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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  December 20, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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saved up. and now is he a homeowner in the united states of america. he wants to save up next to buy a car. best to him. god bless him. >> dana: cheers to him. >> jesse: harold wants that guy to pay him reparations? do you think that's fair? i do not. >> harold: i only want you and greg. >> jesse: emily? >> emily: true christmas spirit. candlelighters nyc one of my favorite nonprofits support children with cancer. highway patrol and k-9 unit and fdny and best holiday party this weekend. tons of awesome nypd motorcycles and food truck and balloon artists. santa and mrs. claus came and gave gifts it to all the kids. answer jets around us. heroes big and small. >> jesse: i bet kids with cancer could outdrink m thank you for watching. remember it's america now and forever. jesse takes it from here. >> welcome to "j prime time tonight.
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joe bideesattersn is a threat to democracy. they're weaponizing law enforcemen t for high level election interference. trump thrown offhigh lev the bat in colorado. >> this is only the beginning. >> let me say the boys in blue still under attack. >> the judges never favored meer because i support trump. you know, everybody hates trump in this building. >> you know, it is what it is. >> colby covington, kari lak ce tomi lahren. charlie arnold. talking politics. plus. >> in 18 60, the abolitionist movement was ascendant and the process, avery democratic party
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was in shambles. it was the year. abraha m lincoln was on the ballot until southern democrats kicked himsouthern off the ballot. instead of trying to win an election with persuasionelecti,e southern democrats booted bu states. but even that wasn't enough. t evwasn'tlincoln became the fir president ever to be electedf t with less than 50% of the vote. and then the civil war brokeivil ou wart the next year, and abra lincoln was later assassinated. >> historyabrahaoln was alwaysf of repeating itself. last night, just repeat like southern democrats did to lincoln, the colorado supreme court, bannon shot trump from the ballot. the colorado secretary of state explains why. >> i think that the big picture ,no matter if donald trump ends up being on the ballot or off the ballot, is the extent of how dangerous he is to american democracy. >> you can't savs toe democracyn by denying americans the right to vote. >> you can'ts th find somebodyth
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guilty of a crime that they haven't been charged with. a 4-3 >> in a 4 to 3 ruling, rsu the colorado supreme court said trump engagedpreme in insurrection and under the 14th amendment insurrectionistsnsurrectcons are constitutionally prohibited from holding office. >> northerti prohibin interests wrote this into the constitution. so southern confederates, d who took up arms against the union and fought in the civil war, could not hold fed federal office. donald trump tellinger off peopd march peacefully and patriotically and then telling them to go home is in an insurrection. a trial, a hearing, or any due procestrs. fed >> convicted a former president of a federal crime. o >> 2000 miles outside of theires jurisdiction and dissent franchised 6 million americans in colorado. >>anchised6 mill the opinion ree a rachel maddow script. >> the democratic judges said trump's an insurrectionist because once he told judge a cro that in the old days, a protester would be carried out in a stretcher
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. they >> they also said, quote, president trump threatened a to deploy the military to minneapolis to shoot looters amid protesty tos over the polie killing of george floyd wantingi to stop violence is now a call to violence. but democrats who actually called for violence and participated in violence is finnce ande if that's the st. >> maxine waters is an.axine but it's enough evidence forbu e joe biden to trump at the>> i'm ballot box to drop n from. i well, i think it's self-evident. you saw it on the court make that decision. n insu but he certainly supported the insurrection. no questiorrno question abn abo.
