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tv   Hannity  FOX News  December 15, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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get charge.nise fro whyd with cl mischief when she cut off trump's head? i haven'criminalen shet heard te in quite some time. gary from tennessee. >> you blew up billyw greenwood's website upby advertising his trying to order now, but it's shut down. >> lee, comes websit on get it d together. eileener i from simi valley, california my husband is half from? rnia my husband is half which christmas party can he attend? well half , he's couldn't attend both. that's the benefit of being biracial like myself. point 1%. sub-sahara biracl n african. carl from boston, massachusetts. jesse, just get on board the wu train. >> you band from cleveland,. what would you do if you were i a dictator for a day? oh manyo, my staff would be in big trouble. >> i'm watters. this is my world.
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>> welcome to this special edition of "hannity". >> wel for sean.ity". we begin tonight with president biden in serious, serious trouble. the president's approvalisseriog has plunged to a paltry 33%. okay. that's pretty clos33%.e to the 20/30 3%. this marks the lowest of approval for president biden in his entiral for pe presidence and it doesn't matter the issue, the economy, immigration, bringing the country together, handling an internationalging the crisis >> he sure has a lot of those. he receives failing mark crisisr on each and every one of those issues. but itksd worse. wor a new bloomberg poll showsg poll that former president trumpiden beats president biden. look at that. all seven swing states thathat r are polled, president trump prevailse . this comes on the heels of a cnn poll showing trump prevailing in michigan and georgia. i'm sure cnn loved reporting a
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that poll. an and it comes after an early november "new york times" siena poll that shows a trumearly "np of six swing states. the liberal media, they're panicking. it soundy ars to me like you tho if the election were held today, biden would los he for me and everybody else. >> the wall street journal poll was, you very, very dark f and turn from a biden standpoint, you know, job approval down, ratings generally down. most of the comparativesmost with trump not good. >> former president trump leadin forg, president biden, 4% to 42% in a potential election day matchup across swing states. but perhaps even more worrying for the biden campaign, six ofes those swing states were ones that biden won in 2020. there's concerns about how biden has set up his operation d in some of these early states as well, and whether he's been working hard enough. >> democratss be would be, i t,
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in the wrong for dismissingr dismiswhat is bad news for joe e is that people are not excited about turning out for him and he needs every vote he can t get. they're so worried, so concerne d the liberal media, well, the dismal poll numbers cap off a rough few days for the president. an impeachment inquiry is officially underway. hunter biden defied a lawful subpoena from congress. his dad knew about it, by the way. and then there was biden's attempndert at a reset yesterda. chipmpndert at a reset yesterda. >> taxpayers already are chipping in, making paying a lot of money fo l or that here. it is nice to get these brilliant scientists to try t and find cures, find an answeo to the drug problem, to two drugs for ford with the use of drugs to health.o than right.l fo i want to thank you all for taking time to be heretaking. i want to thank my major, my my producers. i know you're down 35 minutes, going to get down 2000 bucks
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a year from max, 20, 35. i want to thank my introducer. that's why you heard him say, in maybe president biden say, should listen to his predecessor card or findd his way off the stage. >> see all the stairs around here. how the hell - do you not where is the stair? >> he says, where is the stair tow you how evil the presstair is. pu where i stumbled and mumbled, purposely imitating him, and they putg hi it on. >> they said he's cognitively impaired. thenivel. i' >> then i walk back. i'm looking and i walk. i heard whway? well, well. the and he walks off the stage and he's like, and they said, it was me at walter reed. >> they gave me a cognitive exam and aced it.
