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tv   Hannity  FOX News  December 18, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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in the winter. gets to be president. fred. from connecticut. mayor adams is taking a qu from joe who said to a crowd let me start with two words, made in america. bruce, from illinois. took your advice and tried eggnog in my coffee and loved it. it's only a december thing, let's not get carried away. nashua, new hampshire, i don't think johnny has seen a saw in his life. it's the first time johnny has ever held a saw in his entire life. worked, it was embarrassing. it's sad to see johnny unable to use a simple bosaw. a lumberjack he's not. apologize on behalf of johnny. i'm waters and this is "my world." * >> welcome to this special
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edition of hannity. i'm kayleigh mcenany, in for sean. tonight, a new family motto for the bidens, tax for thee but not for me. the big guy demands that americans, all of you, pay their fair share. neither of his adult children could be bothered to pay their own taxes in full. you heard me right. it's not skwlunter. in addition to hunter's alleged million dollar tax fraud scheme, could you get away with that? biden's 42-year-old daughter, ashley, also owes thousands in unpaid taxes, obtained from a document from fox news. meanwhile, more humiliation for yet another member of the biden family. according to reports the president's brother, james, was previously caught up in a federal bribery investigation surrounding a shady attorney who once paid biden's consulting firm a hundred thousand dollars in the 1990s.
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ultimately, neither james nor joe were implicated in a crime but james was secretly recorded by the fbi. and that leaves me with a question. isn't it just a little strange that the biden's family's various business ventures frequently seem to involve corrupt partners. we get a new story every single day. of course, white house press secretary john pierre has stonewalled the press shutting down any attempt to ask biden family corruption questions, that the press is not only eager to ask but occasionally they get antsy, and they did when hunter had that defiant scheme. what do we get from pierre? deflection, a broken record again and again. watch for yourself. >> look, i'm not going to get into, you know, get into the specifics of any of the oversight. >> i would refer you to him and the doj. just not going to comment from here. i don't have anything else to
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share. i'll defer you to the white house council. >> the president was never in business with his son. sglooif been asked this question multiple times. nothing has changed. i don't have anything to add. >> i'm not going to get involved in this. that's a question for hunter biden's representative. >> i'm not going to get into it from here. we'll move on. >> republicans continue to double down on a baseless, baseless smear campaign against the president and his family. >> i would have to refer you to my colleagues over at the white house counsel's office. >> folks. >> more than half the voters told cnn believe the president was involved and lied >> i'm just not going to get into in a. the fleeing away when asked a question about hunter biden, literally running from the podium. while the white house refuses to answer, they are reportedly very
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upset that hunter biden is speaking out in public. just listen to the predecessor. jen psaki. >> if you're sitting in the white house right now, please, hunter biden, we know your dad loves you, please stop talking in public. this is not helpful to any of them for him to be out there but at the same time the president loves his son. that takes precedent over anything else. kaleigh: please stop talking hunter biden, they are pleading with him and jen is right. look that the story. hunter is "ignoring the wishes of some white house aides and going on the attack." this came after politico reported that some white house staff "irritated that hunter is being more aggressive because he's not clearing the tactics and the strategy." that's not the job of the white house. not the job of your taxpayer dollars. so the white house is refusing
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to answer questions about hunter, but still wishes he would just coordinate his strategy, interesting. joining us now with reaction, house oversight committee chairman james comer. thank you for joining me, chairman comer. my first question to you is this. james biden, an important character in all of this, we know about the $40,000 check from james to joe, i know you've been in talks with his attorney, he didn't show up on the date he was supposed to have his deposition. do you think he comes before congress? >> i think james biden will come before congress. i think we'll eventually get hunter biden. look, we've seen joe biden say that anyone who defies a congressional subpoena should be held accountable, and they should be locked up. so we're going to see if his attorney general is going to be as aggressive with the biden family at defying subpoenas as he was of anyone that was involved in any of the trump investigations. look, this is more evidence every day of the bidens being
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involved in schemes that involve influence pedaling around the world. that's what we found with the fbi tapes that no one knew about until this "washington post" story surfaced on sunday. kaleigh: that's interesting. you said you think you'll get hunter before congress. he's volunteered to come publicly in an open door session but you think he'll come for his deposition eventually? >> i think he'll have to. he doesn't have a choice. this is a credible investigation. the overwhelming majority of americans are keeping up with this investigation. the associated press, which used to be a respectful news outlet, they did have a poll that showed that 70% of americans believe that joe biden did something either illegally or at best unethically with his family's shady by schemes. the american people want to know what the bidens did to receive the tens of millions of dollars that they got from our enemies around the world. that's a simple question. that shouldn't be hard to
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answer. and through the course of the investigation not only have we found out about the millions taken in from foreign nationals we've also found out that they disguised a lot of money as loans. there is no record of repayment of any of those loans. not only interest payments but principle payments, and if that's the case, then they owe millions more in taxes, so joe biden wants to double the size of the irs to go after tax cheats. he needs to look no further than the christmas dinner table. if he wants to look at a bunch of tax cheats who owe the federal government money. this family continues to think that the law doesn't apply to them. that taxes are only to be paid by the little working people and not the biden family. that's why we're going to continue with this investigation and that's why we're going to have the bidens sit down and be deposed. we have hundreds of substantive questions that we need ask and i think american people deserve the answers.
