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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  December 18, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PST

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tunnel to towers with your viewers we do something. 3,000 this year. with all the services they need. >> steve: you need the money. we have the audience. folks, help frank out. get the homes for the needy americans at >> carley: seven days to christmas. counting down with the advent calendar. day 18. >> we've been counting down the days. 18 is going to be, pull out my card here, the peeps brand. everybody's favorite when it comes to the holidays. i think we all know this get it at target and wal-mart and dollar tree. treats. >> carley: bye, have a good day.
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[explosions] >> bill: in case you haven't noticed it's rough outside. hurricane level wind gusts slamming the northeast, major storm hovering over millions of people today. that's a live look at a car in an embankment in maryland. with the flash flooding and power outages it could be tough going. we're watching the storm. check out that radar. that started 12 hours ago and continues to march up the northeast. a lot of green on that screen. updates throughout the morning as we go. meanwhile this. president biden behind the eight ball. new polling shows him losing next year in not just the former president. hope you had a great weekend, everybody. we are drowning in numbers today. i'm bill hemmer. good morning at home. >> dana: great to be here. i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." the latest fox news polling shows president biden trailing both former president trump and nikki haley and in a dead heat
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with governor ron desantis. >> bill: all this adding to democrats' anxiety. the president not buying those numbers. >> mr. president, why are you losing to trump in the polls? >> those are just polls. >> dana: karl rove on deck. we begin with mark meredith on the trail in des moines, iowa. what did you find out, mark? >> i found out that it's quite chilly in iowa in late december. good morning to you both. this week we'll see almost all of the gop republican candidates coming out here to stump for their candidates. the caucus is fast approaching. new polls show this race may already be decided. a new survey fox nationally looking at where republican primary voters stand now showing former president trump leading the race at 69% support. florida governor desantis in second at 12% and former ambassador haley at nine. trump stopped at ufc fight.
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he was in reno last night pleading with supporters not to be overly confident in his chances even as he bragged about his standing in the polls. >> pretend we're tied and losing by three. you have to do this because the worst thing is everyone thinks what do we have to vote for? bad things happen. pretend we're losing. >> over the weekend, trump received an avalanche of criticism from democrats including the biden campaign after he told supporters in new hampshire that illegal immigrants coming to the u.s. are poisoning the blood of the country. chris christie criticized him for those remarks. nikki haley is in iowa this week trying to build on some of the momentum she has seen after two big endorsements. the latest polling shows her beating president biden in a match-up by six points. she told a crowd last night in iowa she is doing all she can to raise her profile.
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>> we've got people on the ground, knocking on doors, making phone calls and making sure we get people to caucus. we have a good ground game going. that's something that's really important. >> today florida governor ron desantis will be holding events in iowa campaigning with the state's republican governor kim reynolds and speaking to workers at a manufacturing plan. desantis campaign will the ground game hold up? they say they are firing on all cylinders. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: karl rove in studio. he is not cold and he is -- >> i'm not in iowa. >> bill: your son's white board. call for number one, here we go. top three candidates now versus november. trump is in a pretty good spot at 69%.
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>> dana: i would say that's pretty good. >> nobody is that far ahead has ever lost a nomination. on the other hand we're in a weird time. we have to go vote. let's see what happens in iowa. >> bill: weird meaning? >> we have an incumbent president who is in terrible shape. we have a republican nominee -- potential nominee under four indictments and way ahead of the rest of the pac and a big divergence between national numbers and the other two states. iowa has the history of throwing us a side ball. huckabee, santorum, ted cruz and new hampshire is going to be a wild card because there is no democratic primary. independents can vote in either party's primaries. i suspect a bunch will be coming to the republican primary. >> dana: you mentioned bidens numbers and one of the reasons, i think, he is yelling back the
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polls are wrong is because look at this one from the "wall street journal" poll. have biden's policies helped or hurt you? 53% of those polled said it hurt them. that number is hard to turn around between now and november. >> if he faces former president trump, who had almost the reverse numbers on his policies seen as helping him. this is one of the two great weaknesses of president biden. people don't think his policies have helped them. what do they do? they call the economic policies bidenomics. like associate his name with things that aren't seeming to be working. the other one is he seemed to be a weak leader. donald trump is seen to be a strong leader. >> bill: what our polling wrote off. when third party candidates are included, trump's edge over the president remains at four points. biden gets 37, trump 41. kennedy gets 14.
