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tv   Hannity  FOX News  December 20, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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in hand-to-hand combat. you get get bit by a dog. i don't know who has it worse. i do, becausrse.e breaking your foot does not give you rabies. >> obviously, i'm a rabies survivort give you. >> and look at me now. mark from burleson, texas, rot a tarot card reading. really? i know your mother taughrd?t you better. bett learned a lot about myself. >> a lot of things i didn't know. gary from illinois. inking a >> joe's not sleeping. he's thinking about the weather . >> from seymour, indiana. why doesn't anybody ask how all these migrants got from africa and asia to mexico. ane. i would assume it's a plane. i don't think they're going. swim across. michael from new york, canfr you please stop? i ca hideous sweaters? >> i can't. he won't allow it. hei don't want to change. he can't change.o change. i'm watters this is my world. >> welcome to this special.
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edition of "hannity". i'm kellyanne conway, in for sean. and tonight, three years into the biden administration. tonight, and we're still talking about the southern border. this is a debilitating crisis and a manmade crisis causeds and perpetuated by joe biden. and it is only getting worse. here is the cover of the "new york post" with the headline surrender. biden does nothing as record number of illegally cross border. >> last year, an almostlast y unthinkableae 6000 illegal illeg immigrants were crossing each daalossingy. now we're double that up to a record 12,000 in a single day. what was unthinkable is now totally unsustainable. ltiple multiple rail routes into the united states are closedes because of the flood of migrants. large stretches of the southern border are also reportedly left unattendend as border
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agents are stretched thin and according to build the illusion. il who crossed illegally into el paso was releaseso wasd the unis states and given a follow up appointment with ice in 2031. eight years from now, our own delusion has, a full report bill. >> well, kellyanne, we, we a are currently averaging 10,000 migrant encounters every day during the month of december. so far, the numbersf are startling. and they are not slowing down. take a look at what we saw out here in louisville, arizona, this morning. another mass illegal crossing through a breach in the borderll wall. we saw hundreds of adults from all aroundwe saw world crossingg illegally and then walking up this dirt path, lookin g forrn the border patrol to turn themselves into some of them with cell phones, taking selfiems s or sending picturesck back home, showing they've made it here to the home g they unit. we actually had two guys from afghanistan amongst this group, whic two guyh here illegally alp
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caught up with a group of men from, india, who crossed illegally. had a chance to talk with them as well. take a liste asn. >> and why did you guys come here to the u.s.? sorru.s.y. engli village english? no. english. do you want to work? work?you want a job? yes.?you want a job? yes. >>. >> you don't want to work here. well, you can danger. about >> and then we talk about the b backlogged asylum systemacklog. take a look at this. this is a notice to reportfor ao to ice for a colombian womann who crossed illegally and was releasedwh . to appea and that notice to appear is in new york city in the year 20,r 0 31, eight years from now. i talked to her immigration attorney. he tells me it's one of the one mos ever seen in his almost 30 years of practicing immigration law. s >> take a listen. that's quite possibly the most unusua l thing i've ever seen in my near three decades of practicing immigratio nean. . >> it made me realize that the biden administrationdoor amn
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is basically providing backdoor amnesty for anyone that wants anyo. >> and kellyanne, last week, arizona's democratic governor, katie hobbs, announced she was d sending the national guard down here to the southernthe border.n i can tell you we've been here in louisville all week long. we have not seen e al single soldier down by the wall or down near any of these areas where we'veml been witnessing these mass illegal crossings. we'll send it back to yossings. >> bill, thank you. remember when the mediill, thaae democrats exploded what they referred to as kids in cages, de the southern border under trump? bide biden's cages. but now migrant children bi of biden's border crisis. >> and no one on the left seemst to care. a five year old boy just died after becoming sick at andied overcrowdeiedd migrant shelterth in chicago. but accordinr ing to far left, f chicago mayor brandon johnson, chs governor greg abbott, 1100 miles away, is to blame.wa
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>> watch the issue not just how we respond in the city of chicago. y ofit's fact that we have a governor, a governor or ancted elected official in the state of texas that is placingn th on buses without shoes cold. >> whenn tired, hungry, afraid, traumatized and then they come to the city of chicago. we have homelessness. we have mental health clinicse e that have been shut downenicse e and closed s. u have p you have people who are seekingt employment. the the governor of texas needs to take a look in the mirror of the chaos that he is for this country. >> this is not just a chicago dynamic. he is our country.attack joinining us now with reaction,c fox news contributor charlie hurtti and chicago alderman and democratic congressional candidate raymond lopez.alderm
