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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  December 17, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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♪ >> -- katie pavlich and raymond if arroyo, and welcome to "the big weekend show." the big story tonight, president trump's takedown. he surprised a packed house at the ufc fight in las vegas. [cheers and applause] >> and they are all rising inside t-mobile arena to pay their respects. to the former leader of these united states of america. donald trump is a massive ufc fan, he's watching our fight nights at home, but he had been omni present at our fight nights this year. >> that's an entrance. he went after president biden moments ago. >> joe biden and the democrat party are incapable of solving new problem. there's -- any problem. there's not a problem they're been able to so. crooked joe is a low iq individual. [cheers and applause] and he is truly the worst, most
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incompetent and most corrupt president in the history of our country. >> in a brand new fox news poll giving trump a whopping 57-point lead e over desantis who is far back in second place, and trump has a strong lead e over biden. 50% to biden's 46. you see that here. and it's not looking good for governor desantis either. in a hypothetical matchup, desantis and biden are tied. i want to get to those polls, but i first want to start with that entrance we saw. out in vegas. can we roll that again, by the way? you talk about an entrance, just coming in flanked by kid rock, by dana white. >> nice. >> it looks like dana white and kid rock are actually working security for him, the crowd going wild. raymond, you're a showman. >> when you see this, let's be honest, this is an encore of what we saw in no when he was at
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marred ifen doing the same thine gardening. he's aligning himself with this ufc brand. it's hugely popular in middle america, in the states that love trump and even some that don't. so that's really smart marketing. this is a cultural politicking on a level and at a stratosphere that, frankly, one of his competitors can touch. and when he walks in and he's got dana white and kid rock and tucker carlton and mario lopez around him, it gives him a certain cultural cache that elevates trump from the political into the cultural and, frankly, nobody can compete with him in this arena. this will bear incredible political dividends for this president with white guys, working class african-americans, hispanics. men are obsessed with ufc. i know guys from totally different backgrounds, they all do the pay-for-view, they were watching this closely. trump turned it into a political rally. >> even one of the fighters who deny win is supporting trump, i think we've actually got that
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sound here. quickly, here's colby covington talking about trump. listen to this. >> -- we need this border secure, we need inflation down, and we need america first again. donald trump's the only one that's going to do that again. trump 2024. >> we need the border secure -- [laughter] perhaps colby is one of those e polled in the latest fox news poll, katie. put that up again. so head to head, trump to biden, 56% to 46%. break with it down to the other choices, you got desantis, well, biden and haley, 43-49. and desantis not faring that much better. >> yep. >> clearly, trump is the strongest in the head to head against biden. >> well, i'll first say that polls are a snapshot in time, but time is running out for these other primary candidates. we are less than a month away from the iowa caucuses where nikki haley's been on the ground, ron desantis has been banking on iowa, each calling from people out of state to come in and caucus for the governor.
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the conventional wisdom from a lot of people was that as the field narrowed, trump would lose support. that has been the opposite. he had 69port of primary in the -- support in the primary right now and that's up 7 points just since no, so i don't foresee necessarily anything changing between now and when people actually start voting, but trump is everywhere. he's in nevada. nevada caucuses will be in about two months. new hampshire last week and, of course, he'll be in iowa and has been in iowa. >> there, by the way, is desantis-biden tied 47-47 in that hypothetical head to head. haley, actually, 49-43. haley is coming on strong. but you talk about the polls being a snap if shot in time -- nap shot in time, but people who don't follow this as closely as we have to, they just see trump with a commanding lead every time, and that's not new. >> right. that's not new at all. he's been atop since he decided he was going to run again. there's been no candidate who's ever come close to him. he's been up by double digits since the beginning.
