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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  December 19, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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out only take cash if you pick up what i'm putting down at the dog track. the point is, this stuff is awful and the people behind it to your point okay could probably be making like year round money. how good does scamming gift cards pay? apparently well enough. now we know why the bidens insisted in getting paid in cash. >> do the cards work at the dog track or horse track? >> it's tough luck. you don't know in this day and age. >> i have a lot of gift cards that are expired, i lost them. the whole gift card thing is a mess. set your dvr to stay connected for us. it's america now and forever, jesse next. >> jesse: welcome to prime
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"jesse watters primetime". >> i take offense and the president does too. >> the southern border has officially been conquered. >> i love you joe biden. >> i have tremendous respect for the japanese people but they are beating this country >> why is joe biden letting the japanese take over u.s. steel? >> another racial beat down rocks american schools. >> jesse: plus. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: fox news alert. donald trump has been kicked off the ballot in colorado. the colorado supreme court ruled that donald trump engaged in an
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insurrection on january 6th. his name will not appear on the ballot in the general election in colorado >> that is unless the u.s. supreme court taking the case. donald trump will be appealing the ruling and to do supreme court has until january 14th to decide if they will take it. before this colorado thing sets a precedent and affects trump's ballot access in other states. colorado lawsuit was funded by an sor os funded outlet. decided by all democrat supreme court and the secretary of state within a split second was celebrating on ms nbc. >> look i love he insighted the
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insurrection, the colorado supreme court weighed in. section three of the 14th amendment has to apply to the presidency because if not, it's a get out of jail free card. >> jesse: the trump campaign responded to law enforcement just now saying "democrat party leaders are in a state of paranoia over the growing dominant lead president trump has ark massed in the polls. they have lost faith in the failed biden presidency and doing anything they can to throw it out of court. we have confidence the supreme court will rule in our favor and finally put an end to the unamerican lawsuits. biden won colorado by nearly 14 points. this was never about colorado's ballot access but having a targeted lawsuit aimed at setting a precedent to knock trump off dozens of state ballots and disqualify him by any means necessary from the
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presidency. therefore denying the people their right to vote. charlie hurt joins me new. we expect the supreme court to take the case, what do you think will happen, charlie? >> i think without a doubt they have no choice but to take up the case because i think you're exactly right about this. they are trying to set a precedent. this will open the flood gates. you will have left-wing lunatic states all around the country trying to do the same thing. you're exactly right. this has very little to do with ballot access in the general election and barring donald trump from getting the leak. democratic leaders have lost faith in joe biden. that's true. democratic leaders have also lost faith in democracy and that's what we're seeing in colorado today. the democrats in colorado are so afraid of allowing american voters to vote and pick the next
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president they are willing to do extra judicial things complete highway robbery here in order to thwart the people's choice from being on the ballot. to them, preserving democracy requires destroying democracy and that's who we're doing with. these people are unhinged, lunatics and very dangerous. >> it's more than voter suppression and intimidation. you can't vote for the guy you want to. it's as simple as that. it's because of court ruled in their opinion he's annin surrectionists. he's not been charged or convicted of insurrection, that's what their opinion that happened. >> that's just an important point. we hear the word insurrection all over. jack smith who would charge
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donald trump with everything including jay walking, did not charge donald trump with insurrection. another thing that's an interesting point here, donald trump faced the trial a president faces in the united states senate over the january 6th riots. he was charged with impeachable offenses and found not guilty there. and that's obviously not the same as a court of law, but that is a very significant factor in determining whether or not this guy committed insurrection or whatever were the other thing that's also interesting is these people, they are so determined to thwart democracy and to prevent people from voting for who they want to vote for that to them, january 6th was, that was the civil war to them. there's no difference between that and a four year horrifying, the deadliest war in our
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history. that's the same thing. if it meets their political objective, they don't care. >> jesse: do you have faith in the roberts court? they didn't even take his appeal on the 2020 election. >> i actually do. i think this court -- if i were to define the roberts court, they don't want courts determining everything. they believe and if you look back at the obamacare ruling, what was the court's ruling? congress you built this monster, you deal with it and kicked it back to congress. there's a lot of criticism around that decision. they don't want the courts running the country. they want legislatures to run country. if that's your mind set, you have to look at this crazy lunatic court in colorado and say, we're not going to let