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i actually said, got everything right and i took the other one, got everything right. gnitive i would know when it's l bad. >> i would tell you ifd ba bad, i'll be the ifd first to know, you know, who woul d be the first to know? >> brad rogers would be the first to know. >> they will tell me. they'll say, sir, wee d love y2 we've been here. we've gone to 120 rallies. but sir it's time for you to in. pack it in and want them. pack it in and want them. i'd want them to say that i'd want that. i i feelbut i feel that right nw i'm sharper than i was 20 yearss ago. what a difference the two. >> joe isn't the only problem, though. the entire joe biden is a gaffe. this bizarre christmas at the wrre christmas white house. when you're watching, that's a christmas celebratiosen when c was put together by aat dance company that wants nts to abolish prisons and defud the police. merry christmas and now even some on the left are openly wondering if joe bident
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will actually be the open actually be the president. check this out. saw this, this morning. cornel west, ch a third party candidate for president. this is what he said to politico playbook out. sur i'm not even sure whether i'll be running against biden. be runbiden and i think he is g to have an lbj moment and pull back. >>j and i'm just saying that io open to those possibilities, given the fluiditype of thesitu situation. he's running out of gas. cornel >> cornel west he might be right. politico is reportinl right.g ts increasingly consumed by hunter biden's legal troubles. how could you not be? and the publication says, quote, privately about thecomi upcoming campaign and potential criminal trialng c have become present weight on the presidento ,according to those close to him. you can see it in his eyes s shcan see it in his eyes and you could see his shoulders slumped, said one confidante of presidentdent o biden in describing a recent conversation he's so worried about. hunter we're worried it could consume him. d cons
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and this comes just days afteru axios reportedthis. en biden has suggested to close associates that if he had not run in 2020, hunter would not be facing criminal prosecution o actions or be the targetily stor of daily stories by conservative media all while trying to stay sober and rebuild his life. interesting. so is the president reconsidering his second term ambitions? am, second term ambitions? america would collectively sigh in relief. tivelyigh joining us now with r, democratic strategist doug schoen, fox news contributor joe concha, and a senior fellow at the hoover institutiodougn, victor davis hanson. thnson. the president has been firm in saying i'm running, i i'm running, i'm running. and i have said i don't see a universe where don'president biden run. but i didn't see thosei two pieces. the axios piece. d i then i see the political one, that it's an ever present weightne hunters legal troubles.
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>> so do you think that there's any chance he pulls back from hs his run? >> you know, kelly, a month or two ago, i would have agreed with you and said no chance. he's not . in and i think in his mind today hs he is running. but that being said, with pollho numbers as bad as his numbers a with an approval is 33%.ment and with the impeachment inquiry having been openede and his obvious cognitive challenges, i think he'll haven the family meeting over the holidays and whether he decidesolidays, to run or no, ultimately, i still think is an open question. so i think this is an evolvingng story and let's stay tuned. >> wait until january. yeah, very interesting, victor. i want to come to you becauswan i want to give a one word warning to viewers. >> the polls haven't alway viewd been right. there was supposed to be a red wave. there was not. when there wanot. you look at trump i voters he's bringing in, he's bringing in young voters, bring in all kindsoung voters,
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of new voters, but not 2020 voter buts in the cnn poll2 >> he's winning by 20 six in georgia and 40 in michigan. but you got to make a non 2020 voter show up in 2024. you've got to get out the vote . yeah, but i think it's a little different. kayleigh, but . doom >> i think he's in a dilemma. it's not just the polls. none of hi t ths agenda is polling.s >> anything he's done is polling 50%. >> he's got some really he'slye biden familylly conglomerate. the finally the news of their is it's on sale. >> it's unassailable. unas and then in addition to thatfran he's got i'll be frank is isn't severe cognitive decline he'. >> and when you add all of that up corruption decline low polls unpopular agenda the result is we're in anyway there's lethargy. now we have ceded the red sea over to the yemeni terrorist. you can't navigate it. we've ha d 125 attacks on ours on o
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installations in iran. and we're not doing anything.o there's no border. it's not that it's porous, it doesn't exist. and then there are infighting to take up that vacuum in the white house, because we hear anm that kamala harris thinks she she we should be more sh ore should be more that people are saying we've got to outlaw natural gas. oue time, we've gotuce mo. to produce more gas and oil than we ever have. >> so becausre oile of this dece and this vacuum, people are freelancing around himlancing around with different agendas are not compatible. and overseas people se cpatiblee done and they're taking advantage of that vacuum. and they'r ng ae our. that's right. i mean, that's a good summary. and joe, you know, for joe biden to win, though, he needs to make democrats come home. when you look at hisdemocrats cg rating, which is almost in the 20, it's shocking to say w he's, lost 12 points among democrats. do you think they come home? >> that's the thing. he's losing amonthing.g black. he's losing among female voters, independent voters, youns.g voters, all the him people that helped him barely l
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win in 2020. >> they are leaving and probably not coming noback because thought process is, carly, will this president get better with agise will he be like bill clinton, the comeback kid? well, no, he's not wine.ter with >> he's not going to get better with age. and then when you think whn of joe6-year-othink biden as an 86-year-old in the oval office, if he won a second term, it's hard for any democrat really to. imagine that. and no president kelly has ever been reelected with an approval rating below 40%. and as doug pointed out, we're now seeing several polls putting hi're now m at 33%. so apparently politico rock bottom has a basement. and by the way, have you seen the president's schedule today? >> and i'm not just cherry haveo picking because this is a lot of days today and he got the daily intelligence h because terrorists apparently like to sleep in on fridays and thenh 1230 he had lunch with the vice president and that's it. >> that' desphat' began, despite everything happening in the world. people seeything hthe wo this, t and you cannot spin it to the media, even they are starting no to reject this notion that joen biden can serve another
