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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  December 19, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PST

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christmas and adjust the cushion for your weighr you yeah, i mean, who wants a wearable whole monitor nit picking you for your behavior like a fridge that at me for the nutritional content. >> that's not a.i., that's a wifethat's n. that's what jenny is doing. like, really. another hot. really? i can't get behind this. it just seems to interest. >> i mean, the thing about the sneakers is also kind of dumd t you know? we're going to need to deflatemy sneakers, jimmy, because you're looking very slim. can't waituse you're to see youn the hallway. >> the camera adds £10, but you. you're looking good. jimmy fallon e camera adds , you played up on these, all right? >> in these spanx for nothin o. >> the best. keep it up, jimmy. well, that's all the time wet have left for tonight. remember, you can catch me weekdays you c at noon on outnud right here on the fox news channel. gutfeld nextay noo. x havene a great night.
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yeah happy monday. >> more like happy, fun day. d t >> i just invented that word. so friday, daily caller obtained video of a us senate employee having inside e a historic senate judiciary mpcommittee hearing room. >> oh., applause thank you, bro. >> in the senate judiciary room audience. >> but we don't have access to the video. so we had genee , one of our producers, sketch a screen grab. there you go. yeah. talkah, talkut yield about yielr to the next gentleman. nolemen.w to the story broke. democrat senator ben cardin's sena statement, this
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quote, aidan maze, sarah kopp, steele is no longer employedte. by the us senate. goodwhat good thing is it bad?ef >> had a picture of the back of his head. i don'of hist have security forr tell fox news that capitol police are taking matter out seriously and charges haven't been ruled out. >> now, either this was a rare event or maybe this year's st exchange got way out of hand. but where else can you get paid to have in the workplace with a free colonoscopy. dc >> only in d.c. are the aid so helpful they'll bend over backward and forward for you. >> yn't even i don't even feel . >> now, predictably, the ex-staffer respondedw pred,s claiming that the outrage is homophobia. >> quote, i have been attacked for who i love to pursue a political. >> he even states that he'll hel be even states be exploring his legal options when exploring. not the best verb. sob. he's lawyering up.
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and i guess we're all supposed to be scared. >> well, let me be the first to say up yours. too late. derstand >> but it's what liberals never understand. it's not the wha. t. d in it's the where the tape was filmed in the same spot. , the 911 commission had its hearings where supreme court justices hav e e been confirmed.ut so, yeah, it's not about the act. it's where i t itt occurred. >> you want to put on a scoobyoo doo costume and be walked on a leash by a guy dressed like genghis khan. >> fine. wwe've all been there.ress i mean, we have have.ed and we. >> but do it at home. bd if you're going to get filibusteree over a senate y conference table, at leastred ov use a coasteerr. this now, nbc wants to make thisou all about conservative outrage,l . we're not outraged, but , five, we'll take it. at least we're standin, 'll g ur something. your right to be yourself doesn't confero ourself more on
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the rest of us have, nor does it gain you extra privileg re from whatever behavior. in fact, i know some people who got 20 years for trespass in that building, and i like the senate aide. those guys got screwed in capitol right in the rotundae . which is not a euphemism. >> so welcome to the real world where equal rights also mean the equal to behave responsibly and also equal opportunity to be made fun of. because the jokes here are just too easy are. d i mean, just mentioning you at a staff position makes me wanto to pause and smoke a cigarette . talk about a joint resolution. i'm against that motion proceeding. after all, that' after s small caucus . >> but is that a veto or? >> some guy named veto at thatiu ? >> sorry. now, if you haven't seenen't see i havideo, just say it doesn't
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leave much to the imagination. i haven't seen tha that much crk since i took that trip to the liberty bell. >> but i do fear that the hearing room is forever taintedh ,that the only real mystery is who is the other man? if he is republican andeach they took reaching across the aisle a little tooing far. of if he's a democrat, we can only guess. of cours course e, in the house know that jamaal bowman has a thing for violating exita s foits. >> whoever it was. the point is that for the left it's never just about expanding rights and privileges. >> it's also about destroying the borders that separate behavior. and it's always done with a sort of mission creep. >> you know, we're not supposedn ha noticow, e the erosion. like having adult material in school librariechoos or marxt dance troupes in the white house videos. or jesse watters hair line.