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>> if you arrest your opponent four times and you're still losing, you should resign. >> you shouldn't kick him off the ballotou are s . f the ba but msnbc says if you don't if o kick trump off the ballot, you're no better than a owner. e ownewhat do you say to the toe republican candidates argument that this should be the voters should have the say and not the courts is what they're standing with is the spirit of those confederates rather thancame the americans who came together after a long and brutal civihelf war that was fought. they amended the constitutioouen to prevent those traitors from running for office. that should send a message that our election system, our electora thal system can be used for nefarious purposessp against the democracy itselfos.d think about what you said. the electoral system can
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be used against democracy. elections can be used against democracy. >> are we going to have to getwg rioingd of elections to save democracy? >> now, i had a taro? t cardid i w reading on saturday night. >> she said i was going to have a loving and prosperouas ts yea. but then i asked about politics because the reading said an injustice would happen in the fall. i asked her about trump and sheg said, trump's either going tog to have an election. guy,taro but then this story happens. >> what's it going to do to the republic if we're not allowed to vote for the man we want to because of some unelected beca judges, banning candidates from running for president is what happens in third world countries. how are we supposed to believe the last election was honeste wi when this election's already being stacked? >> democrats scream votere suppression. >> if you have to wait in line for an hour to vote fofor your candidate, well, what do you call it when we can't votell
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for your candidate at all? that's votorantim edition. no, that's voter elimination season. >> political veterans across the political aisle all say this casal aislee is judicial i. >> i think this case will beoulb handled quickly. i think it could be. i know in supreme court for trump, this country is a powder keg and this court is just throwing matches at it. >> this is hands down the most anti-democrat opinion i've seen in my lifetime. >> i would say to the judges li as i said to the justice department, you're actually making ment, yo it more likelyd next that donald trump is elected pursuing this. >> the idehe idea that 50 diffen state courts can can decide el the highest elective office in the executive branch, interpreting the federal constitution as to what constitutes an insurrectiontution against the federal government is is incoherent .
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and have those guys just then hate h trump. >> now when democrat policies don't make your life better and democrat politicians can't persuade you to give them more time, that's when they start suing. >> they take it away from the voters and they just have their judgese thei throw it. these are the judges who are taking away your right to votedo . >> one shatters, they call justice. on, a icon.went >> she went to yale. another justice, richard gabriel, is a professional trumpet player, also went to yale, also almost got me to. then you had melissa hart, went to harvard. >> she's been accused of discriminating t black people and old people people and is the granddaughter of archibald cox, the special prosecutor during the watergate scanda ecutorl. oh, and then there's william hood, the third who went to the same college. sambiden did these for democras and rode stole your vote.emocras this is a judicial assassination. >> and this legal fever is spreading. now, california democrats are aiming to strip trump from no
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the ballot. >> the democratic confederacy th ten ballots. today's democrats have trump off one and they're thirsty for more. onre thirsp. >> and while they scream democracy, democrat lawyers whilg america's leading presidential candidate, raiding his house, stripping, his business license, censoring his speech. to democracy. >> here's the former president. what crookedhere ier joe biden e far left lunatics are desperate to stop us bdesperaty any means. necessary. they're willing to violate the u.s. constitutio ate then, happenser at levels never seen before in order to win this election. joe biden is a threatt. to democracy. >> it's a threat they're weaponizing law enforcement for high level election interference because we'renforc e beating them so badlypolls. in the polls.m so badlypolls. >> every time trump's arrestede ,he becomes more powerful in the eyes of the voters. what's going to happen when they tak o.eye him off the ballg they're turning trump into gr political underdog
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america has ever witnessed. >> they're setting up the greatested comeback storyn amer in american political history. >> they saicy they're protecting us from danger. >> but trump's not a danger to us. hem. and americans are starting to ask themselves, whyameric? it feels like the left wantsft n violencets because that's where this is going. >> we're being baited so their actions are justified. >> that's how it feels. their hand, the scarier this getseir hand. >> bruce castor is a. trump impeachment attorney andot former solicitor general of pennsylvania. >> all right, brucoreord. insurrections. >> pretty powerful word. did they make the case? e only the only judicial or quasi judicial bodyjudicial that decided that e was the united states senate, who just said, we decided that that in one of the articles of impeachment, that the president did not t that tn engage in an insurrection. it was actually part of the case that i arguedand was e .
