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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  December 18, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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wuhan institute of virology and by the shady organization eco health alliance that steered more than a million bucks in taxpayer dollars to chinese institutions for dangerous experiments on coronavirus viruses. they funded and led research on enhanced sars viruses in wuhan, china, prior to and even during the pandemic. i'll close it on this note, dana. an independent monitor group says between 2020 and 2023 the u.s. sent $48 million to eco health alliance alone. >> dana: that's a lot. thank you so much. >> a lot of money. >> bill: we had a before we go but we have to go. we'll see you tuesday. >> dana: harris faulkner is here for the next hour. here she is. >> harris: we'll begin with a fox news alert. republican candidates are beating president biden and he
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is losing support within his own political party. one analyst says the numbers could not be worse for the democrat commander-in-chief who wants america to hire him again. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." the president last night dismissed the truth. >> mr. president, why are you losing to trump in the polls? >> they are the wrong polls. >> harris: hum. among democrat voters a majority want a different presidential nominee. you've heard me say it over and over. anybody but biden. a panel of dem contracts from michigan aren't enthusiastic. >> i want the candidate that i vote for to earn my vote. >> i will probably agonize again once i'm in the ballot box about what to do. >> so are you saying that you at this point are planning to vote for president biden but reluctantly? >> very reluctantly. there is no way i will vote
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republican but reluctantly yes, i will vote biden. >> harris: on the other side of the political aisle presidential candidates hoping to capitalize on president biden's unpopularity. they are in iowa this week with the first nominating contest, like i said, 28 days away. this new fox polling shows former president trump's domination over his republican rivals keeps growing. mark meredith on the ground in adele, iowa. a beautiful place there and you bring us the news. >> i sure will. also talk a little louder. we're inside a manufacturing facility where as you can expect you will hear from some of the candidates including ron desantis. he will be here hosting a town hall with some of the voters really trying to get out his message on his economic vision going forward. last night in iowa i was talking about what he is trying to do to get younger voters engaged who may be fed up with what's going on in washington. >> we are going to restore the
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american dream. that's really important. and i think that for younger people, if they don't see a pathway to working hard and getting ahead, then this country is going to fail. so we have to restore it. >> former u.n. ambassador nikki haley is in highway this week fresh off a tour of new hampshire where she won the state's governor's endorsement, chris sununu backing her and celebrating new fox polling showing her winning against president biden. she leads biden by six points and criticizing the president for his age with a new ad out today. take a listen. >> i'll just say it. biden is too old and congress is the most exclusive nursing home in america. politicians from yesterday can't lead us into tomorrow. >> that ad may be a subtle dig at former president trump. haley has been careful when it comes to the criticism of the
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former president. she says voters are thirsty for an alternative. last night while out in reno trump claimed haley has no shot at winning. >> where is the surge? where is the surge? they kept saying oh, she is surging. she went down a point and i went up ten points last week. >> one thing we'll be looking for carefully whether or not the different strategies in iowa will pay off. trump will be here to do a rally tomorrow night in waterloo, one of the big events where desantis does events where he speaks to a few dozen workers at a time and as you know we'll know which strategy pays off in a matter of weeks. >> harris: yeah, we will, in fact, know a whole lot. david avila and patrick murphy, great to see you both. let's just begin with iowa and what all of this means, david.