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kaleigh: you just said, look, the american people, a vast majority, chairman comer, believe there is something unethical here. why do they believe that? not because the media has been telling them the truth. the fact is the media has been burying it. there are 20 pieces of evidence you have uncovered. devin archer told you joe bide isn't the brand. 20 biden phone calls with business partners. the 2015 dinner with business partners, the 2015 dinner with business partners and the list goes on. so how could the president have told us time and time again he has no involvement with hunter? >> he said that. he said he didn't know any of these people. we found out we knew them all. he said he never communicated with these people. we found out that he communicated with every one of them. all the people that sent the bidens millions of dollars from around the world who joe biden said he never met with he met with them all.
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he talked to them, spoke to them on the phone. they had different at cafe milano. he flew on air force 2. he's not been truthful with the american people and why is that? this is a simple question. what did you do to receive tens of millions of dollars from our enemies around the world and if you go further, why didn't you pay taxes on it? what you're calling loans, have you made any payments of these loans? are they loans or did you disguise them as loans so you wouldn't have to ror them to the irs? there are so many questions here and you look at the evidence, and i appreciate the fact that you showed the evidence on tv when so many in the mainstream media try to say there is no evidence because that's what the white house tells them to say. there is mountains of evidence. why has the president not been truthful with the american people? what were they doing to receive the money? this is an issue of national security and i think every american is concerned that our president is for sale. you have the fbi tapes that reveal that jim biden was trying to do influence pedaling with
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his brother. we know hunter biden was trying to do that. this has been a family business for a long time and it needs to stop and we need to know what damage has been done because of the family's influence pedaling. >> final question for you, i saw senator ted cruz said your investigators are working during the holidays. what are they up to now? >> we were in florida today. many of our staff, interviewing people that were involved. they interviewed the trustee of the americore health debacle. this was one of the influence pedaling schemes where jim biden went to a failing healthcare company and said, if you pay me $600,000 i can use my brother's contacts in the middle east to get you all the money you want. they paid him $600,000. $200,000 of that ended up in joe biden's pocket and they ran off. they defrauded the healthcare company and joe biden was involved. he got 1/3 of the cut.