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and you can take from that what you will. but that was what the only quai judicial decision. jus in at jack smith in the indictments in in d.c. as far ic the the statute for inciting insurrection. that means that there wafor inst probable cause to believe that the president engaged in conduct that constituted the crime of inciting an insurrection. and if you look at the 14th amendment, they statute the part of the constitutionhe o that the colorado supreme court was interpreting. it say supreme s that the persons th who potentially is disqualified shalatl have engaged in an insurrection against the unitedt states when the word shall is used in the law. it meanshed shall it is adjudij and it definitely happened. so eveudicattely hapn if if jefe decided he wanted to run for u.s.cide senator from mississipi in in 1867, he would have he still would have run because
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he never wasd convicted of treason against the united states for engaging in insurrection. so, bruce, ses ong io he's mades decision. >> he's been acquitted, pulling guilty of insurrection, and he's never been formally charged criminallyinally with insurrection. what do you think the supreme court's goinyou thing to do? >> when are they going to do it, though? well, i think the. i think the proponents of kicking president trump off the ballot in coloradon co are actually going to live actuy that they did this. that they did 4 to 3 decision fast tracked th to the court in colorado. the colorado decision sayingthea that they're going to stay the execution of the orderre until the very last day before the ballots have to go out. and they have to be printed. prt so the u.s. supreme court caedn review it. well, you understand once the u.s. supreme court gets therviewe, there, there is noo chance, in my judgment. and cei heard professor turley
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say this and some of the otherso guests outme of there, no chan. the u.s. supreme court says this is okay and this will shu r down all the other efforts in california and all those othe r states, and they will end this before they can keep ite th draggingey on and causingd distractions to president trump and thos e of us that are that are involved in it, you know, his legal team. so i thinkgal team that they wid up having made a grave mistakera fromve the left's point of view, by fast tracking this in front t of justices who will actually apply the lawf. wil and i don't know that it'll be nine to nothing, but i think it's going to be a pretty significant wi prettn for president trump. and it ought to be. i mean, let's understand the that the presumption of innocence and the first amendment and due process, those are rights. everyoneocess, has. and the moment you say that guy is so bad, he doesn't havethat those things, that means none m of us have it because the lefts will always find some way that castor or my partner, my gander, me and my frienwadnd
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bill brennan, who was involved in the impeachment, we who s that that mades ba us bad.hat that mades ba therefore, we don't enjod so thy the same liberties everyone else. that's the that's what's happenin g here is that.ppen trump this is viewed sing o bad by the left that he's not entitled to the protections the law gives everyone. >> hopefully, we get a quick decision by the supreme couropee and we can all have a nice merry christmas. bruce, thank you so much for s. joining jesse watters prime. time. >> thank you , and someone who knows how to fight in an unfair fightto. >> ufc fighter colby covington this weekend in the octagocolby >> he said his support for trump actually cost him the titlsuumallye. >> you know, i thought i had to win. i did enough. but, you knod enough.w, the judr favorite me. they hate me because i support trump. and yorttrumd everybu know, eves trump in this building. so, you know, it is what it is. life goes on. >> colby covington joins us now. what's up, colby us now.? >> how you doing? so, jesse, merry christmas.
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>> merry christmas, america. god bless you all. god bless you, too. so i'm looking at the totale to strikes here. >> you got more total striketas yeah. same amount to the head. you are in control much more than your control. tis is. >> i didn't see the fight, and i'm sorry, but, you know, i couldn't make itam sorry. >> but, i mean, it looks like you won on paper. a trump supporter, outwardly this costrumardly tht you fight you know, i think they stacked the decki thhe against us becaue they don't want we, the people,t to have control this country agaihin. and that's what trump stands for. he stands for democracy. you stand for freedo stam. l doe so they're going to do everything, everything they can to keep us down, you know, frovm shadow, banning us online, even if we're saying the truth, you know, they're not going to let us. they're going to make us censor, not let the people see that, you know, if it's inar a judging position, in a fight or any type of athletic sporting type of event, they're. to stack the deck against us. so it's a sad time in ourur country.
