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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 20, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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biovanta is the only number one physician-recommended product chosen over all others, including tylenol, mucinex, zicam, and nyquil / dayquil. the combat symptoms and boosts immunity. biovanta really works. >> jesse: hello. i'm jesse waters with emily compagno, harold ford jr., dana perino and greg gutfeld.
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it's 5:00 and this is "the five" in new york city. >> is trump an insurrectionist sir? >> it's self-evident. you saw it all. let the court make that decision. no question about it, none. >> jesse: joe biden giving his blessing to the bomb shell ruling that kicked donald trump off of the ballot in colorado. you can blame these justices for the landmark decision. they pushed a novel legal theory that sounds like it's written by msnbc's prime time. deciding the former president's actions make him ineligible to even run for president again and used the 14th amendment, a relic
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from the civil war era to stop insurrectionists from holding off. change-up has not even be charged with insurrectionist. the trump campaign vowing to appeal at the supreme court and the former president himself railing against it. listen. >> they want to silence me because i will never let them silence you. in the end, they're not after me, they're after you. i just happen to be standing in their way. >> the liberals that crow endlessly about threats to democracy seem to be pretty happy about taking it away from voters in colorado. >> this is not a crazy thing for democracy to do. >> it's very much like the reasoning of the conservative legal community. >> the conservatives on the supreme court who usually go on and on and on about states' rights are hypocrites. >> he was an enemy of the constitution. >> simply a plain reading of the u.s. constitution. >> this is not partisan. this is about applying historic principles. >> what do you say to the
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republican's candidate argument that the voters should have the say and not the courts? >> why are you standing with confederates that betrayed this country? >> jesse: colorado's anti-democratic ruling could open the flood gates and destabilize our elections, a dozen other states with pending lawsuits that could bar trump from the ballot. now liberal california is looking in to blocking people from voting for trump. okay. you went to law school. you did, right? >> harold: i did. >> jesse: good. when you saw this drop last night, what was the first thing that went through your mind harold? >> harold: i wanted to read the decision. second thing that popped in my mind isá-- first, good to be back. second thing that popped in my mind is we're going to get the courtá-- the supreme court will weigh-in on this and we'll have an opportunity to retire this issue one way or the other. as you stated there, a number of states that have been flirting with this. three, i had not heard president biden.
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he hadn't spoken yet. we all have opinions about what happened january 6. the thing i was concerned as as related to president trump, i was bothered by it, he had every right to tell people he won and he should tell them that i won. when he saw the thing got out of control for three hours and didn't call his own vice president was there, that's still what bothers me. i'm not sureá-- that's him being a part of an insurrectionist but he has to answer for that. i'd rather have him answer to that to the voters, jesse. i'm concerned and bothered by the decision. but i'm relieved by the fact that emily and i have a legal background that the supreme court will take this up. you have different states with different positions on this. some say it's okay. a state saying she shouldn't be on the ballot. based on what i know if i were on the supreme court, i would overrule them. >> jesse: emily, so they're going to take this up, we believe, in january. when would they decide this case?
