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tv   FOX News Saturday Night  FOX News  December 16, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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yourself which i think is pretty cool and don't forget to go to the quick reminder be sure to include your mailing address with your video message, this way we know how to get the envelope and sending it out that's for the show tonight and ready to go for another hour. tune in to "fox & friends" tomorrow. from 6 a.m. to 10 they have a great lineup of guest they didn't want to give me anyway will you're smiling good job rachel pete is too serious. listen from nine to noon friday and my tv guide fox news saturday night starts right now. ♪ ♪ hello america. i'm tom shillue and this is fox news saturday night.
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♪ ♪ tom: it's the christmas season. which is according to andy williams the most wonderful time of the year. but not everyone is into that and they're tired of all of the good cheer but would it surprise you to know a new study find that declining invitations to holiday parties is actually good for you. many people say yes to invites when they want to say no. you see they're afraid their friend will be angry and cross them off future party lists. but researchers found, quote, people tend to exaggerate degree to which the person who issue invitation will focus on act of the invitee declining invitation as opposed to the thoughts that pass through their head before they decline. you get it -- right, it's old bit of wisdom you wouldn't so much about what other people thought of you. if you knew how seldom hay did -- there's a lot of demands on your
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time this time of the year. you have to look out for your mental health even if it makes you kind of a grinch. this woman hates holiday clutter so much she'll take your christmas card out of the envelope and stick it right in the garbage. >> don't sending me a christmas card -- no i'll throw that in the trash. i'll look at the but you didn't know i'm telling you and look cute and family dress up for the occasion and y'all look precious and i'm about to throw in the garbage. >> harsh. if you're not enjoying this you're doing it wrong. new york post reports people are turning to a.i. to help them make gift suggestions or write letters to santa if you're employ agrobot to gift for you maybe that person is not that special and i think that you need to cut down on your list. and i learn from experience, never trust a robot to suggest a gift or this might happen.
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>> really wants one of these. >> i love her -- >> what? no, no, that was really me. [laughter] christmas is really about tradition isn't it? i like doing the same thing every year a whole lot of nothing i don't like traveling during holidays not because i'm a humbug i want to be home by the hearth with the kids and a christmas story and it's a wonderful life playing all day on a loop. if i shoot my eye out so be it. but, obviously, not everyone feels the way i do. aaa says this is shaping up to be one of the busiest travel holidays in 23 years. more than 115 million people expected to cram airport, bus station and highways. just don't forget to do a head count before you leave -- or this might happen. >> kevin is not here. kevin is not here. >> kevin is not here. kevin is not here. kevin is not here. kevin is not here.
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>> kevin is not here. kevin is not here. ♪ ♪ kevin is not here. kevin is not here. >> what? kevin! >> i hate the day before rush -- back when i was single and had to travel home to my parents in boston i would wake up early and take the amtrak on thanksgiving day or christmas day it is only way to avoid those crowds. but now that i'm head of my very own nuclear family, this going to be no more traveling you can come to me -- >> we were going to call, but eddy wanted to make it a surprise. yeah surprise -- [laughter] >> surprise -- if i woke up tomorrow my head sewn to the carpet i wouldn't be more surprised than i am right now. >> so there's no question -- christmas time is about family. but we're still plagued by antifamily attitude in our media. especially our social media -- incase you haven't noticed
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algorithm wants everyone single depressed and dependent on their devices consuming endless stream of goods and services -- it is no surprise that the term dinks has resurfaced. i hadn't had that one since late 80s yuppies now we have dinks double income no kids -- and they are very busy pretending they are so happy about it on social media. >> we're dinks we go to trader goas and we have classes on the weekend. >> we geat into hobbies like skiing and florida on a whim. we are planning our european vacation next year. we get a full eight hours of sleep sometimes more -- >> this reminds me of way back in february of 2023 when chelsea hanged her showed us a day in the life of a childless woman. >> i wake up at 12:30 p.m. and get ready for a busy day of doing whatever the [bleep] i feel like i put on my most inpractical stylish shoes since
