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tv   FOX News Sunday  FOX News  December 17, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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republicans refusing to crack down. aid for ukraine and israel. >> as i said, if we believe something is important, we should stay in get the job done. >> the house heads home for the holidays but the senate sticks around to try to reach a deal on the supplemental spending request. republicans dug in on border security as custom and border protection officers are worn to look out for the explosive devices. the department sending its homeland security secretary to the help. >> taking the president himself telling the cabinet and staff to get this done. >> we will discuss the state of negotiations with the republican senator of texas and california democratic congressman. then, hunter biden makes a brief appearance at the capital.
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>> for six years, i have been the target of the unrelenting trump attack. here is my answer, i am here. >> skips out on his subpoena. we will ask our legal panel what options are weighing as the president son faces another indictment. and, one month until the first vote. >> the polls came out just recently. >> the battle for iowa up next. debuting brand-new fox news polls and getting reaction from our sunday panel. then, the long-running tradition that is this week's sunday special. >> just a bunch of -- there is a catalyst. it is big meaning. all now on "fox news sunday".
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nationwide tough new poll numbers on this issue only adding to the pressure. 35% of republicans name the border is the most important issue the country is facing. just 5% of democrats feel the same. we will speak with john cornyn of texas about the state of play in these negotiations. first, we turn teal fox news correspondent with the very latest on a foggy day. >> hello. ukraine's president came to the white house hoping to secure more funding. many house republicans want to see more of that aid side to increase funding secured the southern border. >> we want to see ukraine when the war. >> with the word a stalemate for more than a year and after a failed counteroffensive house speaker mike johnson wants to see a new plan. >> we need a clear articulation
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of the strategy to allow ukraine to win. >> the president blasting israel with what he called indiscriminate which he claims has support for the state. >> i want to focus, not stop going after hamas but more careful. >> congress remains deadlock over increase aid to israel and ukraine. unless more money is spent to secure the border. the house left for christmas recess without a deal while the senate has remained in washington as negotiations continue. the white house even said homeland security secretary to meet with the negotiators from both parties in hopes of ironing out in agreement the highest in american history.
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h-uppercase-letter say they hope to have a deal reach with the southern border in the senate as early as today. >> lucas from the white house. thank you. joining us now from austin texas , good to see you today. >> good to see you. brand-new fox news polls. fox news of polling shows that 79% of americans when you combine the top two criteria think that the border is an emergency or a major problem. based on what you know so far, what can you tell americans about the possibility, the likelihood that there is actual change in border policy. >> i talked with a couple of key negotiators yesterday. they feel like they are making some progress. i know senator schumer thinks there will be some kind of deal caught behind closed doors. that will not happen. but, we are making some progress this is not just about money.
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this is about policy. this will stem the flow of mass migration across the border along with drugs and everything that goes with it. >> you know there is pressure from the white house on the left very extreme proposals. i want to play something from the congresswoman who says this will take us back to a very difficult dark time. here is what she says. >> it is imperative that my senate colleagues in the white house understand what is on the table. our policies so extreme that if enacted it would literally be the most exclusionary restrictive immigration legislation since the racial quota laws of the 1920s. literally turning the clock back 100 years. >> progressive sent a letter saying they rejected things near mandatory incarceration for anyone seeking asylum. a multiracial democracy.
