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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  December 21, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PST

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he left the base uncovered. the metal base. last time i checked trees didn't have a metal base and a rod. you have it on top of the tree skirt. you're supposed to put the tree skirt on top of the base, not under. we got you, ingraham. don't lie to me. >> foiled again. someone must have switched trees in the middle of the night because i swear i went to my family's tree farm and cut down my own tree. my goodness. i've been so busy raymond i forgot that i had put that up on instagram. i totally forgot about that. i'm going to get an owl and put it in my fake tree. i'm getting an owl and opossum and putting it in the fake tree. that's it for us tonight >> carley: a fox news alert, israel says they are on the virge of ending major operations
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in northern gaza and starting new offensive in the southern part of the region. idf is moving into the southern part while the u.s. tries to help the two sides bring an end to this war. you are watching "fox and friends first" on thursday morning. i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro, a lot going on that we will start feeling at home, we'll get into it with cory mills in a moment. >> carley: first trey yingst has an update from tel aviv. >> trey: israeli forces say they are close to completing high-intensity phase of this war in gaza. much has been in gaza jabalia neighborhood where troops from 551st brigade evacuated a group of civilians in a building. weapons were found at that school according to idf.
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difficult fighting taking place in southern gaza. death toll is rising with total of 137 killed since the ground operation began. they discovered new tunnels in gaza city used by hamas leadership. take a listen. >> from this infrastructure, they other than able to move and spread out in the strip. from the heart of gaza city, they were able to go to the hospital and travel south and return to al-shifa hospital entering the network to move toward the hospital. >> trey: the discovery comes as activity continues to increase on the oerthern front. strikes against southern lebanon were more serious. hezbollah reported 180 strikes in ape single town close to the
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border. we could not confirm that report. israeli forces hope to wrap up operation in certain parts of gaza. they have to keep their posture high along the border with lebanon. >> carley: new phase of this war set to begin. thank you. there is this. the u.s. troops at the air base in iraq have come under attack, the 24th time the base has been a target since october 17th and 102. the rockets missed and no one was hurt. >> todd: houthi rebels are stepping up attacks on ships in the red sea and that can be felt at home. ikea expects delays with products after having to divert their ships in the region. cory mills joins us now. how come the most powerful
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navies in the world, including our navy are demonstrating w weakness against a bunch of houthi rebels, a rag-tag group that are able to disrupt commerce for people in the united states? >> let me talk about the fact how they are interlinked even what trey was talking about on the ground in israel. whether it is hezbollah, who is headed up by haman, iraq, houthis, they are iranian backed groups. these are all looking at weakness which invites aggression and that is what joe biden brought to stage. when president trump was in office, we listed the houthis as terror organization. biden took them off this list, even though we knew prior to pulling out of the failed
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agreement that the iranian regime was sending ballistic missiles to disrupt saudi, ramco and oil trade and they have moved to commercial space to try to block any type of commerce coming in and out of the red sea and disrupt persian gulf, red sea and the other areas. why did the biden administration remove this houthi organization from the terrorist organizations to begin with? i remember in 2011, i used to do an antipiracy outside of manded, threat was somali pirates thchl is a direct attack against commerce and a bigger thing. if you look at china, russia, iran geopolitical alignment, their goal is to imaccount pact
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the u.s. dollar currency and cut off supply chain. they want to expand the border, take oceana and in western hemisphere use coercion to control the canals. national security council and nsa, should have predicted this would occur and had something in place. as we've seen, whether afghanistan in 2021 or israel in 2023, this administration has no answer. >> carley: response has been this coalition of 10 countries that the u.s. is leading and one can make an argument that is a defensive strategy when there is need for an offensive strategy at this time given the fact it is affecting international commerce. that is the red sea. there is what is going on in iraq and syria, we are at 102 times this happened with minimal response from the biden
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administration, is that because the assessment is we are intercepting the attack so this is the new normal, no big deal, is that the thinking here? do you agree with that? >> i never agree with continuing to put our troops and americans at risk without a tangible return. i can't define what the mission is at this time in iraq. i don't understand why we continue to remain with troops, i voted to remove troops out of syria out of amuf, article one duties. the bottom line, unless you look at the root cause and understand not until joe biden came into office did we see this level of attacks on u.s. troops in iraq, we have to understand this is because they do not fear the biden administration, there is no retaliation or repercussions to this, they will continue to do this until we take action to
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thwart their effort or remove our troopings from harm's way. >> todd: common theme in both answers, weakness from the biden administration. when he talks about trump, he is a fake tough guy. he spoke about the colorado supreme court decision banning trump from the ballot, here is what he said. >> is trump an insurrectionist, sir? >> president biden: certainly self-evident, you saw it all. let the court make that decision, he certainly supported insurrection, no question about it, none, zero. >> todd: then why didn't your own hifrn man jack smith charge donald trump with insurrection? >> bottom line, no point has any court charged this insurrection, unarmed, at that. tape has come forward and you saw many walk through with support of capitol police in
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some regard. if anyone should be charged, it should be president biden for what is going on at the southern b border affecting our sovereignty. this is a direct violation, attack on first amendment rights for political free speech. they are trying to go forward under section 231, trying to state that free political speech can be criminalized and their distortion of the 14th amendment they are using to try to remove him thchl is blue states realizing president trump is ahead in the polls and key swing states and leading the republican party by 50 and 60 points in most states and they want to use political interference and meddling to vote him into presidency in
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2024. >> todd: maybe joe biden should not use phrases like self-evident, it is self-evident somebody who is a public servant shouldn't own all those homes, we digress. thank you. you can see thousands upon thousands of border crossers sitting in roped off centers outside sometimes for days all because there is nowhere to put the people. >> carley: texas is taking a page out of president's playbook and we'll tell you where they are going and the city is not ha happy.