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four years. that years. you reverse that perception? that's a very difficult thing to do when the americault thinnc has their mind made up. >> ik joe biden gavehint. us a hint, cantlie. he said he wouldn't be runningae ,but for donald trump running again, i think the playboo runka is to run the same campaignig that was run in 2018, 2020 and 2022, which is a negative, full out campaign against donaldga tive ftrump because while it pae to say as a democrat, i can'ttha disagree with what victor said about how people feel about his work habits and how objectively his performance should be judged. the only saving grace fothe onrh biden is in some of those swingo states is within the margin of error. donald and donald trump's numbers personally are almost as lowbid. in some of those states as joe biden. >> yes, he's trailins, he'g. it may be a fluke, but it can
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be a deft look for bothh is w candidatesha, which is what i think the biden strategy would have to be. victor, i only have a momentr, here. but do you think i, joe isk jo the nominee come next summer? >> i really don't care.n't i don't know how the mechanismkn ownismwill transpire, but i thiy people in the democratic party understand he's not cognitive t able. >> and the idea of kamala an and the idea of kamala maybe before his term is over and running as an incumbent is one of their worst nightmares ambents i. ightmare >> so i'm not even surem no she's going to finish. he's going to finish his tert e >> yeah, that's a scary thought. joe concha, doug schoen, victor davis hanson, thank you. >> well, tonight, the panic at the white house extends far beyond the terrible polls. >> again, biden is reportedly very anxious about the ongoingdn criminal investigation into hunter's finances. >> w aboue read that to you. and his beloved son is apparently now worried he willleavow worried have to leave the country if trump gets reelected, according
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to politico. >> joe is lashing out at his own attorney general polit for t protecting his family. of course, biden's doj his did t best, its best with multiple attempts to cleah r. remember that plea deal. but on thursday, one former federal prosecutor who allegedly tried to scuttle v the hunter investigation refused to answer most questions duringusedo closed dr session on capitol hill. i bet she did. meanwhile,.meanwhil the impeachr inquiry against the president also looms large. >> st the o what are the chances biden gets impeached? here now with analysis, and fox professor and fox news contributor. jonaributor. jonathan turley. you know, jonathan karine jean-pierrley.e said that biden knew erreabout hunter stunt, his deft stunt where he didn't show up for his deposition. and yoor hisu said that this was a breathtaking mistake. why? are a well, there are about four articles of impeachmentbory
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that are the most likely to be pursued by the committee. of them is obstructio. >> another is the abuse of power. having o president involved in advance in any wainy to the contempt of congress is the worsf t possible scenario foro the biden team. >> i can'tth how that could have occurred. it's not that you're could telg a father not to speak to his son, but you get veryr clear instructions that you, in neither of your interesions s you to discuss his testimony before congress. its test certainly would be in your interest to talk about the potentiao talkl of a federal crn contempt of congress of , a fede crime, and the department of justice aggressively pursuesy people like bannon and navarro for not appearing a committee. >> so if the president knew about that in advance and it it just gives another front for congress to pursue in this inquiry.
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yeah, it's a great pointk yo that you bring up. i want to ask you about this. this was buried deep in a politico article at axios, article, rather, and it's it's of the know and it's president with his attorney general. >> we know the doj is independent, but itthdo i sas this biden's relationship with garland, his attorney genera lationshl, which has alreadyor become more frigid, is now tense. os those close to biden argue garland's trying in vain to satisfy a bad, faith gop critics. one person unflatteringly p compared to comey, saying that both have been obsessed ing with the appearance of having integrity. >> what do you make of this? w >> well, if it's frigid now, it's going to be perfectlyy glacial. if the house moves to holdglacia son in contempt, a garland is already on the record. his departmentd islready of jus pursued those earlier cases. >> it just took a couple of months before bannon wentbefe from not appearing to having an indictment. >> so i don't see how merrick garland could do anythin
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g. land could do anythin prosecute hunter biden if the house approves a contempt resolution. contemptbut the interesting thig is that garland did something for biden that was invaluable. >> he refused to a special counsel to look into the corruption scandal. >> man corrupy of us have been writing for years, so we can't even imagine his rationale. joe biden's name is all over these files. there' these s of dollars going to his family and the circle is coming closer and closer to the president. and yet, merrick garland has res simply refused to appoint a special counsel. >> and s nt a speo think president biden's got to give more credit than he's giving up . >> professor jonathan turley, brilliant as alway proonathas. thank you very much. well, coming up, the nightmare at our southern border keeps getting worse. ten ieds. you heartting wod right.ght, we're just seized near tucson,t arizona, after a cartesel gunfight. plus, the threat of terror continues to grow with new
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calls out of michigan. a full report as we continue continue. >> good morning, nicholas. okay, good. good morning. yeah. franco collects chewy fruit bites for fast and gentle constipation relief in as little as 30 minutes, making your good morning even better with lab diamonds. factory direct three carat diamonds are just 2995 carat. happiest hues, 5991 carat studs 599 to cure. to lo at 1490, the jewelry exchange will be on anyone's price on lab diamondoks, period. >> the jewelry exchange direct. it's beginning to look is on t like savings blend. dad's holiday sale idjet 2 ps ow gives the gift of convenience. the blend gets you portable. blender is perfect for everyone on. your list, even that picky relative who hates everything. and don't forget the accessories. they're all on sal sell out! e.
