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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  December 17, 2023 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ arthel: right now a powerful storm is hammering the atlantic
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coast with severe weather and disrupting early holiday travel. this system traveling north with heavy rain, severe wind and flash flooding. over 60 million americans are under flood watch's tonight. welcome to a new hour of "fox news live" i am arthel neville. eric: hello everyone thank you for joining us i'm eric shawn. the storm is dumping several inches of rain in florida. right now it is marching north along the i-95 corridor. a live look look at myrtle beach, south carolina and that is where some power outages have already been reported. christmas travel begins this week and this a monster snowstorm is threatening plans, thousands of flights to and from the east coast they have been delayed it. those headaches could linger over the next two days but fox weather meteorologist tracking it all for us. >> eric hey eric it is an inconvenient time for such an impactful storm.
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it affected florida yesterday but see low pressure system worked over the peninsula now bringing a good dose of severe weather to south carolina. flash flood emergencies and effect for georgetown county south carolina until 5:15 p.m. eastern time. we've already seen floodwaters upwards of a foot in some cases cars are being stalled out. we also have a tornado watch this will go into north carolina at wilmington, new bern, plymouth as well as the outer banks of north carolina. right now it's the flooding that's posing the biggest concern for travelers. it's where it has a next that will be a bigger headache. i moved to the mid atlantic and the overnight hours 2:00 a.m. to d.c., baltimore any redeye flights you could definitely see it delays a widespread heavy rain across the northeast. then by monday morning is on the northeasterly goes into the thick of it. the goodness with the storm it moves out quite quickly. notice this despite monday
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4:00 p.m. eastern time low pressure system really started to kick itself out of here. any travelers for the rest of tonight's especially into monday morning and afternoon is going to be the biggest concern and travel impacts whether you are driving along i-95 or hopping a flight or a train. many under flood watch's. over 20 states across the eastern seaboard the flood watch is in effect from maine all the way into virginia by the flooding has been the largest concern with the flash flood emergencies still ongoing. rain across the i-95 three -- 5 inches. for those of you really want to get a white christmas and force the i-95 not going to be the place to see it. we could see if you flights one -- 3 inches on the interior of the backside of the low but that is just about it in terms of dreams of a white christmas. so far of course if you see standing water do not drive through at that is always the warning. haley, thank you. you can stay up-to-date on the forecast just ou down the "fox weather" app on your phone.
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scan the qr code if you have your phone box weather is always on and it is always free. >> outrage in los angeles after liberal district attorney george gus cohen named his new chief of staff who in the past called for the abolition of the police lapd as barbarians. resurfaced tweets from 2020 is alive with the story. and how is a local law enforcement reacting they are not happy about it. fox news progressive l.a. county d.a. for her public defender tiffany to his chief of staff despite her hateful police speech on social media. she has opposed wearing t-shirts that read police are trained to
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kill us and they cannot kill us all. she also called police and barbarian and occupied army on social media and wrote # defunded police. a director a in the local police union tells me blackmails promotion of chief of staff in the das office will ultimately take a toll on officer morale and their hiring efforts. x nobody wants to go to lapd if they see what's going on in los angeles. they see the awoken is in the d.a. office which george gascón and the bad decisions. they put their life on the line and then they get released back onto the streets again who wants to work in that kind of environment? it is tough. >> and social media black mail also wrote prison is obsolete we need to re- imagine america without it. that statement also getting backlash. quit due to criminals we didn't belong in prison? people like charles manson and his they don't belong in prison? there is evil in the world they need to be locked up for them to said there should be i no prison anymore there's something
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mentally wrong. >> l.a. county association of deputy das which represents over 800 attorneys is also critical of gascón controversial decisions one veteran d.a. tells me he is not shocked by the promotion. >> this is not even a typical defense attorney who may be leans towards criminals. this is the absolute extreme in the criminal defense community. she is now leading our office. it is disgusting. it is a danger to our communities and something needs to be discussed. >> sources tell fox news that blackmails new role as chief of staff will be in generally 16. we have reached out for comment on this we are waiting to hear back. >> christina coleman thank you. >> on capitol hill the senate still trying to hammer out a deal on immigration reforms as
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the migrant crisis overwhelms agents of the southern border taking a look that is eagle pass live the fox drone a huge crowd of people sitting waiting to be process we are told our migrants have crossed over the border. it now being assembled in that large area which is typical of what we see every day there. this is because arizona governor katie hobbs a democrat to say the problems i'm the gridlock in washington are forcing her state to mobilize the national guard. yet again the federal government is refusing to do i his job to secure our border and keep our community sacred arizona manpower to manage a flood of migrants and maintain a secure orderly and humane border. will there be a fix? louisiana congresswoman member of the appropriations committee a republi republican joins us n. congresswoman good to see you. do you think anything is going to die capitol hill?