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nikki haley has been able to gain some ground in new hampshire with the endorsement from the new hampshire above there, but ron desantis has had a hard time since the beginning of his campaign really gaining votes rather than losing them. he's still in second place, but the mauve against biden, his hole thing was i can beat joe biden, and haley and trump's polling is better on that issue. >> well, the mainstream media a is not going to agree with you, katie, because they were watching the former president's rally yesterday, and he said a number of things particularly with regards to migrants and poisoning the blood and, to obvious, he says these things a lot of times when he wants people to try and figure out what did he mean by these things. however, and because, tomi, you have a pop socket, i just learned what that is, literally it comes to mind that perhaps the former president is trying to trigger people in the media. here was their reaction to some of what the former president had to say. watch. >> it sounds like an appeal to
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white supremacists because in many ways it is an appeal the white spectrum sis. >> this is fascist rhetoric. it's not just the nazis, it's also farrests. >> times indicted the former president who yesterday continued to ec ecoe the almost of adolf hitler, of all people. >> the state of our union is, frankly, stunned. [laughter] >> stunned. a new way for the state of the group whereon to be. >> yeah. this, again, this has been their main play since 2015 all the way through. they have nothing, they can't say that donald trump's economy was worse than joe biden's. they can't say that world affairs were worse under trump. they can't by any metric say that things were worse under trump than they currently are under biden, so they have to go to the lowest hanging fruit if, he's a racist, a white supremacist, he's akin to hitler, he is a nazi which is really quite remarkable when many democrats are actually out on the streets with anti-israel, anti-semitic sentiment and in their own party they have an issue with that.
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so to call trump a nazi again is very tired. that is all they have. they have to talk about january 6th, they have to talk about democracy being at stake because they have nothing else. they're terrified that people are looking at their pocketbook, they're looking at their kitchen table, they're looking at their families and saying, boy, things are not going well under joe. they're terrified of that, so they'd rather say trump is a racist because that's all they have. >> i just feel -- and i want you guys to weigh in quickly on this because i feel like he just knew it was going to work. it's, like, you know, the charlie brown football finish. [laughter] they were going to follow it. >> but, look, he is -- donald trump is a brilliant cultural brander. he knows how to get the culture's attention. never mine jake tapper. that's the bottom hanging fruit. he knows he can get that. but to get people while they're watching sport, to get them while they're watching entertainment, he's the center of ever cultural conversation. that's far larger than politics and, frankly, nub of his competitors have that kind of juice, that kind of hold on a
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crowd or on this particular bloc of voters. donald trump's running away with it. every moment is like when he entered that fight the other night. >> that entrance is unbelievable. but, you know, there's actually someone else who's worried that biden can't win in '24, his best friend obama. fox news 'lucas. tomlinson is live at the white house tonight. lucas? >> reporter: griff, president obama reportedly once famously said never underestimate joe biden's ability to, well, mess things up. and now the former president is speaking again in a new article in the "wall street journal." here's the headline, it says, quote, biden's agenda hangs in balance as tough election year approaches. and more from this piece by ann linsky, those with concerns include former e president barack obama who, quote, knows this is going to be a close race and feels that democrats very well could lose the 2024 election according to a person familiar with his thinking. obama worries that the
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alternative is pretty dangerous for democracy. finish and now we have some new fox news polls showing the tough position president biden is in right now. he's down 4 points, trump is up 4 points over president biden, biden's at 37%, trump 41%. robert f. kennedy, 14%. jill stein, 3%. and cornel west at 2%. as for their view on the gop's impeachment proceedings against president biden, 49% say it's legitimate, 48 president say it's -- 48% says it's bogus. i feel like howie kurtz here reading all these articles, hunter biden knows he's in the crosshairs. he is worried that he might have to flee the country if trump were to be elected president again according to two people who have spoken with him. taylor swift also said she'd flee the country if trump were to come back and win re-election. of course, you'd assume she'd wait for football season to end
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although they do play nfl games in europe as a you know, griff, and there's even going to be a game in brazil next year. >> we'll have to see what travis kelce has to say about that. lucas tomlinson, thanks. well, a big show still ahead on "big weekend show." the lapd and prosecutors react as the radical district attorney picks an anti-cop activist to be his number two. plus, articlingenton national cemetery 's the next target for the woke mob if just as trump predicted. >> this week it's robert e. lee. i wonder, is it george washington next week? you really do have to ask yourself, where does it stop? >> finally, is it okay to regift this christmas? [laughter] of. >> i'm going to wrap up this gift and put from mom and dad, and it might not be -- [laughter] ♪ ♪ burning in my heart. ♪ i can't keep from crying. ♪ it's tearing me apart ♪
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my little family is me, aria, and jade.