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these people deny americans the right to vote for who they want to vote for in the next election. >> jesse: you know what would be nice? if we could have an election where no one interferes, not the chinese. not the government. it shakes out how it shakes out. is that too much to ask? >> that would be really nice if we could have an election where the cia and the fbi doesn't take kremlin talking points and run with them to rig the election. >> jesse: a nice, normal clean election. >> let the chips fall where they may. >> jesse: thanks charlie. >> well, what you're seeing isn't a crowd at the a music festival or times square. not an obama rally from grant part. this is southern border where the third world showed up and
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said let me in. we're not asking them what are you planning on doing here. do you have any drug habits or arrest record? we don't even know if they can read or write or if they had all their shots. president is just letting them in. border agents are saying this is the worst day they have seen. biden broke another record and agents out numbered. why isn't the white house taking this seriously? >> i take offense and the president does too in saying we haven't taken this seriously. >> jesse: the only action joe biden has taken is offense. let's give the fox border drone an emmy, without a drone you
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wouldn't imagine this. i was asking what the delay was and the texas legislature is only in session every two years. texas cops can now arrest and deport illegals. biden says this is dangerous. >> this is an extreme law that will not and does not make the communities in texas safer. >> the white house is saying opening the border is the only way to keep texas safe? texas democrats are accusing the governor of murder. >> you look at someone like greg abbott and his solution, his solution is to say, we're going to kill people coming in. that's not a solution. >> crockett not related to davy must think obama is a serial
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killer. they called him the deporter in chief and liberals and hispanics loved him. this doesn't have anything to do with safety. democrats want to turn texas blue. if texas turns blue, there never will be another republican president again. that's why they want the migrants to stay in texas and have families. when abbott sends them to chicago, that doesn't do the democrats any good. here's the chicago mayor, america' cry baby. >> a governor and elected official placing families on buses without food, afraid, traumatized and come to the city of chicago, the governor of texas needs to take a look in the mirror of the chaos he's causing for this country. this is not just a chicago dynamic. he is attacking our country. >> jesse: four million migrants
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walking into texas is humane but 10,000 migrants bussed to chicago is an attack on our country. i thought texas was a part of our country. democrats don't really see texas as a state. they see it more as a back water that mops up migrants and turns blue in 10 years. that's how texas earns their star on the flag. chicago has 2.5 million people. what is a few buses to a sanctuary city? eagle pass took in 10,000 migrants. biden is doing what jesse smollett couldn't. >> i am a native to chicago. i was born and raised here. i'm not for the sanctuary city. and the reason why i'm not for the sanctuary city is because people have waited years to come in here legally. not just transported on these buts, dropped off in our neighborhoods.
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raise of crime. almost got hit several times just making it here today. this is ludicrious. 2 thirds of people say finish the family and over half say send the troops. joe biden's approval rating is 26%. there's an obvious reason politicians don't want their money. biden's close associates are making money keeping the migrant kids in cages. that's right. one of biden's main guys on the transition team received
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$600 million to build a migrant compound. he is sending money to build foster homes for the migrant kids he let in and they disappear into the hands of family, friends and foster parents. biden supporters are making money off open borders. this is products you're waying to house and traffic. if you try to stop at the source, you're threatening their money. they say you want to kill migrants they really mean the cash flow. let's bring in steven miller. . this fox drone is making more attention to the migrant debate. >> i'm not sure if that is a condemnation of the politicians
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in washington d.c. you're right, the under reaction in washington has left millmillions of americans to see on fox what is happening. we are being conquered. this is a complete resettlement of america in realtime. it took hundreds of years going back long before the founding and all the way to the earliest days of the colonies in america to slowly build everything that we have and now we have people coming in from different cultures and belief systems. a generation from now, i am telling you jesse, people will not know the country they are living in. these consequences are permanent and unless there's massive large scale deportations by the millions, it will be irrevocable. >> i believe two-thirds want
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there to be deportations. the more people are crying out and begging for deportation. what donald trump promised high will do if he gets reelected. december 19th will be remembered in history. two things happened today, we found it was the worse day for the american immigration and also found out the radical left judges that donald trump can't on the election for colorado. they are saying to american citizens, you can't vote. you don't have a voice. you can't be heard and they're also saying we're bringing in new people that we think will agree with us and support us and their families will vote for us and they are going to be the new base of power in this country. this is in realtime. what we are witnessing is the
