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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  December 21, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PST

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>> laura: i'm laura ingraham, this is the "the ingraham angle," thank you for being with us tonight. how to save democracy is the focus of tonight's angle. the most dangerous people in the united states tonight, they are not donald trump supporters. most dangerous people in the united states are those suggesting that somehow a court can vaporize the candidacy of the leading presidential contender and not do damage to the country and its institutions. >> it is encouraging to see the rule of law working. the colorado supreme court justices did a sensational job. >> if he's unfit to hold office, we should be encouraged by any action that makes it less likely he will return to the presidency. >> laura: these people are
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delusional. they think if the court bars a front-runner from the race, that the election will go on as normal and usual? they are kidding themselves. let's be clear, any decision that prevents voters from deciding donald trump's fate would discredit the next year's election, both at home and abroad, period. whoever is declared the winner would never be accepted as legitimate president by half the country and most of the world. biden's student loan forgiveness plan, the supreme court shoots it down, that is what we need here, the court comes in and says no, that would be best case scenario for democrats, believe it or not. they look like desperate nuts who tried to do something
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blatantly illegal. if they block trump, much, much worse. yesterday i suggested white house act for good of the country by insisting courts not interfere with the ability of republican party to pick its own nominee and should call off the dogs in new york, georgia, use has influence to do that. it has to stop. joe biden never focuses on what is good for the country and cares only about enriching himself and his family and think the best way to do that is to placate extreme left. the great defender of democracy decided to support torpedoing of the trump presidency. >> president biden: it is self-evident, you saw it all, whether 14th amendment applies,
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let the court decide. no question about it, zero. >> laura: no question about it, hard to think of a more dangerous statement. that his leading opponent, the guy who is currently ahead in every poll should not be allowed to run. so biden is so afraid of voters in the united states that he cannot risk fair and square. this 1st amendment argument will not be limited to trump, if it's allowed to stand. if it's successful, the democrats would certainly apply the same standards to desantis. and going forward, they would try to ban any republican whoever expressed serious doubts about an election where a democrat was declared the winner. now, biden's blatant attack on democracy will destroy his credibility, and it will happen all over the world. now, that biden and top democrat leaders and media lackeys have
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all publicly supported short circuiting the when will of thm next year. how much credibility would any of these types of statements have going forward? >> we will not retreat from the values that make us strong. we will defend democracy. >> we know that democracy. >> defendants will defend democracy. >> now, let's remember, vladimir putin, he is getting ready to run for re-election. the democrats huff and puff about how is he an existential threat to freedom. and they, in turn, demand a lot more money from congress, for ukraine. but no one in any country will take seriously about complaint style of politics when they themselves are engaged in the same types of actions over here. the biden doj's dragnet and the inhumane treatment of many of these january 6th defendants, the legal persecution of his chief political opponent, now, of course, they can always roll
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out the so-called experts with talking points you should just ignore them. here's the truth no. trained lawyer on earth believes that that buffalo head guy and the boys are donald trump speaking at the ellipsey engaged in serious effort to overthrow the government of the united states, no one believes that charged trump with insurrection. because he knows to do so would be completely absurd. but we all knew why the democrats use the word insurrection as the january 6th recognize were still taking place. they were all laying the groundwork to ban the one guy that they fear above all others. >> these seeds were planted by the democrats on january 6th itself. it was no accident from the very beginning that they insisted on calling this an insurrection. they were very clever that they wanted to use that word. and i don't know if you notice
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that people were insisting from the very beginning, it was very important for them that it be called an insurrection. how convene yeant, that's exactly the word the constitution uses. this was all being set up, really for the past. >> now with biden in the mid 30's and most of the polls, democrats are seething they're freaking out and also stuck. and now they have sabotaged themselves. they are so consumed with hatred toward trump and his supporters that they just can't see the damage that they are doing to their own cause. forget the country. the decision by the colorado supreme court. the populist or the american. it proves that the populist were right. for years we warned that americans are governed by an elite class that has nothing but contempt for the working people of our country. and that those elites are going to try to hold on to power by any means necessary. and now, everyone knows that.