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stein 3% and west 2%. we don't have graphics to support this. i don't know how it will shake out. do you have a firm idea today as to how many third party candidates could be listed on every state or any of the states that matter? >> well, it's hard to get on all 50 states. there are 25 states where it's easy to get on. another dozen with some effort you can get on. the rest it is very hard to get on. you need to have hundreds of thousands of signatures. no labels party will be on all 50 ballots or nearly all 50. robert kennedy decided will he concentrates an the mega and battleground states and it will hurt biden. jill stein running on the green party later in all 50 states, in 2016 in wisconsin, michigan and pennsylvania, her number of
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votes was bigger than hillary clinton's losing margin. similarly in 2020, the libertarian candidate on all the state's ballots joe jurgenson, her votes in arizona, georgia, and wisconsin were bigger than donald trump's losing margin. third party candidate isn't going to win but they can have a huge impact on who does. >> dana: intrigue. president obama apparently has said he does not think that biden can win. here is from the "wall street journal." those with concerns include former president barack obama who knows this is going to be a close race and feels that democrats very well could lose in 2024. that's according to a person familiar with his thinking. do you think that obama wanted the person familiar with his thinking to let that be known to get -- to -- >> really?
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would that ever happen? absolutely. look, we had david axelrod say he is deeply concerned about the age issue. we heard a pun gent response attributed to the current president about that. the democrats are in trouble. if they want to win they better wake up and start with the president of the united states. only three people who can decide that joe biden is not going to be the nominee of the democratic party. joe biden, jill biden and valerie biden, his sister. why they're looking at these numbers and thinking those are the wrong polls as the president says and thinking they have a great opportunity to win ahead of them. >> dana: what's the cut-off for that decision? >> well, you know, it depends on how much trouble you want to go through. the decision now would be problematic. you would have people get into the primaries and run. that would be helpful. democrats would get a chance to see who they are. lots of democrats, though, think that if something happens it is going to happen after the
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primaries and in early june and before the democratic convention in mid- august at which time delegates to the national convention get to make a decision who it is. >> dana: that would be something to cover. we'll see you for lunch. we'll buy you lunch. it's soon your birthday. get to you this as well. near record coastal floods in the southeast. the system is moving over the northeast. we can tell you that in new york city. high winds and heavy rain. katie burn is live in boston this morning. hi, katie. >> hi, dana. this storm is bringing some serious wind and rain to millions of people who live from the d.c. area up the 95 corridor. we've already seen some of the damage this wind can do. behind me in boston you can see we heard this big gust of wind and part of this dock actually
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just severed completely is wedged in the corner over there. this is just one of really many reports that we're hearing across new england, mid atlantic northeast region in general. you can see the winds likely snapping trees. look at all the outages. most of them right now at this hour are in massachusetts. more than 90,000 customers without power here and i'm talking to some commuters on their way to work walking in this morning who will tell you themselves your umbrellas won't stand a chance in this wind. >> lousy, windy, rainy, couldn't use the umbrella because it was so windy. it's not too bad right here. >> they saw people hanging onto lamp posts as times. 50 million americans under wind alerts right now.
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42 million americans under flood alert. a lot we're tracking. what's interesting and stands out to me with this storm is how warm it is, dana. it will be 60 degrees in boston today. certainly does not feel like december. >> dana: it sure doesn't. katie, thank you. stay as safe and dry as you can. >> now we have people, tens of thousands of people pouring across arizona's border each week and they are running into our interior and being bused everywhere across this country. we need to stop people from coming across immediately. we need to build the wall. >> bill: historic migrant crisis. arizona's democratic governor saying drastic action is necessary now. dana. >> dana: u.s. warships responding as iran-backed houthis are ramping up attacks in the red sea. the is biden administration doing enough to stop them?
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we'll ask general jack keane. >> bill: question about hunter biden today. stepping up to the mic? >> please, hunter biden, we know your dad loves you. please stop talking in public. hi, i'll have the avocado toast... minus the avocado. so, toast? yeah. everything is so expensive these days. hey, chevy gets it. that's why they're keeping prices down to earth. like on the most affordable ev in america. ♪ a super strong and capable chevy truck. ♪ and a high-tech chevy suv. ♪ why is chevy making affordable vehicles, connected by onstar? so together we can do more.