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>> and alderman lopez, let'sstar start with you. bo bolder democrats taking on your partulaty on is clearly chaosllo and crisis all around us. but how do you feeunusl listenig to the fairly new mayor of chicago blame the governo mar of texas for something that tragically happened to ay n five-year-old boy right there in your city? >> you know, we'vey? walked dowl this path before, kellyanne, when we saw lori lightfoot try to blame the governoiy tor forrt the failure to protect and secure the border of the prots. yone now, my mayor is blaming everyone except the person who says the per i get the blamd and that is president joe biden and kamala harris, who are responsiblen e for protectingd se and securing our borders and for having a functional immigration system. they're not calling out secretary mayorkas for lettingit undocumented in for letting asylum seekers come to this country under false pretense and then giving them court cases ten years from now. they're callinom nowg the govert who's clearly frustrated, who even has democratic city mayorsrate s democr begging for help as thy are being overrun on a daily
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basis. it's outrageous that commonns sense is nowhere to be found thi in the democratic party anymore when it comes to this issue. if we want thi s to stop, wetop have to secure the border. we have to stop the draw, which is allth w the free benefitspler that people are hearing about and posting about and sharing amongsg ant their social media circles, encouraging the ever growing flow of individuals circles not just fromt south america now, but from the entire world to come to our southernworld to border, sneak t so they can get their payment, get their selfie, and thene over continue the cycle over and over again. >> well, it's very well said, alderman, and thank you very much for being here and sharing those sentiments. charlie hurt. we all know that the dhs we secretary under president obama ,johnson, famously said that 1000 illegal crossings a day would be a lot, that he couldn't h imagine 4000. now we have triple that number and 12,000. umbewe don't need to imagine itn it's right there in front of us. fox news shows the footage constantlyfo the. ntly but in terms of those who are crossing, we keep seeing these statistics that they could be people on the terror watch
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listpeople. we know not everyone who comes over is has a credible claim crm most don't.the al i think the alderman made that clear. dode you think that we'reo starting to see more democrats do what alderman lopez democraan is doing? you have john fetterman saying it's a problem. katie hobbs in arizonarman is pushing back on joe biden. you're starting to see that wall of shame and blame listeners crack. >> yeah. yeah. . no, i think we are. and i think that it's most interesting to see people,his. katie hobbs, switch their position on this. and i'm hoping that other politicians do, because they're sort of catching up theyt normal democratc voters already believe. and this is obviouslrs alreay st that, as you know better than anybody, donald trump tappedte o into in 2016. >> this is not just an issue that republicans or a is care about.this this is an issue that that regular democrat voters care very much about. you know all acrossolitic the political spectrum, it's just that thaaltrum.t demo, you know, democrat leaders have been so off the markn so off han
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so out to lunch on all of this and forcing these bad policies on the country. they've been ignoring their own voters. and only now that it's gotten this bad. don you start seeing that wall wal crack and you start seeingl wal democratu stars out these peoplh but the biden administration continues to lie about thin adms every day and claim that the border is secure, even as they're flyin g hundredss an and thousands of migrants all over the countryd on charter no planes. to flight today, the chances of you flying somewhere that the government, the biden administration, is also flyingur a bunch of migrants as you're trying to, you know, pay for christmas and things likpay foe. >> you're also paying for this person to fly all over the country. tothis is going on.ol >> but -- but obviously, the whole world knows it becaus.e. >> that's where all these people are coming from. everyone has gotteyone hasn mesu and is pouring over our open border. that's beerirdern purposefully s by joe biden. now, it's true open by.
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and charlie, before i go back to the alderman to close this out, i just very quickly point out that when donald trump first raised this issue in 2015, illegal immigrations i three or 4% of the polls. now, it is like a top five, top three issuae in some polls.n and i and i think that you'rek right, a lot of independents carea lot about this and on why lopez what would happen if you invited democrat, whats to n you at the border to see firsthand, you know, people like aoc, kamala harrish. ,others at the border when can't donald trump was there, they can't seem to find their way back there. sd theirwhat would happen if. you actually led a delegation of democrats to the border who would show up? >> you know, i think there would be a small handfulsm of individualsal who have commoe sense that would want to see firsthand what's going on, seeing what you guyse s havey in a reported day in and day out as the wave of thousands of individuals show up.a ha but i've invited kamala harris. i've invited joe biden. don't want to go to the border, to th then come to one of theo th encampments that we havewe, likh the one where the five year old passed away the other day. d past ar crisis is doing to our backyards here in the city of chicago, where we have tensty of ch of thousans of individuals crammed together.