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but this is a white house that had dylan mulvaneydyla interviei joe biden, a fake version of audrey hepburntn, interviewi a fake version of a president. >> very thought it was audrey hepburn. >> since he can't tell audre from a water slide.onde no wonder a supreme nominee couldn't tell us what a woman is. >> you can't either. ar meanwhile, statues of washington and jefferson are being torn dowtorn n. because, you see, that's inappropriate. yeah, if only were bang at each other, then they'd be everywher be. you're not going to get that on special report. >> since then, this white , use has seen cocaine drops a transit activist flashing her brass on the lawn, a klept i in charge of nuclear waste. and then this year's christmas video featurinyeg anti-white cop hating commies all on your dimiee. >> yeah, there's no in that video. the only ones getting are the taxpayers. >> but it wasn't supposed to bte
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trump that was going to violate the decorum of the office. remember how they mocked melanicorum the a for blood red, tres and donald for serving fast food to athletes and the dems?d you know, they're the ones who are supposed to restore g fadecency, like when they excluded hunter's baby from the family christmas stocking exclud . yeah, they left her out, but their dogs got stockingsst. i guess it was much earned it for taking the blame every time there wa the blas accident on tn the white house carpet. the takeaway the left sees their is fighting the oppressors and destroying traditions without knowledge of eithe inr. nes and one's identity becomes a protective shield for any idiotic behavioridth. >> but there is a reason a legislative building and cathedrals don't lookhee dr the playboy mansion. they're supposed to represent something sacred and exaltedald that governs human behavior. and then the dems show up and the destructio g thatn. drag queens and kids schoolsg and libraries men and women. sports tap dancing totalitarians in the white
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house. but recording a tape in the senate may be the dumbes a tve that's ever been done there. and cory booker workr s. >> these kids need to learn nota that it's nollt all them and their need to celebrate themselves. the state building the belongs to the american people. it's ours, not yours n. and really, don't film in sal a a senate. judicialring hearing room. >> if you don't want to be to b judged. let's >> so let's keep that room free. just kee like we're keepingg two genders in christmas to whoever slides down your is none of our business and we bus intend to keepines it that way. let's welcome tonight's guesty for our guy named harry. he's easy on the eyes. fox news contributor charlie. he's a big book enthusiasts because his fans no one's ever
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seen one of them either. jeff died. he's the only attorney general who can deadlift honda. neral, former active attorney general m matt whitaker and oh, jeff beck hired her to be an after photo year times best selling author and fox news contributorsechore ] so charlie, it's not just israel flooding tunnels. tunne i just want to tell you oulsr audience is so uncomfortable right now. your audience, your audience . . yeah, i just com e on. you know c how slow news is.w ho >> but after christmas, this is liks is ue a from god.god thank you, god, for this god. he said god was i god told show has been struggling
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with news. >> let's give him a tape. the but this is this is a little bit too on the news. >>ie: yes, it is for. gutfeld and where and when it came when itok on saturday over the weekend, the first thingsecd i thought was, oh, my goodness. and then the second thing thinh my goodness, monday night's gutfeld show is going to be h the first time we get to talk about this. >> and i'm going to be sitting right here. yes. >> and this is why i got into nw the newspaper business. i wanted to sit here on national television and taltk about with you. but i have to say that your monologue was like it was absolutely that.mean it was it was i mean, the not that like, you know, it was hard to find the double entendres, but were they were they're tough to i think he talked them into at least or four in every case. >> i slip him in, so to speak. o yeah. and all of this happened like at the very spot where amy klobuchar. >> yes. interrogated a the future supreme court about his burpingn
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and beer drinking, you know, practices back in college. you also made a very important point. i think i feel like genuineli y for this kid. i mean, this kid has bee knas be led to believe by sort of the left that you have that he has like this magi like mac around a and he can do whatever he wants and it doesn't matter. and it's doer an not going to c. he found out that the magic cape doesn't work yet, does it? it invisible. im >> he found out the hard way. yeah. >> jeff. >> is this worse than jan?nion in my opinion. yeah, for sureyeah, . >> i agree with him. that was a demo. but it was ss so go good 22, if you're keeping count. but doubl e on die, which i'm a fan of. yeah, they're. now, this whole story is a pain in the.
