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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  December 18, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PST

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still ready to try new things. advice is simple, know when to start, stay, or leave. so if you're looking for something to give someone you like or even someone you don't like, it's a book i wish i had read or written long ago. but it's never to late to choose a significant life. don't get this book to help me. get it to help someone you care about lead a life that is significant and meaningful. thank you for spending part of your sunday with us. i hope you have a great week ahead. till next week, you can find us online, at gowdy america or on the trey gowdy podcast. good night from south carolina ♪
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>> carley: a fox news alert. a car slams into the presidential moetorcade. the car tried to drive away. i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. crash occurring in wilmington, delaware. the crash was said to not be intentional. alex. >> the president was not a target, the police are looking into the driver and investigating the motor vehicle collision, which did not result in injuries. investigators are working to determine if impairment was a factor. president biden was departing around 8 p.m. last night.
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he reacted to the sound of the crash and ushered to safety of his vehicle, where the first lady was already seated inside. north were injured. secret service said a secret service vehicle was struck. the president's motorcade departed without incident. the sedan tried toef loo the scene before being warmed by secret service. the driver was seen with his hands up. the vehicle sustained bumper damage, police are investigating. >> carley: don't try to leave the scene when you are being swarmed by secret service. >> todd: carley's message there.
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president biden has plenty to be worried about, new fox news poll show joe biden would lose or tie to top three gop candidate in hypothetical match ups. >> carley: brooke singman. >> brooke: if the president faced former president donald trump or nikki haley, he would lose. this is a hypothetical match up and haley expected to beat biden by six points if she were to go head-to-head with biden next year. the president is denying results. listen to this. >> mr. president, why are you losing to trump in the polls? >> president biden: -- poll. >> brooke: biden might claim the polls are wrong, former president barack obama is
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worried about reelection in 2024. telling the "wall street journal" obama knows this will be a close race and feels democrats very well could lose the 2024 election. obama worries the alternative is dangerous for democracy, that person told the "wall street journal." biden campaign is facing issues as concerns over economic will policy and stance on immigration grow. both issues are top concerns with immigration jumping eight points over the last four months, which have been filled with record-breaking days at the southern border. biden's approval rating rose slightly compared to last month. guys. >> todd: a lot to break down, thank you. we'll unpack it all coming up later in the show.
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>> carley: and hunter is defama defa defending his father, jen psaki says he could be doing more than good. >> we know your dad loves you, please stop talking in public, this is not helpful for him to be out there. same time, the president loves his son and family and he's worried about his mental healthy, but yes, the white house would like him to go away right now. >> carley: last wednesday hunter doubled down on claims his father was not involved in his overseas business dealings. did you hear about this, todd? more and more people are buying gift cards that are worthless because thieves have cashed them out. we'll talk to someone who experienced this first hand. >> todd: take a look at this.
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>> fields chased, looking, sets up, going deep, hail mary. end zone deflected. tipped and intercepted. >> todd: oh, wow, it doesn't get closer than that, chicago bears falling just short of miraculous hail mary victory. we'll wrap up the highlights from sunday and your football next. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi, i'm on my way with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms,
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loving this pay bump in our allowance. wonder where mom and dad got the extra money? maybe they won the lottery? maybe they inherited a fortune?
