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tv   America Reports  FOX News  December 20, 2023 10:00am-11:01am PST

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do it. separation of church and state, what is the undue harm you have to eat a burger and not chick-fil-a? the most ridiculous government overreach i've seen in a while and also i think the democratic party is increasingly hostile to religion, not even thinking straight, they are losing a lot of minority voters. >> go for it. we'll see that case in the supreme court very quickly. i mean -- i've never seen something that is so obviously ready for a challenge the minute it gets passed. its insane. >> emily: that's the whole point. you are using government tax dollars to force an establishment when there are other options available and you are going to balance inconvenience that outweighs religious freedom. stark no, but our tax dollars will defend the lawsuit. >> harris: buy it on saturday and heat it up on sunday. see you.
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"america reports". >> mr. president, your reaction to the colorado ruling on trump on the ballot? >> i'm not going to comment on it. >> is trump an insurrectionist, sir? >> it's self-evident. saw it, certainly supported the insurrection, no question about it, none, 0. >> sandra: president biden reacting to the colorado supreme court ruling to disqualify his predecessor, calling it dangerous and undemocratic, demanding the supreme court strike it down. >> could more states follow and seek to disqualify president trump from the race. jim jordan, jonathan turley, bret and jason chaffetz coming
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up. >> sandra: top of the new hour, a scene very familiar to our viewers, john, looking live at those continuous jaw-dropping images from the southern border, the biden administration continues to allow tens of thousands of migrants to pour across with no end in sight. hello, welcome everyone, i'm sandra smith in new york. john, it's hard to believe every single day we are seeing these numbers. >> john: and numbers that were called more than a crisis five years ago. john roberts in washington, this is "america reports". it's a five alarm fire according to border patrol agents with sources telling fox news monday set a new record for daily migrant crossings, all as the total encounters in december usually a quieter time at the border expected to set another new monthly record. >> sandra: "new york post" says it proved president biden has waved the white flag and ignoring laws and letting
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everybody in. bill melugin is live in lukeville, arizona. mostly adult men are crossing all day, bill. what are you seeing there? >> bill: well, sandra, you can see over my shoulder another group of adult men who have crossed illegally here and the border numbers are spiralling out of control in the month of december, we are currently averaging 10,000 migrant encounters every single day. this is the situation here in lukeville, a lot of these adults coming in from all around the planet, actually had a couple of guys from afghanistan out here a little bit earlier. they are considered special interest aliens, they will be subject to additional vetting. but we'll show you how they got here. take a look at the footage we shot a couple hours ago, a group of 500 that crossed illegally this morning through an open breach in the border wall cut by smugglers and then marched up to the processing area where they are standing right now, some had their iphones out, taking
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selfies, letting folks know they had arrived in the united states as the tucson, arizona sector remains overwhelmed in the epicenter of the border crisis, more than 2800 crossings yesterday alone, indian guys had crossed illegally, a chat with them. take a listen. >> where you guys from? >> india. >> india. >> everybody here from india? >> where do you guys want to go in the united states, what city? >> california. >> california. >> california? everybody here california? new jersey. seattle. new york, ok. and why did you guys come to the u.s.? >> sorry, english, no. >> do you want to work? >> yeah. >> you want a job? >> yes, yes. >> no -- no -- you don't want to work? life in danger. >> and then take a look at this, we talk about how backlogged the asylum system is. this is a notice for a colombian
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woman who crossed illegally and released into the u.s. for her to check in with ice in new york city and look at the date, 2031. eight years from now. i talked to her immigration attorney, he says he was left stunned and he's been doing the job almost 30 years. >> they gave her a return notice to come back in 2031, so -- that's quite possibly the most unusual thing i've ever seen in my near three decades of practicing immigration law. it made me realize the biden administration is basically providing back door amnesty for anyone that wants to show up at the border. >> bill: one more thing to note, last week the arizona democratic governor said she was sending the national guard down here to the arizona border. we have been here in lukeville, we have not seen a single national guard soldier yet.
