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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 18, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PST

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[crash] [engine revving] >> carley: straight to a fox news alert. a car slams into the presidential motorcade just feet away from president biden. >> brian: meanwhile, peter doocy has been tracking the story overnight and joining us with details. peter? >> president biden is walking out of his harpts wilmington 8:00 last night. somebody shouted a question to him why is he losing to trump and in polls. he shouted back the person is reading the wrong polls and he froze along with most of secret service detail with the sound of a car crashing. we have video of it. and you will see the sound of the crash and then they very urgently but delicate get the president into his armored car. [crash] [engine revving] >> whoa! >> peter: you never see anything
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like that. a secret service vehicle in en route another in delaware. no security with this event. the president departed without incident. the secret service was on hand as the president was dining with campaign staff. they quickly swarmed the sudan that crashed. hands on their guns. and the driver appeared to comply with at least some of the commands. you can see here he has got his hands up. the wilmington delaware pd the wilmington police department is investigating the motor vehicle collision which did not result in any injuries. investigators are also working to determine if impairment was a factor. and the number one way that the secret service will protect the president is by controlling who can get close to him. they typical work with local police to keep pedestrians and cars pretty far back. and they rely on local to fly overhead making making sure the route is clear for him. it's unclear if heavy rain in
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the area last night changed the standard operating procedures but that is way too close for comfort for the secret service. back to you. >> steve: generally, just a word to motorist. don't hit part of a presidential motorcade or you will be in big trouble. peter, you just said the president came out. he was talking to the reporters, he answered a question about him -- trump losing -- or trump beating biden and he said you are reading the wrong polls. that sounds familiar, doesn't it? >> peter: yeah, i looked it up. he said basically the same thing to me on november 9th. this morning "the washington post" is reporting that the day of the turkey pardoning, president biden went down for that event. they do it every year. and then he went up to the residence with his top aides and complained to them that his polls are unacceptably low. he thinks the economy is doing better than is reflected in the public sentiment. and he wants his team to fix it. >> steve: yeah. i read the same thing. maybe a shift in strategy.
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is there any chance, given the fact that he is under water in the polls that they might actually fire somebody on team biden? >> peter: they don't fire anybody on team biden. look at his cabinet. basically everybody that has been in place since the beginning. and they generally do put out the word around now to top staff either leave the white house so we can replace you or stay for the rest of this term. and so -- if tradition holds, basically everybody that's in the top role right now would be here. >> carley: that's right. i know you had a lot of interactions with jen psaki way back when when she was the press secretary. she was on tv this weekend talking about hunter biden and saying everybody in the white house right now is telling hunter biden at least in their heads please stop talking, because what you are during right now with the press conference is hurting the president. >> peter: well, they want to have control over the biden world message. and they do not have control
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over what hunter and his lawyers are saying. hunter does not work for the u.s. government. >> steve: i noticed that. >> brian: thanks, peter. appreciate it. meanwhile, if you look of at the polls of late they are not good for the president. he can say whatever he wants. but he knows it. he is trailing trump by two. trailing trump in the siena "new york times" poll by 4. look also at nikki haley up by 6. in a similar poll. one poll we saw last week nikki haley was up by double figures on him. ron desantis either a dead heat or a couple of points, too. all the leading republicans beat the current president. he wants to fire somebody. it's his lack of communication. is he not committing to doing end of the year this is what to expect last year. this is how i view this year press conference at the end. because he can't pull it off. he is not effective with his speech. he is not effective with the message. is he not effective in a press conference, lawrence. >> well, brian, it is deeper than that i think it's so true that you want to hear from the
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president. but you can't sell bad news. i think that the white house has had this position that the american people just don't understand what he's doing. and that things are going to get better. people are living paycheck to paycheck. the border is overrun. crime is at an all-time high. so, no matter what they say, it doesn't come into reality for the people that have to live with this whole progressive experimenter single day. i don't think you can sell this nonsense. >> steve: here's the thing. in addition to these polls. the "wall street journal" came out with a poll yesterday. and it said that -- and this is the problem for the president. 53% of those who were surveyed said that joe biden's policies have hurt them. 53%. only 23% say that his policies have helped them. and they broke it down like this. with the democratic demographic. liberal voters are angry about