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this is an example of what we're going to be doing. we'll continue to review emails and continue to be reviewing bank statements. bank statements are still trickling in because the family had so many shell companies. we'll work throughout the holidays. this is an morning investigation. we're trying to wrap it up. the support is there from the american people to get answers to this investigation. kaleigh: chairman comer, keep digging. thank you very much. here now with more is someone who has followed the money for quite some time, senator ron johnson. senator, you've been all over this. i can't say i'm surprised that pierre doesn't want to answer questions. we just scrolled 20 pieces of evidence but don't the american people deserve more from the white house? you can't try to coordinate strategy with hunter as reports suggest, and then stonewall the press. >> merry christmas. yes, the american people deserve the truth and that's exactly what the house is going about
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doing. they are building on the record that senator grassy and i have built in terms of the inflow of tens of millions of dollars from countries that are adversarial to this nation. the bidens did nothing and then what chairman comer and jordan and smith have been doing is they have been filling out all the details. where did this money flee out to? the irs whistleblowers were key. let's face it. the biden have been operating something called biden, inc. i didn't coin that term. that was coined by politico years ago. so the press was on to the bidens. they knew the bidens were selling influence, trading out the family name. but once he became president, once he became the candidate of the democrats, they buried it all. they undermined our investigation. senator grassley was listening to russian disinformation, does that sound familiar? it's been a massive cover-up. you see the corruption between the news media but you also see corruption from the federal law
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enforcement, fbi, intelligence agencies, which is as big a story if not bigger than the corruption of the biden, inc., crime family. kaleigh: it's a huge story. look, i look at the testimony from joseph zeigler, from these whistleblowers. gary, these are not partisan figures. these are people who are not republicans. these are people who have integrity and came forward and said we watched our investigation be stymied time and time again. i mean, is this how the government operates? we'll cover up for biden, inc., and takes a whistleblower, a man of great courage to come forward to stop it? >> yes. i mean, that's what's been revealed. dating back to the hillary clinton email scandal, same cast of characters that were in charge of crossfire hurricane, they are the ones who did the editing of the james com any exoneration memo of hillary clinton so this corruption has existed for quite some time, it's a major story. the corruption of the media is
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major story but we also need to get the truth out for the bidens. i thought what was very interesting about the indictment is all the cash that hunter biden went through over the four years where he wouldn't pay $1 point 4 million in taxes. $1.6 million of that was in cash. a thousand dollars a day. by the way is that maybe how joe biden got it, hard cash, those are the kinds of questions chairman comer needs to ask biden in a sworn affidavit and a sworn deposition. that's why they need to get hip behind closed doors and pepper him with questions from legal experts. kaleigh: you mention $4,000.9 million. what's interesting about that you have kevin morris, the star-studded attorney who reportedly according to joseph zeigler lent hunter biden $4.9 million for all kinds of payment. who just shelves out money and
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says here you go. why did he do that? more influence pedaling and what is this? >> that's another $64,000 question, isn't it? he's expecting something in return. people don't just shell out that kind of money without expecting something in turn. another thing that's very troubling, the media needs to ask this of hunter, i know you had a drug problem but not everybody with drug problems spend $800,000 on women and adult entertainment, abusing sex trafficking women. that would be a question for the media. how many women, hunter, did you abuse, that were trafficked through the international sex trafficking rings? it's grotesque, i know president biden was shelling out or offering to pay a hundred thousand dollars over a four-month period when hunter was spending tension of thousands on these women. this is corruption, it's vile and for hunter to come out here and play the sympathy card
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saying we're attacking him, we're not. we just need to get to the truth because an american president, part, the head, the top, is compromised and it's a point of national security. kaleigh: i was sitting at the podium and the name was president trump, the question would be asked, senator johnson, thank you very much. let's turn to another scandal on capitol hill that's almost too shocking to believe. it's pretty gross, if you have kids you might want to move them aside because it might be the most dishonorable and graphic scandal to come out of the washington swamp in years. here now with the very latest our own jonathan hunt is with us. jonathan? >> room 216 has previously hosted the 9/11 commission hearings and confirmation hearings for supreme court justice nominees brett kavanaugh
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and sonya de mayor. the capitol hill police are investigating, the making and sharing of the video could lead to several charges according to legal experts including lewd and obscene conduct. >> there are also questions about trespass that were used quite extensively against people over the january 6 riot. just because you have access to a room as a staff doesn't mean that you have access for any purpose. this was obviously an unofficial purpose. >> the person seen in the video has not been officially identified, although maryland senator ben cardin, a democrat, acknowledged tonight a staff in his office has recently been fired. >> a breach of trust.
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it's my understanding -- investigation, personnel issue. we clearly -- i'm not going to comment on the personnel issue. it depends on the investigation. >> and the staff whom senator cardin was apparently referring wrote on linked in, "this has been a difficult time for me as i have been attacked for who i love, to pursue a political agenda, while some of my actions in the past have shown poor judgment, i love my job and would never disrespect my workplace." and he attempts to characterize my actions otherwise are fabricated and i'll be exploring what legal options are available to me in these matters. capital police say they will be conducting an investigation but as of yet there has been no arrest. kaleigh: thank you, jonathan. coming up, former president barack obama is now reportedly very worried that biden will lose in 2024. he has pretty good reason. we'll break down the latest
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polls straight ahead plus florida governor ron desantis will join us when we return as this special edition of "hannity" continues.