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back to you. >> john: it's john, let me come back to the conversation you had with the illegal immigrants who came from india. you were asking are you here to work, and they say yeah, yeah, yeah, and one fella says no, no, life danger. we know in order to qualify for asylum in the country you have to demonstrate what's called credible fear. did that sound like it was coached to you? >> bill: it did, and that happens a lot. these migrants are told by the cartels what to say when they get here on u.s. soil so they can be released in to you -- to the united states, and they say no, i want a job, i want to, would, that does not qualify for asylum. so the migrants are told what to say, they say my life is in danger or in fear of my home country, they feel it's a box to check to get asylum and hopefully be released and saw
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the court date -- not court date, an ice hearing eight years from now in 2031, ridiculous how backlogged the system is. >> sandra: when you put it in perspective, bill, as we are heading into the final days of the year here, remind our viewers, you would not be seeing this happen unless we had drone images like this that the team is providing for our viewers and really for the country and the world to see this happening. but when you put this in perspective and you see what cities like chicago are dealing with, they are blaming texas for bussing these migrants up there. they are saying they are at capacity, they have received to date 26,000 migrants. you have 12,000 a day, record numbers, pouring over a day at the border. yet you have some of those blue cities and blue states saying it's texas' fault? >> bill: yeah, well, look, a lot of the blue cities have been getting reality checks, right. a couple years ago you had new york city mayor eric adams tweeting new york city will remain a sanctuary city under
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his administration and proud to do so. now he's saying the city is going to be destroyed, this is coming to your neighborhood. katie hobbs is critical about what other republican governors have done at the border, now sending the national guard down here to the border, allegedly, we have not seen them yet. there was no criticism what the blue city of el paso was bussing migrants to new york city, they bussed tens of thousands. there was no criticism when katie hobbs, a democrat governor of arizona kept governor doug ducey, republican bussing program to also bus migrants out of arizona. criticism at governor abbott and desantis when they move migrants, despite the fact democrats have been doing and the federal government as well with ngos. >> john: you take a look at the group of people, they can't all stay in texas, they have to go somewhere. terrific down there at the border and dare say yours are
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the only images of this we are seeing pretty much anywhere on television. keep up the good work. >> sandra: thank you, bill. and john, you look at the migrant centers as they are shipped off to your point, they can't all stay in texas and they go to other cities, chicago, for example, you know, they have the sanctuary city status. new york, also, but the mayors say we have had enough. the chicago precinctses overflowing with the migrants, it's cold there, the shelters are dangerous, the communities are complaining about them, you had a 5-year-old boy over the weekend die at one of the migrant shelters which has received a lot of complaints in chicago. they finally shut down the largest one in the city because the community was complaining about the environmental hazard that it was posing. so i mean, this is -- these are cities and states that are at their limits. they are outresourced, outnumbered, and they are still
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coming over the border in these record numbers. >> john: down there on the border you see the border patrol and customs and border protection, overwhelmed just trying to deal with people who come across the border. what you don't see, other than what the state of texas has been doing itself, is any effort to stop them from coming across the border. we'll take this up with congressman tony gonzalez whose congressional district covers el paso to southeast of eagle pass where bill melugin has been this week. so, a lot more to come on this. in the meantime, former president donald trump pledging to fight back after the colorado supreme court disqualified him from the state's 2020 presidential primary ballot. unprecedented decision was made under the 14th amendment and relates to the january 6th capitol riot. could this ruling set a dangerous precedent for other states to follow suit? we will ask jonathan turley
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ahead, but mark meredith is live in ames, iowa, where the 2024 candidates are campaigning and responding to what we saw in colorado. what are they saying, mark? >> so many are saying they are outraged over the colorado decision and they believe trump should have stayed on the ballot. here in ames, where ron desantis will be later this hour, they are still setting up, likely to have to talk about it on the stump about what happened, the whole country is talking about the colorado decision. former president trump in waterloo, iowa, talked in the broad terms with his rally points, but looking to hear whether or not we see any new reaction. the campaign did say we have full confidence the u.s. supreme court will quickly rule in our favor and finally put an end to these un-american lawsuits. this case has sent shock waves
