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tv   Hannity  FOX News  December 20, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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colby breaks his foot and you get bit by a dog. i don't know who has it worse. i do because breaking your foot doesn't give you rabies. obviously a rabies survivor. look at me now. mark from burleson, texas. tarot card reading? really? i know your mother taught you better. it was a party trick and i learned a lot about myself. a lot of things i didn't know. gary from illinois. joe is not sleeping. he is thinking about the weather. dick from seymour, indiana. why doesn't anybody ask how all these migrants got from africa and asia to mexico? i would assume it's a plane. i don't think they will swim across. michael from new york. please stop gutfeld from wearing hideous sweaters. i can't. he won't allow it. i don't want to change. he can't change. i am watters and this is my world. welcome to the special
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edition of trent hannity. i am kellyanne conway in for sean. tonight, three years into the biden administration and we are still talking about the southern border. this is a debilitating crisis and a man-made crisis caused and perpetuated by joe biden. it is only getting worse. here is the cover of the new york post with the headline, surrender. biden does nothing as record number illegally cross border. last year in almost unthinkable 6000 illegal immigrants were crossing each day. now we are doubled that, up to a record 12,000 in a single day. what was once unthinkable is now totally unsustainable. multiple rail routes into the united states are closed because of the flood of migrants. large stretches of the southern border are also reportedly left unattended as border agents are
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stretched thin. and according to bill melugin, one colombian woman who crossed illegally into el paso was released into the united states and given a follow-up appointment with ice. in 2031, eight years from now. our own film allusion has a full report. bill? >> reporter: kelly and, we are currently averaging 10,000 migrant encounters every single day during the month of september so far. the numbers are startling and they are not slowing down. take a look at what we saw in lukeville, arizona this morning. another mass illegal crossing through a breach in the border wall. we saw hundreds of adults from all around the world crossing illegally and walking up this dirt path looking for border patrol to turn themselves in. some with cell phones taking selfies and sending pictures back home showing they made it to the united states. we had two guys from afghanistan amongst this group which crossed
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here illegally. also caught up with a group of men from india who crossed illegally. i had a chance to talk with them as well. take a listen. why did you come to the u.s.? >> english, no. >> do you want to work? do you want a job? >> yes. >> no. >> you don't want to work? then we talk about the backlog asylum system. take a look at this. this is a notice to report to ice for a colombian woman who crossed illegally and was released. that notice to appear is in new york city in the year 2031, eight years from now. i talked to her immigration attorney and he tells me it's one of the most shocking things he has ever seen in his almost 30 years of practicing immigration law. take a listen. >> that's quite possibly the most unusual thing i have ever seen in my near three decades of practicing immigration law. it made me realize the biden
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administration is basically providing backdoor amnesty for anyone who wants to show up at the border. >> last week katie hobbs announced she was sending the national guard down here to the southern border. i can tell you we have been in lukeville all week long and have not seen a single soldier by the wall or near any of these areas where we have been witnessing these mass illegal crossings. we will send it back to you. >> bill, thank you. remember when the media and democrats exploded at what they referred to as kids in cages at the southern border under trump? turns out those were obama and biden cages. but now migrant children are literally dying because of biden's border crisis. and no one on the left seems to care. a five-year-old boy just died after becoming sick at an overcrowded migrant shelter in chicago. but according to far left chicago mayor brandon johnson, texas governor greg abbott, 110.
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watch this. >> the issue is not just how we respond in the city of chicago. it's the fact that we have a governor, a governor, an elected official in the state of texas that is placing families on buses without shoes, cold, wet, tired, hungry, afraid, traumatized. they come to the city of chicago where we have homelessness. we have mental health clinics that have been shut down and closed. you have people who are seeking employment. the governor of texas needs to take a look in the mirror of the chaos he is causing for this country. this is not just a chicago dynamic. he is attacking our country. >> joining us now with the reaction is fox news contributor charlie hurt and chicago alderman and democratic congressional candidate raymond
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lopez. alderman lopez, let's start with you. you seem to be one of the more boulder democrats taking on your party on what is clearly chaos and crisis all around us. how do you feel listening to the fairly new mayor of chicago blaming the governor of texas for something that tragically happen to a five-year-old boy in your city? >> we have walked down this path before when we saw lori lightfoot try to blame the governor for the failure to protect and secure the border of the united states. my mayor is blaming everyone except the person who needs to get the blame and that is president joe biden and kamala harris who are responsible for rape protecting and securing our borders and having a functional immigration system. they're not calling out secretary mayorkas for letting asylum-seekers come to this country under false pretense and giving them court cases 10 years from now. they are calling on the governor who is clearly frustrated and who has democratic city mayors begging for help as they are being overrun on a daily basis.