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>> first let's talk about iowa being an indicator of who will become the nominee but not as clear as south carolina is, harris. far bigger indicator and what we'll see is you have desantis, who has all chips in for iowa. he loses, he is out. you look at nikki haley who will try to get a win in new hampshire. some of her support comes from independent voters. she will need to get them to turn out in a republican primary and hope that she gets on to south carolina, which is really her home state. if she can't win south carolina where does she get a victory >> harris: i want to get your thoughts, patrick. >> i agree with david. i think former president trump has the big momentum. up seven points since a month ago. i think he will win iowa, new hampshire, south carolina. i think nikki haley quadrupled
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her support but still down. i don't think it will happen. >> harris: we have breaking news. we knew the u.s. defense secretary austin and defense minister for israel were holding a joint news conference. he has been asked about a possible ground war on the northern border of israel with lebanon. let's watch. >> i would like to reiterate what i said. i said that diplomacy is the preferred way. we are not looking for wars. but we have 70,000 israeli refugees and hezbollah is shooting us every day since october 8th, the day after hamas launched the war against israel. therefore, in one hand we are patient and we are looking for diplomacy solution that will
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make sure that hezbollah is not threatening israeli civilians on the northern communities directly. on the other hand, we are preparing ourselves to any situation that is needed and if something like that happened, we would know what to do and we will prevail. we are not looking for anything similar to that and we hope that hezbollah will understand it's time to stop. >> thanks. regarding the houthis, these attacks are reckless, dangerous, and they violate international law. so we're taking action to build an international coalition to address this threat and i would remind you this is not just a u.s. issue. this is an international problem and it deserves an international
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response. that's why i'm convening a meeting tomorrow, a ministerial meeting with fellow ministers in the region and beyond to address this threat. we're -- that will be a virtual meeting and i look forward to that discussion and more important i look forward to working together with the group to address the threat in a meaningful way in the future. we'll have more details on this soon, but we will make sure that we're doing everything we can to insure freedom of navigation in the area, the strait is -- the straits are pretty important as you know. a large amount of commerce flows through there. international commerce flows through there on a daily basis. >> jerusalem post.
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good to see you again. >> harris: we dipped in there and i just want to press, those were two very important issues. first of all would there ever be a second front in the war with lebanon and the hezbollah terrorist group up there, of course they consider it their military but they carry out those types of acts. do the math. anyway, they are firing on israel and firing at each other right now. there had been some questioning there in this news conference about the possibility of a ground war there opening up a second front. again you heard the defense minister for israel say no, peace and negotiations are what they want to go for. they have to do what they have to do. he mentioned 70,000 israeli refugees. i want to double-check that number. that could be a combination of those who left the border along gaza and survived the massacre on october 7th along with all of those who have had to be evacuated from the northern border away from the mortar and fire and all of that war-time
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activity on the lebanese border with israel. i want to check where the 70,000 comes from. that's a lot of refugees for israel right now. certainly does not compare with what they are having to deal with moving refugees in gaza to fight against the hamas terrorists. you heard the yemen houthis, that terror group backed and trained by iran. secretary austin called for the fact that we have to deal with them now. they are posing a huge threat to us. they've hit us dozens of times. our bases and men and women who are stationed in that part of the world. we'll stay on it and bring you the news as it's made. i want to get back to the panel now. this is a large majority of republicans are favoring president trump. i mentioned moments before we went live to secretary austin there that trump's positioning is actually growing. one of our fox polling experts says it is a good showing from
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nikki haley in iowa and new hampshire and it could shake up the race. but look at the number for trump. it has been from 62 to 69% in just a month. the former u.n. ambassador nikki haley is making big gains in the granite state in recent months. in september the real clear political politics average polling showed nikki haley is just more than 5% with trump at 45. now she is at over 20%. also notched the endorsement of that state's governor chris sununu. the two of them hit the airwaves over the weekend. haley pushed back on questioning of trump. >> you are exhausting in your obsession with him. if you want to talk about trump, if you really want to talk about trump, why don't you go ask him if he will get on a debate stage in iowa? why don't you ask him if he will get on a debate stage in new hampshire? that's what you should be asking. >> harris: david.
