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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  December 20, 2023 6:00am-7:01am PST

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[cheers and applause] >> carley: incredible. imagine being able to sing like that. all right. >> brian: something very exciting now. >> carley: five days to christmas. we're counting down with the advent calendar. day 20 down there. >> lawrence: you are shorter than me, you want to get it? >> carley: it's a game, guys. this is -- >> this is pictionary. you do the picture and then a.i. has to guess what it is. available at target, wal-mart, amazon. >> break the ice with extended family. >> carley: if you want to stay in a hotel. >> they want to silence me
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because i'll never let them silence you. in the end they aren't after me, they're after you. i just happen to be standing in their way. >> bill: that from iowa. booted from the ballot. the state of colorado ruled he is disqualified from holding office and not on the ballot in that state pending appeal. this was a whopper. it continues today. i'm bill hemmer good morning. >> dana: that's how it will turn out, too. the u.s. supreme court will say it's a whopper and shut it down. i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." a four-judge majority on the colorado supreme court ruled he is disqualified from appearing on the state's presidential ballot despite charged never being charged or convicted of the events of january 6th. he is vowing to appeal. >> bill: democrat party leaders are in a state of paranoia over the growing dominant lead president you trump has in the
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polls. they have lost faith in the failed biden presidency and doing everything they can to stop the american voters from throwing them out of office next november. meanwhile, the former president's republican rivals, all of them it appears, are rallying around him in support. >> we don't need to have judges making these decisions. we need voters to make these decisions. >> that strikes me as the wrong decision and it is appalling for the future of our country. we're not a country where we want the federal police state to decide who is or isn't running. we don't want it to be decided by a small group of people behind the back of palace walls. it should be decided by the people of this country. >> dana: governor ron desantis also weighing in saying this. the left invokes democracy stow justify it's use of power even misusing judicial power based on spurious legal grounds.
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>> bill: former deputy press secretary and matt gorman. we start with reaction on the trail from iowa. mark meredith. >> good morning to you. we're getting a lot of reaction including the trump campaign. they will appeal this and confident they'll prevail in the decision which many expect will be reviewed by the u.s. supreme court within a matter of weeks. a little surprising though last night as trump was here in iowa for a rally, he did not specifically bring up the events happening in colorado. however, his website now fundraising off of what has happened. when you go to his site people are told here is what we think and asked to chip in. they put out a statement saying we have full confidence the supreme court will quickly rule in our favor and finally put an end to these unamerican lawsuits. the head of the republican party is calling the decision election interference. we have yet to hear president
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biden weigh in. but even if some of trump's fiercest critics say they believe this ruling goes too far. >> i do not believe donald trump should be prevented from being president of the united states by any court. i think he should be prevented from being president of the united states by the voters of this country. >> this decision could have sweeping implications for the 2024 race especially because voting set to begin here in iowa and new hampshire and basically a month from now. overnight voters had a chance to react in realtime. >> i don't think it's fair. i think he should be able to run. >> it's b.s. >> i certainly don't want to support a candidate that is not going to be able to be on the ballot. >> he is not qualified to run. >> i'm happy. it takes another person out of the line. >> we are hearing from the plaintiffs who filed. we are gratified from trump
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can't appear on a colorado ballot. he engaged in insurrection against it and made himself ineligible for public office. trump does not have any campaign events on the schedule today. he was only here in iowa for a few hours and we don't know if he will have anymore events this week. christmas is fast approaching. given the developments we've seen in colorado and what it could mean for the race we'll hear from him a lot over the next few days. >> bill: we have a couple days on the calendar to mark. dana. >> dana: here is jonathan turley reacting last night on ingraham angle. >> i think the opinion is really chilling. i think that the supreme court will make fast work of this theory. i hope it does. but i think this court did great damage to its own integrity with this opinion. this is a time when we actually need democracy. we need to allow the voters to vote. this is hands down the most anti-democratic opinion i've
