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tv   Hannity  FOX News  December 15, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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kathy griffin get charged with criminal mischief when she cut off trump's head? i haven't heard that name in quite some time? gary from tennessee, you blew up lee greenwood's website by trying to order the bible. i tried to order it but now it's shut down. get it together. from semi valley, california, my husband is half japanese and half white. which party can he attend? he can attend both, that's the benefit of being biracial like myself. .1% sub-saharan, africa. >> jesse, just get on-board the wu train. wu-wu. pam from cleveland, what would you do if you were a dictator for a day? >> my staff would be in big trouble. i'm watters and this is "my
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world." ♪ * >> welcome to this special edition of hannity. i'm in for sean. biden is in serious, serious trouble. the president's approval rating has plunged to a paltry 33%. that's pretty close to the 20s. 33%. this marks the lowest level of approval for president biden in his entire presidency. and it doesn't matter the issue. the economy, immigration, bringing the country together, handling international crisis, he has a lot of those, he receives failing marks on each and every one of those, i but it gets worse. a new bloomberg poll shows that former president trump beats president biden, look at that, all seven swing states that are polled, president trump prevails. this comes on the hills of a cnn
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trump showing, it comes after an early "new york times" showing a trump victory in five of six swing states. liberal media, they are panicking. >> it sounds to me like you think if the election were held today biden would lose. >> me and everybody else. >> the "wall street journal" poll was, you know, very, very dark from a biden standpoint. you know, job approval down. ratings generally down. most of the comparatives with trump not good. >> former president trump leading president biden 47% to 42% in a potential election day match-up across swing states. but perhaps even more worrying for the biden campaign, six of those swing states were ones that biden won in 2020. >> there are concerns about how biden has set up his operations in some of these early states as well and whether he's been working hard enough. >> democrats would be in the
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wrong for dismissing what is bad news for joe biden, people are not excited about turning out for him and he needs every vote he can get. >> they are so worried, so concern, liberal media. the abysmal poll numbers cap off a rough few days. an official impeachment inquiry is under way. there was biden's attempt at a reset yesterday. it didn't go so well. >> taxpayers are already chipping in paying a lot of money, to get these brilliant scientists to go out and find qers, answers to the drug problem. to drugs. with the use of drugs for health problems. i want to thank you all for taking time to be here. i want to thank my introducer, i know you're down to 35, it's going to get down to $2,000 per
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year. max. 2035. >> i want to thank my introducer, that's what you heard him say. maybe biden should listen to his predecessor. >> can't find his way off the stage. you see all the stairs around here, how the hell -- where is the stair? he says where is the stair? to show you how evil the press is, i did this routine where i stumbled and mumbled purposefully, imitating him and they put it on and said he's cognitively impaired. then i walked back, i'm looking and i'm walking, what, where, where? and he walks off the stage and he's like -- [laughter] [applause] [cheers] >> and they said it was me. >> at walter reed they gave me a
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cognitive test and i aced it. i would know if it was going bad. i would tell you, if it's going bad i'll be the first to know. you know who would be the first to know? front roe joe would be the first to know. they would say we've been here, gone to 120 rallies, but sir, it's time for you to pack it in. and i would want them, you know what? i would want them to say that. i would want that but i feel right now i'm sharper than i was 20 years ago. >> what a difference between the two. joe isn't the only problem, though. the entire joe biden administration is a gaffe. this bizarre christmas celebration at the white house, one you're watching, that's a christmas celebration, put together by a dance company that wants to abolish prisons and defund the police. merry christmas. now even some on the left are
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openly wondering if joe bide listen be the actual nominee for president. check this out. cornell west, this is what he said, i'm not even sure if i'll be running against biden. biden, i think he's going to have an lbj moment and pull back. i'm just saying that i'm open to those possibilities given the fluidity of the situation. he's running out of gas. cornell west, he might be right. politico is reporting that biden is increasingly consumed by hunter biden's legal troubles, how could you not be? and the publication says, "privately fears about the upcoming campaign and potential criminal trial have become ever present weight on the president," according to those close to him. you can see it in his eyes and you can see his shoulder slumps says one confident of president biden, in describing a recent conversation, he's so worried