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but, you know, we the people, we need to rise up and we can't let this keep us dow u th >> what's the most important issue, you think, in this upcoming electiomon for you? >> colby covington? for me, the most important issue is just a free and fair election, man.d to we've seen the dirty tricks that dads have tried to pull. i mean p, they made a fake pandi pandemic so they could commit fraud at the mail the in ballots, and then they opened up our borders wide open. soy illegal immigrants can come in and they can use those to vote foe te forr biden. but none of it's working. i mean, they've weaponized the justice system like a thirdp world dictatorship. >> but trump's still leading. bu that peopleg up are waking up, the people of masses are seeing this is the deathpeople o of america. and trump's the only one that's standing in the way of the swamhe only p. m and he loves america more than anything again. so in 2024, we to stan d behind him harder than ever before. and anybody that doesn't believ before that the taking of himbt off the ballot, if they don't condemn that, then they stand for the end of this democracy. yeah, we still have to get
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to the bottom of the stupid wuhan lab situation. >> who's bottom your next fight, colby r ? >> we'll see. you know, i want a rematch. i deserve it. i .ink i , i think i broke my foot in the first 30 seconds of the fight, kicking it on his elbow. soon his e. i want a rematch with this guy.ant a rematch with this i'm going to come back stronger. i'm. i'm just lik stre the american. people. you know, we never give up. you can knock us down, but we d learn. we don't we only learn. we come back stronger. and that's what's going to happee back in in 2024. we're going to take. back control of this country. we're going to make america great agai will tan ande going to restore democracy in america. >> i love it. i mean, i was builof thet by a . but i played hurt there. the whole show did two shows. so i kno a dog bher throw what >> colby, thank you so much. heal up, get better. hee you on tv soon. appreciate it.soon. >> thanks for having me, jesse. up next, carrie lee nexium 24 hour prevents heartburn, acid before it begins. get all day and all night. harperchoose a of acid preventin
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science, better results. this is a stadium filled with over 100,000 people. remember that game that michigan, ohio state, one hundred thousand people. >> that's more than the entire canady and army.hich i which is why trudeau should pipe down. why that's also how many migrans will cross our border everygrans week if we stay on this pace cr >> 100,000 a week, a stadium for a week.. >> bill milligan, been down there at the border in arizona. here he is. >> well, jesse, cbp sources tell fox we have already had 190,000 migrant encounters during the month of december, just to put that number in perspective. that's a populatiodecemberjust e like birmingham, alabama, crossing our souther n border in just 19 days. and it is not slowing down. ths take a look at the scene in eagle pass, texas, today. what you're lookin g at are migrants left over from that huge incursioron that crossed illegally over
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the last the 48 hours in that ee pass area. more than 4000 illegal crossings in the last 24 hours alone coming in from all over the world. border patrol reporting some of the people there from lebanon, omanrder pat, guinea, china, bangladesh, albania and angola e . and we're seeing more of the same out here in louisville, arizona. take a look at thimore osamein e shot this morning. more of the same here, another mass illegal crossing through a breach in the border wall. from of adults from all over the world walking up this dirt roadrl looking for border patror to turn them turn themselves into you for processinesg, some of them pulling out their iphones and taking selfies to show their families sel back in their home countries. they've made it to the u.s. two men from afghanistan crossed here in the louisville area today. we also encountered a groua topi of illegal immigrants from india and had a chat with them. take a listegr chat witn. >> where are you guys from? >> d india. everybody here, from indian to india. where do you guys want to go in the united states?
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what city? californiath. california. california. everybody here. >> n new jersey. york. seattle. jernew york. >> okay. and why did you guys come here to the u.s.? sorry. eng english. english? no. english. do you want to work? o you wawork?you want a job? yes.u wawork?you want a job? yes. no, no, no. >> you don't want to work. well, you can be labor. >> but india and jesse, things have gotten so bad down here at the southern border that the bureau of prisons now confirms feisons nor their personnel down here to help border patrol drive busel down hs and transpot migrants. and the bureau of prisons tr ouslyill send understaffed.end >> we'll send it back to you it >> we've been told the tripwe hv illegals are takine g from souts america is dangerous. nothing but a last resort. hingdawell, then, how dangerousd it be if the caravans are making tiktok videos are m? >> these migrants are leaving home with cameras, iphones and filming the journe camerasye mtv road rules.