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>> the problem falls squarely on the shoulders of president biden it is a true problem i've been to eagle pass myself. i have seen it firsthand the house republicans did our job. we passed hr to seven months ago. one has the senate been doing all this time? an overwhelming majority of americans want to border control. we need that control to happen asap. >> what type of requirement are there in hr two? the republicans put that up and the democrats is not accepted it. >> it is just common sense. it is about amnesty and control in sending people back of the cross or border illegally. under trump's administration we had a legal way for people to come to our country. i look at it from a different perspective i'm a former educator before came to congress. i've been talking to my colleagues in those border states and even in new york. our school systems are overrun. our teachers are quitting. it is not sustainable we have to
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do something now. >> republicans do have that b bill. democrats have pushed back and get some of that they do say they are considering the remained in mexico policy as well as reinforcing title 92 the trump era policy of course. do you think that will help? do you think any changes in the asylum losses could be a third rail but somehow changing the asylum procedures could be a way to try to stop the flow? >> that is just at senate democrats need to understand we have to change the policy. you can't just throw money at a problem. i spoke to a border patrol agent she was a single mom just like myself she is burned out. she is tired. she told me if she has to drag one more lifeless body, it will more child out of that river she's not sure she can to continue on. we have to do something, we have to change the policy i am hopeful the senate democrats will start to work with us to
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find a solution so we can deliver for the american people, they are demanding at peerage strip or the white house points out they propose $14 billion and they have a proposal on the table by the republicans have not approve that because the republicans win changes in asylum for example in other methods. do you think of both sides could have a common ground achieved? >> pink optimist at heart. i hope we can come to the table and find something that will work. again i go back to this is not sustainable. just last tuesday 12000 people came across our board and one day bring the american people have had enough. we have to come to the table and deliver for them. >> you mentioned you are a former educator see what's happening in new york city in my heart goes out to the kids. and the parents and some schools they are concerned about some of the migrant children coming into their classrooms being vaccinated, not being vaccinated, this sort of thing. it overwhelms the system.
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when do you think this will get a handle on it? you think we ever will be able to get a handle on this? we have not seen anything like this in quite some time if ever. >> i think we're going to feel the repercussions of the last three years for some time to come. that's why we absolutely need to act now. again i am a mom. there are millions of parents across the country who are worried about their children in school. the time to act is now. we have to get on this so that we can deliver. eric: and capitol in the senate right now trying to discuss this. certainly hope they can get something done finally because it is up to washington. we will see what happens congresswoman of louisiana, thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. stiff iphone president trump jetting off to tibet after hosting a rally in hampshire last night. fox news polling shows he still has a commanding lead over the
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rest of the republican field. meantime florida governor rhonda sanchez and vivek ramaswamy are campaigning in iowa this weekend with a 29 days until the first primary contest the iowa caucus. mark meredith has more from the campaign trail. fox news polling shows former president trump dominating among the republican field leading president biden in a hypothetical rematch. our new survey showed trump would beat biden by four points trump was in hampshire on saturday had a lot to say about president biden. his republican competition. his comments on immigration which are generating fierce pushback from democrats. >> they love the real number that i think it's 15 or 16 million people into our country. when they do that we get a lot of work to do. they are poisoning the blood of our country that is what they have done to. >> the biden harrison campaign n putting out a statement saying he can win this election by scaring and dividing his country who he is wrong in 2020 they
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chose american biden's hope and unity over trump's vision of fear and division they will do the same next november. this week and porta governor desantis is in iowa barnstorming the state. even when the most notable operative strategist jeff rowe announces he's leaving the desantis life super pack one of the many staff shakeups we have seen rattling the operation of the recent weeks but as for former un ambassador nikki haley had to iowa tonight after securing a major endorsement from new hampshire governor chris sununu. he believes haley is doing a much better the poll suggests. >> is an absolute when it's a win and a recent one. if everyone could vote in the primary comes out of votes she's going to win and a landslide that's not an exaggeration revokes a former new jersey governor chris christie was betting everything here in new hampshire. he came out today swinging against nikki haley he is accusing haley of enabling trump because she has been a less critical than others in this
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race so far of the former president. arthel: mark meredith thank you. eric: in the middle east we have growing concerns about those continued attacks by yemen iran backed houthis. they are firing up merchant at t ships and our u.s. navy. is it enough? is it enough? that's next here on fox newsee live. and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day! after advil. feeling better? on top of the worlddddd!!! before advil. advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. when pain comes for you, come back fast with advil liqui-gels.