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about biden and we're worried it could consume him and this comes just days afternoon axios reported this, biden suggested to close associates that if he had not run in 2020 hunter would not be facing criminal prosecution or be the target of daily stories by conservative media. all while trying to stay sober and rebuild his life. interesting. so is the president reconsidering his second term ambitions? i can tell you one thing. america would collectively sigh in relief. joining us now with reaction, democratic strategist doug, joe, and a senior fellow at the hoover institution, victor davis hanson. doug, i want to start with you. the president has been firm in saying i'm running, i'm running, i'm running, and i have said i don't see a universe where president biden doesn't run but i did see those two pieces. the axios piece and i see the politico one that it's an ever present weight, hunter's legal
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troubles. do you think there is a chance he pulls back from his run? >> you know, a month or two ago i would have agreed with you, no chance he's not running. in his mind today, he is running. but that being said, with poll numbers as bad as his numbers, with an approval at 33%, and with the impeachment inquiry having been opened and his obvious cognitive challenges, i think he'll have a family meeting over the holidays, and whether he decides to run or not ultimately, i still think it's an open question. so i think this is an evolving story and let's stay tuned and wait until january. >> very interesting. victor, i want to come to you because i want to give a word of warning to viewers. the polls haven't always been right. there was supposed to be a red wave. there was not. when you look at trump and the voters he's bringing in he's bringing in young voters. he's bringing in all kinds of
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new voters but non2020 voters in the cnn poll he's winning by 26 in georgia and 40 in michigan but you've got to make a nor non-2020 voter show up in 2024. you've got to get out the vote. >> yes, but i think it's a little different. he's in a doom loop. it's not just the polls. none of his agenda is polling. anything he's done is polling 50%. he's got some really problems with the biden family conglomerate. finally, news of their skull dugry, it's unasalable. in addition to that, he's got, i'll be frank, he's in severe cognitive decline and when you add all of that up, corruption decline, low polls, and unpopular agenda, the result is, there is lethargy. weaver ceded the red sea. you can't navigate it. we've had 125 attacks on our
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installations in iran and we're not doing anything. there is no border. it's not that it's porous, it doesn't xishgs and then the infighting. we think kamala harris thinks we should be more sympathetic to hamas. people are saying we've got to outlaw natural gas. at the same time, we've got to produce more gas and oil than we ever have. because of this decline and this vacuum people are freelancing around him with different agendas that are not compatible and overseas people see nothing is getting done and they are taking advantage of that vacuum and they are our enemies. >> that's right. that's a good summary. joe, you know, for joe biden to win, though, he needs to make democrats come home. when you look at his approval rating which is almost in the 20s, shocking to say he's lost 12 points among democrats. do you think they come home? >> that's the thing. he's losing among black voters. he's losing among female voters. independent voters. young voters. all the people that helped him
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barely win in 2020. they are leaving and probably not coming back because the thought process, will this president get better with age? will he be like bill clinton, comeback kid? no, he's not wine. he won't get better with age and when you think about the version of joe biden as an 86-year-old in the oval office if he won a second term it's hard for any democrat really to imagine that, and no president has ever been re-elected with an approval rating below 40%. we're now seeing several polls putting him at 33%. political rock bottom has a basement. by the way have you seen the president's schedule today? i'm not just cherry picking. 10:00 a.m. he got the daily intelligence brief because terrorists apparently like to sleep in on fridays, and then 12:30 he had lunch with the vice president, and that's it. that's when the weekend began despite everything happening in the world. people see this. they know it. and you cannot spin it to the media. even they are starting to reject this notion that joe biden can
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serve another four years. >> doug, how do you reverse that perception? that's a very difficult thing to do when the american public has their mind made up. >> i think joe biden gave us a hint. he said he wouldn't be running but for donald trump running again. i think the playbook is to run the same campaign that was run in 2018. 2020, and 2022, which is a negative full out campaign against donald trump because while it pains me to say this as a democrat, i can't disagree with what victor said about how people feel about his performance and how objectively his performance should be judged. the only saving grace for biden is in some of those swing states he's within the margin of error, and donald trump's numbers personally are almost as low in some of those states as joe biden. yes, he's trailing. it may be a death loop but it can be a death loop for both
