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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  December 16, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST

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♪ pete: is that a more original version? will: not p mariah carey. pete: idena? rachel: she's the one that sings frozen. that's our beautiful christmas tree. we're celebrating with american-made products and it's incredible and it was gorgeous and the jacket you were wearing was amazing. pete: up into northern california, there's a lot of off the grid stuff. will: rural america definitely. pete: vermont, montana,.
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rachel: wisconsin. pete: can't get away without talking to wisconsin. rachel: sean is returning today, leaving for a weekend with his family. pete: you sent me a video of your daughter doing insane ice bath thing in your lake in wisconsin. rachel: oh my goodness, my daughter has been staying at our little cabin, in wisconsin. i'll show it. see if we can put it up later in the show. they cut a hole in the ice and they do their -- will: what's going on? rachel: my earring popped off. we did a wardrobe change and hi to put my jacket on. i'm a bit of a mess. will: cut a hole in the ice and got in. what's going on? pete: we're throwing stuff around. will: i'm done. rachel: she does an ice bath every morning and her husband does too and lowers themselves into the ice bath and primitive
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on this. will: before i knew you and it's weird because you're not from wisconsin, if you asked me to rank states with the most state pride, i would not guess or put in the top tenway. that's not insult to wisconsin. maybe it's where i'm from and react from wisconsin identities. rachel: you guys think you're your own country. will: i didn't know wisconsin would be in the top. i'm not sure they are. pete: what state has the least pride? will: every state makes fun of north carolina. but they're proud. new jersey but they're proud. pete: there's all allegiance frm there. rachel: if my friend jackie is watching, don't talk about
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jersey. will: this exists, this list exists. rachel: i'm sure it does. we'll look into that. will: it's crude and not for morning television. rachel: and it's verified. will: it's un-tawdry behavior and they'll be fired if they're not already. rachel: they'll have a new career. pete: can't show you the images on morning tv. rachel: probably have an account on only fans. pete: another part of the senate and maybe the folks were counting on the senate not coming back to session, but they are and might be a deal on border security package. they've been fighting over lumping it all together and
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having individual bills and having progress and rather than going home for christmas and staying away, the senate might be coming back to make it. there's urgency. the news and i believe it was yesterday and border agents are looking out for explosive devices and ieds. rachel: ieds coming across the border. will: these were found on the mexican side by the mexican military. rachel: these are the ones that were found. rachel: there's millions of got aways and the worst people. will: feel like something terrible is going to happen. pete: ieds on the boarder and the democrats saying we have to do something. i think it's lawler you're saying. pete: poll numbers too.
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rachel: poll numbers and the sense that something bad is going to happen to everyone that goes in their hands now. will: this is not to undercut what you're saying and i agree. we're headed towards something terrible. but this specific thing, i want to be clear, this is not suspected to be potential terrorists trying to get ie ds into the united states this. is the cartel fightingist itself for control of the border. and tom homan on with us earl herrera and former acting director and it's not the first time it happened but this kind of escalation he did say, watch. >> factions of the cartel and fighting for areas of control in the plaza and why is that happening? this administration, biden administration enriched them and emboldened them because they're making record amounts of money
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in ammo smuggling, fentanyl smuggling and sex trafficking women and children. the cartels are fighting each other to control of these plazas and that violence, mark my word, that violence will spill over to the united states. we need a president and an administration that will take them on and we don't have that right now. rachel: you're right the cartel haves had access or using ieds but also we've had people on from the federal government and investigators and people dealing with terrorist organizations saying the cartels and terrorists coordinate often. these are bad figures who they work with each other and they -- the terrorists want to come into the country work with the cartels to get into our country so, yes, you're technically right on that, but we can't -- we don't really know for sure what's going on. pete: all i know is democrats must see this as a liability and that's the only reason things are happening. i don't see the political
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benefit. are voters going to turn around saying now you're doing something and you must be strong on the border. you've lost the consensus of who's strong on the border here. they're trying to play some lane. rachel: the difference is the whole democrat party can very rightfully be labeled open boarders, but individual members may want to save themselves. individual people, individual politicians. pete: we'll see. tough for joe to save himself on this topic. rachel: heck no. pete: moving onto another topic, los angeles officials finally revealing friends star math matthewperry's cause of death. rachel: he died of acute empowempowempowereempowered by s effects -- acute effects of ketamine. >> it's been a drug around since the 1970s and used for general