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i won't be chasing a child around the grocery store. >> something tells me if you're making videos trying to convince us how happy you are you're probably not that happy. and might need a visit from elon channels ghost of christmas future. elon tweeting this, quote, there's an awful morality to those who deliberately have no kids. they're effectively demanding other people kids take care of them in their old age. that's messed up. that's right -- elon should know 11 children with three different women who knows how many more on mars despite all of that he's still plenty of time to sending tweets, build rocket ships and file lawsuits against media matters. my daughter said to me other day, dad, it doesn't really feel like christmas yet. and i said get used to it. what are you 14? pete christmas is ten to 12 years old that's when christmas seemed to go on forever. i mean you had ten days off school to spend time looking at
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toy catalogs, circling everything you wanted from santa. we're all nostalgic for christmases as kids but all of that stuff we grew up on is not as good as we remember it. like christmas specials we used to watch every year let's face is they were terrible. >> who may i ask are you? >> we're rudolf and hermie i am island of misfit toys. we didn't mind crash commercialization of the season, it was all part of the fun. for me, it just wasn't christmas time until i saw santa riding a electric razor. and we were always happy to see santa drinking a coca-cola and could have used a tab remember tab? well die hard fans of the beverage which was discontinued in 2020 wanted back -- a dozen fanatics did i sended on coke head quarters with 6,000
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signatures begs the company to put tab back on the shelves. i hope they do bring back tab and i hope they bring back what was probably the weirdest tv ad in history. the mind sticker. >> when you can't be within -- in his mind be a mind sticker -- be a mind sticker -- >> she stuck, stuck in his meengd mind, mind sticker. mind sticker -- wow a lot of miepgd stickers how many times they say the word, shape? >> good shape. why don't you get the shape in shape? it's great to have a shape, shape -- enjoy tab be a mind sticker. >> maybe santa should drink some. all right we have a wonderful show for you tonight. actor comedian rob schneider
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debate greatest christmas movies of all time i brave crowds to discover the reason for the season plus -- we've got a very special guest from up north. way up north -- all of that and more on fox news, saturday night. ♪ ♪
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♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ honey, i think i heard something. ok. ♪
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from christmas tree mats... to floorliners... cargo liners.... no drill mud flaps... seat protectors... and more... weathertech has the perfect holiday gift. honey, is everything ok? oh yeah. order at and don't forget weathertech gift cards.
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tom: who doesn't love a krsms movie this time the year mine is a christmas story. i can watch it a million times and never get bored. but what's it like to actually be in a christmas movie? you've seen them in daddy daughter trip and leo now streams on netflix joining me in studio actor comedian rob shh schneider thanks for being here. so you've got this so much i want to talk about with you but first let's start with a movies -- i hosted a great christmas showdown on fox nation. where we kind of put different christmas traditions against each other so i want to run over classic movies with you see which one you prefer. okay -- >> you got it. tom: number one home alone 1 versus home alone 2 which is better movie? >> 2 they don't show home alone every christmas. home alone 2 they do.
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>> why don't they show 1? >> a family that doesn't know how to take care of their children but home alone 2 is actually a movie that -- is about a child ingenuity also a family that doesn't know how to keep an eye on their children. >> this guy ask very humble i thought you were going to say because i was in it. >> i'm in it. a clip from that -- >> do you know how the tv works? >> ten years old tv is my life. >> well -- i'm sorry. and there's plenty more where that came from. >> yeah. you've got a thing i get out of that is like how much hair i had. [laughter] >> nice hair. >> my kids see that and think they don't believe i was ever that young. he was that young. >> do they watch i'm sure they
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showed him copy guys did you call them the copy guy? >> my wife never let them see what i've done instead of that movie and daddy daughter trip now on amazon. >> digital download. >> son introducing miranda schneider is that -- >> so cute and so good already bigger. >> working with your kids that is fantastic. a dream come true. >> only movie it was first movie only movie and it was wonderful and fantastic as we practice for month and months certain scenes like talking about the stars going i love you all the way to that star and back a thousand times that kind of thing. but then when we got to shoot it i said okay and i go what do you mean okay we're done now daddy side okay go ahead do it no i need you there for that. so you know, trying to explain to an eight-year-old how we have to get the closeup of daddy. >> peck up shots now -- now that's tough. >> she was wonderful. wonderful. >> a great learning experience now how about this die hard versus gremlins two almost
