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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  December 20, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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he left the base uncovered. the metal base. last time i checked trees didn't have a metal base and a rod. you have it on top of the tree skirt. you're supposed to put the tree skirt on top of the base, not under. we got you, ingraham. don't lie to me. >> foiled again. someone must have switched trees in the middle of the night because i swear i went to my family's tree farm and cut down my own tree. my goodness. i've been so busy raymond i forgot that i had put that up on instagram. i totally forgot about that. i'm going to get an owl and put it in my fake tree. i'm getting an owl and opossum and putting it in the fake tree. that's it for us tonight. thank you for watching. remember it's america now and forever. jesse takes it from here. >> welcome to "jesse watters
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primetime". tonight, joe biden is a threat to democracy. they are weaponizing law enforcement for high level election interference. >> trump thrown off the ballot in colorado. this is only the beginning. >> let me see your hands! >> the boys in blue still under attack. >> the judge never hate me because i support john. everybody hates trump in this building. it is what it is. >> colby covington, kari lake, tomi lahren, charney arnold talking politics. plus,. in 1860, the abolitionist movement was rescinded and the
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proslavery democratic party was in shambles. it was the year abraham lincoln was on the ballot until southern democrats kicked him off the ballot. instead of trying to win an election with persuasion, southern democrats booted lincoln off the ballot in 10 states. but even that wasn't enough. lincoln became the first president ever to be elected with less than 50% of the vote. and then the civil war broke out the next year and abraham lincoln was later assassinated. history always has a way of repeating itself. last night, just like southern democrats did to lincoln, the colorado supreme court vanished trump from the ballot. the colorado secretary of state explains why. >> i think that the big picture, no matter if donald trump ends up being on the ballot or off the ballot, is the extent of how dangerous he is to american democracy. >> you can't save democracy by denying americans the right to vote. you can't find somebody guilty
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of a crime that they haven't been charged with. in a 4-3 ruling the colorado supreme court said trump engaged in insurrection. under the 14th amendment insurrectionist are constitutionally prohibited from holding office. northern interests wrote this into the constitution so southern confederates who took up arms against the union and fought in the civil war couldn't hold federal office. donald trump telling people to march peacefully and patriotically and then telling them to go home is in an insurrection. unelected state judges without a trial, a hearing or any due process, convicted a former president of a federal crime to thousand miles outside of their jurisdiction and disenfranchised 6 million americans in colorado. the opinion reads like a rachel maddow script. the democratic judges said trump and insurrectionist because he once told a crowd that in the old days of protester would be
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carried out in a stretcher. they also said, quote, "president trump threatened to deploy the military to minneapolis to shoot looters amid protests over the police killing of george floyd. wanting to stop violence is now a call to violence. the democrats who actually called for violence and participated in violence is fine. if that's the standard maxine waters is an insurrection is. no relation. but it's enough evidence for joe biden. >> mr. president, your reaction to the colorado routing on trump and the ballot? >> i'm not going to comment on it. it's a court case. that's up to the court. that's all i have to say. >> is trump an insurrectionist? >> i think it is self-evident. the 14th amendment applies to the court to make that decision. he supported an insurrection. no question about it. none, zero.
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>> do you arrest your opponent four times and you are still losing. you should resign and not kick him off the ballot. msnbc says if you don't kick trump off the ballot you are no better than a slave owner. >> what do you say to the republican candidates argument that this voters should have the say and not the courts? >> what they are standing with is the spirit of those confederates rather than the americans who came together after a long and brutal civil war that was fought. they amended the constitution to prevent those traitors from running for office. that should send a message that our election system, our electoral system, can be used for nefarious purposes against the democracy itself. >> think about what she said. the electoral system can be used against democracy.
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elections can be used against democracy? are we going to have to get rid of elections to save democracy? i had a terrible car reading on saturday night. she said i was going to have a loving and prosperous year. but then i asked about politics because the reading said an injustice would happen in the fall. i asked her about trump. she said trump is either going to win or were not going to have an election. i'm not a big tarot card guy, but then this story happens. what's it going to do to the republic if we are not allowed to vote for the man we want to because of some unelected judge? local judges banning candidates from running for president is what happens in third world countries. how are we supposed to believe the last election was honest when this election is already being stacked? democrats scream voter suppression if you have to wait in line for an hour to vote for your candidate. what do you call it when we can't vote for your candidate at
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all? that's voter intimidation? no, that's voter elimination. seasoned political veterans across the political aisle all say this case is judicial insanity. >> i think this case will be handled quickly. i think it could be 9-0 in the supreme court for trump. this country is a powder keg in this court is throwing matches at it. this hands-down the most democratic opinion i've seen in my lifetime. >> i would say to the judges as i said to the justice department, you are actually making it more likely that donald trump is elected next november by how you are pursuing this. >> the idea that 50 different state courts can decide a question involving the highest elected office in the executive branch interpreting the federal constitution as to what constitutes an insurrection against the federal government is incoherent.