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>> there is a trophy in this contest and it only goes to first place. so much of the coverage right now is about who is going to come in second place. to the frontrunner, donald trump, who has still a commanding lead. it is also worth noting, harris, you started the segment with democrat voters wanting someone other than biden. for all this talk of people wanting someone other than joe biden, the fact is dean phillips isn't above 5% and marianne williamson is at 8% his biggest competitor. >> harris: it's true. bobby kennedy junior is calling himself an independent at 21%. that doesn't bring democrats together, patrick. >> it doesn't. i have think applaud nikki haley. why isn't president trump debating in iowa and new hampshire? she is there with chris sununu. >> harris: you know the answer to that. at 69% why debate anybody? we have invited him on "the
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faulkner focus." love to have him back with voters in studio. an open invitation to former president trump. at the same time to go back into the debate situation. he has only been going up since it's gone on without him. >> sean hannity the one-on-one was very positive for the base there and yeah, had the event over the weekend in new hampshire but he said some horrible things. really a dog whistle when it comes to immigration, but i will say when you have nikki haley giving that now and chris christie. she is clearly the number two in the race and we'll see how it shakes out. four weeks away, harris. >> harris: real quick. >> every time president biden attacks trump it helps him. i think we have seen through history that any one day comment by president trump doesn't ultimately impact the longer narrative and the narrative right now continues to be he has a commanding lead and by may 5th
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we'll know our nominee. >> harris: great to have you. we got bumped by breaking nulls but we did it. thank you very much. harvard seeing a dramatic drop in early admission applications, do you think? anti-semitism raging on that campus. some argue this is a symptom of a much larger problem in higher education. and the biden administration appears to have changed its tune on the border crisis. republicans say yeah, what took so long? >> for the last three years president biden has demonstrated he simply didn't care. apparently now he cares. we have his intention and intend to do something about it. >> harris: the reported shift in the biden administration on the biden border crisis is why talks are now stalled inside the senate. tammy bruce in "focus" next. look, she is on the mezz with me. keep your laundry smelling fresh way longer than detergent alone. get 6x longer-lasting
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>> i think this will go into next year. i'm talking to the people at the table. the white house got engaged five days ago. senator langford is doing a good job. bottom line we feel like we're being jammed. not anywhere close to a deal. >> harris: senator lindsey graham says they are nowhere near a deal on biden's border crisis. progressives angry. border relief can't come too son for the state of arizona. the democrat governor mobilized the state's national guard to head to the border. governor hobbs says she is doing what the biden administration won't do. of course they won't do that.
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she is taking actions against officials who were forced to shut down part of the port of entry because it was overwhelmed by illegal immigrants. those that we know about. not the gotaways. bill melugin live in lukeville, arizona. bill. >> good morning to you. i can tell you we have not yet seen any national guard down here in lukeville. what we have seen are more mass illegal crossings and more mass processing taking place. we'll give you a look at the scene. a temporary outdoor area that border patrol set up to process these illegal immigrants. you can see family units as well as single adult men who come in from all over the world getting process and put on a bus where many of them will be released and heading to a city near you in the coming days. look at the video we shot yesterday afternoon here in lukeville. another mass incursion through a breach in the border wall. showing this a couple of weeks ago as well. hundreds of people pouring through the breaches in the border wall crossing illegally.
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a lot single adults, as i mentioned, coming in from all over the world. the group you are looking at here adult men from congo, guinea, senegal. others columbia and ecuador. listen to the numbers. in the tucson, arizona sector in the last three weeks alone border patrol says they have arrested more than 54,000 illegal immigrants not counting the gotaways. show you what's happening on the indian reservation out here. very rare to see this. media is not allowed to go in here. border patrol released these photos. the nearby indian reservation right next to lukeville. there is no border wall. there is just some anti-vehicle tracks laid out and they are getting pounded with illegal immigration every day. very rare to see. the border patrol union telling us they are getting upwards of 1,000 illegal crossings every single day and they only have about three or four border patrol agents to patrol and process that area. lastly, we want to show you
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what's happening in eagle pass, texas this morning. a live look at the fox news drone in eagle pass. another mass illegal crossing out there. hundreds upon hundreds of illegal immigrants waiting for processing there. you might be able to see a bridge in the background where the trains come in. cbp announced they are suspending railway operations to move cbp officers down into the field to help border patrol with processing. in other words, harris, they are shutting down international commerce in order to help speed up processing of these migrants. many of them will be released. back out here live, december is traditionally one of the slowest months at the southern border. the border patrol union tells us right now their numbers show they're on track to potentially have the highest single month of arrests they have ever had at the southern border. send it back to you. >> harris: thank you very much. critics are saying the proposal coming out of the white house shows that the border crisis could end today if they wanted it to.