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we cannot ignore anymore. we cannot just go with the narrativan't go hee and saye everything's fine because there are plenty of individuals who want. to see the front door fixed to this country and not le to let people come into this country under false pretense. and additionally, as someone who happens to be of mexican descen someot, all my mexicandoe undocumented immigrants in my wardnt in my city are looking at the situation saying, wait a minute, we s here, we pursuedd the american dream. we were honest about why we were herre about we for work, ty to get our own share. and now we're being leapfroggedd by these individuals who lie to get into this country. i think there's going to be a lot of animosity in the democratic corps if they continue down this path and start alienating all of their true constituents. >> yes, a tragedatiny, the five year old. but he's not alone. we have a record number of migrant deaths through these crossingfive-yeat alone.s. aths mainstream media coverage. democrats completely ignore it. alderman lopez, charlie hurt.thn thank you so much. also tonightyou so m, well, mils of illegal immigrants simply
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walk across our southern border . china's dictator jinping is walking all over our president without any fear or reprisal. joe biden. china meddled more than ever in the midterm elections to boot. and according to nbc new boot. s, openl president xi openly threatened biden at a little summit in california boasting about a plan to attack taiwan. meanwhile another hot spot, iran is more emboldened than ever directing its proxydirect in yemen to ramp up attacks on key international shipping route and the u.s. warships in thaping regi here now with more fox news contributor, former secretaryia of state and cia director. the only person in americahen to have both of those roles, mike pompeo, secretary pompeo, thank you so much for joining us. >> i know the world, joe bidennr be with you to say thank you. >> thank you, sir. i know the world under joe biden looks so dangerous to us and there are so many hotspots arouns an
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d globe. but my fear is that we are clocking in at about one major crisis slash or slash foreign entanglement for on america's doorstep. for every year of the biden presidencyen, 2021, the chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan, 2022 putin invades ukraine. 2023 we saw what happened, 20e in 2024. in china says it's just going to go ahead and, quote, reunifay . we know what that means militarily. invade taiwan. s thro can you walk us throughug what the average american what the average american should think about this and know about thisink, kellyanne? disconnected events. k yo i think you grabbed it exactly e correctly by describinxactlyg te as sequential and following on from each other that you cano even go back one further, which is the story you reported on earlier, whicich is ourn bord our open southern border, the failure of america to stand up for the things that matter, our own sovereignty, our own nationalrow interest abroad, the
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are the things that invite the bad guys , the tyrannical leaders, xi jinping, the ayatollah in iran, have to continulse to inflict harmtae on the united states and our friends and allies. >> and when whens you're in a position where your allies don't trust that you'll defend them and your enemiesies' tell you at a summit that they're going to take another nation by force, if that's what's necessary and you do nothing, you failnecessar, dd them. >> you present an enormous amount of risk not to american er people, not only here in this country, but any american traveling abroad as well. >> yes, i think that february en a prophetic day early on innista the biden administration, where the very first things you did, on, as you know, the as you said, the houthies, also a very important terror watcofh list. that was, what, 16 days into his presidency. this was his bigys int priority as president, the $6 billion he walked over to iran. so people are looking at that. i know that you were very very fully engaged on the matter of iran.