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joe's support of israel. and that he has not kept his campaign promises from 2020. like student loan forgiveness. centrist voters want joe biden to secure the border. but left leaning voters think his immigration policies have moofdz too far to the right. energize, in the democratic party you have got people saying crack down on the border and other people saying open it right up. let's go. >> ainsley: i think you are absolutely right about highlighting that "wall street journal" poll. only 23% say that joe biden's policies have helped them by contrast 49% of voter say that trump's policies have been helpful. and that's really what it boils down to. you may not like donald trump's rhetoric, or you may think that there are, you know, all these legal issues that could, you know, harmer how he -- hamper w he runs if he is the eventual nominee. think back a few years and think about your own pocketbook, what
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the border was looking like, the actual policies that he enacted, you go maybe i will take all that stuff. the other thing that helps crump right now, he is not in the news that much. he took himself off social media. he took himself off twitter. and he has his own social media platform he is tweeting on or posting on. it doesn't get as much attention. so a lot of female voters who may not like the attitude and the stuff that he says and how he behaves, it's been muted by him not being in the news so much anymore. >> brian: other thing going on, too. the president over the weekend had a speech, huge rally, unbelievable crowd. in new hampshire they didn't like his rhetoric. he was talking about the border. he was talking about people coming from other countries, coming from prisons. they wanted to focus all the sunday shows, lawrence on the word he used poison. he was just trying to say we want to keep america, america. we want to build up the border and finding out who is come in and out. they tried to say this language is the problem. look at what jen psaki was saying over the weekend. she is saying the goal now is to
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make people fearful that trump could win. to see these polls, lawrence, and say he could be back. if you don't vote for -- hold your nose and vote for joe biden, he'll be back. that's a heck of a strategy. do you think it will work? brian, i don't think it's working. sand speciaespecially when it ds will immigration. immigrants came the legal way. give you an example. i was talking to my friend earlier. he was an italian immigrant. he came on the boat. and he is furious what what is happening. sir, we were talking earlier. and brian was just asking. they have been demonizing donald trump and saying that he is hateful because he wants a secure border. as an immigrant, how do you feel about what's happening? >> i came from italy when i was 17. i broke my back. i was an ice man when i came here.
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we did work when we came to this country. we didn't get it for free. we didn't ask anybody else to give us money. so we did it. now these people come in border. the border is open. and they come in like crazy and they get more money than we have. you know? to me, it's not right. [applause] >> we need trump -- we need trump back where he was. i'm 86 years of age. if i get another 20, when he comes in, i got it. [laughter] >> lawrence: sir, your concern was and you are a former cop. >> yeah. >> lawrence: the two tiered justice system. >> what is good for thee is not good for me. i believe they are prosecuting prosecutors right now. democrats get away with it. i think it's an injustice. and crime, i mean, if you do the crime, you do the time.
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[cheers] >> yeah! >> lawrence: one last person i want you to hear from. young man what are you 22, 23. >> 23. >> lawrence: you say people just aren't informed what is going on. >> no. there is no excuse of anyone in washington not ensuring that every single person in this room knows the tax of h.r. 2. we have a solution on the table. time for washington to show teeth. how much is going to gender equity studies in saudi arabia and how many are going to the border to solve the problem at hand. >> lawrence: you don't mess with the italians in new york city. they are not happy with what is happening to the country. these people have been demonized and saying that they are anti-immigrant and these people came to the country the legal way and they don't like what is happening here. i will send it back to you in new york. >> brian: also my italian great uncle who invented camouflage also from long island. remember that. [chanting u.s.a.] >> lawrence: brian, do you hear this? do you hear the u.s.a. in new york city?
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unbelievable. >> carley: they all appreciate. >> brian: do you know what will italian imgranted nice enough to talk to us. in new york city they are throwing out the food we are giving them. evidently $432 million on a no bid contract to give migrant services free food. they don't like it so they're throwing it out. >> steve: it's not like they ordered it. we just gave it to them and it's like well, welcome. here's a doughnut. who are the pancakes. they don't like them. >> carley: that young man, that 23-year-old that lawrence just talked to could possibly run for george santos' seat. why not? he knows the text of h.r. 2. a. plus there. >> brian: even the senate doesn't know that meanwhile coming up. newly surfaced documents revealing a member of the first family owes thousands to the irs. it's noted the one you think. more on ashley biden. i put in italics because a bit of a surprise. surprising debt to uncle sam. >> ainsley: she isn't in the news that much but she is today. entering the it 80 years. special forces vet breaks down
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how wokeness and vax mandates got us here. >> steve: how to make things better. and best known for her role as winnie on the wonder years. remember that? actress danica mckeler joins us on her faith and the reason for the season this christmas time. >> what exactly did you get on your sats? >> i don't really want to talk about it. >> winnie, come on. >> 725 verbal. 757 math. new emergen-c crystald fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? [sfx: video game] emergen-c crystals.
