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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  December 17, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST

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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪. will: >> l'amour ham sandwiches on box where you're watching "fox & friends" on the sunday morning. rachel: we go out there and we pick out and then we have to pull ourselves together in a minute and a half. >> pretty much in your over there taking photos and were trying to eat. >> i love. >> l'amour's are giving food to all the fans that come after to cs and see the tree. everyone's having a good time on fox square. >> were halfway through the
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show. >> are you going to be alright are you struggling? >> i got some food i needed some fuel. rachel: you needed to absorb all the alcohol in your stomach. >> i went to bed at 6:00 o'clock. rachel: i bet you did. will: were alluding to the fact that we had our "fox & friends" begin christmas party. >> it was very impromptu. i happen to be in the city there in the city on saturdays the going to watch a game and drink so they said will stop by and watch a football game my team was supposed to win and collapsed terribly and we solve the worlds problems. rachel: pete made a lot of friends in the bar. pete: they were from uk and stuff like that. will: a soccer bar. cheering for me. pete: my team had passion for something that was not happening on the field. can you imagine peter uk soccer
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fan saying this guys going bananas over somebody not capable of moving the ball the spark. >> 1 yards sneak that we couldn't make it. >> the soccer fans were befuddled. rachel: it was a fun night. rachel: we will show you a video from that later in the show. how about video from the ufc, donald trump was in nevada this is after being in new hampshire earlier in the night at a rally he then makes his way, i believe in las vegas. will: he flied backwards in t time. rachel: his energy level, that is crazy. will: i don't fly in pjs that often may be private jet flying is a whole new trend. rachel: i thought you were talking about pajamas. >> an acronym for private jet. >> maybe, somebody said if you want to give a gigantic speech and fly to ufc i will be like i
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am too tired. >> you would do it and he would nail it. rachel: kid rock and dana white. >> a ufc fighter was part of an event he lost but he's a big trump fan and here's what he had to say after the fight. >> is going to make america great again we did the board to secure, inflation down in america first again donald trump is only one that will do that again, truck 2024. rachel: the crowd was loving it. pete: at this point i said this earlier he is a three-pronged strategy he's in court rooms in early primary and ufc fights or he's at college football games. rachel: that's what we saw. >> that's why his candidacy is a different arguably the world's most famous man some would say infamous or view him as a certain way running for president that nor the candidate can compete with because he becomes the center of the show
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by the size of his personality and how much people know him or love him or don't love him he draws the eyeballs in the feud of the candidate trying to run against him it's a difficult thing to compete. rachel: i've never been to a ufc fight what is it about the crowd in the demo that would be attractive to donald trump. >> that's a question i've only been to one it was a month ago here in new york it's one donald trump came into a huge usa chant nascar usc, college football, all of these are very friendly environments for donald trump. >> i think you generally are patriotic hard-working people, tough and they look at trump and say i want to make a make a great again to. rachel: maybe it's about trump which i'm sure it is and how bad things are going in our country and wondering who can actually fix it. will: that's bringing who can help us answer this "fox news
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sunday" anchor and our friend shannon bream. >> good morning. good to see you. i three-pronged strategy for chop which is unique, where you see the state of the race going into iowa right now. >> think about when he was first on the scene running as president in 20152016 remember how he went around the traditional media outlets by using twitter and it was a frustration people would say we can't control his message he did not want to be filtered at all i think he likes to go places where he could be with people i do think is a true extrovert going into the situation that's really feeding him. i'm the opposite like staying home and petting my dog and watching the movie makes me have energy but is so great with people that he loves going to the big places and asked for ufc i think these people like a fight and when they see him the base that really loves him says i want somebody out there fighting for me, that's my guess on why the crowds like him so
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much. >> i'm going to add something else is about masculinity all the sports that we name you have one version of politics and you brought it up earlier like doing the pride thing on the lawn and showing your topless and another embracing the side of over masculinity, i think that is part of what is appealing to the audience. maybe this is a huge departure to transition, stick with me you and i were together on friday we were hosting the five and during the show by the way is when i think we found out, greg brought it up this thing happened in the senate chamber we talked about it this morning were allegedly a senate aide film gay in the senate chamber. this is a big story, it is not just like let's talk about how gross this is or whatever, this
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happened in the senate chamber on administration within the administration that is promised to bring back the norms. on the other hand donald trump before he went to nevada he was a new hampshire and he said this when talking about immigration. listen. >> i think the real number is 15 or 16 million people into our country, when they do that we have a lot of work to do, they are poisoning the blood of our country that's what they've done they have poisoned mental and institutions and prisons all over the world not just in south america and three or four countries that we think about but all over the world. >> the mainstream media is going to talk about this, they already are it is going to take over everything, poisoned the blood of our country were talking about illegal immigration abiding here is administration has jumped on it and said the following tonight donald trump channeled his role models as he. adolf hitler, price kim jong-un and quoted vladimir putin as a
