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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  December 16, 2023 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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capitol washington whose reputation is bad enough as it is these days to add insult to injury it develops the basketball team the washington wizards on the hockey team the washington capitals going to move across the river to alexandria virginia. from it did not help us for nearly 1000 carjackings this year or that the wizards almost never win. but we decided is what you're going through the two names? the doubly doomed washington capitals have a problem maybe we can call them the potomac pucks. >> all right. remember if you have your and hit or miss be sure to send it to us jtr on fnc. that's it for this week show for thanks to my panel, thanks to all of you for watching. hope to see you next week. eric: former president trump campaigning in new hampshire
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today looking to submit his front runner status with 38 days away governor sununu endorsed a trump rival another white house hopeful. i'm eric shawn. price hello eric hello everyone i am arthel nebo. arthel: backing former un ambassador nikki haley follows her rise in polls of the past months. she is pulling in second place in new hampshire. but still trailing far behind trump who scored his first primary win back in 2016 in new hampshire for the former president speaking to supporters in durham today. >> on tuesday, generally 23rd we are going to win the new hampshire primary. then we are going to crush cricket joe biden next november. we are going to make america great again.
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>> governor desantis is stopping in another battleground state. holding a town hall in iowa. he is focused the town hall focused on the second amendment. governor desantis taking his campaign on a strong showing in the hawkeye state. live it with the very latest and what the campaign is today. >> good to see it has been a busy day. as you can see the trump rally is over the crowd that was here are gone but the former presidents helping his message will resonate in the weeks ah ahead. especially before new hampshire's primary. the branding a message we heard from trump campaign today is better under trumper trump drug campaign focusing on higher mortgage rates. the rate of inflation helping voters will look back to what things are like a few years ago for the former president covered a lot of different topics in his remarks today. his most notable comments came with republican rivals w will bring to unseat him.
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>> sally the backstabbing establishment losers in the sellout lagging far behind us aand the republican primary, thy are really far. whatever happened to the surge? what ever happened to the bounce? with nikki they talk about the surge. i am with desantis they talk about the bounce. >> trump had a lot to say about nikki haley she is yet to fire back she is not campaigning today. she's invested in the endorsement today. back toward the other republicans running in this race is endorsement was highly sought after. sununu tells foxy picked based on their ability to appeal to more moderate voters in his state. florida governor desantis and i would today he is already toured all over the state. we have seen him when the endorsement of violence republican governor kim reynolds is going to be and i would next week. today it desantis well ought on the trail tried to reassure voters just because he's pulling
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in second he still believes he can pull out a win. >> i have looked at polls and past iowa caucuses. and they never come out right too. .in fact you had people, i saw some from the past were candidates went from very low to very high very quickly. maybe i am just old-fashioned but i think people decide these things i don't think pundits decide these things. >> he is right people will get to decide. iowa boating in mid-january new hampshire just a few days later. trump's comments were a very, very critical of the man who is trying to put everything he has here in new hampshire it was just former chris christie. trump went after his weight today went after the credit that is interesting there was one person, one candidate trump had nice things to say about and that was vivek ramaswamy. >> all right 30 days from now voting starts just 30 days to a. amazing. thank you.
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>> they are not fighting like regular soldiers. they are civilian, doing very manipulative actions on the ground. popping out of tunnels. fighting from behind civilians. a tragic event. we came out and said this is the nature of the conflict and terrible events. we are very transparent about it. but we will keep fighting. >> the idf now investigating incident in which is really full soldiers mistakenly shot and killed three israeli hostages in gaza. two died immediately the third succumbed later. the tragic news as thousands take to the street in tel aviv to demand their government do more to free the remaining people being held hostage by the hamas terrorist that is refined and nate foy with more on this heartbreaking story. >> a couple hundred protesters right now are outside the military headquarters.
