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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 19, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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hi, i'm janice, and i lost 172 pounds on golo. when i was a teenager i had some severe trauma in my life and i turned to food for comfort. a friend told me that i was the only one holding me back from being as beautiful on the outside as i am the inside. once i saw golo was working, i felt this rush, i just had to keep going. a lot of people think no pain no gain, but with golo it is so easy. when i look in the mirror, i don't even recognize myself. golo really works. record. that will do it. here now, "the five." ♪ ♪ >> hi i'm greg gutfeld along
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with katie>> g pavlik, harold f junior, jesse watters and has a restraining order against the elf on the shelf. danna perino, the five. danna kratz a painting republicans as murderers for simply wantingepub to have secu borders. check out what's happening in eagls hae pass, texas right now. a massive migrant sneaking around in a linesn that akwould the tswoa jealous. thousands of waiting to be processed by border patrol aftel they crossed into america illegally. texas governor, greg abbott, responding to this insanity by n enacting powers allowing cops t arrest illegals and boot them back to mexico. basically, he's doing the job that joe biden should be doing. of course reacting two that by playing the murder card. >> you look at somebody like oo greg cavetk t, my governor, his solution is basically to say, work to kill people trying to come in. that's not a solution.
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>> the governor of texas needs to take a look in the mirror of the chaos he is causing for thi countr hy. this is not just a chicago dynamic, he is attacking our ta >> the law is incredibly extreme . it does not make communities inn texas is safer. it just it does not.t. it dehumanizes it which is what republicans tend to do.publ it's certain them to dehumanize immigrants and also demonize .hem >> and of the biden administration gears o af the es challenge texas, abbott says th white house gave him the choice. >> biden's and deliver it. it left texas to fend for itself . the authors of the united state constitution foresaw aors situ when the federal government would be inattentive to stays d thatbe face the challenges at borders. >> and response, the inserted article one section ten to the
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united states constitution. to empower states to take actio and defend themselves. that is exactly what texas is doing. >> just see eagle pass it looks almost as chaotic as the philadelphia eagles offense las night. >> thanks, greg. e game, did your? just a final score. >> i heard it was pretty bad. actually worse than what's goin on eagleon pass right now. i'd be embarrassed. >> the eagles should throw up a drug because they might be able to see what's going on the secondary. at this drone has changed my mind. usually i'mindm against technol but this drone makes uc people call it invasion it's looking more and more like that as you see the images in the graphic >> i think when you say they're gonna kill people and that you use all this hyperbole , hitler, american people don't buy at do anymorn' the democrats have no solutions are, they just have smears. we are waking up to that fact. at this guy johnson is a total
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crybaby. he's got a couple migrants coming in that hasrant a city o mega people in chicago. eagle pass has at 30,000 people and thats they just brought 10,000 people into town. that's like having a three bedroom-that she went to a two and o still have to pay for it. the american people are now why is and that they understand it' a se ahuge problem and that we', been red pill. to you seen the fox poll? you didn't see it.he i'll tell you what it said. the country overwhelmingly want to the and build two thirdsly of one to the poor immediately, two thirds want find several businesses and tha we want to send the military to the bordert . joe biden is only a 20 percent approval for migration. it's like the easiest to pivot of all-time. if you say things are workinofg the border and it secure and that immigration system is broken if you did the republicans too help fix it and attacked the oneit republican w is fixing it, that does not mak