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just the three of us girls. i never thought twice about feeding her kibble. but about two years ago, i realized she was overweight. she was always out of breath. that's when i decided to introduce the farmer's dog to her diet. it's just so fresh that she literally gets bubbles in her mouth. now she's a lot more active, she's able to join us on our adventures. and we're all able to do things as a family. ♪ get started at
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♪ ♪ i don't feel like dancing ♪ >> welcome back to "the big weekend show." well, in los angeles new outrage tonight after a radical district attorney george gascon picked an
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anti-cop prosecutor to be his chief of staff. fox news correspondent christina coleman spoke with an lapd detective and another prosecutor about the pick. >> hi. news that progressive l.a. county d.a. george gascon is promoting tiffany blackknell to his chief of staff despite her hateful police speech on social media, sporting t-shirts saying polices are trying to kill us, also calling police barbarics and wrote hashtag defund police. a director with the local police union tells me her promotion to chief of staff in the d.a. a's office will ultimately take a toll on officer ma role -- morale and hiring efforts. >> they see what's going on in los angeles, they see the woke message in the d.a.'s office, the bad decisions, you put your high on the line and they ten get released. mine, who wants to work in that kind of environment? it's tough. >> reporter: on social media,
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blacknell also wrote we need to reimagine america without prison. that statement also getting backlash. the association of deputy d.a. a. a which represents over 800 attorneys is also critical of fast cope's controversial decision. one veteran d.a. tells me he's shot knocked -- not shocked. >> this is not even a typical defense attorney who maybe leans towards criminals, this is the absolute extreme in the criminal defense community, and she is now leading our office. it's disgusting. it's a danger to the to our communities, and it's something that needs to be discussed. >> reporter: sources tell fox news blacknell's new role as chief of staff will begin january 16th. we've reached out for comment if on this, we are waiting to hear back. back to you. >> o.k.. so now that this assistant district attorney who likes to keep criminals on the streets so they can reoffend and revictimize, griff, is basically contradictory to the mayor.
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karen bass said this about the need for more police earlier this year. >> now, my number one job as mayor is to keep angelenos safe. but unfortunately, the reality is, is that lapd is down hundreds of officers. our officers already face enough threats. they put their lives on the lewin ever day. line every day. my budget proposal calls for urgent action to hire hundreds of officers next year on the way to restoring the department to full strength. >> i mean, griff, it's, like, what insane world, this is never going to work. these things do not work together. >> no. look, this is why i was upset last night at the end of the show and glad to sound off a again, because you -- who is going to take a job whose boss' chief of staff is abdicating on a t-shirt that they hate you? this is the district attorney whose sole job is to prosecute, and she's tweeting prison is obsolete. we need to reimagine america
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without it. you're the person that puts people in prison for committing crimes. there is, i'm telling you, a year from now i want to pull the data because we move on, there's a short attention span. a year from now, six months from now i want the recruitment numbers out of lapd, because it is going to be abysmal. because why would any young man or woman who believes, whose family relatives were cops in a proud tradition that was, you know, appreciated by communities that now faces a cell phone everywhere, worried that they might be prosecuted, worried that they're going to be hated on because of the black lives matter protests we saw and now the d.a. a wears a t-shirt that says the police are trying to kill us? >> yeah. >> this is ab how about -- ab a hornet. and i feel for everyone in los angeles. if i lived in l.a., i would be pissed off and holding up a sign in front ofty hall saying we're not going to take this. >> you can't reconcile these two