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kaleigh: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." biden's dismal poll numbers continue to sink ever further.
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according to a new "wall street journal", the problem has gotten so bad that former president biden is now worried that democrats will lose in november. a person familiar with the former president's thinking says obama "knows this is going to be a close race. he feels that democrats very well could lose and that republicans are dangerous for democracy, yes, they are all dangerous for democracy." another "washington post" story, says president biden and first lady joe biden "have told aides and friends they are frustrated by the biden's low approval rating and in recent weeks they have grown upset that they are not making more progress. maybe fix the economy, fix the southern border then your poll numbers will change. meanwhile, a new monmouth survey shows bide within his lowest approval yet at just 34%. look at that. this comes after the bad news on friday that joe biden hit his lowest approval in the pew
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survey at 33%. he's getting dangerously close to the 20s. he's in the 30's edging toward the 20's. but biden's problems do not end there. the rise of thinker party candidates robert kennedy jr. and others are threatening to do more harm to biden than to trump but apparently the biden campaign is completely out of touch with reality because according to a report in new york magazine there is an alarming calmness within the campaign. here's the president embodying that strategy with total serenity about his sinking ship. >> mr. president, why are you losing to trump in the polls? -- [inaudible] >> the wrong polls. right. that hasn't stopped other democrats from sounding the alarm. squad member congresswoman -- claimed that she warned bide than he may be in trouble if he
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ignores "heartbroken muslim young voters." here with reaction -- kaleigh: so this new york magazine piece says that there is this gathering in chicago at the sheridan with team biden, the campaign, and some obama folks, and this line was so funny, after a night of partying more than a hundred of them rolled out of bed to hear biden's detailed strategy to win. they were less than impressed. >> i tell you why, thank you for joining us, joe biden has lost all credibility with the american people. he's unlikable. he used to be called uncle joe but he's unlikable. why? because he lies. americans don't like liars. he lied about the border, he lied about afghanistan. he's lying about the economy, inflation. there is nothing that comes out of joe biden's mouth that's the
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truth and the american people have nothing in common with joe's war stories about scranton, pennsylvania. he has nothing in common with the everyday american. the clip or the fact that obama is talking about joe biden is in trouble, that was done intentionally because joe biden can't win. the only person that believes that joe biden can win is joe biden. he's a denial. he needs to show me one poll where he's ahead. he can't. kaleigh: he can't. he says, you're just looking at the wrong polls. every single poll i've looked at save maybe one, two, or three, he's losing to every gop contender in the race. kaleigh: right. the reason why he's so confident and why his staff is so confident, despite these abysmal poll numbers is because he's expecting another 2020 race when he had the luxury of being able to hide in his basement when he didn't have a four-year record to answer for and when he had a
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media that was willing to answer, well to ask him about neither of those things. biden is polling way behind which means he'll have no choice but to get out on the campaign trail and prove that he as an 81-year-old has the mental a acuity to serve for another four years. that means the media has to cover what he's saying and historically that's not worked out well for biden. there is a reason why his two past presidential campaigns failed. there is a reason why he was passed over for hillary clinton in 2016, and there is 4 reason why obama was hesitant to even endorse him in 2020 in the first place because democrats know that joe biden is a failed candidate when left out on his own. kaleigh: brian, this frustration that biden has is so interesting, he's so frustrated by the polls, he and jill, but the polls aren't happening to him. they are happening because of him. because of his economy and his
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actions. >> yes, guy was really frustrated, he might change policy. i don't think he's so frustrated, i'm not even sure that he believes in himself as a candidate. i think the problem is he doesn't exactly know what's going on in the country and americans know that. look at our economy for a second. we're supposed to have unemployment under 4%. but only 14% of americans think that the economy has gotten better under biden. how in the world can you square those two numbers? you never see numbers like that. and the answer is because people don't think biden's policies have made life better. in fact, what they know is, and this is the dirty secret, bidenomics gets worse with age. interest rates go up. prices go up. regulations multiply. choices shrink. that's bidenomics. it gets worse. people don't want to see what
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comes next. kaleigh: i want to see if his poll numbers hit the high 20's because he's dangerously close. brian, kelly, leo, thank you very much. what's fueling this polling disaster for biden? one big reason, the crisis at our southern border. hugely important to americans. it's not just republicans upset with him. earlier today, democrat new york city mayor adams called biden's actions on the border, "baffling," and called out the administration for abandoning the crisis. his comments came as new york city is now housing over 67,000 migrants in shelters. that's over three times more than at this point last year. so what's eric adams' plan to address the crisis? listen to this very closely. his "decompression strategy" would involve shipping migrants around the country. you know the same strategy democrats derided governor