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mypillow bed sheets for as a 2498. it's our biggest christmas sale ever get all your shopping done now while quantities last how about that first half i mean that offense they were slicker than a $2 suit on a $3 pile. let's go back to the studio where it was a $3 smile. you mean you're doing bracha? i don't know what you're talking about. >> hey, do you reckon i can say butter my button? call me biscuit on my tv? i do not think you should sit, doggy. kevin mccarthy sat on one nation from hunter biden to
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, the number one choice of online sellers. go to ship station, e-commerce . >> try and get two months free . welcome back to the special edition of "hannity". >> biden's border crisis is posing a major national han security threat, according to sourcesnith, ten ieds were f at the us-mexicoto border. thank you. find that in a war zone. but no, it was found on our southern border in a cartel gunfight. now is fighting continuesway fo to pave the way for illegal border crossings. former first lady melanibordera trump made a rare public appearance celebrating illegal immigrants rare public at a natn ceremony at the national archives crisi tionals center.s amid >> southern border comes amid heightened concerns over the rise of extremisd
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m around of extremisd the world. and one michigan mom posted, a disturbing video on social media calling on muslims in america to embrace. and it actually got a lot worse than that. while hamas's sympathizing protestersihad, they struck aga, blocking off a bridge demanding a cease fire in gaza. >> and even worse, terror >> and even worse, terror linked to hamas, were arrested in europe for allegedlthy plotting an attack against jews. here agains reaction, author of the new book, what's killing america. radi o talk show host jason rantz. >> go check out his book. fox news contributort book tom n and fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. tom homan so on our southern border, they found ten ieds in an alert, an internal memot to officers went out to be be on the lookout for explosives. this sounds like war zone, not
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the border of the world's hegemonic power. >> it is a war zone. and the biden administrationbide has empowered and enriched a criminal cartels in mexicoha who are actually terrorist organizations. >> ieds, they're not new to the criminal cartels. they're using since 2010 against the mexicasen and againt law enforcement. >> however, now it's come to the mexry and l border. and why is that? because the criminal cartels are in a violent becausel war , because they're fighting over ficause they're fighting over of responsibility. they're fighting. this is what. because you're making a record amount of money, namely smuggling amount of money in drug trafficking, the fentanyl, and a record amount of money in remount ofg when the childrenen made this much money. >> so now the cartels are fighting. each other to control the mexican cartel. >> karl, have operation control our southern border. think about that for a minute. - think the most powerful natioe world no longer is operationrd d of the southern border. and that virus is going to spill over to uniteolence ov.
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already has. there is one murder criminal cartel, the sinaloa cartel.rderm there are in place in almost every major city in this country. and we don't kno w how many't kno executions are carried out, because when you put one police departmentried give to the end, there is no's j >> it's just a murder. it's just you knowmurder, it's t a robbery. so worse because of the opent border s, an administration that's got the guts enough to take thes.stratione on and tm off the face of the earth, be killef thd against any terrot organization. >> we need to treat them lik eme that. >> no doubt about it. you know, greg, i want tha to me to domestic extremism. >> so you've got this. a moextremm, michigan.. and i said that that waspa only part of what this mom said. rtwhat this the for. i have some other of his remarks here. r he talks about the infidel west, particularly the stateshei are enemies of muslims. he goes on to satey, if you canh raise your child telling him you want him to be a mujahideein
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,a martyr, you are the root of the problem. is stunning. is. >> oh, it absolutely is. it should frighten everyerican, american. and, you know, frankly, our open border only elevatefras danger of this kind of extremism that seems f extrto glorify atrocities in e name of and the slaughter of jews in israel should have galvanized all americans to condemn that kind of rhetoric condemn hamas as genocidal terrorists. >> sadly, you know, kelly, it has produced these grotesque displays of anti-islamic ism, mobs of students on campuses, rampaging protesteheser who's on the street, the usual obtuse celebritie.s in, their vile rhetoric. >> i mean, these are purveyors hate. >> they're fanatics and zealots. we're either ignorant or just plain evil. >> maybe both, but they're certainly bigoteeitherd. they threaten and harass. it shouldn't alarman and sickend
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any right minded person. >> and the time for action is overdue. >> we must use the m leveruss of law and prosecution to suffocate this kind of hatred and discrimination. >> there should be no refuge in any corner of our society. it must be directly confronted and delegitimized. >>d jason, it's not just one mom. right. and in it is on tiktok, where osama bin laden's to americaa goes viral and young people aree celebrating it. we've got a huge problem. this country will cease wilto exist unless we get our students to being patriotic loving americans who reject terrorism and can say when wh terrorit a baby in the oven, that is terrorism. >> you would think that nonethii of this is really all that controversial, that when g,
