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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 18, 2023 3:00am-4:01am PST

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soon they would be this article goes on to mention joe biden's saving grace right now is that the stock market is hitting record highs. in the 0 seconds we have remaining? does that really matter? i understand wall street is happy. if main street ♪ happy, how does joe win? >> how many investors are in out there and independent kind of voters the kind he needs to bring home to get his base to vote for him again. the stock market is important sure. i don't know if it's end all, be all. the stock market was high during the trump administration. >> todd: good point. ai think that's going to be at the end of every story you read from the democrats at this point forward. frethreat to democracy. jconcha, we appreciate it. "fox & friends" begins now.
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♪ ♪ can't we still be friends ♪ [applause] >> lawrence: we are in new york at the peter pan diner. [cheers and applause] >> lawrence: all of these folks decided to get up in the pouring rain. the wind banging against their cars. they thought it was important to send a message to all of the candidates that are running in the republican primary. but, also, the joe biden they are not happy with what is going on in the country. and they are not going to be silent about it, guys. >> brian: two things going on with lawrence. is he jumping into adam klotz's spot by talking about the weather and pops the collar like jesse watters. be you, lawrence. come on. >> lawrence: i like taking things from the fox family and putting it in my represent
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deleware. >> carley: that is a lawrence jones look for sure. i picked a all the wrong day to bring my christmas gifts in to fox. it was pouring and i got soaked on my way into work today. >> steve: oops. >> lawrence: you still look flawless, carley. >> steve: peter pan diner never grow up, never grow up like the famous peter pan saying? >> lawrence: i don't know, steve. but i felt a cerina stall gentleman when i found out the name who doesn't like peter pan? >> brian: michael jackson loved peter pan. >> steve: sandra dunkin did it on broadway. >> brian: fairies around there, perfect place to be despite the rain. so glad you are there. what attribute to you that all these people showed up early and crowd only going to grow. >> lawrence: in the rain. >> steve: if the rain indeed. you are going to be talking to the folks throughout the
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morning. that's why they showed up. if you are in the area, go to peter pan area on bayshore and be on tv. >> carley: absolutely. >> steve: meanwhile, talk a little bit about what going on. we talked about this in the past because there are so many migrants coming into the country, the united states government has actually had to stop doing certain things along the border to man -- essentially to surge people to different locations and starting today at 8:00 a.m. central time. 9:00 our time on the east coast, they are going to temporarily suspend freight train crossings at the bridges in el paso and he'll pass. what they're going to do. the people who normally do those jobs, looking at freight trains, they are going to put them and have them start processing migrants. because there is a whole bunch of them. >> carley: can you believe this? this is going to disrupt -- the goal is to make sure all of these people hopping on the train cars, they can't get from mexico to the qulats, but i'm
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sure these trains are running for a reason. bringing cargo into the united states, so this is a big deal. and cbp released statement after observing a recent resurgence of smuggling organizations moving migrants through mexico i have a a freight train. surge personnel and address this concerning development including in partnership with mexican authorities. so the federal government is working with the mexican government on stopping these trains. >> brian: why do we even have to ask? the mexican government knows exactly where they are going. no problem with it. at least some semblance of cooperation, at the very least lip service. we sit on the touch and talk about problems on the border. well, for you to crack down on the border means that you don't understand smirk a nation of immigrants. you don't understand people should be able to come here. if you are anti-hispanic if you listen to the castro brothers the congressman in congress. now the american people have sobered up. that argument never flew here
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not flying anywhere. check out this poll the question was asked what best described the situation along the country's southern border? that's new mexico, arizona, california and texas? 34% say emergency. 45% say major problem. 20% say minor problem. put it this way, it goes over to 70% see a problem at the border. you no longer have a choice, democrats, you have to do something, which makes me feel, darryl i say, we're going to get a massive deal at the border along with this war aid. what do you think? >> lawrence: well, brian, i think you hit it right on the head. if you ever want to see the democrats start moving on something, just check the polls. they move as the polls move. and i think it's become very apparent that it's a major crisis democrats agreeing with republicans and independence on this issue. joe biden has no choice.