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things, tomi. >> i'm thinking, colin kaepernick, was he too busy? that would be the likely second choice. i lived in l.a. for several year, and i left right at the start of covid. it's much worse now. when you have a mayor, or karen bass, saying we're going to hire more officers, that's the same thing as saying we're going to hire more border patrol agents. if people don't want the job, it's not going to work. and to just hire them and then undermine them at every turn doesn't work. you can hire 10,000, but if you don't allow them to do their job, they arrest people and they end up right back out on the streets because of your bail policies, these officers are undermined, they cannot do their jobs. it doesn't matter how many you have, they are essentially standing there like pretty statues in blue unable to do thinking about the problem -- anything about the problem, and that a sickens them more than the public ridicule, more than anything. >> raymond, the mayor stood up for the police saying they're chairmans, they put their lives on the lewin -- they're courageous. doesn't necessarily can
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criticize people like this who are running the prosecution. >> and this is the point. what led them to the crisis in hiring and retention that they have now? two things. tomi hit on one of them. the d.a. was lax in the enforcement of the law, didn't back the officers and in many cases gave plea deals to gang bangers who shot cops, by the way. and this woman was involved. she herself, by the way, this tiffany blacknell, the new chief of staff at the prosecutor's office, she admitted in the '90s she was a looter, and she's condoned looting in l.a.. anybody if who's been to rodeo drive, beverly hills, as it is a ghost town now. why? because they de. monoize cops, they drove cops away. and i pulled the stats earlier. they're 1,000 down from 2019. >> yeah. >> this can't stand. finish you can't have someone who's opposed to the law and law enforcement shaping the law and prosecutions. >> well, there's -- >> you cannot have them. >> they're shaping their own
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system. >> yeah, oblivion. >> all over the country. speaking of, up next, tearing down tradition. a woke mob gets its way as a little piece of history is about to be ripped away from article aington national cemetery -- article aingington national cemetery. that's up next. ♪ the airport, the baggage carousel. ♪ i said it's no occasion ♪
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israel is under attack. the war against israel began with the murder of hundreds of precious children.
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♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪
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♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ ♪ all i ever needed here in my arms ♪ >> welcome back to "the big weekend show. " more history is being removed this week courtesy of the federal government. something former president trump predicted years ago. >> so this week it's robert e. lee. i notice that stonewall jackson's coming down. i wonder, is it george washington next week? and is it thomasier soften the week after of? you really do have to ask
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yourself, where does it stop? >> this time it's following a congressional mandate passed in 2020, the reconciliation monument at arlington national cemetery was erected in 1914. it depicts soldiers going off to war. the bronze was sculpted by moses e e semiyessing who's buried beneath the monument and federal dead interred nearby. your reaction to what trump said, tomi. it has become a steam roller. >> of yeah. we knew this in 2020, everybody went to getting rid of monuments and, guess what? did they cure racism? did they cure the wounds of the pass? if no, they -- the past? no, they made a big fuss. by the way, this estimated costs $3 million, so instead of advancing the cause of americans who are struggle under bidenomics, they think removing a statue is somehow going to bring piece and unity to the land. if 2020 was an indication, none of this movement did anything.
