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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  December 17, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PST

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♪ ♪. eric: former president trump out ofon the campaign trail on this sunday.
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he is on a cross-country trip to another early primary states. he is in nevada today. that, after the former president fired up supporters in new hampshire yesterday. a new poll show he is increasing his lead over his rivals. two of those rivals are in iowa today. nikki haley and ron desantis the caucus there 29 days away. vivek ramaswamy is stumping for votes in arizona. welcome to "fox fox news live pe eric shawn. arthel: hello everyone i am arthel neville bert new fox poll shows trump 69% among primary gop voters. that is up from last month. and more than 55 points ahead of the next closest candidates for governor desantis and former un ambassador nikki haley. trump also leads president biden and a hypothetical head to head rematch. mark meredith is ahead of them off he is light in new hampshire you get my vote any days ago take it away. left that flex arthel, see if i
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can live up to the polls good afternoon to you. former president trump is dominating among the republican primary candidates in that new fox news polling. we're also seeing what it be like with a hypothetical rematch with president biden. if the election were to be held between trump and biden our polling a show trump would be the president by four points at the national survey. former president trump had a lot to say about president biden, his gop rivals and the entire field when he held a rally last night here in new hampshire. but as trump's comments on immigration which is generating fierce pushback from democrats. >> you know, when they let i think the real numbers 50 to 69 people in our country, when they do that we have got a lot of work to do. they are poisoning the blood of our country. that is what they have done. >> not long after that we heard from the biden/harris campaign they said he, as an trump is betting he can win this election
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by scaring and dividing the country he is wrong. in 2020 they chose biden over trump's vision of the year end division will do the same next november this week in florida governor ron desantis is an iowa barnstorming the state even as one of his most notable operative strategist announced he is leaving a desantis assigned aligned a super back it is one of the many staff shakeups we have seen with the desantis operation in recent weeks former un ambassador nikki haley will be headed to iowa later after securing a major endorsement she won the backing of new hampshire governor from just this morning the governor said he does not believe charle is a trailing trunk is much as new poll suggests regards an absolute win it's a win. if everyone that could vote in the primary it comes out and boats not only is she going to
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win an eight landslide that's not an exaggeration. >> we are also hearing from chris christie he is betting it all on new hampshire. talked about haley seeing a surge of support and the state the state he is trying to win in. he said haley is in his view enabling trump because haley is not calling out trump as often on the campaign trail as he is. arthel: live in new hampshire thank you. eric: the u.s. navy moving more warships into the middle east. waters after the iranian backed houthis rebels they launched even more attacks against international shipping this weekend. comes as defense secretary at lloyd austin is beginning a trip to the middle east amid calls for the biden administration to retaliate against the houthis much like ronald reagan did during the wars in the 1980s. lucas tomlinson live at the white house with the very latest on the criticism there, lucas? >> eric 38 u.s. navy guided missile destroyers have entered the mediterranean likely headed for the sea to escort some the cargo ships after 20 recent attacks against them on iran's proxy forces in yemen.
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many lawmakers on capitol hill are sounding their concern. >> i worry a lot about escalation. both in the red sea area with the houthis and as you say we shut down their drones. i think the administration has been smart in terms of how it has responded to those attacks but clearly the risk of an american been killed in the process is high. that would create a big response from the united states pick up this morning the sixth fleet and up the florida based uss sullivan entered the mediterranean sea joining two other destroyers in addition to escort duties these warships coucould launch tomahawk cruise missiles to strike houthis rebels in yemen if ordered by president biden. just yesterday the uss carney shutdown 14 drones off the coast of yemen fired by proxy forces for that worship cannot be low surface to air missiles another to send these destroyers as reinforcements these missiles
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cost $2 million each to shoot down the cheap drones for this might defense secretary lloyd austin departed for a trip to the middle east he will be going to bahrain home to the fifth fleet into israel and qatar pairs expected to announce an international task force to be escorting the vessels to the red sea and the straight were 10% of the world's oil flows. similar combined task force was announced last year. it's not just in the red sea were there's been action. it's in that middle east attacked at least 98 times in iraq and syria for the last two months yesterday their unconfirmed reports there were two more attacks to bring the number up to 100. as you mention there is increasing culture entire u.s. military brass for president biden to order airstrikes in yemen perhaps over christmas quicksort lucas thanks so much. we will have more on the houthis attacks. what president ronald reagan did when faced with exact same thing in the 1980s.