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horrific, unforgettable and unforgivable terroristle t acts, we should be able to just simply call it out. but what bothers me the most about all of this, we have this.s l of this, we have and have for a long time about radicalization onlinerticl in particular. >> and everyone focuses on white supremacists. and you've gotard everyone thise that's going out there. this is radicalizing. when you're celebrating hamas, when you have media outlets out there pretending that it is a legitimate conversatio n actiono thonversatio to take to the streets, support hamas, call for a permanent ceasefire, which by the way, means permanent ceasefire fromre israel. they don't want israel defending itself. and if we're going to continue to treat that as if that isat a a valid position to take, as it you shouldn't be feeling great shame for holding that positiont . we're only going to go further down that path. so i hope more people stephat . op botope more people stephat . forward, particularly in the media, to stop both citing thids and simply call it out for what it is. is? it is.
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we allow people to take to the streets, we allow them to block traffick, c because we want to pretend that something that they're saying is worth worthearing and fight is worth fighting for. it is not. let's enforce the la nots enforce the la w. at the >> let's call out thesey anti-semites for what they are. tom, i only have 15 seconds tom, i only have 15 seconds now essentially doubled to 2 million people. is thasee temp t a huge concern? >> it is a concern. con the open borders, 22ce7 on the southern border lasthe year, 459 on northern border and. >> we had 11 in four years under trump. unbelievable. yes, it was all under control under trump. miss thosender con days. ason tom, jason, greg, thank you. straight ahead, more unsurprising news from california. the state is facin e statg yet another budget crisis. it's california, after all. ornia,you won't believe who thee blaming. senator marsha blackburno will us after the break.
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watch. listen. get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm. anytime, anywhere. fox radio on sirius xm america is listening. >> 20 23 is almost over, but itm was not a goodos year for the state of california. the state's homelessness crisie got even worse, with a 6% increase in the number of homeles s people, according to hud. >> california is also facing a nearlymeless pe ac $70 billiot shortfall. so what happens? when taxpayers leave and you continue to spend. state government is now under a spending freeze. meanwhile, the city of san francisco was hit particularly i hard this year, losing many of the major retailerss tiy , is main union square shopping district. >> the cit square sy also set a new record for drug overdoses with more than 750 deaths through november. mber governor gavin newsom has an itvernor gavin newsom has an
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it's all thanks to many of you's to republicans. >> take a look. they've been on a doom loo looko about san francisco ever since nancy pelosi became speake r. y peloosi became speake >> i mean, this member,si california's nancy pelosi, the speaker of san francisco , e speaker of san francisco you've got kamala harris was a former senator from california. california'skamalaarris, a outpr the american economy. it's the templmee e of american recovery. 27% of all american jobs came from the state jus aamt month.he it's the fifth largest economy in the world, and its values are stard itk differences, daylt and darkness between the republican party. th for fox one american news,n that thing newsmax you were referencing earlieparty.r, they to focus on our failures in order for thefam to. right. and so we're used to it out there. and yet we still maintain our resilience ll. resilience because a special placfrane thee is putting lipstick on a pig. he does it wel.l he. doe here now with reaction is tennessee senator marsha. senator blackburn, good to have
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you. you,r of a millionrancisco people leave san francisco since 2020. leadce california. . and you're the problem. d you'reand i'm the problem. >> it's all conservatives fault . >> well, under his watch, 900,000 people have left that state. you've got thileft thas that arn leaving. oracle has come to tennesseeg. and you have this huge budget deficit. as you said, carly, he continues to spend like crazy even though s tospend lithey're losing their population. and you take a state like tennessee with no state incomenw tax, when we have a a budgeturps surplus of over $1,000,000,000 every year and a $2 billion rainy day fund. and our state is well managede and people know it's a better place live to work to raise your family. and you cannotr to have thesets policies that they have
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in californiciesa with raising taxes and with cities like san,c where they have to have the o, app so that people know where te they cannot and can't go in the city and do so safely. so gavin newso sm is who hasturd turned the world's attentioncalo to and it has been froms be the negative, not from the positive, because i look at great cities that once were like san francisco, like l.a., h and they look at what has happened there with the drought erdragged with the areas of the city where you cannot go with a growth in homelessness. and they say the policiesare co that are coming out of themi state are what is causingg california to fall into decline . yeah, and you know, you talk ka leigh:about that, that map, t deprecation map, we'll call it, it is very