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what about. yeah. no. i'll be honest . >> when i heard that a staffer had in the capitol hearing room, i was like, this guy rules. >> yeah, that was my. it's vaguely like, this is prettmy firy. this is, like, my typeyp of politics, right? cool but then i was annoyed. then. starnhe started to complai that the public opinion was homophobic. that's why lost me. >> right. just double down on it. be like, yeah, do the thing, man. you don'oubl it,t look up at wor get edgy. >> this is good. then forbut then for him to coma that it's homophobic, i'm like, what are you doing? yo yeah, it's not homophobic. >> this is a natural reaction to you being this gratuitous i at and getting caught. >> yeah, it's like someone like, i don't know, lootint wog the store and then getting in trouble and then blaming racism. >> yea ing in troh, that never happene. yeah. all right, matt, how uncomfortable you feel. >> tremendously uncomfortable. w i always think about you when we're doing these topics. it's like, how canays you i mau
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you grimace even more? well, i willm to cover my facil expression. ave to >> b what do you make of thise story? i mean, we have to be veryve carefuryl about inside. what do you think of the overall what's your overall take? my overall take is unlike, you know, the comedy here, yothink thisheinis i is sort ofa serious thing. i mean, you know, this is a comp of decorumd , this and decency and respect for institutions, but it'srespec toh point, it's just this victimhood. it's this you know, this someho thw i did something wrong,s so but i'm in a protected class and so i can know i'm the victim of some right-wing. re's like we don't care nobody cares. it's -- it's the it's the lack the,of respect in the, you knowa defiling of, you know,t what should be fairly respected place. >> mm-hmm. that's what that's what ace.i and that's, you know, that's this is as i was coming into this kind of like charliof likeb fearful, greg, of yes. >> being on the showou so. reg: okaabout this topic. so. so i'm going to throw it back to you. okay.
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you handled that quite well. ro. >> that was quite a tightrope handled this. can we blamewe bla like cat? think about the mile high club. do you think that this couldg to that be people always trying to find adventurous places to do that they can telld about brag about? it all started with the mile high clu alb. >> i blame orville wright. that is his name. the is where he loses me, too. yeah, because what is he saying when he's homophobict is h likeu i hope that you keep up this energy. >> what? it's straight republican this s in the senate office and filming like no because it's not office. a thing that hs this thing that this to myuse it knowledg'se, no one else has don this right. yeah, i think so. okay. all right. that's what i thoughk t thout. l wad also, like, how would you feel if that was your office? yeah, exactl officy. thing i haven't thought about that. like, do have people done things in my office when i was there? >> oh, you know it when you're the boss, you know it. >> w e it pretty harshly.rett >> it's not like bill clinton
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recorded it. all right. we got to move on. upe nexhavet, batman overcame a stroke and no longer seems woke at all. >> gutfeld of memories. >> yeah, i was working late one night and greg offered to give me a ride home, his limo. and i'll never forget he actually the driver to slow down before, shoving me out the door. talk about a christmas miracle . >> gutfeld holiday memories for millennia. >> one small city has been the center of religious worship and struggle. over the past five years, i've been covering this battle, both
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kidding, we're democrats get tense when. starts making sense, yet there's activity in hi theres and it'ses causing democrats pain. senator and former addams add family butler john fettermanam is causing a rift withina his party, breaking from the left, most notably with his outspoken support of israel. >> he went from being unable to speak to too smart foreak to harvard. the hero is also too a fierce critic of runaway immigration, calling for a solution to the endles a fs crossings. it's almost as if someone had loosened the bolts in his neck to increase the blood flow to his brain i. ened >> but even if a guy who actually suffered brain damage knows what the word illegal mean d res and so his politics of late have him leaning farther right and the is embracing the divergence, telling nbc, quote, i'm not a progressive.