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i don't think it's going to be the best deal but it's going to be something to stop some of the bleeding there you know, there is a new chief of border patrol, former bore tech guy, has the support of the rank and file and he has been releasing numbers like crazy for the american people to see. i think also that has impacted the way the administration now has to address this issue. first they were a little bit slow with releasing what was happening at the border. you only saw the fox drone shots and the reporting of bill melugin and griff jenkins. now we have the numbers to support it, what is happening out there. and i think it's causing a lot of folks in america to change their position on border security. and that's one of the reasons why at that freight train crossing at 9:00 this morning they are going to shut things down because el paso's online migrant information dashboard shows 1500 migrant encounters yesterday. 2700 migrants in custody and 363 migrant releases.
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and why are so many migrants going right now? because we have historically the winter, this time is not a real popular time? because they just wait until the weather is nicer. but here's the thing. the cartels have been care sue late on social media and elsewhere they are putting rumor. access gate go to the international mile marker bsi 36 and it's wide open. they will let you in. that is not true and unfortunately it's right by riverside high school. you got all these migrants showing up there because the cartels are very effective at sending people on a wild goose chase and as soon as the border patrol people see them, they start to process them and that's why they can't run the train. >> carley: so orchestrated and organized and the cartels are making money hand over fist. pay cartels to evade border patrol. one of the big concerns is these got-aways. we don't know who is in our
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country and that leads to major national security concerns. senator lindsey graham talked about that yesterday. listen to what he had to say. >> according to the fbi director last week, he has never seen more threats to the homeland than he does today. wherever he looks, he sees blinking lights. the border has been obliterated since january 21 until now. we have had 6 million people come to date. there are 3.6 million on schedule to come this year alone. the policy choices that the biden administration has made the border a dangerous place to come to. america is under threat, according to the fbi director since october the 7th, jihadist groups want to attack us because we are helping israel. i have never been more worried about a 9/11 than i am right now. our border has been obliterated and we are not going to give in on some band-aid fix. >> brian: lindsey graham has been say it. we can't do it. we are essentially -- we are
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getting people in with the amount of people on pittsburgh on a daily basis. katie hobbs, democratic governor from arizona. federal government has failed. ruben gallego letters to mayorkas we have to stop illegals from come in. even if politically motivated this is the type of thing that has to happen to change the asylum rules. not just build a wall. shut it down over a certain amount and rapid return. if you come into our country without reporting to the first country you stepped. in you are now ineligible to get in. if this stuff is implemented in january, we will see immediate impact. >> steve: lawrence? >> lawrence: yeah, we are seeing notices to appear five years from now. we need a massive amount of federal judges that can go to the border and process these migrants. if you talk to the left, they keep saying you know, asylum, asylum, asylum. 95% of the people don't qualify for an asylum.
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the problem is you don't have the junction judges there run m through the system to deny them. get the judges there. let's wrap this up and start the deportation. >> brian: tom homan takes over trump wins going into the cities and grabbing them and sending them out. >> steve: that fox news poll shows that 80% think it's a disaster essentially that should be a big red warning sign there at the president's campaign because it's not good for him. >> brian: fox news alert now. a driver hits a car in president biden's motorcade. >> watch. [car engine refusing] >> brian: the investigation into how and why it happened. >> carley: plus, weapons confiscated. fights in hallways and teachers assaulted? a new op-ed is calling for a broken windows policy. and schools, the author will explain coming up. >> it's a great idea. the brand new technology
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revolutionizing shopping this holiday season. kurt, the cyberguy, explains and you're going to love this thing. >> steve: all right. live from new york, it's "fox & friends," and good morning, columbus, georgia. it's 6:10. ♪ ♪ hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi-soothers for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief. try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. you know? we really need to work on your people skills.
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i'm a little anxious, i'm a little excited. i'm gonna be emotional, she's gonna be emotional, but it's gonna be so worth it. i love that i can give back to one of our customers. i hope you enjoy these amazing gifts. oh my goodness. oh, you guys. i know you like wrestling, so we got you some vip tickets. you have made an impact.