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seen in my lifetime. >> dana: i do think the supreme court takes it up and quickly and i think it will be quite decisive and clear. a tid bit we picked up on. on the colorado supreme court, the three that voted against this all went to the university of denver law school. >> bill: the four who vogted with? >> harvard, penn, yale, and virginia. >> bill: interesting. it was a 4-three decision there and all seven justices in colorado appointed by democratic governors and that court of the seven justices serve 10-year terms. some of them have a long ways to go. the 14th amendment is the question here. we get an education on the constitution. it reads in part no person shall be a senator, representatives of congress or elected president or vice president who having previously taken an oath shall have engaged in insurrection and rebellion against the same or given aid or comfort to the
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enemies there. and he mccarthy, who knows this stuff as well as anybody was saying it does not apply to a president. >> dana: that's what the state appeals court said in colorado. >> bill: so that is going to be argued and apparently one of the justices -- let's try and advance this, guys. a call for number six, okay? this is what the colorado secretary of state said last night exactly about that point about the president. >> section three of the 14th amendment does apply to the presidency. and honestly, i think section three of the 14th amendment has to apply to the presidency because if not, it's a get out of jail free card. >> bill: so these are the lines that are being drawn. let's bring in jose and matt to talk about this. good morning to both of you. matt, go first. does it stand? >> it certainly won't stand. i think it will get wiped out by
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scotus but i think the problem is again no due process and no conviction here. the people who brought the suit are talking as if he was convicted of something, which he hasn't. chris christie is right. if you don't want him to be present, valid opinion. do it through the voters, not the courts. one other point. joe biden likes to cloak himself as defender of democracy, defender of norms and saying why he ran for president. i can promise you we'll hear very little from the white house and him on this and if the media gave him a pass on that. >> dana: robert f. kennedy, jr. said i'm not a trump supporter, if i were i wouldn't be running against him. i want to beat him in a fair election not because he was kicked off the ballot. do you think biden might say something similar? >> it will end up in the supreme court and we can all agree in that regard. i think unfortunately i will get
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reversed but at the same time i think the challenge here for the conservative judges is number one, if they are as originalist as they say they are and read the 14th amendment they'll understand the presidency is part of the office that should not be held if you engage in the insurrection the way the former president did. the white house will respond. president biden will respond. at the end of the day it might be a good day for the former president when it comes to fundraising numbers but not a good day for the president when it comes to morale and not a good day for the former president when it comes to doing the right thing. there are a lot of voters will say in colorado whether it stands in the supreme court or not that will have second doubts and second guess whether they should be voting for former president trump. >> bill: you said it will be overturned by the supreme court and that's what matt said. if you are right the debate is over. here is, however, the legal
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challenges across the country right now against the former president. would you call it yellow or orange? >> dana: gold. >> bill: right on. in gold are the states with suits to bar trump from the ballot. that's all pending. in green are the pending appeals and then you have colorado which has ruled to bar trump. so if it goes to the u.s. supreme court so we're clear on this. if they strike down the ruling in colorado, everything on that map come off then? >> it should. i don't think democrats want to open pandora's box here. if suddenly for some reason you can start striking people off ballots they won't like where it leads in conservative states wrongly so. not a matter if it applies to the president or not he has never been convicted anything regarding what the 14th amendment said. it's due process. that's a really important point, too. one last point we're less than
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30 days from the iowa caucuses. time and attention are at a premium. if you are one of his opponents when all the attention is going to him and defend him in this case, that will hurt you especially as people tune out for three to five days as normal people the end to do from the holidays on the pace of news. it hurts his opponents in a way as well. >> dana: jose, as the democrats, the more they talk about the lawsuits against president trump, the more his poll numbers seem to go up, and the less president biden talks about his accomplishments, however he wants to frame them, the more his poll numbers go down. so i'm curious about the dnc's position because i imagine that you would love to try to beat president trump on the merits but right now is the court your best hope? >> well, it's not because we beat former president trump once. we can beat him again. we have to remember we look back at 2016, the night before the