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doctor rebecca grant on that in a few moments. arthel: alright thank you for a new fox poll length shows the border crisis growing in importance as an issue with voters and the migrant surge shows no signs of slowing down a majority of voters say they support measures to boost border security latest numbers show a 63% disapprove of president biden's job on the issue. for months lawmakers on both sides have argued on details of a border deal. >> we have to understand it will not be perfect there be people on the extreme right and extreme left as always it will not be good enough it will be too much and not good enough. our negotiators right now from the republican and democrat negotiators who are diligent doing a great job. and then with the white house involve committed to getting the border under control. that is what i'm very hopeful for and i think were going to see something next week will stay there until we get it done. >> texas congresswoman beth van
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duyne of the house ways and means committee but will get to it set her mansion had to say in a moment. let's talk about what's on the table. if senators can agree on a compromise on a border security. i did say compromise. that could be the key to unlocking a broader package with $110 billion of aid for ukraine, israel and other national security needs. is this a sellable bundle? >> we have to prioritize our border parade whether or not they're going to tie it to other priorities i think is wrong it needs to be considered on its own merits. they have been sitting on our border hr to now for months. hatred shows a strong bill it did not go as far as i wanted to because it was not looking at the use of military use into mexico considering that now we have ied's on the border. it was a very strong bill. if we are compromising down from what hr two had is a mistake.
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spieler your tongue but hr two but give us a little bit of an idea. initially hr to but if you were to do this what would you consider are the house based on what your conversations are with your colleagues, both the house consider an acceptable impassable bill? >> has a tight looking right now tein texas and talking toward texas delegation announced a build that would prevent the bite administration from doing things like remain in texas policy which is forcing folks as fast and quickly as they can intrastate processing as quickly as they can and have them remain in our face. we're looking at texas having to pay $5 billion in state money to protect our borders because it bybecause a bydemonstration is . we have seen a 1000% increase in fentanyl poisoning we have seen 1000% increase in drug seizures appeared fentanyl right now is killing five texans per day on
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average brief talk about the 109 people crossed over into our country illegally almost half of those come into our state you think about the getaways that have come into our country, nearly 60% of those are in texas. we are having to take on a way more burden than the rest of the country we are fighting them. think about the tools we need to remain in mexico policy was strong at work. we need to enforce our borders went to both send people back when they come here. 90% of them when they fill out for asylum they don't meet the requirements for that. almost 90%. when he to finish building our border wall and we have to support a local law enforcement and our state law enforcement. >> you mentioned remain in texas and he represent the interior of dallas-fort worth it's texas are you starting to see you not right on the border it we can
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keep this short for me i have a pole and went to get to but you are dfw are you starting to see some of the migrants trickling up there? >> not trickling, they are here and i've had a number of different roundtables with law enforcement even with the county countysheriff and he will tell u everyplace to sing not only more crime but fentanyl deaths a lot more strain on the local systems. think about schooling, housing, healthcare were turning us more than ever. >> that brings me too this new poll congresswoman let's look at the fox news poll that best describes a border situation. 34% saying it is an emergency, 45% say it is a major problem. 20% think it's a minor problem. if congress let's the politics not blaming any side if congress let politics stop them you guys yet again from getting a fresh immigration law passed at the
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beginning of next year could we see a catastrophic collapse. >> i think you arty have seen them you seem to have catastrophic collapses of mayors and sanctuary cities like new york are saying look we got a few thousand help us out. when you're having to choose between sanitation services and cities in it putting illegal immigrants and hotels which is exactly what they're having to do you are seeing it all across the country it's happening the last two years and for far too long hr to which is languishing over on the senate get past so we can provide help to her protection agency sony. arthel: we will be watching. you heard senator manchin early or are you as hopeful as he is? >> i am hopeful we can get a bill passed i think even blue states are demanding it right now. what i don't want to see us tons of money going into customs and
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border patrol they are simply processing more people quickly into our country. we need to stop the flow and we need to do it now. arthel: by the way my mom lived in county after katrina sheet moved over there. she is back in new orleans now back home. anyway, merry christmas. quick she is welcome anytime progress right texas a congresswoman beth van duyne thank you very much merry christmas. >> arthel's mom and a lot of folks on the east coast right through their including new orleans and all of those spots face a powerful storm today it's expected to be heavy rain and dangerous winds going from florida all that to new england that obviously will make holiday travel a bit more complicated of the next few days "fox weather" correspondent brandy campbell live in the storms path into myrtle beach south carolina with the very latest and does it look a windy and wet. how are you doing, brandy?
