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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  December 19, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PST

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the blazer, at the football game. i don't have any standing there. she is cute, that being loos good. i have friends in cleveland and saw your last show. your last, last show is in the reimman with jose, this will be a riot december 21, this thursday. >> raymond: i have a special code for viewers use the code mary, giving them 2 for one. i'll bring clips laura. >> laura: go there and see raymond and have fun. th that's it, set your dvr. jesse is next.
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>> carley: president biden growing more upset about his performance in recent polls and the situation just got worse, only 32% of registered voters are shown to be satisfied with the economy and only 43% say biden is doing a good job, that could make all the difference in 2024 with a third of voters calling the economy their most important issue. you are watching "fox and friends," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. commander-in-chief is putting pressure on his staff in response. >> biden is acting cocky in public, behind the scenes he's furious. biden delivered stern words for the smaup group assembled. poll numbers are unacceptably low and he wanted to know what his team and campaigners are
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doing about it. biden hired the staff and they can't sell the public on policies that are not working. if biden could sell them, he wouldn't be taking four-day weekends. this is not 2020, he can't hide in the basement. >> todd: brooke singman has more. >> brooke: seems like the american people are losing faith in president biden. nearly 80% of voters think the economy is in bad condition and not just republicans are unhappy, so are 61% of democrats. 14% of voters think they have benefited from policies coming from the white house and 46% have been hurt and 44% of americans think the economy will get worse. one republican urges americans not to worry as he pushes forward with his bid for the white house.
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listen. >> help is on the way, we'll reverse it and open energy for production to lower gas prices and energy cost and make us energy independent and take care of the border. it is impacting our society with the drug overdoses and everything. >> brooke: the white house insists the economy is improving and unemployment rates are dropping. this doesn't seem like it is enough to change minds latest monmouth poll reveals vice president kamala harris has a higher approval rating than president biden. his approval rating stands at 34%. biden campaign says they are not focused on polls. the president is expected to hold a campaign event this afternoon in maryland. guys. >> todd: when you find behind
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kamala harris. thank you. hunter biden will make his first ap appearance next month. he is accused of evading tacks while running up his expenses. he spent 189,000 on adult entertainment and gave money to a porn site and sex club member shooen, 689,000 paid to various women, all while dodging taxes. he will be arraigned on january 11, faces three felony, which could land him in prison. >> carley: more drama, president biden's brother james biden received $600,000 center a struggling healthcare company. the president's brother never delivered so the company is
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suing demanding he pay back the $600 grand. he received a wire from americorp and paid joe biden the same amount from a personal loan repayment. house oversight committee is investigating if president biden can confirm the personal loan to his brother. insane video shows a volcano erupting frust miles from the blue lagoon. look at that. >> todd: looks like hawaii, not iland. former acting ice director tom homan will tell us what he wants to do coming up.
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>> todd: check this out, wild video. volcano erupting in iceland following an earthquake. you see the lava shooting into the air and flowing along the coast. this is fourth eruption in the area since 2021. locals were evacuated a month ago. this is happening miles from the tourist location known as blue lagoon. they just reopened on sunday but forced to closed once again. luckily no interruption in flights in and out of the country.
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avoid the blast site, it relia thomases toxic g -- releases toxic gases. adam klotz joins us. >> adam: thankful no volcanic activity. the story is the giant storm moving up the east coast. it has cleared out, we are seeing the impact from it. folks are without power. folks in massachusetts don't have power. brought down trees and powerlines and what we are seeing is snow coming in on the backside of that, because of very cold air that wraps around the system, winter weather alerts stretching from the great lakes to the mountains of appalachians. they will see snowfall over next
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few hours. this system continues to drive further toward the north and clear as we get later in the day on tuesday. this has been a big gnarly weather system and we'll keep those folks in mind as they continue to clean up from the last 48 hours. >> carley: adam, thank you so much. look at a new development in texas. governor abbott is allowing police to arrest migrants in the u.s. illegally. he is taking action because he says biden won't. >> biden's inaction has left >> todd: too fend for itself. the goal is to stop the tidal wave of illegal entry into texas. it creates offense for illegal entry from a foreign nation. for repeat offenders, it creates
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illegal reentry with a potential prison sentence tomorrow up to 20 years. >> carley: tom homan joins me now. big development here. what governor abbott just did, made coming to the country illegally a state crime and police can arrest illegal immigrants wherever they are in the state. what do you think of this? >> i'm behind him 100%. the biden administration has been very successful on the open border agenda and haven't done a single thing to stop the flow. this is by design, he ran on open border and give him secret, he kept his promise. i salute governor abbott. how many people have been arrested, historic number.