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>> half of those guys hate trump. when democratic party sees don't make your life better and democratic politicians can't persuade you to give them more time, that's when they start suing. they take it away from the voters and they just have their judges throw it. these are the judges who are taking away your right to vote. one shatters, they called justice monica marquez a gay icon. she went to yale. another justice, richard gabriel is a professional trumpet player player and also went to yale. also almost got me to. then you have melissa hart who went to harvard. she's been accused of discriminating against black people and old people and is the granddaughter of archibald cox the special prosecutor during the watergate scandal. then there is william hood the third who into the same college biden did. these four democrats and robes stole your boat. this is a judicial assassination. this legal fever is spreading. now california democrats are aiming to strip trump from the
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ballot. the democratic confederacy took lincoln off 10 ballots. today's democrats have trump off one and they are thirsty for more. it's a legal coup. while they scream screamed democracy democratic lawyers are resting america's leading presidential candidate. stripping his business license, censoring his speech. who's the real threat to democracy? here is the former president. watch. >> rocha joe biden in the far left lunatics are desperate to stop us by any means necessary. they are willing to violate the u.s. constitution at levels never seen before in order to win this election. joe biden is a threat to democracy. he's a threat. they are weaponizing law enforcement for high-level election interference because we are beating them so badly in the polls. every time trump is arrested he becomes more powerful in the eyes of the voters. what will happen when they take him off the ballot? they are turning trump into the greatest political underdog
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america has ever witnessed. they are setting up the greatest comeback story in american political history. they say they are protecting us from danger, but trump is not a danger to us. he is a danger to them. americans are starting to ask themselves why. it feels like the left wants violence. because that is where this is going. we are being baited so their actions are justified. that's how it feels. the more the left over plays their hand, the scarier this gets. a trump impeachment attorney and former solicitor general from pennsylvania. bruce, insurrection is a pretty powerful word. did they make the case? >> well, the only judicial body that decided that issue was the united states senate who decided that in one of the articles of impeachment that the president did not gauge in insurrection and was part of the case that i argued. you can take from that what you
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will. that was the only because i judicial decision. you might also look at jack smith and the indictments in d.c. as far as i recall. he did not charge the statute for inciting insurrection. that means that there was not probable cause to believe that the president engaged in conduct that constituted the crime of inciting an insurrection. if you look at the 14th amendment, the part of the constitution that the colorado supreme court was interpreting, it says that the person who potentially disqualified shall have engaged in an insurrection against the united states. when the word shall is used in law it means it is adjudicated and definitely happens. even if jefferson davis decided he wanted to run for u.s. senator from mississippi in 1867, he still would have run
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because he never was convicted of treason against the united states or engaging in insurrection. it's outrageous. >> he has been acquitted politically of insurrection and he has never been formally charged criminally with insurrection. what do you think the supreme court is going to do? when are they going to do it, though? >> well, i think the proponents of picking president trump off the ballot in colorado are actually going to live to regret the day they did this. the 4-3 decision fast tracked to the court in colorado. the colorado decision saying they are going to stay the execution of the order until the very last day before the balance have to go out and they have to be printed. so the u.s. supreme court can review it. understand once the u.s. supreme court gets there, there is no chance in my judgment and i
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heard professor turley say this and some of the other guests there is no chance the supreme court says this is okay and this will shut down all the other efforts in california and all those other states. they will end this before they keep it dragging on and causing distractions to president trump and those of us that are involved on his legal team. i think they will end up having made a grave mistake from the left's point of view by fast tracking this in front of justices who will actually apply the law. i don't know if it will be 9-0 but it will be a pretty significant win for president trump and it ought to be. let's understand the presumption of innocence and first amendment and due process, those are rights everyone has. the moment you say that guy is so bad he doesn't have those things. that means none of us have it. the left will always find some way like my friend bill brennan
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who was involved in the impeachment, we said things that made us bad so therefore we don't enjoy the same liberties everyone else has. that is what is happening here. trump is viewed so bad by the left that he is not entitled to the protections the law gives everyone else. >> hopefully we get a quick decision by the supreme court and can have a nice merry christmas. thanks for joining "jesse watters primetime". >> thank you, jesse. someone who knows how to fight in an unfair fight, ufc fighter colby commenting. this week he said his support for trump actually cost him the title. >> i thought i had the wind. i thought i did enough. the judges never fade me. they hate me because i support trump and everybody hates trump in this building. it is what it is. life goes on. >> colby covington joins us now. how are you doing? >> jesse, merry christmas. merry christmas america and god
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bless you all. >> god bless you too. i am looking at the total strikes. you have more total strikes, the same amount to the head. you were in control. >> five minutes more control time. >> i didn't see the fight and i am sorry. i couldn't make it. it looks like you won on paper. do you think now that you are a trump supporter outwardly this cost you the fight? >> i do believe that. i think they stacked the deck against us because they don't want we the people to have control of this country again. that is what trump stands for. he stands for democracy and freedom. they will do everything they can to keep us down from shadow banning us online. even if we are saying the truth. they will make a censored now that the people see that. if it's in a judging position in a fight or any type of athletic sporting event they will stack the deck against us. it's a sad time in our country. we the people need to rise up.