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desantis and governor abbott for. according to adams, "the way instead of having 140 thousand dhoum coming here or chicago, spreading it out into other parts of the country." arizona governor katy hobbs is ordering the national guard to the southern border. here with reaction, 2024 republican candidate for president, florida governor ron desantis and texas congressman chip roy, both live from iowa. governor desantis, you send these illegal migrants from florida to new york city because you're told it's a sanctuary city jurisdiction. and then the sanctuary mayor says we can't provide sanctuary. >> that's exactly right. i think the left got on this horse because they were trying to oppose everything trump was doing back in 2016 who was pledging a border wall and security so they tied themselves up into saying that they should
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just have an open border. when faced with the realities of that whether it's martha's vineyard, whether it's new york city, whether it's chicago or los angeles, they want nothing to do with the effects of an open border. the fact of the matter is you have major democrats in this country now acknowledging, you cannot have an open border. you cannot have nine million people, eight million people come in in a three-year period. we don't know who they are. they are imposing burdens on society. criminal aliens, fentanyl, the whole nine yards. this is probably, and you pointed out biden is doing poorly but of all the things he's done this may be the biggest dereliction of duty. he has not satisfied his oath of office as president of the united states to keep this state -- country safe. kaleigh: there is no doubt about it. congressman roy, your governor, governor abbott, he also sent illegal migrants in texas around the country. do you think it was the actions
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of governor desantis and abbott that finally forced mayors like mayor adams to call out the federal government in saying you're not doing your job? >> that's right. last september it was the actions of governor desantis, who i'm proud to be sitting next to and governor abbott who saved the house for the republicans. what we're seeing at the border right now with 300,000 encounters in november, december is on track for 300,000, that's 10,000 per day. jay johnson said a thousand a day was a crisis under president obama. this is compacting an enormous toll on texans. i had six kids in the school district in which my wife and my spamly and live, six kids who died last year from fentanyl poisoning. americans are feeling it across the country, and the fact is we have a solution. house plunges passed hr- 2, a strong border bill. the key is we need to force the
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president to sign it and if he won't we need to elect an president who will sign that into law unlike trump who in 2018 was siding with paul ryan trying to pass an amnesty first versus a border security bill which left us with the situation we're facing right now. kaleigh: governor desantis, you're both in iowa. you've made it to all 99 counties in iowa. currently in second place in the polls. governor, you're behind donald trump by 30 points. i understand not a single vote has been cast. your reaction to the latest polling? >> well, what we're doing, a caucus is different than a normal vote in the sense of, it's a process. you've got to be there for a few hours so we accumulate people that commit to caucus for us. we have tens of thousands of people in the hopper, we're adding more every day. we just finished an event with chip roy, the governor who has endorsed me, my wife, casey. we're bringing more people into the fold.
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that's why the polling hasn't predicted the results because it's trying to measure something that's just different so going to all 99 counties is the right way to do it. showing up in these communities and when you do that, when they are able to hear you and ask you questions that's when he did commit to the caucus for you. we're excited about where we are. i think we have a better head of steam than the previous winners of the caucus, and i think for having people like chip on-board that are stirring the pot out here for us. >> if i might add on that on the polling. kaleigh: yes. >> on the polling point, polls are supposed to reflect public opinion not shape it. that's the reality what will decide this election are the people on the ground not the polls. the people in iowa. that's the beauty of the process. we're for principles, not princes. we don't coronate anybody. it's a great experience. my kids are out here. they said dad this is kind of
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like a congressional race. they thought it would be bigger. no, you're out shaking hands, meeting people. the governor is out here in iowa, that's the process that will send the right candidate to be the governor nominee and that's governor desantis. >> congressman you're taking your holiday break, you're in iowa monday, tuesday, and wednesday. what are you seeing object ground as you travel around with governor desantis? >> well, i'm seeing an enormous amount of enthusiasm. it's great to be here. we met with great group here. republican women, they are the backbone of the republican activists out there. we've got a great tour over the next few days. my friend thomas massey was out here on saturday. they had some great events and enthusiasm. people are thirsty for a new generation and vision, looking forward, not backwards. somebody who can serve for eight years. somebody who wheon his electionn florida, enormously.