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>> todd: texas sending planes carrying migrants to sanctuary cities with first flight landing in chicago. border patrol is overwhelmed with a record number of migrant encounters. >> carley: they are at over capacity forcing thousands to wait outdoors as they wait to be processed. griff jenkins has the latest on
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this story. >> griff: good morning. texas governor greg abbott sent 24,500 migrants to the windy city and latest flight originating in el paso adds to the migrant crisis in chicago. abbott's office said this in a statement, because mayor johnson is failing to live up to his city's welcoming city ordinance by targeting buses from texas, we are including flights from chicago until president biden steps up and does his job to secure the border, texas will take action to help local partners respond to this biden-made crisis. chicago mayor brandon johnson is blasting the border state governor. watch. >> we have a governor, an elected official in the state of texas placing families on buses without shoes, cold, wet, tired, hungry, afraid, traumatized.
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the governor of texas needs to take a look in the mirror of chaos he is causing for this country. >> griff: chicago alderman is taking a shot at his mayor laying the blame on the white house. >> my mayor is blaming everyone except the people who are responsible for protecting and securing the border, joe biden and kamala harris. if we want this to stop, secure the border and stop the draw, all the free benefits people are hearing about and posting about. >> griff: cbp sources tell fox news moments ago 200,000 migrants have been encountered at the border, average of 10,000 per day with that facility in eagle pass, 260% overcapacity and more on the way. democratic texas congressman
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henry cuellar posting photos of migrants heading to the southern border and sources we just cited tell us yesterday's encounters were 11,600 in one day and eagle pass texted me this morning and a group of 300 of passing as we speak. >> carley: thank you so much. those numbers are taking a toll on president biden's campaign with voters in blue border cities like el paso leaning more toward trump voting for president trump in 2024. irene jackson is el paso, texas citizen whose husband is retired law enforcement. good morning to you, ladies. this political headline came out earlier this week, this is headline from politico, a lot of mexican people are looking
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forward to trump, visit to border city of el paso show how politics are shifting and what is underneath it. what do you think, hispanic voters were once hesitant about former president trump, where are they now? >> yes, i follow social media, from what i'm seeing on comments, they are more inclined on former president trump. they are saying on social media, we need to be careful who we vote for and as a matter of fact, last night i was checking it and they were upset because of having trump off the ballot. people are upset in el paso. people are frustrated and more inclined to trump now. >> carley: people are upset in el paso about former president
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trump not being on the ballot in colorado, interesting. irene, look forward to hearing from you on the latest moves by governor abbott saying police can arrest illegal immigrants in texas. he is now flying illegal immigrants. what do you think? >> i support efforts governor abbott has brought forth to protect our state. here in el paso, you can't deny we are in deep crisis. we have recorded this for years. one thing that concerns me, for americans that are barely tuning in to what is happening on the border, we've been warning about this for years. even at the beginning of joe biden's administration, there were hotels shut down and our own tax dollars were paying for
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that. the reason el pasoans are waking up and i'm out in the community talking to people, it is hitting them in the pocketbook. the numbers coming out, of course people are not happy. i ask them at the tune of over $1000 per individual in your house and you have four people, what would you have done with almost $6000 and they tell me, bought more groceries. this is not about cars and vacation, this is gal on of milk, loaf of bread and carton of eggs. >> carley: there are concerns across the board and it is getting worse. thank you both for joining us, we appreciate hearing from you. merry christmas. there is also this. an officer takes a bullet during a shoot out between a swat team and a robbery suspect. watch. >> go ahead, i got him.