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any sense.y se texas is not good to be in a n sewing turnstile. it's not going to be a landing pad for the third world esso jo biden can turn texas. it's not gonna do that. if i applaud the governor for standing up and taking action. i'p anm sure it will be tied up court tomorrow. >> you know what i always love about thisys l? while they are actually ll demonizing, they're accusing ng others of demonizing. >> they go--at murderers. that's a demonization. m itth. >> talk about humanizing, how to t all the women who have go through horrible situations with the cartels on situtheir w here? how about the fact that people are standing t on the cold and that when pierce says that republicans want this to happen antod it dehumanizing that the border is actually closed inhum thatched asphalt, what's happening is pictured as a stic in your mind. her words go in when you're and out the other.e ot this drone and every media outlet could do
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everybody else couldis do this. i listen to npr this morning a very balanced.thisan >> while while i. >> i wasa: i w spitting nails b they leave the broadcast with the governor abbett story. about how horrible this is and how outrageous. i'm sitting there thinking, thi is the story of a lifetime.if look at what's happening. what is it i just saw?sa 260 percent overcapacity in onw place in eagle pass., inplus, they pulled all the bor patrol personnel from the bor highway, so if you were patrolling two may you see something suspicious ae s a star patrol officer and you would stop that car and guess what yo found 1 million fit fennel pills , numbern th that can happen right now because all of them have to go there in order to deal with this. the biden administration is forcing americans too sa y, we have to do something different. it might be drastic.o do g they're ivgiving people no choi
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but to change their opinion. >> they send them to chicago, dh that was the chicago mayor, ay right? let him take care of iort. t katiake, he's a murderer becaus he suggesting arresting someone for an arrestable offense. where does he get off? int it. >> right. for breaking into a sovereign company company illegally which isy. also illegal under federalj law.usenfo there does not enforcing it. poi to dana's point, the longer the let this go on, the more drasti the response will have, th to bo they are setting themselves up for that. the white house is continuing t trconty to say illegal immigrat has always beehat n a problem.s isit's nothing new. this is new and unprecedented. we've never seen this joene biden claims he's a s. dealmaker. msrepublicans in capitol hill w to stop the flow by doing asylu reform, the white house is demanding more money to continu managing the flow in allowing endless amount mans of people i. republicans are standing ground. they're saying we will give youi
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your crane fundingve and fundin for israelyo if you just to giv us a sign on reform and some a syborder security measures. s the white housece has responded that by saying as the press secretary do today that it's t dehumanizing and inhumane and that they hate illegal huma.imnts the final thing ismi, the press secretary alsol was going off about greg affects lights or a bbbussing to chicag co is a proud sanctuary city. the federal government has it been bussing and flying million of illegal immigrantilles it to anywhere they want to go for years it.r yefor them to kind a gaslight a sable sable lets inhumane for hl l,texas to do it by a couple thousand, but when we do it, he it's humann e improper in the right way to handle irregular immigration. >> harold, great to have you back at the table. >> good to be back. >> thankar you for that. >> the body politic is so divided. it making it worse is he can't govern. i don't disagree with anything s said around the table. b
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it is amazing to me at a time i which i'm 53 and remember what it was like when there was a national security threat when another country invaded another country. america was there. you makere a great analogy abou this is federal law i think it's democrats should stopde criticizing governor hav it. you can criticize his politics and other things, but not this issue. i would probably be doing the same thing. if your seas are being overrun, imagine what he's having to dea with in the mayor is there a ov local elected officials democrats and republicans are de being given a favorite in the house and senate. republicanees a favor because w need to support israel in ukraine. democrats have because of the border. thdeats e two come together and adults and let's pass something that makes the nation stronger so. it enforces and allows us to s enforce the laws of the border. whit means build a wall. higher more agency. reform the asylum process.