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christmas movies. >> i will say that gremlins i love gremlins but die hard has more of a christmas feel to it with psychopaths. yeah -- [laughter] tom: one of the few christmas movie that's really got lunatic murders. >> belonged lunatic murder then you've got that wonderful alan rickman also praised kind of a german i don't know what accent but doesn't matter him falling down off the building that says merry christmas to me. >> i think that was his first movie even though he's with us forever. am i right about that? >> you know, i think first one i remember seeing him was a beautiful movie which you should watch called truly madly deeply. beautiful movie about a woman who misses her husband so much he comes back and he's ghost and it is not better. [laughter] >> beautiful movie. >> all right. the tv specials dr. seuss how grinch stole christmas versus charlie brown christmas? >> i will say that chuck jones
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doing -- the grinch is so beautiful and so hilarious. that's one of my favorite moments of my childhood is family laughing at the little tiny dog with a -- you know because he's so small he puts grinch, puts the horn and cuts a piece of it and puts him rngd leading the sled trying to be a reindeer and next thing underneath he's behind it. it is wonderful -- it is hilarious. >> great moments in that i bet if that came out today they wouldn't be as mean to the dog because people would get upset you can't be mad at pets. >> head keapght fall over. >> frosty versus rudolf? >> frosty more fun and rudolf people can relate to because that was rejected originally in 1943 a red nose all of that you have to read that. thing about having the internet now you can go -- how did rudolf come out and a
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idea projected by a guy here in new york city? >> montgomery ward a pitch for the store i think he was an advertising concept. >> wow. >> it's hung in there. >> i'll hold up this dvd how many have you done? >> 50s -- >> 50 movies. adam sandler did a wonderful job a lovely movie. >> plug fox nation catch stand-up special woke up in america and for festive fun the great christmas showdown also on fox nation. coming up, do it -- tom: you can do it -- optimist actually make the worst decisions -- and would you go to an a.i. doctor office. the panel is here to answer it all next. do it. he's doing it. ♪ ♪
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- hi, i'm steve. - i'm lea. and we live in north pole, alaska. - as i got older, my hearing was not so good so i got hearing aids. my vision was not as good as it used to be, got a change in prescription. but the thing missing was my memory. i saw a prevagen commercial and i thought, "that makes sense." - i observed the changes in steve's memory and i thought i should try that too. - after taking prevage, i just didn't have to work so hard to remember things. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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>> welcome back to fox news saturday night. as we all know end of the year is almost upon us so great time to be optimistic about the future right? wrong --
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according to a new study out of england optimistic people more likely to struggle with decision making especially when it comes to finances. that was not bad enough optimistic people reportedly have lower cognitive function and are more prone to risky behavior so is it better to be a debbie downer here to give us their take host of charles payne with madness former lawyer turn comedian joselyn chau -- and comedian co-host of the tough questions podcast jeff sheen. all right, i got to go to you charles i bet you covered this story on your show. >> i went through the entire thing by the way really wonky stuff. but it was a little offensive to me. >> because you're an optimist. >> thing they hold against individual investorses that saying that you're dumb because you're too optimistic by the way if you're too optimistic low cognitive skills here's other side of that right the pessimism
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and high cognitive stuff experts keep getting it wrong. tom: yeah. >> came into this year they said the markets was going to be down it is soaring every day they said a.i. stocks are down. they're soaring, i mean, it is amazing how wrong they are when they're saying but i would say be optimistic i don't know where they get studies from. but i think it is a big mistake when it comes to at least to investing. buy and hold optimist hold pessimist they panic and sell taking losses. tom: you must be optimistic you left a high powered career to get comedy you have to have a high positive attitude there. >> high powered lawyer job and six figures year and i became a comedian making one figure that bad decision check. >> one great figure. this is nine -- dollars, instead of one. >> jeff is looking at you thinking one figure i could -- i wouldn't mind that. >> i would love a figure.