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if we had a republican president, again, perhaps president trump, even what do you think could be done? is the damage to deep intoo greadeep at and give us a littlt of optimism in what seems like a very pessimistic time as goes iran. th >> the good news, kellyanne, especially in the middle east, is we caast as wn get this back. >> america has the capacity to do that. we're a great nationdo. ion. >> we have great friends in thew region. the first thing we would do ha to tell the israelis, no, you have to fight this war on a limited basis. >> we're goingo figh to suggest that you need to be finished somehow eradicating hamas. >> we would tell the israelis, do what you need to doto to protect your owwhat youn peo, and we would encourage and support them to do that. >> we would then secondly, go bacn secondk to our friends,b our gulf arab state friends and say, hey, look, we're going to be with you on the bad daysed ,the good days. and when you do that, iso you isolate the world's largest. state sponsor of terror, the iranians. >> you got it right. this administration tried to make friends with them. they thought there was such a thing as an iranian moderate, whicthemh is just crazy. >> and so they designated the terrorists in yemen that wer
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call the houthis. >> they emboldened hezbollah, provided theis ldenedm more systems. >> they did all the things in iran that threaten the united states, the nationbak of israel. >> we can get it back. we know how to do it. you put pressure on iran , you make friends in the region, and you can keep our young boys and girls from having to eveep r go risk their lives and fight and die in that place like so many have for so many years. >> secretary pompeo, when it comes to the middle east and what's happening in israel, you had the role of secretar isv state. >> what advice would you give to anthony blinken right nowicu well, it's difficult because? he is following the leadership of what was president obama, now president biden. he'll have a just a fundamental different view of the middle east. >> they're skeptical when it they are s to israel. they don't.. they called the king of the crown prince in arabia a pariah. he allowed afghanistan to toet 1 go away, get 13 americans killed. a secretary said. we don't have a leader who is prepared to do the righta leadeg to deter these adversaries. so i would encourage him to to
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give president e biden theo keep backbone that is required to keep america safe. >> it's absolutely possiblricaer america to get this back. >> kellyanne? and since you know, everything n, secretary pompeo, i have to ask you about something else in our remaining moments that was in thabout sows the prisoner swap happening in venezuela. >> what do you make of that? >> so we worked hard in the w trump administration to get t this fellow taken off the streets. this guy stopped. streetswe chawe chased him all. >> we got him here. he was supporting the regimethat there who's got $50 millionte warrant to get him back to the united states and where that's the leader of venezuela. i don't think this trade madera any sense for the unitedde states o madf, america. when you when you kowtow, when you bend the knee to these authority and regimes, you i'm g glad we're getting some people back home. et amer americans taken hostage. there'll be more americans wrongfully detained. you can't appease these folks. kellyanne, who does all this? you knowe , at first hand,demonstr you have to demonstrate american power. and when you damericano that, yd keep americans safe. and you don't have to make these terrible trades like donsn
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the biden administration has made now repeatedly. >> secretary mike pompeo, thanky you very much for sharing your insights tonight. and certainlr shariny for beingn amazing patriot, a great public servant. merry christmas. thank you, sir. >> bless you. merry christmas. merry christmas, kellyanne. thank you. coming>> merry up, as biden cons to flounder, democrats are nowr looking for a new creative ways of november. we'll break it all down with south dakota governor kristwei now. and they are congresswoman claudia tenney. they're up next in a must in your medicine cabinet call coming on zach cams, the number one cold shortening brand highly recommended people, eye cams unique to formula. it shortens calls that can shorten that cold if you live your word. they can't place you in north carolina for at least 30 days. from august 1953 through
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we're all faced in this kind of awkward carrie. >> welcome back to the special edition of "hannity". democrat jets are in panic mode heading into 2024 as. joe biden's poll numbers continue to plummet nationwide
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and in the swing states. so what's the left's? it's simple. change the rules and kick their opponent off the ballot. >> earlier today, president biden declined to comment on the colorado supreme court decision, but asserted trump supported an insurrection. he's absolutely sure. >> take a look. however, the 14th amendment applies. the court made that decision. i certainly supported insurrection. no question about nine zero. >> and he seems to be doubling down on that. of course, trump hasn't been charged or convicted of insurrection, but the left celebrated the court's vast overreach in colorado. turns out not everyone is on board. 2024 independent candidate rfk jr warned the decision could lead to problems down the road, and south dakota governor kristi noem said what they're doing in colorado
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is biden's only hope of winning the election in november. joining us to tell us more, governor, no. good evening. thank you. good evening, kellyanne. thank you. thank you so much for inviting me. i think she's. so, governor. i think it's a very important point you make. and rfk junior, of all people, took to x, formerly known as twitter and really gave a robust defense of the people so that we can't let the courts and political manipulation decide our presidents. that right belongs to the people. but as a governor, what would you say if your highest court was to deny someone access to the ballot? >> well, what they're doing is unconstitutional and it has no grounds. i think what is key is what you said earlier, kellyanne, and that was that he hasn't been charged or convicted at all of insurrection. and so it's interesting that the colorado supreme court has used this as the basis for their reason for removing him from the ballot. >> so that's the hypocrisy we're seeing right here of how they're trying to work
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the system in a very unfair way, because there are so concerns. the left is so concerned about losing this election to president trump, he will win. >> and make no mistake, regardless of what colorado does and what their supreme court decides, that president trump will the primary election, he'll win the general election. and that's because of the left consistently taking extreme measures like this. and degrading our society and destroying america from its foundation and up. and if he does win again, i'm sure he'll return to mount rushmore to be with you. and that and everyone else in south dakota for our july 4th celebration. so, governor, no. would you be able to bar biden from the ballot in your state of south dakota, say he violated that part of the 14th amendment by unfreezing assets for iran or allowed terrorist to just openly walk over southern border? i mean, do you think that you would have that power, your highest court would have that power? you know, i don't believe so. that's what is so interesting.