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dictator and threatened democracy he's betting he can win this election by scaring in dividing the country, he is wrong. the reason i bring up those two stories, i thought and i think it should be a big deal that were talking about what happened in the senate hearing and i think what's going to happen for the next couple of days we will latch on to three words a donald trump said and it will drive the new cycle. >> you have to think about this is a very smart guy and is a student of history and he has to know that that's going to stir controversy critics are pointing to hitler where he says something like civilization has been destroyed by people coming in and poisoning the blood of a particular country. it is language that president trump has used in other interviews as well, he knows it's going to get attention to create controversy which generally controversy works for him if he can say the establishment of the mainstream media that works for him. i think that he chooses these words and he will have to deal
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with what comes from the maybe he likes the controversy but the words are specific and they're going to invoke certain and maitri. on the issue of the senate chamber i think everybody in washington who heard about this is immediately horrified that somebody would use this for sexual video or activity, to me they would record it and indicts them and immediately everybody is like republican or democrat in the factors washington looks around and this guy is saying i'm hiring a legal counsel to see what i can do to protect myself from the baseless claims against me saying it's about who he loves not that he did something regardless of the sexual makeup of this video is having it in a senate hearing room i think it's interesting he might face potential police charges and they might be looking into this but he's the won this is an lawyering up to go after the people to come
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after me. >> the reason i talk about the two stories at the same time, we done this over and over, donald trump uses words in the words force the gigantic conversation about what means under the neath the words in our country and on the other hand legit actions i get it is a senate aide but things actually happen, you can see it on video. >> of figures scared to click on anything because we don't want to see the video it is after. this is an aide that a number member of congress and jewish member of congress identified as yelling free palestine at him or his staffers this is a guy that will not get employee of the month in washington, clearly he's dancing to the beat of his own drum and taking independent action on a number of issues that he had to know were going to get him in trouble.
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>> she is so nice. >> trying to be diplomatic. >> to get his own independent actions. rachel: they were independent actions, there was another fellow we will find out who he is. people will look at what ends up happening to him. >> is very quickly dismissed very quickly. >> fired. >> he is fired but are there going to be other charges we had jonathan turley talking about other charges, i believe if this was a staffer from another political party that would happen. the people are curious about that. we had people who are sitting in jail for putting their feet on the desk of nancy pelosi's desk so i think there is a lot of two-tier justice system going on in the boss, the senator of the staffers boss was somebody who took to the house floor and talked about how sacred this place was right after january 6 and when asked about this he
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fired his staffer but no words about the sacredness of the capital after heated pornographic acts inside of the chamber, instead he said no, that was all he had to say i think that is a part number good have to see what happens. people are getting sick of the two-tiered system. >> there is a lot of talk on capitol hill about this guy being trouble with capital police and others, i think it will be a push and he gets lost in the holidays and the fight on the border and everything that's going on that thing is making headlines all around the world the have to take a close look on whether they want to allow this to set a precedent for staffers doing chicanery on the hill. >> that would not be the right kind of approach. >> by the way. >> i would also like to say i do, i spent more time in my jammies then in pjs but now we know pj means different things to different people. will: i've heard the pj but it
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just doesn't roll off my tongue like it does. rachel: how we so comfortable. >> we need to let shannon in on our program. who do you have on "fox news sunday". >> are fighting about what they're going to do on the border along with ukrainian israel so we have john corning in the middle of this in a texas governor, porter state senator who is going to be with us but what happens to the thing in the house that's her democratic congressman ro khanna comes in and take it up potentially the donald trump immunity case on a fast track before christmas. we will see you soon. >> very good. always good to see you, merry christmas. >> merry christmas shannon. will: were get in tune or turn to a few additional headlines. police are searching for a suspect after one person was taken to the hospital during a shooting at a mall in austin, texas officer say two people got into a fight when shots rang out, to others hurt while