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throughout the entire presidential race can while the candidates will want to talk about the issues like the border, they are also coming to trump's defense. >> i think the u.s. supreme court is going to reverse this, and you know, i've done whatever i need to do to get on. i don't think -- ultimately i don't think it's going to be an issue. i think the decision will be reversed. >> i do not believe donald trump should be prevented from being president of the united states by any court. i think he should be prevented from being president of the united states by the voters of this country. >> president biden is in milwaukee, wisconsin as he was getting off the plane. we had a chance to hear from him to react to the news overnight out of colorado. >> is trump an insurrectionist, sir? >> it's self-evident. you saw it all. whether the 14th amendment applies, i'll let the court make that decision. certainly supported the insurrection. no question about it, none, 0,
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and seems to be doubling down on everything. >> now the timing of all this, of course, very interesting. iowa caucus coming so close right now, and that's why candidates like desantis are still here, reaching out to voters right before the holidays and we'll let you know later this hour if the governor has new additional comments from colorado and across the country. >> john: baumy ames, iowa, whole 41° today. mark, thank you. >> it is, yeah. >> sandra: thank you to him. jonathan turley joining us now, fox news contributor and constitutional law attorney. thank you for joining us on the week leading up to the holidays here. the other states with the lawsuits to bar trump from the ballot, what does all this mean and what does it mean big picture. are we going to see more of this happen? >> jonathan: i expect we will, may have a decision out of maine but the proponents of this what i consider dangerous theory have
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gone to various states in search of judges who might sign off on this. this is their first real victory. they have had a string of defeats, and many of those jurists that have turned this down have been democrats. keep in mind, that the divided colorado supreme court was actually entirely composed of democratic nominees, but three refused to sign on to this opinion and i think the reason why is it's dead wrong. it's wrong on the history, it's wrong on the constitution. >> sandra: very interesting. colorado secretary of state reacting to this ruling, jonathan. >> section 3 of the 14th amendment has to apply to the presidency because if not it's a get out of jail free card. we can't have one office be able to do whatever they want when it comes to rebellion and then be able to be seated in office again. >> sandra: you say what, jonathan? >> jonathan: well, it's a curious argument because it's not a get out of free card
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because there are laws governing in -- insurrection and incitement. jack smith hit trump with anything you could but he left out incitement, insurrection, sedition, he could not prove it because the evidence is not there. so that only adds to the problems here. but the real issue for the supreme court is far more fundamental and frankly chilling. you know, this country is the most successful and stable constitutional system in history. now, after two centuries of that, what these four justices have done was to introduce a destabilizing element in that system. and it's going to go to the supreme court and this may be the ultimate challenge for chief justice roberts. i don't have much question they will overturn this decision. but they should do it unanimously. do it in one voice, all nine,
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not -- and not divide on this. it's too important not to speak as one. >> sandra: that is something to watch for. meanwhile, we remember moments like this, flash back to joe biden on donald trump, this is november 2022, jonathan. >> we just have to demonstrate he will not take power by, if we -- if he does run, making sure he under legitimate efforts of our constitution does not become the next president again. >> sandra: ask you how you interpreted that and point out in the wake of all this, and minutes that followed this yesterday, the supreme court ruling in colorado, the trump campaign send out a fundraising email on the matter, including a breaking news chyron, jonathan. final news on all that. >> jonathan: the president's remarks are troubling. it sends by any means message,
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that we'll use any means possible to keep trump out of office. no one is worth shredding the constitution. what is being done here is dangerous. the path that was laid out by these four justices is a path we should not go down and we should, as a united people, democrats and republican, like the democrats that dissented on the court say enough, this is too far. >> sandra: jonathan turley, always good to have you on. thanks so much on all of that news. john. >> right now on the border we need to shut it down. we have been talking about it the last few years and this is a live shot behind me. we are not making this up. >> john: border agents pleading with the biden administration to do something, anything. texas congressman tony gonzalez has seen the chaos firsthand in his district. he's there right now in eagle pass. he'll join us live on how his constituents are being impacted by the president's border
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crisis. >> sandra: and those who miraculously survived the hamas attack are coming to grips how their lives were changed forever. we will tour one of the hardest hit targets and see what life is like there now. get cash? for veteran homeowners, it's easy as 1-2-3. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards