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>> emily: well, usually decisions come out in june. this would likely have an expedited decision, however. that was part of the reason why this decision was stayed and why scotus said yes, we'll take it. i have to say i obviously agree with harold. i want to point out where the analogy falters, which is he's grateful for the sport, but it's like getting your leg chopped off and it's like thank goodness i'm there next to the hospital to fix it. the point is you shouldn't have your leg chopped off in the first place. most states dismissed this outright for the fact that it's faulty. my first thought when i heard about this is here's just yet another way that they are trying to take him down and most importantly another way that they, meaning the liberal leftist woke democrats, are trying to take away power from the people. for everyone saying that are advocates of this, multiple sources say yes, it pertains to the office of the presidency or preclude this or totally irrelevantly unlike just blanked
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on her name, what if a confederate had decided to be president or had won the election? at the end of the day, the gross majority of democratic precedents of democracy cannon states that indeed this office is excluded. decision after decision held that the office of the presidency was excluded from section 3. recently in the grand scheme of things, decisions came out saying something different. when i look at that volume and i look to people way more educated and smarter than i am, at the end of the day, they say all you're doing having activist judges take away the power from the people. let the people decide. all this will do is make everyone mad and remind everyone why activist judges hold no place in our democracy and for some reason, they are continuing to flourish under this administration. >> jesse: last time we had judges and lawyers again
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interfering in this election. >> dana: i think this will be taken care of quickly. i think it will be expedited so quickly that you might have a decision before the end of this year or the first week of january. because of the way the ballots work and it's pretty clear. if you look at the preponderance of the response today, probably the most agreement you've had on the left and the right that this is a dog of a case and it won't go forward. most supreme court cases are decided 9-0. 8-1. they'reá-- the ones that we talk about are the ones that are the most difficult ones for them to answer. i don't think this will be that difficult to answer. minnesota, not that most conservative state, their supreme court walked away from it. the supreme court knows we need to be decisive and quick about this. the other thing is, president biden when he was asked, he was
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asked was trump an insurrectionist. he says well, i think that self-evident. that's not how it works. i could say it's self-evident to me that hunter biden was accepting bribes on behalf of his father who was giving him a wing and a nod. it's self-evident to me. that's not how it's supposed to work. that's why we have an impeachment. that's why hunter is under indictment and he will get his day in court. also the liberals that are freaking out about this with glee thinking now we've got him just wait until the supreme court pushes it back and says no. then all of them will say that the u.s. supreme court is illegitimate and they've been bought off by everybody else. on the politics, two points. president trump's as sent in the 2024 primary started in april when alvin bragg brought the tax case against him. that's when it started to go up. now it's super charged with
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every other legal case that comes forward. this one perhaps puts him over the top. democrats are providing him all of his best moments. so if i were biden, what i would have said i'll let the courts decide about insurrectionist and about this. i'll tell you this, if trump is on the ballot, i'm going to beat him on the merits and walk away. i'm not surprised how he handled it. that's all i have to say. >> jesse: jack smith has a case with the court about whether the president can be charged criminally for executing his duties. they might knock that out, too. greg? >> greg: i love the media glee over this. it's hysterical. it just betrays their stupidity. i mean, if you think this is valid or a win, it's so unconstitutional. this is like cheering because you got a girl's phone number and it turns out to be for the suicide hotline. that's how bad this is. i feel so bad.
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i was watching earlier. i feel so bad for mary trump. she has no idea this will blow up in her face. not like anyone will notice. but still, remember, this is assisted based on precedent. harry reid changed the filibuster rule. what happened? republicans filibustered merrick garland allowing trump to get the supreme court majority which ironically will solve this mess. so this could also blow up in the dems faces much like a puffer fish with diarrhea also known as the mary trump. the dems are not learning. the more they push trump away the closer he gets. he's like booze to the dems that are all full-blown trumpaholics. what do they do? they hide bottles all over the house hoping no one will see it. the obsession only grows. they put trump here, let's put him there. then he just pops out. you just need it more than ever. it makes him just more exciting. he doesn't have to say or do
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anything. in fact, that would be my advice to him. let them, let these crazy people elect you. the more unhinged and old the dems sound about trump, the more punk rock, the more rap, the more metal trump becomes. he's like a mix of the sex pistols, public enemy and metallica all rolled in to one. he's america's bad boy and he should let them do all the work and sit back and regain the white house. >> harold: the one good thing if the court stays 9-0, a good chance it will, it will help deflate this partisan argument against judges being democrat or republican. you can very we'll see a democratic appointed joe biden and republican appointed judge and the court decide this is not constitutional. >> dana: great point. >> greg: did you hear the supreme court ruling on cannibalism? 8-1. i just made that up. >> jesse: you did not. >> greg: i did. when she said 8-1á-- >> jesse: you did not just make that up. you've been keeping that in your