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i just think i'm a democrat that's very committed to choice and otheprogressr. d ever but with israel, i'm going to be on the right side of that and immigration to somethingytii near and dear to me. and i think we do have to to effectively address imenkto a as well. ll he also called out fellow democrat bob menendez for being allowed to remain in office despite a massive corruption scandaldespit, a demt calling out corruption. you say that's like mr. olympi a calling out steroids. >> yeah, little body. building humor. >> i got it. thank you back. what's the problem with steroids? >> matt? problmatt thinks to himself. but it's true. fetterman is proving to haveett. more of a brain than we gave him credit for. perhaps he has an extra one in his tail. >> but it's weird. i mean, as he regained his braied hisn function, he alo thcame remarkably non-liberal. it's what i've been saying for years. the more you user brain, the less liberal you become. no s as we've seen what happens to intelligence when you cut off the oxygen
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supply to the brain. >> it means wkne owe john apology. >> or to put it another way, with john said, man, we've made fun of you once.♪ >> we feel shame. >> we're so sorry. >> john fell, man. e >> we seemse like such an oh, now. and we're sorry. we're >> and, jack, that you could y predicted. or >> that john fetterman would be the voice of reason? is ty low bar just reall
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in the democrats right now? >> i am shocked that i'm>> jeffe about to say anything positive about john, but i'm surerm i believe he he's like that one friend that surprises you. yeah, like he's likethat him that stupid, dumb friend. and you find that he knows how to play classica and l piano.? and it was like, i wasn't expecting this. he's like, my parents made me play when i was a kid, but i never really liked it. anyways, help me strap this firecracker to this gophernever so he's like, oh, it's so true . everybody has that friend. an you are don't, thenriend. that friend matt.e >>yo he sounds like you. when it comecos to immigration and you think this is going to hurt him. >> you know, i don't believe people when they say, look likea him. i don't know about that. i don't know where they see. that especially if i wear a black hoodie, that wouldthatnn nothing like you. >> you know, thi.s actually. fr as he recovers frohim his strok i think happening is hethe pe
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realizes he's representing the people of pennsylvaniaop and so he's interacting with actually these working clasly thes americans that don'e woke ideology. they don't likid.e the coastal t elites and their policies. and so he's trying to represent them in probably like most politicians save his skin for the next election. but you know, at the end of the day, it's hard to look past and even's har that, you know, d suffered as severely as he did. you know, he can't, you ca lookt this chaos at our southern theutragehese videos that ar today are just outrageous with the people piling uoue p se and being allowed in. and so, you know, it makes sense. but again,again k it's i it's a, if he can make calculations, it's a political calculation ite to actually represent the people he represents. >> interesting. kaple het, do you think this ste might have changed him the way like when spider-man was bitten by a spider? that's how it happened. i thin snr tk. i think i did take spider-man history. >> well, a red, white and blue spider.
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>> i guess as a neurologist. y l well, why would you askas that question? i don't knowk me. ow. anything can happen. especially. i just watched you apologize ything c this summer. i like doing that a lot.i yeah, i know. 's i'm kind of weird. i think it's always a good thing when somebody can actually break what others in their party are saying, because that's how stupid ideas take hold, right? it's because people aren't really that real they're just like, oh, this is what everyone else is saying. and rather tha like thin actually think, i'll just go with that cause these are the people on my team. but that's how all this stupid stuf stuff keeps happening, cause people aren't thinking. >> i think it's really, really refreshing. this ren't thinking.king f yeah. thinking for himself. he's willing to have his own ors owopinion, and i think thats something to be celebrated. >> i agree completely, and i like being wrong because it means it's surprising and it's fun to it's like, oh, mayb.e was too hard on the guy in the green room. charlie, you said, i wish more democrats would have [lrokewouls.