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use an employee every piece of technology to ensure that we ar able to locate these big groups of people coming before they ge to our border. this is not a democrat issue, and a republican issue. that's an issue that's broken. it's going to take real leadershipan on the part of bot parties to fix it.. >> pressure on mexico would be helpful because we can't like a drug over to see them ounless mexico's permission. .> that's a bit unfair >> at ted, it's the most embarrassing moment of joe biden 's pregnancy. , harris is no more popular. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> joe biden has hit rock bottom . joe because of his latest red record but a levelers or to stumble, harris is more popular than joe biden.op ulthe approval rating of our wo salad spewing bp is at 35 percent which is a hair better than aiher boss who cloc in at 34 it's n io wonder our deep is a p little extra spring in her step. it looks like she had a pretty
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good time at howard celebration at ballgame. >> vice president of united states, harrisbrat but also a v proud graduate of how--a very proud by them. m a on my team. our team. >> i don't know about all of that. >> that is joe biden bottoms oub a new report claims is a summar about his age and energy levelsl doctor jilevl has a prescriptio to get his mojo going again. it's not that.s n. first a lady trying to get her husband to eat better, rest mor in travel less. >> she is very involved in making sure that he gets enoughh rest. also been pushing him on his diet trying to get you more fish . and that sangamon and a little bit less junk food. >> dana, joe took a four day weekent, dd but he really wants travel more. >> i'm not sure how he could travel perhapavs if he does not take t
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32ndif commute from the east wi toeast the west wing. you could cut down on travel. i don't get it. because something is happening. >> i think the white house ing realizes that his numbers are solidifying in the low 30s. once you get two that point, it's hard to get out of it. it's also possible the white house and campaign team has specifically put this into the news cyclehaally to give a head the donors and tha t the party faithful tuesday say, look, we get it. are working on it.or no problemki. where there are leaks within a very tight white house. i think it's the former. i think they want everyone to neknow that doctor jill is on a he she's going to make sure he' okay. the thing about kamala harris i perhapous 17 staff turnover and makeover is a finally--it might be the case. se he's in pretty bad shape.
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this image of him is solidifyin in s the people mind. onced you get two that point, d to break apart concrete. >> and katie, did you think it's , let's rise>> j or joe does dissent that created this imbalance? >> i don't think she's rising. n the low 30s. b this poll is an outlier. she's usually in the high 20s. even lower 30s in terms of her approvallo. the bottom line is that there could have aom l hard time over next year trying to change the realities of it was making unpopular. they keep trying to say inflatioyn is going down, don't worry the reduction act which i tiona is it working it's workin rkinfix this problem. the neck and a get some big legislative deal over the next year that they can run on and win. now they're turning to things win.again like it don't worry, , working on junk visa. people don't like junk fees but they don'tbu like high prices ah the grocery store even more.
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they're running out of options in terms of turning the bow f around for big accomplishment based onr bi the makeup of what happening on capitol hill and s that the issues at that are them that take time to turn around and it reversal of the number of policies they've been championing over the last s three years. >> do you agree it's too late for the whit e house to turn things around? >> i don't they too late. 't ti don't dismiss or belittle fact that the white house is shared last week and we talked about.he f if there is a strategy i don't know what gyit is , up. it seems to be that one of the i things you would want to be talking about dating a well as any is something of your achievements and saying how you achievements will help you accomplish even ayinmore in theo four years. i could writ te when here. they don't need to listen to met we are building more things in america including chips and refrigerators an incd cars and prescriptiond drugs wpre don't to be dependenbet on others. were investing our purastructure apart republicans but people who didn't vote for the billthe are bragging about
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when money comes to their districts.thei with protecting women's health rights inflation is coming down unemployment is at a record low in the stock market seems to bea setting record highsrk. h they canig see it more passionately and for that matte repeated over and nateover agaip except am giving four more year it's what i would do. if you sit back and that you look at o.the numbers a talk ab things aren't relevant, the numbers will continue to persis whether saying is hair he shoul give is that line of cocaine. >> that's exactly what he's sayinghat why is it translating people's lives? ing something is going on that don't know. kamala harris is more popular than joe biden, not saying much. here are three things more popular, gangrene, getting to th e face with a hammer and the brian kilmeade. you mentioned that this tkd. , that has been playing the lon game. sh e did have to improve.e to
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she knows even if she stays put joe would degrade like a slicedh avocado. what he hangout with dana. i looked taller because she is shorter.beca kamala fails up every time joe falls down. she's like the dumb student who gets by because the teacher grates on a curve that. only two people in the class and one of them is t breakfast is embalming fluid.fl he can'tui rest anymore unless s checks into forest along.n. but the big question is, if the unloaded joe and i think they well, who gets it kamala?li is like when a couple splits up who gets theken cat? except nobody wants the cat. they need to have a rescue shelter for politicianees becau he can't stay on the with her without jo oe that stan quells saying thank you, thanisk you. >> wait a second, they would no jama kamala onto a ticket with gavin newsom?it i don't think so. that would be an accusation of
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racism. >> talk about a cat fight. >> we are here from that. >> were both from statre he. is there a constitutional : argument. because i really don't caris th. coming up, eric adams it said something about new york city that will shock you. ♪ ♪
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plane crashing into our trade al center to a person who's celebrating a new business at that's is open. this is a very complicated city. that's why it's the greatest city in the globe. now you would think thaty on yo woulwould want to clean up thos comments and apologize that by the insensitive 9/11 comparison bun,t no. mayor adams was doubling down todamayoy. the centers police that sit in a front of the tv and say, let's wait to see eric make one sentence we can turn into a a front page .li you can findst that many of tho because a authentic and i'm going to talk the way new yorkers talkthen.e those who would take my comment in good faith are not going to try to turn them around and all of a a suddendn say, you are tr to desecrate the 9/11. >> at dana maybe he made those comments because he was digging tobeca the bottom to find that things left about new york.