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so have you. for you guys to be out here doing something like this, it restores a lot of faith in humanity. >> carley: we are back with a fox news alert. a car slams into a sufficient that was part of the presidential motorcade just feet away from president biden. agents responding with guns drawn. quickly detaining the suspect, who tried to drive away from the accident. wind was leaving his campaign headquarters in delaware when the cash occurred around 8:00 p.m. last night. the president was quickly ushered into his vehicle where the first lady was already seated inside. thankfully, neither were injured. police are investigating whether or not impairment was a factor in the crash. defense secretary lloyd austin arriving in israel earlier today. is he getting ready to below the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu later this hour. u.s. officials telling the "new york times" as you stlin meet with netanyahu and israel defense minister to, quote, discuss in detail when and how
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israeli force also carry out a new phase that american officials envision would involve smaller groups of elite forces. this just in, the department of transportation is finding southwest airlines $140 million after last year's flightmare. remember that? dot officials say the airline violated several consumer protection laws last year when they canceled nearly 17,000 flights and stranded more than 2 million passengers during last year's holiday travel season. southwest has already given back more than $600 million in refunds and reimbursements. and to football we go. the new orleans saints sacking tomi devito seven times yesterday. taking time to mock him as they beat new york 24-6. so they are doing the hand thing. to buffalo we go, the bills taking down the cowboys 31-10. snapping dallas' five game win streak. in cleveland, where the balers would get one final chance at
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the end of the game to beat the browns. >> fields, chased by garrett. looking. sets up. throwing deep hail mary, end zone. deflected, tipped and intercepted. >> bears lose 20-17. and finally to new england, the chiefs bouncing back from last week's controversial loss to take care of the patriots 27-17. taylor swift was spotted in the stands getting on a travels tra. >> steve, she is going to end her singing career and become an nfl referee. that's just my 2024 prediction. >> brian: much more lucrative. >> steve: currently the world's most famous cheerleader just like that as they say. all right, steve, thank you. just a couple of days left
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before christmas and people out shopping. a new self-checkout method hailed as one even the haters will love. watch as customers make fashion purchases without even scanning the stuff. how cool is that, kurt the cyberguy joins us right now from the west coast. so the way this works at the uniglow store here in new york city. you put stuff into a bin and there is a reader in there that figures out what the tag says. because there is a little rfid chip, right? >> grossly shopping long serve lines are long. okay, i will use the self-checkout.
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how many times does it really work whether you have to sit there and scan the barcodes and you know what happens. you didn't put it in the right spot the light goes off and it takes longer. i hate self-checkout until now. this is actually amazing. and i think if we see more stores like uniqlo like you identified here. you come and bring in your merchandise you put it in that bin, 30 seconds later you are going out the store because sown into the tag rfid chip. radio frequency i.d. many manufacturers use it for tracking inventory already. but now they are just taking another step closer to bringing it to retail point of sale. that is going to be coming in 2024 to retailers that you see like, for example, not that i have known it's the gap. i have heard zarha working gap. kind of stores that control the beginning and end ever the
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process of their merchandise, that's where it's going to be the easiest to see this roll out. but it's incredibly accurate. and you go okay, this is what self-checkout should have been all along. >> steve: people listening right now and thinking okay, an rfid chip, that's probably really expensive, how could they possibly afford it? it's cheap, and it's worth 4 cents per item for me to have the machine figure out what the heck is in my bag. >> the cost to them 4 cents per item to put this in. it makes complete sense. if you one more tool to get rid of labor and reduce human jobs in america? apparently at unilow they are reporting that four time jobs are up. people are loving. 12 of these things at the new york fifth avenue store that we checked out. pretty incredible. this is working as well there,
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you will start seeing this as one of the best things to happen in 2024. >> steve: i sure hope so. next stop, shop right over in jersey. kurt, thank you very much. read his column, it's always great. got a lot of good stuff at thank you, kurt. >> good to see you. thank you. >> steve: coming up on this monday, weapons confiscated, fights in hallways. and teachers punched. our next guest is calling for a broken windows policies in school. she will explain personally coming up next. first, polls show that donald trump continues to dominate the republican field, but nikki haley seems to stand the best chance against joe biden. lawrence is having breakfast with friends at peter pan in bayshore, new york, where diners are reacting to the latest fox news poll. hey, lawrence. >> good morning, steve. you asked about donald trump and the primary. so let's ask the people who believes nikki haley is going to be the no, ma'am 23450e78? who believes desantis will be the nominee?