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evacuated but will it be okay, the mall is expected to reopen today. now to a "fox weather" alert, parts of florida getting bombarded with heavy rain and harsh winds this morning the rainy weather causing universal orlando waterpark at christmas event to close for the day, the severe storm is expected to head up the east coast this busy christmas travel begins to ramp up for more download the "fox weather" app or string "fox weather" on any connecting tv device. an oreo is designing a new puffer snack it to take milk's best friend on the go, the snack it has crushed proof pockets to make sure cookies will always be perfect for snacking, solving the problems we didn't know we had. the bright blue coat includes a cookie dispenser to share with
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friends. currently not on sale, oriole has not ruled out the snack it coming to market sometime in the future. will: have never been a big oreo guy but my family is and i had a fresh oreo like not stale. a big difference, big diff difference. rachel: fresh like you just opened it the first time. >> it makes a big difference. >> does oreo do the peppermints. rachel: i do not like mint in my cookies. i like my mint from my candy canes. rachel: it's like sitting next to elf today pouring maple syrup in the coffee. >> yesterday 64% have been agreed if a woman identifies as a communist they consider a red flag. here's what you thought were dating red flags, this e-mail is from a person whose favorite topic of conversation is themselves. a red flag. how about this e-mail from joan
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if they don't like dogs and dogs don't like them. rachel: that's really good. rachel: if a man is much shorter than yourself. will: that is donna and that is not nice. rachel: that is honest we didn't ask people to be nice. >> cory says my preference and women when i was single only one thing they must be true to their heart. pete: come on cory only one thing. rachel: on the list they had communist and bad hygiene which i suggested might go together but if not i would tell you i have a sister who is single and she is a three red flags, no atheists, no vegans, no cyclist, that is your sister. why is she discriminated against cyclist. rachel: middle-aged men in
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cycling. pete: it's mostly doubt that you got a stop without fit. they need to improve the cyclist outfit. the spandex and the helmet are not good, work on that. i would be curious which one out of the three is her biggest, probably atheist. rachel: it's in the right order. she is a carnivore, communist would be for short, there's nobody in my family that would data communist. >> what else is a cycle is supposed to wear, you have to wear the tight staff. >> are you in the tour de france? >> no. >> i would like to have the least amount wind resistance. rachel: do you wear allegro. >> at home maybe. he doesn't wear robes he wears lycra very smooth and aerodynamic. rachel: his defensive is a cyclist, i love it. here's our turn coming up what are the most high-profile
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abortion cases sense they overturn roe v. wade centers on a mo chromosome we will speak ta family who chose life. but we know christmas isn't about something you buy at a store. it's about something so much greater. it is the day we celebrate the incredible truth that god so loved the world that he gave his only son. it's not about presents. it's about jesus. join me this advent in praying every day on hallow. cut through the noise and find god's peace. the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day...
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>> welcome back to "fox & friends" at 31-year-old texas woman tried to sue the state to interpregnancy at 20 weeks after her baby was diagnosed with a rare deadly condition called china so 18, they were counsel to abort their baby who is diagnosed with the same syndrome, they refused and they chose to carry able to term, he lived for 15 days and inspired the coffered family to launch the organization able speaks, the cofounders kellyanne daniel crawford join us now. kellyanne daniel it is fantastic to have you on the show. i want to give you a chance, you found out around 12 weeks that you were going to have a baby with trisomy and you are device to have an abortion what made
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you decide to not do that. >> we knew that abel was alive and his life mattered and he was created with intention and purpose and had value so we wanted to spend as much time with him as we could even if that was going to be a lot less that we hope to imagine when we first found out that we were pregnant. rachel: daniel i'm curious whatever pressure you were under to have an abortion i know other families and i had a diagnosis of trisomy 18 that turned out to not be true but there is a lot of pressure from genetic counselors to have an abortion one thing they will do if the mother says i do not want to have an abortion they will separate them and try to talk to dad into it, did you receive any pressure. >> at argo that i received pressure that was different or in addition to kelly and thankfully we were not separated and we felt unified throughout
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the process but i think as people give the council regardless of their profession or their background i think on their best day is coming from a place of an assumption that surely this is best and easiest for everybody, even everybody that hearts of compassion providers given the diagnosis or people chiming into the public square and letting the thoughts be known, where is your heart do not have compassion for what this road will look like that's where it's been our joy and privilege to say walking the road and knowing that her child in time with him is more than likely to be limited is the hardest thing we've ever had to walk through and we would also say it is the sweetest thing that we've ever walked through and that we see his life genuinely as a gift and we would not trade our time with them for anything. rachel: tell me what that would
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be like you have this baby that has this condition that's going to end his life very shortly, we don't know how long but you told shortly and you decide to leave the hospital with him so you can have that time outside of the hospital setting in your home and love on him, what were the 15 days like. >> we left the hospital on day four of abel's life and we just tried to soak up every moment that we had we went to a park that we visited often and we would take him there and we got to watch movies with him and give him a bath it was a real gift to have him in our home under our roof. he was her first child so as a family of three to be together and to get to do the montaigne things of life that we never expected we were going to get to do with him was the greatest gift we could have been given. rachel: i want to get to your foundation but when he did finally pass do you feel like