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back pocket. >> greg: i swear. >> jesse: up next, does anybody know what this means? >> they don't need to be limited >> greg: i swear. >> jesse: up next, does anybody know what this by other people's limited understanding of who can do what. >> jesse: hey, kamala harris and joe biden bomb in their big interviews. ♪ joe biden bomb in their big interviews. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> greg: joe biden losing his riz and his brain goes fizz. democrats crapping their pants over new young polls showing voters flocking to donald trump. latest fox polls have the former
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president leading biden among voters under the age of 30. just look at that. joe thinking the best way to win them back is by sitting down with conan to talk about his hair. >> if you stay connected to these things that embarrassed you when you were a kid whatever it was, speech impediment or anxiety or feeling awkward or not being a good athlete, my list goes on and on. having weird hair, having a weird nameá-- >> i wish i had your hair. i'd trade right now. >> it comes off. it velcros in the back. >> i would do it if i could. >> greg: joe could dough it. kamala is hitting the airwaves to offer up this pearl of wisdom on the election. >> every election cycle, we talk about this is the most election of our lifetime. this one is. i've been fortunate and blessed during the course of being vice president to have many situations where it becomes
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clear to me that there areá-- you know, people of every age and gender, by the way, that see something about being the first that lets them know they don't need to be limited by other people's limited understanding of who can do what. >> greg: wow! that was amazing. dana, my two theories. she's drunk. >> dana: no. >> greg: okay. whatever fetterman had, he regifted. >> dana: they have had some late nights having to do the holiday parties. >> greg: you're too diplomatic. she as high as a kite. >> dana: her numbers go up when she doesn't do interviews. there's a strategy to that. don't talk and your numbers go up. i was with a friend the other night. she voted democrat. she said what do you think is the problem for harris? i don't know how to explain it.
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>> greg: switch to light beer. >> dana: i don't know. >> greg: whatever she's drinkingá-- >> dana: i don't know if that's it. >> greg: that was not sober. i'm not drink shaming. i'm trying to give her an out here. that made no sense. >> dana: i think this is very reminiscent of all the other times she's done interviews. think about the space interview. the space and the word salad. i can't remember that world she repeated 20 times. the run-on sentence. what i thought was interesting is that lawrence o'donnell didn't tried to help a sister out. he doesn't say let meá-- before i let you go, let me ask you one more question that he thinks she can nail. >> greg: yeah, passage of time. it's like she's not learning on the job. she's unlearning on the job which is a first. harold, i want to go to you. i'll try not to embarrass you too much. do you think young people are catching on that equity and identity doesn't create a future. that pronounces don't lead to property? you can't raise a family on reparations? you think they're catching on to
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the destructive ideas of the democratic party that you seem to defend evenry day as a known communist? [laughter] >> harold: investing in america is up. prices are coming down. corporate profits are upá-- >> dana: i'm out of here. i don't know if that's the best argument for the young people. >> harold: hiring is up. we're going to find a way to make the country better. if you're a young woman and want your rights to go to a doctor i'd vote democrat. i'd be out pounding away at why we deserve four more years. if you're constantly on defense and one last thing, they have to get with the border. i agree with everybody. the border is one issue that can trump, no pun intended, the advantage the democrats have on reproductive rights and access to safe and legal abortion. this isá-- biden falling. those are not good numbers.
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let me be clear. if you're in the white house and i said it before, i don't know what your strategy is. i keep seeing the awful numbers. i see the vice president and others. no one is giving us a litany of the things you've done and why that is connected to what you're going to do going forward. the more you do that, the more greg gutfeld's arguments will be compelling and connecting with young voters. >> greg: speaking of abortion. do you want to hear an abortion jock? >> harold: i do not. >> greg: knock knock. >> emily: who is there? >> greg: you'll never know. >> harold: not funny. >> greg: it's a good joke. oldie but a goody. remember when fallon got that grief for joking with trump about his hair? you think that will happen here? >> jesse: there will be a rebound with trump and the entertainment business. there will be. there has to be. just for the money and the ratings. if you're a young person and the 20s, in 2016, if you were for trump, you were ahead of the
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curve. you were edgy, saw it coming. hillary was terrible. then 2020 happened. you had covid. trump was just getting slaughtered in the media and there was a lot of cyops. everybody was disconnected and home. and 2024, joe doesn't have the cool factor. kamala doesn't have it. the cities are not cool. everybody with cash left to the burbs or miami. rates are too high. you don't have a future. i have a pot of money but i can't put it on a house. rates are 7%. the identity politics and the gender stuff. if you're a young guy or young girl, you're like this is crazy. especially with the girls playing the boys sports. it's crazy. now you don't look at a guy like trump as this kind of radio active insane guy. he's normal now.