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election, every single poll said that hillary clinton was going to be president of the united states. every single poll was wrong. i think polls will be wrong again. we're still over eight, nine months before the 2024 presidential election. light years in politics. i don't really go by polls. i think i go by the sentiment of the people and look at where the economy is going. inflation going down, job creation up. gas prices going down. things are looking up for president biden. whether the polls say one thing or another i'm more interested on election day and i think biden will beat trump once again. >> bill: ten months to battle that out. >> dana: ten months feels like a long time or next week? >> bill: might be here in a heartbeat. >> it will fly. >> bill: thanks for coming on. >> dana: another top story. another record shattered at the southern border, cbp sources tell us there were 12,600 migrant encounters there on monday alone. that's the highest one-day total
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ever. bill melugin covering the story live in lukeville, arizona. hi, bill. >> good morning to you. cbp sources tell fox news since the month of december 1st began there have been over 190,000 migrant encounters at the southern border. for perspective it's equivalent to the population of birmingham,al -alabama crossing our border. we had another place illegal crossing overnight. well over 500 people. hundreds still camped out here at the border wall waiting for border patrol to pick them up. there are a couple of border patrol agents here as the ratio continues to be horrible for these agents and show you how this happened overnight. look at this video. we were out here hours ago. pitch black as people came through a breach in the border wall. hundreds at a time. we're told by border patrol it was more than 500 people. they continue coming in from all over the world.
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large amounts of adults coming in from africa. this tucson, arizona sector had 2,900 illegal crossings yesterday alone with 200 people coming in from guinea. also talked to folks from liberia and other african countries. it is non-stop. a chance to talk with a group of indian men who just crossed illegally. take a listen. >> where are you from? >> india. >> everybody here from india? >> yeah. >> where do you guys want to go in the united states? >> california. >> everybody here california? new jersey. seattle, new york. okay. why did you guys come to the u.s.? >> sorry? english no. >> do you want to work, you want a job? >> yes. no. >> you don't want to work? >> life in danger. >> then you often hear us talk about how back logged the asylum
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system is. a columbian woman who was released into the u.s. got documentation having her check in with ice in new york city in the year 2031. that's eight years away, guys. i talked to her immigration attorney. he says that document left him stunned after practicing immigration law for nearly 30 years. take a listen. >> they gave her a return notice to come back in 2031. so that's quite possibly the most unusual thing i've ever seen in my near three decades of practicing immigration law. it made me realize the biden administration is basically providing back door amnesty for anybody who wants to show up at the border. >> that immigration attorney went on to tell me his client is a legitimate asylum seeker with what he feels is an airtight case but he fears they may never get a chance to actually argue
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that case in court because of how back logged the system is with illegitimate asylum claims and the numbers coming across the border that system will only get clogged further. >> dana: i want to ask you, maybe bring hemmer in here as well. when you are asking the gentleman from india and they said yes, i want to work, no, you are supposed to say danger, life danger. did you get a sense their life is really in danger or coached to say that? >> to be honest, i got the sense they were coached to say that. if you heard what the guy said they're like we want a work, job, no, no, life in danger. then we cut off the interview. after that i asked okay, how did you guys get here? where did you fly into? they all gave me a blank look and said they don't speak english and couldn't answer the question. once you start asking questions that get more uncomfortable for them, they stop going from real friendly and chatty and don't
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want to talk so much anymore. there are legitimate asylum seekers down here but a massive amount of illegitimate asylum claims being made, guys. >> bill: great work down there. two things to ask yourself, the cartels pay attention to the news in america. if they're watching the polls and they election year coming up, it is quite likely, right, that there is a big push right now because of that. we'll talk to one of our favorite guys on the border, chris clem, next hour about that. do we have the sound bite from the immigration attorney? if we have that, so what he is saying is that they got this notice to return ten years from now, right? eight years, 2031. and he is making the case that he has never seen it that way before. maybe because of the mass amount of migration that we have. he has not seen any of this the way we're seeing it now. >> dana: when they played the video of that lawyer his eyes look like i am actually shocked.