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who believes ramaswamy will be the nominee who believes donald trump is going to be the nominee? [cheers and applause] >> lawrence: we will talk to the people coming up here on "fox & friends." while i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top-tier talent and everything from pr to project management because this is how we work now. providing for your family is a top priority. but what happens when you need affordable health care? christian health care ministries could save you up to 40% today. as a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment.
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started not worrying about attendance and small behavioral infractions. started not worrying about grades. we started not worrying about dress codes. all of these things, i think, really combined to create an atmosphere where larger, kind of behaviors are really being tolerated more and more. and students are getting the message that nobody really cares about what the atmosphere in the school is. >> brian: you would think principals would be more concerned than you about this. superintendents would be more concerned about you. teachers unions, because they're are the ones targeted you seen this teacher just thrown to the ground and beat up. more concerned but. what's been the union response so some of this be a horns behavior. >> these videos are just more risk to feel badly for the teachers justout rageous, individual teachers are starting to speak up here and there what you are getting is really not
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much response from the teachers unions, because i think to do so would be an admission that they have really taken things in the absolute wrong direction. you know, a lot of these incidents are merely resulting in, what they call restorative justice, you know, where everyone sits around and talk force while. no discipline, no suspensions no, detentions. and no sense that anyone really has a handle on what is going on, unfortunately. >> brian: how would it go? how would it be implemented this broken windows? someone is late. they get detention. every little thing that you do not just the big things. >> right. so broken windows is, of course, the policing policy implemented in new york in the 1990s. of the idea was that broken windows, all those things. those are the things that lead to the more violent, more significant offenses, need to start paying attention to attendance and dress code. pay attention to whether kids
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are disruptive in class. once we start sort of saying look, we are not going to tolerate these small things. you will eventually start to see when you do this in the younger grades. when you tell a 16-year-old we're not going to tolerate that, that doesn't really have much of an effect. when you tell a 7-year-old this is not the appropriate way to behave in school, that will have a long-term impact on the way they think about school and the environment that they are part of. >> brian: in the teen time, shouldn't some of these taxpayer dollars put to security in these schools. some of the teachers in their 50's and you have a 17-year-old who is out of control. don't have to worry about physical violence? >> absolutely. i mean, i think we need to bring the school resource officers back. if you talk to teachers and if you talk to parents, they feel more safe when there is school security there, especially in these larger high schools where you are seeing this kind of violence no. one wants to send their child in a kind of environment. in the name of some kind of restorative justice remove these people only ones kind of holding
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the line against this sort of violence is crazy. >> brian: on some way we are condemning microaggressions and other ways seeing guys getting assaulted. there is just no action. i love that you wrote this column. hopefully someone will pick up on it. naomi, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> brian: one week away from christmas day. did you look at the calendar? that means i have to check in with adam klotz, white christmas and row boats to get home in the northeast? >> definitely no white christmas, brian. it's way too warm. trtracking a winter system. bringing a ton of rain. this is what we have seen so are if a. this is across the southeast, mostly. some cases up over a foot of precipitation. really heavy rainmaker. look the a some' of these winds. wind speeds 50 to 70 miles per hour. that's the system that's worked its way up the east coast. targeting parts of the mid-atlantic. uninto new england, d.c. to new york to boston. all areas where you are seeing very heavy rain spots flooding
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going on in those areas. flood alerts currently in place across that entire region. expecting more rain to come down as this system slowly works its way over the north. we do seat best risk of flooding today shift a little farther to the the north new york boston getting into maine. clearing out in d.c. by lunchtime. new york. 2 or 3:00. boston probably the evening commute and all of this continues to work its way to the north. we finally, brian. get a chance or carley i think i'm throwing it to get a chance to clear out. things are improving. those are your weather headlines for now. over to you. >> steve: it's all of us. >> carley: all three. so you pick them. all right, adam. thank you so much. the trump campaign feeling pretty optimistic this morning as brand new fox news polls show him dominating the primary field up 7% from just last month. >> steve: but another poll shows nikki haley actually has the best chance of beating joe biden
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when they're head-to-head in a general election. >> brian: cbs poll shows nikki haley within 15 in new hampshire. one major issue everyone can agree on, the economy is their number one priority. that means you. so, what do the voters think? lawrence jones is talking live at the peter pan diner in beautiful bayshore, long island. lawrence? >> hey, good morning, family. so, you see the polls. they have been coming out. they have been petty consistent about how they view -- the republicans view donald trump and also the public at large on the number one issue facing the country. but what do the people think? let's go talk to them nate the great, let's roll. all right. let's go to you first, sir. what do you think is the number one issue facing the country right now. >> the economy. >> lawrence: why the economy? >> everything is a fortune. the market is doing well. but everything is a fortune. day-to-day expenses, gas, food. everything is just too much money. >> lawrence: sir, what about you? what do you sees the number one issue facing the country.