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blm got rich, hay made a nice sum for themselves, and they built mansions in southern california for themselves, but did it solve a problem? i think not. >> no. griff, 4 # 4 republicans have urged the secretary of defense, austin, to lee the statue where it is. -- leave the statue where it is. they write the reconciliation monument does not honor nor commemorate the con fed racy, it commemorates iraq silluation and national unity. the defense department is ignoring that plea. should they, griff? >> they need to get active because this is exactly e the point. the men and women that fought in this picture, this statue depicting, you know, the time then, they didn't think 1690 years later it was going to offend if a bunch of people. arlington national cemetery is the most say sacred soil we have in this nation. that's in section 16. i've conducted interview after interview with travis manion, his sister, others in that
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section 60 where our current generation's war dead lie. to go in there and remove something that clearly isn't under the purview of what the instruction was to remove thing es that commemorated the confederacy is really something that needs to be the rethought. and not to criticize it, it's let's say, whoa, pump the brakes. >> it's part of american history, and this is the problem. hook, i saw this in new orleans when mitch landrieu began this march destroying these beautiful statues. doesn't the remuscle of this -- removal of this reconciliation monument really release the legacy of -- erase the legacy of lincolning? >> the people who claim they're trying to make the country more unified are actually participating in something that tears town that unity, erasing examples of unification, forgiveness, reck are silluation. but if they're going after the statue, why are they going to remove robert e. lee's house? his house is in arlington semitower, it was there before
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the civil war finish. >> it was his property. >> the union took it over. they buried soldiers there. it eventually turned into arlington national cemetery. and in washington, d.c., the lincoln memorial, this is one of my favorite parts of the city, you go to the western side and you with sit there and you look up across memorial bridge, and you see robert e. lee's house up on the hill. and it's the striking image of forever in unity, abraham lincoln's memorial looking at robert e. lee's former home and the way we have moved forward as a country, and that is what they want to tear down. they don't want us to be americans in in the e pluribus unum fashion. they want with us to be at each others throats all the time. when you do these tours now, they don't mention it's robert e. lee's house. the last tour i was on, the tour guide didn't say it, i had to say is it. so they're already doing this, erasing what really happened there. >> it's like general bow reguard, we had a beautiful statue to him. when he came back from the war,
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by the way, he was the guy who organized the free people of color to vote, and he opened public schools for black children. we never hear about that. we're losing that history, and our children should have it. the shocking number of gen-z who think israel should be, quote, ended, that's next. stay there. ♪ ♪ and i say, it's all right. ♪ little darling, it's been a long, cold -- my daddy's a cowboy. i'm a cowboy and i'm raising a cowgirl. and discovering that my family come from farmers, for generations. this life is in our blood. and we ain't stopping no time soon. give the gift of family heritage with ancestry.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome back to "the big weekend show. harvard may be feeling the impact of the controversial testimony by harvard's president on capitol hill. >> but it's not just anti-semitism, it's also a islamophobia and, or frankly, just hostility to individuals who are visibly muslim. >> early admission applications are down by nearly 20%.
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fox news correspondent bryan llenas reports. >> reporter: griff, good evening. republican virginia foxx chaired the committee on education and says its investigation is not limited to harvard is, mit and u-penn. she says the committee has personnel dedicated specifically to investigating campuses nationwide to find where anti-semitism exists. fox says colleges need to be ready to hand over documents and even receive subpoenas to testify to congress where republicans are now threatening to strip federal dollars from universities and tax their endowments wherever anti-semitism is found. the fallout cobs from the toast testimonies from the presidents two weeks ago when they failed to unequivocally say that calling for the genocide of jews violates school policies. harvard reportedly saw a 17% drop in early action applications compared to last year. a 4-year low.