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>> remember that sho w and we are leaving. but they don't love it. he's back. >> the new york times went fromn calling these people asylum seekers, to calling themg risig social media stars like manuel monterrosa. ready? so, mr. monterrosa, a 35 year old from venezuela, returned to south america and has now a new planezuela r alto >> tracking the daring route again, this timen rout in searcn of content and clicks, having learned how to make a perpetuaan living as a migrant. perpetual migrant. haven't heard that one before. y we've heard of coyotes before smugglinotesg, you know, bringig people in for cash, often ab women. >> and now we have careening krd border crossers cashing in on
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breaking the law. but weth can't just blame the migrants. we've created this distorted culture wher have people try to make money off of online food reviews, little dancey off ranting about their feelings. >> and now we're dealingbout wia wave of international influencers overwhelming the borderof intencers. uencer >> and it's not just the influencers who are showing up in style. migrantss are coming across the border with neck pillows, brand new wardrobe. not jus they're not just coming from south america. wealthy migrants from india, the middle east, they're giving up on making it in their own countries. >> and they're just coming here. countrand justthe migrants are a growing number of chinese middle class on the run from an economic slowdown. they include entrepreneurs who saw business evaporate in the downturn. middle age fathers laid of f from china's collapsing real estate sector and young software engineersapsing eageren to make it in silicon valley. >> software engineers, real estate t agents, people who can buy airplane tickets to fly
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halfway here , slipping into our country and taking advantage of handouty ans and pe tickets. >> cory lakes, the former karie from arizona forvernor a governor, and she joins me now. >> me now. kerry. >> did you hear that guyt that malaysian interviewed? in work ?n work >> and they say, yes, yes. and then they all say, wait, no, no, no, no, no .. we're not here for work. we're day. we're here from danger. . >> we're fleeing danger. yes. the script, they havleeingey to to memorize to try to seek asylum, which, by the way, my opponents in the u.s. senate race here in arizona want to give everybody coming across asylum. kno >> we know exactly what these guys are. i mean, this guy, thesw ex these are like invasion influencers. thes, in orderave to to save our own homeland, we're going to have to send them all backm al to their homeland because we're in a world of hurt here. we've got the cartels controllin.g the border. >> and, you know, these people are coming across. many of them are right in to tho a border town on the other side of the border, and they're and walking across, being processed by ourbeing pr border patrol fo.
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they're just leading up a joeumn biden, the largest human smuggling operation. i think the world's ever and it's happening right here. and these are all, you know, going to be biden voters, i guess. we always said biden couldn't draw a crowd, but apparently he can draw a crowd. >> you can see it right there at the border. kerry. what was the thing that they rode on the statue of liberty tht see? >> you know, is it give usd on n your tired, your poor, your sick. now it's jusdt give your sociali media influencers. >> i mean,al what this whole this makes a mockery of the entire th they're not fleeing danger. they're here for tiktok videos. the guysfo just going back and forth. >> yeah. of these people are really not fleeing their false fraudulent asylum seekers. and we need to speed up. the process of processing those claims and moving them back on out. and i knowou that when president trump gets into office, when i'm sworn into the u.s. senate, we're iorn goig
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to start the largest repatriation project evergest r >> these invasion influencers will not be sticking around. in tickinthey can actually documen their return home to their homeland. >> okay, we get it on the in way and then on the way home. senate race. >> all right. thank you. there'll be huge tiktok stars by the time they getthey get bao >> that's right. they can blow up in their own country. we have enough tiktok people her e ene in america.n >> merry christmas, carrie. jesse. >> same to you. joe biden fell asleep. this toronto name always beend . somebody we're proud of. somebody we're proud of. it's why we show it of lowriders and why we wear our name on our jeans. our name on our jeans. be proud of from socal to our family in texas to back home and public school.