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it's, you know, the process that the court has is a balance to the federal government. it is a balance to our executive branch, a balance to our legislative branch, you know, so us exerting that kind of influence on the court and their decisions to take that kind of action is really unprecedented. so i trust our south dakota state laws, our constitution. it gives great guidance to us, and our court system understands that their job is to follow statutes and give decisions based on the scales of justice. >> i'm very proud of what we do here in south dakota would be hopeful that other states would do that and not let liberal judges rewrite the rules of the game to work for their political interests. this is where the supreme court will, should and i hope will take quick action, strong action to reverse this decision at the lower court and make sure that they do the right thing by the american people and make sure their voices are heard. president trump will win. and my hope is that they allow this to election to be held fairly and let the people weigh
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in and to choose the president that they want in the white house and. >> governor noem, in light of yesterday's colorado supreme court decision, many around trump, but many others are crying election interference. we know all about voter exclusion, voter intimidation. this almost seems like elimination, supplanting the will of the people with the judicial with judicial imperiousness. it just also strikes people. governor, know something we're both familiar with that. conservatives are center right voters, trump supporters being called deplorable irredeemable negative maga. now they're being castigated and denigrated in a different way that they can't possibly be wise and judicious in their presidential selection. so the supreme court of colorado must do it for them by kicking someone the ballot. but what do you think of that? i'm sure you hear from people all the time. they feel shadow banned and censored and canceled. how how does this play into that, if at all? >> you know, i see both sides of. >> it i see people consistently seeing the hypocrisy and
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the corruption that is happening from the left and how they're using this against people that are their enemies in their agenda that they want to pursue. >> but i also would say, though, kellyanne, is the more this stuff happens, the more they normalize it, the more often that they use our judicial system and our supreme court to play these games, to go out and to fundamentally rewrite justice, the more it becomes normal in and that's what is so dangerous is because the more often you see something more, you don't blink at it the next time that it happens, the more it seems like, well, that's just something that happens that is increasing so often now in the last year or two where we have our courts being used punish political opponents in a way that i just don't remember seeing five years ago, six years ago now it's being used on a daily basis. >> i believe that's dangerous for our way of life because that then becomes normal, the american people, and they start to think that that is something that is okay.
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it is not okay. that's what's made america special for so many generations, is the fact that we were a country of freedom. we a country of people, a republic where they get to decide, don't live by dictatorships or a direction of an elite making the decisions for the people. our motto in south dakota is under god, the people rule. we enforce that every day by following our constitution. i would hope in the united states of america we remember what our constitution as well. >> fortunately, millions and millions of americans agree with those very. governor christie now of south dakota, thank you for joining us. merry christmas. your merry christmas. now, the left is not just playing games with the presidential election. they're also trying to redraw congressional maps as a part of their big quest to take back the house. just last week, new york's highest court ordered a new congressional map be drawn by a bipartisan independent commission. remember, republicans won
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several key congressional seats in new york in 2022. that was vital to regaining control of the house by the slimmest of margins. so now the associated press report says the court's ruling is, quote, an early but important step in the democrats to retake a handful of congressional districts in new york seen as vital to winning the house majority. here with reaction, new york congresswoman claudia tenney. >> congresswoman, thanks for joining us. i think we all remember in 2022 and many were predicting a red wave. >> we take the house back. thankfully, we wouldn't know so much about the biden family and other issues, had we not. >> but by the slimmest of margins and i think in large part because of a blue state strategy here in new york and in california. you represent a district in new york and you are joined by new members of congress, mike lawlor and anthony esposito, who took seats
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biden had won presidentially. so walk us through the rest of the country should care what's going on in new york. do think somebody is playing shenanigans or do you think this is just business as usual and redrawing the maps, given demographic changes? >> oh, no. this is a complete denial by the democrats of democracy, which they talk about all the time. they hate democracy because guess what? >> when the voters have a chance to vote, they don't vote with democratic policies. >> so this is a manipulation of the process. that's what gerrymander is it's manipulating the district lines in order to get a partisan result. >> the democrats gerrymander these districts. the court of appeals, with a different set of judges, weighed in and determined that the independent redistricting commission, which by the way, was asked for and voted upon by the voters of new york, a 2 to 1 democrat dominated state wanted to redistricting 81% of democrats or 81% of new yorkers, which is two thirds democrats, basically said, we
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don't want the legislature to do these lines. >> we think gerrymandering in a partisan way is cheating. >> they basically that's that was a poll number that was a poll test that was done. >> so the democrats don't really want democracy. >> so what did they do? they intimidated. they got judges leave that sided with the independent redistricting commission. new judges in place then brought a lawsuit. >> it's almost as if the gist of the decision by the judges was predetermined and they got the result they want. >> they're going overturn the independent redistricting commissions. jerry independent fair lines that were drawn over the will of the voters. and by the way, the voters went in and again and said, no, we don't want the legislature to draw these lines because it's low hanging fruit. the democrats have a veto proof majority, a supermajority will draw these lines and the low hanging fruit, a very narrow majority in the in the in the congress. >> and remember something that's critical. >> it wasn't the democrats in new york who actually brought the case.