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i thought that was just a i was shocked. it's true. i was shocked. >> but, you know, that's your opinion. that's exactly opinion. i said you're going to defend it now, the no, this is the problem. oh, by the way, that's so true.e >> there is like a whole breedeo of people who love to wrong because they like to be surprised. >> yes. it's more interesting. and good peoplt into newspapering are people who like to be surprised because they're always curious and they make good reporters. the proble m is when they get like brainwashed and they become stupid and then don't they look for confirmation as opposed to what do i know here? what dt it's the opposite ofon confirmation bias. yes, exactly like this. i want be proven wrong. yeah. you know, and i lovet to being right, but -- but this is this whole thing is it is kind of it underscores what's so difficult diff and in d.c. today because like six months ago,
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the babylon bee diond, a jokesat headline about this exact same thingn it and it starts happening for real, like all of the joke headlines wind up actually coming to fruition, kind of like all conspiracies come to fruition con he >> but i also love the fact'sm that he is like rejecting the term progressive, which i don't really know what that means, but democrats ruin every wordthat's they that's why theyh having to go to the next word. they ruin the worde ru democrat they ruin the word liberal. and so then now their own progressive, and they're ruining that word. >> but the truth is, he's actually likeatth a true liberal. >> he believes in you believe you should not throw offs actual rooftops. >> he believes that you should not like, hethroy, hate jews. you shouldn't. thu know, he's just like normakl and is like looking, thinking critically about things. and, you know, we need more ofwl . >> yeah, i wish we could debateo those last two topics, but we don't have time. all right. up next, men don't feel sparks up next, men don't feel sparks if women quotete karl marx, copd
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and relationship who's showing us which new in greg's a romanci corner. are t >> why are they laughinghe? it's a warning sign for iro certain. if your date loves the iron curtain n. yeah, it seems she's a man won't bring her home to mommy. 65% of male daters say it's aof red flag. >> if the woman identifies as a communist. ng t and no doubt she's going to want half your french fries ha uthen try to unionize your mcnuggets. on the bright side, communist womeni eyen expect expensive giy you can probably get lucky just by buying them a potat expensiou get to second base. all you need is a rutabaga. a yeah, i don't even knowt even what tha kt is. that's according to a recent survey of zoomers and millennials. fox news digitalvey also found other red flags include obviously smelling badly d mi, talking loudly, invading personal space too quicklyg per
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>> a deadly trifecta known as the brian kilmeade. bigges but the biggest t red flag ladis men identifying as maga republican ms typical if america becomes great. the chicks won all the chicks credit, but communism alone as the major warning sign for men trust me, if you forget a communist birthday, they will kill you and take your far takmu but there's one thing she can't take from us. a spota in.hen. >> the kitchen. oh, it's sexist to say . >> try to make jokes about something so funny, kat. kat.all right. i don't know what to ask you .k yo i could you about the comedy thing, or i could ask you about the maga thing. i can just take it from here. heay >> k oh, yeah. i just don't. how these things are coming up on first dates so often. yeah. like how d, does. i'm a communist. what are women actually sayingnu
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? i'm a communist or a man just figuring it out. figu the girl walks in and she . >> those tiny little bangs. but you know has tho what got, , the little medicare for all bangs bang. l bang they go to, like, right here. >> that's that is basically saying i'm a communistly sayin.t that's true. i never put those two together. nobody has bangs that go upo up beyond half before. >> had beyon. >> that does not believe in medicare for all.i don't yeah, that's true. i don't date, though l. >> i wish i could have bangs. d >> matt, do you think it's fork relationship? maybe political views should be aligned. or should we just no aligned t worry t about that stuff? i think political viewhis probably would lead to a better relationship if they were aligne yd. but, you know, at the same time, they say opposites attract. that'ss . >> but i can't believe that. 33% of people are either turned on or neutral to communism.