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>> i think it would be foolish to say, you know, the war in israel and the controversy after octoberth has nothing to do with it. >> this as a new study by brandeis university of jewish undergraduate students as at 51 schools not including harvard or mit found those with the highest levels of anti-semitic hostility include boston university, columbia, george washington university, nyu, ohio state, michigan, university of wisconsin, university of california and the university of pennsylvania. >> this is now becoming a national schism situation. at berkeley it's extremely bad. but we're worried about a lot of campuses including some excellent ones. >> reporter: notably, liz magill resigned under pressure following her congressional testimony while harvard and mit are sticking by their respective presidents, claude dean gay and sally corn bleu. griff? >> also tonight a shocking new harvard-harris poll finds most
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of the 18 to 24-year-olds believe that israel should be, quote, ended. not kidding you. and turned over to hamas. this is perhaps, i guess, not surprising, tomi, because the youths go to the columns where they teach this. >> right. >> but you would expect the educated people at "the new york times" to understand what's happening here as we now discuss. [laughter] but i saw this headline that caught our eye. of look at this, campus crackdowns have chilling effect on pro-palestinian speech, the byline underneath that, universities are under tremendous pressure to stamp out anti-semitism, but some say it's causing fear and curbing free ec e presentation. am i missing something here in. >> yeah, we're missing a lot, a lot. and this is the tuition that these brats want us to pay for, by the way. but let's think about this. i'm so glad these universities are now in support of free speech, because i know when i two to speech speak on a college
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campus, my mere presence is labeled hate speech, and they say i shouldn't be there. there's protests that even if a conservative shows up on campus to speak. but now they're worried about the chilling effect on pro-palestinian speech. obviously, it's anti-jewish, anti-semitic, anti-israel, pro-hamas. so you have got "the new york times" trying to do all these mental gymnastics to make this seem like it's okay, clear what side they're on. but i think as you see these e admissions or these applications drop, i think these elite universities need to be terrified of the culture they've created. and people are going to, i guess, decide where they want to go to school, and i hope that they do. take matters in your own hands, don't go to these schools. >> yeah, look, we're, like, 70 days removed from the war in israel and gaza. but yet we are still including bill maher having to explain why the harvard president couldn't come to terms with accepting that the river to the sea is a
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call for genocide of the israeli people. here's bill maher explaining it. >> the palestinian people should know your leaders and the useful idiots on college campuses who are their allies are not doing them any favors by keeping alive the river to the sea -- here's the river, here's the sea. oh, i see, it means you get all of it. not just the west bank which was basically the original u.n. partition teal you rejected because you wanted all of it and always have. and so you attacked. and lost. and attacked again. and lost. and attacked again. and lost. if i give you the benefit of the doubt and say your plan for a completely j is ewless -- jewless palestine isn't that all the jews should die, what is the only other option? >> katie, can you help us out here? >> well, all of these students who responded to this poll saying israel should be handed to hamas qualify for my summer in gaza program.
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they can sign up at get thrown off of the you're free to go there and spend some time, i'll pay for the ticket. this is clearly being with indoctrinated through tiktok and also through this toxic d everything i, critical race e theory agenda that we're seeing at a college campuses all over the country where they think that jews are are at the -- >> diversity, equity if inclusion unless you're jewish. >> right. they put jews at the top of the oppressive nature of things. they're successful in some way and, therefore, they're allow to be possessor if suit cuted in all of these ways -- persecuted. these kids, young adults, don't understand the history of israel. they see these claims that palestinians get stopped at checkpoints. living in the west bank going to work in israel which is a southern country, not israeli-arabs who have equal rights to j is ews and christians, do have to go through checkpoints. s and reason for that is because they used to wear suicide vests
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and go into cafés and nightclubs in tel aviv and blow up young people who are the same ages as these kids who are responding to this poll. and the same age of the kids or who were slaughtered by hamas on october. th at this music -- 7th at this music festival. this is a deep-seeded problem because it's part of this hire around a key of depressioning with the dei curriculum that they believe in and they're teaching on campus. >> i've only got, like, 20 seconds -- >> oh, thanks. i'm glad you saved a lot of time for me. i'll make it fast. look, we look at these universities and think, oh, this is organic. it's not. >> right. >> this is select i speech choreographed individuals of a single mindset. so when you see kids saying 60% believe hamas is justified by doing what they did to israel, that, by the way, 660%? that's -- 60%? that's higher than american muslims which are at 57%. so we're teaching these kids how to hate, and we're doing it deliberately in these universities. that is what needs to be arrested and looked at very
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carefully. and the historical and religious liberty, bigotry and misunderstanding, ignorant -- ignorance is deep and that's why we need monuments and people to represent true diversity of religious belief and ideological quickly, i just want to say israel is the only country in the middle east for thousands of miles where women have equal rights, where miss if limbs, christians and jews have equal rights. you're not going to find that anywhere else within a thousand miles of egypt. >> and this is -- miles of israel. >> komaing up, baffling or brilliant, a regifting hack that is sparking a big debate this christmas. that's next. >> so i'm going to wrap up this gift and put from mom and dad, and it might not be. [laughter] ♪ i want it all, i want out all -- it all, and i want it now ♪
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(vo) in three seconds, pam will decide... (pam) i'm moving closer to the grandkids! wait. i got to sell the house! (vo) don't wait, just sell directly to opendoor. easy as pie. (pam) piece of cake. (vo) whichever. get your competitve offer at
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♪ i'm on my way, home sweet home ♪ >> welcome back to "the big weekend show." so let's just admit can it, everyone regifts this time of year. >> a little housewarming.
