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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  December 15, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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(husband) yoohoo, surprise! (son) dad? (husband) ♪ hey there family! while you're shopping, ♪ ♪ get me a 5g phone, it's on my list. ♪ (wife) seriously? a better plan is verizon. (husband) they'd take this mess? (caroler) ♪ very much so. just trade in that old phone. ♪ ♪ for a free 5g phone, plus netflix and max ♪ (wife) you really just should have done that. (caroler) ♪ this didn't land, she didn't like that. ♪ (husband) honey! i immediately get it! (avo) this holiday turn any samsung phone, in any condition, into a galaxy s23+ on us. and now add netflix and max to your plan for just $10 a month. save big this holiday. only on verizon. we are out of time. thanks to our wonderful studio audience. good evening. i am trace gallagher. it's 11:00 p.m. on the east coast and 8:00 in los angeles.
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this is america's late news, "fox news @ night". president biden and the white house are constantly saying that maga republicans are a threat to democracy. guess what? the vast majority of republicans are also worried about a tacks on democracy and they have an entirely different villain. the concern over democracy is quickly becoming a very big issue in the 2024 presidential election. senior national correspondent kevin clark has more on the fascinating new poll numbers. >> talk about your rare occurrences. imagine a world where republicans and democrats actually see eye to eye on a key issue. if the latest ap poll is to be believed as you mentioned apparently there is some common ground. the new survey showing 62% of americans believe that democracy could be at risk depending on the winner of the next presidential election. 51% say the democracy is not working. and then there is this. as the old saying goes be
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careful what you wish for. the majority of americans in this survey think biden and trump the two front runners would weaken democracy if elected feeling other candidates to say it's time to pass the torch. >> we need change in this country and we need it now. >> people know that this is a chance for us to start focusing on the future, not the pastor. >> in the next decade if we don't get this right, i don't think we have a country left. >> this is exactly the time of year where you want to get a real sense of the pulse of america. on sunday we will have bowling on the 24 race impacting the country. you won't want to miss it. here's a hint. apparently by the nymex are about as popular as a porch pirate. not exactly what the campaign wants to hear heading into the holidays. >> it's a phrase, but nothing you want to hear. thank you. let's bring in jason chaffetz
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and beverly hallberg. thank you both for coming on how divided are we? this is the ap poll. electing this candidate will weaken democracy. look at the numbers. democrats about trump, 87%. and republicans about biden, 82%. that is pretty much everybody. look at the numbers, jason chaffetz. that includes pretty much everybody. when you have 87 and 82, how do you get higher than that? >> it doesn't get any higher. it is triggered on both sides. it's amazing phenomenon. the world survives, america is strong. we figure these things out. for the republicans they are looking at the democrats. they are trying to make sure donald trump isn't on the ballot. there are lawsuits trying to make sure that even if he is the republican nominee he is not on the ballot. and the consistency of the ballot. voter identification? that's a hard ask what the democrats think the world will fall apart if you don't have
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that. if one of these two people is elected, the world will survive. >> the associated press quoted an associate professor of political science at johns hopkins the following. social media platforms and news sites that reinforce biases accelerate the polarization that leads people from different political perspectives to believe the other side. is the one representing the greatest threat to the nation's democracy has said what the associate professor at johns hopkins. we all kind of live in our narrative is what it really sounds like. >> yeah, i think what this points to is that americans recognize that the president has far too much power. if there is this much concerned if you have a biden presidency or another trump presidency that democracy is going to fall apart. we should actually put the power where it should be. that is in congress. pass legislation. unfortunately we have major decision such as border enforcement and thanks such as
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the economy, energy production in this country is decided by agencies. it's decided by an administration. that's what american should look to. don't give the presidency this much power. then it does produce this type of fear. >> i want to go to the border. arizona governor katie hobbs has signed an order to send troops to the southern border. there is clearly a reason for it. but it really is kind of a stark move because she realizes that she's getting no help from the federal government. >> yes. she's not only getting no reimbursement what she is seeking. there is cost. there is real costs. you are giving these people free housing, free healthcare, free education. they've got to live somewhere and get a job. they've got to have food. they are coming in by the tens of thousands on a daily basis. the border states in the whole rest of the country are dealing with millions and millions of people coming across. no hope that the biden or kamala
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harris will actually lock down the border. >> i think you are exactly right. there are warnings that you have these ied, these improvised explosive devices being found along the border. on top of everything else you have this flow coming across and now border patrol agents are being told, by the way, watch out for the explosive devices because we found 10. this is becoming a war zone. >> it really is. you have the cartels, potential bombs and bomb threats down there. katie hobbs isn't the only democrat who has talked about the issues at the border. a lot of democrats mayors on border states in cities near the border have spoken up as well. one of the things that stands out to me is she called out the president. she said the federal government is not doing their job. and so hopefully this underscores the problem that we have. i even look to we are sending our national guard on holidays. lots of men and women going down there to help the border patrol that is doing a great job.