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and if they win heaven for bid at the supreme court and trump is not allowed to run, then every institution the elites care about, the military, the permanent bureaucracy, scawltd rules based international order, big business will also be permanently discredited in the eyes of what, 100 million americans or so and most of the world. so the next time biden or any democrat tries to talk about human rights, the world is just going to be laughing at them. but true liberals like r.f.k. jr., they understand that this is a dangerous tipping point we have arrived at. he said if trump is kept out of office through judicial fiat rather than being defeated in a fair election. never accept the result. this country will become ungovernable. cannot maintain a military or even a strong economy, it has
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half the voting public means the election are meaningless. super power status would be gone and now for a lot of people on the left i know that wouldn't be that bad of a result because they have hated this country for decades. they don't much like the military either. they would be happy to see it all fail never more excited when george floyd riots were happening. everyone was trashing the united states. they loved that business leaders, and foreign policy hawks, they need to realize that they are on a train to crazy town. a point of no return. because by foolishly aligning with the far left, they have already done enormous damage to their cause and if they continue on their current path, there is no chance at redemption. think of it this way. what's the point of being in the u.s. establishment when the u.s. government is in chaos? what's their stock portfolio going to be worth when we no longer have a functional
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government? now, wind could have turned this around. he could have been the statesman he always claimed to be and delivered an address to the nation announcing that trump should have a fair chance to compete for the presidency. but, as usual, biden failed the basic test of leadership. and every day that he allows this farce to go forward, the consequences for the united states grow worse. we can only hope that the supreme court cleans up this mess and quickly. until the next democrats launch their next act of lawfare against the people. and that's the angle. joining me now is mike davis, former law clerk for justice gain of function research and article iii project and jamie landau for justices thomas and scalia and former ambassador to mexico for president trump. chris, your comments last night made a big stir. got a lot of attention. but how damaging is this for
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president biden to publicly endorse this move by the colorado supreme court which in effect he did by saying there is no doubt that the president is an insurrectionist? no doubt he said. laura i think it's a i very sad day for our country. ruling out of colorado to see the president of the united states endorsing that frankly just rub salt in the wound. especially since nobody has charged president trump with insurrection, which is a federal crime at 18 usc 2383 there is a specific crime of insurrection. jack smith didn't bring that charge against trump. much less convict him of insurrection. so, again, the idea that it's so obvious as the president says that he insurrectionist. if it was that obvious, why didn't you bring that charge to a jury then? because they don't want to defend that charge. so, conveniently, courts applying this clause of the
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constitution without even ever having anybody tried on this particular -- for this particular keim. >> laura: mike, i torpedo the election next year but also torpedo a future presidency of donald trump? if donald trump wins. he wins and the former president says oh the country elected insurrectionist. don't listen to him. this guy didn't believe in democracy. this guy wanted do overthrow the government. is he actually torpedoing things on multiple levels with that inflammatory comment today. >> there's no question and, remember, this lawfare against president trump started with president biden. it was president biden who had his deputy white house counsel, jonathan sue wave president trump's claim of executive privilege that led to the unprecedented, unnecessary and unlawful home raid on the office of former president for
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presidential records, that president trump was allowed to have under the presidential records act it was senior biden justice department official matthew went from the number three office in the justice department to alvin bragg's office in new york to resurrect a zombie case against president trump for -- under a bogus legal theory. a theory that the federal election commission passed on, the prior manhattan d.a. passed on. the current manhattan d.a., alvin bragg passed on. and it was only resurrected when biden sent matthew kang low to manhattan. this is lawfare driven by president biden this is very destructive to our country that their lives are getting better more country more united and border is more enforced. they can't argue any of that the only thing they are left with america is racist. donald trump is an
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insurrectionist and we have to save democracy by short circuiting the vote. that's all they have. chris, i don't know what else they are arguing here? we have judges, former like mike lieludwig. he was once a conservative who is out defending this colorado supreme court ruling. watch this. >> this is not politics. it's certainly not partisan politics. and the supreme court's decision yesterday was not a political decision in any sense of that word it was a pure and remarkably master full decision of constitutional law. >> laura: chris? >> the trump derangement syndrome runs very deep. >> laura: i got so many texts this morning about this comment. >> listen, laura, i was ambassador to mexico, right?