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it's outrageous that common sense is nowhere to be found in the democratic party anymore when it comes to this issue. if we want this to stop we have to secure the border and stop the draw which is all the free benefits people are hearing and posting about and sharing on social media circles encouraging the ever-growing flow of individuals not just from south america but from the entire world to come to our southern border, sneak in and get their payment and selfie and continue the cycle over and over again. >> very well said. thank you for being here and sharing those sentiments. charlie, we know the dhs secretary under president obama and jay johnson famously said that 1000 illegal crossings a day would be a lot and he couldn't imagine 4000. now we have tripled that number at 12,000. we don't need to imagine it. it's there in front of us. fox news shows the footage constantly. in terms of those that are crossing we keep seeing statistics that there could be people on the terror watch list.
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not everyone who comes over as a credible claim of asylum. most don't. the alderman made that clear. do you think we are starting to see more democrats do what alderman lopez is doing? if you have john fetterman saying it's a problem. katie hobbs in arizona is pushing back on joe biden. you start to see the wall of shame and blamelessness crack? >> yeah. i think we are. it's most interesting to see people like katie hobbs switch of their position on this. i am hoping that other democratic politicians do. they are sort of catching up with what normal democratic voters already believe that. this is something that as you know better than anybody donald trump tapped into in 2016. this is not just an issue that republicans or conservatives care about. this is an issue that regular democratic voters care very much about all across the political spectrum. it's just that democrat leaders have been so off the mark and
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have been so out to lunch on all of this and forcing these bad policies on the country. they have been ignoring their own voters. and only now that it's gotten this bad do you start seeing that wall crack and you start seeing democrats calling out these people. the biden administration continues to lie about this every day and claim that the border is secure even as they are flying hundreds and thousands of migrants all over the country on charter planes. not just charter planes. if you get on a delta flight today the chances of you flying somewhere that the government, the biden administration is also flying a bunch of migrants as you are trying to pay for christmas and things like this. you are paying for this person to fly all over the country. this is going on. the whole world knows it. that is where all these people are coming from. everyone has gotten the message and it's pouring over our open border that has been purposefully open by joe biden.
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>> before i go back to the alderman to close us out, i quickly point out that when donald trump raise this issue in 2015 illegal immigration is a top three issue in some holes. i think you are right. a lot of independents care about this. alderman lopez, what would happen if you invited democrats to join you at the border. you had alexandria ocasio-cortez and kamala harris at the border. they can't seem to find their way back. what would you find? who would show up? >> i think there would be a small handful of individuals who have common sense that would want to see firsthand what is going on and seeing what you have reported day in and day out as the wave of individuals show up. i've invited kamala harris and joe biden. they don't want to go to the border. come to the encampment that we have like the one where the five-year-old past away. see what you're border crisis is doing to our backyard in the city of chicago where we have tens of thousands of individuals
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crammed together. their failure is something we cannot ignore anymore. we can't go with the narrative and say everything is fine. there are plenty of individuals who want to see the front door fixed to this country and not have workarounds like this to let people come into this country under false pretense. additionally, as someone who is of mexican descent, all my mexican undocumented immigrants in my ward and city are looking at the situation saying wait a minute, we came here and pursued the american dream. we were honest about why we were here for work and try to get our own share. now we are being leapfrogged by individuals who lied to get into the country. there is a lot of animosity in the democratic or if they continue down this path. they are alienating the true constituents. >> a tragedy for the five-year-old. he is not alone. we have a record number of deaths. alderman lopez and charlie hurt, thank you so much. also tonight, while millions
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of illegal immigrants simply walk across our southern border, china's dictator bx is walking all over our president without fear or reprisal from joe biden. china meddled in the midterm elections to boot. according to nbc news president xi openly threatened by it and after a summit in california. posting about a plan to attack taiwan. meanwhile another hot spot, iran is more emboldened than ever. directing it's proxy in yemen to ramp up attacks in a key international shipping route and the u.s. warships in that region. here now with more, fox news contributor and former secretary of state and cia director, the only person in american history to have both of those roles, mike pompeo. thank you so much for joining us. i know the world under joe biden look so dangerous to us and there are so many hotspots around the globe.