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brown there in the state of the city of san francisco. senator blackburn, i have a moment here, but i wanted to ask you politico, back in august had this article about newsom and how obsessed he is with san francisco . rancisco san francisco and in it, they say gavin newsom's future hinges on sansa francisco. in other words, he has presidential higher office ambitions and he knows if san francisco fails. so to does he? fails >> what do you make of that argument? argument? at gavin newsom, it is not just looking at san francisco, but it is looking at theit's loo that he has made the hypocritical choices. he locks down the state, but het goes to frenche,, he walks downe powered schools. ks dowbut his children go to pro schools and they look at the hypocrites called nature that rules for them, but not the for me.y they know that they don't want that. they do not want california exported around the country, ee
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even here in tennessee. there's a very popular t-shirt and it and because we've had thousands of californians that, we've welcomed into our state. there's a t-shir o statet says t california my tennessee. l sa >> well, i will say don't california my florida senator blackburn. >> thank you. >> well, here now with more reaction are heritage found foundation economist and founder of the committee anr ofy, er of the committee steve moore and the host of the just listen to yourself podcast. kyra leash . you know, steve moore, thered is, this other argument being made not by gavin newsom, but by this democratic socialist out in san francisco, district five supervisor dean preston. , >> he's a defund the police guy. he says capitalism supervi is t. >> your thoughts? >> well, capitalism is whatmade made america the richest in thet world and the most prosperous place for out for people of all income peos.
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you know, it is so sad. okay. let's just see the declinet decla. ust see the declinet >> this is a state, as gavin newsom was right, that for many, manyor, many decades,try. california was the leader of our country. it's a slice of heaven sli o. i mean, what's not to like about california? beautiful mountains, beautiful beaches. you know, silicon valley. and this is what happens valle e you have progressive governance. i mean, you mention the fact that california is now running a massive budget deficit. california has the highest taxes in the country and they're so broke. >> and thatht picturate, it's -- it's really incredible to behold. lo behold. about this doom loop, and his doom will be as conservative i media. they talk about us too much. but for some peopluch.e, doom lp is life. >> it is a reality. it is your kids walking down the the street by people oding in open air drug markets. it's all of us.n r dr cayleeug. l of >> i live here in california
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and we're all living ve herthe reality of this doom so he can blame it on republicans all he wantthisss and that seems to be the democrat strategy for 2024, doesn't it and? >> don't don't look over here. nothing to see here. it's like that meme with that little girl in front of the burning house behind her. >> nothing to see or don't worry about, it what?rl >> we're all living reality here in gavin newsom's california. got i just got back, in fact, from the bay area. i spent the last night. chspent the last night. gop's christmas party with them. and while i was waiting for thewaitinthe event, i watched e francisco area news. and let me tell you, i was watching the sports report and they were talking about how talke in the city is.isbout how so either gavin's delusional and don't think he is orploy he's employing the strategy of, well, there's nothining trategyt yet. san francisco is going to be really important to an to an y presidential ambitions he has here. and so he's going to have to make it looe's going toe toke he's successful when we're all living in utter chaos here in california. es.
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yeah. don't believe your lying eyes is what he wantsdon' to believe but we're not blind. we see it. so here, davis, steve moore, se thank you very much. coming up, a wild vide thanko oh of ukraine showing a lawmaker detonating grenadeows, a meetine we have the tape. plus, our very own benjamin - hall is launching a new fox nation special on the christmas truce- of 191. he joins us with more. >> a must in your medicine cabinet call coming up. is the number one cold shortening brand highly recommended? people love scams. you need to think formula. it shortens colds that can shorten that cold. >> the perfect gift, one carat, three stone and halo rings are 699, one carat, two stone rings, 990 tennis bracelets, 499 four carat top white stones, 599 thousands of giftsoe to appraise for double factory direct the jewelry exchang're ot
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markets up but motors down even as wall street soars. president bide
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>> that's one 808 279797. welce >> welcome back to the special edition of "hannity". ukrainia n president volodymyr zelenskyy spent the week begginn presidt g western natior additional aid as ukraine continues its fight. russia. meanwhile, putin is defiant, saying, quote, there will be peace when we achieve our goales
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. as for the goals, they are unchanged and we continuebing to see disturbing images from the conflict. you're is advised for the video tht're is advised for the video morning, a ukrainian councilor yolning, a ukrainian councilor meeting. look at that. 26 people were injured in the a attack and. ukrainian police say they have opened a terrorism investigaten . here now with more fox newx snes correspondent and host of the pondchristmas of 1914 available on fox nation. check check it out, benjamin hall. o beutn, what was going on?es set i mean, grenades set off. do we haveff any idea of motive here? >> yeah, it's remarkable. and frankly, it sort of tunes what's happening acros. s the whole country. >> this was a normal council meeting. there was a dispute over waterg. resources in the area. that's one councilor who has been ispute, you know, working on thn one subject last few weeks, gots out of control. he got furious.