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>> bill: here we go again. eagle pass, texas. they have the sheets around their back. it is chilly, 40, 45 degrees in the morning and they keep on coming. we'll bring you back that story in a moment. check this out. >> what we've seen is much larger than the ones we've had in the past three years. this could continue for weeks or even potentially months. >> bill: watch this now out of iceland. it will be with us for some time now. that country is covered with a massive volcanic eruption and get updates today and see where we stand as of now. >> dana: the president of harvard facing new allegations of plagiarism that keep piling up numbering in the dozens. could it force the school to take some action? >> bill: hunter biden spotted on marine one, the helicopter landing on the south lawn. it might not be a big deal except he was not listed on the white house visitors log. how the white house now is
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justifying that one. >> why does the president think it's appropriate that taxpayer dollars should be used to fly him around when he has been indicted and just -- >> the president and first lady love their son very, very much. ou r farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. there's value in buying american made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain. we want our customers to feel how special this product is, right when they open the box. go to and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20.
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>> bill: here is the news out of iceland now. rivers of lava spew from a volcano in the country's most populated part, southwest corner of the island nation. the flow has weakened a bit since it first erupted monday but they're not out of the woods. this story could be here for some time. cb cotton has more on this now. >> good morning. the volcano eruption appears to be weakening but some scientists say it's too soon to know what could come next. three vents of lava are still spewing from a long crack in the
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earth's surface. experts warning more vents could open up. right now people are breathing a sigh of relief that the nearby town of grindavik is spared after people evacuated last month. these are some of the latest images. you can see the vibrance of the bright yellow, orange and red lava in contrast to the barren land around it. the volcano erupted monday night local time in southwest island during the first few hours of the eruption lava was spewing at 66,000 gallons per second. the intensity has continued to taper off ever since. the eruption coming on the heels of weeks of persistent earthquake activities raising fierce the eruption would be imminent. now that it's here iceland is monitoring the lava flows and any new vents open along the crack. if they do the warning time could be very short. as you said we're expecting updates from icelandic officials this hour. >> bill: keep us posted. cb cotton, thank you. >> we call for his immediate and
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unconditional release and yes, of course we have deep concerns about the deterioration and protection for human rights and fundamental freedoms in hong kong. that includes the rule of law. >> diplomatic pressure building over a closely watched case in hong kong. an activist and critic of china's communist party leaders may find himself behind bars for life on trial under a recent law critics say was crafted by beijing to crush dissent. it came about after the huge pro-democracy rallies that took over the streets in 2019 and 2020. his son, sebastian, joins us and bill mcgurn, fox news contributor and the godfather of jimmie lye. how is your father doing? >> he seems to be in, you know, high spirit. he has given everything he has to stand up for his beliefs but,
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you know, he is 76 and been in a maximum security prison the last three years. i can't imagine what that does to him physically. >> dana: the national review editorial board said this, bill. china's show trial is the sign of things to come. he is making an example out of him. the verdict is pre-or daneed. it's about demonstrating china's resolve to the pro-democracy movement scattered across the globe. do you think it's pre-ordained and if that's the case and you heard what the state department said, is there anything that the united states can do to change this outcome? >> i think we have to lobby for his release as a u.s. and u.k. have just done largely because of the work sebastian has done going to visit leaders and so forth. the national security law is a sham. basically the government is
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arguing hong kong people would never embrace democracy, would never want freedom themselves unless foreigners and jimmie lye were pushing it on them. it is just not true. i don't know how jimmie is doing in prison. i don't get updates like that. let me tell you he draws strength from his faith and his family. that young man you have on this show has been tireless in working for his father and also jimmie's wife. they are an incredible witness to freedom. >> dana: sebastian former secretary of state mike pompeo talked about the broader implications of this for not just our national security but our economy as well. listen here. >> my expectation is this will get worse until the administration takes the threat seriously. american businesses operating in mainland china and hong kong today are under threat. the national security law lets