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they are chanting things like bring them home now. we do not care the price this comes after prime minister benjamin netanyahu address the people of israel and the entire world. he said he believes the best way to bring the remaining one or two in an hostages home is through military force rather than immediately striking a deal with hamas and bringing home those hostages. right now i'm joined by a father of a 19-year-old boy. an american citizen by the way. you are from new york your son has been held by hamas for 71 days. what is your reaction to what you heard what you are learning prime minister netanyahu said? what first of all i would like to say we visited the white house on wednesday. i'd like to thank president biden for everything that he has done for the people of israel and for specifically the hostage families. we were encouraged by everything that he has been doing in the
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things he continues to do for us. to your question, if you are looking at this you basically understand my answer. we have no time. the working assumption that may be prime minister netanyahu had with the war cabin cabinet was f we give them time then we might get hostages back home. i am a business guy but i look at the bottom line. i have not seen any hostages come back. actually i have coming back in bags. we won for them to come back alive in it might beat some of the working assumptions of the prime minister aren't working too well because again we have no time. and each day we, the families look at one another on ask ourselves like in a russian roulette game which one of us is going to get that message from the idf think we are so sorry but your loved one has been
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killed. i don't know if it's me or somebody else but we know a couple are going to that message tomorrow. so my answer to the prime minister is put an offer on the table in the business world we are taught the price each day goes up. put in an offer and try to get this done big like you said it was easier to speak with president biden that israel's war cabinet. in your conversations with american officials and israeli officials to the extent you have had those conversations, what do you know about your son's whereabouts? do you know anything? >> so unfortunate i have no sign of life about my son. i would like to talk about the international red cross for a second period their mandate is a permanent mandate to be able to visit any hostages being held against his will. it has been 71 days the
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international red cross and the president of the international red cross talk a lot about the human hostages in gaza. which is a crisis. the crisis is also of the hostage families and the fact u.s. citizens, u.s. citizens are being held captive after being abducted that have not been visited by the international red cross. the united states taxpayers, including myself, are funding the international red cross. the united states based 24% of the red cross annual budget. i think that is something we should talk about. >> i am praying for your son. thank you very, very much for your time. you mentioned how it's even more difficult learning about the three israeli hostages who were accidentally killed by these soldiers who thought they were hamas a terrorist. we learned more about that as
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people here are just hoping that the remaining 129 hostages we now know 21 of those 129 are dead progress could add a final statement if i can? this is the time of miracles. we just came out of the jewish hanukkah which is the miracle of the jewish people. we are coming out to christmas which is the miracle of the birth of christ. what we are asking the viewers, please pray for us, the hostage families. please pray for president biden. and when you are having your dinner christmas eve, please leave a chair empty for us, for the hostages because we unfortunately are going to have a dinner a christmas dinner celebration with an empty seat so please think about that and pray for us for. >> a prayer son comes home thank you so much for your time. arthel, we will send it back to you for.
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>regrets will all pray formirac. nate foy thank you. >> leave a chair empty at christmas. u.s. warships shot down 14 attack drones were launched from trend eight controlled areas this morning for the idf reported to a radiant rebels have launched more than 70 strikes towards israel so far since the war began. elsewhere in the middle east a rating back to proxies have launched almost 100. ninety-eight attacks on our forces in syria and iraq since october 17. all of this attacks but renewed pressure on president biden to take action against the trend eight. lucas thompson is live at the white house with more them. >> eric there's been over 20 attacks in the red sea against international shipping launched from the proxy forces in yemen. keep in mind about 10% of the glue oil global oil shipments go through the strait that leads the red sea. former national security officials think the white house needs to prove the pentagon's plan to strike back.
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>> seems to be open season on americans in the region. not just americans but the shipping containers on the ships as well. i think the white house is afraid of it's own shadow. it is afraid of provoking iran which is the puppet master here. >> earlier today at uss carney shot down 14 year old and the red sea as you mention launched by iran's proxy forces in yemen. carney has shot down 37 drones and missiles in recent weeks no doubt gunning for the battle awards former centcom tells u.s. forces could take out coastal raters, guns and missile sites along yemen's coastline. the uss dwight d eisenhart recently left the persian gulf was last seen off the coast seeming west in position to launch a strikes against yemen launching super horns of course or tomahawk cruise missiles from destroyers in the strike group as well as a guided missile cruiser who watched the first strikes into afghanistan after
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the 911 attacks for the pentagon also concern nearly 100 drone and rocket attacks against u.s. forces in iraq and syria that you mentioned since the middle of october. the u.s. has responded with airstrikes six times. one for every 17 attacks. jake sullivan spoke about these recent attacks in israel. >> they are pulling the trigger so to speak they are being handed the gun by ironic. and iran has responsibility to take steps themselves to cease these attacks. >> our military would not hesitate to take action where we deem it necessary and appropriate. >> were launched airstrikes it would be the third country in recent weeks with the u.s. military has taken outside of iraq and syria bricks are at lucas at the white house thank you. the five republicans are feeling competent about their impeachment investigation into president biden despite a lack of direct evidence of support
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supporting any of their allegations. a senior house gop aide says they hope to close the case quote expeditiously and then decide whether to draft a formal formalarticles of impeachment at the president. the timeline for when all of this may happen is still very unclear for joining us now julian epstein former chief counsel on the judiciary committee who is also served as chief counsel during bill clinton's impeachment proceedings. and if i could start here with you, thanks for joining us. besides his subject matter how does this investigation to impeach president biden differ from the impeachment proceedings? >> first thank you for having me. there are similarities and there are differences. i think in the clinton impeachment the similarity is the republicans got out in front of the facts inserted through the eye word around before they had the goods.