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my my fear theater that we are have one foreign entanglement on america's doorstep for every year the biden presidency. 2021 the withdrawal from afghanistan. 2022 putin invades ukraine. 2023 israel and hamas. maybe in 2024 china says it will go ahead and reunify. we know what that means. militarily invade taiwan. can you walk us through what the average american should think about this and know about this? >> kelly, these are not disconnected events. i think you grabbed it exactly correctly by describing these as a sequential and following on from each other. you can go back further which is the story you reported on which was our open southern border. the failure of america to stand up for the things that matter and our own sovereignty and national interest abroad.
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those are the things that invite the bad guys, the radical legals leaders to continue to inflict harm on the united states and our friends and allies. when you are in a position where your allies don't trust you will defend them and your enemies tell you at a summit that they are going to take another nation by force if that is what is necessary and you do nothing. you failed to deter them and present an enormous amount of risk to the american people not only here in this country but any american traveling abroad as well. i think that february 5th, 2021 ended up being a prophetic day early on in the biden administration. one of the first things you did is he took them off the terror watch list. that was 16 days into his presidency. this was the big priority as president. the $6 billion he forked over to iran. i know that you were fully engaged on the matter of a ran. if we had a republican president
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again perhaps president trump even, what do you think could be done? is the damage too deep and great? give us a little bit of optimism in what seems like a pessimistic time as it goes around. >> the good news especially in the middle east as we can get this back. america has the capacity to do that. we are a great nation and have great friends in the region. we would make clear we are not going to tell the israelis you have to fight this war on a limited basis. we will suggest you will be finished somehow eradicating hamas. we will tell the israelis to do what you need to do to protect your people. we would then secondly go back to our friends and say we are going to be with you on the bad days and good days. when you do that you isolate the worlds largest state sponsor of terror, the iranians. you've got it right. this administration tried to make friends with them. they thought there was an iranian moderate. that's crazy.
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they designated the terrorist and yemen and emboldened hezbollah. they did all the things in iran that threaten the united states and the nation of israel. we can get it back. put pressure on iran and make friends in the region and keep our young boys and girls from risking their lives to fight and die in that place like so many have for so many years. >> secretary pompeo, when it comes to the middle east and what is happening in israel if you had the role of secretary of state. what advice would you give to antony blinken right now? >> well, it's difficult. he is following the leadership of what was president obama and now president biden who have a fundamental different view of the middle east. they are skeptical when it comes to israel. they call the crown prince of saudi arabia allowed afghanistan to go away and get 13 americans killed. those are tough things for a secretary of state. we don't have a leader prepared to do the right thing. i would encourage him to give
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president biden the backbone that is required to keep america safe. it's absolutely possible for america to get this back. >> since you know everything and every region i have to ask you about something else that was in the news today. the prisoner swap in venezuela. what do you make of that? >> we worked hard in the trump administration to get this fellow taken off the streets. we chased him all around and got him here. he was supporting the regime that has a $15 million warrant to get him back to the united states. that's a leader of venezuela. i don't think this trade made any sense for the united states of america. when you bend a knee to these authoritarian regimes, i am glad we are getting some people back home, but there will be more americans taken hostage and more americans wrongfully detained. you can't appease these folks. you know it firsthand. you have to demonstrate american power. when you do that you can keep america safe and don't have to make these terrible traits like
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the biden administration has made repeatedly. >> secretary mike pompeo, thank you very much for sharing your insights tonight and being an amazing patriot and public servant. merry christmas. >> merry christmas. coming up, as biden continues to flounder, democrats are now looking for knew, creative ways to change the rules ahead of november. we will break it all down with south dakota governor. claudia tenney is up next. and smooths dry skin. with 7 moisturizers & 3 vitamins. and... new gold bond healing sensitive. clinically shown to heal & moisturize dry, sensitive skin. gold bond. billy: one second, grandma. this guy is going to buy my car. okay? grandma: you need carvana... entering plate number... grandma: no accidents, right? billy: no. grandma: generating offer... carvana can pick it up tomorrow! billy: that's an amazing offer. announcer: sell your car the easy way with carvana.