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>> i've got three figures -- we're hitting 900 soon. >> comedian optimist more or pessimist? >> optimist in the beginning -- because it is like i'll be funny and going to be great and then years in you're like there's no money many this -- tom: yeah. >> so true. i think i become less optimistic as my comedy career keeps going. >> no you have to take it that's what you have to take the stage a good attitude may be worst wonderful time of the year and feeling less than jolly lately and you're not alone according to dan butner who studied world longest living people there are 8 things you can do to boost your serotonin sleep aid hours volunteer, socialize limit tv, have faith, eat a plant based breakfast work part-time and nap. apparently narcoleptic vegan nuns are happiest people on earth who are happy go lucky
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folks who can actually achieve this? this is very interesting -- i think -- now how many of those things do you do just say when you check off the list there jeff? >> i think about everyone. except work part-time. [laughter] no work at all. [laughter] exactly -- but how would you get enough and they stay up all night and -- nap all of the time. good napper. >> hates it -- she comes home and i'm in middle of a nap. [laughter] tom: hey listen i bet your fiancé is optimistic if she's going marry a comedian. >> she makes more money than i -- >> charles what do you think of this? >> work part-time you have no choice -- look you sleeping all day you're socializing you're volunteering -- i mean you don't have time to do anything else. so this is really -- a tough list for me. i get about four hours sleep monday through friday. displom you guys i say you guys
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because everybody around here works harder than me do you catch naps in your office? >> no naps like to take naps and saturday i try to squeeze one in not much socializing i have faith i limit tv i have no choice by time i get home it is too late but i do two or three things on here and they're telling me lack of sleep will catch up to me i guess one day it will. but so far so goods. tom: faith may be most important part of that list joselyn what do you think of this list? >> i don't have time to be happy. tom: takes a lot of time. >> when i read the article he was like okay eight and a half hours of sleep socialize nap every day pass on that. not realistic. >> do without it. >> forget happy. let's get angry imagine spending tens of thousands of dollars on a car only to find out you can't drive it unless you cough up even more every month major
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automakers shifting into overdrive request now monthly subscription fees you want stuff like cruise control autostart, and remote unlocking off the the stuff that used to come standard now costing owners few hundred extra dollars per month gm reportedly aims to make an extra $25 billion from subscription by year 2030 how soon to swipe to use wind shield wipers what do you think of of this? >> they're pushing. they're pushing luck right here telling you right now. and it is -- it's really kind of nuts and bottom line is listen, i think everyone should just keep what you've got and get ready for the autonomist cars because there you don't have to worry about it and won't be a steering wheel or pedaling and civil swivel seats until then keep what you've got skip the subscription thing. >> wow going to automated cars i think what they're going to do with on star they give you free for six months and then they give you the xm radio and say
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okay i'll sign up for it. that's what they're going to do. >> you can't leave -- and where will this end can you imagine going to starbucks now you have to subscribe to our cups. everyone is doing subscription services whether online stuff, you know, website stuff, apps apps get you i subscribe to apps i don't know how many i have -- >> i love it. i think it is a great idea. >> event gm stuff to buy now and $5 billion that's what i heard. >> i'm from detroit area so -- helps the car companies -- they need it. yeah. >> build back my city. tom: hitting you with subscriptions it makes me want to find one of the services where you just unplug all subscriptions and start fresh. >> those are popping up. yeah. big business. big business -- because of the -- hardest one are gyms have you
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ever tried to get out of a gym membership? >> need a lawyer for that and you can't beat anybody up because they're like -- it is nuts. >> they make you go there and let me -- i want to make sure you're working out correctly and they want to show you how to do it. i know what a gym is. all right. speaking of a creepy future, the care pod is officially here. we're told self-service cube that screens for issues like diabetes, hypertension, depression and overall health problems maker rolling them out in malls, gyms and offices -- across major u.s. cities claiming that the world's first a.i. doctors office is here. would you go to a robot doctor? joselyn? >> you know these claims are really farfetched they're claiming they could tell if you have diabetes just from hearing you talk for six seconds that sound like to you -- >> yeah. the that thing that was -- supposed to be popping up in every store in the world but a