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arguably have a more serious subject matter the republicans seem to be winning the debate 70% of americans think the president did something illegal or unethical. the other thing ends in the case of the clinton impeachment the democrats played it very well. the democrats are not playing it while here if it is true of them biden not only knew about it but enabled and influence peddling scheme on the part of his son. misled the public repeatedly about the influence peddling scheme involved overseas countries like china. that's a very, very serious matter. you throw it on top of that the
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d.o.j. sweetheart deals a tempted to do over the summer with son hunter. you throw in major questions about our elaborate schemes, tax evasion. seems impossible for me for democrats to send us nothing here to see. >> who you are repeating all the allegations with hardly any evidence. connecting the dots to president biden himself. you know how that saying goes you repeat it enough times people start to believe it. but let me ask you. let's move on i would like to ask you your opinion based on your expertise, do you think the impeachment investigation into president biden is justified? >> i will answer your last comment in question in the same way. i think the investigation given the facts on the table there's plenty of justification for further investigation.
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i think the notion that democrats are correct the notion the president has committed impeachable offenses there is no evidence of that yet. but there is evidence the president knew about the influence peddling scheme and has misled the public. i don't that amount in impeachable offense that certainly amounts to something that is worthy of further investigation for it i would criticize both the democratic position saying there is nothing here and the republican position and jumping too quickly and throwing on the eye word when they get don't have evidence the present has committed a high crime. >> and i understand we need to get to whatever the bottom is there's lots of allegations we acknowledge there is heat behind that we should know it if there is not we should know that as well. you well know there was a time when the notion of impeachment struck a serious almost fearful record. do you think the impeachment
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proprocesses lots is gravity? does that weaken the global standing of the usa? >> that is an excellent question i think the answer to that question is yes. i just started with the impeachment of president clinton when there is not evidence of impeachable offense. the very partisan nature of the impeachment efforts on the parts of the democrats during the trump years contributed to that this is also contribute into that. impeachment is a tool an important constitutional tool of accountability of presidential abuse. what is is becoming now is a partisan tool of censure. arthel: it's becoming partisan because when it is there a guy at certain people don't want to take a look under the covers. >> one 100%, one 100%. >> i project this conversation in my saying it right? you've got it right. very important thank you. take care. to the southern border agent
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saves not just migrants on the drugs the card to help us on the border. now they are in high alert for explosive devices. new risks the potential threats to national security and what they found they say near tucson. that is up mis next. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪ my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill
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so for former new york mayor rudy giuliani will appeal after washington d.c. jury has now ordered him to pay more than $148 million to two georgia election workers. and her mother ruby who found that mayor defame. giuliani falsely accuse them of trying to rig the 2020 state election ballots in georgia, fulton county gets form president trump. they say his claims that were not true lead to death's true threats that have devastated their quote sums of safety and mental health. the former president as well as giuliani and 17 other defendants also have been indicted on state criminal charges in georgia. all in connection with the 2020 election. arthel: sitter holding a rare week in session to discuss border reforms as migrant crisis continues. homeland security secretary mayorkas coming to capitol hill to meet with negotiators the
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stalled border talks also holding up funding for u.s. allies. alexandria hoff with more from washington. >> emergency aid fighting for israel and ukraine is contingent upon lawmakers agreeing on u.s. border policy changes to allow for more time for the talks the senate has pushed back its holiday recess homeland security secretary mayorkas back on the hill earlier today to continue meeting with senate negotiators presented majority leader chuck schumer that he plans to hold a vote to advance a package of next week no matter what. even if the deal is reached the gop -controlled house has got gonehome for the holidays it aps they would not return before the return for the new year. the white house to become involved with the negotiations but president biden indicated he is willing to compromise on border policy which has become a political problem for democrats. fox news sources capture this video thousands of migrants waiting to catch trains in mexico bound for the usb et cetera john fetterman waited.