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a major sticking point is the number to trigger a removal situation. we haven't reached a number yet? what's the magic number, 90 million? the "new york post" editorial board with this. if washington can tell border agents to stop waving in illegals when the total hits an arbitrary threshold it can tell them to do it from the jump. the biden administration has said the quiet part out loud. the law doesn't require treating the word asylum as a magic open sesame. democratic senator joe manchin here. >> every one of us have gone to a sporting event or a concert event or some other activity and you know sometimes we found out they're sold out. i'm sorry, you have to plan better. go back the next time and make sure you are able to get a seat. that's the simplistic way where we are today. we're sold out. we are overcapacity right now and we have to control this. >> harris: tammy bruce, fox news
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contributor. let's get right down to it. who is holding this up? >> in a way it's both parties. the republicans now are fighting over whether it will be 3,000 or 5,000 allowed each day. the point of the "new york post" commentary. if we can get the waving through stopped just do it. but they are dickering on the issue of 3,000 to 5,000 being put through each day. this would take it down to a million a year. this is the nonsense. i worry -- republicans should not do this. this is a problem for biden. americans don't like it. that doesn't mean it should be maintained. fix the problem and then convince the american people that you are better for the country than the democrats. this is what i've always worried about the political parties. what will hurt the other guy. think about us for a change. >> harris: what will help the
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country. harvard continues to face outrage of anti-semitism on college campuses after it backed president claudine gay, her testimony, hedging, don't know what to say on calls for jewish genocide on campus. donors are pulling the cash and congress is calling for an end to federal funding as well and tax breaks for harvard and other universities where anti-semitism remains unchecked. "wall street journal" column with harvard is big business at its worst with large tax-insulated endowments. ivy league schools act like companies without market pressure. the pressure felt as early applications to the school are down 17% from last year. one student tells fox news the reason is obvious. >> i think it would be foolish to brush this aside and say the war in israel and the controversy after october 7th has nothing to do with it. you know, harvard did come under a lot of criticism immediately after october 7th and we did
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host a number of jewish students and stayed with us and observed the nasty protests going on. after october 7th you can't refute the obvious, anti-semitism is a driving force of a lot of the pro-palestinian activism. >> harris: can i slide this in? campus anti-semitism. harvard graduation excluded jewish students. it never goes away on the web. you can delete all you want. it does have celebrations, harvard, that is, for the disabled, indigenous people, black, asian, latin x and adds to the claims of anti-semitism. >> this is a deliberate behavior. jew hatred and anti-semitism say it's the canary in the coal mine. the first sign you get that something much deeper is wrong. that something much more
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significant has happened that you don't want to be near. i will remind people of the university of missouri when they had some protests against racial discrimination on campus but it went crazy and it just got camp-outs and everything. years later that school has been -- remains shunned. from 2015 for2017. 35% decline in enrollments. they had to close seven dorms and fire people. there was a collapse because people stopped applying. people, if you spend that money, parents and students want to learn something. this now finally has been triggered so in addition to the financial dynamics that congress can institute, people have got to stop agreeing and applying and playing that game. enough is enough. >> harris: i want to know how they get away withholding celebrations for all those different groups. i didn't know we were still saying latin x but they won't include a celebration for jewish students. >> that's the key.