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candidates, which is what i think the biden strategy would have to be. >> victor, i only have a moment here but do you think joe bide isn't did nominee come next summer? >> i really don't. i don't know how the mechanism will transpire but i think people in the democratic party understand, he's not cognitive and able and the idea of kamala harris assuming the presidency maybe before his term is over and running as an incumbents is one of their worst nightmares. i'm not even sure he'll finish his term. >> that's a scary thought. thank you. tonight the panic at the white house extends beyond the terrible polls. biden is reportedly anxious about the criminal investigation into hunter's function, and his beloved son is apparently now worried he'll have to leave the country if trump gets reelected. according to politico joe is
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lashing out at his own attorney general for not protecting his family. of course, biden's doj did its best with multiple attempts to clear hunter. remember that plea deal. but on thursday, one former federal prosecutor, who allegedly tried to scuttle the hunter investigation refused to answer most questions during a closed door session on capitol hill. meanwhile, the impeachment inquiry against the president also looms large. so what are the chances biden gets impeached? here now with analysis, law professor and fox news contributor one of my favorite, jonathan turley. you know, jonathan, pierre said biden knew about hunter's stunt, his defiant stunt where he didn't show up for his deposition and you said that this was a breathtaking mistake. why? >> well, there are about four articles of impeachment that are the most likely to be pursued by
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the committee. one of them is obstruction, another is the abuse of power. having the president involved in advance, in any way, to the contempt of congress, is the worst possible scenario for the biden team. i can't imagine how that could have occurred. it's not that you're telling a father not to speak to his son. but you give very clear instructions that -- it's in neither of your interests for to you discuss his testimony before congress. it certainly wouldn't be in your interest to talk about the potential commission of a federal crime, contempt of congress is a federal crime and the department of justice aggressively pursued people like bannon and navarro for not appearing before the committee. so if he knew that in advance and supported it, it just gives another front for congress to pursue this inquiry.
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>> yes. it's a great point that you bring up. i want to ask you about. this this was very deep in a politico article. an axios article, rather. it's about the relationship of the president with his attorney general. we know the doj is independent but it says this. biden's relationship with garland, his attorney general, which has already become more frigid, is now tense. those close to biden, trying in vain to satisfy bad faith gop critics. one person unniratterring compared garland to comey saying both have been obsessed with the appearance of having integrity. what do you make of this? >> well, if it's frigid now it's going to be perfectly glacial if the house moves to hold his son in contempt. garland is already on the record. his department of justice pursued those earlier cases. it just took a couple of months before bannon went from not appearing to having an indictment. so i don't see how garland could
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do anything but prosecute hunter biden if the house approves a contempt resolution. but the interesting thing is that garland did something for biden that was invaluable. he refused to appoint a special counsel to look into the corruption scandal. many of us have been writing for years that we can't even imagine his rationale. joe biden's name is all over these files. there is millions of dollars going to his family. and the circle is coming closer and closer to the president, and yet garland has simply refused to appoint a special counsel, so i think president biden has to give more credit than he's giving him. >> professor jonathan turley, brilliant as always, thank you very much. well, coming up, the nightmare at our southern border keeps getting worse. 10ied's, you heard me right, were just seized near tucson, arizona, after a cartel drug
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fight. plus the threat of terror continues to grow after new calls for jihad out of michigan. the full report continues. peope and my memory just has to be sharp. i always hear people say, you know, when you get older, you know, people lose memory. i didn't want to be that person. i decided to give prevagen a try. my memory became much sharper. i remembered more! i've been taking prevagen for four years now. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. kiddo: mom, can i go to the movies? mommy: not now, sweetie. how are we ever going to find a car to fit our budget? daddy: and that fits all of us? kiddo: carvana! mommy: i don't want to spend more than 30k. kiddo: budget... daddy: i want something we can go camping in. kiddo: style. mommy: we like heated seats. daddy: and you like singing at stoplights kiddo: premium sound.. mommy & daddy: and we both need parking assist. kiddo: here. i'll meet you outside. bring your purse. daddy: carvana. our kid's a genius. mommy: how do we get it? kiddo: they deliver!