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the communist party let them grab anyone, westerners being held and detained and interrogated is only increasing. >> dana: last word to you why viewers watching here and why our u.s. government and business leaders should care about this case. >> this case is important because we need to remind hong kong that campaigning for democracy and freedoms is not a crime. journalism is not a crime. hong kong tells the world they still want to trade and still want to be a financial center. they can't do that if they have all these political prisoners and peaceful pro-democracy campaigners, journalists like my father in prison. we must stand firm on our ideals and tell them that we are not willing to trade our values. >> dana: i wish you both the very best. thank you for being such a stalwart supporter of jimmie lai and we follow the story very
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closely here. thank you both. >> bill: been on that story for some time. a similar of american industrial power turns itself into a shadow of its former self. the sale of u.s. steel for a japanese business. houthi rebels on the attack against ships in the red sea. there will be supply chain problems. some of them will come back to life and it could cost your bottom line in a big way. >> these attacks have to stop. they need to stop. they're unacceptable. the united states, our allies and partners will do what we have to do to counter the threats and protect these ships.
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- [narrator] wounded warrior project helped me find the strength to go further than i ever thought possible. - [narrator] i was able to come outta my shell and really connect with others. - [narrator] so i can feel like part of a team, part of the community again. - [narrator] it's possible to live better. - [narrator] it's possible to have a voice and to be heard. - [narrator] to feel understood. - [narrator] to find peace. - because i've experienced firsthand that anything is possible. (inspirational music)
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>> dana: this is real. this is happening right now. these are migrants just making their way from the border into our country. >> bill: every day. >> dana: we have a neck pillow just in case. a little rest along the way. this is happening in lukeville,
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arizona where bill melugin is and he will be bringing you live reports all day long as this is just showing no signs of stopping. cbp sources say it's breaking a record. they top 190,000 people in december. >> bill: another selfie. you see the wall in the distance. at some point they came through. whether a hole or gap in the wall. they will be processed and soon you will see our drone cameras overhead showing you where they assembly next. >> dana: can he tell you something about the selfie? last week we saw the reporter from mexico, a journalist from mexico saying it is happening a lot. this is how they are communicating with families back home and send the selfie that said i got here and because they look like they're in pretty good shape they encourage family members to follow. >> bill: the backpacks are clean, clothes are clean. what was happening on the
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mexican side of the border? how did the cartels take care of them? all these questions we watch every day and said it before, no country in the world runs their borders the way we run our borders today. all right. enough of that. let's go to pittsburgh steel. >> what's in the best interest of america? david mccaul, president of the largest union for steel 1.2 million members wasn't even notified, which is in violation of their partnership to begin with. nearly 1,000 or more are laid off just in one specific area. so this is extremely concerning. >> bill: now here is the deal. the end of an era for u.s. steel. they agree to sell itself to a japanese company worth $14 billion. is it good for america? larry kudlow is here now. good morning to you. "wall street journal" picks it up this way. u.s. steel sales industrial
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policy, boomerang. the backlog is at a 15-year high. because u.s. steel makers can't meet demand projects will be delayed or contractors will have to pay higher prices for foreign steel. that's bad for consumers. the pampered u.s. steel makers will benefit from higher prices and profits. good deal or not, larry? >> look, i'm okay with the deal. it's ironic or amusing that the 25% steel tariff put in in 2018 just didn't work. it was done as industrial policy to help the steel companies. it was done in the name of national security. many of us who -- i was still outside the administration, opposed it because we just said these kinds of tariffs are not going to work. they won't preserve the company
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and they are probably going to undermine competition and make the company less efficient. i think that's what happened. actually, between 2018 and 2022, u.s. steel lost 7,000 jobs, okay? go figure. the thing didn't work. now look, the japanese steel company is fine. they'll come in, take over the plants, there is 11,000 union jobs, as i said there is 22,000 total employees. japan is our ally. we have nothing to worry about with respect to national security. we should not overreact. let the market work. there are other steel companies. hang on. i'm losing the sound. sorry, i'm losing the sound. i just want to say you have left cleveland clips, nucore, a very good company and smaller company steel dynamics.