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that way, go again. [shots fired] >> shots fired. i can't believe i got shot. >> carley: that is beginning of the sdr which ends in a scene that looks like this. we'll tell you about that. >> todd: and you guessed it, more police protection outside his house and the ridiculousness does not stop there. ♪ ♪ ♪ today, my friend you did it, you did it, you did it... ♪ centrum silver is now clinically shown to support cognitive health in older adults. it's one more step towards taking charge of your health. so every day, you can say, ♪ youuu did it! ♪ with centrum silver. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪
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>> carley: check this out, wild story here. a shoplifting suspect in central florida burns his own house down and narrowly getting out alive
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after trying to outrun police. they got in a shoot out after stealing cigarettes and beef jerky from a convenience store. >> go, hit it again. [shots fired] >> i can't believe i got shot. >> carley: beef jerky and cigarettes led to the standoff and the man then sets his house and fire and escaped. he told them to contact president biden because he was confident he would get a pardon. could have been much worse. police on the hunt for a smash-scomb and-grab crew. this shows five thieves storming in, one uses a fire extinguisher to cloud up the room as the
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others grab purses and handbags from the shelves. a security fired, no one was hurt. >> todd: progressive congressman greg casar is being called a hypocrite because he wants more protection in his neighborhood. we want everyone in austin to feel safe, this feels like hypocrisy, maybe he should hire private security. dennis, does this guy have no shame with this hypocritical request? >> no, he doesn't. that is typical of the congressman. i guess he feels like he's special and needs extra protection. look, i'm not denying if there
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is threats to him, he needs to vo protection and austin police department should. it is hypochypocritical. he thinks they are racist and they target people of color. to then ask austin police department does extra patrol around his house. >> todd: in 2020 that congressman posted this, we did it, austin city council reduced police budget by $100 million. what has that decision meant to safety and security of the citizen of austin? >> we have lost over 400 officers since 2020 and are 500
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officers short of 2020 and 800 short of where they should be. the officers that would have to do enhanced patrol would be the patrol officers and that is where apd is short. he wants extra patrol around his house and they are so short they have to do back fill thchl is his fault. >> todd: just last week, this congressman sent a letter to the doj saying, i share serious concerns about the practices of the austin police department, people he is calling for protection now. they need systemic reform for racial discrimination, discrimination against people with mental health.
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when it comes to protecting their constituents, they are willing to sacrifice these people on the altar of social justice. final word to you. >> absolutely, a week ago he's calling the austin police department racist and a week later, please come help me and protect my house. >> todd: none of this makes sense, you see it time and time again from the left. it is hypocritical, there are communities that need help. we are a month out from the first nominating process in the republican presidential election process and new fox business polls are painting a picture of where things stand. >> carley: it is the issues moving the needle, doug collins is coming up next.
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-- governor ron desantis who is neck and neck with nikki haley. host of the doug collins podcast joins us now. 78% of iowa caucus goers say it is important to support a candidate who is a strong leader and 65% of caucus goers say they will be satisfied if donald trump is the gop nominee. that does not leave a lot of room for anybody but him to win this caucus. >> no, it doesn't and the numbers have hardened. you look for trends in polls and see how it goes. when they start to harden like the last two months, donald trump's numbers are not going anywhere. what is amazing amount of money ron desantis has dumped into a state like iowa and you have seen basically no movement, that has to be depressing for
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desantis and haley, as well, but desantis in ohio. >> todd: i was told trump was vulnerable in iowa. i would like to be that vulnerable. i am glad you mentioned desantis because this is clearly between haley and desantis. what does a second-place win mean for the candidate who wins second place in iowa >> douglas: if it is haley, desantis is gone, if desantis wins, he will probably end in third or fourth place. right now it is hard to see a path for desantis past the first two or three states. interesting number is can haley get up, she has not put a lot of time and effort there, for desantis, it is where do you go. if not two, he is out after iowa. >> carley: economy and border,
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two top issues, the economy and immigration, that is in donald trump's wheel house, sounds like iowa voters are saying we may like ron desantis and nikki haley but we'll vote for the guy with the resume and experience to back it up. >> douglas: people only have to look back three years, the border was secure before donald trump left, the economy was booming, enemployment down, inflation nonexistent and joe biden comes in and it is all up. you wouldn't see 102 attacks on military going unanswered. this is a concern when you have a president who doesn't seem to care what is going on. those two things are the two
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mirrors joe biden has no defense for, completely open border and the economy. the concern for donald trump, you have to show up at the caucuses. they are talking about how great numbers are in iowa. complacency factor that he'll win anyway. >> todd: vivek ramaswamy says i will withdraw from the colorado primary. you won't have to, we will withdraw as a party and convert to a pure caucus system, is that practical at this point? >> douglas: it is not practical, but it is also not practical to let this stand. they are private enterprises, they are saying republicans, you candle handle your own business, it is terrible.
