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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  December 15, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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hamas' office in gaza. tell hamas to put down their arms. >> we want them to tone it down. >> be more careful. >> we bless the candles every night, and we pray for our children to come home. >> we pray that you're one day closer. >> one week, a lot happening. this weekend, please join shannon bream for fox news sunday. her guest, two congressmen. 6:00 p.m. on the east. 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. it's been a busy week. we have a busy week ahead. we're close he were to the first votes at the iowa caucuses january 15th. thanks for inviting us into your home. fair, balanced, and unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is now. >> laura: good evening,
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everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" live from washington tonight. my angle on the white house freak show we all saw coming in moments, but first heading toward a 2024 bellwether. you can't say he condition try to warn them. >> what they're doing to michigan, the auto industry throughout the country, is horrible and ridiculous. biden's killing ev mandate has dictated that nearly 70% of all cars sold in the united states must be fully electric less than 10 years from now. do you believe that? it's a government assassination of your jobs and of your industry, the auto industry is being assassinated. >> laura: well, it turns out trump was right again. just a few months after he delivered this speech, we learned that gm is now announcing they're laying off more than 1300 workers across two michigan plants. what's the reason? of course it's related to the
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dreaded electric vehicle obsession of joe biden. the cuts are related to gm's announcement that it was delaying production of two all-electric pickups at the plant by a full year. but biden, the sputtering green machine, thought he could take trump on. >> he said if american invests in electric vehicles, it would drive down wages. it would destroy jobs, it would spell the end of the american automobile industry. of well, like everything else he said, he's wrong. >> laura: wrong again. is it any wonder that michigan is abandoning biden at this point? after having lost the state by less than three-points in 2020, trump is now leading biden by 10 points. that's according to the latest cnn poll. now, a bloomberg poll this week also showed that trump is leading biden in michigan and found that a major reason is because union workers are ditching him. bloomberg's jeff green, who covers michigan said clean energy policies for the auto
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industry raise fears of job losses among rank-and-file workers. so three years, sucking up to the union bosses, and its big donors, has resulted in harm to the auto workers. now those same auto workers are all clued in, because another four years of biden is going to put the entire industry in the junkyard. heck, the entire country would be in the dump. joining me is newt gingrich, former speaker of the house and fox news contributor. newt, it's almost getting tiresome to say this, but trump was were the again. he said this ev obsession was going to drive the auto industry into the dirt. we're already beginning to see that. >> well, the problem for biden, and for his whole re-election effort, is reality. every time you turn around, left wing policies fail.
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this is a perfect example. they have this crazy idea, that you can somehow force the american people to buy a vehicle they don't want, using technology they don't trust, systems that in fact at times don't work. for some people, electric vehicles may be great. for most people they're not. i think what you've had is the big people at the very top of these giant corporations have been coerced by the big government to decide to impose on the american people things they just don't want. the american people's reaction is to say no. that's why i hear auto dealer after auto dealer talking about how many cars they have sitting on their lot that are electric, that they literally can't move, because people don't want to buy them. >> laura: posted on "x" this week, that real wages are up since 2019, that's what the
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biden people are saying. he's essentially making the argument, the correct one, that there's been zero real wage growth for the median worker over a four-year period, and we see from the time that biden actually was sworn into office to today, the standard of living for most americans is down. so that's not -- that's not a winning economy. that's a terrible economy. now union workers shifting republican. how big is that? >> look, i used to, when i was running for office, i used to follow what i called the walmart test. that is you go stand outside a walmart and ask people what they're really thinking, what they're really doing. i guarantee you that the average person who is shopping at walmart today does not believe that biden has been good for their pocketbook, does not believe that prices have gone down, does not believe that they
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should be grateful for the current economy. all the polling data reinforces that. but it's not complicated. go to your grocery store. look at the price of milk or eggs or chicken or bread. go to your gas station. yes, it's down a little bit from its peak, but it's way above where it was under donald trump. i think what you're going to find is that on topic after topic people are going to say to you this is not working. that's the number one problem for biden. in the real world, with real people, it just ain't working. >> bret: newt, great to see you tonight. thank you so much. the democrats' war against fossil fuel is part of its war against gas-powered cars, and that's a war on freedom of movement. the biggest beneficiary is -- drum roll, please -- the chinese communist party. well, again, because of its dominance in the ev battery market, china can lower its