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the biden campaign into a panicf . >> so they threw joe on air force one and sent him to wisconsin. orce's the first time dc for nearly two weeks. >>'s lef biden napped on the planee tarc because when he hit the tarmac,c he showed us he could jog. whenh that's jogging. and then we hit the stage again. e hie stmore >> and here's the line we have among the lowest inflationn rates of any major economy in the on this earthrany major. >> that's what we call biden-nomics. and after the speech, he looked confused and lost as usual. you go that way. i and then there's that jog again. ohg again., there it is.coul >> now, if that doesn't convince you, we could do this for five more years. nothing can. you're an age denierd do t . >> and while the president is falling asleep, kamala
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harris is following orders. >> the vice president was toldgs to call trump hitler. >> and unlike the border, this was a job she calike then do. il it is language that isan meant to divide us. it is language that i think people have rightly found similar to the language of hitler. and hitler is like child's playt . any college kid could do that. but kamala's vhat.p tell us your mideast policy. when might have reachedre the point where the correct balance is simply a ceas t balance fire? >> our position has always been that israel has a right to defend itself. we d defo also need to focusninw on what is happening now towardt what is possible and should be possiblse the day after, as we call it. >> let me repeat, the vp'su in case you didn't quite get that. >> we do alsdi geto need to focs on what is happening now towardo ,what is possible and should be possible. ulthe day after, as we call it,
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and by the end of the interview, it was clear thingsf would have gone much better ifdh she had just done what joe did. but honestlyat joeleep, the sitn in israel now forfor th the administration seems to be trying to find the balancee o when might it reach a point where the correct balance is simplthrey a cease fire? >> our position has always been that israel has a right to defend itselft isra. we do also need to focus on what is happening now towardr what is possible, and the end shouldd be possible the day after, as we call it. >> alc host tomi lahren joins m me now. what was that, tom i? >> well, she went on to sayt ont it's the most election of our time. so it is the election iest election of our time. now, jesse, they want to keep donald trump off the ballo te because they say that he mounted an insurrection. insud say that perhaps kamala harris, vice president kamala harris is mounting a kamalan
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insurrection on the english language. words, phrases, clauses, grammar, what have you. i mean, my goodness, there was ever anybody who needed hooked on phonics or perhaps schoolhousde rock. it would be kamala harris. someone do this woman a favor and help her and her boss with basic words because they sure seem to struggle with them, don't they? struemd by joe's jogging?by joe's >> because i, for one, thought >> as always. all th >> so that's very generousat of you to call that a jog. i think what actually was is, you know, when you're getting ready to cross the street and there'ready tocross ths car you, you have to do that half run, jog thingrun jo to make itk like you're trying to hurry up and be courteous. yes, that'd be cs what that was so the president was run jogging the crosswalk up to them to give his, i'm sure, a very enlightened speech that's what you saw there, as vigorous as ever. he doesn't looas ever.k a day o. >> okay. and tommy, we heard there is about 100 people at the event, but the event was at a
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business. sot tht th all of those people e told they had to be there or they wouldn't be paid. >> on thursday. yeah, that wouldn't surprise mea there. but i also like the fact that he is, as you mentioned, taking jill's advice and catchingctt he sleep whenevd he can find the time during the ceremonies, funerals, o catc you name it. he's always ready to catch a few, so you got to give it to jill. listenz's. to your wife, jill. >> all right. is not catching migrants, just >> h. >> tommy. merry christmas. jesse. well, crt is now in nursery school. two year olds are reenacting rosa parksds a. wrap up this is your season to smile, to raise a toast and gather together5 years to wrap up the g and round up the gang to help get you ready. s you asked. the dental team is celebrating the dental team is celebrating 25 years of affordable car with an epic anniversary savings event. right now, new patients without
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lagoon. call settle rock legal group to discuss your case. now, call 1-800- 9409119. >> washington, d.c. cop barelyad escaped with his life after being gunned dow witn by suspecg drug dealer just minutes away from the white house. d m the whwatch. >> i want to wait that long, but it probably could go.