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they don't want an election that's close. they want to win by an overwhelming margin and take their country back. they are enthusiastic for governor desantis. kaleigh: governor desantis, final question for you. you've been there a ton, iowa, all over, what's the number one issue you're hearing from voters when you travel around? >> when we started the process i would have said economy, clear one, border, clear number two. now i would say economy is one-a and border is one-b. people are seeing if effects of the border. we just did a ride along with the sheriff department in wayne county which is a rural county in iowa. they are seeing i mpa mpa mpacte drugs. you've seeing kids that have taken fentanyl, took a pill, and
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they have been poisoned to death. we have tens of thousands of deaths every year. joe biden doesn't seem to care about that. the elites in d.c. don't seem to care about it and when you talk to iowians as well as people in new hampshire and other early states there is the sense that's accurate that the people who are running this government do not care about the people that they were elected to serve. we need to change that and 2024 gives us an opportunity to do so. kaleigh: governor desantis, congressman roy, thank you from iowa. and merry christmas to both. anti-semitism spikes here at home. america and the world is a much more dangerous place under biden's leadership. full analysis straight ahead as this special edition of "hannity" continues. i'm feeling better. all in one and done with new mucinex kickstart. headache? better now. new mucinex kickstart gives all-in-one and done relief with a morning jolt of instant cooling sensation. it's comeback season.
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kaleigh: in the week of the war on gaza iran has unleashed its violent proxies across the middle east. american service members stationed in iraq and syria have come under attack more than a hundred times. in the iran-backed houthi rebels have been launching so many missiles and drones against cargo ships that several companies have decided to avoid the red sea altogether. so far the biden administration has done very little to counter
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iran but today the defense department did announce operation prosperity guardian. this is a new effort to protect shipping channels in the region, but just hours later the military confirmed that there were yet again two houthi attacks on commercial ships. they keep coming. meanwhile, here at home, another crisis simmers. you will not believe this, i couldn't believe it when i read it, this is a harvard harris poll released last week and it shows that 51% of respondents ages 18-24 said the best way to resolve the israeli palestinian conflict was for "israel to be ended and given to hamas." the same poll showed that 2/3 of young people think jews, one of the world's smallest minority groups are "oppressors" and should be treated as oppressors. and worst of all, 60% of young people said that the horrific
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october 7 terrorist attack was "justified by the grievance of palestinians." babies were literally put in ovens and the word "justified" is something they agree with. don't forget that a different recent poll that showed that 20% of adults under 30 said the holocaust was a myth. this is unbelievable. what are our kids learning? this should scare every single one of us. here now with reaction is brook goldstein of the law fair project and florida congressman michael waltz. brook, i want to start with you, i'm scared for the kind of world i'm going to live in, if young people thought that attack was justified. >> i feel you, i'm equally as scared, and the clients that i represent are also scared and they are subjected to violent at all times, discrimination on campuses.
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retaliation. we have reached a very low, low, where academia is scary, and the issue is here that we're weak. we're weak internally and we're weak externally. you also mentioned that u.s. troops are being targeted. over a hundred times, and this all comes back to iran. any problem, any radicalization, even at home or abroad, comes to iran. let me explain that. iran is in syria. they are propping up assad. they give him military equipment. they are funding the pro government militias there and we also know asad was engaged in a massive amount of gender-based violence. there are shia militias backed by iran and iraq. we all know iran is funding hezbollah in lebanon. funding hamas in gaza. who is iran's partner? qatar. they are funding to the tune of billions of dollars anti-american radicalization happening within our borders.