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governor abbott is trying to protect texas and this country. >> carley: saying this is unconstitutional, immigration enforcement is a responsibility, the federal government is not doing the enforcement. there will be a legal showdown on this front. once migrants are into this country, they are here to stay. in 2019, under former president donald trump, there were over 260's,000 deportations in 2022 that number dropped to 72,000. you say if trump wins, you want to launch a deportation program where no one is off the table. what do you mean by that? >> if trump actually wins p presidency and they ask me to come back, it has to be done. what is the alternative? millions entering illegally and
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making false claim of asylum. nearly nine out of 10 will be removed by immigration judge. we spend billions in due process, you can claim asylum and see a judge. if a federal judge says you must leave, we have to execute the others or we might as well take border patrol off the border. there is a system in place, we will give you due process. if you lose, you got to go home. you let millions stay, what will that do? bring millions of more. you have a right to claim asylum, we have the right to remove you. we are a nation of laws and we got to enforce laws. >> carley: if trump is re-elected would you want to go back leading ice in customs enforcement? >> of course i would. i have done this for 34 years,
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never seen historic immigration like in the last three years and i think the fourth year will be worse. this country is in trouble. not just illegal immigration, we are talking about known terrorism and record number of women and children being sex trafficked in the united states and fentanyl that is killing americans. it is time we act and protect america. >> carley: also, tom, meteorologist is a big part of this and it is a country held hostage by the drug cartels that have seized the southern border. how would you describe the situation in meteorologist? are they incapable of getting rid of drug cartels or unwilling to do it? >> i think it is a little bit ever both. cartels are powerful, they have military-grade weapons,
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military-grade explosives. the problem in meteorologist, much of military and law enforcement are corrupt. corruption is a huge issue in meteorologist. it will take the united states of america to take the cartels out. >> carley: that is something ron desantis is talking about and it would be a big news item if that ended up happening under whatever republican administration happens in 2024, if the republican candidate does win inform 2021 alone cartels made $13 billion in human trafficking and drug smuggling alone. >> i want to be clear, i've retired twice, i'll come back a third time. i am more concerned about the safety and security of this country right now than i've been in my career. >> carley: you feel there is unfinished business you can control. thank you, we appreciate it.
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we told you about this next story yesterday, there is an update. plans to remove a confederate monument just hirt a snag, we'll tell you what happened. >> todd: and admitting to using ai to answer questions from her con constituents. hear what the lady who ran against her had to say about that. ♪ ♪
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hillsdale was founded in 1844 we're passing on a cultural heritage, the culture of the west when the federal government started giving money to colleges, we didn't take it. that independence has allowed us to stay with our mission that we established 175 years ago. because we don't accept federal money, we are free to concentrate on the mission of the college we care about freedom and that affiliates us with the free institutions of america. >> todd: did you hear this? confederate monument set to be removed from arlington national cemetery will remain standing for now. alexandria hoff has details. we brought this story yesterday saying this will be gone by end of the week. now it is not.
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what happened? >> alexandria: a federal judge is blocking the removal of this statue. it honors american unity following the civil war. victor hanson weighed in on the "the ingraham angle" last night. >> this is hypocritical, we have problems in the military and monument from the civil war about reconciliation is not one of our problems. >> alexandria: work had started to dismantle the statue. the group defend arlington filed a lawsuit seeking to halt the demolition. the judge agreed writing in his
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order, the plaintiffs alleged in addition to removal, they are not taking care of the -- saying the area around the memorial was protected a hearing is scheduled for tomorrow. >> todd: this is memorial about the spanish american war commemorating coming together on both sides in one of the country's worst times coming together to fight against a common enemy. they are stopped for now. >> alexandria: it is complicated, it is on hallowed ground, these graves belong to confederate soldiers. this is a tough one. >> todd: brooklyn democrat won a city on city council, revealed she was using ai to answer
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questions. one written interview susan was asked what makes someone a new yorker? she replied the concrete -- unstoppable hustle, unbreakable resilience, connect with people from all walks of life, sharing diverse background that contribute to the city. that sounds like something you read in a taxi. ran her comments through content detection and found it was written by ai. the woman running against her is here. this has left you and many
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asking if she can't answer questions, how can she lead people? >> if she can't answer a single question on her own, how can she represent the district? i go out on the street to reach out to voters and have handwritten many letters to voters. i make sure grammar is correct, i think this is normal to everybody right here. this is not normal to use ai to make a copy and paste and in order to build a connection and trust between you and voters is to be honest and be your true self and show true side of yourself and how you feel so they can vote for you.