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>> dana: back now with this. arizona's democratic governor mobilizing the state's national guard to the border saying she is doing what the biden administration won't. governor hobbs taking action after a visit to a port of entry so overwhelmed by migrants it had to shut down. you have been seeing the video. bill melugin back on the story in lukeville, arizona. you were gone for a few days. you are back now. what's it like? >> good morning to you. governor hobbs says she is sending the national guard to
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the border because the federal government is quote refusing to do its job to secure our border. we haven't seen any national guard in lukeville yet. what we have seen are more mass illegal crossings. look at this footage we shot yesterday afternoon right here in lukeville, more wall breaches, more mass incursions into the area. predominantly hundreds of single adults crossing illegally. a lot coming in from all over the world. some of the countries we encountered yesterday from africa, congo, guinea, senegal. columbia, ecuador. listen to the numbers. in the last three weeks alone in this sector there have been more than 54,000 illegal crossings. that does not include any of the known gotaways. as usual, everything happening down here is controlled by the mexican drug cartels on the other side of the border. look at this footage we shot on the other side of lukeville in mexico. you will see there is a mountain with radio towers. camera will zoom in on it and
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you will see a suspected mexican cartel scout with binoculars scanning the area looking for weak points in the border wall where they can cut it and move their human cargo through. also take a look at these images. a nearby indian reservation here in lukeville. media is not allowed and put out by border patrol. they're getting pounded with illegal crossings every dayner the san big el gate. no border wall, just a few things on the ground. people can just walk right through. the border patrol union says they get upwards of 1,000 illegal crossings on this reservation every single day and they only have three or four agents out there to process all of it. lastly we'll take you out to eagle pass, texas, our live fox news drone is now. you can see the situation there. more mass illegal crossings in eagle pass as well. you can see hundreds of illegal immigrants gathered there waiting for processing. they have the blankets on.
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it is chile there as well. 4,500 illegal crossings happening there yesterday. cbp has shut down railway operations in eagle pass to redeploy the help with border patrol. stopping international commerce to help speed up processing. live our team just got word a couple miles away from where we're standing now there was another mass incursion into lukeville. we're going to go check that out right now as we can see a suspected human smuggler driving on the other side of the border wall from us right now. send it back to you. >> dana: amazing. videos out of eagle pass is incredible. >> bill: you have that from the border. you've got this from overseas. the red sea today. u.s. navy warship responding to another houthi drone attack as the rebel group keeps disrupting vital shipping routes. retired four star general jack
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keane senior strategic analyst this is the red sea. 98 attacks on u.s. forces primarily in eastern syria and throughout the country of iraq. put the map on the screen. thank you very much. back to the red sea. this is what we're dealing with, general. you have major commercial shipping companies that run international businesses that have said we're not going to go through the red sea anymore, the houthi rebels have gone on offense. where are we on this? why would we not respond? >> certainly. this is all about the suez canal. the red sea is the entrance to that. that's what the commercial shippers now obviously are going around africa and affect global economy. iran is calling the shots. they want the demonstrate not only to the countries in the middle east but also the allies
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of the united states that their ability to have control and influence in the region. after all, their strategic objective is to dominate and control the region. they have said that for 43 years. here is a demonstration of what they have the ability to do. i think it's really quite shameful the administration is likely waiting until soldiers or sailors get killed in this. the idea of having the military is to deter. and when your adversary is escalating, you have to take action to deter them from further escalation. that is what we have failed to do here. what needs to be done, bill, we have to conduct a significant attack against houthi capabilities. rockets, missiles, storage sites and their command and control. not a pinprick. i'm talking about a destruction of their major capability. secondly, we need to do something with iran.