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we can't let this keep us down. >> what's the most important issue in this upcoming election for you, colby covington? >> for me the most important issue is a free and fair election. we have seen the dirty tricks the dems have tried to pull. they made a fake pandemic so they could commit fraud at the mail-in ballots. then they opened up our borders wide open so illegal immigrants could come in and use those to vote for biden. none of it is working. they weaponize the justice system like a third world dictatorship. but trump is still leading. the people are waking up. the people of masses are seeing this is the death of america. and trump is the only one standing in the way of the swamp. he loves america more than anything. in 2024 we need to stand behind him more than ever before. anyone who doesn't believe the taking of him off the ballot, if they don't condemn that, they stand for the end of this democracy. >> we still have to get to the
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bottom of the stupid wuhan lab situation. who is your next fight? >> we will see. i want a rematch. i deserve it. i think i broke my foot in the first 30 seconds of the fight kicking on his elbow. i want a rematch. i will come back stronger. i'm like the american people. we never give up. you can knock us down but we just learned, we don't lose. we come back stronger. that is what will happen in 2024. we will take back control of the country and make america rate again. >> i love it. i was bit by a dog but i played her through the whole show and did two shows. i know what it's like. thank you so much. heal up and get better. we will see you on tv soon. >> appreciate it. thanks for having me, jesse. up next, kari lake. preventsd before it begins. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention.
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hi, i'm stacey, and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) this belt i used to wear, way down at the first and second notch, it's the only thing i've kept from before losing weight and i'm keeping this because i'm never going back.
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- [narrator] wounded warrior project helped me find the strength to go further than i ever thought possible. - [narrator] i was able to come outta my shell and really connect with others. - [narrator] so i can feel like part of a team, part of the community again. - [narrator] it's possible to live better. - [narrator] it's possible to have a voice and to be heard. - [narrator] to feel understood. - [narrator] to find peace. - because i've experienced firsthand that anything is possible. (inspirational music)
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that was michigan and ohio state. 100,000 people is more than the entire canadian army which is why trudeau should pipe down. that's also so many migrants will cross are border every week if we stay at this pace. 100,000 per week. a stadium full a week. bill has been down at the border here he is. >> sources tell fox we have already had 190,000 migrant encounters during the month of december. just to put that number in perspective that's a population size like birmingham, alabama crossing our southern border in just 19 days. it is not slowing down. take a look at the scene in eagle pass, texas. what you're looking at is migrants left over from that huge incursion that crossed illegally over the last 48
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hours. in that eagle pass area more than 4000 illegal crossings in the last 24 hours alone coming in from all over the world. border patrol reporting lebanon, guinea, china, bangladesh, albania and angola. we are seeing more of the same in lukeville, arizona. look at this video we shot this morning. more of the same. another mass illegal crossing through a breach in the border wall. you'll see hundreds of adults from all over the world walking up this dirt road looking for border patrol to turn themselves into for processing. some of them pulling out iphones and taking selfies to show their families back in home countries they made it to the u.s. two men from afghanistan crossed in the lukeville area today. we also encountered a group of illegal immigrants from india and had a chat with them. take a listen. >> where are you guys from? >> india. >> everybody here from india? where do you guys want to go in the united states?