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total scam. right -- >> thinking of the snap guy from the marvel. [laughter] >> thanos snapped fingers and everyone was dead. different. a little different. tom: jeff, would you go to one of these -- they say a.i. doctor but really what it is it is essentially a machine that monitors vitals i think thing was 99 bucks month so we're talking about -- 1200 -- subscription another subscription, but then you know, 1200 bucks year we spend a lot of i don't know what average is. do you know charles what average is how much of you spend on health care the average american? it is a lot. >> yeah it is a lot that's a huge, huge number and insurance over lifetime is like 900,000 dollars to preventative is cool but again that's the car i'm talking about that's part of the package. >> yeah. why not hey that's what they've got to do. instead of getting, you know, all of these separate things, i would buy one package that's
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health monitor xm maybe that you know -- maybe on star where you can call and when you're lost. >> yeah. you need the whole package whatth boors me is the cube itself. that cube is eerie i don't know about going to solve that cube more worried about that cube. i love it. you like those oxygen tankses puzzle things. yeah. yeah -- got to be cairn kind certain kif personality i'm worried someone may lock me in. if you want to go into the cube right there. going into the cube. get me in the cube. ballsy. plus you can be hobbs with that doctor. how many drinks did you have this week? >> i'll take information on the internet as soon as you walk out of the cube -- [laughter] but you get home you have to sit and wait in your door what's this? how did they know i have this problem? amazon package. my goodness, nobody is supposed to know about that one. my wife didn't see this. [laughter] tom: but you're going to do it right joz linn? >> i would pay for preventive
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like a employee scan like how many years of therapy this guy going to cost me that is worth $99 a month. for some people. panel don't go anywhere yet. santas arrived in new york city i went to santacon to see what the frost these crazy elves were up to. stay right here. ♪ ♪ marlo thomas: my father founded saint jude children's research hospital because he believed no child should
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die in the dawn of life. in 1984, a patient named stacy arrived, and it began her family's touching story that is still going on today. vicki: childhood cancer, it's just hard. stacey passed on christmas day of 1986. there is no pain like losing a child, but saint jude gave us more years to love on her each day. marlo thomas: you can join the battle to save lives. for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment these kids need now and in the future. jessica: i remember as a child, walking the halls of saint jude, and watching my sister fight for her life. we never imagined that we would come back. and then my son charlie was diagnosed with ewing's sarcoma. vicki: i'm thinking, we already had a catastrophic disease in our family. not my grandson too.
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marlo thomas: st. jude has helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20% when it opened to 80% today. join with your credit or debit card for only $19 a month, and we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. jessica: for anybody that would give, the money is going towards research, and you are the reason my child is here today. charlie: i was declared-- this will be two years cancer free. but there's thousands and thousands of kids who need help. saint jude, how many lives they do save is just so many. marlo thomas: charlie's progress warms my heart, but memories of little angels like stacy are why we need your help. please become a saint jude partner in hope right now. [music playing]
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>> it's that special time of year again, where people around the world wake up early, put on a silly costume start drinking at 9:00 in the morning. no not st. patrick's day it's santacon annual bucking draws thousands of rebels in hundreds of cities where they crawl from bar to bar dressed in red and white. i decided to slap on my finest santa hat and join the fun. take a look. >> we're near relative pets and
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tranquility of fox square but getting ready to go to the world famous santacon that's my santa hat. let's go. ♪ ♪ oh -- oh. ho, ho, ho. i don't know who those guys are. you're san it and a grinch i thought those two things were opposite. >> santa clothes that's all i had. >> is this your first santacon? >> it is. how long are you planning to be here? it is 10:00 in the morning? >> until we fall down -- ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ this is like king and queen of santacon. you guys are really classy. >> tights first santacon? >> what does that mean -- santacon since 2018 it means getting day off of work. what is it?
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what is santacon. it is magic. how long have we been doing in? >> i've been participating in santacon for about ten years. santacon is also about 28 years old. 28 years old. started in san francisco and came to new york. >> that's it okay. now we're over in over 100 cities across the world. >> listen, everything is starting to become clear when you said started in san francisco -- it's like it starting to make sense to me now. but was it originally just a bunch of people going out for a drink? >> it wasn't actually it was originally kind of an anti-con anticonsumerrism anti-christmas but people dressed up to make magic around that concept and it has transitioned over years because of the kinds of people that want to attend into a charity event. >> we came up from maryland and we came for cookies and beer and all out of cookies. what does santacon mean to you? >> what's your favorite christmas movie?