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if mexico had tried to disqualify the leading candidate of the ruling party had tried to disqualify the leading candidate. we would be up in arms. we would be imposing sanctions on mexico. right? president of el salvador today said the united states has lost its ability to lecture anyone in the world again about democracy. we need to wake up as a country to what is going on here, laura. the only -- the silver lining is that i'm confident the supreme court will reverse. this. >> laura: well, as they did, mike, in so many other cases where joe biden just went completely crazy on the constitution. executive orders we are going to give you special status and we are going to allow you not to pay your loans back and the court had to come in and clean that mess then. but that's pretty narrow thread
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we are hanging by to rely on the court every time this nut bag, sorry, president, decides to do something like this. >> yeah, the democrats impeached president trump twice for nonsense. they have indicted him for times for noncrimes. they have illegally gagged him twice. they are trying to bankrupt his business for non-fraud. that's all back firing. >> and so now their legal hail mary is this disqualify him what they did to confederates who engaged in insurrection against the united states. four gol goofballs. caught the hail mary the supreme court must fix this immediately. >> now, democrat hack, marc elias, chris, made a comment today about how this could work across all 50 states, watch. >> if donald trump took an oath of office and engaged in
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rebellion or insurrection then is he disqualified from holding the office of president again, period. and that is true in colorado. that is true in alabama. that is true in minnesota and that is true in alaska. it's true in all 50 states plus the distri district of columbiah had check toler votes. this one may be for all the marbles. >> laura: this is their fevered dream, chris. >> unfortunately for all of us marc elias is not going to be making that call. it's going to be the u.s. supreme court. this is a federal issue. regarding a federal candidate. so, obviously, a state court won't have the last word on this issue. i'm as convinced as i have been of any legal issue that the u.s. supreme court will take this case. because they have a discretionary docket, remember. so the first question is, are they going to grant review of this case? i think they will. and i think they will reverse it. i hope for the sake of the country that it is unanimous. i think it's important that the supreme court send a message that we can't be electing our presidents through lawfare.
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>> laura: it should be 9-0. mike, chris, wonderful to see you don't. thank you so much. coming up, could democrats actually be egging on civil unrest? we're going to explain this. newt gingrich has reaction, next. ♪
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>> at this point, given what we are seeing in the courts, at the doj and even in state a.g. offices and given democrats trump is hitler rhetoric, is it not logical, at least to consider, maybe even to assume that some on the left are hoping to spark some type of civil unrest here, which would be followed, of course, why a mass crack down on civil liberties or the declaration of maybe a nationwide emergency? all as a way of protectionial way to usher in, i don't know, nationwide mail-in voting? remember the left loved the lockdowns. they loved the 2020 riots and they even loved the weapon that january 6th gave them and of course they really really love the idea of universal mail-in or even internet voting joining me now is newt gingrich, former speaker of the house and fox
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news contributor. newt there have been a number of concerns raised by how this lawfare as we just discussed in the last segment with two former supreme court clerks, made three of us, about how this is being used to short circuit the electorate. and, yet, we have republicans out there saying oh well if this happens then we will move on as a country, do you think that all will be well if for some reason the supreme court does not correct what was done in colorado? >> no, i think this is potentially catastrophe. a million 360,000 coloradoens voted for donald trump in the election. four lawyers want to block him from being on the ballot. that means basically for every 340,000 coloradoens who voted for trump. one lawyer is stopping them
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establishment arrogance not sustainable. last great effort like this was the 10 states that refused to put abraham lincoln on the blatt in 1860. the american people are not going to tolerate and i hope the supreme court fully understands. this the american people are not going to tolerate being told that they are not allowed to have a choice for who they want to have as president. this is not venezuela. it's not newt gingrich nicaragua. it's not cuba. i think the democrats are dangerously close to causing the kind of confrontation that would be truly disastrous for the country. >> laura: now, to that point, i want to play something that the lieutenant governor of texas, dan patrick, floated on our show last night, newt, got a lot of attention. watch. >> seeing what happened in colorado makes me think, except we believe in democracy in texas, maybe we should take joe biden off the ballot in texas for allowing 8-millimeter people to cross the border since he has