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>> i do love new york and o frustrated my biggest frustration right now is the sanitation situationtion. there is trash i literally everywhere. the trash is a big enough for i doesn't get picked up enough .up i feel for him in a way because i'm sure he would love to have do over give me a break i'm living on a train to be the leader. it was a very poor choice of words. i'm sure 100 things one of the things he mighe sat consider do when somebody asked you something like thacot it's interesting you ask me that so you camen sa ty something harol knows all about >> easy isis this tactic before. >> harold it's in question. i met with dana.inte i get people the benefit of the doubt i don't because a person that loves theople city more th eric adams it. i love to see him i'm raising m kids here. i might not have chosen those words and i think trying to giv
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it the most favorable light may be admitted to say he also will s the greatest i city of our resiliency. unlike you, what the crime and public safety issues addressed more. i think the mayor is committed to >> chassis, eric adams has a 28 percent approval rating which is the lowest of any new york mayor in a quarter-century 72 percent disapprove of the homeless issuerove. the mayor shot to.>> it looks like he knows he's he about to be indicted at any secondnows. these federal charges that have destroyed him.ra he looks like a shell of its former self.e de but he cross the mob boss joe s biden.el anytime you cross the f box, li menendez and doing trouble like is going to adams accommodate did it publicly on migration an was a sore subject for the president and now he's going to destroy his entire political future. it's sad to watch because the guy cares about the city.ou he's also t beacon.
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and so he's out running on fumeu . you knowmes. anybody that men n animalat m protein in your comb that with the fact that techies burned the candle at both ends because he i bs doing this restaurant seemed all the time. he's waking up and tired and hungry .s hihus approval rating is in the gutter and now he's looking at the fact these good has been that the rest of us like payinf white-collar criminal defense attorneys to fight this federal indictmentite- it's about to hi in second. econd be saying stupid stuff to. .prpeak with precision eci was trained to speak with precision and i've never said anything. >> greg, should we get the mayo some key proteine ge. the big invites to cause regula he should've just stopped and i right there inside pass. and it's a big draw to the city
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's terrorism and it's kind teof in my opinion counterintuitive. this iopins a really handsome g in his best quality is chlamydia . you know it so appealing that i attract the worst. that'st th what he's saying. you can use the logic for we got a lot of property thefth. >> are homeless problem i think his point was thatks. anything gonna put that down on the list. one of the things is that peopl are opening up businesses and i see a lot of empty stores you y gotta be higouh to live here. h
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>> there are a lot of pot erstos . every corner. >> alex baldwin coming up under attack by pro- hamas agitators appeared see the wild video, up next. ♪ ♪ e is responsibility,
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including tylenol, mucinex, zicam, and nyquil / dayquil. the combat symptoms and boosts immunity. biovanta really works. ♪ ♪ >> alec baldwin losing his cool but for a good reason. the actor clashing with a groupr of anti- israeli protesters who haggled old and and asked him while he was just on his way toi teach acting class in new york citys way . [bleep]p] [indiscernible]
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[bleep] >> baldwin was apparentlreg:y dw mindining his business with a protesters spotted him and aggressively got in his facem as given baldwin away before thing could escalate rather weing hag little bit more from the protesters. nypd kkk--they're all the same. that is so dumb. what a chance. whatwhat kind of a champ is tha? the nypd kkk and idf are all th same. there are two thingsar going on. these protesters are young and
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ideologically capture their wel organized over with limitless and profoundly anti- west, anti somatic. this is something that's been brewing and well prepared for. this is what happens. you have thousands of brainwashed dominions who see october 7 as a victorybrai. v when you have a liberal like alec h baldwin fighting left-wi protesters, you're got trouble. protesters it may be in the old days it might went to ap persuaded people. this is nothing like that. itthin diminishes at sympathy y would have been the cause which makes it think of that they kno nkthat the ty don't they're not interested in persuadingn' it'srs not about the cause it, it's about building an empty an hole in their lives. the left is created a society predicated on meaninglessness. at church's exit, family trucks