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what city? >> california. everybody here california? >> new jersey? seattle? new york? why did you come to the u.s.? >> english, no. >> do you want to work? do you want a job? >> yes, no. >> you don't want to work? >> things have gotten so bad at the southern border that the federal bureau of prisons now confirms they are sending their personnel down here to help border patrol drive buses and transport migrants. the bureau of prisons is already notoriously understaffed. we will send it back to you. we have been told the triple eagles are taking from south america is nothing but dangerous. a last resort. how dangerous could it be if the caravans are making tiktok videos? these migrants are leaving home with cameras, iphones and filming the journey like mtv
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road rules. remember that show? ♪ music playing ♪ ♪ >> the new york times went from calling these people asylum-seekers to calling them rising social media stars. like manuel montrose of. ready? mr. montrose of a 35-year-old from venezuela returned to south america and now has a new plan altogether. tracking the darien route again this time in search of content and clicks having learned how to make a perpetual living as a migrant. perpetual migrant. haven't heard that one before. we've heard of coyotes before smuggling and bringing people in for cash, often abusing or abandoning kids. now we have career border
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crossers cashing in on breaking the law. but we can't just blame the migrants. we have created this distorted culture where people try to make money off of online food reviews and little dances, ranting about their feelings. now we are dealing with a wave of international influencers overwhelming the border. it's not just the influencers who are showing up. migrants are coming across the border with neck pillows. brand-new wardrobes. they are not just coming from south america. wealthy migrants from china, india, the mideast are giving up on making it in their own countries and just coming here. the migrants are a part of a growing number of chinese middle-class on the run from an economic slowdown. they include entrepreneurs who saw business evaporate in the downturn, middle-age fathers laid off from china's collapsing real estate sector and young software injures engineers trying to make it in silicon valley. people who can buy airplane
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tickets to fly halfway here, slipping into our country and taking advantage of handouts and plane tickets. kari lake is the former candidate from arizona for governor and joins me now. did you hear that guy in that interview? are you here for work and they say yes and then they all say wait, no, no. we are not here for work. we are here for danger. we are fleeing danger. >> yes, the script they have to memorize to try to seek asylum, which my opponents in the u.s. senate race in arizona want to give everybody coming across asylum. we know exactly what these guys are. these are like invasion influencers. frankly jesse and order to save our own homeland we will have to send them all back to their homeland. we are in a world of hurt here. we have the cartels controlling the border. these people are coming across and many are flying right into a border town on the other side of the border and walking across being processed by border patrol
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folks. they are just leading up joe biden, the largest human smuggling at organization the world has seen and it's happening right here. these are all going to be biden voters, i guess. we always said biden couldn't draw a crowd but apparently he can draw a crowd. you can see it at the border. studevent what did they right on the statue of liberty that they cited on cnn? give us are tired, poor and sick. now it's give us your social media influencers. this makes a mockery of the entire asylum process. they are not fleeing danger. they are here for tiktok videos. the guy is just going back and forth. >> first of all, 97% of these people are really not fleeing. they are false fraudulent asylum-seekers. we need to speed up the process of processing those claims and moving them back on out. i know that when president trump gets into office and i am sworn
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into the u.s. senate we will start the largest repatriation project ever. these invasion influencers will not be sticking around. they can actually document their return home to their homeland. >> okay. we get it on the in way and on the way home. kari lake, good luck in the senate race. >> thank you. they will be huge tiktok stars by the time they get back. >> they can blow up in their own country. we have enough tiktok people in america. merry christmas. >> thank you, same to you. joe biden go to sleep. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining.