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i always suggest go to the irgc who controls these proxies, not just the houthis, but the hundred or so you referenced on the map of our bases in iraq and syria. take some of that capability down so that they understand we really mean business and if they continue we'll do more of the same. if we don't do that much of this is going to continue. >> bill: amen to that, general. from over the weekend on your point about iran listen here. >> offensive military response is the only kind of response the iranians will understand and respect. time for the administration to act. it is good to have a budge of these coming together to plow tecti the shipping. direct action against iran is needed now. >> bill: a report that the saudis are urging the administration not to go after yemen because the saudis are trying to keep the relationship with iran in tact point one. point two, i didn't realize this but the report suggests in the
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"wall street journal" that the houthi might be the most equipped of all iranian proxies even more than hezbollah and they have medium range ballistics missiles and can fire anti-ship ballistic missiles. that seems to be a measure of fire power that we have not seen in other areas. general, can you confirm this? if so, what would you react to it appeared how? >> first the saudis have a truce with the houthis so the war has stopped between them and they don't want to destabilize that and go back to it. we take the saudi's counsel but act in the interest of the united states. our interests are what i just suggested we do. we take action. when it comes to the houthis, yes, they have ballistic missiles and that is a significant capability. and the degree that they have them and the numbers they have them is different from what
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hezbollah has. hezbollah is a very well-organized military organization with over 130,000 rockets and missiles. both of them are formidable. hezbollah still is weighted because of the scale of their ground forces and also the missiles and rockets that they have. but both formidable opponents and both proxies to iran where iran calls the shots. that's what we have to clearly understand here. >> bill: if we take action against them it will be major news and we wait to see whether or not it happens. general, thank you, on the monday. jack keane, nice to have you. >> yep. >> we have to put big numbers up. really big numbers. we're leading by a lot but you have to go out and vote. the margin of victory is so, so powerful. >> dana: less than a month until iowa voters mark the start of primary season. even though former president trump has a commanding lead in
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the polls is he right to be concerned? we'll talk with three iowa voters plus more fallout over campus anti-semitism for america's most prestigious early admissions. the impact on harvard next. >> they don't want to clean up the culture from the inside. the only way to fix campuses like harvard is for us to utilize whatever tactics we possibly can. my plaque psoriasis was so bad... i couldn't get my hair done. my psoriasis was all over. then my joints started hurting, found out it was psoriatic arthritis. who knew they could be connected? for me, cosentyx works on both. 5 years and counting. did you know people with psoriasis on the scalp have a 4 times higher risk of developing psoriatic arthritis, which if left untreated can lead to permanent joint damage? cosentyx works on all of this and helps stop further joint damage.
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it happened outside the delegate headquarters. he as the first lady are both okay thankfully. that is a very unusual circumstance. unfortunately, the guy was drunk and that can happen. so everybody is okay and that guy will get charged. >> bill: you see the photographer come around with the pool walking down the street and hear the sound. photographer smartly gets a look at this automobile and also the driver on the other side. he has his hands up. and they clearly have questions. what did i just run into here? right? on a rainy sunday night you have secret service patrol everywhere. everybody is okay. but it did make a sound there indeed. speaking of washington, right now with the u.s. supreme court what a moment, dana. this is about to begin the public viewing followed by a
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ceremony in honor of the late justice sandra day o'connor. let's just watch here as she is about to lie in repose at the u.s. supreme court. >> dana: there they head up the steps to the supreme court, such a beautiful building in washington, d.c. one of my absolute favorites. she was appointed to the supreme court by ronald reagan and those
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were the days, bill, when you could get a 99-0 vote of approval. the first woman on the court and part of many big decisions but also the first elected -- first person to serve as a justice who had served as an elected officer. born in texas but made her home in arizona. >> bill: you and i were both on the air early december. i was in california at the reagan library and you were here in new york when the news passed of her passing. and we reflected on a life well lived. sandra day o'connor would not disagree with that. god rest her soul and the public viewing will get underway at the u.s. supreme court. 9:35 on monday morning. here we go. >> this is leading by 56 points with trump at 67%, ron desantis
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as 11 and nikki haley at ten. where is the surge? where is the surge? >> we'll restore the american dream for younger people. if they don't see a pathway to working hard and getting ahead, then this country is going to fail. >> the way we win is if every one of you decide to caucus for me. we can get this done. >> dana: less than a month until the iowa caucuses kick off. former president trump still holding a commanding lead over the competition nationally and the hawkeye state. will voters deliver next month? we're joined by three iowa republican voters, jeremy, michelle and penny. great to have you all here. we're all about to join you there. we'll be there for the caucus and excited for that. right now penny, why don't we start with you. who are you leaning toward supporting and why? >> i'm leaning toward trump. he has a proven track record and