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these meaning it's safely putting people to sleep during surgery. but now more and more it's called special k, a psychedelic and like pcp so people using it recreationally and lately they've started using this drug to treat severe depression and also pain and so the deal with matthew perry is clearly he was getting it their pure tone thero treat depression or getting off opioids or pain. but the problem is the dose he was getting from some physician, that was weeks ago and wore off. it wears off in hours and clearly this particular use of it was not ordained by anyone,&clearly he was taking this on his own at this point. if ketamine, given in a dose like you had in anesthesia, he didn't take a little dose, he took the amount you use in anesthesia that hardship stimulates the heart --
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hyperstimulates the heart and slows breathing and especially if you take it with another drug he was taking, to help him get out of opioids. he had underlying heart disease and slowing breathing simultaneously to stop breathing and found lying face down in the pool. will: i have experience in ketamine that one of my sons when he was 3 years old was given ketamine because he had to undergo a serious surgery. i never forget. he didn't go under, he was awake; right, for most of this and kind of hallucinogenic to forget what happens during the surgery. but a lot of psychedelics people talk alaska you're led to believe -- about, you're led to believe it's not a threat to your life and put out the other drug and did it all make matthew perry so sedated that he fell in the water and drowned or did it put him in a compromised state
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in the hot tub? >> great point. ketamine can do the second thing you said. it's a common cause of drowning. in this case, the autopsy determined it was beforehand, will. it causes you to disassociate and warning for people out there and lose judgment and completely have a mind/body separation in his case because of underlying heart disease and other drug he was on, it stopped his breathing and heart were he went into the water. that's what the autopsy determined. rachel: dr. siegle, i hear lots of pharmaceuticals and cocktail of farm suit calls all to deal -- pharmaceuticals to deal with depression and i wonder if that's the right way to deal with depression. talk to our viewers about other ways that don't involve pharmaceuticals to deal with depression like going outdoors and getting fresh air. having more close connections with humans. what else can people do beside the dangerous cocktails at big pharmacies like everybody else is on these things.
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>> i completely agree with what you said, rachel. that's really the message here. you start off with a huge drug problem, opioids, but a lot of people loved hip, everyone around the country loved hip as an actor but close friends reaching out to him all the time. caring about him, caring about this terrible loss and he basically replaced one drug with a series of other drugs and the amount of ketamine he was using, we do use it their pure tone therapeutically under a physician's guidelines but not this way. he played pickle ball of course but letting people love you and loving them back is a way out of the darkness and that would have been best and too many physicians are enabling the arm suit cals and giving those cocktails. pete: we have to go but would this be categorized as an overdose? >> absolutely. the cause of death is ketamine.
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absolutely. drowning is secondary to that. pete: dr. m marc siegle, thanks for breaking it down. >> good to see you. pete: now to headlines with a fox news alert. three israeli hostages were accidently killed by idf troops. the initial idf prop revealing the hostages were wave ago white flag before soldiers open fire and all three were shirtless with one of the hostages shouting help in hebrew. idf said it sent new property columbias to ground -- protocols to ground troops immediately following the incident. officer chat hagen's request to help his partner of five years were initially denied due to city laws after he offered to
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pay $10,000. >> he's done his time and, you know, he deserves to be at home with the family and be comfort and will live the rest of his life happy. >> just being at home with us, he's our family. he's my husband's best friend. he's been with him 24/7 and he knows no one else. pete: igor placed in a kennel for two weeks and hagueen tried to get him back and luckily the pair reunited yesterday. and happening today, the boston tea party turns 250 years old and to honor anniversary city of boston playing the whole re-enactment this evening and the organization putting on the event has gotten more than 2,000 donations of loose tea from all 50 states. if you're interested in learning more about the key moment in history, check out our brand new special, liberty or death hosted
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by rob lowe streaming on fox nation about the boston tea party. it's worth watching and you'll bbinge it, three or four parts and the whole story of how it led to the moment of the tea go into the harbor. pete: rick reichmuth has his own umbrella line called weather man. pete: patriotic umbrellas with proceeds going to folds of honor and they've raised over $400,000 in four years. rachel: rick is here with more. rachel: do you have a fire? we're talking about watching fox bit wire. >> i'm at my parent's place and