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biovanta is the only number one physician-recommended product chosen over all others, including tylenol, mucinex, zicam, and nyquil / dayquil. the combat symptoms and boosts immunity. biovanta really works. this week we found out dr. jill biden recommended the president get more rest. last night biden followed the doctor's orders. ♪ music playing ♪
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♪ ♪ music playing ♪ >> that sent the biden campaign into a panic. so they threw joe on air force one and send them to wisconsin. it's the first time he's left d.c. for nearly two weeks. biden napped on the plane because when he hit the tarmac he showed us he could jog. that is jogging. when he hit the stage again, more jogging. here is the lying. >> we have among the lowest inflation rates of any major economy on this earth. that's what we call bidenomics. >> after the speech he looked confused and lost as usual. you go that way. then there is the jog again. there it is. if that doesn't convince you he could do this for five more years, you are an age denier. while the president is falling
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asleep, kamala harris is following orders. the vice president was told to call trump hitler. unlike the border, this was a job she could do. >> its language that is meant to divide us. it is language that i think people have rightly found similar to the language of hitler. >> that's child's play. any college kid can do that. but kamala harris is vp. tell us your mideast policy. when might it reach a point were the correct balance is simply a cease-fire? >> our position is that israel has a right to defend itself. we do also need to focus on what is happening now toward what is possible and should be possible the day after as we call it. >> let me repeat the vp's words in case you didn't quite get that. we do also need to focus on what is happening now toward what is possible and should be possible
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the day after as we call it. and by the end of the interview it was clear things would have gone much better if she had done what joe did and fallen asleep. >> the situation in israel now for the administration seems to be trying to find the balance. when might it reach a point were the correct balance is simply a cease-fire? neck our position is that israel has a right to defend itself. we do also need to focus on what is happening now toward what is possible and should be possible the day after as we call it. >> tomi lahren joins me now. what was that? >> she went on to say it's the most election of our time. it's the election of our time. jesse, they want to keep donald trump off the ballot because they say he mounted an insurrection. i would say that perhaps kamala harris, vice president kamala
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harris is mounting an insurrection on the english language. words, phrases, clauses, grammar, what have you. my goodness if anybody who need hooked on phonics or perhaps schoolhouse rock it would be kamala harris. someone do this woman a favor and help her and her boss with basic words. because they share seam to struggle with them, don't they? >> were you inspired by joe's jogging? i for one thought he looked vigorous as always. >> that's very generous of you to call that a jog. i think what that actually was is when you are getting ready to cross the street and there is a car waiting for you so you have to do that half run jog thing to make it look like you are trying to hurry up and be courteous? that's what that was. the president was run jogging the crosswalk up to the podium to give his very enlightened speech. that's what you saw there. as vigorous as ever. he doesn't look a day over 100. >> we heard there were about 100
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people at the event but the event was at a business. all of those people were told they had to be there or wouldn't be paid on thursday. >> that wouldn't surprise me. i also like the fact that he is taking jill's advice and catching sleep whenever he can find the time. during ceremonies, funerals, you name it. who's always ready to catch a few z's. listen to your wife, joe. >> he is not catching migrants. tomi, merry christmas. >> merry christmas, jesse. crt is now in nursery schools. two -year-olds are reenacting rosa parks. (crowd cheers) sore throat got your tongue? mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. uniquely formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts. that's my babyyy! -ow! get mucinex instasoothe. it's comeback season. only at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. our financial planning tools and advice
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can help you prepare for today's longer retirement. hi mom. that's the value of ownership.
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a washington, d.c. cop barely escaped with his life after being gunned down by a suspected drug dealer just minutes away from the white house. watch. [indiscernible]
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>> that perp, 30-year-old career criminal terrel campbell should not have been out in the streets. his rap sheet includes attempted murder, cracked distribution, threatening to shoot a police officer. kid stuff. all those charges were dropped. he was arrested again in 2020 on drug and gun charges. they had him and then they let him go with the sweetheart plea deal, probation. growing up we all learn the story of rosa parks, the first lady of civil rights. how she changed history when she refused to give up her seat on the bus for a white guy back in '55. that led to rosa getting arrested and the montgomery bus boycott. in the next year the supreme court ruled segregation on buses
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unconstitutional. all school children should learn about rosa parks. but primetime is insured daycare is the right time or place. in florida, a two-year-old black toddler was handcuffed and fingerprinted by a white toddler. the naacp dr. ivory toast and shared these photos with us. a teacher at the building brains date terror in ocala florida made two -year-olds reenact the rosa parks arrests. those two -year-olds are not even potty trained yet. but surely they can grasp of the civil rights movement. while they didn't actually use the handcuffs, the teacher still had the white toddler simulate handcuffing the black toddler. since they aren't old enough to handle fingerprints the teacher teacher settled for handprints. the black toddler parents were aghast and yanked their child out of school. >> her hands were restrained behind her back as if she was being taken into custody.
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and then the next image was her hands being placed on a table as if she was being booked. the look on her face alone, it was horrific. >> as we was approaching the school where the incident happened, she got very quiet and very, very reserved. but by the time we passed it we had our daughter back. >> what was the school's answer? the teacher went rogue in the spirit of the moment the class spontaneously decided to act out the elements of ms. parks story including her arrest for refusing to give up her seat at the front of the bus. we deeply regret the assumption that our teachers, our leadership or administration would in any way choose to make a child feels uncomfortable or negatively singled out because this activity was spontaneous and unplanned circuits not part of our authorized regular curriculum and the administration had no prior knowledge of the incident.