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now i can buy that electric scooter! i'm starting a private-equity fund that specializes in midcap. you do you. visit today. people outside a synagogue in the georgetown neighborhood of washington, d.c. on sunday. the man reportedly shouting anti-semitic phrase and spraying a foul-smelling substance on the victim -- victims were not hurt in the attack. police are investigating the incident as a possible hate crime. recent tax documents first obtained by fox news digital showing that the president's daughter ashley biden owes at least $5,000 in income taxes. the unpaid taxes going all the way back to 2015. ashley, president the's youngest daughter was working at nonprofit in delaware mo are for most of the time in question
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before moving on to help with her father's presidential campaign. ashley and her attorney did not respond to fox news digital multiple requests for comment. and with just a few days left for christmas shopping, a new self-checkout method hailed as one even the haters will love. customers make fashion purchases without even scanning them. kurt the cyberguy joined us earlier to explain how it works. >> you come and bring in your merchandise. you but the it in that bin, 30 seconds later you are going out the store because sewn into the tag rfdi chin. some use it for tracking already. take it another step closer retail point of sale. >> carley: new technology available in u.s. stores. welcome to to the future. >> steve: that's right. let's make it fast. all right. thank you, carley. meanwhile, the united states
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military is set to enter 2024 with the smallest military force in more than 80 years. the total active duty troop numbers will shrink to 1.3 million next year, that's down nearly 64,000 personnel in the last three years alone. u.s. army special forces vet and counter-terrorism expert mike glover joins us right now. mike, good morning. >> good morning. certify e. >> steve: what is happening with our military? >> it's not surprising. morale is low. i was just mentioning to you off camera special operations prep course in provo, utah. and typically, we have 30 at a time signing up for this course. this go around we just had 10 sign up for the course, which is uncommon. it's been dwindling in numbers. morale is low. most of the guys who even go through our prep course don't want to serve this until things change in the white house. >> i know you feel that military recruiters say the gen z has a
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low trust in institutions and the military is obviously a big institution. but, at the same time, you have got, you know, in my family, a lot of people served. but these days, you go back 20 years or so, the number of people who were enrolling back then and enlisting has been steadily going down. and now two generations later, it's like yeah, i will leave that for somebody else. >> it's -- part of it is national pride. we very a lot of national pride. we had purpose. i know my generation in the military after 9/11 had significant purpose. but a lot of men and women in the military don't have a lot of purpose. and that's what we're missing across the board, are i think, as a nation, especially in the military. it's not surprising morale is at all-time low. i think things are going to have to change. foreign policy is going to have to change and a focus on america is going to have to be the priority. >> steve: obviously we would like the numbers to be going up, not down. when you look at the cuts, the
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army is down close to 10%. the marines down about 5, same for air force, navy down about 3. mike, if somebody from the pentagon is looking in right now, one of the joint chief members, somebody of great import, what would you say the number one thing the military could do to get more people in the chairs? >> i think the number one thing i would do is focus on the mission the mission is protecting our country. i think these woke politics and ideology embedding ourself in the military is bad for service. the unique thing about the army that i grew up in was you could be all you could be. and then it was an army of one as a motto. and now we are focused -- focusing on individuals when it should be the team effort. i think the core lies in combat arms and operations. we need to focus on that, first. a lot of men and women are being
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asked to sacrifice everything. and if they feel like they are not fighting for anything, it's a problem. >> steve: they are sobering numbers. mike, thank you very much for joining us and lending us your expertise. >> have good day. >> steve: have a good day as well. thank you, sir. coming up on this monday, she is best known for her role as winnie on the wonder years. >> aren't you happy for me? >> are you kidding? [bell] >> okay. maybe that was dumb. but it didn't take a genius to figure out that instead of standing by her man. >> steve: actress danika mckellar joins us on her faith and the reason for the christmas season. she is coming up next. ♪ christmas is the best time to give and receive ♪ for every little kiss you give me ♪ i will give you three ♪
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♪ >> brian: busy day on the channel today. nothing slowing down even though christmas getting closer and closer. first off good news, u.s. and mexico getting together to stop these trains from coming up to our border with thousands of would be asylum seekers, illegal immigrants. if we could stop that now we got to stop everybody else with the drug cartels that, is scary stuff and they will not be allowed to get on. state department briefing today going to be impactful. think about it. message from the secretary of defense over in israel. is he going to say easy up. start ending the military operations in gaza. the problem is, the idf, netanyahu don't want to do it. going to be issues about ukraine aid and taiwan aid and worry about what russia is really up to. and border talks.