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desperate for food. hundreds of people attended for an israeli hostage mistakenly killed by idf troops as pressure grows for israel government to do more to release the remaining hostages held in gaza. nate foy live in jerusalem with the very latest. >> a arthel. we are learning more about how the three israeli hostages tried to survive before being mistaken for her moscow terrace and accidentally shot and killed by israeli soldiers we take a look
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at these pictures released by the idf today. you see white sheets with a mesmessages written on those sheets. they were written with left over food according to the idf the messages are sos and help. three hostages you see that they read idf chief of staff says the three men took their shirts off to show troops they did not have explosives. they were also waving a white flag but in the confusion and panic of war idf soldiers shot and killed them. moments ago this is not how soldiers are trained to react with hostages or palestinians. grix it is to gazans with eight wawhite flag coming out to surrender, would be shoot at them? absolutely not, absolutely not that is not the idf. >> arthel, look at this today the idf also announced and found the largest hamas tunnel yet in gaza. this tunnel is big enough to drive a car through. it is two and a half miles long
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and more than that just a couple hundred yards away from israel's border per the project to build the tunnel was led by hamas leader brother muhammad. meanwhile as you mention the management crisis in gaza continues to worsen roughly 90% of palestinians are displaced from their homes. many of them are starving. you see their reaction to an aide delivery truck arriving in the gaza strip today they're not even waiting for her to stop there just hopping right on top and granted what they can prove those advocating for another humanitarian cease-fire there is more hope tonight. egyptian security officials report both israel and hamas are willing to negotiate another possible deal although there are still significant obstacles. there is no indication another deal is closed. we will send it back to you. arthel: i'll take it back here at nate foy in jerusalem, thank you nay. >> there is more in the red sea u.s. navy destroyer shot down 14 iranian backed houthis drones
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yesterday as those rebels keep disrupting vital international shipping routes there. the recent attacks come as defense secretary lloyd austin has arrived in the middle east he will stop at israel tomorrow. lucas thomason live at the white house with a very latest on what the administration could be planning. >> era, officials say parts of the red sea look like a parking lot right now or of the top five shipping companies in the world have suspended operations there. some people want to see president biden approve the pentagon's plans to strike back. >> a traffic in the red sea has gotten so dangerous with this escalation by the houthis against our u.s. navy ships were trying to defend all of the maritime traffic that it is time to do something more. >> uss carty shot down 14 drones yesterday in the red sea the pentagon has dispatched three more missile destroyers to the region it's going to take some time for them to get on station the sixth fleet said the u.s.