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janice is off for early christmas and my parents are sleeping because it's 6:00 in the morning in arizona, our home state. trying to talk softly. after the last segment we did a few weeks ago, another $120,000 for folds of honor and over $420,000 and everybody going to weather and we don't have a lot left. between this year and this coming year and seventh design coming up and we want to get to half a million donated to folds of honor and only time we've done this and we'll be 20% off today and every item, not just the patriotic umbrellas and we'll give $5 to folds of honor. if you have that or don't want it, all of our colors or sizes each $5 from them going to folds of honor today and we're almost out of these, we want to keep supporting folds of honor as much as possible and audience knows the great work they do and i really believe in it because
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if you get somebody an education, they can help benefit so much after it. it's so awesome. pishes t pete: the best umbrella in america and best organization and go to and $5 for every one sold goes to folds of honor. rachel: the kids umbrellas, all my kids have them. there's something about umbrellas, kids love umbrellas. they just love them. they walk between our house and neighbor's with the umbrella. >> we made them because all of our friend's kids kept playing with the umbrellas and kids love them. we need to make a really good umbrella for kids and i hate to say we're sold out of all the kid's umbrellas. rachel: later for birthdays. >> put them in for birthdays and it's a great umbrella. safe and doesn't pinch fingers s and has safety features and comfortable for them and safe for kids as well.
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will: awesome umbrellas, awesome work. thank you, rick. >> thank you, have a merry christmas. see you next weekend. will: donald trump jr. force intoed 40+ hours of close door testimony so why can't we do the same with reporter: hadder biden? congressman lance gooden calls them out next. rachel: and a full slate of guests you don't want to miss. ♪ as someone living with type 2 diabetes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. with type 2 diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. even at your a1c goal, you're still at risk ...which if ignored could bring you here... ...may put you in one of those... ...or even worse. too much? that's the point. get real about your risks and do something about it. talk to your health care provider about ways to lower your risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. learn more at
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will: it's a tale of two testimonies as gop points out double standard between hunter biden's scuttled closed door hearing and past testimony from former president trump's family. our next guest is calling out the double standards and congressman lance good and he joins us now. >> thanks for having me. will: how do we explain donald trump jr. going into closed doors for 40 hours and huntser r saying no? >> we were all there and democrats and republicans and members of house oversight and house judiciary and waiting for hunter biden wondering where he was and where did he show up? on the front steps or just outside the front steps of the capitol to do his own press charade and questions now that
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we're asking did joe biden know about this obstruction of congressional oversight? these are questions that are going to be more difficult for him to answer, especially if we hold him in contempt of congress, which i do believe we will. at that point what's merrick garland going do? he prosecuted members of the january 6 and what will merrick garland do if we hold hunter biden in contempt of congress for refuges to testify. all this business about i'll do it in public but not behind closed doors? donald trump sat behind closed doors and jared kushner in and the democrats have been following precedents for mind collesed doors depositions and that's all we're doing and we'll give him his day in the public hearing and it's not up to hunter biden to deck indicate how we perform -- dictate how we perform congressional oversight by the constitution. will: many wonder why behind
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closed doors and have it open for the public much the reason to do it behind closed doors is follow ago property columbia of a -- following a protocol of a deposition and done in a committee room, it's a circus and show. >> i get five minutes to talk and democrats get five minutes. will: it's a circus and there's a useful purpose to have it behind closed doors and to your point it's been done over and over again. as has the contempt of congress point. hunter biden committed the crime of contempt of congress. tell us the process you go through in holding him in contempt of congress. >> since that happened earlier in the would he be, it was wednesday and it's saturday. days run together. since that happened, we've come together as full house chamber and voted to open a formal impeachment inquiry and recall one of the chris schisms we madd myself included against nancy pelosi and last time whether she impeached donald trump, she said
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we're having this and not opening up a formal inquiry or voting on a full house chamber. that happened and i was happy we got that vote and it's not official and puts teeth into the subpoenas and says that the united states house of representatives is fully behind and endorse this is impeachment inquiry. as we move forward, i suspect we'll give him one more shot to follow the subpoena. will: think you'll give him one more shot to show up to the deposition under a new subpoena? i had -- >> wouldn't surprise me. will: i had law profestivus sore jonathon turn turley on the wiln podcast and he could have showed up and evoked the fifth amendment. he could have done anything except what he did. not stand outside and the sergeant of arms could have physically grabbed him but the senate side to hold his own press conference.