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he's normal. joe is the nut job that is like can't walk. so thatá-- and kamala is not an asset. she was supposed to be this groovy asset that was young and could get the latino or black vote or the young voters. >> harold: how does groovy look again? >> jesse: she can't pull it off. and that's terrible. no one knows who he is in the streets. you see johnny. nobody has heard of her. >> greg: to hisá-- >> jesse: want to hear an abortion joke? >> greg: yes. knock knock. emily there seems to be what jesse said, there seems to be a flip going on. >> jesse: i had what kamala had. >> greg: people once hip are now crotchete. people that they made fund of are now out of up to. they're rebelling now against this bizarre identity confirmty. >> emily: and that the entire time what they perceived as cool was a whole farce.
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the reason people don't know who kamala is. she doesn't know who she is. this a case of the emperor's new clothes as we sit here watching her engage in her word salad. those common sense californians we've seen this from the beginning. she never passed the bar on the first. everythingá-- >> jesse: she failed the bar the first time? >> greg: the only bar she didn't pass. >> oh, my gosh. >> emily: and i passed both bars in the first try. here's someone that has been unqualified. you work hard or you're really smart. and with her, what have we seen? we've seen no accomplishments whatsoever. the point is this administration shoved down everyone's throats why they should think she's hip and cool and blasting through ceilings and why joe biden was hip and cool and should listen to the left. they're virtual signallers is reflecting in everyone leading. this "new york times" sienna
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poll, this july they voted overwhelmingly for biden over trump. 18 to 29 years old. now other voting for trump. who they trust more with israel and palestine? trump. how many percentage do they look disfavorably on the president? overwhelmingly 75%. he's not sticking to his guns. he had no guns in the first place. he said what he thought they wanted to hear. saying something cool or really racist comments that they pushed under the rug. now we're seeing him and her for their true stripes and trump for his true stripes. he's been radical, not a politician. that's what true people to him in the first place. the biggest difference, he listened. >> greg: there you go. take a breath. >> emily: i'm down. >> greg: up next, al sharpton celebrating as another blue state pushes reparations.
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♪ >> dana: liberal priorities seem to be getting more unrealistic. newáyork governor cathy hochul signing a bill to consider race-based reparations. she invited al sharpton for the bill-signing ceremony. >> slavery was a product of the south. confederacy. we're the heros. we fought against slavery. what is hard to embrace is the fact that our state also flourished from that slavery. it's not a beautiful story, but
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indeed it's the truth. >> i want to give credit to this governor for having the audacity and courage and i know her political advisers told her it's to risky. but she did it because it's right. >> dana: so you may remember the last time a big blue state tried to do this. california had a similar task force and recommended payment of as much as $1.2 million per eligible resident. that went nowhere. greg, it's almost as if governor hochul is saying let me give very serious consideration to something that i will never actually have to deal with. >> greg: exactly. i often say she's stupid. she is. but this is a brilliant move. this is why companies have town halls and stores have idea boxes and schools have parent nights. you pretend you care and it looks like you did something. this is why newsome as a pro. he knew the conclusions that
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they would come up would be so absurd it would be laughable. calm down to 2 million dollars and impossible to trace. you get your bottled water. al sharpton would get his place in the sun. you'll have your breakfasts paid for. that will go on for a month and get the ridiculous proposal and she'll put it away somewhere. i do this whenever jesse asks me to go to lunch. i go awesome. get me a list of restaurants. we can pick a time. blah, blah, blah. then he goes to work and gives up. >> jesse: we've never eaten lunch together. >> greg: exactly. case closed. >> dana: maybe that can be your new year's resolution. >> jesse: i want lunch reparations. >> dana: what do you think of this? >> jesse: what happened in california will happen here. it's going to be a waste of time. they spent six months wasting time at these hearings where these politicians could have been doing something on homelessness or drugs or crime. at the end of the day, they kick it down the road and get credit