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it shouldn't be here. we should have a president who enforces laws. >> the border is unchecked. we have this video we show every single day. they just walk across one after the other by the thousands. jason and beverly, thank you both. notoriously soft on crime los angeles county district attorney george gascon has done it again. has crime in la continues to rise, gascon has a new chief of staff who wants to get rid of police and prisons. christina coleman is live with the breaking information on that. good evening. c max she said a lot. critics of la da george gascon call themselves soft on crime. they question his ultra woke up rose. fox news correspondent is reporting that gascon has promoted tiffany blackwell up former public defender to his chief of staff. another move that is sure to get back lash considering some of her past tweets. take a look at some of her
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posts. she said, quote, "prison is obsolete. we need to reimagine america without it. angela davis that it years ago. prisons disappear, problems don't. solve them. we have been warehousing our people for a generation. it's time to free america. hashtag free america, crash hashtag mass incarceration. she shared a story involving lapd officers responding to protesters and said, quote, "look at these barbarians. lapd is an occupying army. defund police. digital reports she also posted a picture of herself wearing a t-shirt which read, the police are trained to kill us. talk about anti- police rhetoric. gascon's decision to promote blackwell as to the list of things he has been criticized for. the la deputy district attorneys had slammed him in an article this year writing, quote, "he is an epic failure as an
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administrator leader and manager. he cares about his own political future including public safety and employee well-being. we reached out to gascon's office for the latest controversial move promoting black male. we are waiting to hear back. >> let us know if you do. thank you. the "fox news @ night" common sense department understands that los angeles county district attorney george gascon is a target of some recall campaign. until he is kicked out of office or voted out he is still the top prosecutor in charge of putting bad people in prison. and yet as you heard he just hired a chief of staff who was a self-described prison abolitionist. that mean she doesn't believe in prison. is like hiring an undertaker who doesn't believe in caskets. that doesn't leave many options. the new chief of staff as a former public defender who thinks prison is obsolete. not just for petty and mid-level
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offenders but for everyone. we are talking killers, rapists and robbers. you name it. fortunately for the criminal she is not just anti- prison, she is also anti- police. defund police. she doesn't want to defund them. she thinks they are barbarians. and occupying army. she wears a shirt saying they are trained to kill us. the cops are killers and the murderers are misunderstood? this isn't just soft on crime. this is surrendering to crime. common sense is always baffled by those who think putting dangerous people in prison is cruel but letting those same dangerous people roam neighborhoods with you and your family, that is the definition of compassion. let's bring in alex villanueva. great to have you on as always. she is chief of staff hating prisons and police. she apparently loves criminals. perfect job for her.
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>> this is lined up for her. she is acting like a public defender. we have a public defender. instead of somebody representing the people and victims of crime we have literally two public defenders on one side of the table. the other side is empty. that is a gross miscarriage of justice. it is currently threatening the public safety. >> you mention public defenders. he is also packing his office with former public defenders because they are now charged with going in and working the system and trying to get some of these even serious offenders out of prison. they want to pull as many people out of prison as they possibly can. that's the new ideal of his office. >> that's exactly what is going on. they are undermining every single facet of the season system. he forbade his deputy district attorneys from attending parole hearings and representing the victim in a threatening environment. the only one who gets representation is a convict.