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been president. >> newt, i mean, look at what has happened to america with this open border that in and of itself is own type of insurrection against sovereignty, against the rule of law is this not a natural reaction if this is the precedent they set? >> yes. look, biden's illegal immigration policy which louise to biden's illegal immigrants is a disaster and it's deliberate. it's not -- there is not a failure on the border. there is a deliberate policy on the border to maximize the number of people who come in. the next stage will be for the left to demand that they be allowed to vote even though they are here illegally. you can see the whole process. and that's why we are, i think, moving dangerously close to a really genuine confrontation other the very nature of america. you have seen it on the college campuses with the anti-semitic uprising in favor of terrorism. and a realization that the
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universities are wildly out of control and teaching things that are just plain crazy. there is a point where the average american is going to say this is totally wrong. what president biden said today is proof the people who want to destroy democracy are the democrats. ask robert f. kennedy jr., who fought in every state. the democrat idea is they get to win because no one else gets to compete and i think the average american as they realize that level of anger at the democratic party is going to become dramatic. >> laura: do you think, newt, civil unrest is a possibility here continu continues this typf attacks against democratic process continues? >> i think what you heard last night from the texas contingent tells you know, this is still a country where states have
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enormous levels of freedom. and if we are going to get into a real knockdown, dragout fight, you would be crazy. let me emphasize. where we are right now with the democrats are doing right now. is insane you could imagine a circumstance in hard line republican states where they have absolute control of the legislature and governorship. there are probably 15, 20 states strip the democrats off the ballot. that would be news. that would be totally wrong that's what they are setting up. what you now have is basically a fascist democratic party government control, government domination and by the way in a number of states like michigan and california they pass laws strengthening the governor's ability to have emergency power which i think is very, very foreboding given how much they abused it in 2020. >> right.
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well, newt these are scary times. let's hope cooler and more heads prevail. thank you. the disturbing reason behind the recent surge at our southern border. the independent journalist front lines joins us live from the border with stunning details people are always asking me why why do i do this work? two words come to mind for me. one is responsibility, the other is purpose. it's just so inspiring to do research that impacts human lives. stand up to cancer has been a critical partner in advancing research for cancer. cancer research saves lives. so please help us fight in this battle against cancer.
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>> where are you guys from. >> india. >> india. >> everybody from india. >> yeah. >> where do you want to go in the united states. >> california. >> california? everybody here california? >> new jersey. >> seattle? new york. you want to work? >> yeah. yeah. >> you want a job? >> no. >> no? you don't want to work? >> life in danger. >> so you are here to seek
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asylum. >> laura: one day crossings at our southern border were about 1500 daily. but on monday they jump by almost a factor of 10. to nearly 13,000. so what's the real reason for this massive and sudden surge? customs and border patrol telling our own bill melugin that smugglers are purposefully overwhelming the border in an effort to guarantee mass releases of humanity all at once. for instance, in the del rio sector alone, migrants from 28 countries have been encountered at the border. most of them don't speak almost a word of english. among those are folks from a tiny african country using a loophole to gain entry into the country. these are the citizens of senegal. and they are getting here via pseudo legitimate travel agencies that are advertising visa free travel to the u.s. where they are then connected with human smugglers at the border. joining me now from eagle pass, texas is an independent
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journalist who has been covering the crisis from both sides of the border. what are your sources telling you don't? well, there are several things, laura, one is to bill melugin's point, i have been to choula. they have psychologists training and coaching these migrants on what to say and what not to say. as can you see in bill's video initially they speak english and all of the sudden they forget english. that's exactly what tapachula that they are being trained when n. what to say. only difference had piedras negras on the mexican side and about to cross they talk freely and tell me they are coming here because they are seeking a better life. better opportunities, better education for their kids. and not necessarily because they are fleeing any other requirements necessary to seek asylum. >> well, they know what to say
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to qualify for asylum. this is all, you know, this is all a game. you know, my life in danger. they are just going to say that because they will know that will maybe help their asylum claims. my sources in el salvador, alvin, are telling me that these are mostly men from certain african countries are actually flying by the thousands into central america, places like nicaragua and then they are working their way up here. but they are fly noolg central america to come into the united states. >> that's exactly right. they are actually pseudo travel agencies that are migrants to fly into nicaragua taken to central american and ending up in tapachula. what happens is that from there, depending on the resources they get filtered to different border towns. for example, what we are seeing here in piedras negras are mainly venezuelans who are the poorest of the poor. and that's why they're arriving