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sullivans entered today to join two other destroyers there. now some history, over 20 years ago the uss cole was bombed while refueling and yemen the soul of it was al qaeda's first target months of prayer that boat sank in the harbor before that attack could be carried out. back to today those three destroyers have to transit and through the suez canal and into the red sea there been 20 attacks against international shipping in recent weeks. the u.s. hasn't yet to launch any retaliatory strikes f. fifty-five commercial vessels have made the decision to go around and sail around the african continent to avoid the suez canal which cost about half a million dollars in transit nearly 30 million-dollar loss for egypt so far because on average about 50 -- 90 ships go through the canal hj right now traffic is at a halt in the red sea as i mentioned defense secretary lloyd austin stopped in kuwait to pay his respect officials. he is now headed to bahrain he has just arrived home to the u.s. navy's fifth fleet and he
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is on to israel and qatar. tomorrow he's expected to announce a task force to protect the shipping and the red sea russian president vladimir putin is likely loving this disruption to the commerce. >> are also reports that is what putin would like to see happen. have the united states gets bogged down in the red sea. that means we get distracted but to answer your question clearly u.s. forces are killed you are going to get a big big response from the united states. >> aircraft carrier uss eisenhower is now on station off the coast of yemen quick launch of super hornets if the order does have destroyers in the region that could launch tomahawk cruise missiles into yemen" in the uss mason which you mentioned lodge tom hudson to yemen back in 2016. eric: we mentioned this before we have kind of been here before back in the 1980s during the
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tanker war is president ronald reagan took decisive action against iran. reflect merchant cargo ships and iranian mind exploded on one of our ships 10 sailors were severely injured in that. the president took out half of iran's navy. to be seen the appetite for that at the white house? are they mindful of the tanker wars and what the reagan administration successfully did back then? >> eric officials tell me nothing is imminent yet more than likely tomorrow when lloyd austin makes his announcement about the escorts in the red sea perhaps administration will give that a try first but certainly u.s. central command is in charge of u.s. forces in the middle east has plans to strike back there waiting on the orders from president biden. quicksort lucas at the white house is always good to see you. thank you. >> eric, the houthis attacks are threatening the global supply chain. shipping joins r giants redirecs
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to avoid the suez canal. is issuing this statement in part that says we are deeply concerned about the highly escalated security situation on the southern red sea and gulf of eden. the recent attacks on commercial vessels in the area are a lime lightning and pose a significant threat to the safety and security of seafarers. diverting those shipments comes at a cost of the world. over $9 billion with of goods shipped to the suez canal and a fiscal year 2023 let's bring in jamil jaffer is the founder executive director of the natnational security institute. so first of all what do you make of the timing of the red sea attacks? how should the u.s. handle and stop them? >> there is no doubt as a lucas and eric were just discussing this is a major challenge to international shipping. the u.s. has got to respondents in u.s. ships they are in the red sea shooting down these drones parachuting on the crews
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missiles tankers have been attacked a least one is been taken into port and captured. this is obviously a m major thrt you see people diverting the resources around that area down south past the cape of good hope in africa. that's going to be a huge disruption in the u.s. has got to take action cannot be actionn against the houthis rebels themselves it's got to be against the iranian backers who are creating the challenge of the red sea. if fas i was going to say houthis is behind the attacks and ironic is behind the houthis. what do you do to stop iran so that you can stop the houthis? next we were time but this idea of reflecting tankers as we did in the persian gulf reflect the shipping you might escort those ships provide overwatch but beyond that you've got to really go after the rebels themselves the houthis and yemen. that is been a challenge but you have to go off after the iranian backers. president trump went after soleimani when americans were killed boasting growing attacks
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in iraq and syria against american soldiers again almost 80 in the last month and half two months alone yo you treat attacks on americans, american ships in the red sea commercial shipping all but direct action by the white house. arthel: are you saying it's time for the u.s. to fight another iranian leader and assassinate that person? >> with its iranian leadership firm vessels in the persian gulf or the houthis vessels of the transit point to places i write to shipping the capabilities. the houthis are not of open these drones on there on the not developing the crews missiles on their own the their coming bothh iranian money and ironic weaponry themselves. that's where the chokepoint is at the end of the day when who's behind this it is the supreme leader and whispers that led. >> money does not stop them,
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action stops them. >> the challenges to date in iraq and syria the pictures are doing a good job of shooting down the drone and stop in the attacks many successful. at the end of the day when americans are getting injured and emergent ships are being threatened and commercial shipping has been halted, more direct action is critical. listen to democratic center commented about this on abc this week but listen. cooksey menstruation has been smart and how it has responded to those attacks. but clearly the risk of an american being killed as high. big response from the united states the risk of an american being killed in the process is high. how can you prevent that from
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happening? >> you can't of the problem is we shouldn't have to wait until the americans go for that ministry should to respond. dozens of soldiers have been injured by a running back attacks in iraq and syria just in the last month at half alone. now we have seen u.s. commercian commercials u.s. and naval vessels targeted by trade eights drones that is enough. that should require a response and offense of military response for the only kind of response on respect is time for their ministration to act. it's good to come together and protect the shipping but direct action answer iran is needed now. >> between the hamas terror attack on israel and now a war between israel and hamas rushers were on ukraine the political biden d.c. i keep hearing eric and other guests bring up the 80's this is not the 80s this is a new set of circumstances. how do you handle this today? >> that is exactly it.