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>> yeah, i mean, i kno w people that have fled communist regime e thats seems pretty brutal. yeah. again, the, you know, the us a,a we are a very broad and diversee people, but at the same time, ad this, you know, and women want safety and securitnt safy closed borders, low taxes. >> i meai meann i imagine that a republicans aren't more popular. you know, i thinreg: i thinkk tn republican thing is they've been brainwashed whe by media. b they don't even know what they're talking about. but you hit on somethingd communism and what kat said together, it's like they're just probabl t jusy unattractive, i think about this book. >> that' ts right. that's exactly what he was saying. yes. but, you know, you wouldn't flee g.u wouldn a communist couf the women were like, yeah. oh charlie, not true. >> have you everch been to pola: ? >> you're poland. well, she's polish, so i have to be careful. tos, they are quite beautiful. you're gorgeous. yeah, yeah, yeah. you know, a democracy no poland
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no, no, no. but i mean, when i was there,e it was like 1989. yeah, i was like, wow thisi wasi is incredible. >> yeake, thish. yeah. you know, i don't know.thin i think we're overthinking all this. i don't think it's something me like. anything >> like discussion about medicare or anything. i think it's justhint. they i think it's that they smell bad. they smell bad? yeah. they don't showesmbad?>> char. t >> they smell bad, and they're usually save their pets. exac. all of that. and it's pretty obvious pretty quickly. i would like to thinickly.k it'n look at them and think, you know, i don't want a woman who doesn't thint want at thinkr i don't want a woman who wants to be oppressed, which is alesl what get with communism. i would like to think that's it. but i think it really is just that they smels it butl bad. >> here's what i'm. okay, jeff, here's my theoryeff there's not. oh, there's no red flags men if they're hot. >> se o they just said a communist. they were like which are absolute dealbreaker. likeabsolute she said.a ten, and it's like, well, maybe if she's a communist. right. yeahl mayb. unist.
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they will ignore a lot of things if she's had enough. yeah, exactly. >> socialism. okay, that's okay. tht one night or whatever. >> but i agree. him. that's 100% of that's a it'swout a communist. >> 100 100% of people wouldn't want to date a communist if they just don't use the right words. that's what it is. people ask this side's what it anymore. >> they're like, well, what do you mean by communists? i'm sort of a communis a t, defini but i'm like, they don't even know what the definition is. obviously, if you're like my red flags you'r or boundaries, you know, spending, taxing too much, famine, execution, like these are definitely big red siy flags. gre >> i think it's silly. all right. well, coming up, you'll hearg: u schmooze about local news. >> teeth sensitivity is so comic, it immediately feels like somebody is poking works directly on the nerve. i recommend sensodyne. sensodyn.e goes inside the tooth and calm the nerve dow n and the
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kelly replacing chet van jansen, who died. and no w here's kelly. hi, i'm kelly. crystal. kelly and this ielly cryst is ls where every guest shares a story from their hometown. >>m home i think i'm going to gon with you first, matt. >> all right. it's going on. and i think and i'll tell you, no, i'm not going to talk about the bar that almost lost everything when they try give away free beer until iowa scored a touchdown in the big ten championship game. >> not going to talkin about anything else because in january, we have a big thing coming up. what's that? ten chamip game. jit's not the . >> inot is thet th mid-winter b the eagle survey, the winter bald eagle survey is where volunteers, the dnr, go out and count all the bald eagles they can the find on 7000 milese of riverr s in, the state of iowa. it's about two per mile. they usually count. greas ye this newst th year from last year's survey is the number of immature or
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bald eagles is up. >> oh, wow. and so there there are. ba more eaglesgreg that laugh at gregg's monologue . >> wunteere all volunteer and yh get enoughat people that wantpl to do this. yep. enough people to show up and bald eagles are given a specific route to drive along the rivers're give r and count white bald eagle heads that they can spot . >> do you ever get misidentified? i have been counted in the last three mid-winter bald eagle surveys. >> yeah, i was goinge surveys . seems all self-reported, so i'm not sure. i know if t if i trust the data. >> you think of baldda. eagles, you think of america. you think it's like a belt buckle. you think of, like, the pride of thea be. a i was just in alaska where, like, bald eagles are, like, really kind of commolaldeagles >> and it's so funny. you just see all these bald eagles, like, fighting over like, wendy'e balds wrappers. >> like. lik like, oh, god, that's not tha what it' picture america now.d. yeah, that's florida. sign of ouricar freedom.