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on the freight trains. and then what you see in lukeville, arizona or california, is those that can afford paying a smuggler $10,000 and up, and these numbers are pretty much the same. >> what we're seeing here in eagle pass and also in arizona. so, the major hub, which is tapachula is once again filling up because, immigration offices are completely shut down until after january 6th when they open up, then we are going to see another wave coming of those that are stuck right now in tapachula and we will see them here at the border. >> laura: it's not a country. i mean, it's not a country. we cease to be a country when we cease to control our borders. you talk about something called the selfie effect that's happening after they cross? what is that? >> so, that's exactly right. as soon as the migrants cross from piedras negras into i take video of them. first thing they do as soon as
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they cross they take a selfie, get on the phone and call relatives and say i'm in the u.s. that's the messaging that's getting back to relatives and other migrants saying they made it in. let's go. they are not listening to. >> laura: come on. >> exactly. they are listening to their own messaging. >> laura: auden, thank you for being there and reporting on this. this is a calamity of national security, economic pro-proportions and, of course, it's a horrible humanitarian issue as well. auden, thank you. now it's time for our political palate cleanser. ♪ >> laura: the boys and i spent the past few days at an amazing place incredible called the big dog ranch rescue in palm beach county. now, this is incredible. no kill cageless shelter that literally rescues thousands of dogs every year from abandonment, overbreeding and cruelty. they have a veteran service dog
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training program that i got to see, a vet clinic which is amazing. open yards for play. a really dedicated staff, including volunteers who do this just because they love these innocent creatures. i'm donating to big dog ranch cress could you this season. please, if you can, i know it's tight out there. but, if you can, please help. and maybe even find a perfect pup for you and your family there are a lot there to adopt. there is about 15. look at that big mastiff. isn't that the cutest thing ever. his name is rocco. thank you very much for considering. all right. time for the age-old question who has a better family life? conservative or democrat? we have the answer, next. ♪ icy hot. ice works fast. ♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot.
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>> laura: now that's a scene from a show aimed at kids under the age of six. who are parents allowing their kids to watch this triep.
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so much for blues clues. study showing children who grow up in conservative households are more stable than those in liberal households reporting good mental health compared to those of libs. co-host of bottom line and staff writer for "the federalist," avita. does this make sense to you given your own experience? >> it makes 100% sense. if your parents are encouraging you to cut off body parts. leftists have a big focus on mental health and wellness and conservative parents tend to
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focus on mental toughness, on discipline, doing chores, having structure. permissive style that leftists promote is actually not good for children. oldest of nine kids, i learned i'm not the center of the universe, it takes everybody working together and realizing you are part of a team in a family that actually makes you a well adjusted human being. the other thing is faith, there is loss of faith among a lot of leftist parents and they are encouraging the self and conservative parents have grounding for their children. >> laura: sean, you don't have to say anything, let her take the whole segment. avita has it covered. i don't want to make a broad generalization, that seems unfair. putting guardrails up and say this is right, this is wrong, to
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me, kids crave it even when they are grumpy about it. >> sean: when you give them rules and discipline, they come out better. it is fair to say we shouldn't generalize but on balance conservative parents do a better job. foundation of every family is a strong marriage and conservatives value marriage more than liberals, that is what the study says. that strong marriage gives stability to kids in the home and avita mentioned, faith is important. i met your caroline, what an impressive young girl, but faith and knowing that there is higher power. we're called to be better and do better and our whole life is not about this life, there is another life we're striving to get to, important to kids and avita, great answer, i can wipe
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my forebrow now. >> lawrence: >> laura: speaking of marriage, fewer americans are prioritizing marriage. since 1970, there has been a drop based on the latest census data and the latest number dipped to just 50%. avita, you chose to get married at a young age and buck the trend. people react saying that is too young, why didn't you live life a little bit. to that, you say? >> i don't think you need to take your spouse for a test drive, that is what young people do, try different sexual partners and do things in a more progressive way and settle down. reality is, once you find the right person, shares your values, good friend of yours, you can start a life together and raise kids. this is not only good for mental
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wellness and being a family purpose, start families and have children temperature is good for our country and society and have leftist railing on young people and telling them to do things contradictor tow human happiness is destroying this country. >> laura: sean and avita, great to have gotten to know you over the years, what a great family. merry christmas. up next, time to throw down with raymond arroyo, real versus fake christmas tree debate, you don't want to miss it.