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for trying. they didn't try because they were banging their head against the wall. same thing will happen here. crime will go up, homelessness go up. they're going to get credit and hochul will get credit and al will look like he's in the spotlight. everybody won't get paid. how about you just work? how about earn a living instead of waiting around for a handout that won't happen? >> greg: if we're going to dwell in the past, which is what the looks love to do, we have every right to bring up al sharpton's past. if he's going to talk about reparations, let's talk about tawna brawley, huh? has he ever paid out for that stuff? where the reparations for those people falsely accused? >> dana: harold, are we missing anything? >> harold: i don't know. i tend to agree with not the last one. i like al sharpton a lot. we talked about this. a dear friend. we talked about it before. the remedies to these things probably shouldn't be the things
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that california andá-- we should guarantee education and guarantee some sort of to the extent we can. the fundamental question i think all of us can appreciate, i think about everything in a legal frame. what is the remedy for 100 years of slavery followed by less than seven years or ten years of reconstruction that was ended with a basic agreement that said we'll stop trying to do these things. i don't know if i know the answer to it. i'm not sure. what i know, i'm not sure we gave a remedy. if blacks had done this to whites, 100 years of slavery jim crow, segregation. are we doing this the right way? that's the question. i don't disagree. we talked about is this going to happen. is this a waste of time? should we focus on other things? we talked before. the kids who are oftentimes black and brown oftentimes are in schools that just aren't performing. should we be doing more there? >> dana: yes. >> harold: we can debate those remedies.
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if there's going to be a monetary remedy, i want them to have my correct address. i'll make sure that i sendá-- >> jesse: which one, harold? >> dana: that's a good one. emily? >> harold: multiple opportunities. >> dana: connecticut soon to have a commission to study reparations. emily? >> emily: to that point investment versus payment. legally speaking, reparations ends any type of grievance. so if let's just say hypothetically reparations would take place, it concludes a grievance. so no other programs after this because you been made equal in the eyes of the law and restored. how much enough is enough? there's a whole host of issues you can't qualify in monetary means in terms of the generational impactá-- >> harold: if blacks had done this to white for 100 yearsá-- think about it. we get so fixated thinking about the race part.
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this is just slavery. this is just the japaneseá-- i don't mean to interrupt your time. >> emily: it's a great point. but i have to say that to me the theatrics of this are the most unpalatable. we know the conversation is robust and important. it's never going to happen. the state is falling apart. i can attest to it. i live here. the city is falling apart to have the governor stand next to al sharpton who called whitney houston whitey houston because her music wasn't black enough which i still remember and to have this governor that just despite her legislature passing five times to recognize the tribe on long island, she says not today during native history month when they have provided so much ed. she said the 1910 decision stands where it calls them shiftless can is disgusting. native americans to her are not cool enough yet. they have not risen enough on
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the polls for her to care. so for her to pretend that she cares about black people here she doesn't care about people of color. she cares about herself in the polls and whatever she thinks will get her enough to virtue signal. that's the onlyá-- >> jesse: harold, if your grandfather was a union soldier and died fighting in the civil war to free slaves, i would think that's enough. my great grand father died fighting that war. >> harold: we'll take it off line. >> dana: we'll be right back. coming up, liberal states releasing a apex predators in to communities. we'll tell you with a low calls fear could be on the menu. ♪ to communities. we'll tell you with a low calls fear could be on the menu. (carolers) ♪ iphone 15 pro, your husband deserves it! ♪ (mom) carolers? to tell me you want a new iphone? a better plan is verizon.