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>> immigrants coming in with no valid i.d., with no covid testing. we don't know what he they're bringing into this country. if they are drug dealers or smugglers or whatever they are. i think that has to be addressed. >> lawrence: i was talking to this other young lady. we were talking about the republican primary. and we got a full primary here. and you say you are voting for who? >> trump. >> lawrence: why trump? and why is he different from the other candidates in the race right now? >> because he did so well four years ago, the economy, the closed borders, everything. all his policies. and i'm afraid that people will not vote for him because many of his -- they don't like him. >> lawrence: the personality. >> his personality. >> lawrence: you think the policies were beneficial. >> yes, all his policies.
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>> lawrence: i was talking to another young lady. this recent polling talks about donald trump and nikki haley, who is best suited to go against joe biden. i'm going to talk to my friend here again. so the new polling, talks about donald trump, is he getting 69% of the vote. but you have nikki haley that they are saying is best suited to go against joe biden. how do you feel about that? >> i feel like every other candidate needs to get out of the way and stop embarrassing themselves. [applause] >> lawrence: you think they are embarrassing themselves by staying in the race? why do you say that? >> absolutely. because donald trump has already proven in four years what he can do for our country. okay? and donald trump, if you're watching this right now, you need to know that long island is for trump. [cheers] [applause] >> we will not rest until you are back in the white house. >> lawrence: wow. brian, i don't know about you. i know you are from long island,
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but i'm from texas. just moved to new york. i didn't know conservative voters existed in new york. and they are not taking a moderate in choosing donald trump. shocking to be in this diner full of trump supporters. send it back to you guys. [cheers] >> brian: new york all the democrats is new york city is. but upstate new york is not. and long island has gone from purple to very reddish. we will find out about desantis election. it is also important to bring up, too. donald trump is considering having a rally over 00 south bronx. he thinks he has a shot at new york. even if it doesn't result in new york. that's exactly what republicans should be doing. going into the inner city. having real conversations. >> lawrence: they are trying to talk to me, i lost them. >> carley: there you go. >> steve: it was brilliant. >> carley: thank you, lawrence. >> steve: other thing what is going on in new york with republicans, they are going to redraw the districts.
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so what almost been safe republican districts when the democrats in the state house in albany finish up, not going -- >> carley: that could be a little bit of an issue. i think you are right, brian, about going into places that aren't -- i mean, you want to attract voters that aren't going to naturally vote for you. now that you look at the polls and republicans, donald trump in particular, is making a lot of ground whether it comes to the black vote. and the hispanic vote. so, maybe he should even go into inner cities. >> brian: philadelphia. >> carley: chicago, new york city. staten island conservative. but manhattan and the bronx and all the others certainly aren't. why not? why not talk about opportunity zones or present the economic message that he has and that people seem to resonate. >> brian: listen first. first thing do you is listen. what do you think i think and then go from there. meanwhile a fox news alert now. israel uncovers the largest ever hamas series of tunnels. look at this. we're going to take you inside with this brand new video as
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israeli troops trap gaza's bin laden. >> carley: that's what they are calling him. bad weather could disrupt holiday travel plans for millions. a live report on that coming up as well. >> steve: we are officially one week away from christmas day. skip bedell with last minute gift ideas. have those in your trunk by noon. stick around. ♪ ♪ oof! that was fast. mucinex. available on doordash. it's comeback season. - i got the cabin for three days. it's gonna be sweet! what? i'm 12 hours short.