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deteriorating situation at our southern border. it comes as the border town of eagle pass faces an unprecedented migrant surge, with more than 4,000 migrants crossing there in just the past 24 hours. joining us now from his border district is texas republican congressman tony gonzalez, and also serves on the house homeland security committee. your 23rd congressional district congressman, covers four of the sectors, el paso, big bend, a piece of the laredo sector. the monday name, 12,600 people crossed our border illegally on monday and see the biden administration is willing to talk about this but apparently do nothing about it, what do you say? >> john, thank you for having me. my district is at the epicenter of this board crisis. no more words, the time for
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action is now, and i will work with anybody to solve this problem. as a matter of fact, when i hosted the president in my district after the uvalde school shooting i asked the president to visit with him and a year and a half later i'm still waiting to visit with the president on solutions. this is what's happening on the grounds. i visited a facility earlier today a max capacity of 1,000 people. in there was nearly 6,000. i mean, the numbers -- i've never seen it this bad, the human toll is definitely rising. i worry about my agents, i worry about my first responders, i worry about the american citizens that live along the border. we feel lost, feel forgotten and we are dealing with all these different things right on the cusp of having christmas. >> john: we are seeing some of the pictures you have provided us with of your recent tour of the border. another picture i want to put up is something in bill melugin's fine reporting. this immigration appointment given to a migrant who claimed
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asylum, confirmed for thursday, january 23, 2031. that's eight years from now. and we have 5,000 people who are being released into this country every day and some of them are looking at this and saying i'm here for eight years. what kind of signal does that send to the hundreds of thousands, millions of people around the world who are looking at this and saying hmm is now the chance, now the time to go to the border? >> that's exactly the signal it sends. here in the del rio sector along, there are over 10,000 people that are in -- that are in -- apprehended and over 4,000 coming over a day. yesterday they processed 4,000. what does that mean? that means we are on a treadmill, we are not going anywhere, it's only going to get worse. christmas is going to be worse than today, new year's worse than then, it's only getting worse. the things i've asked for, let's surge immigration judges to the border. get cases heard in days, not years and if a person does not
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qualify for asylum, which nine out of ten of them, deport them back to the country of origin. you do that, the crisis comes to an end. the time for words is over, time for action is now and a big part is we have to deport people that do not qualify for asylum. >> john: and deportation harder and harder, coming from china, africa, and bill melugin in his fine reporting talked to a group of people who came in from india. put that video of him talking on the screen, something really interesting happened as he was chatting with them. they said they came from india, some wanted to go to california, they said that they wanted to be here for work and then one of them said no, no, no, life danger. and bill said he thought that was coached and we know one of the criteria for entry into the country is showing credible fear and know the coyotes, the cartel members who shepherd the migrants across the border tell them what to say so they have a better chance of claiming asylum. what did you think of that
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moment, i'm sure you talked to bill about it. >> no, absolutely. i think it's very real and we have seen that happen for three years now. i've been at the center of these border discussions, these negotiations on the senate side. just yesterday i was speaking with a senator on some of the things i think we need to do to get this package to a point to get it passed. part of it is -- everyone is in agreement we need to raise the credible fear standard but that will not solve that. we need to deport people who do not qualify for asylum. >> john: congressman tony gonzales, appreciate you spending time with us. appreciate it, thank you. >> thank you, john. >> the data shows the economy is in a better place but i understand, we understand that americans don't feel it right now. >> sandra: president biden hitting the road in a key battleground state to tout, guess what. bidenomics, but are voters
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buying what he is selling? money man charles payne is revved up, ready to go on grand brand-new polling numbers and a growing disconnect with voters. >> john: and two west coast cities seeing a dramatic drop in retail theft. see, it is possible. both are tackling the problem in different ways. how their new policies may pave the way for other cities to crack down on crime. my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. i got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away
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biovanta is the only number one physician-recommended product chosen over all others, including tylenol, mucinex, zicam, and nyquil / dayquil. the combat symptoms and boosts immunity. biovanta really works. >> sandra: fox news alert, half past one on the east coast, a live look at the midwest in milwaukee, we are expecting the president to make remarks any moment now on bidenomics and the key swing state of wisconsin. polling suggesting his economic agenda is still not faring well with voters. brand-new fox news polling revealing only 14% of voters think policies have helped him.