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>> it was hakeem jeffries, the minority leader, a former assembly member, by the way, from washington with the democrats in washington, because they want power. they want to take back the house and they will do anything and everything to overturn the will of the voters. that's exactly what's happening in new york. pay attention. this is what they're going to be doing the next several weeks. >> i'm so glad you're talking about this. a full year before next year's election. so we're not as surprised. i see a theme emerging. the people are stupid. we must avert their will. congresswoman claudia tenney of new york, thank you very much for joining us. up next, americans are souring on biden and souring on biden nomics. but joe is blissfully unaware. the great larry kudlow explains as we continue this special edition of "hannity". >> the time is now. okay, here we go. we're gifting you fox nation's once a year sale just in time for the holidays.
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america is listening. >> just a few weeks ago, team biden had completely given up on biden nomics. ongres congressional democrats dropped the phrase all togethesicratr, and biden himself wasn't using the term in speechessing. but today joe was back on the biden nomics train. >> take a b we're doing by building any bu economy from the middle out u and the bottom up, not the top down. and not not a whole lot tricklen on my dad's kitchen table when the to tp down economy. but when you move from a building to increase hav the class, the poor have a shot and the wealthy still do verythi well. the middle class does well, . calle >> that's what we call biden-nomics. now, of course, biden will probably spend the rest of this campaign lying about the econom ty, but the american people aren't buying it. our latest fox news poll shows that only 20% of respondents believ0% oe that things are goig
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well. >> here now with more is the ku host of kudlow on fox business, larry kudlow. we larry, we've seen all the statistics, pollingd ec and economic statistics. people are living paycheck to paycheck,statis 40 year highpayche on mortgage interest rates, on inflation. ckpeople feel everyday life is unaffordable. and it's showing up in the and s. . i think that we finally have tripartisan agreement on something republicans, democrats all agree the economye could be doing better. e so why don't you tell us, firt of all, how you, as an economist, would define biodynamics, one of the four or wh? mponents well, the problem is thattioned by nomics, as you've just mentioned, is affordability. i mean, because prices have gone up so. grocery prices, home heating, electricity, gasoline, mortgage interest rates, credit card interest rates, automobile interest rates, all those
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prices have gone up so much people can't afford it. wages take pay after inflation after adjusting for taxes, have been falling for three years and people are unhappy. heck t many are living paycheck to paycheck. paycheckk several jobs. >> you know, this middle out business, middlet, middl, middlo and low income people have been hurt the most. and middlee han hurt income peoe been hurt very badly. the well-to-do have done veryner well to do so. biden'ys lost support. you know, working folks, no matter black working folks,workn hispanic working folks, white working, they're the ones that have gotten clobbered in this. and that'sis why those polls are so bad. >> i agree. what about the "wall street journal" report and others about all these failinreport og electric car st, some of them who claim bankruptcy? weme hav read the scenes, bidens quote, fuming that a lot
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of what he paid for in terms of the infrastructure bill and the electric vehicles hasn't been built yet. so he doesn't have a tangible example of his successesn . of the biggest errors,this one f the biggest boondoggles of all electric vehicles, it looks like. to speak these 18 ev ev and battery startups who went publicbatter. ru >> recent years have run out of gas, so to speak. yeah. no. right. right.un out o yeah. run out of money. run ouun outt of electricity o. >> but here's the thing. they battery really resent by the federal government to tell them how to live, how to drive, what kind of showers they could haveowers. what kind of toilets they can have. they really resent that. ey realland whole thing comes to in whatever five years. eight years, you're not going to have any gasoline powered cars. people are just furious at that. they don'tfurious at it one bit.