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>> i am wet. wendy is an understatement. it almost feels like a tropical -like storm that we are out of hurricane season and that is not the case for this coastal storm. but here on myrtle beach we are feeling the impact window wise, rain comments coming at us sideways but even behind me in the ocean you can see the waves rippling as far back we can visibly see. we have been following the storm as a barrels up the east coast of the united states i actually reported from florida yesterday southeast florida as it whipped through the state the highest wind gust reached nearly 68 miles per hour on the east coast. heavy rain and storm surge cause flooding overnight in parts of the state this video taken in florida near tampa several homes were island and it is they were surrounded by water. now, power outages have become an issue. several thousand residents between georgia, florida, now getting into the carolinas
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impacted. feeling the brunt with no power. now here on myrtle beach the main impacts you need to know of again wind is speed the highese reported near us 43 miles per hour. being out here it feels like it is much stronger. we also have the coast of flood warning as well so that is a possibility for low-lying areas. we know south of us in charleston they have a flush flood warning for the national weather service say that could be a particularly dangerous situation. some folks is that with the high wind speed that could knock down power lines and trees but also some flooding back to eric quicksort blood to get back and get dry thank you. next prime minister benjamin netanyahu says israel is committed as ever to the war on terrorists after a tragic mistake by the idf killed three hostages. families of those still held by the terrorists are demanding netanyahu and do more to bring
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their loved ones home. we are live in tel aviv coming up next. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist
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arthel: protesters and aerogel demanding leaders do more to release the more than 100 people hamas terrorists still holding hostage. their families and saying it
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they are being kept in the dark and government officials won't even meet with them. trey yingst live in tel aviv with the latest on where things stand. >> hey good afternoon. a tragedy on friday has once again to galvanize the country of israel just 48 hours ago three israeli hostages inside the gaza strip were killed that they were mistaken for hamas fighters in the northern part of gauze that we are learning more about what took place the hostages were shirtless and walked toward the soldiers with at least one holding a makeshift white flag breed soldiers opened fire killing two of them and wounding a third despite reporting for help in hebrew the third hostage was killed as he is released that it was hamas leading them into a trap. frcome at seven with and wonderd captive still held by hamas gathered overnight in tel aviv to call for their release. pressure mounting on the israeli government to find solutions to free them as leadership as hinted at reboot negotiations
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through qatar government negotiators defense administer and or cabinet member held a press conference about the situation last night with netanyahu saying this. >> we are in a war for our existence in which we must continue until victory. despite the international pressure and despite the unbearable c costs the war is exacting from us and our fallen sons and daughters. lexi comments come as the israelis release new video today showing what they say is the largest tunnel discovered since the ground operation began this tunnel was in the northern part of the gaza strip near the crossing. the country's defense administer a visiting that with top military officials to get a firsthand look at how the leadership use digging infrastructure to try to put themselves at an advantage in a
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war against israel this complex is expected to last for several more months even with international pressure including from the united states against the jewish state as the air and ground campaign against hamas continues. arthel: r8 trey yingst we will take it back here at l live in l aviv thank you. c4 when attack is prime minister benjamin netanyahu does not hesitate to respond. credits are asking wise in the bite administration responding militarily with the ballistic missile and drone attacks on international shipping and our navy and the red sea. the attacks echo exactly what happened during my rounds attacks on international shipping. back then it president ronald reagan blew up half of iran's navy. doctor rebecca grant joins us she is a national security military analyst, president of iris international research also fox news contributor. dr. grant the uss carney busy