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getting sick and tired of cold and flu products that don't work? biovanta is the only number one physician-recommended product chosen over all others, including tylenol, mucinex, zicam, and nyquil / dayquil. the combat symptoms and boosts immunity. biovanta really works. welcome back to the special edition of "hannity". democrats are into panic mode heading into 2024 as joe biden phone numbers continue to
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plummet nationwide and in the swing states. so, what is the left's game plan? it's simple. change the rules and kick their opponent off the ballot. earlier today, president biden declined to comment on the colorado supreme court's decision, but asserted that trump supported an insurrection. he is absolutely sure. take a look. >> whether the 14th amendment made the court make that decision. he supported the insurrection. no question about it. none, zero. he seems to be doubling down on that. >> trump hasn't been charged or convicted of insurrection but the left celebrated the court's best overreach in colorado. turns out not everyone is on board. 2024 independent candidate rfk jr. warned the decision could lead to problems down the road. and south dakota governor kristi noem said what they are doing in
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colorado is biden's only hope of winning the election in november. joining us to tell us more, governor kristi noem. good evening and thank you. >> good evening. thank you so much for inviting me. i appreciate it. >> governor governor, it's a important point you made. rfk jr. took 2x formally known as twitter and gave a robust defensive the people and said we can't let the courts and political manipulation decide our president. that right belongs to the people. as a governor, what would you say if your highest court was to deny someone access to the ballot? >> what they are doing is unconstitutional and it has no grounds. what is key is what you said earlier. he hasn't been charged or convicted at all of insurrection. it's interesting that the colorado supreme court has use this as the basis for their reason for removing him from the ballot. that's the hypocrisy we are seeing of how they are trying to work the system in a very unfair
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way because they are so concerned, the left is so concerned about losing the selection to president trump. he will win. make no mistake. regardless of what colorado and the supreme court decides that president trump will win the primary election and when the general election. that's because of the left consistently taking extreme measures like this and degrading our society and destroying america from its foundation up. >> if he does wind again he will return to mount rushmore to be with you and everyone else in south dakota for a july 4th celebration. governor, would you bar biden from the ballot in your state of south dakota if he violated that part of the 14th amendment by unfreezing assets for iran or allowed terrorist to just openly walk over the southern border? do you think you would have that power or your highest court would have that power? >> you know, i don't believe so. that is what is so interesting.
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the process that the court has is a balance to the federal government. there is a balance to the executive branch and legislative branch. us exerting the kind of influence on the court and their decision to take that kind of action is really unprecedented. i trust our south dakota state laws and our constitution. it gives great guidance to us and our court system understands that their job is to follow statute and give decisions based on the scales of justice. i am very proud of what we do in south dakota. i would be hopeful that other states would do this and not let liberal judges rewrite the rules of the game to work for their political interest. this is where the supreme court should and will take quick action, strong action to reverse this decision at the lower court and make sure they do the right thing by the american people and make sure their voices are heard. tt will win and my hope is they allow this election to be held fairly and let the people way in
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and choose the president they want in the white house. >> in light of yesterday's colorado supreme court decision many around president trump and many others are crying election interference. we know all about voter exclusion and intimidation. this seems like the elimination. planning the will of the people with judicial imperious in his. it strikes some people, some people we are both familiar with that conservatives are trump supporters are being called deplorable, irredeemable. now they are being castigated and denigrated differently that they can't possibly be wise and judicious in their presidential election. the supreme court of colorado must do it for them by kicking someone off the ballot. what do think of that? i'm sure you people tell you they are schattle banned or censored. how does this play into that if at all? >> i see both sides. people see the hypocrisy and the
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corruption that is happening from the left and how they are using this against people that are their enemies and the agenda they want to pursue. i would also say that the more this stuff happens the more they normalize it. the more often they use our judicial system and supreme court to play these political games, to go out and fundamentally rewrite justice, the more it becomes normal in america. that is what is so dangerous. the more often you see something, the more you don't blink at at the next time it happens. the more it seems like that is something that just happens. that is increasing so often in the last year or two where we have our courts being used to punish political opponents in a way that i just don't remember seeing five years ago or six years ago. now it's being used on a daily basis. i believe that's dangerous for our way of life. that than becomes normal to the american people and they start to think that is something that is okay. it is not okay.