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kaleigh: welcome back to this special edition of hannity. the border is causing a major threat. according to sources 10 ied's were found at the boarrder. as biden continues to pay the way for illegal border crossings, former first lady melania trump made a rare public appearance celebrating legal immigrants at naturalization ceremony at the national archives. crisis at our southern border comes amid heightened concerns over the rise of extremism
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around the world. one michigan imam is calling on muslims to embrace jihad. while hamas is sympathizer protestors, they struck again blocking off a bridge. they were arrested in europe for allegedly plotting an attack against jews. here with reaction, author of the new book "what's killing america," radio talk-show host jason -- go check out his book. fox news contributor tom holman and fox news legal analyst greg. on our southern border they found 10 ied's, and an intern mem mother, two officers went out to be on the lookout for explosives. this sounds like a war zone, not
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the border of the world's hedge power. >> it is a war zone and biden has empowered and enriched the drug cartels in mexico who are terrorist organizations. i.e.d.'s, they have been used since 2010 against the mexican military and law enforcement. however, now it's come to the border. why is that, because criminal cartels are in a violent war right now because they are fighting over the plazas. the area of their responsibility -- they are fighting -- you are making a record amount of money in drug trafficking in fit tinel and a record amount of money in sex trafficking of women and children. now the cartels are fighting for control. the mexican cartel -- have -- think about this, the most powerful nation in the world no longer is operating on the southern board and that violence will spill over into the united states. it already has.
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there have been murders, the criminal cartels, they are in place in almost every major city in this country and we don't know how many executions they have carried out because when the police department givers -- it's just a murder. it's just a robbery. so it's worse because of the open borders. the administration that's got the guts enough to take on the cartels and take them off the face of the earth. they have killed more mexicans than any terrorist organizations. we need to treat them like that. kaleigh: no doubt about it. greg, i want to move to domestic extremism. you've got this imam in michigan. that was only part of what this imam said, the call for jihad. i have some other of his remarks. he talks about the infidel west particularly the united states, enemies of muslims. he goes on to say if you can't raise your child telling him you want him to be a martyr, you are
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the root of the problem. this is stunning. >> absolutely it is. it should frighten every american, frankly, our open border only elevates the danger of this kind of extremism that seems to glorify atrocities in the name of jihad. the slaughter of jews in israel should have galvanized all americans to condemn that kind of rhetoric, condemn hamas's genocidal terrorism. sadly, it's produced these grotesque displays. the usual obtuse celebs and their vile rhetoric. these are purveyors of hate. fanatics and zealots who are either ignorant or evil but certainly bigoted. they threaten and harass. it should alarm and sicken any
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right minded person and the time for action is overdue. we must use the levers of law and prosecution to suffocate this kind of hatred and discrimination. there should be no refuge in any corner of our society. it must be directly confronted and delegitimized. kaleigh: jason, it's not just one imam, right? in michigan. it's on tik tok, where barack obama's letter to america goes viral and young people are celebrating it. we've got a huge problem. this country will cease to exist unless we get our students to being patriotic loving americans who reject terrorism and can say when you put baby in the oven that's terrorism. >> yes, would you think that none of this is really all that controversial. when you're committing disturbing, horrific,
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unforgettable and unforgivable terrorist acts, we should be able to just simply call it out. but what bothers me the most about all of this. we have all of these conversations and have for a long time about radicalization, online in particular, and everyone focuses on white supremacists. and you have this garbage going out. this is radicalizing people. when u media outlets out there pretending it's a legitimate conversation to take to the streets, support hamas, call for a permanent cease-fire which, by the way, means permanent cease-fire for israel. they don't want israel defending itself and if we're going to continue to treat that as if that's a valid position to take as if you shouldn't be feeling great shame for holding that position, we're only going to go further down that path. i hope more people step forward particularly in the media. stop both siding this, and simply call it out for what it is. but instead what happens? we allow people to take to the
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streets. we allow them to block traffic, because we want to pretend that something they are saying is worth hearing, and their fight is worth fighting for. it's not. let's enforce the law. let's call out these anti-semite for what they are. kaleigh: tom, i only have 15 seconds but the temporary watch list has now doubled to two million people. is that a huge concern. it is a huge concern. open borders. 459 on the northern border. and we had 11 in four years under trump. kaleigh: unbelievable. it was all under control under trump miss those days. tom, jason, greg, thank you. straight ahead, more unsurprising news from california. the state is facing yet another budget crisis. it's california, after all. you won't believe who they are blaming. senator marsha blackburn will join us after the break. my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®.