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>> we cannot pretend there's not an issue here and it's not ideal to be dealing with it right now right before the holidays. but here's where we are at. it is not xenophobic to have a conversation about border security pre- >> yesterday arizona democratic governor announced signing an executive order that sends the national guard to border communities writing quote i am taking action where the federal government won't spread u.s. border patrol now warning agents to extremist caution after the military 10 explosive devices at the border pre- >> were going to contingency destruct is going to put into the lives of our agents border patrol agents troopers, national guard means anyone across the border these are so close to the border right now. >> border security is national security. >> all attorney hoff, thank you. >> and this will be a historic
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victory by christmas of next year the economy will be roaring back up. prices will be plummeting. the hordes of people charging across our border will have ended. the invasion of our country will have stopped. >> form president trump earlier today new hampshire talking about the border. the historic migrant crisis is hitting record levels. and raising new concerns about national security after the mexican military found those 10 ied's improvised explosive devices near the tucson border. the customs and border patrol protection said agents have caught 249 people who are on the terror watch list. that since october 1. more than a double the yearly total 12021. former department of home and security advisor national security analyst. chuck, good to see w see you whu make of the fact there are now ied's question could talk about fentanyl and the drugs in the
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migrants but the significant potential ied's been found next to the border, what you make of that? >> the cartels have transitioned from their current designation as transnational criminal organizations to terrorist organizations. no different than hamas and hezbollah they are nonstate actors within the country of mexico. and look the reason why they are able to do this is because three years ago the cartels were given the greatest gift in the world. the biden administration whose policies have empowered and enrich the cartels like no time in their history. we are also seeing the cartels it working in adversarial nations they are working in special interest areas like in the middle east. so we have to worry when it comes to not just an increase in crime and the overwhelming of
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our infrastructure and cities across america. we also have to worry about the smuggling of terrorists into the united states because the cartels would work with china to kill hundreds of thousands with the u.s. yet fentanyl what makes us sing they would not work with terrorist organizations to kill even more? >> you compare the mexican cartel to hamas and hezbollah. we know israel has done with hamas, to hamas and hezbollah to protect its national security. at the time the nine states government takes some kind of action and what could that be to protect us against the terrorist organizations of the mexican cartel? sing us with congress negotiating for further ukraine funding and being tied to the border republicans have the upper hand here. they have people behind them the american public understand what a grave risk this is to our homeland and national security. there is no reason for republicans to have to move off
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of the entirety of hr two to secure the border act that they passed in the house and now sits with the senate. look this brings back common sense this spring out back a layered approach to border security physical barriers technology and manpower that's actually allowed to do their jobs and enforce the law and restore deterrence bring backs remain and mexico and limits what we have seen the expansion earned by the administration of things like asylum and refugee status. so it gets it all back to where it needs to be. from there we got to change tactics against the cartels but ideally we would like to do with cooperation of mexico. but in the case it doesn't happen we've got to look out for the interest of the american public here. we have been on the wrong end of this because the biden administration put their politics over at the national security of the country is evident.
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>> right now as you mention we seem to jolt the cartels as a criminal issue. and as a drug enforcement issue. as we look at a live picture of eagle pass what we are told is a large group of migrants being processed there in eagle pass is it time as some say some type of military action should be engaged in against the cartels? that would of course threaten the sanctuary of mexico but what do you say to those who say wouldn't be tougher and stronger against the cartels? >> that they they are right the terrorist designation brings more instruments of power from the united states to solve the problem and military being one of those. overt use cooperation at the end of the day they have become a because i failed state down there in mexico. they are ineffective the fifth
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largest employer in mexico. that is unfathomable. they are actually need our help. no different than when columbia was battling and asked for the u.s. to come in and help. we didn't solve the problem for. >> there's a bill right now in congress the drug cartel terrorist designation act. requiring the state department and the administration to designate for drug cartels. for a mexfor mexican drug cartes foreign terrorist organizations. we will see what happens i do sponsored by mississippi senator roger marshall. we will see if that is a curse. thank you. the autopsy and friends act to
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matthew perry reveals he died partly from a drug that is now apparently very popular. we'll talk to dr. marc siegel dl coming up next. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger.