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yesterday shot down 14 drones and british warships have done the same. why are our assets and international shipping is sitting there taking all of this incoming without an offensive military action or response? is that wise? >> the goal is to keep the shipping lanes open. but i think as a great job of the uss carney and the other destroyers are doing out there. things are getting to a crisis point because just in the last few days the world's major shipping companies like msc and some others have said we are going to suspend operations up in the red sea. that is bad news. that means houthis are making a point. it's time for the u.s. to decide with task force 1 153 art marite task force with allies what is the fresh response to the renewed attacks? >> wrote this reason i'm going
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to repeat this tight line sheald in 2016 missiles were fired at the uss mason this was a met almost immediately ate with tomahawk counter strikes and key radar sites. clearly that is not the way now. the houthis will be demoted if every time they approach a site they wonder if it is to be their last? why isn't there this type of response now? >> what a good idea i would love to see targeted strikes against military infrastructure. the houthis a possibly ironic if they are. but here is the point we have to wait for the biden administration to say it let's make plans and let's do something. to my way of thinking the traffic in the red sea has gotten so dangerous with this escalation by the houthis against our u.s. navy ships were trying to defend all of the maritime traffic is something to
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do more. right now the rules of engagement say they carney can shoot back of the drones get within 10 nautical miles. but watch this week, secretary apostate is going to bahrain. going to talk to the admirals there and the allies who participate in task force 153. i would like to see much clearer rules of engagement and personally i would like to see them at least formulate options for preemptive attacks are shut down this houthis shooting gallery and the red sea. eric: what type of message do you think that would send and are they actually now planning this? works hard to say. i think given the concern by the international shippers and the volume of incoming fire that carney and others are handling they have got to be thinking about altering the rules of engagement. they are going to want to do that with allies for instance egypt, jordan, britain, so many other maritime allies or dissipate in that task force they'll take their time this week and consider it. eric: one could understand try
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not to escalate a military situation, you can understand that but what we do? sit and wait for something to ithink of something like 1988 samuel b roberts was a freak at its truck and a radiant mind 10 of our sailors were severely injured some severely burned and at that time president ronald reagan launched an attack that sank for iranian warships. check out half of iran's navy. they also do special ops attack iranian oil fields as well as oil platforms and guess what, i run back down. why isn't that potentially happening right now? >> i would like to see that. with the amount of incoming drones, missiles, you name it. the mind that had the roberts it broke the keel it was very, very serious our ships are defending themselves better. but the point you make is iran has to be stopped have to be stopped from egging the houthis
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on from doing this. six months later the war ended back in 1988. the houthis in iran understand a military response and it is time for us to unleash our naval forces and let them make the red sea saver for international shipping which is their mission. eric: final and you think it will stop when it's time to unleash military forces and send them a message? >> absolutely, send the houthis a message let's hit legitimate targets. it didn't work when we hit the iranian oil platform so many years ago. i think a more forceful kinetic message is what task force 153 need to think about to keep the red sea safer the international shippers and for our u.s. navy sailors. before doctor rebecca grant always good to have your insights and historical knowledge. thank you. arthel: from the 2024 presidential showdown to border security fox news has new polling on how voters feel.
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we will break down the numbers up next.