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how do you explain what republicans are asking for? >> shannon, all we are asking for is a president to actually enforce the law. now that we have the purse strings of congress, we are hoping to use that as leverage to change those policies. we are asking for humane, orderly and legal immigration. right now the only people benefiting from the status quo or the human smugglers that criminal organizations are getting richer by the day along with the drug cartels. for the last three years, president biden has demonstrated he simply did not care. now he cares. we got his attention and we intend to do something about it. >> on day one when he became president he offered up an immigration proposal knew all of said no thank you for everything he has put on the table. here is a white house secretary speaking to that this week. >> they said no to border agents they said no to new technology
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to fight that in all, they voted on eliminating 2000 custom and border patrol agents. that is what republicans have done. >> one house democrat said this week they are trying to shut down legal immigration. here is his take. >> it is so wrong. we actually have lawmakers trying to make legal immigration more difficult. that is a gift, frankly for mexican cartels that will benefit from these republican policies. >> you mentioned that this administration is benefiting the cartels. he says it is the gop doing. how do you respond? >> according to the polls, the american people are not fooled by the propaganda coming out of the white house. including the secretary of homeland security who has repeatedly lied to congress and the american people by saying
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the border is secure. it is not secure. we have an inflection point here in negotiations for the last, well, years i've been in the senate for quite a while now. now we intend to use this leverage to do something about it. >> okay. another poll that i want to cite , asking about the president 's job approval on the border and it is to-one. people disapproving thinking he is not doing well. republicans don't actually want to help solve this issue, especially going into an election year because it is such a bad topic for the president, is washington that broken? >> i think those considerations are purely secondary. i live and work in texas. obviously we bore the brunt of the biden border policies for years now. the governor and legislature have done everything they can using the tools they can to do
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something about it, but we want to stop the flow of humanity coming across the border. the drugs. the fact that the hundred thousand children have been placed with sponsors in the united states the biden administration has lost track of them. this is a catastrophe. it is a result of the open border policies. we will use this opportunity to change that. the president has failed to execute the laws required of him by the constitution. we intend to use every tool in the toolbox or try to make him do his job. >> you have said no reason to rush something that cannot be passed in the house. they want something much closer to hr two. logical tougher. do you think that there is something you guys can agree to, senate democrats, the white house, the house gop that would actually get past? >> i know speaker johnson is being briefed by some of our negotiators.
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what he can pass in the house will be frankly up to him. but we do need to be aware of the fact that this is not just an exercise in the senate. it is not just the senate and president agreed to something. it is something that can actually pass the house to be signed into law. this is a very delicate and difficult negotiation. we will not let this opportunity pass without doing everything we can to secure the border. >> something that didn't get done this week was the national authorization act. an extension of 702 with surveillance intelligence. it essentially is meant to track people that are foreign threats, or in citizens. it is involving american citizens and violating their fourth amendment rights. the fbi has used section 702 to conduct warrantless backdoor searches of the private electronic communications of american citizens. it is done so not just
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sporadically by accident but quite deliberately and on hundreds of thousands of occasions. you are a distinguished attorney a texas supreme court justice. if this is as he alleges actually happening, blatantly unconstitutional. why not say it is time to reign in 702. time for major reforms when these are americans rights being impacted. >> there have been abuses. i am certainly willing to enact reforms that will make those much more likely. director ray is change the policies at the fbi. it is not good enough until it is 100%. we cannot intentionally blind ourselves from the threats of foreign adversaries. the foreign intelligence surveillance act. these are the crown jewels necessary to protect our country against unprecedented threats from all over the world.
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so i hope that we will fix it and not exit. i expect that that will happen in the coming months. >> let me ask you about impeachment. you say you support the inquiry. the house has decided to launch that. here's what the democrat over in the house to let the impeachment against president trump said this week. >> there are thousands and thousands of pages of evidence, but all of the evidence demonstrates beyond any reasonable doubt that president joe biden is not guilty of any impeachable offense that we can determine. >> he says there is no smoking gun. it goes nowhere in the senate. do you worry this will look political abuse against your party in 2024. >> democrats have introduced impeachment in our politics by trying to impeach the former president president trump two different times unsuccessfully.
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the basic reason when i support the inquiry has this investigation needs to continue. it seems like we are peeling back the layers of an onion. revealing new and very serious evidence along the way. so, this also will enhance the ability of the house to enforce those subpoenas in court and something that the biden administration has been resisting along the way. i think it's a little premature for the democratic friends to be declaring victory while the investigation is ongoing. >> many things tracking into the new year. we thank you for your time. if we don't see you before then, merry christmas. >> merry christmas to you. very rough waters ahead in the house. discussing what it will take to get on the same page with house republicans, if that is possible next. president biden's past comments coming back to haunt him after
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his son hunter brazenly defied a congressional subpoena. our legal panel weighs in on the chances hunter could end up facing jail time.