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>> carley: politically, so interesting that vivek ramaswamy running against donald trump, supporting donald trump and saying i would pull out. >> doug: won't make a difference in the colorado poll. >> todd: i love what you said about it being a private entity, that shoots down the left's argument republicans like states rights, it shoots that down, zero point zero on this. >> carley: flight mares, transportation secretary pete buttigieg probably has not experienced it first hand because he is using taxpayer dollars to get on private jets. >> todd: and air marshals are at the border processing and uberring people, discussion on that coming up next.
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loving this pay bump in our allowance. wonder where mom and dad got the extra money? maybe they won the lottery? maybe they inherited a fortune? maybe buried treasure? maybe it fell off a truck? maybe they heard that xfinity customers can save hundreds when they buy one unlimted line and get one free. now i can buy that electric scooter! i'm starting a private-equity fund that specializes in midcap. you do you. visit today. >> todd: fox weather alert, parts of california under flash flood watch after heavy rain. the storm bringing snow to the sierra, nevadas. >> carley: causing concerns at the airport, today is expected
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to be one of the busiest travel days of the year, 115 million people expected to travel 50 or more miles for the holidays. this will affect travelers in the air and people traveling. >> adam: for sure, on the west coast heavy rain, serious rain in southern california, flood watches and warnings because of this pinwheel in southern california and across los angeles. that is ventura county, that green box, three inches there in the last hour and southern california cannot handle that kind of rain. numbers we've seen over last three days, one case almost a foot of rain, three, four, five inches of rain is devastating for this part of the country. we see pretty much all of southern california into arizona
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under flood watch through friday as we are expecting more and more rain to continue to come in. look forward in time and start to think what about this christmas eve and christmas day forecast. think plains and portions of mississippi dealta and christmas day snow in the rockies, otherwise rainy, raw day across midwest and stretching into the southeast. maybe not a lot of snow for santa on christmas eve, but a little. >> carley: thank you, appreciate it. triple a predicts 7.5 million will fly between december 23rd and january 1, renewing concern air marshals will be working down at the border. executive director of the air marshal national council joins me now. update, where are u.s. air marshals working right now? >> carley, thanks for having me back, on the border, nothing has
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changed since we reported since thanksgiving, we are doing the same duties. we are now driving illegal immigrants to the aircraft to get on the aircraft we are not on. >> carley: wow, do you think that is something air marshals find ironic. >> it is very ironic that we're ushering people have have not identified that got notice to appear. they don't have to have a real id to enter the airport and the air marshals are dropping them off to get into a special aisle and get on an aircraft without air marshals present. >> carley: where are they going? all across the country? >> across the country, 48 different states, they fly where they want to fly.
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our agency is blinking red, threat models high, you heard chris wray testify in front of the senate judiciary committee we are blinking red, but we do not have air marshals still. >> carley: what is intraing like? these men and women train for a specific job, their skills are certainly not being utilized. >> they are not, we train for linear assault. think of anyone that want to take over an aircraft. you have to think quick on your feet, only two way to take an aircraft, bomb it or hijack it, we are there to thwart either one. we can't do our job when we are in arizona. >> carley: your job is to focus on national security. when you look at numbers of what is happening at the border, fiscal year 2023, 249 terrorist
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watch list encounters and this fiscal year starting in october, 13 so far. when you hear the numbers, what is going through your mind? >> we are taking chances in our country that we should not be taking. and top of dhs that know this are taking blind eye to what is happen nothing our country. we are in a grim situation, it is dangerous out there and i pray for the american people to travel safely, they will not have air marshals while they are doing it. >> carley: air marshals have been at the border for a year now, what does the future of air marshal program looks like? are you concerned dhs is considering scrapping air marshals all together? >> we have concerns because of transportation security administration and we have been on capitol hill and we want air
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marshals removed from tsa. they will not do the right thing, our marshals were set up to protect our country against another 9/11. we know what happened, the aircraft was taken in a matter of minutes. we hope soon we can have resolution and move this highly trained law enforcement element out of this administrative agency at tsa, they are being abused everyday. >> carley: thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. have a good day. listen to this, president biden sitting down for a hard-hitting interview on important issues facing our country. >> by the way, the new corvette coming out, electric, 60.29 seconds. >> you going to drive that one? >> i will give it a shot. >> i can distract the secret