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what do i do? i can shut i shut down the mailman letting the board on the board. and then i look out there was that perp. >> 30-year-old career criminalcn . >> campbell shouldn't have been out in the street. rap sheet includes the attempted murder, crack distribution, threatening murde you know, kid stuff. all those charges were dropped. charges he was arrested again i0 on drug and gun charges. >> a charg they had him and theh they let them go with a sweetheart plea deal. probation. >> growing up, we all learn the story of rosa parks, the first lady of civil rights. how she changed history. she refused to give up her seat on the bus for a white guy back in 55. >> it led to rosa getting arrested in the montgomery. bus boycott. the next year, the supreme court ruled segregatio tn on buses unconstitutional. >> all schoolchildren shouldn .
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learn about rosa parks. >> but prime time isn't suret pr day careimet is the right time r place. in, a two year old black toddler was handcuffed and fingerprinter wad by a white toddler. the naacp is dr. avery tolson shared these photos with us. da brain's daycare in osceola, florida,ter in made two year ole reenact the rosa parks arresartn >> most two year olds aren't even potty trained yet, but surely they can grasotined p the civil rights movement. >> and while they didn't actually use the handcuffs, the teachers still had the white toddler simulate handcuffin g a black toddler.sinc >> and since they aren't olde enough to handle fingerprints, s the teacher settled for handprints. the back toddlers parents were aghast and they yanked their child out of schoo l. her hands restrained behind her back as if she wasinto c being taken into custody. and then the next imagusand thes
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her hands being placed on a tablre as if she was being booked. and the look on her face alone ,it was horrific. as was approaching the schoolsco where the incident happeneol wd she got very quiet and very, very reserve andd. but then time we passed it, we had our daughter back. re teac ?e teac the teacher went rogue. in the spirihentue in tht of the the class spontaneously decided to act out the elements of mis f park's story, including her arrest for refusing to give up her seaorrefusingp her set ae bus. >> we deeply regret the assumption that our teachers assum, our leadership i our administration would in any way choose to make a childni table or uncomfortable or negatively singled out because this activity wasingled spontaneoussp and unplanned. it is not part of ouonrous authorized regular curriculum, and the administration had no prior knowledge of the incidenot . the teacher hasn't been fired, of course. we can't hav firede consequence.
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those are for republicans. plus, the parents say the white child was made to wear a police vest. >> what teacher spontaneously produces child sized police vests for police brutality fo? ? >> if you can't spell boss, you're not ready can to learns. about the back of the bus. >> at that age, let's focus on sharing is caring. the naacp is calling for ann an investigation and seeing if they can pursue any legal actionsepursue a. >> the family and again, abc. before crt, tommy sotomayor was the director of the fatherlessei america. >> tommy in worlrectord would some nursery school teacher think this is a good idea? bera >> in the liberal world,wo the liberal world right now is tellingd right them that thn go rogue. they can do and say whatever they want to tore your children. and even in this thing, when you listen to the explanatiohen
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they're not sorry for what happened. they're sorry you found out utbecause they did not want the images to find themselves on the website or the parents t to be, you know, the go getterse that they were that they went and looked and saw it. so this is what liberals d.othii to your childrenyour. o >> you get them into their school facilities. well, i mean, what are we stoppingschool fe we sto at for? let's do custards last stand. let's do the holocaust. let's reenact every social atrocity we can to. because that's the age you want to address these issues. u want t but time. they're also teaching at this age. thinink abouk about that. >> it's not just civil rights. it's and the teaching. t >> they're teaching gender. they're teaching theheat theirm that their gender is fluid and whatever they feel like they can be, except foey feel nd person, except for a good citizen. have you noticed that they don't teach themizen. have things likes wa that?things likes wa and i was just waiting for, i'm assuming next weekiting for they're going to teach them george floyd. i'm thinking that maybe they will dom the they will do the zimmerman and trayvon martin thing. i mean, what otherin thing woule
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a two year old want to do? they used to want to do balloodt calls, but now it's let's find's some clues on a criminal and let'minal ans make sure thep is always white and that the cop is wrong the cop and thy black is always a victim. >> that's correct. yeah. jimi, you kneel downctim hereger on little george. i mean, that is. this is nutsge. >> this is absolutely nuts, tommy. in preschool. i was stacking blocks. nopreschoowa, and i wasn't veryt it. >> right. and what really sad to me is that the white parents should be just as aghaste parene say it as the black. but white parents should feel like, what are you doinglike wht you're teaching my child that they're always a victimizer othey athr a villat they're always at fault. they're always in th faue wrong just because of their color. and the black child you're teaching them that they can't get anywhere in life here in n. all right, tommy. merry christmas. thanhristmask you. wi sleep with her husband?