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♪ >> emily: environmentalists are on a mission to save endangered species. watch out. you might just become a snack in the process. colorado is set to release up to 50 gray wolves over the next five years after voter as proved a wildlife recovery plan. five of these wildebeests have already been released and ranchers fear their livestock may have become the main course on the wolves menu. this comes on the heels of the biden's administration's plan to release the apex predator. they will let less seven grizzly bears in northern washington. you come from a ranching family dana. i have spoken to a lot of friends in washington and wyoming. they despite this. they feel that voters in urban spots and made the decision and eclipsed the voices of the ranchers. >> dana: i showed greg this map. i'll hold it up. where it's red, that's the rural areas.
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the green parts are the counties that voted for this. denver's highly populated urban place. that's boulder. all like the more liberal areas voted for this. everything else in red, those are the ranchers and rural folks that have to deal with it. there's a reason that they think it's a bad idea. it's based on experience. about ten years ago when they first did this in wyoming, on the very first night, 40 sheep were killed. they weren't killed because they're like we really need to eat and fuel ourselves. no, they just massacred them and went on. they'reá-- it's not like the food chain was re-established. so there's a reason why there is concern. i feel for the ranchers. i just think there's certainlyá-- there's not enough candidates talking about rural america and issues. fentanyl is an issue. but trade, access to markets and the protection of the land. ranchers, farmers are the past
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conservationists that we have in this country. we should listen more to them. >> emily: it hits the nail on the head in terms of the conservationist approach and its being painted differently and the narrative among these urban voters or the woke left is very black and white and doesn't heed the conversationist approach that comes from experience and has common sense, ways to conserve species and the land and respecting property. >> greg: i think it's a little too late. you have two gray wolves here. one bald eagle. they're also releasing feral hogs coming from canada. the good news they're going to host at "the view." i welcome the predators. come, please. it's the republicans that have the guns. the democrats will have to defend themselves with men's tampons. >> emily: helicopter hog hunting
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in text for the feral hogs. it insane. >> jesse: it's the humane way to deal with it. it's true. it's true. they're an invasive species. >> greg: so are you. >> jesse: the hunters believe this is a war on hunting. what these predators do, they destroy the game population that the hunters are there for. so if none of the game are around, what are they supposed to do on the weekends? what are they supposed to do with their lives? the hunting season is then a week old and they just have to sit around and watch television. that is what they're upset about. they're not even allowed to kill a wolf or a bear because they're endangered. if you breathe on one, you probably get arrested out there. that's the issue right now. you have liberals in these urban areas that don't understand anything about the ecosystem and food chain and signing off on lawsá-- it's atalk on hunting and the culture. >> emily: a lot of the indigenous groups that agree
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with the conversationist approach here. what do you any of it? >> harold: i don't want to be anywhere near the wolf relief. i don't understand the issue from the standpointá-- i getá-- i can read and understand the definition. but what is safe about releasing wolves in to the wild that are killing people? these wolves can travel up to 140 miles from where they were freed. colorado and the biden administration, this is an issue that needs to be re-visited. if newáyork is looking for my address, they can reach me here at fox. >> greg: you know why? little red riding hood was maga trump. >> emily: the fastest is up next. stay with us. ♪ was maga trump. >> emily: the fastest is up next. stay with us. ♪
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okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) hi, i'm ben and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) i've struggled with weight my whole life. i'm sure you're like me and you've tried diet after diet. if you want to stop the insanity, try golo.
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- wounded warrior project has been with me every step of my journey. - they've helped me realize it's possible to rise to the top again. - it's possible to get the help i need for me and my family. - it's possible to hate pushups again. - to feel understood. - to begin healing both inside and out. - to feel like myself again. - and now i know anything is possible. (gentle music) ♪ >> harold: welcome back. time for the fastest. first up ♪ >> harold: welcome back. time for the fastest. first up, you think your boss is
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a real life scrooge? a nurse says she got a hospital potato from work as a christmas bonus and has to pay taxes on it. a twitter user telling her followers in a post that's been seen of two million times, my work is doing the potato bars is a christmas bonus. they said it will be a $15 value and taxed on the next check. does anyone need an assistant so i can quit now? >> dana: i'm glad she got the sour cream. if you're going to have a potato bar, you should go for it and add the sour creek. >> jesse: no bacon bits? >> greg: it's cold a hot potato. you know it's from the hospital. it cost $15. like the aspirin, everything else. it's all marked up. that's how they get you. get you at the potatoes. >> harold: you have a strong opinion on this, emily? >> emily: here's what they should have done. i don't understand. she wouldn't have to be taxed if they provided lunch. i wouldá-- >> dana: why are they calling ate bonus?