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jeff, what story do you have?je all right, i got a storyff wha. i'm going to read the headline for you right here. it's in van nuys. there's a store that's bragginsg let's put it up there or i can e read it. >> there it is. cali expressxpress in pasadena, california, touted as the world's first fully autonomous air powered restaurant. >> so they're bragging that there are 100% robot in point. wow. which is bullcrap. >> g yeah, we should be upset about this. this might be a story that unites the left and the right. we should all be about this. but it's not surprising. businessesis. like i've had enon of this pattern of my employees going. >> i don't get paid enough to be hereough having fistfights on tik-tok while they're supposed to be workingvg or or or being like my boss hasn't even memorized r the customer'soss . ns tha >> they come in here, it's annoying. it's vert herey, very unsurpris. >> but we should be revolting against these robots, right? what should we be off? oh, well, you just. you just defended it. yeah. same tea
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m in. >> you just said you just surprising. yes, but we should be workingatl and then. and then also be a little more grateful for our jobs and keepin fg these humans.worr >> although don't worry, the real humans will be outside. begay rus replacinths will the dangerous job. >> yeah, it's just like the robots will be safe and warm j wil. well, while the company is fighting a workers comp case from the pallet guy that has seven kids to feed charlie so my stories out of fairfat x o county, virginia, which is far, far away from where i lived down at the bottom of the state,f ty virgi but karl f, a democrat elected to the fairfax county school board, decided to take the oath d decideof office with his right hand on a stack of with pictures. >> wow. and, you knoofw we struggleh with you know, we don't want pie some ofverdramatiz these stories and make them seem like they're bigger ors an more prevalent than they are. >> we're probably underplaying them t, actually, this guy, this is a guy who's going to bey on the school board foo ber
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they 142 elementary schools that he's going to be makingfor. policy for 180,000 students. and he's taking the oatha of office on a stack of stac. >> think that's weird for that to mean that much to you like no it not kind of i mean, you know, likeotica whe like what's the what's the message he's trying to senry ? i'm not entirely sure. i don't know where you purchase . don't wheremm. >> oh, we got it fromro the school library. oh, i didn't makca.e clear.ou ht i totally screwed up. gloria. ca >> that was banned from b the school libraries, soanne i e the cart in front of the horse. ther that you the by see in the booksoo that, like, i am so excited. this is from my hometown, san mateo, california. >> pancho villa, a great mexican restaurant.
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365 south b street. b street used be a little scary when i grew up. they had a strip club and that was about it. lu >> i used to hang out in front . >> but anyway, pancho villa from monday through fridayt anym 2 to 5 p.m. taco nomics happy hour. thank you. joe biden. co-nomic$1 tacos deluxe specia super seafood tacos are available, however, for an additional charge. drl i'm these are going to be like hard shell tacos with ground beef but youow you get you can get like three tacos and a $3 and 50 cent beer for 650. >> this is a great idea. taco nomics. it's better than taco tuesday, you knowis is gr, and, you know, i'm sure the left wing is going to attack the name like owned by your relativei't wis. something you know, i just thought, you know, that looks deliciou s. >> i just want to give back to the city that gave me >> much diarrhea. >> g ha.