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learn how abbvie could help you save. eric: prosecutors are supposed to defend the lot not attack law enforcement. outrage in los angeles today after progressive district attorney named a new chief of staff, her tweet she once called the lapd barbarians are supported the movement to defend the police. christina coleman live in los angeles of the very latest. you have reaction from veteran prosecutors there? >> yes, i do. spoke to one he is not happy about this. this area's top prosecutor l.a. prosecutor who is in charge of putting dangerous bad people in prison hired a chief of staff and wants to abolish prisons fox news correspondent is reporting he has a former defender to his
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chief of staff for it's a controversial move considering some of the past tweets. take a look at this. wrote on social media prison is obsolete when to reimagine america without a potential davis said it years ago prisons disappear, problems do not solve them. we have been warehousing our people for a generation. it's time to free america she shared a link to a local news story involving lapd officers responding to protesters and said quote look at these barbarians. lapd isn't occupying army # a deep and police. promotion clearly not going well with many local prosecutors. >> this is not even a typical defense attorney who may be leans towards criminals. this is the absolute extreme in the criminal defense community she is now leading our office it is disgusting. it is a danger to our communities and something that needs to be discussed.
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>> there is also a photo wearing a t-shirt that read the police are trying to kill us. her promotion to the d.a. chief of staff adds to the list of complaints by critics who blasts what they call woke approach to criminal justice reform. but you got to realize he's acting like a public defender. we have a public defender so instead of >> representing the people which is you and i am victims of crime we have literally to public defenders on one side the table for the other side is empty. and that is a miscarriage of justice it grossed it's going to threaten it is currently threatening the public safety. >> multiple sources tell fox news new role will start on generally 16th. we have reached out to the office for a comment on this. we are waiting to hear back. >> are right christina thank you. arthel: brand-new fox polls are giving insight into where voters stand on the presidential
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election. right now most would choose a former president trump or former un ambassador nikki haley over president biden as her 2024 pick while florida governor desantis is neck and neck with president biden at 47% let's bring in fox news political analyst and founder of caldwell strategic consulting. all right i've got a lot of numbers let's focus. first if i could get your take on the pole i just read what is driving the numbers and what could change those results? we arty know because a scene for months on end donald trump is dominating this process. he's not showing up for debate's for what reason when he is so far had understood. nikki haley is coming up right behind him she isn't gaining voters a trust outside of the republican party i'm thinking about suburban women. i am thinking about folks were
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more moderate in their politics. even some democrats i would imagine in the first debate the fox news debate she came out right out the door speaking to those individuals especially when she talked about abortion and the demonization of women within the republican party around the issue. so i understand why she is pulling so far ahead but ron desantis i think the slavery education piece that came out where it almost seemed like there were some benefits to slavery, that hurt them that hurt him with black voters and that is something that is still shouting out at him at this particular time even months later. arthel: eight no benefit to slavery. >> exactly right. arthel: your analysis is spot on so take a look at this next bowl of fox news pole on gop nominee among republican primary voters. so it donald trump at 69%. that is up seven points from a month ago. ron desantis is down at one point and that same.
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with 12% and then nikki haley in the same boat at 9%. so again you said you believe nikki haley is attracting some independent and possibly democratic voters. what could change these numbers? >> i don't think there's anything that's going to particularly change who is going to be the winner of the republican primary absent something healthwise coming up. if donald trump is going to be in the race is going to win it by every measurement we consistently see for a dump in bismarck she could going to change minds. they have experienced and of the biden administration the biden campaign has been making it out to be a negative thing. things worked work pretty well e economy. inflation was an issue it's a matter of tweets they found it very concerning.