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eric: the revelation of friends start matthew perry cause of death was acute effects of the drug ketamine at many are wondering what it is and why he used a period. was found dead ends october and is hot tub at his california home. this after the actor publicly struggled with addiction and drug use spoke out about it for decades for christina coleman and los angeles with more. >> hi eric. the autopsy report states 54 old matthew perry died from acute effects of ketamine. ketamine is a powerful anesthetic that has a hallucinohallucinogenic effectss
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grown more popular to try to treat mental health issues for the autopsy reports has been repeating ketamine infusion therapy for depression and anxiety. the report goes on to say has exact method of intake of this drug is unknown in this case. it is unclear how ketamine recently got into a system. >> i believe what was previously reported as he was getting ketamine infusions and the blood levels did not seem to match what the last infusion he got a week ago. that doesn't point to the fact that maybe he was taking some between his infusions. in the dose can make the poison brickwork spirit was pronounced dead on october 28. coronary artery disease the effects of a prescription drug
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harry spends reacting to the news. a lot of things to amend himself is very vocal and transparent about his issues. it's really sad that he passed away. i have no opinion about ketamine or any of that i can't speak to it. definitely will miss him, great actor. the death comes after his decades long battle with alcohol and drug use pretty shared his struggles in multiple interviews to try to help people fight addiction. >> the best thing about me bar none is if somebody comes up to me and says i can't stop drinking, can you help me? i can say yes and follow-up and do it. when i die i don't want friends to be that the first thing that is mentioned i want that to be the first thing that is mentioned. >> such a tragic loss.
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perry's manner of death is determined as accidental both drug his legacy of helping others. arthel: what is ketamine? it's also an anesthetic used to treat severe depression. the rate of ketamine prescriptions has skyrocketed the last few years has been professor of medicine nyu. dr. marc siegel. first of all what is ketamine order the use of or how does it affect the body? that starts in the 1960s. it was used for horses as a tranquilizer. people found they were hallucinating so they started that illicit use right there. and it keeps breathing pretty stable with an anesthesiologist of monitoring it.
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in recent years ketamine has become available and that is where the problem starts. five times more prescription since 2017. five times. we are using it for pain management and we are using it for depression. literally almost 30% of the prescriptions last year were for depression here's the problem with that. depression is not something that should be treated with this unless it is really severe because what ketamine does is that itcauses an outer body exp. it is a mind body drug that literally feels like you're floating fact could be used instead of really, really severe depression treatment. one other thing i want to add to a christina coleman said i think it was probably adjusted because it was the cause of death.
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they found some in the >>. it doesn't get in the >> unless you get a pill those pills are readily available. >> want to mention some of the numbers you mention the diagnosis when prescribed ketamine in 201738% was for pain to treat pain, 5.3% to treat major depression 8.3 for anxiety. if you look five years later the diagnosis when prescribed ketamine in 2022, pain 35.4%, major depression here it is, 28.3% and anxiety 19%. you can ingest it you can do it intravenously with a needle? or inhale is there a street form of ketamine? some parents are listening or watching if they saw something
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in the kids backpack go-ahead. if you look for your backpack it's called special k it's us all available on the street in pills, in the inhaled form only start over prescribing stuff. helps to feed the illicit use. what i said online i was referring to telemedicine. you can get it easily prescribed online. but as you said it you can also get a illicitly online. my biggest concern right now in the biggest lesson from matthew perry's death and he wants to teach us even after the great he is said. ketamine is not a way to get off opioids but studies show it it doesn't help you get off opioids. yes the other he was taking his yes. he would probably want people to know that it is getting out of control where it is dangerous
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and it can cause side effects if you have a pre-existing heart condition like he had it you can have a heart attack if you take with other drugs that could suppress breathing and in his case he most likely died from either a respiratory arrest or an arrhythmia in a regular heartbeat from the ketamine and tandthat was found in the pool. arthel: doctor market need like 20 seconds i went to help the people listening to us. if someone is addicted to ketamine can you be treated for such an addiction? quickset is a great question and the answer is yes. it is an addictive and the samee way opioids is. again you could actually stop ketamine tomorrow you will not likely go through withdrawal but unique absolute psychological counseling for this. but we are heading to us a time because of telemedicine doctors are not involved enough. you are on ketamine you need a psychiatrist to be treating if you are not doing well at that you need to get off of it. again it is meant for severe depression only. so we do not have to hospitalize you breed that is a great use of