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maybe buried treasure? maybe it fell off a truck? maybe they heard that xfinity customers can save hundreds when they buy one unlimted line and get one free. now i can buy that electric scooter! i'm starting a private-equity fund that specializes in midcap. you do you. visit today. >> carley: police are warning of a gift card draining scam that leaves gift cards you buy from target and other retailers worthless. >> somebody was taking all the cards from the store without paying for them, taking them home and they heat up the envelopes to open them as carefully as they can, remove the card and cut the top of the card off and take the bottom half, put it back into the
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envelope, reglue it shut and you have a brand new gift card you think you are getting for your person for christmas. >> carley: a victim of the scam joins me now. good morning to you. this is a new one. what happened to you? >> it was new for me, as well, and i was shocked by it. i went into the store to buy a target gift card. took it off the shelf, took to the cash register, loaded it with $200 and i was on my way. couple days later i hand it off as a gift, she didn't use it right away, that gift card had already been scammed. she weren't target to use it, she was at the cash register and told there was zero balance on
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the card and said it was assigned to another person's account and no money there for her to use for the things she was buying for the new baby. fortunately for me, they let me know. >> carley: were you able to get your money back? >> i went to the target where i purchased it, explained what had happened to the guest services representatives, they looked it up and got the same information and told me there was nothing they could do at the store level. a manager came over and proceeded to explain the scam going on. my particular gift card, the back was exposed so it was easy to access the information off the back. there was that protected security code, that had been scratched off, they took the
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gift card and put back on that silver lining, i picked it up, they had the information, i loaded it and the elaborate scheme on the computer to figure out when you put the money on the card and they stole it before she used it. they couldn't help me at the store level. i contacted guest services and after a process and persistence, i was able to get target to replace that. >> carley: you had to jump through all the hoop says to get the money back to give to your friend. you wanted her to get your gift. that is unfortunate. this is apparently a big and growing trend, sacramento county sheriff's office made 285 felony misdemeanor arrests and among them was a chinese national
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found in possession of target and apple gift cards. they called this operation bad elf and when they arrested him, he blew up like a piniata, spilling gift cards everywhere. other people could be victims and not know it yet and will give the cards out for christmas. you have advice on how people can avoid this happening to them. >> yes, it is happening to a lot of people. copy your gift cards, keep your receipts and get a gift receipt. when you make that phone call, you need to be able to send them this information.
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and be persistent and don't take no for an answer. you can dispute the card on your credit card, they are helpful, they consider this fraud and theft. i saw to it and i was able to get the gift card replaced by target gift card services. tell the person you are giving the gift to, don't be afraid to tell you if something is wrong. a lot of people do not tell the gift giver. >> carley: that is important, as well, and help to write down the amount so the person knows how much they are expecting to have and when they go and it is not there, red flag go up. thank you for joining us, unfortunate people jump through these hoops to steal, but that
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is the world right now. thank you, have a good day. merry christmas. >> todd: people are the worst. not adam klotz, but i am not i did not get you a gift card, all you gave me was water. >> adam: todd would go get the $between the0, carley would be like, too much trouble. all those hoops, crazy. >> carley: she did a lot, $200 is a lot. there is also a ton of rain. >> adam: folks traveling today, if you took the week off, this might slow you down, major system. high tide behind here and show the numbers. rain getting up over a foot of total precipitation. this is major flooding and add winds 50 to 70 mile per hour.
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this is a large, powerful storm working up the east coast. we are watching this run into the larger metropolitan area from d.c. to new york to boston, still in the heart of this system that is all rain temperature is a winter system, but not talking about snow. flood advisories from d.c., philadelphia, new york, boston, further into the north and shifting further north today. flood risk, southern end is new york city and places to the north. i will time this out, there is timestamp in the upper corner. in new york, this clears by middle of afternoon. boston not until 6:00 or 7:00. it gets colder and the rain will move out. give it half of today or the
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whole day if you are further north. >> carley: thank you. >> todd: massive drug bust in california, officers found $10 million of narcotics stuffed in jalapeno paste. >> carley: not something you hear everyday. and l.a. county da george gascon just named a new chief of staff. the man running to replace george gascon is here with the det details.