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in this particular case with joe biden being the president a record high disapproval numbers from our own fox news polling just some weeks ago. 60% black voters of 41%. all try to disapprove of the job joe biden is doing for immigration has become impactful as eight in 10 americans from pulling that we just saw from ox we show they's need to see the border as a major issue or outright emergency. this is also impacting of voters in cities like chicago and everywhere else. voters who see the border as an issue that needs to be solved about joe biden. >> a lot of the black voters i cannot speak for everybody but conversations i have had and maybe you have two are saying listen we are already here we are taxpayers and trying to work on some things that benefit
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ourselves in an i've got a lot of people coming in who are not residents they getting ahead of us in terms of these -- these things that are in place for actual residents but. >> exactly right. you have the sleeping on the streets and they don't get this kind of benefits and they serve our country. there's a lot of folks have good reason to be upset. and again joe biden is between iraq and a hard place for you sow with the hispanic caucus just this past week what they were saying about some of his measurements and potential solutions they do not like them. so he, along with the war in israel and t pal and the palestn some cases hamas. he's in a very terrible place at this particular time. arthel: i don't think you're saying the president supports hamas. >> no, no, no. young people. the war in israel. arthel: i just wanted to clarify
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that. if i want to give you the opportunity. let me squeeze in one last quick when it got results of a nether. this is the result of another fox full 55% of the unfavorable for this is the one i want to look at, unfavorable opinion of donald trump. 55% joe biden with 58% unfavorable. this santos 54% nikki haley with a 45% unfavorable vote. chris christie with 58%. all of the candidates have a high unfavorable vote been favorable. why does this pretend for voter turnout you think? >> i think we have got a whole year to figure that out. it's all going to depend on the issues going on in our country and in our world. for a lot of people they truly feel like we are in a quagmire. to a large extent we are for this a lot of problems in our country in this mixed recipe that nobody knows how it's going to taste when it is done.
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it is going to be a long road in a lot of things are going to happen in between for it to the election. we have no idea how it's going to turn out. and some and terms of in terms f favorability are on the same page for a lot of voters. real quickly because of got to go, what is the artwork behind you? i like it. >> it's vincent van gogh. that's why i like it. arthel: now that you say it i see the lines i see it. okay i got that in college to it. i should know art history thank you. me and you are about to get in trouble. i'm going to have to let you go. [laughter] >> thank you. arthel: take care. >> you as well but. >> is it a print or an original? that's going to find out. have you heard about the baseball world buzzing over
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superstar shohei ohtani contract with the l.a. dodgers. some are one of rising crime in another city kept him from signing up with another team for it will tell you about that straight ahead as "fox news live" continues. my name is dana bellefeuille, and my husband and i own the village bakery located in hayden, idaho. our mission is to employ people with different abilities. tiktok is allowing us to show what acceptance looks like on a day-to-day basis, here at the bakery. this is a community of just
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♪ hello, colonial penn? signed with the los angeles dodgers former san francisco giant planer part owner says shohei ohtani may have stepped snubbed the giants in san francisco because of the crime and how most problems but he told the atlantic quote something i think is noteworthy, something that unfortunately keeps popping up from players and the players wives that there is a bit of an uneasiness with the city itself as far as the state of the city with a crime and with drugs. joins ajoints a sports broadcas, television personality and host of out kick in the morning.