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you're probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. but what if we told you it's possible that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? did we peak your interest? you can get two unlimited lines for just $30 each a month. there are no term contracts or line activation fees. and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible, it's happening. the white house on attack this week against house republicans saying they would rather go on vacation then addressed national security issues. despite the cost to delay its recess the house is now on its holiday break as aid for ukraine , israel and elsewhere remain in limbo.
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joining me now is the congressman. >> thank you for having me back. >> why did the white house, the president himself wait so long to get involved here? has it been wasted time? >> let me start out where i agree with the senator. no back room deal on the border without the involvement of the house, the house hispanic caucus , latino senators is going to pass. it's not going to pass in the house both because of democrats and conservatives. they have to be at the negotiating table. we want an orderly and humane process. the negotiation has not evolved the public people. >> what do you think of that. we have had a number of people come forward to say how are we not part of this discussion? how are we not at the table. >> i don't understand it. a lot of senators become
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president that you could just have the white house or senate come up with the deal, but the house is still the people's house. we will have our say. we need to be involved. you need to have someone come at the chair of the hispanic caucus at the table. you need to have some of the latino senators at the table. we need a secure border. we need more funding for immigration agents. they are not even at the table. >> okay. let's talk about this. there is a lot of skepticism, i think, that the senate will get this done in the next few days. first, the horrible poll numbers across our poles and every other poll out there and how the president is handling the border but also how he's facing pressure. more and more have grown uncomfortable in the biden years which have featured a dramatic surge in border crossings and
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asylum requests. on top of that, we have members within the biden administration warning about the growing number of people on terror watch list that are showing up at the border. this week, ied along the border. with all of that in these increasing numbers, do you agree that the border is out of control at this point? are you one of these democrats that have become uncomfortable with what's going on there? >> i agree we need a solution to the border and we need to do more to secure the border. they have passed more funding for border patrol agents. pass more funding for immigration judges and have a conversation about how we secure the border. what we cannot do is just have certain ideas like getting rid of parole which allows us to have ukrainian refugees here that fought with us in afghanistan just doing away with it. that i do not think it makes a border more secure because we'll
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just have more people come to the border. we certainly need house members involved in the conversation. >> house members getting involved. they want, the house gop want something much closer to hr to. it is much tougher than what we have heard being floated over in the senate. one of the things that would include as a measure that would require employers to use some kind of system to verify the legal status of people they employ. one of our new poll shows 64% of people support punishing employers who hire people here in the u.s. illegally. democrats and republicans believing employers should have to face penalties. would you support a measure like that verification? >> i would support holding employers accountable. the problem is it often ends up punishing people who are undocumented in the families and not the employers. therefore holding the employers accountable for breaking the law
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and underpaying folks, i am for that. i think it has to be part of a border agreement that does something and has some path to citizenship. this is why we need to have a conversation with all parties on board. right now in the house, having to vote against something that just will not come from the senate. i'm not sure what they are trying to achieve the why not just have a clean bill. we would be able to pass that through the house. >> let's talk about that. senator lindsey graham, republican want to make sure there is no break in finding aid , he sounds very skeptical that something will come together on the border that will convince him to vote for that ukraine aid. here is what he said this week. >> i look forward to voting no to a bad deal next week. i hope they bring up an immigration proposal that does not do the job. i will gladly vote no next week.
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i will not be pressed to do something that does not make sense. >> he is one of the loudest voices forgetting more aid to ukraine. >> i agree that we should just separate the issues. why are we trying to rush comprehensive immigration? we have not been able to do it for 20-30 years. linking it to aid to ukraine. the whole republican caucus, one of the reasons i got rid of the speaker, don't tie things that are unconnected. let's have a clean vote on aid to ukraine if people are philosophically opposed give them the right to oppose. it is really in my view. >> what are you also separate a standalone issue for is really aid? >> i think that that is fine to have. as a supplemental aid.