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that is what has made america special for so many generations. the fact that we were a country of freedom. we were a country of people, a republic, where they get to decide. we don't live by dictatorships or a direction of an elite view making the decisions. our motto is under god. the people rule. we enforce that every day by following our constitution. i hope in the united states we know what our constitution says as well. >> millions of americans agree with that point. thank you for joining us. merry christmas. >> thank you and merry christmas. now the left is not just playing games with the presidential election. they are also trying to redraw congressional maps as a part of their big quest to take back the house. just last week new york's highest court ordered a new congressional map be drawn by a bipartisan independent commission.
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remember, republicans won several key congressional seats in new york in 2022. that was vital to regaining control of the house by the slimmest of margins. so now the associated press report says the courts ruling is, quote, "an early but important step in the democrats plan to retake a handful of congressional districts in new york seen as vital to winning the house majority. here with reaction, new york congresswoman claudia tenney. congresswoman, thanks for joining us. i think we all remember in 2022 many were predicting a are a dead wave. we took the house back and thankfully we'd learned about them biden family. by the slimmest of margins i think in large part because we say a strategy here in new york and also in california. you represent a district in new york and you are joined by new members of congress like michael lawler and anthony d'esposito who took seats that biden had
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won presidentially. walk us through why the rest of the country should care what is going on in new york. do you think somebody is playing shenanigans or is this business as usual and giving demographic changes by redrawing maps? >> this is a complete denial by the democrats of democracy which they talk about all the time. they hate democracy. when the voters have a chance to vote they don't vote with democratic policies. this is a manipulation of the process. that is what gerrymandering is. it's manipulating the district lines in order to get a partisan results. the democrats gerrymandered these districts. the court court of appeals weighed in and determined that the independent redistricting commission which was asked for and voted upon by the voters of new york a 2-one democrat dominated state wanted redistricting. 81% of democrats or 81% of new yorkers which is two thirds democrat basically said we don't
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want the legislature to do these lines. we think gerrymandering in a partisan way is cheating. that was the pole test that was done. the democrats don't really want democracy. what do they do? they intimidated and got judges to leave that sided with the independent redistricting commission. new judges in place and then brought a lawsuit. it's almost as if the decision by the judges was predetermined and they got the result they want. they will overturn the independent redistricting commission independent fair lines that were drawn over the will of the voters. the voters went in again and said we don't want the legislature to draw these lines because it's a low hanging fruit. the democrats have a vetoproof majority, a super majority. they will draw the lines. the low hanging fruit narrow majority in the congress. remember something that is critical. it wasn't the democrats in new york that brought the case.
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it was hakeem jeffries the minority leader and former assembly member from washington with the democrats in washington. they want power and want to take back the house. they will do anything and everything to overturn the will of the voters. that's what's happening in new york. pay attention. this is what they are doing over the next several weeks. >> a full year before the election. we are not as surprised. i see a theme emerging. people are stupid. we must avert their will. thank you very much for joining us congresswoman tenney. up next, americans are souring on biden and souring on bidenomics. but joe is blissfully unaware. the great larry kudlow explains as we continue this special trend edition of "hannity".
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i'm sholeh, and i lost 75 pounds with golo. i went from a size 20 to a size 6. before golo, nothing seemed to work. i was exercising for over an hour every day. it was really discouraging. but golo's so easy, the weight just falls off.
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just a few weeks ago team biden had completely given up on by nonexpert congressional democrats drop the phrase altogether. biden himself wasn't using the term in speeches. but today, joe was back on the bidenomics train. take a look. >> we are doing it by building an economy from the bottom up and not the top down. not a whole lot trickled down to my dad's kitchen table from the top down economy. when you increase the middle class the poor have a shot and the wealthy still do very well. the middle class does well and we all do well. that's what we called bidenomics. >> now of course biden will probably spend the rest of this campaign but the american people aren't buying it. our latest fox news poll shows that 20% of respondents believe that thanks are going well.