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icy hot. ice works fast. ♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot. >> carley: cbp officers in southern california find $10 million of drugs hiddin en in jalepeno cases containing 3000 pounds meth and 500 pounds of
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cocaine. a 28-year-old driver is a valid border passing card holder. new poll shows most americans want to strengthen the border, saying the border is a major problem or emergency. u.s. need to increase number of agents and 70 support deporting illegal immigrants. >> the border is wide open and even democrats, listen to adams talk about the problem it is causing in new york city. we have passed a bill seven or eight months ago to fix all this and the democratic senate is sitting on their backside doing nothing. >> carley: lawmakers are in line with voters on the border, but stuck over funding. >> todd: george george gascon
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has a new chief of staff being called out for supporting criminals and criticizing law enforcement. blacknell described herself as a former looter. she tweeted this about los angeles police officers then. look at these barbarians, laptop is occupying army, hashtag defund police. in 2017, she could prison is obsolete, reimagine america without it. nathan hofman is running and joins me now. what message is george gascon sending by hiring her as chief of staff? >> the message is shocking. george gascon has over 1000 prosecutoreds to choose. she was a public defender who is
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representing criminals and trying to advise the chief prosecutor of criminals on what to do. she views the police, the partner in solving crime as barbarian or occupying force. imagine we had a public defender who thought all criminals were barbarians. we have a district attorney george gascon who has done that. >> todd: who will sign up to be a police officer in los angeles now with this individual, one of their partners? >> i mean, that is the thing, not only is moral at the lowest, thousand deputy district attorneys in george gascon's office, it is for tens of thousands looking for a partner
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to solve crime. instead george gascon has given them someone who would be more likely to be head or chief of staff of the aclu or public defenders office. >> todd: will the victims and families have fewer allies in george gascon's office with her as chief of staff. remember the only goal of the da's office is to be voice of victims, that is why they exist. >> perfect example of policy chief of staff now tiffany blackwell will support george gascon refusal to have prosecutors accompany victims at parole hearings. you'll have a rape victim being confronted by the rapist. in the only days, they sent
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prosecutors to represent the victims. george gascon and tiffany blackwell, are being refused to accompany the victims at the hearings. god help the victims, we need to get rid of george gascon in the 2024 election. >> todd: this would be a controversial choice even if shy were going to be chief of staff at the public defender's staff because of statements she's made and she is now associated with the da's office. what do you think her aircrafts deal vision of criminal justice is in l.a. county? >> her ideal vision is the district attorney's george gascon. he made three promises when he came into office and he's kept two of them. first was to let out offenders
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and check on that and not prosecute to fullest extent of the law. check on that. third promise, if he did the first two, our safety would get better, that promise was a lie when he made it in 2020 and a lie today. between now and when he took office, crime skyrocketed in los angeles county and 2024, we can get rid of george gascon and i'm running to replace him and hope to do so. >> todd: we reached out to george gascon and blackwell for statements and have not heard from them. take a look at this, idf unlocking largest ever attack tunnel less than a mile from the border with israel. >> carley: wreer on the ground with an inside look.
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>> todd: defense secretary lloyd austin arriving in israel to meet with prime minister netanyahu today. >> carley: idf troops uncovered the largest tunnel yet. trey yingst has the latest, hi, trey. >> trey: it is day 73 of the war between israel and hamas. we are in the city of tel aviv,
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where fames of hostages held inside gaza are calling for an immediate deal. over the weekend israelis revealed what they say is largest tunnel inside gaza found to date, spanning 2-1/2 miles and 150 feet underground, equipped with electricity. troops located $1.3 million of israeli currency in a house. local media reported crews were searching under rubble for survivors and struck a number of sites including a cell in khan yunis and a separate compound. secretary of defense lloyd austin is here in israel to meet
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with top officials and will hold a joint press conference with gallant. amid many questions about regional security, again, today in tel aviv, family of hostages are here and calling for a meeting with the defense minister and prime minister netanyahu. >> carley: trey yingst, live in israel. u.s. warship shooting down 15 houthi drones fired from yemen on saturday. the unmanned aircrafts were shot down with no damage to ships or reported injuries. a reconmarine veteran joins us now. mike, 15 drone attacks in a single day, what is your reaction? what should we know about this? >> great to join you.