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>> todd: important point. we are america, we are a melting pot, we expect different accents and points of view. we reached out, here is what she had to say. "new york post" reached out. as immigrant and first chinese council woman, ai is a tool to foster deeper understanding and personal growth, particularly when english is not my primary language. are you buying that argument from susan? >> no, i'm the first -- immigrant, i don't rely on ai. i sometimes use grammar chat program to make sure grammar is correct, that's it. you have to use your own language to write the statement and tell like -- she has been saying that yes, yesterday she
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stated in chinese newspaper denying she has been using ai for her stuff. she blaming that the retaliation from upholding -- in brooklyn and remind me of the homeless shelter. i was at the rally, as well. rather than writhe speech on her own, she has someone to represent her to speak on behalf of her. she was standing right next to that person for the whole time. i'm not surprised she has been using ai to copy and paste on her statement or connect with voters. >> todd: seems like she is scared to talk to the voters, whereas, you are fully embracing your accent and you are not afraid of that. >> i am not afraid of that, i
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feel confident about how i am. >> todd: we'll see what happens in the future. this is knowa odd way to approach the people that voted for you to be disingenuous and woo you are being genuous. >> the major concern is spreading fake news in asian community and lying about -- assembly office for nine years, with public records, she started since last september. >> todd: thanks for letting us know about this problem. 199 reported bomb threats targeting american jews across 14 states in a single day. our next guest witnessed one of
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them and he's here to tell us about it. (announcer) are you frustrated with your weight and health? before considering drastic measures with side effects, why not try a healthy and sustainable solution with golo? (amber) i was on the verge of getting gastric bypass surgery, and i saw the golo commercial, and it was the last thing i tried 'cause it worked. golo's changed my life in so many ways. before, i was over 300 pounds. (announcer) on golo, you take one release supplement with each balanced meal to take control of your hunger and sugar cravings and increase metabolic efficiency.
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♪ if i could be you and you could be me ♪ ♪ for just one hour ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ >> carley: u.s. defense secretary lloyd austin arriving in bahrain to meet with the bahraini crown fence while troops continued in gaza. >> todd: trey yingst is live in gaza. trey. >> trey: day 74 of the war
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between israel and hamas and focus today not just inside gaza, looking across the region at threats coming from yemen, after a visit to tel aviv yesterday, lloyd austin announced a u.s.-led caalition to address threats in the red sea. late yesterday two additional attacks were reported. the secretary of defense said this about the threat from yemen? >> regarding the houthis. these attacks are reckless, dangerous and violate international law. so we're taking action to build an international coa ligsz to address this threat. >> trey: here in israel, the
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focus for israeli military and government remains on getting remaining hostages out of gaza. william burns had a meeting in poland trying to get another ceasefire and release of palestinian prisoners as israeli ground forces go after cells in northern and southern gaza. the total death toll since began, 131 israeli troops. families of the people being held inside gaza rallied, calling on government to cut a deal and get them out of gaza. todd and carley. >> carley: thank you so much. at home, there were 199 reported swa swatting incidents across 14 states in a single day. california saw 93 of those with
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62 in arizona and 15 in connecticut alone ceo of the jewish nashville join me to talk about this important topic. rabbi, 199 swat swatting incide apparently somebody calls in a fake bomb threat on a synagogue or business, swat team comes and clears everybody out. it is a hoax but does a number on psychology. this happened at your organization, as well. >> for us, it was not swatting as in synagogue in worship
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services where the swat stormed the synagogue, it was an e-mailed early-morning bomb threat. for us in nashville and we learned all over the country, as well, not the way you like to wake up on a sunday morning. that was our experience. >> carley: not a way you want to wake up, it did happen to you. i understand it happened and your synagogue was evacuated due to a bomb threat. tell us about that? >> i was home saturday morning, word got out there was a bomb threat in selma, i checked our e-mail and saw our federation and congregation in montgomery received the threat. i called 911 and drove to the
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synagogue, we already had an officer there because of ongoing threats. for years we've had a police officer with us. protocol worked, we went in and got people out and a sabbath service was unnerving, everyone was okay. >> carley: this is all disturbing and unnerving and rabbi, shocking how much antisemitism and antijewish sentiment there is in this country. recent poll shows unbelievable numbers, two-thirds of people 18 to 24 years old believe jews are a class of osppressors. 51 of young people support hamas over israel and think israel should be ended and given to