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engineered political transformation of the country. joe biden is the ultimate insurrectionist. >> none of the people, miller have a say in any of this. black americans in chicago. you see white americans. you see hispanic americans all saying lockdown the border and deport. they are just not even listening. they are bringing them in -- >> no, their voices. >> i'm hearing steven miller is getting his pilot's license and personally deporting people plane load after plane load. is that true? >> don't get me excited, jesse. >> jesse: that's how you want to spend your retirement. i would spend by christmas holiday doing that if i could. the biden administration would probably have me in prison. the point is an apt one. the american people don't have a say in this. the louder they scream and plead
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for relief of the schools and their hospitals. the transportation systems. their infrastructure. their public safety. the more that the political establishment in general and of course the democratic party in particular laughs at their misery and mocks for their cry of justice, promises more humiliation and more of the same. unending massive immigration in the country. >> jesse: if they were paying someone $600 million to build a building, they would keep imgrating. fox caught joe biden smuggling hunter into the white house. what is going on here? to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪
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>> jesse: fox news ark letter, a alert, joe biden was caught smuggling his son, hunter into the white house. >> our special guest spotted hunter getting off marine one. he was carrying his favorite red pack back. the two returned from a long weekend in delaware, i mean a four-day weekend. hunter wasn't supposed to be anywhere near the flight. the main not on the flight manifest. why wasn't hunter's names on the logs? >> the family gets to travel with the president and that's been the case with every other president. >> why does the president think
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it's appropriate for taxpayer dollars to fly him around when he has been indicted? >> the president and their family, it was a somber anniversary they were recognizing, and so you could imagine what that is like for them. >> so if you and i pay for someone to fly somewhere, we should know who we're flying? why does it seem he's wearing at the white house? why is a 52-year old tax cheat living in the white house? this seems like a little much. >> biden told the world it was time for bed and now his staffers want to tuck him in, biden is saying no. the president who almost burnt down the white house with his birthday cake can't admit he has
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nothing left in the tank. it's driving everyone crazy. the closest staff are rolling their eyes on him. >> biden behind closed doors say i feel so much younger than my age. he says is so often and with so much sincerity, he ends up over extending himself. aids think he doesn't know his own limitations. >> the worry inside the white house, if they put too much on the president's plate, it's going to kill him. insiders say biden is his own worst enemy and since biden won't listen to anyone but his family, they're sending in the
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doctor. >> jill biden has extraordinary control over the president's schedule. it's no so normal for a first lady to be crafting the presidential schedule. she's very involved in making sure he gets enough rest. >> the biden team would like him to be in swing states and jill has him strapped to the beltway. maybe bidenomics is worse than we thought. the man never leaves the midatlantic. to young voters, a key part of the demolition, he's like a distant relative. he's lucky if he remembers your name. young voters like trump and biden keeps bribing them with student loan bail outs. none of this matters if he lands himself in the hospital. jill is feeding him fish. >> she's all been pushing him on
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his diet to eat salmon and fish. >> jesse: he just needs to knock off the sweets and take a nap. as people grow older, they turn back into children and we have to take care of them. we reached the stage with the president. so, the game plan was to arrest trump. that backfired and trump has taken the lead. now call trump a dictator. they are going all in. desperate democrats are begging the president it call trump hitler. biden said, fine. we'll call him hitler. >> he's been dabbling in adolf hitler all his live.
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minecomph is the book he reads the most. after you call someone a trader, rapist and dictator. what comes after that? i will tell you what comes next. not good. emily wilson is the host of "wilson saves america yets. >> they already called him every name in the book. they are going to throw everything at this man now. not only is he increasingly popular in the polls, i would say among social media, you see so many people that love trump. and to even compare him to that person is so disgusting. no sane person in america actually believes that. it's offensive. if you really believe that, you
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shouldn't be voting or at the polls because that's an insane thing to think. >> jesse: emily, you're a young woman, when you know he has to take a nap and stick to salmon, does that make you inspired? >> no. that makes me very worried for the country. he should be tucked into bed and we should have someone that loves the country and in great shape and can actually speak and make it off the stage. >> jesse: is it his wife's fault? i always blame the wife? shouldn't doctor jill do more than she's doing? save the world dr. >> exactly. >> jesse: all right. thank you so much. see you next time. >> thanks for having me. see you. >> iceland on fire. doused in hot lava. we have a volcano chaser next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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i'm sholeh, and i lost 75 pounds with golo. i went from a size 20 to a size 6. before golo, nothing seemed to work. i was exercising for over an hour every day. it was really discouraging. but golo's so easy, the weight just falls off.