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consistent aggression by iran and houthis present a danger too troops and u.s. maritime. the military has been able to counteract attacks, it only takes one. if it takes the life of an american service member, we're in -- bad precedence and endangers troops. i understand hesitancy to not expand the conflict, but we are kicking the can down the road, if we don't deal with hamas. >> carley: they have been hesitant for fear of provoking iran. moved the uss -- that may be in preparation for a possible
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retaliatory move by the united states. what do you think about that fear and what should the united states be doing in response to the drone attacks? >> we should have responded when the first attack happened in syria in iraq. if we don't, we are incentivizing bad behavior by iran. how long will it take for the states to get involved when it acts the energy markets? if we don't reacts, iran will continue to conduct attack through proxies on american forces. >> carley: there have been 98 attacks in iraq and syria on u.s. forces. none of them have really been successful. i wonder, is that by design or
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we intercepting the drones? >> we have the best military in the world and have been able to interact with -- we did not act decisively and our troops have essentially become cannon foeder and this goes to numbers in military at lowest since 1941. >> carley: you led me to the next thing i wanted to talk about. we have the best military in the world, you are right, it is smaller than it has been in over 80 years going into 2024. armed services missed their recruiting goal by 41,000 people. is there a solution to the problem? >> carley, let me start on a good note. i just returned from talking to
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the 27th squadron that shot the chinese sky balloon out of the sky. they are prepared for challenges that await them. they have carried the burden for many. the decrease in number poses a threat to defense and raises the question, can we confront emerging global threats. this is not a recruitment issue, this is a leadership issue. why would younger generation want to go work for administration that uses troops in middle east. the administration, instead of creating lethal force and raising technology capabilities, has decided to implement woke policy like renaming bases on funding or providing additional
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funding for dei programs. military designed to be lethal and deter and win wars. the younger generation wants to work for strong leaders and we are not seeing that. >> carley: when we have wars, this is certainly a looming issue. thank you for your service. have a great day. over to you. watching football. >> todd: stuff that doesn't matter in the scheme of life, football, dolphins and jets. zach wilson leaves early with injury. there are no playoff hopes. to the big easy, pound your cutlets. saints sacking tommy devito seven times wheel carr helped beat the giants. bills and cowboys, 200 yards and
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his team took down the cowboys 31-10, snapping dallas's win streak. to cleveland, despite throwing three interceptions qb joe flacco. watch. >> fields chased by garrett. going deep, hail mary, end zone deflected. >> todd: how do you not catch that? bears lose 20-17. to new england, chiefs bounce back from last week a controversial loss to take care of the patriots. taylor swift getting visibly upset goes viral yesterday. >> carley: i got a fox news
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alert on my phone about that moment, thanks to the folks that send that out. >> todd: lawrence simonetti will break down communities. >> carley: and crews getting ready to tear down -- it is dedicated to american unity after the civil war and doesn't honor. pushing to keep it and he is here next.
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>> carley: quite the controversy here. a staffer is let go after being seen in a leaked explicit video taped in the senate chamber and he could face charges. >> good morning, leaked amateur porn shared in a group chat for gay men in politics, connected to ben's young staffer.
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this is what cardon's office says. he is no longer employed by the u.s. senate, we will no longer have any further comment on this personal matter. he says he's been on senate agenda. the sex tape was videoed where hearings are held. he could be prosecuted. jonathan turley says staffers have access to such rooms, the question is if this unofficial use would constitute trespass. it is not clear if there were commercial benefits garnered. was the video made with the intent po tublish? >> todd: it is in the lawyer's hands. and his problem will be
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everyone's problem. >> he went to d.c. 10 times begging for money to address the migrant crisis and eric adams has come back empty-handed all 10 times. he says he has a solution. we tell them, here is where you go for a three-year period to stabilize yourself, instead of having 140,000 coming here, we spread it throughout the entire country. didn't he already do that? he has a reticketing center to send migrants wherever they want to go. they are still coming. 68,000 this year, triple a year ago, draining every service the city provides. quinnipiac says voters are concerned about the migrant surge and eric adams polling is
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at record low 28%. >> todd: or enforce the laws at the border, crazy. >> carley: novel. thank you. >> todd: arlington national cemetery. >> carley: lawmakers want to stop it saying reconciliation monument does not commemorate the confederacy, it represents unity. there is an effort to stop the removal and the congressman joins us now. why do you not think this monument should be removed? >> this is not a monument to commemorate confederacy, this is a monument -- >> todd: seems like the
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congressman, there he is. >> all about unity. our nation is supposed to be unified, but trying to take down this monument is doing the opposite thing, we have a divider in chief in the white house, this is not about unity, this is about -- gone before us have created to show national unity and reconciliation. >> todd: we are having audio issues, thank you for your time, we'll break this down. >> carley: we'll try to get you back when audio becomes better, we appreciate your insight. >> todd: if you tear down monuments without research, it will lead to what we saw. to be clear, what the congressmen and women are saying, this was a monument designed for reconciliation,