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i think he has the experience that we need. we cannot afford to try out somebody else for the next four years. we need to get the vote in and get it done and get him back in the seat. >> dana: call for one. issues important to iowans. it tracks nationally. economy, followed by the border. government spending way up there and heard it from nikki haley she heard it on the trail as well and going down farther. abortion restrictions 41%. when you think about who you are thinking about supporting, i believe that's nikki haley. why and how do you think she is doing in that state? >> i think she is making great strides. i'm behind nikki haley because it is about electability. i think when you compare her to biden she is the most electible of the candidates currently. i think with trump, four more years and then he is an
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incumbent -- he is not an incumbent. it is looking forward to the future. what will it look like four years from now? i think haley is the one to take us there. >> dana: one more for you, michelle. when governor reynolds decided to endorse governor desantis instead of haley how did you feel? has that made a difference? >> i was a little surprised, i won't lie, with desantis. though i can see where they have had a strong friendship especially during covid and both of them taking our states ahead of the pack. so i can understand where she is bake backing desantis but i wish we should have done haley. >> dana: jeremy you are leaning desantis, why? how is that going? >> i think if we started and built a candidate from the ground up. we are looking for somebody who
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can put in eight years, not just four and proven they have tackled the hard issues. the biggest thing with ron desantis he has more than 100% of the things he said he was going to do. when i look at trump, i was a huge trump fan, i just can't say that about trump anymore. he didn't drain the swamp, build the wall and make mexico pay for it. he didn't do a lot of things he promised to do. desantis has done everything he promised to do. if we built a candidate from the ground up, i think that candidate would look a lot like ron desantis. >> dana: president trump's lead is commanding in iowa and across the country. one of the things that i know you had mentioned is that abortion was one of your biggest issues. and how do you think that will play into people's thinking there in iowa? as i mentioned nationally 41% importance. not true for everyone. for some people it's a top
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priority. >> i think everything that you mentioned in your list there is important to everyone. i think abortion for me protect the babies and protect the border. what donald trump can do in four years what someone may take eight years to do. i stand behind him 100%. >> dana: one of the things i mentioned on "the five" the other night. republicans aren't always persuaded by the electability. republican voters want to give president trump another shot. this idea that he could only serve four years is resonating with people that you are talking to? >> i do. i was a trump fan. and i think that he had his day. but unfortunately chaos seems to follow him wherever he goes. i am ready for someone that is not going to stir up all kinds of trouble in the country and i think he is just too polarizing.
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i am looking ahead at the next eight years. i'm looking at the next 16 years. and who can really take us there? >> dana: jeremy, you said something similar about those eight years. another thing you said you want to drain the swamp. and if the last 3 1/2 years or three years of biden's presidency has shown anything the swamp perseveres. do you think desantis could do that? >> i got to ask him that question. i think he was the best answered out of any of the candidates and i look at who he will put himself -- who he will have around him and you look at trump's people, who is trump going to put around himself? they are all going to prison or being financially bankrupt because of all the legal issues. i think ron desantis has shown he puts really good people
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around him and if every state was like florida and iowa, we would be just a much better nation. >> dana: i think my family in wyoming would agree with you there. it's nice to have you all here. you can disagree without being disagreeable and you are wonderful iowans. wish you a very merry christmas and we'll see you in about a month. thank you. >> thank you. >> merry christmas. >> dana reads sports. >> okay, i'm reading this cold, bill. it was a great escape on sunday night football. what happened? let's watch. >> from the 30, jackson got out of a would be sac and keeps it alive and slings it in the air and it is run in. >> dana: that works, right? baltimore ravens qb wr-- it set touchdown two plays later as the
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ravens clinched a playoff spot with a 23-seven win. >> bill: that was very impressive by baltimore. >> dana: bengals run. how is my theory about the second string quarterbacks being as good held up? >> bill: not bad. i really think -- this is the rocky balboa season of the nfl, right? from california l.a. promoting a public defending posting anti-police comments. queue the outrage. there is a lot of it. >> she thinks nobody should go to prison. take prison and lock the doors and put nobody in it. there is evil that walks the street, she doesn't understand that. s. -ahh, -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar,
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25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. (♪) my daddy's a cowboy, i'm a cowboy and i'm raising a cowgirl. and discovering that my family come from farmers for generations. this life is in our blood. give the gift of family heritage with ancestry. hi, i'll have the avocado toast... minus the avocado. so, toast? yeah. everything is so expensive these days. hey, chevy gets it.