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to new dippings. beginning. >> thanks. ah. actually, i gave this to you for your wedding. >> this model? >> no, this exact one. [laughter] >> oh, and now one mom has a regifting hack that all started when her and her husband saved presents for their daughter throughout the year, and here is what happened next. whether the problem is last year my daughter had a birthday party, and she had, like, ten kids there. she got gifts from all those kids, gifts from us, he got a lot. and i took -- she got a lot. and i took maybe half of those gifts and put them downstairs in a bin to save because it was way too much. but i put them in the same bin of the gifts that we've been collecting throughout the year. and now i'm wrapping up her birthday present, and i'm going through the bin and i'm, like, did we buy her this puzzle? or did her friend chloe buy her
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the puzzle? i don't remember. so i'm going to wrap up this gift and put from mom and dad, and and it might not be from us. [laughter] what do you think? if is this -- does this make me a terrible person, or is this such a genius gifting hack? [laughter] >> i just want to start this off by saying two things. if you have a by of gifts, your children -- bin of gifts, your children are spoiled. one. [laughter] and two, i want to apologize on behalf of all millennials. i'm not yet a parent, but all those who feel they need to document everything they do on social media. [laughter] if you want to slap a bow on chloe's gift, just do it, you don't need to tell us about it. katie, what are your thoughts? besides her annoying video -- [laughter] if she had just kept it to herself, the cop sent of, hey, someone else got you this, is that wrong? >> i'm totally with you on the millennial. we don't have to document
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everything or ask the internet every question we may have about especially parenting, right? but to her credit, i think this is fine. like, kids -- no one's going to remember a puzzle from when you're a little kid and, honestly, i think that kids get a lot of things these days, and it's totally fine. you've got to put some of them away, maybe have fewer gifts. and she admitted that the kid had too many the at the beth day party, so i applaud them for saying we're going to put these away for another time so there's not too much of this happening. >> raymond, how many gifts are too many gifts to give to your children for christmas or the holiday season? >> whatever that child is capable of processing at one time. and i do remember back in the day, people bring things, santa comes, you kind of bring some in the closet, you bring them out as you go. but the idea that you're regifting, regifting only works if i've never seen the gift before. if i've seen it before and you give it back to me, that's a return. every -- that's not a gift. [laughter]
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>> that's important. >> but the other point is this is the height of materialism and, frankly, kind of insanity that we have to broadcast this and do this little drama in the basement. just keep it, save it. my problem is we should really give kids -- now in my old age i've decided books and memories. that's what we should give children for all a occasions, books and an event, a memory that they can share together with us. those are the things that last. everything else, they've got -- >> i don't know, i like getting presents for the kids. [inaudible conversations] >> i want to call you out because earlier -- >> uh-oh. >> oh, here we go. >> griff is a spender. he is the dad that you want because i have been told that you allowed your daughters to go into saks with $1,000 and just go wild? >> spend big. you can buy your way into the christmas spirit. look, let me advocate for that mom for a second. it's endearing and sweet that she wants to get the right gifts and give gifts for her children. this is what happens when you're
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a parent. you want to be kind to them. but let me also help everyone watching this and give you the rules of regifting which raymond touched on. rule number one of griff's regifting is this, remember who gave you that gift. otherwise it could lead to disaster. number two, along the same lines, just remember to take the tags off. if there's a date on that, it could lead e to giving it away. number three, put some love into it. if by that i mean if you don't want it, they don't want it. [laughter] >> right. >> maybe it's a personal thing, you're not personally -- >> it's candles, it's wine, it's gift cards, it's -- >> wine's a great regifter. >> don't give, like -- >> [inaudible] >> picked out for you. and then finally, never regift to the same person again. because then it becomes too ez -- easy a habit. instead, just take them to saks and turn them loose with cash. >> exactly. >> i want to be on his christmas