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we'll tease us divide it we were seeing as the world on fire this is what happened when america is not out there lydia happens her and her allies don't think were going to be there for them and hour adversaries are not afraid of us. we need to support our allies in ukraine are friends in ukraine are allies in the gulf and protect those nations. that protects america. at the end of the day when we are spending meant to fight these fights it's not because we are not defending america's interest we are it's better to fight the adversary overseas and to face them here. we have these with its russian ukraine or a ronald of the gulf these attacks will end up at home though because a smart caus and treasure then now to take those capabilities out today breed that is why these deals are so important and it's so important to back our allies to make sure our adversaries notable fight against them if necessary. if i bring the fight to them do not let them bring it to us. i am happy to see you this is subject just gives me a headache.
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i will end on a good note and tell you merry christmas and happy holidays to you and your family about t babbitt. >> merry christmas happy holidays to you as well. so for jewish groups are taking elite colleges to court over what they say is unchecked anti-semitism on campus buried in moment will hear from one of the groups the brandeis center of human rights talked with its founder ken marcus on what they are doing in the university it is taking on as "fox news live" continues. we worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and our retirement. but we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for... it was always for you. seeing you carry on our legacy— i'm so proud. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. setting up the future for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. believe it or not baby... you could earn your...
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gripped the university and college campuses is taking on the students. now human rights nonprofit is suing uc barkley for what it claims is that universally not doing enough to protect the jewish students a statement from the plaintiff in the lawsuit that's the brandeis center reads in part quote uc barkley jewish students shared in the complaint to the school does so little to protect the jewish students and fills us of the school is condoning anti-semitism. founder of the brandeis center for human rights under law and joins us now. ken, good to see a growing fear lawsuit it is stunning some of these things jewish students are excluded from organizations. not like to participate in other things. how bad is it on campus? >> it's good to be with you. it is bad. we are hearing from many, many students and it started with law students but then business students and undergraduate students. some are afraid to go out. they are afraid to go to lectures. they do not want to go to class.
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they are aware of the physical assaults. some have been threatened. some have gotten hate mail saying they should be gassed or killed. this is a situation that should not happen anywhere in the world let alone at an american university that hasn't prided itself on its adherence to rights, free speech and civil rights. it is a terrible situation for many, many of the jewish students on this campus. eric: is barkley doing enough and colleges and universities across the country doing enough to try to address this? >> absolutely not. we have been concerned about barkley for well over a year. was over a year ago at approximately nine's student groups at the law school issued statements changes to their constitutions and bylaws that said zionists could not participate as speakers before their groups.