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kaleigh: 2023 is almost over but it was not a good year for the state of california. the state's homelessness crisis got even worse with a 6% increase in the number of homeless people according to hud. california is also facing nearly a $70 billion budget shortfall. that's what happens when taxpayers leave and you continue to spend. the state government is found a spending freeze. meanwhile, city of san francisco was at this time particularly hard losing many of the major retailers and its main union square shopping district. the city also set a new record for drug overdoses with more than 750 just through november. governor gavin newsom has an
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explanation for all of this. it's all thanks to many of you, to republicans. take a look. >> they have been on a doom loop in san francisco ever since nancy pelosi became speaker. nancy pelosi is the speaker of san francisco. kamala harris, a former senator of california. california has outperformed the american economy. 27% of all american jobs came from the state just last month. it's the fifth largest economy in the world. and its values are in stark contrast. the different is daylight and darkness between the american party. news max that you referenced earlier they have to focus on our failures in order for them to be right. and so we're used to it out there yet we still maintain our resiliency, and i tell you, san francisco is a special place. kaleigh: there he is putting lipstick on a pig. he does it well, doesn't he? here with reaction is tennessee senator marcia blackburn. senator blackburn, good to have
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you, a quarter of a million people leave san francisco since 2020. leave california. and you're the problem, and i'm the problem. it's all conservatives' fault. >> well, under his watch, 900,000 people have left that state. you've got businesses that are leaving. oracle has come to tennessee, and you have this huge budget deficit. as you said, he continues to spend like crazy even though they are losing their population, and you take a state like tennessee with no state income tax, when we have a budget surplus of over a billion dollars every year, and a $2 billion rainy day fund, and our state is well managed, people know it's a better place to live, to work, to rear your family. and you cannot continue to have these policies that they have in
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california with raising taxes, and with cities like san francisco, where they have to have the poop app so that people know where they cannot and can go in the city, and do so safely. so gavin newsom is who has turned the world's attention to california and it's been from the negative. not from the positive. because they look at great cities that once were like san francisco. like l.a., and they look at what's happened there. with the drug overdoses, with areas of the city, where you cannot go, with the growth in homelessness, and they say the policies that are coming out of the state are what is causing california to fall into decline. kaleigh: yes. you know, you talk about that hoop map, defication map.
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back in august there was an article about how obsessed he is with san francisco and they say gavin newsom's future hinges on san francisco. in other words, he has presidential ambitions, and he knows if san francisco fails, so he does, too. what do you make of the argument? >> i think when people look at gavin newsom it's not just looking at san francisco but it's looking at the choices that he's made. the hypocritical choices. he locks down the state, but he goes to french laundry. he locks down public schools, but his children go to private schools. and they look at the hypocritical nature of rules for thee but not for me. they know that they don't want that. they do not want california exported around the country.
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even here in tennessee, there is a very popular t-shirt, and because we've had thousands of californians that we've welcomed into our state, there is a t-shirt that says don't california, my tennessee. kaleigh: i'll say don't california, my florida. senator blackburn, thank you. here now with more reaction, heritage foundation economist and founder of the committee to unleash prosperity, steve moore, and kara davis. steve more, there is this other argument being made not by gavin newsom but by this democratic socialist out in san francisco, district 5 supervisor, he's a defund the police guy. he says capitalism is to blame. your thoughts? >> well, capitalism is what made america the richest country in the world and the most prosperous place for people of
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all incomes. it's so sad to just see the decline of california. this is a state, newsom was right, for many, many, many decades california was the leader of our country. it's a slice of heaven. what's not to like about california? beautiful mountains, beautiful beaches, silicon valley, and this is what happens when you have progressive governance. you mentioned the fact that california is now running a massive budget deficit. california has the highest taxes in the country, and they are still broke. what's wrong with that picture? kaleigh: it's really incredible to behold. newsom talks about this doom loop and his doom loop is conservative media. they talk about us too much. for some people, this doom loop is life. it is a reality. it is your kids walking down the street by people oding in open air drug markets. >> it's all of us.