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tradition and patriotism.uc all you have as your ego into thirst forou h attention. this is at only activity. you can tell. they hadn te no desire to engag. they're trying to instill fear and shut you down. i think it's going to get worse before it goes away. >> it is it weird how a camera , finds him wherever he goes. i'm surprised by. >> i feel bad for .him i though his reaction was entirely human and understandable even defensible.en the bigger issue is what greg i touching on. i don't mind people as long as they stay in the confines of th law protesting about things i ou completely disagree with. people who protest have to also understand on how what they think some of us are wrongtand what the peopl wroe that may be the other side of the issue areh wrong that they could absolutel be wrong as well the right to b stupid is the one that we protect in america were founded
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on we that premise. >> and kept it. one of the things i hoped i thought were alec baldwin said you made your mind up before be foabout the question you're ask t you don't want an answer.we eitherr. is some of that that s people feel it i think rightly e protesters of th college campus has been a place over the many yeare bes where protest has a vomitted growth and vomited a grown informed us all better they antiwar protest on college campuses the south africa protests on campus. helped us gecat to a better outcome. i s am not sure what these protesters are doing that will help us enable us to get to a better place sooner than we should. some of the things they talk about hethat ways in which wayst people are treated i think there's fairwhere points about you mabehaved like this to grege point, youg' belittle, diminish and that you make it almost improbablemi if not impossible
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that we are going to get to a better ending or outcome. >> that's your answer they wanted to be impossible. it's about destroying western culture. >> you think so? >> absolutely. it's a pro terrorism knob and alec baldwin got surrounded by it by o tem moit.e this groupha of pro- hamas and agitators that win gd of night community for a women who is a mother who is 19 -year-old daughter daughter astilbe healt costs hostage by hamas. they swarmed that building and her the people in the event. the then they swarmed onto the trai station the main train station across from penn station and they were harassing train ss passengers ain fully covered wi their faces and sunglasses on with their scarves and when you're in new york city and you'ren yo trying to go on a tr and you heart pro- terrorist agitators preventing you from movement preventing you from y having aou peaceful night maybe
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with your family and kidpes tha say cheddaly ar terrifying experience. they have no interest in havingo a debate they want to conquer, o be in charge and subjugate want people. it's exactly what they did yesterday. it's a shame alec baldwin got stopped. i'm glad he told them the there were people who trying to figure out ways to get their kids back from these terrorists in the gaza strip and they were harassing hiomthesm. >> at jesse you're an expert in the ambush. how do you think alec baldwin handle it.ho >> the fins on what side of the ambush you are on. if you did that with me when i i was filming, i love itth. you want anger. if i was his person, i would no be so happy about if i was his white ibe but more and happy bu i'm thinkingt th by what i imag myself as as alec baldwin's white? as >> when i look at the story i try to take myself out of it which is difficult for me were given the stories and we have t
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make a comment and were trying to fight off my heart for my head. in a way, i don't like alec baldwin he doesn't like me and unlike anythine meg i do or say stand fo anyr, he's killed a wo in that he cried about in and lied about it didn't really hav to face any charges.rges i also don't like the mob tactics and i also kinda wanted him to take ctica swing at at someone so would be good television swit. for the first time all year, an conflicted. ii don't know what to say. >> don't let that stop you. >> i'm not can i let it stop me. i'm gonna say i like alec baldwin's swagger, but i agree with youer, . why is he always finding them selves in these situations? and howell-that she's always hitting reporters, but he spareo the pro- hamas agitator?>> d >> i think it's amazing you got all the way to the summer 19 without ever being conflicted. that's pretty good. >> i'm paid to not be conflicted