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have no idea! hey, guys! you're sitting on a goldmine! come on, guys! do you hear that? i don't hear anything anymore. find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit it's time for our annual real versus fake tree debate. we turned to raymond arroyo. i'm going to start our debate with a clip from last years real versus fake tussle. you were pretty rough.
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>> let them work it out. between the two of them. laura, fox mercifully put several states between us this year. why don't i start on the reason why fake trees are superior. as you know i've always put up an artificial tree. they smell fresh and look beautiful. they don't burn and most importantly they don't cause allergies. real trees carry mold spores which i mention for years, insect droppings and whole families of praying mantises. as this family unfortunately discovered. a little extra. >> my fake tree helped china. it hurts american tree farmers like my cousins in georgetown,
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as a choose its. they are already sold out. 85% of fake trees are imported from china according to commerce departments. when you by a fake tree, no visions of toy soldiers. think about xi jinping soldiers. that is who you are supporting. >> there are plenty of american manufacturers of trees. not many, but if you. it's not worth finding a snake slithering among your branches. your den is not the garden of eden unless you wanted to be. i think you should do that. look with this family found in their tree while trimming. >> i am literally freaking out right now. i have no idea how this possum got in my house and up into my tree. i'm trying to get him out but will not let me. i don't know what to do. i don't know how it got in here. it's like a predator hanging out in her home. wait until it jumps on your face and scars you to death. a family in kentucky just found
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something else a day or two ago. an owl in their tree. it's like a horror movie. >> the owl was sitting on the lower limb crawled up into the tree further. as it was in the tree further it took me several minutes to even find it. >> i would have left the house. >> the tree is a thing of nature. do you bring beehives into your home? do have a creek running in your living room? no, because animals live there. that's part of the problem. this is a habitat for animals that shouldn't be in your home. >> i love vowels. real trees are better for the environment. your fake ones end up in landfills where they will remain indefinitely. they never decompose ever. they are a bird into the environment. real trees are also used to help shore of the wetlands in your home state of louisiana, provide fish habitats across the country and taylor swift grew up on a tree farm. without real trees we might not
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have had taylor swift's music. >> you're trying to make my argument for fake trees. here's the most compelling argument. do trust the american people? do you support democracy? 77% of americans chose fake trees this year. here's the killer argument. are you ready for this? i did some digging. we found something on your instagram thread. you posted your self listening to my mary and bright christmas album which i am delighted you did. when you zeroed in on the background, what did you see? look, it's a fake christmas tree it took me 20 years. you finally came to the artificial side of christmas. welcome, laura, merry christmas. >> how do you know? wait a second. how do you think that is fake? why do you think it's a fake tree? have you been to my house?
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>> you can see the base. he left the base uncovered. the metal base. last time i checked trees didn't have a metal base and a rod. you have it on top of the tree skirt. you're supposed to put the tree skirt on top of the base, not under. we got you, ingraham. don't lie to me. >> foiled again. someone must have switched trees in the middle of the night because i swear i went to my family's tree farm and cut down my own tree. my goodness. i've been so busy raymond i forgot that i had put that up on instagram. i totally forgot about that. i'm going to get an owl and put it in my fake tree. i'm getting an owl and opossum and putting it in the fake tree. that's it for us tonight >> carley: a fox news alert, israel says they are on the virge of endin


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