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with that, like everything, it't was everything tha. i left a trail far and wide. d y >> i know they have too many hd bald eagles in san mateo, so don't be surprised by what you find in the meat palace. ate >> all right, well, on that note, doesll, on t care that her romance is in the air. >> the time is now. okay, here we go. we're giving you fox nation's once a year sale just in time for the holidays. get our lowest price of the year to start streaming our biggest show. i'm rob lowe and this is liberty or. boston tea party with the biggest stars. it's perfect it's just perfect. and your favorite fox personality. start streaming fox nation today for just 1999 a year our lowest price of the year for a limited time only. >> sign up today. i know you think we can't afford it, but we need life insurance. you're right. life can change. that's why selectquote makes it easy to get to life insurance
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mat and wireless remote call now a story in five words in five word taylor's planet polluting plane writes charlie.s in the past three months, taylor swift has taken more than 12 private jet trips, usin g more than 12,000 gallons of fuel, resulting in 138 tonsin of co2 emissions, all so shel so could meet up with her filthy boyfriend, travis kelsey, d tras to offset the environmental damages she would need to plant 2282 trees and then allow them n to grow for ten years. i remember we were talking about this in the green room sad yo weru said, just wish taylor swift would die. >> and i'm thinking liket , i ww like, jeez, charlie, i know that she's bad forr on the environment, but you're going too far on that. >> i don't know where to drawa t the line. i don't know. that just had a stroke,oble that would solve it. exactly, says charlims.>> gree.o
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oh, good. yes, either one. so i don't know. >> what? i'm sort of torn between. on the one hand, i love that they did all of thind ivesl math because it's really great. but on the other hand, it's also an incredibly stupidyo story. and i would and i think i'd like to go back to a block. >>. pe you want to talk about a sex tape? you know what? you will never do a tape because she's smart for that cat. >> she was named the biggest celebrite'r thaty co2 polluter . >> she should be proud of that . screw being time's woman of thee year. i knoww be . d pumped out a lot of fuel and gas. >> i'd be proud of that. did she? she has a loto gt of places to.s yeah. stmean, whoever did this study is probably just got broken up that her for christmas because ,i mean, there's nothing that people really want to see . less than a happy relationship. >> people. people get really infuriated t by it, you know? so that's probablys prs what happened there. >> so how she's successfulccessf
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and she'ul ss happy in a? relationship. >> well, what about your yourpollution, right they got i to find something. although, jeff, i what bothers me is her happiness is soperfor performative, veryything over-the-top. just like when she breaks up, everything is over i. actuall stop. i actually. well, i did sod some math just w on my phone, and trees are cheap. >> yeah. e 282 trees. here. we've really given you the solution here. yeah. it's going to costg toher , i dn know, 1000 bucks't. that's true. yeah. that's not hard. should be like. yeah, yeah, it's not. e f: that'hard.gutfeld what?t te >> i can plant some trees t and but wait for ten years. that's easy. that's true too. a how much does 22 not a big deal. yeah, like even if there were a bucket sea that's 2282 bucks. >> why do we. >> i don't really care. the only thing i care is that a lot of swiftie 228s. ah, they want to think that she's like their religious leader or whatever. and then all these guys like elon musk and jeff bezosshe', so
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evil, but like, they're doing the same thing. elons. pejust like jeff bezo >> elon musk. okay, yeah. then i like those people. >> greg: liki do. i like taylor swift. and i do. on what? good for you. yeah. he on.>> greaying thaty, on.r. you just saying that because you borrowed her sweater to be in your face jeff dye. i wish i hadeff her sweater. you look like this picture. go to that. it looks like you haveke the worst case of dandruff. it's a nice shirt. i'm never wearing it again. i have no idea how far this goes with me. ha ha ha ha. me. i know he's just getting of. i'll be on my back. never wear that again for that. >> my work is done. that you were. you said befor e the show this the was the most important topic of the night and you were really happyst imp. y happ took your suggestion to cover it. yeah. what would you like to say about taylor swift? i thiny ouk everybody in this rm would fly private if they could, and it is it's the good way to go. you know, take down trees,
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right? i meanit's ay to what are we wad >> if she could get rid of the story in a heartbeat. but the line is, you know,tbeat. i'm a huge travis kelce, kansasa chiefs fan, but he is only ahead of three more iowa tight ends in the nfl that are right behind him. imn tryiand trying to beat him y the most yards. so i'm proud of my iowa end heritage. >> i'm not familiar with mr. kelsey's music, but i'll take your word for it. t i thought he'd bring it back to a block. yeah. yeahbl. the tight ends. you're disgusting. let's talk about.t go >> yeah. don't go away. we'll be rightwal back. yeah. he fun a >> this is your season to smile with new dentures from aspen dental to raise a toast an the fun and round up the gang to help get you ready. team is celebrating 25 years of affordable carewionsite l wic anniversary savings event.
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