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here now with more is the host of kudlow on foxbusiness, larry kudlow. larry, we have seen all the statistics, polling and economic statistics. people living paycheck to paycheck. 40 are high on interest rates and inflation. every day life is unaffordable and it showing up in the polls. we finally have try partisan agreement. republicans, independents and democrats agree the economy could be doing better. why don't you tell us how you as an economist would define bidenomics? what are the four or five main components of it? >> the problem is bidenomics as you just mentioned is affordability. because prices have gone up so much, grocery prices, home heating, electricity, gasoline, mortgage interest rates, credit card interest rates, automobile loan interest rates.
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all those prices have gone up so much, people can't afford it. wages, take-home pay, after inflation, after adjusting for taxes have been falling for three years. people are unhappy. many are living paycheck to paycheck. many have to work several jobs. this middle out, middle up business. low income people have been hurt the most and middle income people have been hurt badly. the well to do have done very well to do. so biden's law supports working folks. no matter black working folks, hispanic, white. they are the ones that have gotten clobbered in this. that is why those polls are so bad. >> i agree. what about the washington journal report on all these failing electric car start ups. some have claimed a bankruptcy. we read behind the scenes that biden is fuming and a lot of what he paid for in terms of the
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infrastructural bill and electric vehicles hasn't been built. he doesn't have a tangible example of his successes. this may be one of the biggest errors and boondoggles of all. electric vehicles. it looks like these 18 ev battery startups that went public in recent years half run out of gas so to speak. >> run out of money, run out of electricity. here's the thing. people really resent mandates by the federal government. to tell them how to live, how to drive, what kind of showers they can have, what kind of toilets they can have. they really resent that. this whole ev thing comes to a head in five years, eight years. you are not going to have any gasoline powered cars. people are just furious at that. they don't like it one bit.
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what you need to change, if donald trump comes into office in a years time or so, he is going to go after all of the biden regulations. he can do that through executive authority. he will wipe them away including these ev mandates and telling folks how to live. the other thing he will do is use executive budget authority to impound all the biden spending programs, the slush funds for climate change, the excess subsidies to well-to-do corporations. he will use executive authority and impound the authority which he has under the constitution. he's also going to change the way government works. how to hire, how to fire all the bureaucrats and will go drill, drill, drill, open up fossil drilling on public lands. i also think he will extend the trump tax cuts to give
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middle-class people the boost they deserve. they were the biggest beneficiary of his tax cuts years ago. finally he will close the border. closing the border will help real wages. it will help law and order and safety and public health. there is a whole bunch of steps that must be taken. i think the public is going to back that because they see he is strong enough and tough enough to change the direction of the country and of the economy. no one is going to stop him. he is a tough guy. i call it trump tough. i call it trump tough and he has got about five or six key things that he can do in the first 100 days to turn this economy around and give this economy back to the middle class people who earned it in the first place. >> larry kudlow, a roadmap to get rid of bidenomics. the opposite of tough and strong is week.
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we know what that looks like. thank you for joining me. straight ahead, more trouble in the white house. a new report claims the president patients behind the scenes is dwindling. so what is joe biden so upset about this time? we will tell you as this special "hannity" continues. biovanta is the only number one physician-recommended product chosen over all others, including tylenol, mucinex, zicam, and nyquil / dayquil. the combat symptoms and boosts immunity.
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biovanta really works.