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i live here in california and we're all living the reality of this doom loop. he can blame it on republicans all he wants and that seems to be the democratic strategy for 2024. don't look over here. nothing to see here. that mean with the little girl standing in front of the burning house. not to see here. i just got back from the bay area. i spent, last night i got to enjoy the scan mateo gop christmas party with them and while i was waiting for the event i watched the san francisco area news. let me tell you, i was watching the sports report and they were talking about how horrible life in the city is. so either gavin is delusional, and i don't think he is, or he's employing this strategy, there is nothing to see here. yes, san francisco will be really important to any presidential ambitions he has here. and so he's going to have to make it look like he's successful when we're all living in utter chaos here in california.
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kaleigh: yes. don't believe your lying eyes is what he wants us to believe but we're not blind. we see it. kira davis and steven, thank you very much. coming up, a wild video out of ukraine showing a lawmaker detonating grenades during a meeting. we have the tape plus our very own benjamin -- launching a new fox nation special on the christmas truths of 1914. he joins us with more.
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kaleigh: welcome back to this special edition of hannity. ukrainian president zelenskyy spent the week begging western nations for additional aid as ukraine continues its fight against russia. meanwhile, putin is defiant saying "there will be peace when we achieve our goals."
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as for the goals, they are unchanged. and we continue to see disturbing images from the conflict. viewer discretion is advised for the videos we're about to show you. this morning, a counselor set off grenades at a counsel meeting. 26 people were injured and ukrainian police say they have opened a terrorism investigation. here now with more, fox news correspondent and host of the christmas truths of 1914 available now on fox nation. check it out. benjamin hall. ben, what was going on? i mean, grenades set off. do we have any idea of motive here? >> it's remarkable video. frankly, it's sort of in tune with what's happening across the whole country. this was northerlial council meeting. it was a dispute over water resources. there is one counselor who has been working on this subject for the last few weeks, got out of control, got furious, left the room and came back with grenade
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and he blew up the room. six grenades. the video is absolutely shocking. he comes from zelensky's political party. this is not thought to be connected to the war itself but it suggests that things aren't going terribly well in the country. as you said earlier, they are not going well. he's touring the world trying to get money. the counteroffensive didn't go well. they haven't taken back much territory. the top ukraine general says the war itself is at a stalemate and the money they need just isn't coming. $60 billion was supposed to come from the u.s. it being held up because the republicans are saying the democratic need to move on border policies and they won't release the whole package unless that happens. rightly they say it's about national security. $60 billion for the ukraine out of the u.s. isn't going and just today $50 billion euros from the e.u. being held up because victor, the head of hungary, says he doesn't support the money going in that direction either. the clock is ticking and the biden administration says if
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ukraine doesn't get this money within the next month, in their words, they could be knee capped. they don't have the weapons, they don't have the money. they aren't taking back territory. putin realizes if he can play the long game he expects support to drift away and that's exactly what he's counting on right now. kaleigh: benjamin, thank you for that breakdown. ben is the host of a new special on fox nation. the christmas truths of 1914 streaming now. here's a sneak peek. >> i think the legacy of the christmas truce is really about the fact that it's now become a firm past of the history of the first world war. >> this wasn't a myth. many of these games of football took place in the spontaneous act of wanting to share the common humanity in the bloody conflict. did indeed happen, and serves as a symbol for today, an eternal and vital symbol.