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we could do it separately but that is at least dealing with national security foreign policy issues. let people vote their conscience to tie the president's request of foreign policy to a border policy and then not to involve the chair of the hispanic caucus , not to involve any latino senators and just assume that the senate will cut some deal in the house will just ratify it is to forget article one of the constitution and the role of the house of representatives. >> i want to talk to about something that the house did do this week. voting to move forward on an impeachment inquiry. we have some polling on this issue. when it comes to whether the president was involved in hunter's business or did something related to. 38% say they think he did something illegal. 27% say something unethical. 65% of americans think something shady went on there. now we have a flip on impeachment. more americans who believe it is
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a legitimate inquiry. that has flip since we last pulled this in september. do you have any curiosity about the changing story from the white house. anything that has come forward so far. do you feel like you need answers? >> i do not think that the president did anything wrong as president of the united states. when you impeach someone it's because they took conduct as president that violated the law. there is not a shred of evidence of that. this whole thing with hunter but it was litigated extensively for five years in the 2020 campaign. if people want to litigate the president's past life in the finances of 2024, fine, litigated as an election issue. i spoke out about the censorship of the story in the new york post, but do not take up the time of the congress when the president has not done anything wrong as president of the united states. >> that is where the two parties
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have quite a difference of opinion again. moving forward. thank you very much. great to see you today. >> thank you. merry christmas and happy holidays to your viewers. >> thank you, sir. >> access to an abortion pill. right in the middle of an election year. we will bring our legal panel to layout the stakes and get their take some breaking legal news for president trump and hunter biden.
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january 6 committee. >> i hope that the committee goes after them and holds them accountable. >> president biden in 2021 saying people that defied the january 6 committee subpoena should be held criminally accountable. that newly resurfaced video making the rounds this week after the president defied his own congressional subpoena. time now for our legal panel. jonathan maturely, tom depree and constitutional accountability center president elizabeth. good to see all of you. we have a lot to try to get through. let's start here. do you think hunter will actually be held in contempt by the house. >> i think he should be. this is a valid subpoena. he went to the capital to
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essentially throw a raspberry at the house. he did it from the senate side so they could not pull them in. there was no question. the argument is being made that somehow this was not valid because there was a boat later on impeachment is nonsense. this was issued under two committees and three different grounds for jurisdiction. to me, the question is not whether he can be charged with contempt, what you do with eric's wall well. a congressman who arrived with him, facilitated what may be a federal crime and to defy his own house on a valid subpoena. >> if there is a contempt charge for either or both of them, the question is whether they will actually prosecute it. this is a serious hot potato for garlands. consequences of defying the law, but only at the cost of exposing himself as utterly partisan. what does doj do? >> the doj under the control of
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biden in the biden administration would not prosecute for contempt. is there a double standard? yes. i would be surprised if garland got a contempt referral from the united states congress and said we will prosecute hunter biden for contempt. it will put the justice department in a very tight box. we will point to all sorts of examples where they have prosecuted these. they have taken seriously and enforce the law. they can make an exception. >> i want to bring this up again the view congressional republicans pushing impeachment proceedings. more people believe it is legitimate than bogus at this point. >> impeachment is an incredibly powerful tool in our constitution and it should be wielded with care and responsibly. i think we have seen months and months and months of efforts by
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house republicans to try to come up with something that they can tell the american people that would connect the president to his sons feelings and whatever you may think of them and there has not been a shred of direct evidence about president biden presented to the american people so i think a carefully wielded response wielding an impeachment inquiry, it seems to be careless and irresponsible. it is pressing to the american people. i just want to step back for a minute and talk about the contempt charge. i fully believe that garland will follow the facts that they believe. there is been accountability for hunter biden and some criminal prosecutions. he has not stopped that and i don't believe the upper would stop that. that is not the type of person he is. >> i will take a little boat then. who thinks they would criminally pursue? >> i actually think that they
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would have no trouble. >> i think it depends on the facts. house oversight committee chairman said that you could choose whether to do a public testimony or private testimony. i think that there are more facts he. i think garland would follow the facts of the law. >> okay. tending to agree on this whole thing. here is what he said. >> these guys have made up and moved a goalpost every step of the way of the investigation. it is all baseless. four example, they have gotten 100,000 pages of documents. they have interviewed witnesses for 40 hours. guess what, they have come up with not a single shred of evidence of any wrongdoing of any kind by president biden. >> folks will say that there is no smoking gun. >> it is simply not true. an enormous amount of evidence put together by the house
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committees. millions of dollars have gone through different accounts and shell companies to biden family members. there are biden associates who said what the president has said publicly is nonsense. most people agreed that this is influence peddling. this is corruption. but i have to correct one notion and that is that you have to really show the money went directly to the president. that is not the standard. federal cases involving bribery and federal crimes, giving money to a principal's family members is in fact a benefit under federal law otherwise everyone would just give money to family members and say it's not a bride -- bribe it's not impeachable. my client was impeached because benefits were given to a judges family member. many of these congressmen repeating this argument voted on that impeachment and says it is impeachable. >> okay.