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the teacher has not been fired, of course. we can't have consequences. those are for republicans. plus the parents say the white child was made to wear a police vest. what teacher spontaneously produces child size police vest for police brutality reenactments? if you can't spell bus you are not ready to learn about the back of the bus. at that age let's focus on sharing is caring. the naacp is calling for an investigation and seeing if they can pursue any legal action for the family. again, abc before crt. tomi sotomayor is the director of fatherless america. in what world would some nursery school teacher think this is a good idea? >> in the liberal world. the liberal world right now is telling them they can go rogue. they can do and say whatever they want to to your children
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and even when you listen to the explanation, they are not sorry for what happened. they are sorry you found out. they did not want the images to find themselves on the website or the parents to be the go-getters that they were and went and looked and saw it. this is what liberals do to your children when you get them into their school facilities. >> what are we stopping at this work? let's do custer's last stand. let's do the holocaust. let's reenact every social atrocity we can at 2 because that is the age you want to address these issues. they are also teaching sex at this age. think about that. it's not just civil rights. it's sex. >> they are teaching sex, gender and teaching them that their gender is fluid and whatever they feel like they can be except for a good person or a good citizen. have you noticed they don't teach them things like that? i was waiting for i am assuming next week they will teach them george floyd. i'm thinking maybe they will do the zimmerman and trayvon martin
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thing. what other thing what a two-year-old want to do? they used to want to do blue's clues. now it's let's find some clues on a criminal and let's make sure the cop is always white and that the cop is wrong and that black is always a victim. >> you kneel down here on little george. this is nuts. this is absolutely nuts. not like when you and i were in preschool. i was stacking blocks and i wasn't very good at it. >> right. what's really sad to me is that the white parents should be just as aghast as the black. the white parents should feel like what are you doing? you are teaching my child that they are always the victimizer or a villain. they are always at fault. they are always in the wrong just because of their color. and the black child you are teaching them they can't get anywhere in life except for prison. >> merry christmas. >> thank you.
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charlie arnold host of out kick in the morning. new shows weekday at 8:00. cameron diaz is says sleeping in separate bedrooms should be considered normal. >> we should normalize separate bedrooms. >> thank you. >> i would literally have my house and you have yours and we have the family house in the middle. i will sleep in my room and you go sleep in your room. >> so you need three houses? there you go. >> if it if you don't have three and you have one is it normal for married couples to sleep in separate bedrooms? >> it depends if you have a horrible snorer or distracted sleeper. then i say go for it and find
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your solace. actually in japan it is customary for couples to sleep in different beds. they are one of the most advanced countries in the world. the women always looked very young. maybe they are onto something. >> the birthrate is plummeting and now everyone is old and dying. >> this is true. also, the problem is the economy sucks. inflation is at an all-time high. how do you afford two mattresses to sleep on it. it doesn't make sense. >> the answer is this is ridiculous. if someone snores you get it fixed. >> i try that. it doesn't always work. >> i'm absently now a snorer. >> i am a quiet sleeper. i stay on my side of the bed and barely move. >> i don't believe that. every guy has the same question. what do women want for christmas? what do women want for christmas? >> i just heard this through the grapevine. they like jewelry. this has not been confirmed and
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it's a rumor. to all the men, maybe something to try. in all honesty asking a woman what she wants for christmas is like asking what do you want to eat? there is no real answer. you are expected to know and get it right. >> we are supposed to order for you at the restaurant and know what you want? even when you don't know what you want. >> always. i will do one more. we don't have enough time. >> okay. >> when i announced my book a lot of you said you wouldn't get it in time for christmas. we change the world with this little thing. this goes in the stocking. go to jesse's signed if you preorder you will get a signed copy. in between that time you will get this. when you pull this thing out of a stocking, it's better than jewelry. it is so much better. if you pull jewelry out and pulled this, it's not even a competition.
6:00 pm
a view texts. mike from ramona, california. colby breaks his foot and you get bit by a dog. i don't know who has it worse. i do because breaking your foot doesn't give you rabies. obviously a rabies survivor. look at me now. mark from burleson, texas. tarot card reading? really? i know your mother taught you better. it was a party trick and i learned a lot about myself. a lot of things i didn't know. gary from illinois. joe is not sleeping. he is thinking about the weather. dick from seymour, indiana. why doesn't anybody ask how all these migrants got from africa and asia to mexico? i would assume it's a plane. i don't think they will swim across. michael from new york. please stop gutfeld from wearing hideous sweaters. i can't. he won't allow it. i don't want to change. he can't change. i am watters and this is my world. welcome


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