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♪ >> steve: we have got a fox news alert. americaens defense secretary lloyd austin arriving in israel earlier this morning. he's expected to meet with prime minister benjamin netanyahu in just a couple of minutes. >> brian: all right. the meeting comes as idf troops trapp hamas leader dubbed garcia's bin laden. >> carley: trey yingst is live for us in israel this morning. >> day 73 of the war between israel and hamas. we are outside defense ministry in tel aviv where the families of hostages have gathered to call for their release. over the weekend israeli forces discovering a new tunnel in the knowledge part of the gaza strip. you can see in video hear this span force more than two miles and goes 150 feet under ground.
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equipped with electricity and ventilation but does not enter israeli territory. the discovery comes as israeli troops continue to operate across gaza. in the jabalia neighborhood. troops located $3.1 million in israeli currency in suitcases in a senior hamas leader's house. the hamas run health ministry reports dozens of gazans were killed in this area. amid israeli strikes over the weekend. local media reported that crews were still searching under the rubble for survivors. hamas fighters were located including a cell in the city of khan younis and sniper position compound. lloyd austin is in israel today to meet with top officials. later on he will hold a joint press conference in tel aviv with israel's defense minister. the pair expected to discuss ongoing regional threats from iran-backed actors wells is the situation in gaza. questions today do remain about israel's northern border with lebanon. new attacks this morning from the lebanese militant group
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hezbollah. guys, back to you. >> steve: trey, it looks like in the video that we showed it. looked like they were digging -- the israelis were digging up sand and found the end of part of the tunnel or an access toino the tunnel. obviously somebody had to at ttip themoff unless they are usr or radar to figure out where it was, right? >> trey: right. so the israelis control now this part of the gaza strip. they are uncovering this type of infrastructure each and every day. the size and location of this tunnel though is significant. it's just 1200 feet into gazan territory. >> steve: unbelievable. >> very close to where israeli forces were every day a crossing that palestinian workers used before october 7th to enter israel. to work in some of the farms and locations in southern israel. and so the location is remarkable. when you look at the video, it does raise questions about how israeli intelligence didn't catch this when they were digging it. >> brian: do you know what is
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amazing, trey? some of the hostages are recommending to the idf, the ones that have been freed, do not go down into the tunnels. they have to go down into the tunnels. they are just worried about the fate -- they are worried about the fate of the hostages if they do go down there. can you explain? >> yeah. absolutely. it's a major concern. we have been in the tunnels with the israeli military underneath gaza. we saw tunnels underneath the shifa hospital just last month. and the israelis are still facing the threat from hamas inside gaza. the factions including islamic jihad in the strip have released new video over the weekend showing them ambushing israeli forces using the tunnel network inside gaza. other locations where israeli troops have died since the ground operation began because they entered a tunnel that was booby-trapped and ultimately hamas exploded the tunnel. incredibly complex battlefield for the israelis. they understand some of the hostages being held inside the tunnel network. as you noted. so hostages freed as part of that cease-fire deal in late november have warned israeli
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forces don't go into the tunnels it. is a network of complex and extension si locations across the strip. >> steve: all right. trey yingst live in southern israel. trey, thank you very much. man huge. >> brian: that's why they are considering putting the sea water into the tunnels. >> steve: they are doing it right now. >> brian: they said they are testing it. they haven't committed to fully doing it. downside to poisoning the water system when you try to resettle gaza what do you have left? turning now to your headlines. start with this. happening right now retired supreme court justice sandra deo conner will lie in repose in the court's grand hall in washington. the ceremony open to the public. justice o'connor the first female to serve on the nation's highest court. o'connor's funeral will be held tomorrow at washington national cathedral. president biden is expected to speak. o'connor passed away from complications of dementia at the age of 93. police across the country are warning of a gift card draining
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scam that makes purchased gift cards worthless. officers say scammers will remove a gift card from store shelves copy the information before putting it back. when someone buys the compromised card, scammer also drain it of any money. a card draining scam victim joined "fox & friends first" earlier. i landed it to her as a gift. she didn't use it right away. unbeknownst to me that gift card had already been scanned. i gave it to are her. she went to target to try to use it. she was at the cash register checking out, and she was told there was a zero balance on the card. shoppers should check gift cards for signs of tampering before purchasing: dressing up like santa spread christmas cheer lagoon city. helping santa to figure out if the local kids were nice or nautical this year.