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that's the key. it is pandering to based on characteristics to isolate from each other and the people have the left is who counts. we talk about whiteness and the jews are the target. the ancient hatred of those envious. it is not good for this country or our universities or the future. >> harris: tammy bruce, always great to have you. a shocking scandal even for congress. could we see criminal charges over a sex tape apparently shot in the hallowed halls of a senate hearing room? where do they find the time? disgusting. plus a decades' old bribery case involving another relative of the president, his brother. it comes at the worst possible time for the president of the united states. republicans are firing up their official impeachment inquiry into the commander-in-chief.
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>> they said republicans vote for impeachment inquiry despite no evidence of wrongdoing of joe biden. we've already produced five direct payments. his family has had the reputation for a long time of being for sale. teeth sensitivity is so common. it immediately feels like somebody's poking directly on the nerve. i recommend sensodyne. sensodyne toothpaste goes inside the tooth and calms the nerve down. and my patients say you know doc, it really works. (husband) yoohoo, surprise! (son) dad? (husband) ♪ hey there family! while you're shopping, ♪ ♪ get me a 5g phone, it's on my list. ♪ (wife) seriously? a better plan is verizon. (husband) they'd take this mess? (caroler) ♪ very much so. just trade in that old phone. ♪ ♪ for a free 5g phone, plus netflix and max ♪
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>> harris: a new report shows how president joe biden's brother, james, has long profited from the biden name. the f.b.i. catching one of his deals on tape. the "washington post" reports that mississippi lawyer richard scruggs paid 100,000 to james consulting firm trying to get senate support for tobacco legislation. he saw senator biden's support ascii to passing that legislation and also said he probably would not have hired james biden, a quote, if he wasn't the senator's brother.
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really? james biden was not im me indicated in any wrongdoing in the case. house oversight chair james comer with this on the president's brother. >> we are communicating with his attorney. we expect to see him in very soon. i'm going to hold off criticism of the president's brother. he has due process and we have heard from his attorney. we are trying to make that work. i feel like that will happen soon. >> harris: this new report could make waves in the gop impeachment inquiry. the house oversight committee has already issued subpoenas for james biden and his wife to testify. the new fox news poll finds nearly half of all americans say the biden impeachment inquiry is legitimate. the same poll shows americans are concerned about the biden's business dealings. most are saying president biden did something either illegally or unethically related to hunter biden's business deals. so the brother, the son, the president's former press secretary jen psaki offered some
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hunter biden advice. this is good. >> if you are sitting in the white house now you are please, hunter biden, we know your dad loves you, please stop talking in public. this is not helpful for any of them for him to be out there. >> harris: hunter biden is facing up to 17 years in prison if convicted on federal tax crimes, charges and it turns out he is not the only biden with tax trouble. ashley biden, president biden's daughter owes $5 thousand in income taxes beginning in 2015 according to a recent tax lien document. does any of it play in an inquiry? >> i think it does. all the money was moving through the llcs and shells and going to members of the family to support them. the most frustrating thing about this case is two fold. one, this clearly now that we have james biden's story, he was a lobbyist and he was -- had
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access to his brother as senator for 40 plus years. and as ultimately vice president. he was exploiting that and people would come to him for that access. the second thing is 2014 and 2015, the years that hunter biden had the most tax liability and failed to report or filed false tax returns were allowed to expire by the department of justice. having been a u.s. attorney for 5 1/2 years i know what it is like to have someone up against a statute of limitations. to me that should be -- should have motivated the charges, not allowed them to expire and fall off the table. >> harris: everybody was talking about that over the summer. i asked james comer, chairman, you are running out of time on these things and you can't stop that clock. i do want to get to this. it was some news that broke while i was away on a divine assignment. that news for a later time. i have been gone for a bit and am back. this happened while i was gone. the federal judge who oversaw donald trump's 2020 election,