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having had that time with him made this tragic diagnosis easier for you in some ways? versus alternative. >> sure it's an important question because each person has their own story or their own perspective but there been statistics and studies that have been conducted by duke university specifically did one and the results that they had that women who choose to continue a pregnancy with a life diagnosis fare better in the long run psychologically, emotionally and i think it's because of what you're alluding to there is still sorrow, sadness, loss and grief but those are coupled with the sense of memories and moments and joy that choosing to end our time with abel prematurely, all the heavy stuff and hard stuff would've still been there and also would've potentially been coupled with regret where as the
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journey that we chose to pursue of cherishing him and loving him for every day that we had with him in the womb and out of the womb is one where our lives will never be the same and yet we are glad that we were his parents and that he was our son. rachel: you started an organization called able speaks. i encourage anyone who has a diagnoses to reach out to the organization with all kinds of help and information which i think often is lacking when women are told there's a lot of fear involved in fear mongering unfortunately in delivering the diagnoses and i hope people reach out to your foundation and get more support. i want to commend you for coming on and talking about this issue is getting very politicized and i just think you bring it down to what is about which is human life and i believe somebody has a child with special needs with a different chromosome no
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variation that every child regardless of how challenging and short their life is deserves love and affection and seeing those photos was very overwhelming to me because it is just beautiful. i want to thank you for what you are doing and i really encourage people who have this diagnoses to look to your journey. i think it is absolutely beautiful. thank you. >> thank you for having us and we want you to hear the joy and sorrow can coexist and this is not a road that you have to walk alone if you are experiencing this so we had hundreds of families across all 50 states and other countries that are a part of this community that no parent expects or seeks to be a part of and yet it is been a gift. rachel: i am praying for that beautiful moment you get to be reunited with abel what a
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beautiful child. thank you for joining us today. i appreciate it. >> merry christmas. >> merry christmas. rachel: mark "fox & friends" coming up. is, super thin, super absorbent. all of the things that you're looking for in a pad, a - this is thin. - my pad is thick. let's put it to the test. let's do it! look how it's absorbing! and locking it right on in! - look at that! - no liquid, no nothing. totally absorbed! - you feel no wetness. - oh my gosh! are you a believer now? i'm a believer! i got to get some always discreet!
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>> i have a lot left to do because everyone is coming tonight. i'm excited all of the kids will be here, this is the big day it is not christmas day but it is for me i need jase to help me prep. >> i have become mrs. little else when it comes to decorating and i'm okay with that. i will keep calm and jingle all the way.
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>> america's favorite duck hunters mixing treasure hunts and tradition with holiday cheer this christmas season, you can catch all tonight on fox news at 10:00 p.m. eastern time, joining us now with more duck family treasures stars, jason and missy robertson, great to see you both, merry christmas. it is very cool, what is christmas like, are you really the elf and told what to do and where to put it and get it done. >> if she is the one doing the talking absolutely. she is into the festivities and wanted to look a certain way, we both agree that jesus is the reason for the season and we believe he is real and were all going to be together forever so that is the spirit that draws us so i find it humorous all the things that she does as far as decorating but when we get down
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to business which is us being with her family, worshiping together and having meals together and a lot of laughs, that's where i pay close attention to that. pete: i love it. were showing some footage of the big dinner table outside, talk to us about how special it is to have family together on christmas. >> that is our biggest tradition of course is the family coming into town now that the kids are older it's more special when they come into town one by one and we get together as a large robertson family one time throughout the season and that's a lot of people these days but i think my favorite thing about gathering around the table in this season of the year is that we have had a challenging tough year this year to be honest and i think a lot of people may have as well but god is so faithful
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and he predestined this plan was salvation with this tiny baby years and years and years ago before he ever knew that we would have any troubles in life and for the whole entire world of christians to be able to come together and honor one day as the birth of christ, what amazing thing that is, if we can give one glimmer of hope to someone you may not be a believer but may be interested in if we contacted them about that this time of year, we want to know why were so excited about this day, that is the main reason for this entire thing. pete: what a beautiful message you're exactly right while you are saying that we were showing additional clips you see the fun and pageantry but a lot can happen over the course of the year and for a family to reflect on it, pray on it, worship and recognize the significance of christmas, you do that and put on display and so grateful that you do for.