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i want to get to a quick lightning round if we can on the supreme court. they have agreed on whether to expedite this case. president trump is claiming immunity. >> i think we will hear very quickly from the supreme court. it is extraordinary the time schedule that is being proposed. this is an absolute extraordinary case. they will give it due consideration and if they agree to review it, i would suspect they would wrap it up in a month or two which is absolutely lightning speed by supreme court standards. everyone understands what is at stake here. in all likelihood it will be decided by the supreme court. will they decide up before trial occurs or after? >> what the special counsel is trying to do a start of march trial on these charges. who do you think actually derails that march start rate?
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>> i think the march trial date given this, that is a little bit precarious, but i do think that if there is delay it probably will not be as long. the supreme court is taking this seriously. let's take these questions off the table. decide them at this early juncture. frankly, the d.c. circuit could move as the supreme court is considering this expedited decision. >> the obstruction charge, the supreme court agreed to hear whether those charges should have been used against them. they are part of the trump case as well. >> two of the four counts against trump involved obstruction claims. if the court changes the interpretation, they could have a major blowback on that trial. the problem is this sense of
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urgency that we need to try trump before the election. they sort of shoot into the schedule just before super tuesday. it is not clear that they will share that sense of urgency. if he's convicted it does not mean he will be eligible for the presidency. the supreme court may be looking at. they should wait for the d.c. circuit and regular order to play out. >> i know you've been interested in this case. abortion medication. that is going to be on the schedule. the spring as well. >> absolutely. right in the middle of presidential campaigns. this is not just about the liberty and freedom of american individuals because it has to do with the particular regulated fda regulated drug. it also has to do with the pharmaceutical industry. this is a very key case.
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>> throwing abortion right back in the middle of the 2024 conversation. thank you very much. great to see all of you. can anyone in the gop primary -- we have brand-new poles to unveil for you. we will bring in our sunday panel on the state of the 2024 race and more.
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we are one month away from the iowa caucuses and as voters get ready to actually cast ballots we have brand-new poll numbers about what they are thinking. we are live in new hampshire. holding the first primary next month. >> hello to you. it is essentially crunch time for these candidates. president trump was here in new hampshire on saturday.