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the word there is substantial asylum changes coming down the pike. looks like the republicans have the leverage and the anybody's don't lie. democrats have to take some action. and they will get their extreme left kind of angry. but, somebody who is never angry is carley shimkus that i have seen anyway. >> carley: all of that happening today, brian, thank you so much. she is best known for her role as winnie on the wonder years. danica mckellar finding love in movies like a royal date for christmas. >> probably wouldn't be interested in the santa hat either. >> so what purpose? >> you know, i'm not sure, but i figured everyone needs a santa hat, right? >> do they now? >> carley: actress danica mckellar joins us now. so great to see you again. we love all your movies. and we want to know a little bit more about this one. tell us about it. >> yes. a royal date for christmas. it's on great american family. i actually already premiered but it airs again this friday on great american family channel 8:00. i love this movie so much.
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it is a royal fairy tale come true. it's really about second chances mile. character given up on love. a stylist. she has been tasked with styling the duke of tang ford for his week long events in america. it's a beautiful story of two hearts healing each other. it's so romantic. >> what a good escape. wouldn't you like that to be your life. a stylist working hard and get to style the duke and fall in love with him. moe are so much fun. film them in the summer and pretend that you are cold? >> yes, ma'am it. is a lot of wearing coats and scarfs and hats and sweating and there is snowball fights it's hilarious. you get used to it. honestly with all the christmas lights and everything you do feel you get into the christmas spirit. >> carley: i'm sure. without a doubt. they have to be ready and edited in time for the holiday season. that's why you have to film them
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early. >> exactly. >> carley: i read that you found god in a more meaningful way. tell us about that. >> yes, for sure about. a year and a half ago. i have been around christianity in some way, shape or form and never really clicked. my good friend also on great american family channel great christmas movie as well. she brought me to church. all i can say is something happened. my dad to hound face relationship with god in tis his 40's he said the holy spirit came to me. all i know there it is. i was flooded with love and understanding. i had always been so biased against christianity for various reasons. because of the bad reputation it's gotten with being -- causing wars. and you think of christians are these judgmental people and all this religious stuff. the truth is jesus was antireligion. he was antireligion. did i not realize that. i saw this passion play at church. i suddenly understood. it was like these movies we do. it was like oh, finding this
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relationship with jesus. oh, it's you. it's always been you. everything that i always thought about there being some higher power and wanting to do the right thing just because it's the right thing when no one is watching and why that matters. it all came into focus. i feel so blessed. i have been reading the bible this year. i will finish it by the end of the year. such a new perspective on it and being in a public eye, i look forward to opportunities to share my perspective with the world as the years go on as i discover more and more. because i do have this very recent memory of being a nonbeliever and i have no judgment whatsoever. i just want people to feet love and peace that i feel now. >> carley: that's amazing. just looking at pictures of you have and your husband and son outside church. you are sharing your faith with your family as well it's wonderful to hear it strong faith and sharing it with friends. jesus says if you have a strong faith, share it with others. that's part of christianity. you are doing that here on "fox & friends" right now. one of the greatest things about
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it if anything ever comes up in your life, and if you are struggling with a hardship. you don't have to face that burden alone. just give it up to god. >> that's one of the most amazing things about this. you don't feel alone anymore in your moments where you are by yourself. you are not alone. and the fact that that's available to everybody at any time. and this revelation of the freedom that comes with that i came home from church that day. i believe it was april 10th of 2022 it's on my instagram still can you find it. i went live. i was like you guys, i can't believe this is amazing. i thought religion was this restrictive thing. the most amazing freedom in the world. can you watch this, me like an hour after having this revelation on my instagram. >> carley: what a wonderful moment that must have been for you. you still growing because of it you are beautiful inside and out. we thank you so much for joining us this morning. watch her new christmas movie what's it called again and where request defined it? >> it's called a royal date for christmas. on great american family channel this friday at 8:00. if you don't have the channel
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and not sure. text the word christmas to 877-999-21225. see the phone number on the instagram as well. >> we will do just that thank you for joining us. have a great day. >> thank you. you too. >> carley: bad weather could disrupt holiday travel for millions of americans. that's not good. a live report on that coming up. are you looking for a top tier sports collectible for the holidays? we've got some ideas. plus, nearly 80% of americans think the border situation is a huge problem. lawrence is having breakfast with friends in bayshore, new york. where cirns are reacting to our latest fox news polls this morning. hi, lawrence. >> lawrence: hey, good morning, carley. let's bring it to the people. top issues facing the country. who believe border is the top issue? [cheers] >> lawrence: okay. who thinks the economy is the top issue? [cheers] who thinks crime is a top issue. [cheers] >> lawrence: they are top issues coming up on "fox & friends."