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barkley has been aware for over a year at this discriminatory action and their failure to address that problem last year has essentially sent a green light to anti-semites that the university will simply not address even very serious violations of the university's own rules. either universities also have problems this is become a nash national situation of barkley is extremely bad but we are worried about a lot of campuses around the country including some excellent ones because you see what happened with princeton, harvard, mit and university of pennsylvania of course in the news. there's a lawsuit called palestinian 101. they talk about jewish students as being a zionists. can you explain that? >> that is a program that certain law students are forced to take it want to have
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leadership positions in the law school groups which is to say if you are a jewish students for whom zionism is an intricate part of your jewish identity. if you want to have a leadership role you have to sit through an anti- zionist indoctrination which basically signals to you that you are a second-class citizen and that you do not fully belong there. this is just one of many problems of the law school that that university has been aware for quite some time and has been unwilling or unable to address >> as you know the university says it's all protected by the first amendment let me read you part of the statement to fox news from uc barkley it says quote uc barkley believes the claims on the lawsuit are not consistent with the first amendment of the constitution but the facts of what's actually actually happening on campus university has long been committed to confronting anti-semitism and supporting the needs of its students, faculty,
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and staff or the public university barkley to some of the legal right to stop demonstrations or expression many would consider to be offensive but are protected by the constitution of the united states. do you by that? does not hold water fuel and enough of an explanation to satisfy was going on? >> us not just a legally wrong that's morally repugnant. you have just heard in a clip from one of the barkley business school students about two physical assaults. one of them was beaten on the head with a metal water bottle there is no provision of the first amendment or any part of the constitution that gives anyone a right to assault jewish students or hit them in the head with a metal water bottle. what we have that it many of the universities like barkley has not one but 21st amendments ththere's an anti-semites first amendment which provides remarkable protection. it is the superman hype
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constitutional provisions you can say or do virtually anything to jewish students even punch them in the face or hit them over the head and the university will claim is protected by the first amendment. but then there is everyone else's first amendments which are issmall and cringing it's hy even a clark kent a first amendments. that is the one that if you want to say anything else that is even a little bit controversial for instance anything that's masked as conservativism you will have virtually no protection at all. eric: 's are the more lawsuits to come this issue is disturbing and not going away ken marcus at the brandeis center of human rights under the law thank you and we will keep up with the progress of that suit. take care. pig looks good to be with you. >> are right, starting today tens of thousands of u.s. soldiers in training are heading home for the holidays. many of them expected to travel through the atlanta airport military leader said this break
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is crucial of the trainees endured months of tough drills madison is a live in atlanta at the airport with the latest, high medicine. >> hi arthel. for some of these soldiers this is the first time they have been home and months. both the trainees and drill sergeants tell us this holiday block leave is really a chance to recharge. >> i'm proud of this 1% less than 1% that's chosen to serve their country hits a people business are going to take care of them are also excited to get them back it's going to be a great new year. >> here in atlanta we saw dozens of a buses and bring over 4000 soldiers in fort moore which is formerly known as fort benning to the airport to head back home. these new army members go through some intensive training. several are just excited to get a bit of a break. one even told us that he is planning to propose to his
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longtime girlfriend are in the block leave it's not just happening here in atlanta the army says nationwide nearly 40000 soldiers from 21 basis will get the next few weeks to relax, eat some good food and get quality time at home. >> i'm really excited to see the family, have time to reset and relax with the family it some good old food when i get back home progress asked excited to spend time with my siblings i have like six of them. so putting time aside for each of them as well as my daughter specially. >> not everyone is taking a flight. officials say families for a thousand more soldiers pick them up at the fort moore base yesterday. for people here at the airport they are really just an all to see the servicemen and women going their way back home. sarthel: is something you see we see them in uniform at the airport you just get chills and if you see them you say hello and say thank you. all right madison, thank you for
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the lovely story there in atlanta. as ukraine it gears up for a nr hard winter in the fight against russia's brutal invasion it is facing a lack of economic and military support. how that could shift the battle we will talk about that coming up next. as a way to say thank you this holiday season, bass pro shops and cabela's club members save even more while supporting conservation during club member mondays. for the first time ever, club members receive up to an additional 15% off our best deals of the year,
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align probiotic was specifically designed by gastroenterologists to help relieve your occasional digestive upsets. so you can enjoy life. when you feel the signs, it's time to try align. arthel: european union agreeing to open membership talks with the agreement unable to decide on more initially for the war-torn country ukraine -- we try to stay afloat in its war against russia now approaching inthe two-year mark but let's bring in now kurt volker former u.s. ambassador to nato. ambassador, i thought recording earlier the eyeless prime minister regarding ukraine and becoming a full member of the eu ssaying and basically we have te will but not the wallets. how does this bode for ukraine? >> it is interesting the way this came out this week and this is not the end of the story.