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overseeing it, has temporarily paused all procedure deadlines over appeals whether trump has immunity. it could lead to his march 2024 trial date being pushed back. what does all this mean big picture for the former president running for -- >> the lot of it means these were novel legal theories to start with that special counsel charged the president with. you would expect the appeals before -- that will decide whether the case can even be brought. i think appeal directly to the supreme court is a very aggressive move and it looks like the special counsel is playing politics trying to get this in before the election. >> harris: if they move the march trial date and get close to the -- what does it mean for the president? we can't go forward now, too close to an election? >> there are unwritten policies
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at d.o.j. that say within a certain window that essentially you can't bring charges or cases are paused. i think the special counsel seems to me with this appeal directly to the supreme court of this ruling, ultimately it does slide the date and it does -- it is going to start gumming up the election. >> harris: we'll have that conversation as a nation hopefully. >> i think the american people should decide this instead of having the courts or -- this is a d.c. jury which will be 90% against the president. remember, the constitution wants a jury of your peers. >> harris: you bring the inside stuff. this should be up to the people. after a certain point we'll see if it plays out that way. a sex tape scandal is rocking congress. a staffer for ben cardin was fired after a video surfaced showing him having sex in a
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senate hearing room. it was filmed in the hart office building and the site of the 9/11 hearings. there could be criminal consequences. the question is whether this unofficial use would constitute trespass or whether this is in public in a locked committee room. the capitol police can argue that access to a staff position does not mean a license for entry for any purpose. your take. >> this just shows a complete erosion of decorum that i think has been happening over the course of the last years and decades. to me there is just a loss of respect for our institutions, for what makes this country great. i think it has been incull indicated in the recent generations unfortunately but a lot of it comes from the top. a lot of it has been the conduct of whether it's the senate or
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members of the house. i think there is a need -- not that this hasn't been in american history. people used to whack each other with canes on the floor of the house. if there is anything, this just needs to be a reminder how we need to come back to a respect for our institutions and those institutions need to earn that respect as well. >> harris: who doesn't think there aren't cameras around these days? >> obviously this is something that, i think, should be condemned but at the same time i think it's a symptom of a bigger problem in our society. >> harris: matt whitaker, great to have you in "focus." team biden is looking to vice president kamala harris to help win back the slipping support of black voters. look, matthew, they've given her another job. how did she do on the first 26? critics' reaction to her latest effort is savage. liberal district attorney gascon promoted a former public
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defender called the lapd barbarians. that's what she called the cops. >> you put your life on the line and they don't go to jail to be released. who wants to work in that environment. for her to say there is no prison anymore? there is something mentally wrong. >> leading critics now say god help the victims in l.a. raymond arroyo in "focus" next. i wonder if you have it or that's why you didn't make the team. let me pull it up. sprinter... sprinter gene... don't have it. yup, i knew it. let's see. can't run. can't catch. too short. what else does it say? give the gift of family heritage with ancestry. (crowd cheers) sore throat got your tongue? mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. uniquely formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts. that's my babyyy! -ow! get mucinex instasoothe.
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it's comeback season.
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>> harris: we're keeping our eye on a very large storm system that has been moving up the east coast from florida on up drenching rain, more than a half foot in some areas. millions of americans are in the path of this thing continually. along with new hurricane-force winds making a mess of travel and leaving thousands without utilities. the storm already has hit florida and south carolina with near record coastal flooding and now it is getting stronger as it goes north. the winds were howling. we could hear them here in new york. katie burn with fox weather is live in boston now making its way to you, katie.