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costs, indefinitely really, and outcompete us every time. rather than do the logical thing, which is harness the power of america's oil and gas industries, let them go, biden would rather cripple us and then is not worried at all about giving china the upper hand. but of course biden couldn't do any of this without his help that he desperately needs from his friends in corporate america. and they're just as eager to sell the country out as biden is. last night, this was astonishing. the u.s.-china business council held its annual very glitzy gala in the swamp. its chairman mark kasper is also the chairman of thermal scientific. he gave everyone a pat on the back for the great china kowtow. >> the american companies represented here this evening have been at the forefront of china's modernization. the benefits are clear, and have made a profound positive impact
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on the chinese people. the goal is to further strengthen this relationship to the benefit of both countries and society overall. >> laura: that's funny. that's really funny. tell that to the millions of people who lost their jobs over the last 20 years, mark. i'm surprised he didn't do that in mandarin. he's one of the many ceos on this council. boeing, nike, jpmorgan chase, coca-cola, all sit on the u. u.s.-china council board of directors. >> some people, though, have been hyping up so-called china threats, slapping new sanctions, and forcing a china investment agriculture company with over 50 years of presence in the united states to sell its farmland. all these stand in stark
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contrast to the statements to the u.s. side willing to keep growing trade with china. >> laura: surely janet yellen pushed back, right? yeah, right. she used the opportunity to attack trump for actually having stood up to china. >> the trump administration failed to make new mexico state at home while also neglecting -- to make investments at home while neglecting our partners and allies, damaging our global standing, and meant significant missed economic opportunities for american firms and workers. the biden administration has course-corrected. >> laura: in a sense she's right. the biden administration has course-corrected away from trump's policies of putting america first and back to the old regime of giving china a blank check and an open border to our country. but if the polls we mentioned are correct, the course is going to be corrected again next year back to serving the american
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people joining me now charlie herd, opinion editor of "the washington times," and a fox news contributor, and ceo and cofounder of the federalist. charlie, when you watched this gala last night, it made your stomach turn for a lot of reasons. there was enormous amount of money in that room. in the end, the conversation really wasn't about what was good for the united states. it was, though, what was good for the bottom line. >> of course, everybody in that room benefits enormously from the relationship between china and the united states. i thought it was interesting, the only time they talked about people benefiting, you know, kind of down the slope from the people in that room, they talked about the chinese people. the chinese people have been benefited enormously from all of this. but this notion that you get from janet yellen, and others, on the american side, that the
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chinese communist government isn't out to dominate the united states, and to supplant the united states as the leader of the world, they're insane. you can't take them seriously. and they're getting completely snookered by very smart people in china who have a very long view and have enormous power within their country to get exactly what they want, and we're giving it all to them for free. >> laura: and, sean, our treasury secretary has a girl crush . watch this. >> i'm convinced the chart we're charting is not just pragmatic, it's what's required of the world's two largest economies if we hope to achieve the best outcomes for our people and people around the world for the 50 years to come. >> laura: sean, forget the five-year plan. this is janet's 50-year plan. this always works out well for the united, wh states when we pn
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our economies. >> it's shocking listening to that clip, following that coverage, when you consider that janet yellen is supposed to be representing the united states. she sounds like a china trade representative there. i get why the big corporations and the banks and the consulting firms like the hollowing out of the u.s. economy. they make a lot of money in the short term, and generally don't care about the long term. it's devastating to american interests. because, remember, it's the american economic engine that's funding the chinese communist war machine. all the money that they're pouring into weapons and into their nuclear arsenal, that's coming from us. it boggles my mind, not only do we not make stuff here anymore, we send our money overseas, and outsource them the ability to make things we used to make to survive this this cub. like charlie said, it's utter madness to watch happen in real time. >> laura: what i can't believe, charlie, after covid, when all of us were taken aback by how much of our prescription drugs
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are made in china, i haven't heard a lot about those coming back to the united states, or at least being manufactured in a friendly country. have you heard about any movement in that regard? we just have drug shortages as far as i can tell. >> no. i mean, the only people talking about it are people like donald trump. certainly the biden administration could care less. they've learned no lesson whatsoever from covid about the nature of how, you know, the regard that china has for us and quite frankly the rest of the world after covid. >> laura: i mean, this all has to be brought back home. we got to take care of business at home. janet yellen is just -- i'm waiting for that 50-year plan. gentlemen, good to see you. have a good weekend. the freak show comes to the white house, but why should any of us be surprised? up next, my angle on the leftists' attempt to maintain stream the fringe. yeah, it's happening.