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hamas and the palestinians. what is your reaction to that? >> i saw the polls, it is i ignorance and lack of information. they question the holocaust. we have a lot of work to do to educate young folks. if you have people in your life supporting hamas, a terror organization over a western-style liberal democracy, it is unfathomable to me. >> carley: we got to run, quick final thought to you. >> look, we don't know who is behind this threat, whoever it is, whatever the motive, it is wrong and dangerous and disturbing, threats against jewish people, we are working to have a safe, inclusive
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background to all identities. >> todd: propalestinian protesters took offer the streets of new york. you will never guess who they confronted. >> do you condemn israel for -- >> you have your mind made up, right? >> i'm asking you a question. >> is that your answer? >> you asked stupid questions. can the -- >> carley: lauren simonetti has more of that coming up. >> todd: and there is this. >> lock and it is caught, touchdown. seattle! >> todd: battle of the birds, last-minute td, but could seattle hold on? find out when we return. ♪ ♪
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♪ the winter play was really coming together. ♪ until... disaster struck. ♪ tensions... were high. ♪ luckily, replacement costumes were shipped with fedex. which means mr. harvey... could picture the perfect night. ♪ we're delivering more happy for the holidays. ♪ (vo) wells fargo has donated $525 million dollars... (girl) hey mom! is this one really mine? (mom) honey, like i said... you get your own room. (vo) support housing affordability solutions for families across america. when a bank does what it says, more people can find a place to call their own. doing gets it done. wells fargo. the bank of doing.
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>> carley: odd turn of events, anti-israel protesters confr confronting alec baldwin.
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>> todd: lauren simonetti has details. you watch this and almost feel sorry for alec. >> you have pro-palestinian demonstrations, they were holding up signs and they got rowdy. one point, the protesters got into it with baldwin outside penn station. >> do you condemn israel? >> you have your mind made up, right? i'm in hollywood -- >> is that your answer? >> you asked stupid questions. >> he was just walking by the demonstration, the mob spotted him and accused him of supporting israel and he did not hold back.
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you saw the police escorts. and cover of "new york post" alec attack. >> carley: protest baldwin, a bi-line there, as well. he always seems to find the drama. he didn't answer the question. >> todd: i would say he is not wrong, you have every write to defend yourself, we may not think baldwin is a sympathetic. >> he is not jewish, we don't know his stance on israel and he thought the question was stupid. >> carley: would be nice to hear him say i support israel and move on. dating back to last year around this time, southwest cancelled flights and now facing a big old
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fine. >> $140 million. two million people, are we getting home for the holidays? this was a year ago. now they do not want it to happen ever again, part of this fine creates a delay fund, if you will. it starts in the spring and passengers get a voucher at least $75. southwest has paid out $600 million in cost and last christmas, 1.2 billion dollars. you can't blame weather and not have policy and procedure in place to get customers where they need to go.
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point this out, dot did not say southwest knowingly scheduled more flights than it could handle. >> todd: do you notice, since this cur , they do not say, do you want to get away? i hope i didn't jinx it. bizarre for several reasons. rashard mendenhal, he posted, i'm sick of average white guys commenting on football. y'all not even good at football, replace pro bowl with all black bowl so cats can stop trying to teach me who is good at football. i didn't know if this was a
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joke. he is asking for this. more bizarre is jj watt, former defensive end. does he agree? >> todd: this is a joke. >> i'm not sure. nobody on our squad is covering tyreek meaning all white team would defend against hill. >> todd: there has not been a white cornerback since 2002, no white cornerbacks in the n.f.l., he is making a joke, we would struggle on the outside. >> is any of this funny? >> todd: we don't need more things to divide us, especially in sports where all races come together thchl. this is unfortunate and watt was joking. >> what will the n.f.l. say
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about this? >> carley: bizarre was the right word to use. i still like the kickers. >> todd: the game last night decided by three points, now to monday night ball. seahawks and eagles seattle finding the end zone and eagles take back their lead, using infamous turb push, it will be ben next year, seahawks storming back after a couple beautiful throws. he's a lock, babup quarterback drew lock. >> lock end zone and it is caught. touchdown seattle! >> todd: beautiful throw, beautiful catch. that 29-yard touchdown pass giving seattle the lead and
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eagles one more chance. seattle wins. three points, that is what a kicker would do. they couldn't get in position for your favorite players. >> carley: tell me why the turb push will be banned? >> todd: it has been successful for one team, the other teams can't do it. democrat congresswoman ilhan omar has a threat for biden. >> carley: brian will look at what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> brian: how mad are you that todd did sports? >> carley: smiling on the oud, seething on the inside. >> brian: we'll talk on the break. iceland volcano erupting, spewing lava and smoke, more on the crazy video. we are send ing lawrence there.