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charlie, good to see you. what do you make of the potential fact that maybe shohei ohtani did not sign at the giants or the crime issues and quality of life for some is a consideration when they decide what team to choose? >> i think buster hit the nail right on the head. because actually san francisco offered shohei ohtani the exact same in terms the dodgers did $700 million of the course of 10 years. a monster deal the richest in sports history overall. but you have to look at all the aspects when you're going to commit to a new team. it's not just about your potential and your opportunities in the sport you are playing but what is your life still going to look like? and shohei ohtani is making all this money he probably things what is my life still going to look like? joan to leave the stadium and were about tracking their homeless encampments, stepping over neil's potentially being robbed, mugged, all of the different things for the crime is ridiculous in san francisco up nearly 80% compared to the
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average in any other city in the country. it makes complete sense to me why san francisco would not be something he would want to explore. before he seems to have struck a nerve it. he exposes or reveals so to speak some of the other decisions that go into players deciding what team to play for it. it is a family decision i guess and wives, shohei ohtani is not married. but wives lie in it something you never thought of really. >> it is a family decision but you're not just moving for yourself you're upward in the lives of your entire family for lifetimes kids are involved as well. where the opportunities for them going to look like? which of the school systems look like? what does their day-to-day lives look like? just look at the pictures in front of us. do you want your wives and children exposed to this kind of thing? it's very safe in san francisco i can absolutely see why there are players who would definitely shaft a place like san francisco and go somewhere else. there's so many other great for
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players to go to why go to san francisco with when this is what you're exposed to. to fort detroit is her building for example the a's look like they're going to las vegas. what goes into those decisions question with their other cities that has to do the same issue. >> there are a lot of things are going to these decisions. we have seen a lot of teams in oakland alum jump ship and go to las vegas. i don't know if there are tax benefits if that's the main thing that plays into it or has a copious amounts of problems of its own. i think a lot of teams are looking. not just for the best from the athletes perspective but also the fans perspective. now we are seeing the wizards and the capitals going from d.c. to virginia. that is likely going to be the case. this entire development to make a better fan experience and that makes sense to me as well. because as someone went to college in washington, d.c. the
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neighborhood was always sketchy even when i was in college. it has only gotten worse. it makes absolute sense why the owners of these teams would think to themselves happily make this a better experience for everybody involved? let's go to a different city where the crime is handled properly unlike the places where we are currently located. eric: that's a big blow to washington d.c. to have them move over too virginia. but again at the the nationalst that beautiful park you go th there, you get your over or your car in the parking lot. that did raise that neighborhood. that does raise concerns. >> when you are looking at the different elements of what it takes to make a sports team successful in a certain location there's a lot of things that need to be taken into consideration. but i think you need to look at how the leaders are handling the crime. all the negative aspects in
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certain cities and in san francisco going back to the point we saw how easily it was for san francisco overnights to clean up the city when he had world leaders. [laughter] but they don't want to do that for the residents to make it a nice place to live year-round. so, when you look at that why wwould i put all of this money into keeping my team in a place like this one when it is very clear the politicians and leaders do not care. eric: well, what scope back to the baseball field. i can always say it once a super bowl is over it's begetting a baseball season. >> there goes your team? eric: my team are the mets and detroit. itthe group is a yankee fan. >> i understand. eric: charlie, good to see you. and our coverage will continue in a moment. these savings won't last forever,
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goli, taste your goals.
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goli, taste your goals. arthel: local congregations in tennessee coming to heal and rebuild after tornadoes ripped thrthe state last week. nicole valdes is live in nashville with more. hi nicole. >> hi arthel. an emotional service behind me earlier today as members of community baptist church came
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into this temporary space once it belonging to another nashville church who has also faced a destructive tornado just three years ago uniting and that survival experience here. take a look at what the community baptist church look like just a few days ago. this is sadly at the result of an ef2 tornado that ripped through the madison tennessee neighborhood. it was just one week ago. more than 35 people were inside that building when that tornado absolutely crushed this community here. today was the first time members of that church have reunited since it came crashing down. all of the 35 people inside survived. he calls it an act of god. now is no shared experience with those members of mount bethel baptist church to really try to celebrate the holiday together. while there is no word on whether the madison church can or will be rebuilt both pastors told me they are grateful to get
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to celibate the holiday season together and lean on each other through such a difficult time. >> absolutely, nicole thank you very much. >> faith is so important on sunday especially after going through something like that. our thoughts to the folks there. arthel: he is good all the timei butht more news from washington coming u mop next. e, i'll take . woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. (♪) hi, i'm jason and i've lost 202 pounds on golo. so when i first started golo, i was expecting to lose around 40 pounds and then i just kept losing weight, and moving and moving and moving in a better direction. with golo and release, you're gonna lose the weight. ♪ ♪
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