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>> it white house press secretary said joe bind was aware of what he was going to say. if the president was aware his son was going to defy a rightful season, that means the issue subpoena, that mean the the president was involved with obstruction of congress as well. they're careful what they say. will: real quick, tevin you hold hunter in contempt of congress, you then have to turn it over to the attorney general so see if he doesn't illustrate two systems of justice. because for example with steve bannon, they were happy to prosecute for contempt of congress and do you think merrick garmin leeanne would be happy to prosecute for contempt of congress? >> i think merrick garland will put his money where his mouth is if we give him that opportunity. he's shown he's inte interestedn perpetuating this idea there's no two tiers of justice and i believe there are and overall this justice department has shown that and merrick garland in a really bad spot if hunter
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doesn't comply with this and he'll be in a bad position thanks to hunter biden if he continues down this route. will: give hunter one more chance. >> not totally up to me, i predict that happens. will: if he doesn't show up again, find out if merrick garland prosecutes contempt of congress. good to see you. >> thank you. will: coming up, pickup trucks, gas stoves and dishwashers and biden doesn't want you to have them. he wants you to pay more in fact. the costly green dream ahead but first, three former high school runners that were reported to complete against transgender athletes got a major win in court. and they're next.
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ricker welcome back to "fox & friends," it's a win for ac, an
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appeals court revives a challenge for the sports policy brought by former high school runners that argued racing against biological men deprived them of winning competitions and they joins nows. it's chelsea mitchell, selena sewall and solana. you had to race against two biological males, chelsea, how important is it that you'll state your case in the court? >> i'm rachel: selena, talk about the opportunities you've lost along the way. >> two biological males in four years of high school and racing
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against them dozens of times and i lost out on different medals, higher placement and finishing and qualifying opportunities like qualifying for the 2019 indoor new england championships. i was essentially robbed of competing in that meet because the top two spots were taken by biological males and it was an unfair thing for us to go through and i'm very excite that had we're now able to have our full case tried in court. rachel: one thing so surprising to me is the reality and athletes like yourself to step forward and a lot of backlash from that that happens and people like chelsea, i've spoke ton chelsea before, she's been out in talking about it and how important has it been to have people like chelsea who were a big voice like riley gains out there talking about it and making it easier for athletes like yourself to step forward in this case suing or even just talking about it?
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>> it's been very important and especially with social media, we get a lot of backlash but it's mostly from people that we don't know, people that hide behind screens and we have a huge community that supports us and like you said having more people speaking out, it makes you feel safer but also it's a important topic that needs to be talked a complete the catch. we don't want to become sidelined in our own sports. rachel: just to give our viewers an idea and any one of you can jump in here, what does that backlash look like online? what do those people say online to silence you? >> so i have been fighting for this issue since 2018, and i have been called plenty of names from people online, but i don't pay attention to any of the negativity and i focus on all the messages of love and support i've gotten not only from people in our country but across the world. rachel: yeah, i'm glad you can do that. the problem is, and i have nine
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kids, some of my kids could withstand that kind of pressure like you ladies are, and others it might crush them and that's what's been so disappointing is there's not enough adults and frankly the feminist movement and so-called sister hood hasn't been there for you girls and that's been for me so frustfrustratesee that and thati applaud you all. christianna. you've been there and the alliance for defending freedom. what do you expect to happen? >> it's a great win for female athletes and the second circuit said the girls deserve their day in court and full case under title 9 and freedom's privilege to stand alongside them for years now and we look forward to continuing to seek justice for the young women and to get their records corrected because they're forced to compete against males throughout all of their time in high school. rachel: i'm sorry you ladies had to go through with all of this and sorry you lost opportunities and i'm sorry that the so-called feminists weren't there for you. but i'd say that the torch has
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been handed to you. you are the true champions of females, of biological females and you're on the forefront and you're the new leaders and it's now up to you, and we wish you all the best of luck in your court case. i'm so -- i mean, this is personal and i'm so very proud of you, bravo. las vegas you all. all right, all of you, thank you for standing up for biological women. it's really important and merry christmas. >> thank you. >> thank you. merry christmas. rachel: okay, coming up, biden pushing his green agenda further than ever but it could cost you than ever but it could cost you more thachn ever. will and pete go off the wall,er next. d rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract,
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or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪
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billy: one second, grandma. this guy is going to buy my car. okay? grandma: you need carvana... entering plate number... grandma: no accidents, right? billy: no. grandma: generating offer... carvana can pick it up tomorrow! billy: that's an amazing offer. announcer: sell your car the easy way with carvana.