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scathing criticism for the republican rivals. >> next month new hampshire is going to weed out. >> telling voters in new hampshire his victory in january 's primary is all but guaranteed. >> this will be a historic victory by christmas of next year. >> new fox news polling shows trump as a reason to celebrate. trump remains the most popular of all the gop presidential candidates. some of whom are seeing support drop. >> trump's lead comes as notable republicans urge voters to look beyond trial. >> 110% behind nicki. i think she will be the nominee. >> fox's new polling shows haley beating president biden by six points in a hypothetical matchup haley travels to iowa tonight to
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shore up support. despite multiple campaign shakeups, he believes that heavy focus on iowa will pay off. >> i think that you guys should be determined to make your voice heard. don't let the media pick the candidate. >> ramaswamy remains just as busy out on the campaign trail. holding multiple events this week. here in new hampshire chris christie still building big. now launching the first tv ads of the cycle. >> mark meredith reporting from new hampshire. time now for our sunday group. former chief of staff for vice president mike pence. charlie hurts from the washington times. double duty for us today from the constitution of accountability center where she has president. welcome back. what is happening with president trump out on the campaign trail
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last night? a lot of headlines over this. >> i think the real number is 15 -16 million people into our country. when they do that, we've got a lot of work to do. they are poisoning our country. >> he used that language also in an interview with the national polls. all great cultures and past paris only because the originally creative rates died out from blood poisoning. he has to know that people will be fired up about that language. >> he always likes using language to get people fired up. it is not surprising. i think it's funny to listen to ron desantis a doll of the media pick the next president. i don't think the media is taking the next president on this one. he is tapping into an issue that is obviously very important to voters. both democrats and republicans. a lot of people around here and particular the media is illegal
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immigration. >> handing material to the biden harris campaign. saturday night donald trump channeled his role models. he quoted vladimir putin while running for president on a promise to rule as a dictator and threatened u.s. democracy. betting he can win this election by scaring and dividing the country. >> they also have calm down the dictator on day one comments that he made with sean hannity. this is a way they have determined they can focus on donald trump. without talking about is legal woes. they say that of course they are independent from the department of justice. so they do not want to weigh into his legal battles. when he makes comments like that on policy it makes comments that president biden can then go there and campaign. >> i think it is highly unlikely
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i think that the reality is what we have, continuing to attack something outrageous he says. it continues to drive the issue back to border security. just like he does on the economy just like he does on our international affairs. the plan is to attack what he said rhetorically. a lot of the american people agree with him. >> we have a lot of polls here today. i want to look at gop candidates head-to-head with president biden. when you put all of them they all tie or be president biden. what we were just talking about, does that surprise you? are you disappointed there has not been a ruling? >> i think where we are now in the polls can change. it is important to people, you know, the economy, obviously. we have seen state after state where when abortion is on the ballot that democrats win. people who support abortion
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rights tend to be democrats win. i think that once we get to the actual election talking a little bit about the abortion case of the supreme court likely being decided in late june right in the middle of these presidential campaigns. that will change a lot of people 's minds. particularly, women. in texas where woman, a lot of people see themselves. a mother who desperately wanted this child but something tragic happened. she wants to preserve her ability to have future children. when people see people like that having to go to court and bag about those decisions and then having that rebuffed by elected leaders, that gets a lot of people scared, appropriately and voting for people that will make sure that they have freedom and liberty and choice and not go the other direction. i do not think too much is happening in the polls right now
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there are ways to talk about immigration. there are ways to talk about policy choices that don't use that chilling offensive language that should be offensive and our american democracy which is a diverse democracy. >> in the midst of this campaign , and the two choices it looks like, ending up on the ballot in the fall, when asked about favorables head-to-head, president biden and president trump, a four-point advantage on favorables over president biden. when it comes to unfavorable, president biden is now higher than president trump. does any of that surprise you? >> not really. i sort of agree. i do think that, you know, when you boil down and look at the issues like the economy, foreign policy, border security, all of them with the possible exception
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of the issue of abortion, trump has, republicans have a very strong hand over biden. that is a pretty good situation to be going into the year of the end election. because, especially, i don't know what variables change in joe biden's election. >> there is improvement there. francesca, that is something that they talk about quite a bit hoping that there will be a turnaround in time. so many polls that are troublesome for him this week. the rating at 33%. the hill reports on another pullout that has seven swing states that president trump is beating president biden and all of the swing states. there is more chatter going forward about this. >> when you look at the talks going on with the border on capitol hill right now, previously, the white house had said this was a close discussion this is the a package that he