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goli, taste your goals.
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goli, taste your goals. >> laura: the biden freak-a-rama, that's the focus of tonight's angle. now, it's such a beautiful place, that it's hard to screw up christmas at the white house. but somehow this crew figured out how to do it. now, i could almost excuse the
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paper mache reindeer they hung across the foyer. kind of looked plastic, they were ripped out of a 1977 lawn display, but not a big deal, but the biden party planners decided to ditch the traditional nutcracker to one that was not so sweet. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> laura: the group calls itself dora's dance, but tap isn't their only talent. they know how to strut their marxist and racist stuff too. they want you to get educated on their website about white privilege, systemic racism, white fragility, and racism.
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anti-regime. they could have featured a wonderful children's choir, a regional ballet troop, but they chose this radicals for a reason. the bidens don't want you to forget how rigged the system is. it's not sinful. it's hateful. they can't help themselves, though. anything connected to the american tradition has to be reimagined, then replayed through a far left lens. they believe that to win in 2024, they have to appeal to the anti-american element, so prominent in places like harvard and u penn. after all, they know if you put up a flag, or let's say a manger scene, you probably aren't voting for uncle joe, so they're reaching out to the flag burners and america haters. if you felt embarrassed and
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angry to see this woke nonsense at the white house during a time christians have considered holy for 2,000 years or so, well, that's the point, they wanted to offend you, they did it on purpose, because they think their supporters like that sort of thing, and they do. so none of this should surprise us at all. we all saw through this pledge to bring back standards of decency. remember that promise joe made? he never meant any of it. his finger-wagging against trump was always pointed back at him. >> too much of what's happening in our country today is not normal. donald trump and and the maga republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic. i ran for president because i believe we're in a battle for the soul of this nation. the soul is what makes us us. >> first off, let's talk about normal. is it normal for a u.s.
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president to denigrate, what, 74 million americans, solely because they voted for his opponent? and second, it's farcical that a party dedicated to aborting as many babies as possible is suddenly pretending to care about the soul of anything. and third, whose souls were being saved here? >> hi, mr. president. it is an honor. >> are we at the white house? >> laura: even for the edgy bothers on biden staff, that was abreast too far. well, she was banned -- was it a she? yeah, okay. she was banned from a future white house event, and biden's white house, of course, is -- you know, they're somewhat apologetic. look, this white house is part full-time memory care unit, part-time three-ring circus at this point. and actually i'll take the dance
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folks over the white house easter twerkers any day. >> all right now. >> laura: are you offended by any of that? again, that's what they want. they hate you and they want to offend you. they want to teach everyone there's nothing special with america. twerking at the white house? of course you can do that. eastertime. of course you can do that. they believe they can do whatever they want. there's nothing that you can do to stop them. of course, biden's freak team normally prefers to feature more subtle acts. >> hi. my name is cooper. this is a day in the life of an white house intern. >> it's called initiative. >> hey, putus. is olivia still here? >> no. >> laura: again, the white house coms team staged that on purpose, because they want votes from people who want to offend traditional americans. that's who they are.