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charles payne, host of "making money" on fox business. this messaging is going to be key for his possible re-election bid, and his republican opponents have to watch what's happening here. because people are saying they are not happy while the administration is saying things are going great. so, which is it, charles? >> charles: he's talking to wisconsin black chamber of commerce. i'll say the blacks have more jobs than ever. it doesn't matter if you can't pay your bills. go back to the 1970s, the average black american made 35,000, the average white american made 60,000. right now, it's 108,000 to 52000. it's actually gotten worse, the gap is much, much further. get a low paying job, don't tell
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me i'm doing great and he's going to make his mistake. less and less by the black community, before he could say they are going to put you on chains, that kind of ignorant fear mongering worked, i hate it has worked in the past or i'm going to get you higher minimum wage, what are you talking about? i don't want that when you are talking about my prosperity. wall street media has tried hard to help president biden, he's going to regurgitate some of this, aggregate data. lower end of the income spectrum spends theirs, moves to the middle part, and then middle part spends their. aggregate, it's all there. the 2 trillion is still there except the 14% i talked about, they have it all. everybody else is saying i'm done. the meantime, you gave them the money, drove prices up, i can't afford anything, and that's what i'm saying. >> sandra: how does that help
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anybody. >> up to 14%, they have your back. >> sandra: chicago head of the federal reserve and pressed him on the cost of living to your point. >> there is an element of the cost of living, that always becomes an issue when there is inflation and that for sure over the last 2, 3 years has been the biggest negative in the economy, has been that we missed so badly on inflation. and like i say, that's a dilemma facing all of the central banks and all the advanced economies of the world. >> sandra: so admission there that we have missed so badly on inflation. my question is, are they about to miss again, the federal reserve. they damaged their credibility by not acknowledging inflation when it was rearing its ugly head, so long to enact policy to tame down price and now they are broadcasting three rate hikes in the new year. he was asked about that as well,
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quickly, this is important and then the final out of this. this is when he was asked about wall street and the fed and what is going on there. listen. >> market is going up because they think they are going to cut. it doesn't work the other way. we should not be bullied at the fed in my view by what the market wants. that's not in the mandate. the mandate is get the maximum employment and get the inflation rate down to 2%. doesn't say anything about make the stock market happy. >> sandra: so my final question to you, if they're now saying that things have slowed down enough to raise rates three times in the new year, yet we have a record number of americans investing in the stock market and the dow, the dow has on multiple days in a row hit record highs, charles, what's to say that all that money invested in the stock market and people reaping those benefits we don't see energy and food prices go up higher in the new year?
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>> the wealth effect. home prices are up, stock portfolio is up, you feel rich, you spend money. i never thought i would say this, i had austin on the show a couple months ago, we have gone at it personally, he has been an amazing job, a voice of reason. i did the poll after jay powell last week and said tail wag the dog, right decision or whatever. overwhelmingly people believe the federal reserve is working for wall street and not their interest. and the transitory mistake, this might be a far worse mistake. >> sandra: oh, quite a warning as we head into the new year. charles, you are going to have a town hall thursday, january 18, 2:00 p.m. eastern time, key to listen in as to what is going to happen in the new year. >> it's going to talk about how presidential elections and policies impacting vesting. >> john: sandra, congress doing it again, kicking the can down the road after days of intense senate negotiations on the
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border and without a deal, and it could turn into a political problem for vulnerable democrats in 2024 as new polling shows voters vastly disapprove how it's being handled. >> sandra: tying hunter biden's tax indictment to some people in president biden's inner circle. could all roads lead directly to the president? we will speak to the man who broke that story. live next. >> the family has had the reputation for a long time of being for sale. we know the president's family is in trouble because the son continues to get indicted in multiple courts.
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>> sandra: fox news alert now, this just in as we look at these
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live pictures of migrants coming over the border, this is live in eagle pass, texas. we are getting word from the texas governor that that state is now flying migrants to sanctuary cities. this is just now reportable that texas governor greg abbott's office is telling fox that they are now flying migrants to sanctuary cities, the first flight arriving in chicago last night. the flight left el paso yesterday, we are told, with 120 migrants on board. landed at chicago's o'hare airport yesterday evening. abbott's office says all migrants sign voluntary waivers as they do with busses and the decision to fly was done partially in response to the city of chicago interfering with texas bus drop-offs, which fox digital recently wrote about with the -- with texas accusing chicago of "doing everything it can to avoid being a sanctuary
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city in practice." also say more flights to chicago are currently being planned and any sanctuary city is fair game to begin receiving flights from texas as the state is overrun with illegal crossings. remember, this is happening as the mayor of chicago has said we have had enough, we can't take in any more, they have had to close migrant camps there, there are outraged residents showing up at city hall meetings, so this is really something to watch, we see a child walking there along the border in eagle pass. see where all this goes. this just in to fox. john. >> john: it's going to up the ante, to be sure. hunter biden's new indictment for nine tax crimes is connected to people close to his father. the next guest got the scoop for the exclusive story, josh bosswell is a senior reporter. in the 56-page indictment
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against hunter biden, he is named, other people are referred to but not by name. a daily mail investigation defined who these people are, though. how did you find out who they were and who indeed are they? >> so, this was really a case of piecing together from hunter biden's laptop files and looking at emails, text messages, documents on there, and then also some of the reports and documents released by these congressional investigations going on into the biden family. once you put all of that together, it becomes very clear who each of these unnamed people are, and really the picture that emerges is a bunch of people very close to joe biden. for a start, you have jim biden his brother is just named as business associate 3 in the indictment, but it's, you know, it's his brother. you've got two major donors to joe, family friend and you also have someone who is helping joe with his taxes throughout his vice presidency.