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> morse has been ever, or a hero to men everywhere. former coach rex ryan rebuildin he once went to cancún by himself and strained his wife a the airport because of one of their dogsairp was sick and cou not fly with him.>> >> i did what every man who's been married for 37 years, packed up your stuff went home and spent the week with your wife and you sick dog. >> of course not. i went down to cancún on the third i'm sitting back there in drinking beer inlaying and having a good time in the ocean and enjoying the sun.nd of course, that's what every ma would don, >> how would you feel if peteroe
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and tepercy at the airport and peter decided tto leave and a y ane and percy went home instead going to cancún? >> percy and i would have a .reat week that would be great. >> this is unimaginable to me because of peter and i met on a bitplane and that we enjoy traveling together, but if the dog was sick, we would've staye home together, i'm pretty sure.n i have a feeling his wife was cool with him going. i might good, go. see you next week at. >> would you need guns?ve >> here is the deal. anyone at married for three or five or even 15 year thrs passi judgment, no. shut up. he wanted to be time after almost ame m years of marriage. it's like a grunt for criticizing a 5-yard general r e because he's no longer on the front lines. is ow you've been there long enough, your father wars, you earned it. you do for decades and then you can pop off. he couched in a way like you gou time on for good behavior. he did hisff f did to the big h.
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gets a little parole. i say it's good to. my wife and i usually fly separately wif because i'm terr tosepa be around. i think it's great.s i think listening to harold a talk, the new model for fox should be america's watching, i should be your wife is watching. >> waiti apply separately? because you have to get that three hours early?i ge >> she's like 30 at minutes. >> thirty mins before. >> would you be upset if your :0 husband did this? t >> no. i would probably be fine with him going and happy with taking care of the dould g. i think if it's a different situation when you're in the bathroom or getting water late or you are a lady in your husband leaves on the plane, that's on you.d le because he didn't make up the time. for a sick dogn't up , it wouln about it. be i think it's fine. >> your very generous. >> what are your thoughts?rt
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they were at the airport together and she intended. if she said go on the trip and they get to the airport togethe the dog getsthe it says look a going with dog. would you do that to emma? >> no. to they're divorced now. rex and his white? >> are they? that's what johnny told me. he also got a tattoo of the wif on his and then he divorced her. >> does this need to be fact checked, because i don't believ you? >> you back to check it. >> by the way, i agree with gre generally. at 37 euros at this happens.s >> out that you haare my dutch touch that theht yy were going cancún. >> my boycott is still in effect .ded i don't know if i could do thatt >> the first time--at their a: tstill >> johnny? ask about the type to. >> they had two sons torex,--a tattoo of your wife o
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your calf? at. >> he must done something bad.r >> why would youmu do that? you can't even see it.esse >> where we should have on our base? >> may be put on your forearms you could look at your wife.want if you put on your calf in the body can see about the person behind you is.d >> it's not that he can remembe what she looks like. at the bar sitting there you can't take the tattoo off. >> when you're drinking and you see her like thi>> jts? >> no. i don't understand why people get tattoos on the side of the body that they can't see. >> it's called a tramp stamp at. >> tattoos-- >> on your calf at. >> on your lower back. >> tech to use of your wife are great when you don't have your wedding arringe on. >> i want to saywhen something. i do not take my wedding ring off it. >> you said you did yesterday. >> now, greg said i did. >> i said i turned around so yo could see the diamond. >> you guys a pay too much attention to what i say. tei said int am glad there's a -
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-t's >> usually i do. >> my wife is watching, sweetheart i would do exactly what you told me to doeart. one more thing is up next ♪ ♪ (dad) no way they'd take this wreck. (carolers) ♪ yes, they will, in any condition. ♪ ♪ get iphone 15 pro and ipad and apple watch - all on them! ♪ (mom) please forgive him. (carolers) ♪ it's all good - just a little awkward. ♪ (soloist) think we'll wrap this up. (vo) it's your last chance to turn any iphone in any condition into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium and ipad and apple watch se - all on us. that's up to $1700 in value. only on verizon.