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not the victim of crime. >> i want to move to the arizona republic reporting this talking about three attempted of doctrines near the university of arizona campus. authorities were investigating three suspected abduction attempts there the university of arizona. police believe the same individual was behind the incidents which all targeted university students. it happened within several days of each other. after what happened at the university of idaho, this is one of those things where you don't mess around. you follow up and do it. but they don't have much to go on. >> the description is similar in all three. but there is no hard thing to tie them. you will go through ring door cameras and all this surveillance to get a better picture of them. but it's compounded by the flood of people coming south of the border which makes the unknown crowd bigger and bigger every single day. >> that was my next point. you have all these multitude of problems. when you are looking for people
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coming and going and you have thousands coming in every day, it's hard to break down who is who. the assistant police chief in tucson is recommending open camera registry. listen to him. >> registering your camera does not require you to share video with the police nor does it provide us access to your camera system. it simply makes investigators aware that it exists. >> it's the first time i've heard about this. open camera registry. what's the goal here? are they looking for people to turn in some pictures and video? what's the overall goal? the more you get the better off you are? >> you get people to support having the cameras. we have a connection to who owns a camera. it facilitates getting images which might speed up the process. otherwise you're looking at search warrant and trying to figure out who is who in the zoo. hopefully it's a step in the right direction. >> initially everybody is a suspect when you are looking for people who might be of ducting
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students. everybody is suspicious or looked at in that capacity? >> very likely so. let's see if it narrows down the field. >> sheriff, thank you. look at this nativity scene that you might notice along with baby jesus and the three wise men. there is a heavyset guy in a red suit. the chief religion correspondent lauren green explains this controversial compromise. >> iowans are defending more than just christmas, but the values it represents for the communities. in a small town of toledo the fire department removed a nativity display from in front of the station after an atheist from outside the county complained. in a letter from the freedom from religion foundation that threatened legal action stating nativity scenes on public property are unnecessary inappropriate and divisive. it's irrefutable the nativity is a religious question symbol. the best solution is to remove the nativity scene and not put
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on public property. on monday locals packed a community meeting angry that someone from outside their small town can disrupt their way of celebrating christmas. wednesday night the nativity scene was back in front of the firehouse but with the addition of more secular holiday items like a snowman and santa claus. the mayor said it was a necessary compromise. >> frustration is this whole thing could have been avoided with a simple conversation. and said we were sent a letter from attorney threatening a law suit. >> this sparked a flood of complaints. governor kim reynolds called a display of objectionable. while state representative john done well in a lengthy post on x said the display glorified that evil influence we oppose and that the correct response is prayer. last night the display was vandalized beyond repair. a suspect has been arrested in the vandalism. the mayor of toledo says the controversy in that town has
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brought the community closer and they are planning bigger christmas displays for next year. back to you. thank you. let's bring in the pastor of the first baptist church of dallas. robert jeffress. great to have you on. the iowa nativity scene had to come down. i want to listen to some sound from the director of the eastern iowa atheists. watch. >> it was a nice gesture by a nice family. they put it up and nobody bothered it to notice that it was actually a constitutional violation. >> so much for christmas spirit. what do you think? >> i've done battle with freedom from religion foundation for years. they use the same playbook. they threaten a little town and say they are going to bankrupt them with legal cost if they don't remove the nativity display. i think it's time to stand up and push back against this. there is no constitutional violation. the first amendment says
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government can't establish a state religion. it doesn't say anything about nativity displays. the first amendment also promises the free exercise of faith. what i hope happens is that this town stands up, push back and respectfully but forcefully tells the freedom from religion foundation to go straight to hell. that is where their spokesman ron reagan jr. says he's not afraid to burn for all eternity. that's what needs to happen. >> we go from nativity scenes to menorahs being vandalized across the united states. here's a mom in oakland california. >> it's incredibly unnerving to feel that animosity directed at my community and my family and me for something that actually has very little to do with us. it feels unnervingly familiar from our history. >> every day across the country you hear this same types of
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stories from jewish americans and you think it really has gotten to an out of hand point. >> it has. anti-semitism is growing not only in our country but around the world. it's despicable. we who are christians ought to be speaking out against it very vocally as well. i've got some good news tonight. anti-semitism will not win in the end. 4000 years ago when god formed the nation of israel he told abraham you will endure forever. i will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you. to be on the wrong side and be against israel, the jewish people, to be on the wrong side of history and more importantly it's on the wrong side of god. anti-semitism will not win in the end. >> it will not win in the end. a look at the number of anti-semitic incidents of since october 7th. the number in the middle is big. 337%.