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that's why the last three years have been one long lousy performance that america wants to close. man, biden's is getting terrible reviews. 33% approval rating. a new low according to the latest poll. his understudy is even worse. >> i went to school on a school bus. raise your hand if you went to school on a school bus. right? >> laura: imagine what washington, adams, jefferson, fdr, would think. >> how can democratic leaders be more effective in advocating for us transpeople? >> being seen with people like you. i mean that. i genuinely mean it. what they're trying to do to transpersons is immoral. >> laura: they spend a lot of times bastardizing language, don't they? the word democracy, seoul,
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morality. the more freakish and egregious their behavior, the more indignant they get when asked simple questions. >> can you answer whether or not the cocaine belonged to the biden family? >> to ask that question is incredibly irresponsible, and -- i'll just leave it there. >> laura: so remember, bringing cocaine into the white house and making a mockery of our laws, that's not irresponsible. it's only irresponsible if an old fuddy-duddy asks about it. that's their idea of a norm. or norms or normans? you never know with these people. for key government positions, excellence and talent, they don't matter, because the white house doesn't really care if their policies work or not. all they care about is symbolism, such whether an appointee is a first, a first this or first that. >> gender-affirming care is
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lifesaving, medically necessary. age appropriate. a critical tool for healthcare providers. as a pediatrician, when it comes to making sure kids are healthy and happy, i know how important care to affirm someone's true identity can be. >> laura: that's our white house in 2023. that's the place where john adams lived, the place we rebuilt after the war of 1812, the place where lincoln guided us through the civil war, where fdr led us through world war ii, and reagan took us to victory in the cold war. so it should be a place of excellence, a place where the smartest and hardest-working americans fight and struggle every day to make life better for each and every one of us. yeah, it should be a place of service, a place where everyone understands that the best interests of the american people always come first. it should be a place of
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patriotism, a place where everyone is proud to be an american, and confidence that our system is worth fighting for and. these days, and for at least 12 more months, it's become a place to ridicule american history, and frankly to ridicule americans themselves. next year is an election year. our voices can be heard, and they will be heard. that's the angle. former trump senior advisory and america first legal founder steve miller joins us now. steven, when people were shocked about this kind of takeoff on the nutcracker, kind of interesting display at the white house, i kind of yawned, because this is -- this is everything we've come to expect from the bidens, the far left that inhabits this white house, is it not? >> it is. i think through all of it is the same theme, whether you're talking about the tremendous disrespect we've seen from these
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people at the white house, whether we talk about the grotesque caricature of christmas, the terrible video making its rounds on line, whether you talk about promoting men who pretend to be women, try to castrate with drugs little children. all of it is a war on truth and beauty laura, fundamentally conservative believe that certain things are true, right, just, moral and good in the world, that this is the god-ordered way of things that nature has made. the left is at war with truth. they want to remake the world. they want to make you say a man is a woman. they want to make you say this inappropriate behavior is appropriate. they want to make you say this terrible rendition of a christmas classic is actually beautiful. this ugly architect and terrible painting is actually marvelous. it's about programming people to reject the truth they see with their own eyes. >> laura: steven, i think, again, it's like a -- what i
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would imagine, like a bad acid trip is. never had an acid trip is, but when you kind of look at it, it's meant to distort -- look, everyone likes to have fun. there's no problem with things evolving. i have no problem with that. there's always something a little too freakish going on. it's a big middle finger to christians in this country, i think. of frankly to all americans. not just christians. it's a big middle finger. they know exactly what they're doing. >> it is. it's a war on normal fundamentally. they hate normal. christians, religious people, who believe in god, people that believe in family and children, people that believe in an upstanding way of living, that believe in borders, people that believe in all the things that make society run. they hate normal. so when you look at these antifa protests, when you look the at the radical left women's marches, when you look at the open borders marches, what do
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you see in people with pink and purple hair, a thousand face piercings, horrendous tattoos and bizarre outfits. the weirdness of it, the freakishness of it, to use your term, which is exactly right, is the point, laura. >> i want to bring up something quickly. melania, who gets pilloried, coincidentally she spoke at a naturalization ceremony today. watch this. >> becoming an american citizen comes with responsibility. it also means living by example, and contributing to our society. it is alive-altering experience that takes time, determination, and sometimes even tremendous
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strength. >> laura: stephen, they'll hate her even more as she talked about responsibility of citizenship. >> they hate her for her embrace, as you said, of tradition, of classical elegance, of classical beauty. the left hated her for embracing things that have always held out to be gorgeous, wonderful and amazing. they want freakishness. the. >> laura: steve, i don't know why i keep calling you steve tonight, but stephen, have a great weekend. up next, new evidence how the biden administration is targeting its political enemies. in this case, elon musk. stay with us.
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there's something going around the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together.
