnapped from kibbutz nir om, and the third hostages family notified but requested his name not be broadcasted. idf and israel police
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representatives have notified all of the families at this time. victoria coates, thank you for joining us on the breaking news here. >> thank you, sandra. >> sandra: appreciate it. >> john: thanks, vic. >> hey! hey! >> john: surveillance video of a brave store clerk pulling out a gun and scaring off a gang of potential thieves targeting this bay area consignment shop. the would be robbers ran into the store after a woman on the phone held the door open for them. it's believed she was probably -- she may have been scoping the place out, according to some folks, but we are not sure about that. albert marku joins us now to explain what happened. albert, thank you for being with us and we are glad that you are ok after this harrowing incident. we have seen across the country smash and grabs, crash and
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grabs, mobs that run into stores and steal everything they possibly can. what was it in that moment that went off in your brain where you said hang on a second, i'm not going to be a victim of this. >> that's -- that's right. a lot of crimes happen around us, many stores, they get robbed, smash -- but -- a few miles from us, like one city, danville, and enough is enough. nobody is doing anything. i was waiting, actually, you know, i had a premonition something would happen and monday about ten people pull in
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front of the store, around six people made it in the store with sledge hammers and i could not see, they have things in their pocket, and i wanted to make a statement, this is -- it's possible to prevent those kind of activities. >> john: so when all the incidents or many incidents across the country, big retail chains instruct their employees, if somebody comes in trying to rob the store, do not engage with them, it's dangerous, people have been fired for doing it. did any of that go through your mind or did you just say they are headed toward the jewelry cases here, i'm not going to let them rob the store and you grab your .38 caliber revolver and point it at them, and clearly had an effect with this group as they crashed into the store, we are seeing video here, to tell them to turn around and get the
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heck out as quickly as they could. >> i just wanted to send the message this could be done and, you know, we have to take a stand, you know. we pay our politician to do something about it but nothing is being done. and after the incident happened, a lot of shop owners are calling me and, you know, probably they will take a stand, too, just like i did. >> john: just before we go, play something that gavin newsom said a month ago, i know you are east of san francisco, but are in the bay area. what he said ahead of the apec conference. listen here. >> we have task forces focused on retail theft, san francisco has outperformed many other parts of the state and a significant reduction in retail theft. this place is beloved, and best days are in front, not behind it. >> john: what would you say to the governor?
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>> i would say that's not true. crime increased almost 30% and daily things happen. my customer are afraid to go out, afraid to shop, and they are coming and you know, they talk with me, and they are all complaining with about this awful situation. and jobs gets lost, revenue gets lost, retail theft i think is all $7 billion, which is, you know, is just -- amazing, you know. how they can allow something like that to happen. >> john: it's terrible and we are witnessing it not just in the bay area but just about every big city across the country. albert, we are glad you are ok. what great bravery you demonstrated and we thank you for joining us. appreciate it. >> thank you. thank you very much. >> john: thank you, now this.
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>> this is ludicrous. brandon johnson, many people stood behind you, they feel let down. >> sandra: residents and city leaders are calling out chicago's mayor as the migrant crisis there spirals out of control. windy city alderman raymond lopez will join us next on why some say this mayor is dropping the ball. >> john: polling shows minority voters want to see economic improvement under president biden, and it's costing him votes. how team biden is playing catch-up to win back that key voter group. stay with us. - i'm lea. and we live in north pole, alaska. - as i got older, my hearing was not so good so i got hearing aids. my vision was not as good as it used to be, got a change in prescription. but the thing missing was my memory. i saw a prevagen commercial and i thought, "that makes sense." - i observed the changes in steve's memory and i thought i should try that too. - after taking prevage, i just didn't have to work so hard to remember things. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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our schools are in trouble. we are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on people that don't even pay taxes in this city. >> sandra: heated moments at a chicago city council meeting over how the mayor is handling the migrant crisis. mayor brandon johnson is accused of prioritizing tens of thousands of migrants from the southern border over the black community and homeless veterans in that city. let's bring in raymond lopez, former candidate for chicago mayor. to you, welcome, sir. you have been an outspoken critic over what is happening in that city, and the deterioration of it. do you believe as well that this mayor is prioritizing the migrants coming from the southern border over the black community in that city? >> without question. the mayor is prioritizing migrants over everything in the city of chicago. committing nearly $361 million to take care of the 25,000
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individuals who have been sent here, not just by republican border state governors, but also by people like joe biden, you know, new york state and other democratic states as well who are sending their migrants here because we remain committed to being a sanctuary city. the black community and even our own undocumented here in the city of chicago want to know why they are being made second class citizens for the new arrivals when their needs are unmet, ignored by this administration. >> sandra: many residents said they are not for the sanctuary city status, don't like what is happening there, lauren lawrence, born and raised in the city, a transition as if a lot of people are not important here. you could lump groups into that.
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how about taxpayers who feel their needs are ignored as crime continues to spike in the windy city. so, what's going to happen here. you are a democrat. i mean, will voters ever seek change in that city? >> i think the question is why are we as a democratic party so afraid of allowing our voters to have a say in what we do. we are willing to give them a say and referendum to raise their property taxes nearly $100 million but refuse to give them a say in how they spend their money. the democratic party extreme left are committed to creating categories of second class citizenry, not just in chicago but across the united states. policies like sanctuary city would not be required if democrats worked with republicans to actually fix immigration in this country and create legal pathways for all people. >> sandra: alderman, almost sounds like common sense. thank you so much. always appreciate when you can join us. thank you. all right. we'll be right back.
10:52 am
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>> sandra: nativity display in an iowa town is back up after sparking controversy among the public. atheist group calling it divisive and threatening to take legal action. chief religion correspondent lauren green has the story. hi, lauren. >> you know, iowans are defending more than just christmas but the values it represents for the communities. in a small town of toledo, the
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fire department removed a nativity display from in front of the station after an atheist from outside their county complained. in a letter, the freedom from religion foundation threatened legal action saying nativity scenes on public property are unnecessary,in appropriate and divisive. it's a religious christian symbol and the best solution is to remove the nativity scene and discontinued hosting religious displays on the public property. monday, a packed community meeting, wednesday night, the nativity scene was back in front of the hire house after they added secular items like a snowman and like a santa claus. irony is, it brought the community much closer to go. sandra. >> sandra: lauren green on that story. we have been following that. thank you very much. john. >> john: is time up for the "new york times"? former editor seems to think so.
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