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so the american steel industry has been shrinking for 100 years, okay? i don't think this deal has any particular impact at all. >> bill: fetterman, the senator, said steel is about security and he vows to block it. can he? >> well, no, i don't think he can. they would have to have -- they would have to bring this up in front of the commerce department. they might have to bring this up in front of the committee on foreign investment. i think it would be very hard for one senator to block it. he would need 60 votes. i don't believe he can. i do think, look, i think j.d. vance and there is a group that wants to have hearings, okay? we should have hearings. i'm okay with that. bear in mind. it was an argument that laugher and i made years ago.
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canada is our ally, japan is our ally. we don't have to protect against our allies. we should let market forces work, okay? that's different than china. i want to make this point. i completely supported the china tariffs. by then i was in the administration. china is our adversary. china is our enemy. china steals intellectual products. china forces the transfer of technology. so the difference between china and japan is the difference between day and night. china being night, by the way. japan being day. >> bill: last question, larry, coming up on christmas, i want to show our viewers what is happening with the stock market. the dow hit 37,500 around that area. can you give us kudlow's 30 second synopsis as to why the market is running the way it is? is the economy better than people think? >> profits, the mother's milk of
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stocks, are holding up. profits are holding up, point one. point number two, market interest rates, like the 10-year treasury, have dropped over a full percentage point. that's very good for the outlook for future profits. and number three, you cannot time the market, okay? you should own the s&p index or you should own the broad indexes. you should own them forever. no one can time the market. you miss big rallies like this. kudlow trust is doing very well for a change and merry christmas to you and dana. >> bill: the kudlow trust. i'm writing that down. we believe in you. thank you, larry, merry christmas to you. larry kudlow. >> thank you. >> dana: democratic mayor of boston is doubling down on her holiday party that excluded white officials. how she is justifying it. ♪
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>> bill: you'll have to watch this story now until it subsides. attacks from routey rebels in the red sea forcing cargo ships to go to safer waters. a long way around the continent of africa. a threat to global supply chains and pocketbook. edward lawrence knows the issue all too well. the north lawn of the white house. >> interesting. so far shipping companies are not convinced that operation prosperity guardian will work. vessels from 14 companies are rerouting around the red sea. for example it takes round-trip from china to new york 90 days instead of 50 for goods because of the extra distance.
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industry experts say any long-term rerouting of shims with any goods made overseas could have a significant impact on inflation. >> we rely on highly complex large and global supply chains. americans will be impacted but they won't feel the biggest impact and it won't be the soonest. where the biggest impacts will be felt are in areas like oil and gas in europe. >> the cost from added time at sea increased insurance premiums because of the attacks and no way to backfill inventories. the biden administration says its coalition will get houthis to stop attacking ships. the u.s. takes this responsibility of protecting shipping very seriously but the houthis through a spokesman says they will not stop attacking ships no matter who is patrolling the red sea.
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>> bill: edward lawrence, white house there. more to come. some sort of coalition coming together. >> dana: a big push right now to redesignate the houthis at terrorists. the first thing that biden did after he canceled the keystone pipeline is take away their designation as a terrorist organization. there is a move to push that back. why would you want that? legally it gives you more opportunities to deal with them in a way that you would deal with terrorists which they are. >> bill: as we showed you on the map yesterday the territory they operate in is along the waterway. right at the choke point and they have these medium range ballistic missiles that iran gave them. it's a problem and we need to figure it out soon. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: singing the praises of steph curry, four-time champion and hall of famer. >> i'm wondering, not saying, just wondering because he has been consistently the best shooter his whole career.