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>> christmas story. >> christmas story. somehow i didn't think you were going to say that. ♪ ♪ >> does this qualify as a santa outfit? >> it was best i could do short notice. what's the reason for the season? >> preach -- >> thanks a lot. thanks for talking to us. >> so is everyone at santacon on the naughty list this year the panel is back charles payne joselyn and jeff sheen. jeff -- seems like kind of thing you would do would you go to santacon -- >> yeah. i would go if i want to hear more from michael myers. >> he got -- that interview lasted far too long those are choices parts there. hour long interview -- you're a saint. but the -- part of it is really it is basically drinking all day i think that's the -- thing i think young people can
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do that. >> they love to drink. i almost said we. [laughter] >> i'm young. a young boy -- [laughter] tom: you can still do it charles i don't think it is your cup of tea. just assuming. >> although my assumption is that is a highly optimistic low cognitive ability crowd those are my people. so i've got to give it a shot maybe one day. tom: do you find i tiewk beginning of the show about the idea that -- people they get worn out at the holiday and afraid to turn down a party and they go i think sometimes we go over the deep end with the festivities. >> everything is so festive halloween adults have taken it over. like we have a party we have to take everything over. so it is a little bit festive but then again -- probably half of the people think the world will end in a year or two so they're saying what the hell? you've got to put it in proper perspective if people thought the world would be here another
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100 years from now taking a few less parties maybe save some money, maybe put away some of these naps and get a job so you can put money in the bank but then like you know what we're living on borrowed time get a santa claus outfit and have a few brews. >> i think this is not my kind of thing she was talking about anti-christmas i like a traditional christmas to me -- it is more of a religious holiday i don't go in for all of this nonsense. >> i might try it like charles was saying maybe all go and you can dress up and people be like what's joe biden doing here? >> exactly. i know well you know -- >> how do you know so much about that thing like magic eight ball should have asked for stop tips. >> took me a long time to find someone involved in santacon i didn't know people damaging up on the party bus -- like i tried to get close to them but they wouldn't let me. all right thanks panel. jeff --
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joselyn, and charles thank you so much coming up a special guest is taking time out of his busy disoj tell us all of the secrets behind jolly old st. nick grab the milk and cookie and get cozy, that's next. veling trio. the thrill seeker. the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer! each helping to protect their money with chase. woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours.
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>> welcome back to fox news saturday night. let's face it, santa has a tough job this time of the year between making all of the of the toys and flying around world he barely has time to sit in a mall with bratty kids in his lap or does he joining us from the north pole is santa claus himself hey there santa. [laughter] >> well hello tom how are you? tom: it is great to see you i'm in the christmas spirit and i'm so happy but a little nervous -- to be talking to santa. >> well not to be too nervous, i mean, little kids are nervous but you're a big kid. tom: i haven't made my list this year santa i want to show you something. i have your calendar precincted out here and you're a very busy guy. i see here this is your fox news appearance on the schedule here. and then we have christmas here. but you have three or four appointments a day until
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christmas day -- so how do you fit it all in? >> santa's responsibility is to, you know, take care of helping children -- you know, making them happy. checking off who is naughty and nice that's a big job four times year i've got to check on everybody. but in the meantime i do get to visit a lot of places, of course, doing the tree lighting at fox square, and then things at the stocks exchange been to nashville grand ole opry maui to visit fire victims and now i get to visit with you. >> it is fantastic santa i have to ask did you pull your sleigh over to get gas or something looks like you're at a phillips station? >> i had a drop in somewhere you know we have to -- actually the reindeer are getting ready for the season. you know, it is time for the reindeer games everything so i have the alternative sleigh here you know a little bit of -- lights and fancy stuff here. and -- escort here from the police --
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that's my escort. i have two units here that escort me around to take care make sure i can get to every place that santa is needed. tom: during the christmas season, i know you do a lot of parties and you do a lot of corporate events things like that so i found out that you have a handy hints for a visit from santa i thought this was interesting because people don't real when santa is coming to visit they have to prepare so this was interesting. reserve a special parking space for santa and remember santa is a senior citizen. so you -- [laughter] you need a little help sometimes getting in the house right? j well it makes it a little easier if i am near the -- you know the house that i'm going to visit that i can get in easily get in and out quickly. you know if i have to hike up the street it takes a little bit longer so you know sometimes the area is filled with cars and reindeer don't know where to park and so we have to walk a little bit. so if they can reserve a space
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for the reindeer and myself, it makes it a lot easier. >> number six here says have a sturdy chair for santa to sit in something tells me you might have made a crash landing at some point is that what happened? >> well, you know sometimes you go to visit family and they give you a nice folding chair. which is great for santa but then -- if i have to put, you know, two children in my lap, all of a sudden we're critical mass. you know the chair -- the legs might disappear out of the chair. >> yeah that's true so how about this one? best photos are taken within the first 15 seconds now that seems like you don't have much time to get the photo done right? >> well, we say that because sometimes the baby is a little nervous -- you know doesn't want to get near santa. so again if we can get that child on santa's knee get that picture very quickly, before the baby knows what's going on, then we get a good picture in the smile.