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he left the room, came back with grenadesft cam, and w up the roof, six grenades thrown in there. and the video is absolutel yng.the video is absolutel shocking. he he comes from the zelensky's political party. thishe com is not thought to be connected to the war itself, but it does really suggest that things aren't going terriblyhe war it well in the r at the moment. and as you said earlier, they're not going very well. president zelensky d y is touring tryin the world right now, desperately trying to get money. >> the counter-offensiveto didn go well. they haven't taken back much territory. the top ukrainian general no we haven't takenwyseneral no says the war itself is at a stalemate. >> and the money they so war it badlyoney they so need just isn't coming. >> isn $60 billion was supposed to come from the u.s.. it's being held up because he u.s republicans are saying the democrats need to move on border policies and they won'ic need ont release the whol unless that happens. rightly, they say it's about nationale packag security.urity. >> so $60 billion for ukraine out of the us isn't going. >> then just today, ,50 billiona from the eu alsoy now being hed up because viktor orban, the head of hungary, hasy goin said he doesn't support that money going in that direction either. >> the clock is ticking hadirecg the biden administration say if ukraine don't get this money,
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doesn't get this money withingh the next month, then they and using their word couldisin the n be kneecapped. they don't have the weapons, they don't have the money. they're not taking back territoryth th. >> vladimir putin realizes he can play a long game if that support slip away. and that's exactly what he's going to do right now. >> and putin, meanwhile gainingk momentum. it's been a hall. thank you very much for that breakdown. and ben, is the host y of oua bk new special on fox nation, the christmados truce of 1914 streaming. now here's a sneak peek. >> i think the legacy of the christmas trees is about the fact that it's now become a part of the history of the h first world war. this wasn't a myth. many of these games of football took placethes and. the spontaneous act of wanting the spontaneous act of wanting in the bloody conflict did indeed happen and servesconfli a symbol for today. and it's an eternal and vital symbol that sports music
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who areg you suffering in the former soviet , the needs that these forgotten jews haven this e are somethinga anything you can imaginey.. have you eaten this morning yet? i ate the care at the site. half of it yesterday. the chocolate. and this is what she ate in two days. one it supports of peopleld. to be. to be. >> pleas the international fellowshipr of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in the form of poverty around the world. we urgently need your giftonth. wh one survival food box with all of the foods they critically gis need for their diet forhave one month. even a tremendou when you call , your gifts impact will be doubled to save lives. be doubled to save lives. >> i have a tremendous love for israel, the jewish people. this is why i'm partnering
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with the fellowshiworld. p. it gives me a way to authentically bless jewish people in need around the world. and in god. matchi but i sometimes feel maybe you forgot me,ngrstand. but pers you could tell my story and i would a match. so i'm just, you know, they've s got to face hunger againur. please don't delay. call, scan or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor. when you call now your gifts, the impact will be doubled to help save lives if you. >> this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungryhen it's onr if you hear god's voice,ayei if you hear god's voice,ayei i'm askingr do it when it's on your heart pray that they'll know in their final months that they're alone. >> okay, here we go. let's do this. one, two, three.
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i don't know. maybe you're not doing it right. come on, let me see that. now you can get in on all the fun to all of your guests at the fox news shop. welcome back to the special edition of "hannity". earlier, sean sat down with actor john to talk about the new christmas comedy jingle smells. >> >> take a look.on a all right. this holiday season, a new is out.s comedy new it's called jingle smells. it is a fun family movie. it's heartwarming. and it also has an anti-woke message. ry har >> take a look.d pl you know, it's very hard to find a place that even comes closacs close to being worthy or viewing. it's romantic. it's about you and mit'se alone >> wow. look at the two of you. merry christmaous, america. hollywood has canceled animation. stone. stone will be digitallood has cy replaced by a i cox star. we will no longer be manufacturer manufactured mason's stone character.