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♪ >> carley: we have a fox weather alert. millions of americans under severe weather warnings from what is being called a monster pre-christmas storm coming up
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the east coast. >> steve: that's right. i flew through this last night. fox weather correspondent katie byrne is live in washington. katy, for the folks down in florida where it was a soaker this weekend, that tropical storm is heading to boston now. >> oh, yeah. we are getting it here and for a lot of locals it's kind of like another monday. another storm for us here in new england but really all across the northeast. this is the fourth week in a row of bad weather. the main concerns with this one are going to be all this rain and wind. storage drain from the overpass above us just pumping out water from d.c. up the 95 corridor. we have got a lot of people under alerts from this storm. more than 42 million americans under flood alerts. almost 50 million under wind alerts. unfortunately, we are already seeing some of the damage because of it. the wind likely snapping trees leading to outages all across new england, especially in connecticut. more than 60,000 without power at this hour right now. we will keep our eye on that as
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the morning goes on. so far from what i have seen here in boston. people seem to be prepared for this. i'm seeing a lot of people wearing their rain gear but some are going to tell you umbrellas might not hold up against this wind. >> brian: especially if the wind is blowing 50 miles per hour. >> carley: most people need rick reichmuth weather man umbrella. >> brian: that's a big mystery. let's go to adam klotz for fox weather forecast. adam? >> adam: continuing to build off what katy was just talking about. that weathery system that was just moving across the southeast, kind of wintery, right? when you think of winter you typically would think of snow. not the case at all with this one. so a lot of rain. elgt foot of total precipitation so far. winds range anywhere from 50 to 70 miles per hour. that is the system that's currently moving across the mid-atlantic and moving up into number. some areas where you are seeing
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it. very heavy rain in new york city. winds gusting up to 40 or 50 miles per hour. d.c. beginning to get on the back end of this a little bit. boston still in the heart of this system. no surprise here that we have got all these flood alerts currently in place with this from philadelphia up to new york. all the way up across the interior new england as well. we can time this out for you. and as you can pay attention, time stamp there in the corner. last graphic i will leave you with by the time we get in the afternoon, 2 or 3:00 you are clear in philadelphia, new york. still hanging on to rain there in boston. this does clear out today. on the back side of this system it stays very windy through night. winds up to 40 and 50 miles per hour. those are the headlines, guys. back over to you. >> steve: probably a bad day to put up the christmas lights. clark griswold. thank you very much, adam. >> brian: i just realize no one in our family has watered our tree. probably been a week. i put the prolong. in someone has got to water it.