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>> jesse: after weeks of rumblings an icelandic volcano finally erupted sending molten lava 300 feet in the air. this is a giant fissure in the earth. the magma underground split wide open. the volcanic fissures is two-and-a-half miles long and spewing out 60 gallons of lava a second. this comes after iceland experienced tremors. the nearest town was completely evacuated with the 4,000 residents told to take their most precious belongings and flee. while this situation seems to be
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improving, many worry this could be the beginning of more volcanic eruptions on the tiny island. joining us is lava chaser, damion. >> what do you mean lava chaser? >> this began in hawaii. there was a fissure eruption and we found ourselves chasing various locations where the next fissure would pop up and then that word came about. a lot of the work i did and the footage i shared made it around the world. we were able to share that with that experience with a lot of people and then that term kind of came about. you know having said that, i have been an avid enthusiast with lava and volcanoes since i was a little kid. it was fitting that title came on its own. >> jesse: i used to like
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volcanos and now i'm a news host >> when you get up close, can you feel the heat melt your face? >> in the times i have been there, i have seen lava. i have been on boat, on foot, in an airplane. i have been to it in a chopper. you can definitely feel the heat, especially if you get right above it. a lot of times you can't even really get to directly above it because the heat is so strong that it literally does feel like it could melt your face off. i have lost camera gear due to the lava. i have melted some drones. it's such an intense heat, it doesn't take more than a few seconds to felt plastic or camera. >> jesse: what happens when this melts all over iceland? is this catastrophe.
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i like to think their infrastructure would survive unless the lava goes in another direction. it's a very weird feeling knowing we have to accept this change and there's no one to point a blame to the very force making this happen is the versus force that created the ground that we currently live on and walk on and have a house in. so, you know, we can only hope that the communities there are not impacted. they don't see anything long lasting effects that will happen by any if you recollect being destroyed and if that's the case, then we will get to enjoy it and see it as is without that causing any harm to, especially people's homes and communities. that's when it really starts to take a turn for the worse. >> jesse: we are praying for everybody in iceland. my goodness, i have never seen anything like that before. you're a brave man lava chaser.
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thanks for bringing this footage to us. we appreciate it. >> thank you guys for having me on tonight. >> jesse: well a major court ruling about jeffrey epstein's associates next. right back. ♪ ♪
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>> jesse: for years prime time has been leading the charge to expose jeffrey epstein's fixers and clients. epstein's associates employers and accusers will be released. this came from gillhaine maxwell. we're supposed to got this list january 2024. wall street journal has named biden cia director, obama's director of economic council, lawrence summers.
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could any of them be on the name says of this document? we don't know. there's also a reason to temper your enthusiasm. independent journalist tech no fog says the list may not be all it's cracked up to be. we already know at least 100 of these john and jane does and there's at least one person's name who will be redacted. we still won't find out epstein's entire list of client and that's why it's so important dick durbin gets the lead out. it's his decision whether they subpoena or not. after weeks of blocking republican requests, dick reportedly flipd and agreed to help get subpoenas for the epstein files in the new year. but congressional sources of telling primetime, they will believe it when they see it. and dick maybe saying this to
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get people off his back. >> too many of my colleagues are compromised in this area for whatever reason. someone whispered in their ear and says you don't want something to come out on something else, you better keep your mouth shut. that's how it continues to go. the honey pot or something russians used. >> jesse: is dick compromised? he has the opportunity to help america get the subpoenas. if you want to make sure dick doesn't back out. send him a tweet at x@senatordurbin to hold accountable. five teams have been charged with attacking a student. >> warning, this attack is difficult to watch.