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a lot of people thought hungry it would block the idea of open session talks with ukraine, but they didn't sp. they did however block the money even if the eu releases money to hungary for their going to come back in january try to cut a new deal with hungary to release more funds for hungry and get the hungarians on board. >> every day is like a month over there for those of fighters the soldiers in ukraine fighting this war against russia without additional financial military aid what will happen to ukraine? >> ukraine is going to make it because they are defending their homes, their lives, their territories have incredible resolved. i knew member after year end half of this war they have now developed the most experience a battleofbattle hardened army in. they are going to survive this. the eu will get their act together in january probably get the money there just as i expect the u.s. congress is going to approve that military assistance ukraine as well.
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arthel: that means you don't think the u.s. congress will approve any additional financial age ukraine? >> it is to be seen as part of the package right now i know negotiations are ongoing. u.s. contribution the military contribution is the most critical. it would be good if we helped in the budget as well that's part of the things that are under discussion. the senate has already worked its way through this making sure there's going to be funding for the southern border as well. that will come back to the house and hopefully get voted on early in general as well pick. >> as of the house the big-play specific happens or not. i do have to get to a final point here because we saw president zelenskyy just coming to d.c. he is a strong resilient person. but he seemed to have a bit of desperation. i need this financially needed military aid i need it now you are saying they are resilient the fighters are strong will get through this, which one is it?
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>> unfortunately i think he was mmaybe spun up a little bit fearing congress would not pass the aide. i think he was asked to lobby the congress to see if you get past without funding for the southern border think it was the misuse of president zelenskyy. the reality is the majority of democrats, the majority of republicans continued favoring age ukraine the adjusting to put together package that works politically in the u.s. to get that done. that's not something zelenskyy can help with that something our elected leaders are democrats and republicans in the white house, and congress have to figure out themselves. arthel: just and 20 seconds using president zelenskyy should've made out a military plan? you said it was poor use of his time. >> think president zelenskyy does have a military plan but say it long, hard, struggling one. i think what he did do effectively is make the case ukraine it needs the aide. he cannot weigh in on the domestic politics is something we got to weigh in on ourselves.
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throughout ambassador thank you very much appreciate talking to you take care sir. >> thank you so much. arthel: thank you, we will be right back. - it's okay. - don't be scared. - let's go. - that's a good job. - can i see him? - this is our home - and this is our room.
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steve are residents of madison, tennessee are coming together if they were hit hard by powerful tomato last week.
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fox weather reports. >> to churches, two congregations coming together to worship after surviving a terrifying storm. members of the community baptist church in madison, tennessee reuniting for the first time since their beloved church came crashing down just one week ago. more than 35 people were inside when a deadly ef two tornadoes d through the neighborhood. but they all survived. reverend vincent johnson calls it an act of god. now, another music city church, bethel baptist church opening its temporary space to members of that congregation. that church is sadly also facing the wrath of a destructive twister back in 2020. there is no word yet if the madison church can or will be rebuilt both church pastors told me they are grateful to get the chance to lean on each other through the devastation and celebrate the holidays together.
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in nashville, tennessee i am nicole valdes "fox weather." >> talk about being grateful especially grateful this holiday season, right eric? >> absolutely especially to have faith and hope and the spirit that is what we need. that's what the season is all about. certainly the next couple ofe's weeks. arthel: and gratitude thank you, merry christmas. and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day! teeth sensitivity is so common. it immediately feels like somebody's poking directly on the nerve. i recommend sensodyne. sensodyne toothpaste goes inside the tooth and calms the nerve down. and my patients say you know doc, it really works. my little family is me, aria, and jade. just the three of us girls. i never thought twice about feeding her kibble. but about two years ago, i realized she was overweight.
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