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pete: it's no secret that biden is costing you a lot of money. he wants to take it a step further, forget your gas stove or pickup truck or ceiling fan. time to go green r if everything and you're footing the bill. will: let's go off the wall to see how. this is the plan for america to move 67%, two-thirds of the
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fleet sold by 2032 to evs. pete: deliver obsessed with what you drive, how far and have a vision of the future that's 2032, two-thirds of the cars in america, two years from now, two administrations and two-thirds of the cars in america electric sold on the lot. that's what they're telling you you want because we must save the weather. and the cars are going to do it. will: this is happening, this plan to move two-thirds of the vehicle sold and ford is released and deucing its production of -- reducing its production of the f150 lightning and laying people off. pete: they can't get them off the lot and people aren't buying them and owners of dealerships are saying i have inventory for over a year and normally we move trucks in six to eight weeks and we're sitting on them and even all the subsidies and rebates to customers.
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you're paying me to buy an ev and i still don't want it. part of the reason is -- will: i was going to bring up the subsidies and transitions nicely into first taxpayer-funded ev charging station was opened up this month. it sat empty. pete: it's a two year, 7.5 billion project to build stations all over america and opened one in bonn don, ohio any is using it. it's a $7.5 billion project and one charging station open after two years. your government at work. will: look at that fleet by 2032. pete: better go through london. will: the plan to move us all to wind. by 2030, the plan is to have 30 gig watts of wind. how many gig watts did it take?
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pete: doc in back to the future, had to go 88 miles an hour to get a gig watt. maybe a few deloreans could help them out. they're only on track to make half their goal. we don't have to stare at these all over the globe and get very little energy. will: seems like to prove a point but my wife is from west texas and i take a lot of road trips to west texas. have you ever seen these things running across the skyline as far as you can see? pete: or a beautiful landscape and look out at farm field and all i can see is these things spinning. will: they're gigantic and going down the highway in 18 wheelers, they're huge. pete: and they're loud. that's why a vessel was built and -- i don't know how to say it. it's a big giant ship that can transport wind turbines and it's the first one and only one approved to do so in the united states except it's way over cost and cost twices as much as they
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thought and a year over schedule. liberals not to expenditure with electric vehicles and the wind industry gets task credits and manufacturing subsidies from the biden administration. pete: a lot of companies might get bailouts too when they fail. if the credits and the subsidies don't work, look for the bailouts for the companies that did what the government wanted them to do but never delivered on the perfect promise they said was coming. will: we don't talk about wind that much. what's going on with the whales? figure out what's going on with the whales? pete: the whales dying and washing up? will: i don't know what's going on but something's going on with the whales. pete: and all the birds we're killing. it's not cool. this is all to end toes 'til fuels for cop 28 and this is the one from dubai. pete: they claim it's the beginning of the end for fossil fuels. that was the big deck will ration coming outs of -- declaration out of that. will: american citizens and recipients and we've decided to donate $17.5 million from the
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united states to poorer countries dealing with the effects of climate change. i say it's insulting because why are we spending $17 million but also if you're on the other side of this, you're like $17 million? pete: that's what i was thinking. wow, you're really concerned about us with that $17 -- by the way, all the while you're paying more for everything. this administration has gone to war with all the traditional sources of energy in america so you're paying more for electricity and more for gas and basic heating oil. we send $17 million to countries getting screwed over. will: how about cheap oil and gas and fossil fuels. that'd be much nicer for them. pete: then the global thermostat might go up by a few points. will: doubt it. i doubt it. rachel, over to you. rachel: big green, big gift. that's what i say. thanks, guys. pete: thank you. rachel: houston police are hailing in texas teenager as a
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hero after she was shot and killed in a road rage incident earlier this week. police say she took a bullet to the heart while driving down a highway when she pulled over to the side of the road to safety saving the lives of two other passengers. the teen ended up dying on the scene. police however have not identified a suspect yet. let's hope they do. former new york city mayor, america's mayor, ex-trump personal attorney rudy giuliani has been ordered to pay $148 million to two georgia election workers after accusing them of committing election fraud in the 2020 presidential race. giuliani believes he's got a case for a new trial. listen. >> certainly will appeal. the absurdity of the number merely underscores the absurdity of the entire proceeding where i've not been allowed to offer one single piece of evidence in