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>> we're going to see violence the unlikes. what we saw on january 6th. >> you can't imagine what he's going to do. >> assassinate generals, create mass camps. >> he could shut down this nation. >> he could shoot you. >> he can invoke powers, to shut down companies, turn off the internet. >> laura: all the usual histrionics about what trump will do during a second term. it's actually hilarious at this point. meanwhile biden's henchmen have been targeting his opponents nonstop. elon musk, they pull a subsidy for spacex star link. musk refused to give access to ukraine when ukraine was trying to start world 3.
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the justice department recently sued spacex for discriminatory hiring practices. the fcc has a probe going on into "x." the it seems like there's a big swirl around elon musk. what's going on? >> i think it's obvious to everyone what's happening here. it goes back to the white house. last year, president biden stood behind the podium adorned with the official seal of the president of the united states and said that elon musk is worth being looked at. he was asked by a reporter how. the president looked down and said there's a lot of ways. in fact, there are. since then we've seen a deluge of actions by the administrative state, by the faa, the doj, the ftc, even fish and wildlife services have been looking into elon musk. the fcc where i work this week, just this week, we issued a decision that raked back a 2020 award of nearly $1 billion to bring high-speed internet services to rural americans, a decision that simply doesn't
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make sense, when viewed from the lens of the facts or the law or the policy. in fact, we made up an entirely new standard and applied it to only one entity, which was star link. none of the other 180 entities that won awards back in 2020 were held to this standard. it was simply moving the goal posts. >> laura: so that sounds like the definition of an unconstitutional move by the federal government, which is essentially the equivalent of a law, in this case a ruling, against really one company, run by one man, who they don't like much, for a bunch of reasons, but most of it is political. >> we're approaching 12 of the last 16 years where the administrative state has been controlled by democrats. it wields an awful a lot of power. look, you can step back and say elon musk has a lot of businesses, of course he'll have a lot of run-ins with the government. look at decisions on their merits, including the fcc one, the nlrb going after tesla for
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dress code violations, reporters that got information that ended up in the twirls files, the fish and wildlife services that was looking into the fact that there was a bob white quail egg and eggs that were char of ad a spas launch. that sounds like surf and turf than a federal case. >> laura: this is too wild to contemplate on a friday night. thank you so much. foreign criminal rings are using america's open borders to target our retail stores. what's going on there? it will fascinate you. the story sounds too absurd to be true, but it is, and it's next.
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>> laura: you've seen these videos. we're all disgusted by them. now we're learning more about how this sophisticated theft rings are operating. it's due in large part to our open borders. yeah, that's right. these thefts aren't happening because some kids decided one day they want to steal a dozen phones or a bunch of coats.
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criminal overseas gangs are actually recruiting immigrants, sending them here, with the sole purpose of doing severe damage to retail stores. it's turned into a huge business for them. and dhs is sounding the alarm, sending agents to testify on capitol hill to alert everybody about how devastating this could be to united states retail. joining me now is one of the men who testified, michael krol, dhs special agent in charge of these homeland security investigations. michael, thank you so much for joining us. what country -- >> my pleasure. >> laura: -- are these thieves coming from and how are they actually recruited? >> laura, what we see is these transnational criminal organizations are sending people to the united states. they also could be here in the united states, central europe, south american theft groups. we see chinese organizations, many, many others, that are
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focused on criminality, and certainly organized theft rings that affect our natural border and economic security. >> laura: now, maybe some of these are just kids, and they know it's free stuff, there's not going to be repercussions, but some of these videos look a lot more sophisticated in the way things are being conducted than others. so explain, to the best of your knowledge, how it works from point-to-point. >> in law enforcement we see three different tiers of organized retail crime and organized theft groups. one is your single scope, those who might steal out of necessity. two is kind of your coordinated group that might not be stealing or moving merchandise and interstate commerce. third is your more sophisticated poly-criminal organizations. >> laura: a lot of retailers have a policy of let them take what they want, nothing is worth a human life. people are walking out with the goods, and presumably they're
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then selling them, correct, on the streets, and then that profit is used to do what? >> certainly the more complex organizations are involved in third-party reselling or cyber-enabled crime on the dark web, stealing identities, certainly adding value to gift cards in illicit manners. there's a complex and sophisticated model that many of these organizations use. >> laura: now, here's what the home depot vice president of security said about the thieves ravaging the home depot stores. watch this. >> we're locking up valuable product, employing off-duty police and security officers. we're not talking about petty shoplifting. sophisticated criminal rings are recruiting individuals from vulnerable populations to steal. since 2020 we've seen a significant uptick in our store and asset protection associates coming in violent contact with bad actors. >> laura: so home depot obviously, you know, high-end,
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like colognes, things that -- you never thought about people, like, stealing en masse, but that's happening, changing the way people are shopping in the united states now, michael. >> well, i think what we see for law enforcement is the critical need for us to reach into private sector industry, whether it's on the cyber side or the actual brick and mortar store, to help our private industry partners resolve these threats. >> laura: michael, thank you for this information. look, now you have more information about what you see, when you see these videos. michael, thank you. >> thanks, laura. >> laura: let's call it the biden effect. a new trend for millennials, preparing for an actual doomsday. next the man who's helping him do, survival expert colonel drew miller. good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief.