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on fox nation watch duck family treasure all of our fox nation and a duck family christmas tonight 10:00 p.m. it looks like the thing you want to sit around and watch, jc and missy god bless you both, thank you so much. great to see you. pete: were eight days to christmas and were counting down on her advent calendar, my two friends are over there so we can do the advent calendar. >> we are at eight days i cannot do the math. 17. >> i don't need you in the control room telling you the 17. then i looked at the prompter install 17. >> 25 minus eight, 17, right here this one, should we do it after all the math let's see what today's advent calendar treat is. hatch. rachel: i had one of these. >> tell us about it. rachel: dana perino told sean to
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give this to me as a gift. >> it is a dream machine with a gentle sunrise. rachel: you don't wake up to beep beep it is a nice and is slowly wakes you up. >> i appreciate this thank you guys. >> surety has and you don't want it, score, time for math. >> that is true we also know what else kathleen is getting to. what we went shopping for last night you and me chemistry merchandise. rachel: sorry kathleen but you will like that. it's totally real. still ahead arizona senate candidate kari lake is joining us live. >> the new year brings trauma and biden slew of legal challenges how will that impact
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them on the trail, will and i go off-the-wall next. the village bakery located in hayden, idaho. our mission is to employ people with different abilities. tiktok is allowing us to show what acceptance looks like on a day-to-day basis, here at the bakery. this is a community of just complete and utter love. it's the people that lift you up when you're down. people on tiktok do that on a daily basis, and i've never found a community like that, ever.
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michael strahan: discoveries at st. jude have helped increase the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20% to 80%. so when you support st. jude, you're helping more kids grow up to be whatever they want to be. like this kid, who's a high school track star. and this kid, who was elected to state office. and this kid, who has three kids. marlo thomas: give thanks for the healthy kids in your life, and give a gift that could last a lifetime.
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>> as we look at 2024 is far more that an election year it is the year flooded with legal battles. >> donald trump, joe biden in
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hunter face their own legal challenges ahead, let's go off-the-wall to dig a little deeper, there is a lot of digging that goes into understanding the timeline of what donald trump is up against. every single one of the planets swirling around the son of trump have implications on the election. >> is not just donald trump is joe biden which makes 24 a year not just the politics of the ballot box but politics in the courtroom and democrats have made it very clear as the political angle and attorney general they intend to tidy up donald trump at 24 and a host of legal cases, what you see is a sampling of them. donald trump has four different criminal investigations going on as we speak, he is a classified document down in florida for mar-a-lago, classified documents you all remember the raid. >> the georgia election investigation the fulton county
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da fani willis as far as votes in georgia after the election. >> give the january 6 investigation under jack smith. don't forget about alvin bragg in new york city, it's convoluted, three criminals or for criminals this one the dominated headlines which is a civil investigation which is still ongoing. letitia james in new york city she's not the only civil investigation going on weathers for criminal investigations let's take a look at the timeline it is filled with civil lawsuits going on. as you take a look at the timeline you can see the eeg carol defamation suit. >> this is related to the apprentice, what were trying to get to, and the universe there is the big ones. in the middle you have date after date after smaller civil courses things as well, as we were putting this together it is
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amazed to understand what can happen when when you go back to jack smith the reason were talking about the timeline he's asked the supreme court to weigh in on donald trump's defense team in the belief that they have immunity the supreme court has taken that up and he wants that trial to start on march 4 which is one day before super tuesday if the supreme court rules in his favor that could happen. if it doesn't gets delayed even further. >> this gives a federal appellate court to go straight from the district court to the supreme court in order to preserve this trial date before super tuesday, anything can happen as we push forward towards election day in the republican national convention, any of these trials the big one is probably the classified document and make any can be the first course to cross the finish line we don't know when we will hear from these trials but we know the goal is to hit it before people start voting.