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>> steve: reason you need artificial tree. >> brian: i can't give in. it would be nice if someone had initiative in my house. >> steve: lawrence, as you can see right there peter pan diner out on long island. and is he going to talk to the folks about this. brand new fox news polling asks people about how they feel about what's going on on our southern border. keep in mind for the most part joe biden has made it really easy to come into the country. 34% say it's an emergency. 45% say it's a major problem. add that up, 8 in 10 americans say it's a mess. that number is up 8% from august. and in the same poll, 67% of americans say they would support deporting those who are in this country illegally. 58% say let's use the military. and 54%, i'm surprised it's not bigger, only 54% say build the wall. >> carley: you can't get 8 in 10 americans to agree on just about anything. they agree on this issue. look at this. this is a lot of illegal
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immigrants. they are lining up against a train. and there is news about these train cars today. because the united states and mexico are working together to shut down some train lines because so many illegal immigrants are hopping on trains illegally in mexico. they are hopping on the top of the cars, which is very dangerous. they are coming into the united states that way. because it sure beats walking. this is obviously a major issue. the president ran on opening the border. he sure did. and now we are feeling the effects. >> brian: how many democrats are not on board with the president's policies. how about the governor of arizona democrat coming out and saying the federal government has failed. now going to use national guards. how about the senator from pennsylvania saying nobody can handle the size of pittsburgh coming in every single month? it does not make any sense. how about aspiring congressman wants to be the next senator from arizona democrat saying the same thing? and how tone deaf is the castro brothers, congressman and former cabinet secretary saying it's racist for president biden to
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entertain any change in asylum laws that crack down on the border, lawrence? how crazy is that? and senator menendez the disgraced new jersey senator also saying the same thing about president biden potentially cracking down on the border. >> well, it's tone deaf. they are not listening to the american people. but, brian, we can't forget. remember when this was all first talked about, it didn't matter. but when governor greg abbott started sending the migrants to all the sanctuary cities, suddenly, it became emergency for everyone else. so, i guess that is -- that is the secret sauce now. if you want liberal cities to acknowledge a problem, then you got to make them feel your pain. i hate it has to be that way. but you don't want to hear from me. you want to hear from the american people. i'm going to get the mic from tim and nate the great let's go find some folks. i was talking to folks at the back row right here about immigration. meet some of my new friends here. so, this new polling, talking
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about immigration is one of the top issues now facing american people. some have even suggested they want more force on the border. where do you stand on that? >> absolutely. it's a major invasion on what is going on on our southern border and i totally support having more forces down there and more troops there to protect us. >> lawrence: yes, ma'am. who do you think is the best candidate to solve the problem at the border? >> trump. >> absolutely. he solved it when he was in office. [cheers. [? >> >> and then biden comes into office and he just takes away everything that trump had. and now look at what we have. we have an invasion at our border. i don't know how our country can sustain all the people that are there. we are going to be -- i mean, we are going to be bankrupt. where are we putting these people? it's crazy. it's just crazy. they are going to be knocking on my door. i'm sure of it. >> lawrence: thank you, ma'am. a lot of these democrat cities, even new york city, they were
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totally okay with the migrants coming until they started coming to think city, being shipped there? hab salute hypocrites. these people are costing us tons of money. our taxes will be coming up as this young woman said. as i also suspect, i think our voting system is going to be compromised because i can't tell you how many people can't speak english are voting. >> lawrence: a lot of people asking questions about that. sir, you served. thank you for your service. [applause] >> lawrence: we are investing a lot of money with the illegal migrants that are coming across. what about the military? >> well, it's the time of year that military is basically forgotten. we have our people overseas. they are protecting us overseas in droves. it's turning and and using them as fodder. is he not protecting our military. and this is the time of the year that they're away from their families. >> they would love to be with their families. instead, they are protecting us overseas and this man is a piece
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of -- >> lawrence: thank you for pausing there so we didn't have to beep you. ma'am, you were talking, you say look, i know a lot of people here support the former president trump. you wish he would be a little nicer. tell me what you meant by that. >> i'm going to be very controversial in this crowd. i like donald trump. i think he was a great president. i love his policies. i wish he would try a little bit harder to get along with people. he can be nasty sometimes. i'm very outspoken myself and i love the fact that he is outspoken. i think -- i wish he would be a little bit more amine to be getting along with people. that's it. >> lawrence: what about you, sir? where do you stand on this issue? >> i kind of agree. i think he has good policies. obviously he had a good past administration. and we're definitely in need of
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bringing change back to the country. so, i feel the same way. >> lawrence: you were telling me, also, there is a lot of americans that are saying with this mess, whoever is the nominee, that's how are going to vote? >> that's correct. i mentioned to you that for me my candidate was tim scott. i'm hoping tim scott is a v.p. candidate. but i think based on the policies of the current administration we definitely need a change. the republican candidate definitely has my vote. [applause] >> lawrence: thank you so much. >> lawrence: as you can see, by the way this woman is brave, because this diner is dominated by trump supporters in here. [laughter] >> lawrence: but the former president is watching this show, as he does every morning. and they are asking -- she is asking if he could just be a little nicer. she likes the policies. but just be a little nicer, mr. trump. [laughter] >> lawrence: i will send it back to you guys in new york. >> steve: tis the season. thank you very much, lawrence.