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welcome back jingle smells. take a look. >> this holiday season a new christmas comedy is out. it is called jingle smells. it's a fun family movie. it's heartwarming and it also has an and i woke message. take a look. >> is very hard to find a place that even comes close to being worthy of your beauty. it's about you and me alone. >> wow, look at the two of you. >> merry christmas america. hollywood has canceled mason's known. >> stone will be digitally replaced by a i. >> we will no longer be manufacturing mason stone characters. >> get them all out of here by
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christmas eve. >> how did you get it? >> it fell off the truck. >> the mysterious gift giver has struck again. >> you made me an accessory. >> you know what they say. some accessories required. >> am i smiling? >> no. "c" jingle smells, jingle smells. jingling all the way. >> it's a fun movie. yes obviously a minute and one of the executive producers. here is one of the stars of jingle smells, actor jan john schneider. you are amazing in the mood me. i've known you are amazing. it's great to have the opportunity to be on this project. >> thank you very much. it was so wonderful to be involved in a movie that the whole family can watch. we used to do movies and television like there i say dukes of hazard and small bill where people, whether they were four years old or 94 years old, they enjoyed the same program. that's what jingle smells is.
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plus, having been probably, i would say, one of the first groups to be canceled by cancel culture. the dukes of hazard because of the rebel flag. i have been an action figure that has been canceled. so i love doing this movie. i really did. thank you for making it happen. >> what's interesting is something with the parents. it features nick gutman who does a great job playing this role. he takes a job with your, how do say it, let's say offbeat buddies. >> i get him a job in the sanitation department because he doesn't get a job on his own. and he finds these discarded toys and gives them to children for christmas. i'm one of the founders of children's miracle network hospital. the fact that this movie takes
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place in children's hospitals really speaks well to me as well. because it's at the end of his workday he smells a little bit. so the kids, like we just saw, call him jingle smells. i think its wonderful. i really do. folks, jingle smells not movie. jingle if you want to get a hold of something and by a dvd. >> you want to send him on this mission to destroy perfectly good toys by christmas eve. they are pulled from the shelves based on being canceled, him being canceled for his patriotic views. instead, he ends up being the good guy dark the robin hood of the movie. that's what i love about it. parents get to see the woke world gets defeated and all in the spirit of christmas which i really love. >> absolutely. like on dukes of hazard, the good guys get in trouble for doing the right thing.
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so this movie i think will speak to many people and like i said it something that everyone can watch at the same time. it pokes a finger in the eye of the woke culture, which we need to do, sean. we need to do it. it's time that we just said enough is enough. don't you think? >> i've got to tell you, i think it's time. there are some movies that are timeless. i don't know, just the whole notion of this and how relevant it is to today's world. it's interesting, your background and experience and what you bring to the film. there is a hero in this film and i love that part of it. the fact that it connects to a real life cancel culture makes me even more happy. my entire career people have tried to cancel me. i am still here. they haven't been successful yet. >> the truth will set you free. >> amen. >> for folks who are watching
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this, if you are a dukes of hazard fan you will love it. if you are a small bill fan, this is kind of dukes of hazard true modern-day robin hoods mete jonathan kent from small bill. it's a great opportunity and a wonderful time to sit with your family, watch a movie for a change, where you can talk about it after. it is educational, but it doesn't beat you over the head. it will give you something to talk about with your family afterwards, which i think is entertainment bossy job, really. that's what entertainment is supposed to do. >> it was great to have an opportunity to work with you. people looking for it it is on rumble. the website is jingle >> jingle be or go to my website which is john schneider get a dvd, check out what we have in store. i applaud you for making this movie happen. it wouldn't have happened without you. >> it was fun for me to do.
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i enjoyed every part of it. the worst part is me being on screen. the best part is when you are on screen. john schneider, great to see you my friend. jingle >> merry christmas everybody. take care and god bless. unfortunately, that is all the time that we have left for tonight. remember you can catch me weekdays at noon on outnumbered. i hope you'll check it out. we have a lot of fun on that show. i hope you'll check out my book serenity in the storm, living through chaos by leaning on crisis. we have a lot of chaos. when i wrote this there was only one more in ukraine and now there are two. we have one in israel. and the border, it's a war zone. a lot going on and a lot of chaos and joe biden's america. thank you for watching. next up is trend got billed next. have a great night.