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we've got 10 seconds for you to wrap it up. >> well, jesus predicted this would have been. the bible predicted it would have been. this is a spiritual war. those who want to go against the people of god. but again in the end it will not win. in the meantime we need to speak out vociferously against it. >> merry christmas and thank you for coming on. we appreciate your time. coming up, we have breaking news on the death of actor matthew perry. the autopsy results are in and the cause of death is a drug used for depression. updates coming up. later we are calling out those who line up at airports before their boarding group is called. there is a term for it. they are called gate lice. argue with them are against them? let us know. x an instagram@trace gallagher. we will show you the results and the best responses. it is 8:19 on the west coast.
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now "fox news @ night" trip across america. a live look downtown honolulu, hawaii where just after 6:00. now to the top of the willis tower formally known as the sears tower. talk about from the fire to the frying pan. and the view from the sky deck on the third tallest building in the western hemisphere. and finally swains villa, georgia where the city square lights on christmas day. don't forget to set your dvr and watch us any time. we are coming right back with an update on the autopsy of matthew perry. it's where we gather as a family. it's where we experience the excitement of opening day. it's where we caught our personal best. and this tree is where it all began. this christmas start traditions under your tree... share the tradition of visiting santa's wonderland at bass pro shops and cabela's. and get your free photo with santa.
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bass pro shops and cabela's.
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president biden's national security chief says u.s. and israel are discussing a timetable for scaling back with the war on hamas.
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jake sullivan's meetings with israeli leaders and the palestinian president, as we learned of a deadly and tragic mistake in northern gaza. nate boy is in jerusalem tonight. >> reporter: during the chaos of war, israel admits to a heartbreaking mistake. the idea of mistakenly identifying three israeli hostages as a threat. as a result the troops fired toward them. >> reporter: three hostages dragged into gaza by hamas accidentally killed by israeli soldiers trying to free them. it happened in the northern gaza town where hamas terrorist ambushed and killed nine israeli soldiers this week. hamas rockets targeted jerusalem today for the first time since october. but israel's iron dome protected capitol. prime minister benjamin netten now who wants gaza demilitarized
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and says the country won't repeat the mistakes of the oslo accords of the 1990s. the agreements led to the palestinian authority governing the west bank and gaza. as the humanitarian crisis worsens, israel opened the crossing today. allowing for more humanitarian aid to flow to the gaza strip. where civilians suffer horribly. the opening of the shalom crossing means there are no two crossings available for humanitarian aid to flow into the gaza strip. it is badly needed. the situation worsens by the day not only for the gazan civilians but the remaining israeli hostages. tomorrow marks 10 weeks to the day since october 7th. trace? >> thank you. let's bring in search and rescue expert along with a former navy s.e.a.l. who trained with the idea of special forces. thank you for coming on. i want to put this up to reiterate what nate was saying. fox quotes the idea
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of mistakenly identified three israeli hostages as a threat. as a result the troops fired towards them and they were killed. to you, cameron, is it unusual when you first heard about this. were you thinking this is the fog of war? or these mistakes that have been in war? or this something doesn't often happen? what do you think? >> unfortunately this is a circumstance that will come about in large military campaigns. it's terrible and we relent the loss of any life such as this. to be honest with you in the viewers, i'm surprised it hasn't happened sooner because it's such a chaotic environment, especially when you add in the factors of the idf getting in several firefights earlier and losing many comrades in earlier fighting. the fog of war plays in. when you have adrenaline going and you are in a scenario where you are being actively shot at, your visual field becomes constricted. your sweat and breath play into the sensory and motor skills