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so the picture you get, yes, this is an indictment of hunter biden but there are a lot of close links to joe here and raises the prospect that you may have joe's name invoked in the criminal case if that goes to trial. >> john: all right. so, to that point, you have james biden, i believe the tax adviser is eric, and no evidence so far of wrongdoing on joe biden's part. is that because, josh, there isn't any evidence or there is and it has not been uncovered? >> there is no smoking gun yet that proves that joe biden was receiving money from some of these allegedly corrupt business deals his son was doing but there is a lot of evidence that points towards that potential conclusion. you've got, for example, that bombshell email from one of hunter's business partners saying 10% for the big guy, named as joe. you've got text messages from a
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business associate saying the big guy, my chairman is joe biden but don't say that when you are talking on texts with hunter. lots of things like that that point towards joe being involved. one of the stories i broke recently was about the company used to funnel money from this chinese deal that hunter did through to hunter and joe's brother jim. that company, its agent was actually joe's power of attorney, so you know, the more we dig into this, the more we see links to joe biden and through whose happening in congress now and the potential impeachment proceedings we may find that evidence. >> john: and the more that joe biden was saying about this, never having business connections or making money off china would seem to be untrue. it's a fascinating read. a good piece of journalistic sleuthing as well. josh bosswell from
10:48 am >> sandra: a last minute deal to keep spirits alive literally and figuratively. could whiskey and bourbon makers in the u.s. face big trouble down the road. >> john: well, let's hope not. plus, harvard university president claudine gay may have a lot more explaining to do. what she is reported will i accused of now as the school faces backlash over rising antisemitism on campus. >> first time and first application season i have seen a student who got into harvard early and seeing them say you know what, i want to apply to other schools. ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪
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>> sandra: the president of harvard university facing new scrutiny amid a continued backlash from her disastrous capitol hill appearance on antisemitism at her school. we are learning about a brand-new complaint filed against her, alleging she committed dozens of acts of plagiarism. molly line is live in newton, massachusetts. where did the latest complaint against gay and several of her publications come from? we saw them emerging a while ago. where is this now?
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>> good afternoon, sandra. these new allegations plagiarism against harvard president gay come from a professor at another university, that reportedly sent this information to the university's research integrity office who according to the washington free beacon "requested being anonymous due to retaliation." and detailing 40 alleged cases gay quoted or paraphrased, and she survived calls to resign after she failed to state during the congressional hearing that calling for the genocide of jews on campus is against school rules. there was unanimous support, and acknowledging a few instances of inadequate citation in her work.
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and now the boston globe has this queery, did she plagiarize or not, harvard should be clear. the board spoke to university of kentucky associate professor steven boss whose work was allegedly plagiarized by gay and asked if a harvard student were to turn in a paper with the missing citations and quotation marks, what would they call it and we have not yet heard back for response. >> john: one of our big stories of this wednesday, the top court in colorado kicking former president donald trump off the state's primary ballots. bret, jason and jordan taking a deep dive on the legal arguments and the political fallout from this. >> sandra: the younger generation telling their boomer
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>> john: we have been telling you about the rampant shoplifting happening from coast to coast. now intensive efforts to fight it appear to be getting some results in cities on the west coast. dan springer has got more. he's in seattle. which cities, dan, are making progress on what appears to be a major problem? >> yeah, john, believe it or not, seattle and san francisco as you know, two cities with major crime issues attacking retail theft in different ways. the problem got so bad here in seattle, it pushed washington state to the worst place in the entire country for retail theft last year, per capita basis. $347 stolen for every resident, that's $2.7 billion overall lost. san francisco led the nation in viral videos of thieves mocking retailers and police. >> more profitable than robbing from a bank and it's safer, less
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consequences, less likely to be apprehended and if you are, the penalties are much less severe. >> in san francisco, police started getting aggressive, they have a special unit doing what they call blitz operations, and so far they have made 300 arrests over month actions. in seattle where police staffing is still a big problem, the businesses and their associations are flooding the city with private security guards, both armed and unarmed. it's very expensive, costing millions of dollars and also changes the experience for regular shoppers. many retailers are locking up much of their merchandise. at t-mobile, every display item locked with the inventory in the back room safe. law enforcement is also getting involved. washington state now has a new organized retail crime task force run by the attorney general. >> we have actually now got resources, we have prosecutors and investigators in my office who work with local prosecutors and can charge these cases. >> unfortunately thire


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