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and in italy i think everyone is nice. i was just there. got the clean bill of health. right now under severe weather warning what is being called a monster prechristmas storm making its way across the east coast. robert ray is live in washington. robert? >> yeah. brian we are not going to see any of that white stuff, the snow coming down. what we are coming fake a look at video. will specifically in charleston as they saw flash flooding in many streets some pockets over a foot of rain fell in carolina making the weekend just absolutely nasty leading up to christmas which is a week away, unfortunately. these heavy winds, too. almost like a three-point line -- typical storm.creating havoe
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carolinas. here this morning as the sun is not quite up on the nation's capital, what we are experiencing is a coastal flooding advisory. not too far away on the atlantic. and then we have got wind gusts potentially up to 50 miles per hour here today in the nation's capital as this system trucks up into new england, new york. you are going to get it at any moment. boston, maine. the entire area, guys. steve, back to you. >> steve: all right. robert. thank you very much. a live report. >> carley: thank you, robert. as he just said we are only one week away until christmas. but there is still plenty of time to snag the perfect present for your loved ones. if you know where to look. >> steve: we know where to look. it's right here. skip bedell and his wife alison join us with stuff you can buy christmas day. >> skip: that's the challenge get it in time for christmas.
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ymplet i and tool lovers. home depot great deals. get them in time for christmas. milwaukee. buy this combo kit. any one of these other tools for free. or battery. great time to get tools. also the six piece kit for rooby. great for starters. new homeowner don't know what tools to get. >> steve: i just bought that. >> right now it's $100 off. you can't go wrong. for the adventurist survival camper, preppers all those people. i love 4 patriots. they make great stuff like this tactical shovel and ax kit. boils water with the power of the sun. take it on camping trip. great polar powered and flashlights all powered by the sun. mini camp fire sets and fire starters. great for the adventurers on the set. everything 4 patriots. >> patriot power cell. this is charger, can you charge
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it with the power of the sun. >> steve: my wife has one of those. >> dashboard in the car. >> always charged up. >> great. >> carley: thank you, sun. >> this is for the ladies. every lady would love. this fisher's finery. my favorite. i love them so much because they are quality, they are class and they are the best in everything they do. >> skip: cashmere. >> memory foam and cut out so you don't ruin your lashes and mascara. care care i love that comes handy wearing fake eye lashes. >> steve: is it the -- >> it could be. grade a 100 percent cashmere. ribbed. cable nit. palm hats. and it comes in this beautiful really nice box already wrapped inside of it. this is just the best quality i love it. >> skip: don't know what to get for the ladies and get them in time for christmas. >> everything here is at skip
3:54 am specials going on with links to all of this. 30% off on attractive it saved our g.p.s. tracker. >> put this on the front of the tracker. make any design you want because of all these different clip covers. we were able to find our dog that got out of our gate. it was on the other side of the neighborhood. >> cat lovers on your gift awesome gift. >> get it in time for christmas 30% off at skip hand warmer. check it out. all different colors limitless and innovation. >> skip: keep this in your pocket and keeps your hand warm. >> my dad got ray nods. >> one in each pocket. also charge your phone on it in time for christmas. >> carley: hand heater and cell phone charger. >> put it in the cashmere glove.
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>> steve: world keeping getting better. >> skip: best part get all this in time for christmas. >> skip everything is on sale. everything has sale prices right now on the website. >> steve: also go home depot. >> skip: walk right in. >> carley: you just helped a lot of pro-crass citizen nature out there. >> skip: i'm a last-minute shopper. i'm doing this from experience. i wait until the last day. >> carley: i'm going to keep. this give it to you at the end of the show. >> steve: i have a question for you he has everything already. what do you figure out for the guy who has everything like your husband what is he going to get? >> either nothing. >> skip: i said please don't get me anything. i want to be with the family. >> we buy it when we see it. >> carley: nice little kiss under the mistletoe. >> gifts you wouldn't get for yourself too much. good gifts. >> steve: i love the dog tracker. >> save a life. >> steve: thank you both. >> thanks for having us. merry christmas, everybody.
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>> carley: two of santa's helpers. best known for role as winnie on the wonder years. >> what exactly did you get on your saturdays? >> i don't really want to talk about it. >> winnie. >> 725 verbal. 757 math. >> carley: actress danica joins us on faith and reason for this christmas season coming up next. ♪
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