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being able to make critical decisions. it's a shame. it's an absolute tragedy. but i believe israel did the right thing by disclosing publicly they were responsible for this. >> they have been forthright. i am wondering in your sentence, does this ramp of the pressure more? if got a lot of families with 120 plus hostages out there. a lot of family saying we could work on it. dudes of up the pressure more? >> israel has been suffering a lot of geopolitical pressure in terms of civilian casualties. now they will experience internal political pressure because of the death of these hostages. for the idf it has to be extremely demoralizing for this to occur. this is the exact situation to come across hostages and rescue them and accidentally kill them. this kind of stuff happens and more. we have killed pows back in world war ii. hopefully they will look at the tactic procedures to try to
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prevent it from happening again in the future. >> it does happen. the who the controlled area of yemen is accused of attacking two ships in the shipping lanes. they are now talking about a lot of these companies pulling the ships out and not going through. when you talk about shutting down commercial shipping, it's a big deal. what do you make of the newest attacks? >> it's a massive deal. it implicates billions of dollars of trading on a daily basis. it's astounding. in that region they have always had an influence and tried to be a broker to have power. a lot of different forms of piracy mostly as an act to create chaos in the region. the united states needs to have a robust effort. we also need a middle eastern ally to have a more robust effort with patrolling some watters. once again this is what we see when we have an embolden iranian regime that is supporting different militias and groups and entities outside their nation. >> a robust effort.
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john kirby was asked and said this today. >> we continue to condemn in the strongest terms the threats the way they are demonstrating in terms of disrupting international flow of commerce to inhibit freedom and navigation in international watters and to endanger the safety of the ships and the crews on board the ships. it's absolutely unacceptable. >> we know it's an expectable unacceptable. what is going on here? >> jake sullivan said the rebels have a responsibility to protect shipping. like a ron cares about anything we have to say. they haven't cared for the last 60 days. why would they start now? the second and fifth largest shipping companies are now stopping commercial traffic through the suez canal. you can see economic impacts at home. higher gas prices, delays in your supply chain.
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this is having a tangible substantial impact. the bottom line is the united states is allowing iran to dictate foreign policy for us in the middle east. >> as soon as prices go up and shipping slows down, then maybe you see more repercussions. gentlemen, thank you both. noma coming up, an update on friend star matthew perry and what led to his death. plus the latest on the hunter biden investigation and more importantly what comes next. still ahead, did this bull lose its train ticket? or does it always wander the tracks? it's a great time to watch the night skies. you might catch one of the best meteor showers around. the days best viral videos or next. first alive look at washington, d.c.'s lincoln memorial. "fox news @ night" coming right back thi. ty much the same, but at fisher investments we're clearly different. (other money manager) different how? you sell high commission investment products, right? (fisher investments) nope. fisher avoids them.