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joe biden loves to help his imaginary record of accomplishments. since they don't actually exist, sometimes they are hard to see, even for joe himself. cnn reports that biden is secretly fuming that not enough projects funded by his bipartisan infrastructure bill are actually built yet. despite all the talk, he has quite literally nothing to show
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for it. here with reaction are fox news contributors joe concha and tammy bruce. joe, this is one of those stories you dealt with in the trump administration. in this case, biden is starting to read his own poll numbers and see there is very little escape. what say you? >> 33% where we are seeing those numbers now which are entering 1974 type of territory. obviously a panic has set in. you see that he is mad about these shovel ready projects, i guess, not getting underway fast enough. this is a president who has been an government for more than 50 years. he should understand that when you're dealing with huge government funded projects they are not going to get started right away or even in a couple years. here in jersey in the obama years there were huge signs on a local highway touting the old biden obama biden stimulus bill. 10 years later after it was past
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construction to expand was still going on. you could drive by for months and sees little to nothing getting accomplished. obama admitted the shovel ready jobs weren't as shovel ready as he thought. joe biden thinks americans will feel or see any tangible projects completed anytime this decade he is either delusional or suffering from memory loss of what happened or what didn't happen during the obama and biden years on this front. >> if only joe biden can consult with obama's vice president about what went wrong. he was his vice president. 34% favorability rating. kamala harris is at 35%. the dream team. they are stuck in neutral. now it's spilling out in public few. where do you see this headed? >> i see a panic that is happening. we see that in general including biden saying trump engaged in an insurrection. i think they are also surprised that all of the gas lighting has
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not worked. i believe they have had a very low opinion of the american people. they believe that we can just be patted on the head and believe what we are told. they are forgetting it is very strange to consider this. they are forgetting we are not reliant on what they tell us. we are reliant on what we experience when we wake up in the morning and what is in our bank account and how much gas is in the tank and whether or not we can get baby formula and have kids medicines are still not available, about the price of meat, that you have to forgo protein for your children or gas in the car to keep your job. the three jobs that you have to work in order to pay your rent. it's a remarkable time where you see this. people thought bush was disconnected when he was surprised to see the scanner at the grocery store. now we've got a president who is not even on the same planet about the nature of the lives we are living. he is upset that we are not being able to see a bridge that
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may be hasn't been built yet and won't be built until 2040 win in fact he has built something. he's built the worst economy in most peoples lifetimes. he has burned down many things that existed like the future for the american people. we have seen what he has done and we don't like it. they are clearly not going to adjust to the reality of that. now you will see an angrier, stranger, more hostile and more red lit buildings, more fascists are going to be everywhere. it's going to be a crazed panic that we will see coming out of this administration. teaneck it's the difference between what the democrats say and what we actually see. but we see will dominate. joe concha and tammy bruce, thank you very much. coming up, the names of jeffrey epstein's associates are set to be released. tennessee senator marsha blackburn who has demanded accountability will join us next
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with reaction.
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>> on monday a federal judge in new york ordered court documents naming jeff epstein's associates be made public next month. senator marshal blackburn of tennessee praised the decision saying accountability is coming. he's tried numerous times a subpoena to issue these records. she joins us to discuss this. senator blackburn, tell us why the united states senate is involved in this and why the average american should care about epstein's associates on that plane beyond? >> it's not about celebrity, it's about criminal activity. and that's what we want to know, and the more we find out, the more these victims are going to feel empowered to come forward
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and tell their story and get justice. and this is about protecting women and girls. it's also about breaking apart some of these sex trafficking rings that seem to have proliferated. you've got human trafficking, sex trafficking, it's gone from being about a $500 million a year business to $150 billion a year business, in a few short years. and the jeffrey epstein sex trafficking ring is probably one of the biggest international sex trafficking rings that we have ever seen or heard of or known of, and it had a lot of hype profile, high-dollar pedophiles that were involved in this. so getting this information will help us to get justice for those victims. >> i was really struck by something you said last week, which is that you tried many
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times to have the senate judiciary committee vote on this. >> yes. >> you approached senator dick durban of illinois about it but for some reason he wants to keep the names of the flight passengers for jeffrey epstein a secret. tell us more about that. >> yes. i am the top republican on the human rights subcommittee and we've done a lot of work in that subcommittee to care for children. foster children, human trafficking, sex trafficking, and twice in committee meetings, i brought up the issue of having the subpoenas issued, and twice i was denied the opportunity to offer that amendment and get people on the record. and this information has been really sequestered. when you look at jeffrey epstein's death, then you look at the ghislaine maxwell trial, and she, of course, recruited and groomed the girls and
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brought them into jeffrey epstein's orbit. and what we need to know is who all was involved with this. how many different sex trafficking rings did this intersect with? who was in charge of these sex trafficking rings? how do we protect these women and girls? how do we begin to shut this down? how do we make certain that people who have been involved with these trafficking rings brought to face their penalties and jail time, and then thereby get justice for these girls? so dick durbin twice chose not to push this forward, but we're going to continue going for the subpoenas. we're continuing to investigate this. people can keep up with my work. >> thank you for joining us and for your work on this. it incredibly important. that's all the time we have left