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list, that's all i can a. >> -- say. >> you can buy love, you can buy affection for your kids. >> no grinch here. >> the best thing for hose the kids would be if she would pay attention to them, instead of making videos. >> right. take them to the rockettes show. >> hang in there, mom, i got your back. >> stick around because our big four is next. ♪ i feel it coming, i feel it coming, babe. ♪ i feel it coming, i feel it coming, babe ♪
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welcome back to the big weekend to show it is time for the big four. our picks for the biggest stories everyone will be talking about this week i will go first. heartwarming moment of a woman in nebraska nearly tackling her soldier to the ground as he returned home from deployment. i love videos like this all year long. i always a member of our soldiers are serving overseas they do not get to come home for the holidays always definitely want to keep them in mind as you all celebrate the holiday season thank each of the u.s. troops all over the world we appreciate your sacrificing for our freedom progress best videos ever. meanwhile everybody's going to talk about this i assure you including lucas tomlinson i cannot shake it off fans of award-winning singer adele's and go easy on me sing the top spot passing taylor swift for the most expensive last-minute concert tickets of 2023. going for an average of 1000
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bucks a pop. carcass would hurt the shopping. [laughter] bad blood with taylor swift the most expensive last-minute ticket for the errors stuart was 90058 bucks. spend the extra 42. >> and now you can finally go to taylor swift. >> that is right. >> she's about to kick off a tour in japan. >> you can go see her there regularly. >> this all works out in the end. alright i am up next. tick talkers and content creators to be bing slam for wht is been called trended tourism influencers are flocking to ravage cities all run by democrats like philadelphia to film drug users under the influence of highly powerful sedatives. all right, i do think it is somewhat disgusting to fill these people they are still human beings. i think there should be more outrage over the fact this is allowed to happen in these ravage cities and this is commonplace pretty find these
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people everywhere it's really unfortunate. i think that is where the outrage should live. >> quickset drug is intense and causes amputations is really rough it. >> i have a story this week that people apparently cannot stop talking about a b bettis ousted former congressman george santos is an influencer of what he calls congressional icon he sells for $500 personalized campicameo videos like this one. >> exhale, it's the og original sexiest person in the world. [laughter] that is right he's trying to remake himself and aunt x he announced his time for very limited time he'll be doing cameos to bring christmas cheer to all of your faces. my question is, did anyone ever think i need a nativity, tickets to the rocket show and george to make my christmas complete? i do not understand what a guy
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who is facing 23 federal charges for defrauding donors what he has to do with christmas cheer? who made him whole hosea? santos should embrace the penitential side of christmas and like the wiseman spend a little time in the desert you want to have a good time come see me in nashville next week i'm with josé on the 21st. >> eight raymond theater. lender 50 bucks a pop? >> no cheap, cheap. i want families to come is not that hard work let me confess i thought about who i can pay 500 bucks and send a santos video they are pretty classic. >> a conversation been going on my friend group as well. who's going to get the money for. >> the gift that keeps on giving all your r wrapper you cannot regift that does it for us but we'll see you next weekend life, liberty, and levin starts right now ♪ ♪ ♪


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