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had put forward. they were not going to renegotiate border policy. now you see the president saying that he is open to this. that is exactly what the conversations are. they want to get that ukraine aid. they want to get that israel aid and they know that that is the only way to get it done. here is where they are. >> you have david axelrod out there again publicly talking about his concerns. he has alarmed by numbers regarding perceptions. 23% of voters said the policies had helped him. 49% said that about trump's policies. 53% they had hurt him personally 37% of the same about trump. that is a tough batch of numbers to run for reelection against. >> i think the reality is that the polling is very troublesome for democrats. they've got to be scared at this point. the top concern for most americans on the border having a
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war in eastern europe, war in the middle east, the reality is he happy's more vigorous at this point. they should be frightened. >> is there any chance that they change out the biden harris ticket. >> i do not think so. president biden is the nominee. but things can always change. i think that as we go forward in the process and if donald trump is the nominee, i think we will see many of those at the 2020 election where people see that rhetoric. see the potential policies. extremely concerning statement. >> he was sort of chuckling when he said that the. >> is that funny? i don't think so. [laughter] not really what you want to hear from your potential president. but i think that people will take things very differently as the election approaches and we see what candidates are coming
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up. >> it does get all the right people upset, though. >> he likes to get them upset on the show, too. thank you very much. we will see you next sunday. honoring america's veterans. one of the most treasured christmas traditions in ourne countrrgy. -ahh, -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. (♪)
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we are back with look at the thousands of degrees they at the arlington national cemetery. the holiday tradition here at fox news sunday to share the story of how one man up with this idea to honor our followed with greenery. here again is the story behind wreaths across america. arsenic special. >> we wouldn't have what we have today if it wasn't for them. they stepped up for us time and time again down through the history of the country. >> his reverence for service members is fire a beloved
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american holiday tradition. he is the founder of wreaths across america. the nonprofit revises volunteers to lay christmas break at arlington national cemetery cemetery is across the u.s. >> you think will ever wrap your mind around the impact of what this has turned into and what it means to thousands? >> probably not. whether it 100 people or 100,000 people it means the same, the families. >> it started with a childhood trip to washington in 1962. he was moved by the graceful rosa iconic white and starve. >> is here is a 12-year-old, i couldn't believe how big it was. >> three decades later in 1992 he was in charge of a week company and found himself with actors around the holidays. >> when i had the reese couple of years ago i sent if i can it happen, i'm going to. the wreaths were just made it
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was to back to waste and i thought it would be great to have them on the graves. >> he asked if he could donate them to the cemetery. dozens of volunteers helped him drive down and play each one on headstones. fox news sunday first met him in 2006 those are all people. >> biden a photo of his quiet annual tribute had gone viral connector was no on the reese and it was great. let's take a forklift millions of people around the world and changed everything. you wouldn't believe the number of e-mails we got phone calls. >> people were touched and thousands began volunteering to place reese in arlington and cemeteries in the hometowns. fox news sunday join him back into see the thoracic 750-mile trip. he calls it the world's longest veterans day parade connector ceremony you are about to witness his army wreath laying
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ceremony to be conducted for the reese company. >> did you ever imagine you showed up the first year with 5000 reads that it would turn into what it is now? >> never because it was going to be a one-time thing. >> what does it mean to you to people to volunteer and work all year long to get this ready? >> it's come over time. it didn't just happen one year. it's devolving into concern for more about people and what it means to them in the family. >> after three decades he still feels reverence in each reese. >> it feels your giving multiple gifts to those honored here in arlington but those who also get to take the reason feel they give honor as well. >> it does. the reese just a bunch of boston for placed, a catalyst. it's a big meaning really. >> what is the future?
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>> the future honestly is to remember and honor every veteran enough what is it mean to you when you walk in here and look around? >> it's all in a lifetime. it really is. i had the opportunity to do this the good lord wants everything, all of us and he's in charge of all of its direct he said he believes the whole thing has been a divine assignment tradition has continued every year since 1992. this year volunteers place more than 3 million wreaths on veterans graves and 4100 locations that include more than just because reese here at arlington national cemetery. that's it for us today, thank you for joining us. kat a fantastic week. we will see you back your for next sunday. ♪ ♪


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