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at $40 a month. it's the same news programming you love starting at $40 a month. >> that's what i just said right? >> it's the same stuff. less starting at $40 a month. sling and generally women bar all. all right. it's one more thing. i get to go first tonight. oh, what a great show we have. we have jayme lasalle, riley gaines character, ben tire is tonight. ted barrett. let's do this, fellas. greg's absolutely disgusting news. this is going to make your eyes bleed. it's so repulsive. check out this disgustins disgug baby otter, a tiny rescued baby otter pop sea otter pupa ot was broughtet to the chicago's shedd aquarium from alaska last month. >>m al he's very vocal, makeises
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some funny noises, but he weighs. £11 and it's pure fluff. baby likes to swim around and munch on ice treats as part of its disgusting lifes as. >> this makes me sick. listen, listen. now he's not talking. g th i mean, speaking. he was making some funny noises. sounds like harold during the break. there it is. yeah, that's right. cat. yeah. great. speakingt gr of harold, you're next. a parade of santas tradedeigh in their sleighs for gondolas as part of venice's annualta christmas regatta. >> oh, i like this. it was the 13th edition of this traditio n in which competitorsa rolled through the floating city's iconic canals. >>will a personal privilege thanksl to the medical and care teams. nyu presbyterian.guys >> shout out to you guys. yeah. and prayers. >> wow. all right. check out this cute pomeraniants puppy named pepper. >> her owners call her a tornado of fluff because is whas
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is what she does when the mail comes through the slot. it's vere y cute.n sh she likes to play their old sided when she gets maybe some letters from, you know,y her friends at doggy day care. >> scatornado tornado of love. >> very cute. pepper. hmm. interesting. eppeall right, dana, mine is not funny. >> i carried it over from america's newsroom. there's a woman named brittany o'connor. she's the wife of u.s. navy officer, lieutenant rachel connors. she was on america's newsroom this morning because i 202 her husband has beenh in japaneshie custody since 202. he was with his wife and children heading to lunch. he hadt coafte lost consciousner suffering acute mountain sickness. twt. was an accident. two japanese citizens perished in that. they, the japanese, held him even though there was no alcohol involved. >> and he ways held in solitarys confinement. it is an outrage. he finally now been has been transferred to the united states, but he is still in u.s. custodbeint y. ney th he's being held at a jail in los angeles. here'sis brittany this morning. >> even if he were notifthroug to commute the sentench e, if ws
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go through the normal process, through the doj, lik dife i saib there is nothing difficult about this case. hehe could be home.>> dan he could be homea: in time forna christmas. >> let me be clear. so what happened was they were coming down the mountain. thatppened.. ion toident so that's what happened. so he momentarily lost consciousness. t they paid restitution to theb families. president biden and kamala harris really theh the job here. do the right thing, commute the sentence and pardon him so fa can be home with his family by christmas. he's been in jail in japan since 2021. he should no. it be in jail in america. >> jesse, when i announce this groundbreaking >> jesse. i don't know what you'd call it. a work of art. itget it together.orin yesterday, people were asking, clamoring, indeed. how cagn t n i get a signed copw well, you can go to w w w jesse's signed book. >> you preorder it, and then the in march you'll get the signed copy sent to your house, and then to stay in between thee thing in the stocking. se >> welcome to jesse watters. prime time tonight


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