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that's why they're keeping prices down to earth. like on the most affordable ev in america. ♪ a super strong and capable chevy truck. ♪ and a high-tech chevy suv. ♪ why is chevy making affordable vehicles, connected by onstar? so together we can do more.
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>> bill: so la's d.a. under fire for his new chief of staff. she is a former public defender named tiffany. she once called the lapd barbarians and said prison should be obsolete. the d.a. in orange county is here. thank you for your time. does it surprise you much? they tried to recall him. it didn't work. now he is going to bring in what would be considered a like-minded individual, which i think honestly is to be expected. i mean, if he believes this, he is going to live by it. >> i actually think, bill, it is good thing. let me tell you why. the goal -- let's not lose our eye on the goal. the goal is to get rid of america's worst, least credible prosecutor who is doing so much damage to our criminal justice system. if the goal is to get rid of
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him, he is polling at 18%. the recall failed. then this is just one more example of why he shouldn't be reelected. while she is going to cause a lot of destruction. hard to believe any more than george gascon has done. i actually think it is a good thing. >> bill: twist in logic there. this is what she has said right now about the lapd. look at these barbarians, lapd is an occupying army, defund police. she had another one, prison is obsolete. we need to reimagine america without it. angela davis said prisons disappear problems, they don't solve them. we've been warehousing our people for a generation, it is time to free america. we can have a debate over incarceration policies and what's working and what's not. is she really anti-police? what's the effect of that? >> listen, bill, the d.a.'s office is down from 1100
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prosecutors to 700. they are down 400. no one wants to work for george gascon. lapd is supposed to be 11,000. they are under 9,000 now. why would anybody want to be a sworn police officer in this city or county of los angeles? so look, is this horrible? it is disgusting. she was a public defender. public defenders don't defend the public like i do. my job is public safety. her job was to free those who are accused of crime and she is doing that from inside the district attorney's office. so can george gascon do anything more than to destroy los angeles, the whole county? no, he is the worst prosecutor in america. we recalled bodine in san francisco. price in oakland is under a recall. we have to get rid of george
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gascon. you are right it's twisted logic. i have been in politics for three decades. let me tell you something, i don't know what is going to convince the people of los angeles to get rid of george gascon. but if the police, the sheriff, all law enforcement, all the d.a.'s that surround los angeles are on the same page saying look, tiffany blacknell, really? the chief of staff? george gascon, i think we have a great chance of getting rid of him next year. >> bill: you make an interesting argument. they tried it once. not sure if you are right. 0 for one. better luck next time. thank you so much for your time getting up early in california. thank you, todd. >> emaciated and tape around his legs, hungry and thirsty. >> dana: the description of a mal nourished 12-year-old boy.
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turns out his mom is a youtube parenting influencer. the charges she now faces.
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♪ >> dana: a warning to last-minute shoppers. bill, this means you. today marks the u.s. postal service's deadline day. only one week before christmas. this is your last chance to make it under the tree using priority mail. it is going to get more expensive to ship on time unless you are santa himself or something to tell us. >> bill: i spoke too soon. >> dana: i got stuff done early. >> bill: i did, too. we both have that in common. there is always amazon. >> dana: get your stuff mailed. want to bring you this story we teased earlier. >> i hesitate to say this.
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it seems like a mean barbarian. i told the kids i said i'm not going to let you eat breakfast until you get your chores done. >> a social media influencer due in court today on charges of aggravated child abuse. ruby frankie gained fame and followers with her tough love parenting advice on youtube. william la jeunesse has the story. what's going on here? >> bill, good morning. she is accused of torture, starving and binding her children with duct tape. 2 million people would watch her give parenting advice in a weekly reality show. she agreed to a plea deal sparing her decades in prison following felony child abuse. she prompted some viewers to call police. >> i told you to go get on your shoes and jacket to see a movie and you should say okay, and be grateful instead of what movie? i don't know, let me think about
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it. that's not very grateful. >> we laid it out very clear and told them that this year they are not going to be visited by santa. >> the police rarely got inside the home. eventually one of the 12-year-olds, the boy, escaped mal nourished and bound with tape. part of the 911 call. >> has he told you where his mom or dad are? >> i don't know where my mom is but my dad is not here. >> giving him something to eat and water because he is hungry and he is here in his stocking feet. so he escaped. >> she blames her business partner, a family apist, for isolating her from her family and creating a distorted sense of morality. facing 15 years on


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