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i mean, look at what you needat to change. if donal you need tod trump como office in a year's time or so, he is going to go after all of the biden regulations. he can do that through executive authority. it can will wipe them away, including these mandates, and tell folks have live will do the other things he's going to do. he's going to use executive budget authority to impound all the biden spending programs. thisll the slush funds for climt change, the excess subsidies to well-to-do corporations. he will use executive authorityy ,empowered the authority which he has under the constitutiod t he's also going to changehe's a the way government worksls, how to hire, how to fire all that bureaucrat. >> and he's going to go drill, drill, drill, open up fossil on public lands. and i also think he's going to extendsd the trump tax cutsge
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to get middle class people to boost that. they deserve eople th. they were the biggest beneficiary of his tax cutsfinal years ago.y and finally, he's going to close the border, closinge the border is going to have real wages. closing the border is going to help law and order and safety and public health. sa steps. that must be taken. and i think the public is going i ick that because they see that he is strong enoughsee and tougng enough enough to chae the direction of the countryne o and of the economy. no one's going to stop him. he's a tough guy. i call it trump. it's like ford trucks are tough. i call it trump. and he's got about five orn do six key things that he can do in the first 100 days to turn this economy around. turnhis econand give this econot back to the middle class. people who earned it in the first place.n the hear, hear. larry kudlow, premier a road map to get rid of biden nomics and the opposite of tough and strong is weake op.
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th like. larry kudlow, thank you so much for joining me. ank you mestraight ahead, more e in the white house. a new report claims the president's patience behind the scenes is dwindling. joe so what is joe biden so upsetens about this time? we wil we'll tell you as this special y hannity continueou as. >> meet gold bond daily healing. a powerhouse lotioneal & that moisturizes heals and soothes dry skin with sevemn moisturizers and three vitamins and new gold bond healing and new gold bond healing sensitiv to heal and moisturize dry sensitive skin. gold bond. >> are you tired of that old worn out bath or shower. now you can have a new one installed in just one day with a new limited time offer from jacuzzi bath remodel. we're waiting all installation costs with no interest and no payments for one year. jacuzzi has been making water feel great for over 65 years, and now you can get a gorgeous custom bathroom model at a price. you can afford with no stress
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incarceration and neighborhood violence. others talk social change we make it happen. joe loves to tout his imaginaryh record of accomplishments, but since they don't actually exist. sometimes they are hard to see , ,even for joe himself. cnn reports that biden is secretly fuming that not enough projects funded by hisdey bipartisan infrastructure bipat. ite al yet, despite all the talk, he has quite literally, he has g
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to show for it. here with reaction are fox news contributors joe concha and tammy bruce. joe, this is one of those stories you dealt with in the trump administration. >> the president's fuminalt witt but i think in this case,in biden is starting to read his own poll numbers to see that there's very little escape. let's say you 30. >> yeah, 33%. kellyanne, polls right where we're seeing those wheseeing t h are nixonian entering 1974 type of territory. >> so obviously a panic has se t in. and in this case, you seee that he's mad about these shovel projects, i guess not getting underway fast enough. s, notbut this is a president ws been in government for more than 50 years. he shoul governmfod the first pt to understand that when you're dealing with huge government funded projects, they're not going to get started right away or even in a couple of years from now. >> and here in jersey, in the obama years, for example, there were these huge signawere hugs a local highway near me touting the obama-biden stimulus bide the improvements that were coming to that highway. and literally ten years later, after that bil
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l was passed,tion t construction to expand was still goino stig on. you could drive by for months and see little to nothing getting accomplished. tla later admitted that those shovel ready jobs weren'those he t so if joe biden thinksthin that americans are going to feel or see any tangiblkse improvements or projects completed any time this decade from his infrastructure bill, he's either delusional, kellyanne, or he's suffering fromr loss of what happened ori what didn't happen during the obam a biden years on this front. >> yeah. jerry, if only joe biden can consult with obama's vice president about what went wrong. with obama his vice president. and speaking of joe biden, 34% favorability rating. kamala harris, one point higher, 35%. the dream team. i mean, they sor t of they'ren neutra stuck in neutral.tra and now it's -- it's spilling out in public viewnow . >> where do you see this headed? you know, it's i a panic that's happening. i think we see that in general, includineneral ig biden saying trump engaged in insurrection there. i think they're also surprised that all of the gaslighting hasa
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not worked. >> i believe they've had a very low opinion of the american people. peop can justn th be patted on the head and will believe what we're tolad and bd they're forgetting it's very strange to consider this, but i think they're forgetting consid that we're not reliant on what they tell us, where reliant on what we experience. d what >> we wake up in the morning i and what's in our bank account and how much gasbank a is still in the tank and whether or not we can still get baby formula. e and if kids medicines are still not available about the pricef of meat, that you have to forgo protein for your children or gas in the car to be able to keep your jobb., the threewo jobs now that you have to work in order to to pay your rent. it's a remarkable time where you see this. remarkare youpeople thought buw disconnected when he was surprised to see the scannerhewo at the grocery store. now we've got a president who is not evet whn on the samee planet about the nature of the lives that we're living. so os we he's that we're not toe being able to see a bridge
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that maybe hasn'a bridget builtt and won't be built until 2040, when in fact he has built something he's built the worst he's lifetimes. he's burned down many things re for that existed like the future for the american people. so we se e what he's done and we don't like it. and they've got their clearly, kellyanne, they're not going to adjust to the reality of that. and i think noy of thaw you're i to see an angrier stranger, more hostile, red litd buildings. you know, more fascists are going to be everywhere. it's going to be a crazed panic that we're going to se e coming out of this administration. now, you both make an excellent point. it's the difference betwee's tht what the democrats say and what we actually see. and i think what we se we. will dominate. joe concha, tammy bruce, thank you very muc h. coming up, the names of jeffrey epstein's associates are set to be released. tennesset toe senator marsha blackburn, who has demanded accountability. she'll> tennessee se join us net with reaction.