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service. >> carley: rans /* jason rantz is coming up. >> brian: some things are incoherent that went on and i wonder if conan o'brien would call him out. i've gotten dressed, i will relay news, among things we're talking about, trump's lead gets bigger, the brand new fox business polls are out and reveal former president hitting 50% in iowa and what is happening with second and third? we'll share that with you. we have a voter panel, three wonderful people. plus, president biden sits down with conan o'brien in a hard-hitting interview, in a way, topics include why joe is jealous of the comedians hair and reflect on irish heritage and we are willing to play it
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>> i think it's beyond the social media. it's social media. things have changed. who are the editors nip will? no one saying no you can't print that in this paper that's not accurate. there is no editors anymore. >> todd: president biden criticizing the media with an interview with conan o'brien covering a lot of ground and topics that no one really cares about. jason rantz joins me now. to say that point is he creepily whispering about cars when we
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have literal existential threats to our nation that he is ignoring the one semi news topic he covered is the news. is he not aware that that very same media that he is attacking gives him cover in a way that if they didn't, his dismal poll numbers would be way worse. >> isn't that the irony? right? he is 100 percent correct. i actually agree with his criticism of the media. they don't really have editors anymore. they go to print with a bunch of stuff that we know is just factually inaccurate. and ultimately to his benefit. for him to scream and complain about this, isn't just ironic, about it does show a sense of entitlement because the moment that he sees anything in print or on tv that is maybe just a little bit critical, all of a sudden it goes too far. it's unbelievable that would ever be in print or on tv and that says a lot about him and his expectations. democrats have had control of the media for so long that they have this expectation that they
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will never ever be called out for anything. that's a dangerous place to be. although i would say it's probably more dangerous for the media to continue to give in that that. >> todd: great point. biden also calling out former president trump but not by name. watch. the other guy says i think work with putin is he smart, yeah. >> other guy, i like that he is the other guy. [laughter] he is like voldemort now. his name shall not be mentioned. [laughter] >> good point. >> i plead guilty. >> they are all laughing it up here. biden does that a lot. at some point doesn't not naming trump make him look like you are pretty scared, especially when you invoke and agree with this reference to voldemort? >> he is very clearly scared of donald trump. they should be. they are looking at the poles like the rest of us. when you looking at battle ground states in particular. seeing trump ahead of biden, when again, you have got the
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media on your side. you have an economy that you say is thriving because of bidenomics, things shouldn't be looking quite the way that they are. and so for him to come out there and continue to play this game and say oh i'm not going to say his name. it's just bizarre when everyone knows you know particularly how are talking about and you can't get him out of your mind. democrats can't stop but think about donald trump 24/7. and so for them to not even be able to say his name during these interviews but immediately go onto your twitter account or x account and start talking about how he is a danger to democracy. it's pathetic. >> todd: two more 2022 picks of the ann arbor city council unanimously voting to ban gas leaf blowers. the reason too noisy, health concerns. you have all other this in the state of washington. they say it's about those issues isn't this really all about control? >> it's 100 percent about control. they could go about educating folks why they should switch to
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battery powered leaf mowers and lawn mowers. they are choosing not to do it. that would be too hard and they like the power aspect. if they truly carried about the environment they wouldn't create resentment by going ahead and banning products from use or purposefully stopping people from engaging in habits that they are used. to say the bottom line, especially for businesses talking about in some cases equipment costing 300 percent more than the gas powered equipment and it doesn't work nearly as well. not just about controlling the population, but it's also about hurting these small businesses and i think they should rethink that. >> todd: you can't commercially use a battery powered blower. i try it on my driveway. once i'm done with the driveway i'm done. then about the grass i need to blow leafs off. it doesn't work. >> exactly. >> todd: i love what our graphics team put together the inspector general revealing how much pete buttigieg traveling cost taxpayers. he looks so happy. do you know why? he didn't have to fly commercial between august of 2021 and june
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of 2023. buttigieg took 20 different flights across 8 different trips cost almost 59,000 of your taxpayer dollars. final thoughts, mr. rants? >> well, and the majority of them were not necessary because of the scheduling issues or because of safety. he just chose to do it because it was more convenient for him. god bless him, if i had that ability i would do that as well. the difference is i'm not shaming people for precisely the habit i'm telling them not to do but i'm going to engage. in at some point we have got call out all of this hypocrisy in a big way. i don't think anyone would blame him or any other public official for this kind of behavior, except when they shame us for doing precisely the same. ththey don't want us taking a regular flight. >> todd: learned from the best john kerry, i'm very important. i need to fly importantly i'm important and i have many leather bound books. i thank you, "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪


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