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>> okay, we all knee a prepper, no matter how extreme. >> laura: you may have a disaster kit pack or emergency supplies ready or even an entire compound to escape to but more people including young people are getting ready for the next big disaster. a survey from the financial services finding earlier this year reveals that 40% of gen-zers and 39% millennials are spending money on prepping, up from around 25% in 2017. and about 1/3 of all adults have spent an average of $150 on
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emergency items like food, water, and medical supplies. but there are some people who go really big like my next guest. joining me now is colonel drew miller, ceo and manager of the survival facility fortitude ranch. i love the name of it. drew, i know you have multiple compounds that people can go to in an emergency and i want to hear all about that but first tell us what the biggest concerns are that people have. is this covid-related or is there a concern about an emp cutting out all internet. what's going on? >> preppers who are watching for threats, paying attention to them, were recently surveyed as published in the washington examiner and they have identified five of the top threats. number one, our electric grid, which is very vulnerable. number two, a bioengineered virus that could cause a really
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deadly pandemic. 60% lethal type pandemic. the other one was a civil war next year apartment lot of people are so concerned that we're divided as a nation that we could have a civil war. the fourth one was an economic collapse that could lead to a loss of law and order. a collapse, and the last one was terrorist attacks because of our largely open borders. >> laura: when you think about the grid going down, we've all seen the new obama movie that shows what happens to one family, one community, migration patterns of animals, loss of ability to move, travel, all of that. is that your major concern given what we're seeing? >> it's our achilles heel as a nation and it's not just russia or china who could take out our
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grid. small terrorists could do with physical and cyberattacks. north korea with the lousy, inaccurate force could readily take down the u.s. electric system. we have reports, intelligence reports, i'm a former intelligence officer, i'm not telling you something secret, this wassen published in the papers that russia helped them design their nuclear force on the mying it for emp, electromagnetic pulse effect and a congressional study warned that you could lose 90% of americans when north korea takes down our grid. and it would be down for over a year. not just electricity but no municipal water systems. most americans will die when that happens. we've known about it for decades and congress has done absolutely nothing to fix it because there is no re-election votes in preparing for homeland security. >> laura: at least ukraine will be okay. let's talk about your fortitude ranch, and what happens there, how does it help prepare people or give people a place to go to
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in a severe emergency? >> we're survivalalist silly. sometimes members can come here and re-create and have vacation. htf, what preppers use, we have staffers like myself and ranch managers in charge but all of our members have weapons, the weapons that president biden and governor newsom would like to ban. we've got weapons and we've got prepared defensive positions, walls, and we can defend ourselves and survive in any kind of a grid down. pandemic, or any of that situation could survive. >> laura: without water you can't survive long. so water is the number one thing, water source is the number one thing that you would need, correct? >> correct. that's easy for us from our location, we have wells, creeks, reservoirs, we have a lot of natural springs at several of
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our locations but if you're in the big city or even a superb water alone will be something that may be the difference between life and death for you. >> laura: drew, i think a lot of people don't want to think of this happening or the possibility of this happening. oh, you're a conspiracy theorist but you're glad that you actually thought of things, contingencies, when they happen and they do happen. i think it's fascinating and i think being prepared and being vigilant is always the right call. thank you so much for joining us and sharing your insights. >> thank you, i appreciate the opportunity. >> laura: that's it for us tonight. i hope you're having some fun in the lead-up to christmas. thank you for watching. remember, it's america now and forever, jessie watters takes it all from here. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters


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