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paraquat is found in many popular weed killers like ramazan. >> it is highly toxic. the environmental protection agency classifies it as restricted use only and it is banned in many countries worldwide. so if you or a loved one develop parkinson's disease after working or living a farm that used herbicides containing the deadly chemical, paraguay could settle walk legal group today to see if you qualify for financial compensation. it only takes a few minutes in. the call is completely free calling to discuss your case now. call 1-800- 8279797. that's 1-800- 8279797. >> next wednesday on fox. tis the season for the holiday bowl. kick it off, baby. let's rock as the show collides with usc in their pac 12 finale. while the cardinals look to put the finishing touches on their best season in ten years, i believe. all the while, the trojans and their explosive offense and lining up in primetime want to play louisville, usc
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never leaving this bar. >> on monday, a federal judge in new york ordered courtr documents naming jeffrey epstein's associates com to be made public next month. n senator marshaex blackburnesse of tennessee praised the decision, saying, quote, accountability coming.cision >> the senator has tried numerous times to issue a subpoena to obtain these records. she joins us now tried discuss s senator blackburn, tell whysenae the united states senate is involved in this and why the averaginvolvede american sh care about epstein's associatecs on that plane. >> beyond the gossipy, salacious details ass. yes. and kellyanne, you're right. it's not about celebrity. it is about criminal activity. and that is what we want to know. and the more we find out, the more these victims are goin g feel empowered to co
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to come forward and tell their stor y and get justice. and this is about protectingecti womengn and girls. it's also about breaking apart some of these sex trafficking rings that seem to have proliferating at seee right the you've got human trafficking, sex traffickin trag has gone frm being about a $500 million a year business to a $115 billion a year business in a few short years. and the jeffrey epsteis.n ring is probably one of the biggestni international sex trafficking rings that we have ever seen ore heard of or known of. and it had a lot of high of hy profile, high dollar that werett involved in this. rmatio so getting this information will help us t o get justice for these victims. i was really struckid l by something that you said last judiomething that you said last
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many times to have the senate judiciary committee vote on this. teyou approached senator durbin of illinois about it, but some for some reasodurbann he wants t to keep the names of the flight passengers forthe name jeffrey , a secret. llt. that. yes, i am the top republican,it the human rights subcommittee, and we've done a lot of work at that subcommitteeand to care for children, foster children to look in trafficking, humanstr trafficking, sex traffickingttee and twice in committee meetings. i brought up the issuetings, of having these subpoenas issued and why i was deniedo the opportunity to offer that amendment and get o people on the record and this information has been really sequestered. when you look at jeffrey epstein's death, then you look at the julian maxwell trial and she, of course, recruitede and, groomed the girls
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and brought them into jeffrey epstein's orbis ant. and what we need to know is whoh all was involved this.ex how many different sex trafficking rings did this intersecngs dit with? who was in charge of these sex trafficking rings? how dotraffickrings? we protectn and girls? how do we begin to shut this downe beis? how do we make certain that people who have been involved with these trafficking ringves are brought to face their penalties and jail time t, and then thereby get justice for these girls? theeby so dick durbin twice cht to push this forward. but we're going to continue goin forwat weg for the subpoen. we're continuing to investigate this. people can keep up with my work. marsha blackburn, scoth myt. >>a senator blackburn, thank you so much for joining us and for your work on this is incrediblny important. that's all the time we have left tonight. thanthat'save left