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>> emily: exactly. this organization sounds horrible. >> jesse: my staff went out for christmas drinks last night. they left around 9:00. stayed out until 12:30. >> greg: they keep their clothes on? >> jesse: myá-- i'm not going to go there. my e.p. got the bill. guess how much 3á1/2 hours of drinking was? >> dana: $2,200. >> emily: how many people? >> jesse: my staff. >> emily: ten? >> dana: i said 2,200. >> emily: 3,000? >> harold: 2,500. >> greg: $60,000. >> jesse: $300. >> dana: why? what did they drink? >> jesse: my staff, come on. >> dana: did you give them your credit card? >> jesse: not mine. my executives. i should have given them mine. back in the dayá-- >> emily: if we did one roundá-- >> jesse: shots alone are $20. >> harold: what were they drinking? >> jesse: i want to know. apparently they weren't drinking
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anything and out for 3á1/2 hours. >> dana: diet cokes. >> greg: if you want your tuber you can keep it. >> harold: one more thing is up next. ♪ you can keep it. >> harold: one more thing is up next. ♪
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♪ >> jesse: time now for "one more thing." dana? >> dana: animals are great and melodramatic. this is i understand go and his mom says there are plenty of water bowls around. i'm dying, are i need water. i think that's pretty cute. good job indigo. >> jesse: youtubers decided to do dirt biking on a frozen lake.
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watch this. don't you love dramatic injuries? just a little groin pull. is he totally fine. >> tonight, "jesse watters primetime" cove covington. carrie lake, tomi lahren, charlie are a naught. get it together. it's called get it together, people, where books are sold. >> greg: we have a better show. it's michelle tafoya, jamie lissow is back. kat timpf, tyrus. it's going to be great. let's do this. greg gets th guess the animal sounds. you know the drill. we will play the sound and the video with the southbound. play the sound and then you have got onto guess. go. >> fever beaver tail on a lake. >> that's very specific. >> greg: harold? >> harold: animal.
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sounded like lawn mower. >> emily: i' >> i'm going with emily. >> jesse: bong hit. >> greg: animal, you fool. >> dana: a weevil. >> greg: all right. play. jerks. cute. >> greg: that's the elephant. making a purring noise while enjoying a beat snack at the oakland zoo. they purr like any other animal. now you learn something. isn't that nice? >> dana: i like this new segment of yours. >> greg: i think it's way better than yours. >> dana: nothing is beating indigo tonight. >> harold: army veteran finally has a home. brian taylor homeless since 1999. he it struggles with alcoholism and got his life back together. a group of people walked him 30 miles to a good little community center in thomasville trying to fix up his resume and figure out how to get his life going again.
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food line grocery store. saved up. and now is he a homeowner in the united states of america. he wants to save up next to buy a car. best to him. god bless him. >> dana: cheers to him. >> jesse: harold wants that guy to pay him reparations? do you think that's fair? i do not. >> harold: i only want you and greg. >> jesse: emily? >> emily: true christmas spirit. candlelighters nyc one of my favorite nonprofits support children with cancer. highway patrol and k-9 unit and fdny and best holiday party this weekend. tons of awesome nypd motorcycles and food truck and balloon artists. santa and mrs. claus came and gave gifts it to all the kids. answer jets around us. heroes big and small. >> jesse: i bet kids with cancer could outdrink m thank you for watching. remember it's america now and forever. jesse takes it from here. >> welcome to "j primti tme to "j


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