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defense. rachel: giuliani says he wasn't given a chance to defend himself after refusing to testify in the trial saying "didn't seem like it was going to do much to persuade anybody". that's probably true. tiger woods and his son charlie are getting ready to tee off at the pnc championship in orlando later this morning. the golf superstar praising his 14-year-old son's progress. >> i think his speed has gone draconian amatically up -- dramatically up since last year but i think that more than anything it's just the fact that he's growing so fast, the aches and pains of growing, that's just teenage life. rachel: proud dad. team woods will be joined by another father/son d duo pro golfer justin and his son mike. those are your headlines. turn to meteorologist adam klotz for our weather forecast. adam, you're outside. >> yeah, i am outside and i'm
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having fun out here. we have people from all across the country and new yorkers down here from sea to shining sea. we're booing. we have californians down here. can i say you guys were born on the same day and so happy birthday to you. that's awesome. we love to see that and i've made so many different friends. what's your name? >> emmy, >> where are you from? >> pennsylvania. >> pennsylvania, okay. how do you feel about the forecast? is it nice out? >> sort of. >> it's not bad out here for new york city in the middle of winter and bring up the graphics and talk about the temperature outside and it's been sitting near 50 degrees already here today and it warms up and becomes a very comfortable day and there's a weather story we're paying attention to and that storm system across florida and it's working its way up the coast and could slow down u.s. travel back home and what's going on? are you having a good time?
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that's the energy i like to hear. back to you. >> back to you. >> thank you, throwing it to you back in inside. rachel: thank you, adam. looks fun out there. we have to get outside. a prominent law firm cutting off recruiting from harvard and anti-semitism and the 12 dais of christmas giving to the united service organization.
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when they buy one unlimted line and get one free. now i can buy that electric scooter! i'm starting a private-equity fund that specializes in midcap. you do you. visit today. pete: it is day four of "fox & friends" 12 days of giving and today we're highlighting the united service organizations or you know them as uso. they actively engaged 4.5 million service members and their families throughout its programs this year alone. joining us now to discuss is their ceojd crouch. thanks for being here. thanks for everything the uso does as a soldier myself traveling around the globe, uso was always there at locations far flung. share with our viewers your
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mission and how to execute this christmas. >> i'm coming to you from one of our centers in the remote training facility, and we've just brought a fantastic uso holiday here with ab louis singer song writer brett young and fantastic magicians and inter-sensation and ya jigs and eastern uronear the ukrainian boarder and romania and poland and all over europe. that's one way we're entertaining the soldiers and families here that don't get home for christmas. pete: this bring as slice of home to those serving abroad and those thinking in iraq and afghanistan and what is the uso doing and the militaries everywhere across the globe
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deployed without their families all the time. >> there's 347,000 americans in uniform deployed over 99 ships, about 99 ships and they're not going to be home for christmas. so one of the things we do this time of year and bring them entertainment, but we've got centers all over the world that are a little place of home where there's holiday parties and we're throwing all kinds of christmas events and things like that so they can't be in their living scream they'll be in ours and we'll be taking care of them. pete: going into uso, that's the feel that there's a couch, there's a tv, there's a fireplace and good warm food and a opportunity to call home or connect with families and some great singer might show up as well. never forget a uso show on a remote base of ours in iraq in 2005. we absolute your efforts. how can our viewers help you guy this is christmas season? >> well, keep those soldiers and
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airmen and marine guard, all of them in your minds and in your hearts. go to, that's u-s-o.o-r-g to support the mission of our troupes. pete: to donate or scan the qr code to give to an organization that supports those who do it all for us. they're not home with their families right now you said 350,000 at this moment and almost 100 ships around the globe. they protect our freedom and you guys get give back to them. jd crouch, thank you for your time this morning and the uso. >> thank you, and merry christmas. pete: merry christmas, god bless. still ahead, country music star chris jansen joining us live for a special christmas performance. ♪
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