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governor abbott takes on the border. nlsz you want to go there, lawrence. and tiktok muttiny. joey jones is here with what it means to serve your country. and a steel maker, u.s. steel, sold to a japanese company, the major impact to manufacturing and prices after 122 years. i ask you to get dressed and stay within yourself, take a wide shot, throw in the an magsz amagsz -- animation and make the music louder.
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♪ >> todd: brand new fox polls are spelling bad news for biden. former president trump ahead of biden 14 points among voters under 30. same poll only showing 14% of
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registered voters show joe biden's economic policies have actually helped them. host of the grace curley show joins me now. good to see you as always, grace. young people always vote democrat except when they don't. what do these numbers tell you? >> well, you know, todd, we have been talking so much about this matchup and how some people don't wanted the same matchup 2020. i have been guilty about this, too. how is it going to play out. what people forget is now these young voters they have seen both. they have had trump for four years. almost had biden for four years. while i think it was easy for a lot of the people get so worked up about mean tweets and the media's outrage over everything trump said. now they have had experience with inflation and experience with wars breaking out and maybe they are realizing they prefer mean tweets to a lot of these world world issues they are looking at. >> todd: 44% of voters think the economy will get worse than the next year. layer that onto the numbers i read earlier where only 14% of
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people say joe biden's economic policies have actually helped them. and combine that with the fact that he is not winning the youth vote. grace, what is his path to victory? >> >> i don't know right now. i think maybe he is just hoping that -- i heard this once and thought it's really true. democrats always come home. they are better at that than republicans. they end up going in and holding their nose. is he probably banking on that right now. it's not a terrible plan. but it is certainly not the kind of strategy you would hope someone would have going into a presidential election. >> todd: i think you are 100 percent right on that point. >> in the end democrats always come home and republicans always get distracted and upset and not voting and losing elections. congresswoman ilhan omar says she warned joe biden about losing the muslim vote over the israel-hamas war, quote: muslims were very pivotal to his election. they mobilized in all the key states. young people were very instrumental in getting him elected. what i reminded him is he needs
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to listen to these voices. people are heart broken. people just want the images of young children's bodies piling up to end and they want our support for this to end. does that electoral pressure from ilhan omar to joe biden explain the increasing pressure that joe biden is putting on benjamin netanyahu right now? >> absolutely. you know what, todd, i disagree with ilhan omar on almost everything. i think her tactic here, which is to pressure joe biden is, a smart one. because it's worked before. i mean, this is a guy who cade to a heckler at a fundraiser just a few weeks ago. he had one heckler in a room full of people supporting his stance as far as supporting israel, and he in the course of that fundraiser backed down to the heckler. so she knows joe biden hates to feel like people are mad at him. joe biden makes decisions based off twitter backlash and based off polls and not based off his
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convictions or any agenda is he pushing. he is very wishy washy with these things. she knows he caves to pressure. the squad is good at getting their way. they have a better record than joe biden does. so you are already seeing. this you can see that he is fearful of losing this part of his support. i think it's a smart strategy, honestly. >> todd: 10 seconds to you. can joe biden win back the muslim vote and if so what does that mean for the jewish vote? >> i think if he is going to win it back at this point he is going to have to cave and, knowing joe biden, and just hearing some of the things that he said recently about israel, i think he will cave. >> todd: that is not good for the jewish vote. you are seeing a lot of staunch jewish democrats saying no go joe in 2024. grace curley thank you very much for your time with that, infor"fox &friends" begins righ. ♪ ♪


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