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the drug. but not mild anxiety. arthel: a lot for parents to deal with these days. dr. marc siegel thank you very much as always for joining us. we'll take a short break and will be right back. in the kind of work that i do, you are surrounded by people who are all younger than you. i had to get help somewhere along the line to stay competitive. i discovered prevagen. i started taking it and after a period of time, my memory improved. it was a game-changer for me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. travel. there is nothing like it dancing is my passion. but with my moderate-to-severe eczema, it hasn't been easy. now, i'm staying ahead of it. dupixent helps heal your skin from within. so, you can clearer skin and noticeably less itch serious allergic reactions can occur, that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems,
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for a limited time, get 40% off a single pair of glasses at america's best. shop online or book an exam at you're at eleven. i'm going to need you to tone it down to at least a four. >> new fa committee is looking to tackle a disturbing trend with mental health problem live in atlanta hartsfield jackson airport has a very latest with this. madison. it's common for pilots have a fear of losing their certification to fly that they do speak up at the mental health struggles. of the medical certification is lost experts say three years to earn it back it's extremely expensive. >> what is becoming clear is that a key factor influencing
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care includes the financial concerns. that is that the duration of time at flying could have negative financial repercussion for the pilot. >> chairman of the national transportation safety board describes mental health in aviation's" a system that shames and silence as a people can't lead to unacceptable safety risks. one example comes as recently as october. off-duty alaskan airline a pilot pleaded not guilty after officials say he tried to turn off both played engines amid flights. he claims he was having a nervous breakdown. with the new committee a panel of aviation and medical experts will give recommendations to the faa. the hope is to break out any barriers for pilots or air traffic controllers to get mental health help. the faa say it's committed to prioritizing mental health for the new rulemaking committee is an extension of those efforts. the faa also says it encourages pilots to seek help for mental
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health issues since most if treated do not disqualify a pilot f from a flying print one spokesperson is concerned the committee will be useless unless solid changes are made. >> pilots are scared to death to say anything. even to their neighbors. if you do not address this, it is just going to fester. it's going to grow. when you have all of this pressure coming in post pandemic it is just asking for trouble. >> faa plans to name the committee members by the end of this year. the panel of experts are required to give recommendations by the end of march. eric: certainly hope it helps, madison making your debut on fox news channel today thank you, good to see you and welcome to the fox family co good to have u here. >> thank you so much eric. arthel: welcome madison. alright it has been three years since a pro democracy advocate
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was arrested in hong kong the former media mogul is now facing a slew of new chargers. we'll take a look at where his case stands today.
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arthel: it's been more than 3 inches pro democracy advocate was arrested in hong kong.
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he is set to go on trial under a new law designed to smother the pro-democracy movement there. rich edson has more. >> immediate mobile pro-democracy activist spends about 23 hours a day in solitary confinement. hong kong authorities arrested him in late 2020. he faces charges under a new law designed to smother the pro-democracy movement there. seventy-six jeweled long-delayed trial was scheduled for monday. >> he is keeping strong for this a lot of strength in doing the right thing. jimmy is a british citizen his son sebastian at both uk foreign sforeignsecretary to discuss his father's attention. the united kingdom once controlled hong kong. in 19 may 7 it transferred control to the chinese government. beijing promised to let hong kong maintain its more open society for at least 50 years. less than halfway through the chinese, his party began rapidly eliminating freedoms. >> the rules on hong kong is
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completely destroyed. putting my father and other of democracy on trial. they are putting their own freedom on. >> imprisoned activists and how there's hundreds more the pro-democracy sebastian says a patient break to deal with the uk it will do so with any business. that crackdown will drive more companies from hong kong. he said he hopes international pressure can alter that path. and help for his father. >> i ask that they are nice states government, the uk government initiated sanctions on china for extinguishing hong kong's freedoms. the atto attorneys say uk govers have been receptive they could always do more. in washington rich edson fox news. >> today at marks 250 years
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