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with this bar that water cooler. charlie arnold, host of outkick in the morning news shows each weekday at 8:00. >> all right. cameron diaz said married se bedrooms should be considered normalpa . >> we should normalize. we should normalize like separate said. thank you. thank you. >>erally h i have my house. you have yours. we have the family house in the middle. family i go and sleep in my my. >> you go sleep in your room. y. >> so you need three houses? yeah. there you go. but if you don't have three ando you have one, do you think it is normal for couples to sleep in separate bedrooms? >>ho if you have a horrible snoe or disrupted sleep on your ths, say go for >> find your solace.t okay. and actuallynd find, in japan,lp
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it's customary for couples to sleep in different beds and they're doinnt beds.g sometg right. >> they are one of the most advanced countries in the world. and the womeed countthe worln ay young. >> so maybe they're on to something. but the birthrates plummetino sg and now everyone's old and dying. and this is true. i need to know what's having in japan. >> i mean, also the problem here is, is the economy. inflat inflation is at an all time high. >> how do you affordes to mattresses to sleep on it >> charlie. >> the answer is this is ridiculous. and if someone snores, you get it fixed if someone. i've tried that. it doesn't always work. you're a snorer. hi. nice to hear austin.w so i'm actually not a snoring. that is gross. >> i'm a very quiet sleeper.stay i stay on my side of the bed. i barely mov oe. on't >> i don't believe that every guy has the same question. evn for christmas? what do women want for christmas? grap >> so i just heard this are aev of timthe. >> i heard through the grapevine they like jury. this has not been confirmed,
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but it's a rumor. so to alnfirmed an ll thel the out there may be something to try.e may but in all honesty., jesse asking a woman what she wants for christmas is kind of like asking, what do you want to ea flike askt? >> there is no real answer. you're just expected to know and get it right. we're supposedu o kn to order ft you at the restaurant. yeah. okay. and we're supposed to know what you wan t rest and knt. wa even when you don't knowwa what you want. always. to do one more.ime. okay, we have one more. well, we don't have time. i just said okay. >> what is one day when i announce my book, a lot of you were upset you wouldn't get it in time forwouldn't g ch >> we've changed the world with this little thing here. this now goes in the stocking. so go to jessy sign. bbc.cosse'm. ou pre >> if you preorder it, you're going to get a signed copy. orbut in between that time, you're going to get this. >> and when you pull this thing out of a stocking, it's better than jewelry. >> it's so much better if you pull jewelry out and you pull this, it's not even a cup ition. tissue. sue texts mike from ramona,
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california. kobe breaks his foot in hand-to-hand combat. you get get bit by a dog. i don't know who has it worse. i do, becausrse.e breaking your foot does not give you rabies. >> obviously, i'm a rabies survivort give you. >> and look at me now. mark from burleson, texas, rot a tarot card reading. really? i know your mother taughrd?t you better. bett learned a lot about myself. >> a lot of things i didn't know. gary from illinois. inking a >> joe's not sleeping. he's thinking about the weather . >> from seymour, indiana. why doesn't anybody ask how all these migrants got from africa and asia to mexico. ane. i would assume it's a plane. i don't think they're going. swim across. michael from new york, canfr you please stop? i ca hideous sweaters? >> i can't. he won't allow it. hei don't want to change. he can't change.o change. i'm watters this is my world. >> welcome to this special


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