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10 minutes before the the top much the hour. moments ago lloyd austin arrived for a meeting with israel's defense minister. they are expected to discuss the next phase of israel's war against hamas. his arrival comes as u.s. officials say that the uss carney helped a chemical ship was that being attacked by houthi drones. there have been more than 11 attacks on shipping vessels in the red sea since the war began. and that is why b.p., petroleum is shipments through the region in light the deteriorating security situation for shipping in the red sea, b.p. has decided to temporarily pause all transits through the red sea. meanwhile, new overnight in philadelphia, a police car and amazon delivery truck involved in a crash, according to reports there, there were injuries. but the extent of those have not yet been released. both vehicles sustained major
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damage cause of the crash is under investigation. it's unclear if the rain played a role. meanwhile the united states post office releasing its holiday shipping deadlines for last-minute gift givers. wednesday is the very last day you can send packages with ground shipping and still get them there before christmas. this wednesday. and the last day for priority mail shipping is thursday. if you want your packages before christmas, the last scheduled delivery day without paying a pricy holiday premium is saturday the 23rd. so there you have got the numbers. and speaking of numbers, brian. you have a bunch of them. >> brian: how about this for last-minute gift idea sports memorabilia for that sports fan in your life. why not top memorabilia for the guy who is the best in the business. look at some of the greatest and best things can you buy for yourself or person in your life who can't tear themselves away from the sports bar or the television on weekends. joining us now the king of all sports memorabilia brandon
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schneider. brandon, great so he see you. you are in back in action big time for gift ideas for christmas. you are not holding back. help me out with this. you were talking about a canvas of kobe bryant signed by him $75,000. what attracts me to this? >> well, limited edition original art. people go crazy with kobe. i'm not sure that's an east coast play. but people still love kobe and they love jordan. anything you see on our site collectible exchange jordan and kobe still very, very high price. maintain their value. but there's a ton of stuff can you pick up for 100,000 but that's limited edition art piece by a very famous artist. >> brian: sadly he passed away. wonder what is going to appreciate. things like that will appreciate if you say okay i need a good investment. this is astounding to me. this is a picture of i think the first class into the hall of fame. christie matheson, babe ruth, eddy collins, cy young, coney
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math, tie cobb, grover cleveland alexander, speaker and lowe gehrig. how much should this go for and how did you get. this you have to understand our marketplace people coming in from across the country. people collect hall of fame. this is hard piece to put together. almost impossible to get all of these hall of famers. this is $150,000 piece. it's not for everyone. again, there is a lot of pieces that are a lot more collectible. remember different variation and lou gearing is impossible. >> lou gehrig $250,000. lou gehrig signed baseball everyone loves the iron horse. >> hard to get. pristine autograph. again, can you find cards, collectibles. 150,000 items on collectible exchange. and you got a million and a half
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cards on star stock. >> brian: get to the cards. tiger woods. let's go to tiger woods $59. listen, he has had some controversy in his life. might be the greatest golfer ever but that effects the value, correct? >> it does. goes up and down. he has been definitely a see saw. nice card to pick up on card stock. see the value of the cards gone up, down, what people are paying for them. pretty cool. >> brian: by the way michael jordan obviously, strangely and oddly as popular as when he was playing. $35,903. >> absolutely. >> brian: rookie card 1986. >> yeah. it's his rookie card. it's a gem. you know, if you are a serious card collector. you are going to want a michael jordan rooky. >> tom brady, ken griffey jr. 4 # thousand, 59,000. both autographed. rookie card. most controversial board is probably this one, brandon.
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i don't know where you get your prices from. you got a classic ainsley earhardt canvas water painting. i think it's a finger painting, you have $499. that's kind of low for her. this usually goes a little bit higher. what are you thinking? >> priceless. i think, you know, you can't just pick up that kind of thing anywhere. amazing. >> brian: what about lawrence jones in a football jersey rarely worn really ware 59 boy 98 cents. >> way under valued. >> brian: is he barely wearing pants there real quick. steve doocy, this is the sexiest you have ever looked. >> steve: $25? >> sign it for free. look at my hair. >> brian: here's the worst. my bobble head has got no price on it. i guess it's priceless. >> priceless, very rare. can't find that bobble head. >> brian: thanks so much. back in mia moment yeah.
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