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many years after conflict between the north and south and the point is the north and south came together to fight the spanish american war. there were still some factions that did not want to join the north, but the country had come together to fight a common enemy. >> carley: statue depicts a black woman holding a child. it was recommended to be removed, but 43 congressman, including congressman clyde think it should stay and virginia governor youngkin disagreed with the decision to remove it and says he plans to move the statue to another place in virginia. sounds like it will be somewhere, just not at the
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cemetery. president biden's former boss is not confident in joe's ability to win reelection next year, we'll dive into that with joe concha. >> todd: and lawrence jones having breakfast today in bayshore, new york. he looks amazing. >> lawrence: thanks, todd, good morning, team. what do they think of the state of the country? issues that are important to the american people, plus donald trump gaining almost 70% of the republican party and they believe he should be the nominee. why are the other candidate still in the race? we are at the peter pan diner, they decided to get up on this rainy monday morning. it is coming up on "fox and
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>> todd: new fox news polls show donald trump and nikki haley beating president biden in a hypothetical 2024 matchup. same poll shows ron dismants a poll with biden at 47%. the president thinks all these polls are the problem. >> mr. president, why are you losing to trump in a poll? >> wrong polls. >> todd: fox news contributor and columnist for the messenger joins us now. what poll is biden reading. every poll i saw this month shows him losing to trump. losing to haley in a tie with desantis if not losing to desantis. >> todd, even seeing polls now that show president biden as low as 33% approval. let's put that in context. we are now entering the kind of territory richard nixon was n 1974, before he real estate signed. you have to go back to the same questions when you are talking about this president.
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that most likely americans are asking every day is he too old? yes. is he mentally or physically capable to do the job? no. is he mentally or physically capable to do the job for another four years? no. will he improve or decline with age? i think that's the rhetorical question to end all rhetorical questions. we know the answer. anyone out there can google right now, president biden's schedule. on friday, he had two items on his schedule, todd. he received the daily intelligence briefing in the midmorning and then he had lunch with vice president kamala harris. that's it. nothing over the weekend. and then today, absolutely nothing outside of receiving the daily intelligence briefing at 11:00 a.m. more than five hours from now because aberrantly our enemies like to sleep in on mondays after a long weekend. this is completely unacceptable. i get that he is 81. and if he wants to be at the local golf course and be a starter there, that's fine. he is president of the united states, and he barely works. and it shows, unfortunately, todd.
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>> todd: barack obama meantime reportedly worried about biden losing the 2024 election. tells the "wall street journal" that joe biden's former boss, quote: knows this is going to be a close race and feels that democrats very well could lose the 2024 election. that person says obama worries that the alternative is pretty dangerous for democracy. on that first part, joe, is this the kind of report that obama's people maybe put out there in order to get joe to bow out gracefully? >> i think it was freud who said there are no accidents and there are no consequences, right,ed to todd? so when you look at david axelrod for example, who is very close to former president obama. when he goes on national television and basically begs joe biden to drop out of this race, there is a reason for that. it's axelrod talking, yes. it's more obama talking. and now you hear from other people close to barack obama saying that this could be a situation where democrats lose
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the white house. they are very much in jeopardy of losing the senate when you sr. they have to defend west virginia and montana for example, and ohio. this could be a situation where donald trump not only wins but he has the senate and the house as well to pass whatever he chooses to pass as far as the border and as far as energy and as far as crime and the economy and so on. so, when we hear these warnings, they are very, very real. democrats are panicking at this point because they know if it's not joe biden, who are you going to take off the bench? who is mariana rivera going to come out of the bullpen and save the party and right now, there aren't very good alternatives when you look at who is on the democratic bench. so, that's where we are at this point. we have donald trump winning poll after poll, nikki haley winning by 17 points in a recent poll. and they know that if it's biden vs. any g.o.p. candidate, there's a good chance they will lose. not a great chance but a very good chance.
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>> todd: sandman is not any time soon they would be this article goes on to mention joe biden's saving grace right now is that the stock market is hitting record highs. in the 0 seconds we have remaining? does that really matter? i understand wall street is happy. if main street ♪ happy, how does joe win? >> how many investors are in out there and independent kind of voters the kind he needs to bring home to get his base to vote for him again. the stock market is important sure. i don't know if it's end all, be all. the stock market was high during the trump administration. >> todd: good point. ai think that's going to be at the end of every story you read from the democrats at this point forward. frethreat to democracy. jconcha, we appreciate it. "fox & friends" begins now.


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