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>> oh, my god. >> fox news chief correspondent, jonathan hunt with the latest. >> the video from audrey stone is horrible. we don't see how it started but how it ended. we see one student slammed into the ground and laying motionless as a hand full of students check on him. the victim was left with a fractured skull. four students have been arrested as well as one from a nearby school. police say that are i looking for another of the alleged tackers. there appears to be an anecdotal evidence of an increased violent behavior of students across the country and according to the national status for education statistic published last year. teachers and administrators
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believe the covid pandemic negatively impacted the socioemotional behavior of students. 38% of public schools says there has been a post covid attacks. only 13% said there had been an increase in physical attacks on teachers. these incidents are magnified by the power of social media videos. although as the parents of that student beaten at marjorie stoneman douglas say one beating is too many. >> watch out, joe biden sending in the wolves. ♪ ♪ if you've had enough of the uncontrolled symptoms of psoriasis...
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>> jesse: biden is turning colorado into a sanctuary state for an influx of a different variety. gray wolves. the state is releases 50 predators over the next five years. five were released yesterday and the farmers are terrified the beasts will chomp up the life stock, herding dogs, they have already eaten seven cows in wyoming. the state says it will pay ranchers $15,000 for each cow killed. super bowl winner derek killed a mountain lion. first of all, how did you kill a mountain lion? >> we used hounds and took him down with a bow. >> jesse: look at that beast,
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you're holding it up like a tackle. >> he was about as big as a running back. >> jesse: when you release the wolves into the country side, what could happen? >> well, i mean, here's the thing with these wolves. this proposition was back in 2020 when they voted on it. and the way they got this passed, they used a false narrative. they tried to make it seem like there wasn't wolves in colorado. there was already a pack of wolves in colorado. cpw was informed not to press that on to the public. so they used a false narrative and pulled the wool over the coloradoans eyes. it only passed by 30,000 to 80,000 wolves. i say we release these down in boulder or downtown denver. >> jesse: they will hit the dispensaries and pass out like the rest of the people. >> or they get the munchies.
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>> jesse: what is the thinking about the urbannites? >> well i think that, like you said, they don't have any education on it. they're like wolves are cool. i want wolves to be running around here. i think there's a bigger problem here. they introduced these wolves in the mid 1990's and northern yellowstone and the elk herd is down 80%. that's just the elk herds. these are apex killing machines. i don't know if this is an attack on our lives as hunters. it doesn't make sense to me. you're going to pay $15,000 per life stock killed. that's paper money that could be, we have homeless people everywhere. have you been to colorado lately? there's homeless people everywhere. why don't we use that money to pay for them instead of wolves doing nothing for us.
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>> this could be an attack on the hunting industry. you sit around and watch football and are dossel. what happens if you're confronted with a wolf? what should you do? i was told to swim towards a shark. is that the same thing with a wolf? do i want to go right at it? >> i think you got to stand your ground with a wolf because you have to be the alpha with the wolf. i would imagine. they are a pack. they are absolute killing machines. you don't want to play with them. you know, it's funny because we were talking about how this is an attack on hunters. colorado is trying to push another proposition through. proposition 91. they are trying to ban mountain lion hunting in colorado now. which mountain lions kill one to two elk a week. you have wolves, you're not allowed to hunt mountain lions. you're not going to be able to
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hunt anything. >> jesse: you're not allowed to vote for trump in colorado but bring in as many wolves you want. >> you can get high. >> just two terrible days in colorado. you can get high, eat shrooms but not vote for trump. >> we appreciate you, merry christmas. >> thank you, jesse, happy holidays brother. >> jesse: when i announced by book yesterday, you were upset you couldn't get it by christmas. go to jesse signed and preorder a signed copy. i will just write my hand all off and print this thing out.
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you throw this in the stocking. you're like the favorite member of the family. get it together. it's on its way. let's do text. mike from virginia, eagle pass, texas looks like woodstock without the music. eagle passed out. sarah from colorado, did you notice steven miller had an onion bagel in his suit jacket pocket? i don't believe that. murray from east troy, wisconsin. i thought hunter was court ordered to get a job. maybe marine 1 is giving him a ride home from work. stevens from new mexico. what is your problem with back packs? they are very convenient. once you leave middle school you can't have a back pack. it's going to take more than fish and naps to help joe biden. i'm waters and this is my


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