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how do we respond to this? appeasement. the biden administration just announced they are going to inappropriately award the palestinians with another palestinian terror state. they created a terror state with iran support in gaza and now we're signaling again appease. to them, appease. to iran, give iran billions of dollars for a couple of hostages, this is a really scary situation that we're in right now. kaleigh: congressman michael, look, now they are going to take this seriously in the red sea and put together this coalition but you put forward a bipartisan letter with democrats saying just go back to designating the houthis as terrorist as trump d. have you gotten any progress on that? >> president trump called them what they were. the houthis are iran-backed terrorists, and in his first months in office, as part of his
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app app appeasement, biden de listed them and i don't know why they went call them what they are and send the right signal to the world not to mention cut off their money and other types of aid, but here's the fundamental problem. it is the biden weak appeasement strategy. they count it in terms that sound innocuous, noninscalation but that's essentially telling the school yard bully no matter what you do i don't want to escalate and what does the school yard bully take from that? i can get away with taking more lunch money, other kids' lunch money. you've got to punch the bully in the mouth. hopefully with the announcing of this coalition they will do that but the problem is as brook peptid out, even if you shoot the houthis that are shooting these missiles, all roads still go back to iran. you have to make iran impose costs and finally, why should
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every american care? if global shipping companies are pulling back and 15 to 20% of global trade goes through the red sea, the price of oil is going up, we don't feel that just at the gas push. guess who gets richer. iran gets richer, russia gets richer to fund their terror all over again because of biden's bad policy and then he wants republicans to go to our taxpayers through a supplemental and spend against ourselves. it's ridiculous, asinine and it's got to stop. kaleigh: fantasy foreign policy. thank you for trying to hold him account building. it seems like common sense. congressman waltz, thank you. >> we've just got to win in 2024. kaleigh: that, too, very important. thank you all. up next, taylor swift. did not exactly receive a warm welcome from patriots's fans. we'll explain. jim any joins us as we continue this special edition of "hannity."
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♪ >> kayleigh: welcome back to this special edition of hannity. taylor swift was at the chiefs game yesterday cheering on her boyfriend travis kelce in a match-up against the patriots. her appearance was met with both excitement from so-called swifties and anger from the, quote, dads, brad and chads as taylor referred to her nfl critics in her time magazine interview. swift was sitting next to patrick mahomes wife britney who shared this on instagram. it's of a cookie and there's swift poking fun of the haters but of course this didn't stop patriot's fans getting angry over the cam row. the patriot's twitter account posted this which was quickly met with outraged from fans.
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someone sure to be outraged here with reaction in the answer with cancel culture diction other fox across america jimmy failla. >> i don't know if you're a dad brad or chad or your like my daughter running around going i'm a swiftie mommy. >> they don't want me talking about cookies ever again. as far as taylor goes the patriot fans are freaking out because the team account tweeted at her. the patriots should be asking her to play quarterback. they're terrible and could use all the help they could get right now. but as for the comment about dads brad and chads, the controversy is some people feel like this is a slight of white guys, which, i should warn her, if you're going to start insulting white people, they will make you the mayor of boston. so be careful on that one. okay. but the bigger issue is obviously she's dating a white
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guy travis kelce. most sports fans are a little tired of the antics but i think the brittany mahomes thing is very emblematic of she loves the spotlight and was in it before taylor came among along and this is if you can't beat them join them and despite knowing a lost of dad brads or chads she's going to keep making them. >> there. >> artificial intelligence creeping into our daily life one company called ai zip have mick cheaps that can be incorporated into everyday life ceo said technology helps make life safer and more intelligent using the example of a refrigerator. this is for you jimmy telling you the nutritional value of your food and sneakers that tell you if you ate too much during
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christmas and adjust the cushion for your weight. >> yeah. i mean, who wants a wearable hall monitor nitpicking you for your behavior. like a fridge that yells at me for the nutritional content, that's not ai, that's a wife. that's what jenny is doing, really fat so another hot pretzel? really. i can't get behind that it's too intrusive and the thing about the sneakers is also kind of dumb >> kayleigh: we're going to need to deflate your sneakers jimmy because you're looking very slim. i can't wait to see you in the hallway the camera adds ten pounds but you are looking good. >> i don't put on these spanks for nothing. you're the best >> kayleigh: keep it up jimmy. that's all the time we have left for tonight remember you can catch me weekdays at noon on the fox news channel. gutfeld is next. have a great night. ♪