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breaking right now we have new information about the cause of death of former friends star matthew perry. christina coleman is back live with the details on this. what do we know? >> reporter: the autopsy report states 54 euros matthew perry died from acute effects of ketamine. he had been receiving ketamine infusion therapy for depression and anxiety. it goes on to say how the drug most recently got into his system is unknown. it says for the medical examiner investigators report, his last known treatment was one and a half weeks prior to death and the ketamine in his system at death cannot be from that infusion therapy since ketamine's half-life is three or four hours or less. the medical examiner determined other contributing factors to his death including drowning, coronary artery disease and the effects of buprenorphrine, a prescription drug used to help people quit opioid dependence he. the report said perry was reportedly clean for the past 19 months. he was announced dead after his
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assistant found him unresponsive floating face down and has hopped of on october 28th. his death comes after his decades long struggle with alcohol and drugs which resulted in his brief stint on life support. dozens of stomach surgeries and other severe medical problems. perry spent years in and out of treatment centers and sober living homes that he released in a memoir last year. >> the best thing about me bar none is if somebody comes up to me and says i can't stop drinking. can you help me. i can say yes and follow up and do it. when i die, i don't want friends to be the first thing mentioned. i want that to be the first thing mentioned. >> perry's manner of death was determined accidental according to the autopsy report. >> it's interesting why he was on ketamine. somebody with that drug history would be very careful about the drugs he is given for whatever
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reason. >> absolutely. of course. but the effects and the cause of death in this case. hunter biden is under indictment in delaware and los angeles and could soon be in contempt of congress. meantime president biden is facing a house impeachment inquiry. what comes next in the investigation? kevin corke is back live with a look ahead. >> nothing on the docket yet for hunter biden to appear in la to answer those nine federal tax related charges. three are felonies. however we do expect to learn any day now when you might appear before a judge. on capitol hill republicans are still fuming over hunter's stunt this week as it's been termed by some when he ignored a subpoena and instead issued a defiant statement in front of the capitol dome. and now congressional lawmakers are said to be strongly considering a very quick move toward a contempt of congress charge. that's a felony. meanwhile on thursday at former
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doj official named leslie wolf was a decision-maker in the hunter biden probe in 2020. while she is now under increasing scrutiny for instructing investigators to not look at joe biden's possible role in the hunter biden financial web. the irs whistleblowers are as skeptical as ever. >> he is not in business with him and now we are into he is not financially connected to the businesses. you don't have to be financially connected to a business in order to be part of that business. what president biden was basically doing through hunter biden was allowing hunter biden to get these deals. >> this as the biden impeachment inquiry escalades. jim jordan now calling in nine more witnesses over the next couple months as the committee slowly begins to unravel what they say are lies meant to shield the president from scrutiny. the committee has also said to
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be investigating specifically accusations involving bribery, misconduct in office and perhaps even obstruction. jonathan turley talked about that earlier today. >> thank you. let's bring in senior legal fellow, former trump white house attorney and legal affairs reporter attorney alex sawyer. thanks for coming on. one more quick biden from the irs whistleblowers who was on fox today. watch. the evidence was overwhelming. this was about access to the administration. access to hunter biden, to the administration. i'd seen through the countless e-mails that have been turned over. the evidence clearly did not support removing political figure number one. >> what he is saying is there were plenty of evidence leading to joe biden, but as kevin said, leslie wolf limited the inquiries into joe biden. >> that is what is part of what
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the congressional republicans are hoping to get out of the impeachment inquiry, which is to what extent did the biden administration handcuffed, direct, hint that they didn't want doj or the irs to look into the connections to joe biden? that is the lightest of the charges. >> the woman who limited that investigation meantime, former u.s. attorney leslie wolf testified before the house today. didn't say much. areas jim jordan talking about that. >> ms. wolf refused to answer most of our questions, and we had a number of exhibits where she sent in the e-mail. she is receiving the e-mail and she refused to answer just about every question we had. >> if she doesn't answer, what can you do? >> yeah, it's tough for that house gop lawmakers. i think actually it was a republican senator who mentioned
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that if they are going to bring a case of impeachment to the senate they need to also show that not only was biden involved in this business dealing, but it actually took place while he was president. historically presidents have been indicted or impeached, if you will, for crimes allegedly committed while in office. all we have heard about right now are a lot of business dealings that happened before 2020. before president biden won. it will be interesting to see if they also meet that hurdle. >> when you talk about hurdles, hunter biden decided to blowoff congress. he instead held that a public statement. it wasn't really a news conference. he didn't answer questions. eric swalwell apparently helped him. andy biggs had the following to say to fox digital. we probably need to vote eric swalwell in contempt because the rumor is that mr. swalwell aided and abetted him by setting up his facility so he could have
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his press conference across the way. what do you think about that? >> it's pretty remarkable. the democrats have been highly on record saying that you've got to comply with subpoenas from congress otherwise not only should you be held in contempt, but the contempt order should be enforced. joe biden himself said contempt order should be enforced against steve bannon and peter navarro. steve bannon got sentenced to four months in prison plus fines. i'm not holding my breath for the department of justice to treat hunter biden equally or eric swalwell equally. >> what do you think of the stunt that he pulled giving that statement? is it in the end beneficial to hunter biden? or does it come back to biden him? >> i definitely think it was media savvy to be out there saying he will only testify in public. and makes them look like he has transparency. despite all of his criminal
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troubles that are pending. i do think it will be very hard for the biden doj to ignore possible contempt charges when they did bring it forward with steve bannon. we all know washington. there is only double standards. i wouldn't be surprised if they found a way not to go after hunter. but we will have to wait and see. >> we will have to wait and see. thank you both. first up and tonight's viral videos. a loose ball wandering the tracks around the tracks temporarily suspending all trains between newark, new jersey and new york. travelers were warned about a 45 minute delay. turns out everything was resolved in about 10 minutes. unusual. about 100 crews kicked off the 115th annual boat parade in newport, california. the vessels were decked out with elaborate light displays and various themes. the parade will continue every night this week.