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>> yeah, really all morning long we've been dealing with on and off heavy rain. the winds have been whipping consistently here and getting the brunt of the winds that are very strong here in new england. strong enough to cause a wall to collapse in east providence, rhode island outside of a fitness center in the area. winds were gusting up to 60 miles-an-hour when it happened. the winds also strong enough to knock out tons of power to tens of thousands of people across the new england area. most people without power are here in the state of massachusetts. more than 200,000 customers without it right now. people i talked to here in boston who are spending any time outside today will tell you that your umbrellas are pretty much useless against this wind. >> interesting, i saw people holding onto lamp posts. >> we're not out of the woods
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just yet. we're keeping our eye on high tide around lunch time. we'll have our eyes on the cape and also the islands of nantucket and martha's vineyard. potentially we'll see coastal flooding. not over just yet. the winds will stay put until later this afternoon. >> harris: the umbrellas are the least of their concerns with all that water. that's a lot. vice president kamala harris is drawing criticism after she attended a bowl game where her alma mater howard university made its debut. she called the game a celebration of historically black colleges and universities, culture and excellence. social media lit up. one user wondering how the border czar, kamala harris, has time for this but not the southern border. another is asking is there a more hateable vp in history? this comes as time biden is trying to win back black voters.
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a recent poll shows after overwhelmingly winning the voting block in 2020 support has plummeted by nearly 20 percentage points. raymond arroyo helping me read typos on the screen. fox news contributor. if you want to get the attention of black voters you have to do what donald trump did. you have to knock down unemployment and bump up, you know, the ability to get a job and increase the opportunities out there. i don't know if a bowl game does it. i'm sure it was fun. >> it might have been fun and ineffective. she thinks that's reaching black america. what will is a thriving economy and the border shut down. trump going to the ufc tournament in vegas lights up everybody. rural, black, white are watching that and gives him cultural cache. the border czar is putting pressure, because of their inaction at the border, it is destroying the inner city.
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it is destroying urban centers. i had a black lady a round the corner at the roosevelt hotel say my family was thrown out of housing in this city to accommodate these migrants coming. black america feels that acutely on top of the inflation and the crisis of their dollar shrinking. >> harris: go to chicago. talk to the people in chicago. you've seen black residents there saying look, we are getting pushed out. similar story. you know the other thing, too, you are talking about groups of black and brown people on either occasion whether you go to a bowl game. i shouldn't call the border an occasion, it is a disaster. why she can't do two things. she could do both. you can support the wonderful h b-cus in the country and also deal with the crisis on the southern border. if you can't do that as vice president, then how would you do it in any other position? >> this community feels abandoned.
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i speak to folks in chicago and l.a. and feel abanned. 22% of black americans in swing states say they're voting for trump. that's a bad number for the biden ticket. >> harris: george gascon announced a new chief of staff. past social media posts are stirring up controversy. former public defender got the promotion last week. she wanted to defund the police and calling the lapd barbarians. she says prison is obsolete. one candidate said this. >> george gascon and now chief of staff tiffany black wel who views police are barbarians are refusing the accompany the victims at the parole hearings. we need to get rid of george gascon in the 2024 election. >> it has been going on for years there. looking the other way when
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lawlessness happens. not prosecuting appropriately when cops are killed. and gangs involved in take down inoh center. it is his record and tiffany's record. gave a big plea deal with a group of gang bangers in l.a. to have that kind of hatred for the police at a time when lawlessness is exploding, why? you've demonized police and not prosecuted as appropriate to the law. the wrong way to go in l.a. >> harris: the rural mount shasta ski resort wants to install a 20 foot statue of the virgin mary. critics say it disrespects the native american history and others say keep religion out of skiing demanding the resort cease and desist construction. >> this is private property to begin with. it is a ski resort. they rely on the park service
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for some licenses to operate but where they are putting the virgin mary statue is private property. i know what your take on this is. expressions of faith on private property totally legitimate. we need more of it, not less. particular life at a time where people of faith, christians in particular, has been receding from the public and you see what happens. chaos ensues. i like they put up the statute as a sign of their faith. if you want to put up a native american symbol, have at it. let's do more. >> harris: more is better. like freedom of speech. oh freedom of religion, we do have that. absolutely. good to see you. >> great to see you. merry christmas. >> harris: merry christmas to you as well. thank you for joining "the faulkner focus." i have so much more to tell you. tune in tomorrow. i had a big trip. i went to vietnam. "outnumbered" after the break. whaaat? i just cleaned those. try dawn platinum.
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9:00 am
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