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i'm wondering is it time to start putting him as the best player of all time? >> dana: he said this after the warriors performance against the celtics thinking this three-pointer to win it in overtime. >> bill: i was at the garden last year when he set the record for three-piece pointers. is he the greatest player of all time? >> dana: no. >> bill: there are many. >> dana: michael jordan's wing man? who is better? >> bill: scotty pippin. >> dana: i think he was the greatest of all time. i say pippin. yes, that guy. >> bill: as a wing man you might be right but he didn't have the shoes. jordan has the shoes. >> dana: on a marketing standpoint, yeah. >> bill: okay. we're done. the hits keep on coming now for the president of harvard.
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she is now facing new accusations of plagiarism. who came forward with these? we'll quote it and we'll show it to you and you can decide right after this break. hi, i'll have the avocado toast... minus the avocado. so, toast? yeah. everything is so expensive these days. hey, chevy gets it. that's why they're keeping prices down to earth. like on the most affordable ev in america. ♪ a super strong and capable chevy truck.
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hi, i'm michael, i've lost 70 pounds on golo. i spent thousands on other diets
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that didn't work. on golo, i spent a couple hundred bucks and got back down to my high school weight. you're not gonna believe this thing is possible but it is. >> dana: a season of giving and one cause that we're honored to highlight is the tunnel to towers foundation. frank siller, the ceo and founder of tunnel to towers foundation. great to have you here. have you had a good year or what? >> we have. we're so proud of what we're doing. 200 mortgage-free homes, 32 of them also for catastrophically injured service members. we just did for chief petty officer lori wood in virginia. she was -- served our country and became a police officer, got catastrophically injured. >> dana: we have facts to put on the screen about her. she enlisted in the navy in 1995. after five years moved to naval
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reserve and wanted to be in law enforcement. she was catastrophically injured 11 years ago while training for the academy and what you did is you gave her a new ramp, motorized doors and smart technology throughout her home. you can see the gratitude on her face. >> we paid off her mortgage. we made it a smart home. she is one of 41 homes that we're giving away from thanksgiving to christmas. 41. >> bill: i just think what you are doing is extraordinary. all the people that have been drawn to your cause. it is amazing to me what you have built. you are giving people -- a lot of people hope again to live their life in an independent way. i can't imagine how gratifying that must be for them. think about them and their families and their friends. it's awesome. >> it is awesome. so many people have been brought into doing it for the great
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americans. we have to help those who protect us and risk their lives for us. look, fox, you know, has just come on board in a big way. you've been doing everything for us for many years but murdoch made a commitment of $2 million for the next two years for the homeless veteran program. we have made a promise to eradicate homelessness amongst our veterans. the first thing i'm talking about that you came on. i think your viewers have to know from top down inside fox, suzanne scott, jay wallace and shanks does it on the sports side all of you have joined us on this mission to help us, even the dancing weatherman who raised and fox matched it a total of $531,000. we just got a check for that. volumes of fox commitment to what we're doing and your viewers out there go to
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to make sure. >> dana: how does the process of homeless veterans work? >> they are there on the street. it is simple. we work with the v.a. v.a. is helping and we have such a network of volunteers all throughout america. so i want you to know we just rolled out one in houston. we reramped an apartment house. it is beautiful. amazing. this is where we're doing it now. georgia, alabama, florida, pennsylvania, california, oregon, new jersey, washington, d.c. washington, d.c., nevada, oklahoma, tennessee, washington state, colorado, south carolina. >> bill: soon pub 50 states. >> we're buying these hotels and making them housing for these veterans to live with some dignity. >> bill: it's the season of giving. thank you for mentioning what we do with you along your journey. but we do it because of you. >> dana: good


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