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>> this peter big day on the primary calendar but eventually if the trials get pushed the concern in the trump world but what democrats hope happen you're getting into july, august, september, october trial dates before election day yet conventions coming up in this into the biden camp as we move toward a convention if his numbers are still fading could they make a move thereto. >> is not just donald trump who has legal issues going into an election year. as president joe biden as well every house republican has voted for formal impeachment inquiry into joe biden. >> we don't know exactly what the timeline will beyond that but look at the first quarter 2024 there will be hearings potential we saw the spectacle this week of hunter biden hosted a press conference on the senate side even though they want them on the house side and you wouldn't go behind closed doors. there could be digging for documents because it's bank accounts and wire transfers that could prove things that happen.
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>> here's what to expect from congressman byron donalds. >> it's going to be crystal clear that their articles of impeachment that should be drafted for joe biden because number one he accepted bribes through his family from foreign nations especially china and others. number two he knew his brother and his son were violated a foreign agent registration act and i believe that is enough to draft articles of impeachment against joe biden and that could happen in the house of representatives in the spring. >> if that happens does it change the race on the democrat side. >> it really could and tied to hunter biden have his own legal issues including the contempt of congress charge, for now three felony counts they did to his purchase a firearm when he was a drug user in 2018. >> the more recent won this month three felony tax offenses and misdemeanor tax offense. >> a potential contempt of congress charge as well. really the big one is tied to
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joe biden and the influence peddling scheme, jonathan turley fox news contributor in law professor on the will cain podcast on friday here's what he had to say about hunter biden. >> you could appear and testify by invoking the fifth amendment standing in front of the capital and taunting congress is a bizarre strategy in my view he is in flagrant violation and open contempt of congress and could be charged with a crime. >> jonathan turley dressed a lot more nicely. >> i go casual. >> there was a lot of chest h hair. >> i've been eating my vegetable. >> the orange and the stocking has been doing a lot of good. >> what's coming up in 2024 and the will cain podcast downloaded
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wherever get your audio entertainment. >> check it out to great podcast, it's week 15 of the nfl we have the must see matchups live on fox. john hill is next.ll a ♪ bout presents and shopping and cookies and trees. but we know christmas isn't about something you buy at a store. it's about something so much greater. it is the day we celebrate the incredible truth that god so loved the world that he gave his only son. it's not about presents. it's about jesus. join me this advent in praying every day on hallow. cut through the noise and find god's peace. the all-in-one and done symptom relief of mucinex is delivered fast with doordash to the comfort of your couch. slow down!... i mean (coughs) slow down! ahh! watch it! ♪
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5:52 am
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5:54 am
pete: week 15 bringing five messy in fl showdowns to fox. joining us with the top picks and predictions of nfl fox jen hill. >> we have a great week of football, absolutely, let's start with a matchup i know you have circled in buffalo this is my secant under tv the batch of the buffalo bills are on a high after meeting the chiefs they are at home in orchard park so it'll be in full force and their no playoff huts of the plane the best football in their fans know it. josh allen he has been on fighter as of late were talking historic numbers he is one of only three quarterbacks in the nfl to have 25 passing touchdowns and ten rushing touchdowns. >> i feel like you're bearing the lead the cowboys are the hottest team in the nfl,
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prescott is on a historic march the cowboys of the hot team. >> on a five game win streak, jack has been making good decisions, 22 touchdowns and only one interception can the bills mafia get to him and can the bills defense affecting today, that's a bit? i know you're ready with jackson to wear a lot of other people. >> we're going to be rooting for the cowboys are no buffalo, you will not but everyone else will be rooting for the cowboys except for those watching the chiefs patriots that the big game at least for the chiefs, the patriots last with bill belichick. >> this is all how did the chiefs respond they lost two in a row are they going to go on the first pre-game losing streak ever in patrick mahomes history i will be shocked at the figure to come to plastic patrick
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mahomes is going to have the absolute war paint on. >> elliott is suited up for the cowboys in looking back getting it done through the air and on the ground. quick historic note, very few coaches coached 400 games andy reid and bill belichick both have, this is the first time to members of the 400 club are going to face off this is good to go down in history regardless of the result. >> people are saying this could be the last year for bill belichick in new england we have the bears and the browns. the bears look like they're getting this together with justin fields the browns in the middle of a playoff at eight and five, we will be breaking it down this morning. thank you for having me. stick at. y ♪ i'll be there... ♪
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5:59 am
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6:00 am
okay, here we go. let's do this. one, two, three. starting our final hour with a fox news alert as brand-new


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