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>> that's great, and would you say that what was worst -- what's the worst situation you ever had with a kid do you ever find kids not in the christmas spirit? >> no. but you have children that cry you have children that are totally afraid of you that, you know -- you know, scream and then flail their arms around the and what surprises me is some parents want the picture -- the traumatic picture of that child crying the parents want the picture. tom: they love it. i have plenty of them pictures of me sitting there bawling in santa's lap i know you're so busy and you have to get back to your sleigh and feed reindeer thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule and talking with us. >> and i want to let you know you're on the good list. tom: thank you ham radio this year -- yeah. okay. >> merry christmas everybody. tom: all right coming up next -- i'm taking a quick joy ride on santa's sleigh to see one of the
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most amazing christmas light displays in the world griswald ain't got nothing on me and that's coming up next. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium.
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another excuse, i mean, reason for my family to crave a little pizza time. well, i've got one. my cuisinart indoor pizza oven, ready to bake up some bubbly, cheesy, savory sauciness with that perfect artisan crispy crust in about five minutes. it's great for snack time, dinner time, game time. me time. anytime. it's always time for home baked pizza.
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how long have you been tracking the value of our car? should we sell it? we hold... our low mileage is paying off. you think we should... hold... hoooold!!! hooold! now!!!! i'm on it. i'm, on it. already sold to carvana. go to carvana and track your car's value today.
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>> welcome back to fox news saturday night. we have that one crazy neighbor who goes completely nuts with the christmas lights now imagine an entire neighborhood doing it. believe it or not there's a part of brooklyn new york almost everyone decorates their house dyker heights lights i went to check out the place that's spreading joy of christmas brighter than the star bethlehem lights cram, -- camera and more lights. how lavish would you have if you were to able to outshine your neighbors? this exclusive i diecious edition i tom shillue take you to world famous dyker heights
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brooklyn for a street side look at santa's snowman and bidenomicly high electric bills. this one here is classy this house is owned by martha stewart of brooklyn. these guys their heads turn. it is like there's security or something. got a snow globe here. it really looks like it's snowing doesn't it? howhow about this one they've gt music, can you hear it? i don't know how they do it must be some a.i. program or something. how much ice cream are you selling versus how much hot chocolate? hot chocolate ice cream 2.70
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gets right down to business how do you say merry christmas in french? >> i like this one it is very subtle. it is the reason for the season -- birth of the big guy. like windshield wipers on a bus they never line up. see these green lights i was trying to think of something funny to say about it and green from muscular dystrophy have you been to dyker heights to see the lights? >> how do you like it? >> beautiful neighborhood. beautiful houses. we're going wait for this one to inflate here. ♪ ♪ >> we can wait. don't worry you'll get it together. i'm the getting free hot
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chocolate here guilty, hot chocolate everybody spend your money. spend your -- give this guy your hard earned cash. a lot of decorations here i don't know where they store this in the summer time please keep off the grinch don't worry i won't climb on your lawn and you can get gingerbread have some snacks don't forget -- have your salad too. okay -- you like these lights what do you think? >> beautiful. really outstanding have you come here before? >> absolutely, i have. where are you from? >> actually from long island originally from queens now long island. this is my first time here. >> very nice. would you say this here is better than usual or what? >> no. i would say it is about average and you know people just put out a big effort and -- we really enjoy coming back every year. >> it's that time of year. when the world falls in love every song you hear seems to say -- how much did this cost?
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♪ ♪ thank you first responders and essential workers that's right -- come on, man this is fox news. and here we have the christmas classic -- the santa coming out of the outhouse. hey santa. everything regular? come january, i guess it is all about showing off who had highest electric bill right? thanks for watching fox news saturday night, set your dvr 10 p.m. saturday night eastern here on fox news don't forget social media at fn saturday night, and my solo show, spontaneous combustion coming live to a city near you tickets at tom shillue and good night from new york city. billed next. have a great night.


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