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get them out of here by christmaschar eve.ristma he's got to be kidding me.s how? how'd you get it all fell offoug the trucet i k. teriou there was a truck involved. the mysterious gift giver has struck again. shs e busted with those toys. you're done. and you made me an accessory. you know what they say? some some accessories are required. am i smiling? nosories r. jingle bells, jingle all the jing >> they call me jingle bells. yeah, i know. it's a movie.s yes, obviously a minute. and one of the executive producer ands. >> anyway, here now is one of the stars of jingle smells. actor john schneider sta. all right. you're amazing in the movie. yomen you're it was great. >> great to have the opportunity to be on this project with you. >> oh, well, thank you very much. it was so wonderfuhank you verye involved in a movie that the whole family could watch. >> you know, wwhole used to do i movies in television like, dare i say, dukesvision of hazard, le smallville, where people were there, whether they were94 four years old or 94 years old, they enjoyed the same programming. and that's what jingle smells is. plus, you know, havingt ji smely
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i would i would say one of the first groups to be canceled th cancel culture. you know, the dukes of hazzard become the rebel flag. i have you know, i am i have been a bn action figure that has been canceled. so i love doing this movie. i really did. thang k you for making it happen. >> so what's interesting is there's something for the kids, obviously something for the parents. it features nick guttmann, who ben davies does a great job playing this role. >> he takes a job with your well, how do you say it? let's say off to get a job in buildings. well , i get him a job in the sanitation department because. he doesn't get a job on his own. and he finds these own discardea toys and gives them to children for for christmas. you know, and i'm one of the founders of children's miracle network hospital. so the fac miract that this movie takes place in children's
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hospitals really speaks well tas to me as well. so because it's at the end of his work da y, know he smellsust sa a little bit so the kids like we just saw called him jinglesw, ,smells.. and i just think it's wonderful. i reallyi think its wond do, fo. jingle smells, dot movie, jingle smellls nots, movie. a you want to get all the something you want. you want to buof y a dvd.en >> you send him on this mission to destroy you know, perfectly good toys. >> by christmas eve, they're pulled from the shelves. yes. based on you know, being canceled. >> him being canceled for his patrioti canc. and instead, you know, he endsd up being the good gueny, the robin hood of the movie. >> so what i love. e about it as get to see all the wokeok world gets defeated and allspirt in the spirit of christmas, which i really lov oe. e. absolutely. >>s know, and like on duke of hazard, the good guys get in trouble for doing the right thing. so
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this this movie, i think, it s speak to many, many people. and like i said, it's something everyone can watch at thhing the same time. and it takes a finger in the eye of, the woke culture, whichd we need to do, we need to do w it. >> i mean, it's -- it's timee ju that we just said enough st iis enough, don't you think? >> i got to tell you, i think it's you know, look, there are some movies that are timeless and i don't know, just just the whole notion of this and how relevant is it to today's world. >> it's interestingnce an your background, your experience, what you bring to the film. and there's a herodou bring, tha and i love that part of it. >> and the fac ot that it cultu connects to real life. cancel culture makes people more happy. re even momy entire career, peo, have tried to cancel me and i'm like, well, i'm still here . >> that says for yet.ul all right, so the truthl se will set you free, right? >> the truth will set emma stone. so for folks who are
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watching this, if you're a dukes of hazzardthis dukes o fa, you're going to love it. if you are a smallville fan, you know, this is kind of dukes of hazzard, the true modern day robin hood's meeofodern-dat ken. smallville. so it's a great opportunity. 's a greit's a wonderful time tr able to sit with your family, watch a movie fotch a r change,e you can talk about it after it. >> it is education about know, t doesn't beat you over the head. but it'll give you something to talk about witho your family afterwards, which i think is entertainment'safterw job. l. really. that's what i think entertainment is supposed to d o . >> well, you're great at it. it was great to have an oppok. ou.y to wor >> you people look for it. it's o loon rumble. >> the website is like jingle smells, that jingle smells, movie jingle smells that are you can go to my website which is john schneider studios dot, get a dvd, check out what we have at the stort wee. but i applaud you for making this movie happen. it wouldn't have happened withoumovie en. t you so. >> well, actually, it was fun
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for me to do. i enjoyed part of it. >> the worst part of it is me being on screen. but the best part is whee bestn you're on screen. >> john schneider, great to sere you, my friend. >> i hope people will find it. jingle smellend.. . >> merry christmas, everybody. you take care. god bless you. bye bye. merry christmas. god bless you, my friende and .l >> but unfortunately, that is all the time that wetime tha hae left for tonight. remember, you can catch met. weekdays at noon c on our number. i hope you'll check it out. we have a lon t of fun on thatk show. i also hope you'll check out my book, serenity and the storm living orm, through chaos by leaning on . and boy, do we have a locrist of chaos right? >> when i wrote this, there wask only one war in ukraine. ranow there are two. we have one in israel and the border. we look at it. it's a war zone. a lot going on, a lot of chaos. and joe biden's america. well, thank you for watching. that's next. up on the fox news channel is. gutfeld next. have a great night