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if you have been noticing a lot of shooting stars lately it's because we are in the final days of the geminids meteor shower which happens when earth passes through the pieces of an asteroid. nasa tells us the event will peak this week with up to 150 meteors per hour in some places. if you have a viral video to share, share it with us at trace gallagher or "fox news @ night" on social media. coming up in the nightcap it is called gate lines. passengers lineup before the boarding group is called. they do it all the time. if you, do you do it? do you do that? if you do, stop. don't do it. or at least tell us why you do it. do you get annoyed when others do it? still time to vote on x an instagram on trace gallagher. but first a live look at a cold winter morning in moscow courtesy of earth cam. we are coming right back.
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back with the nightcap group. tonight's topic, annoying travelers. have you heard the term gate lines? the airline employees have
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passengers at airports mining up for boarding before their seat is called. research shows this can cause more bumps in the boarding process. are you a gate louse? that's kind of what it is. armen, are you one of those people who goes up before your number is called? >> if i am worried they would run out of cookies or baileys, i am at the front of the line. i don't see any reason to stand on the plane any longer than i have to. i am there with my boarding group. i'm happy with that. >> you know the deal. every time you get on a plane they are calling your number any of people in front. are you in front of me? are you in here? they haven't called me yet. why are you here? why are you at the gate if they have not called you yet x go back to the seats and get a coffee and sit down for crying out loud. >> i don't want to travel with
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that brother. >> i just sit back. i usually have a pretty good seat. i am really lucky that way. i just wait. i don't want to wait in line. i don't want to sit on the aircraft until i have to. >> then they say aren't you on fox news? >> yes. go and sit down. christina, your thoughts? >> i'm scared to say. i am a gate lice. i want to make sure there is enough room for my luggage. my husband over here will just flitter off and go get coffee as soon as it's time to board. why do you do that? >> i will wait until the last minute. if you stand in line you have to stand in line again to wait on the plane. then you get in the plane and you have to wait until everyone sits down. you are standing around more and wasting time. i would rather sit and be comfortable until i have to go. >> my wife will text me in the coffee line. the plane is leaving. southwest airlines is the worst
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because you have to queue up. then what number are you? it is brutal. >> people cheat on southwest and it's rude. i waited because it was just me and my backpack. now it's me and my suitcase. i also am a louse and i like to get there early. i don't have a lot of upper body strength. i can't move everyone's jacket. i've got to get there early and get my suitcase up. don't put your jacket above. >> watch out for kevin if you are there. are you a gate louse? yes. 7% on x, 16 on instagram. impatient people hogged the carry-on spaces. ain't that the true. like the song says, people are crazy. thank you for joining the nightcap and thank you forming watching "fox news @ night". i am trace gallagher. have a great weekend and see you monday. when better money habits® content first started coming out,
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10:00 a.m. here's "the five." >>


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