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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 21, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST

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and foster, when you are in locker room, traveling on the bus, lunch, what are you talking about and how are you building each other up and talking about things that impact your life. we want to in an age of life and technology and disassociation and being, we talk about being antisocial, we want to be socialized our young peep and he will give them values to talk about. >> lawrence: a lot of kids don't even go outside anymore. how can people get involved? >>, join the campaign. faith is the foundation, we want people to be excited about faith and future. do what nate is doing and spread amongst your family. >> brian: put the phone down, right? i love the message, fantastic.
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>> lawrence: third hour of "fox and friends" starts -- >> brian: i think now. >> lawrence: let's do it. ♪ ♪ all i want for christmas is a good tan take me to the ilands and put my feet in the sand. sing silent night with the palm trees blowing. ♪ ♪ don't you think it's a pretty good plan. all i want for christmas is a real good tan. ♪ >> carley: how about that for a country song, i love that. you are looking at our all-american christmas tree and
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santa flying around new york city. before that, did you see lake worth, florida, so beautiful, sun peeking through the crowd. it looks religious and spiritual it was so gorgeous. folks in that area, you are going to get a suntan for christmas. >> lawrence: i can't get enough of that fire, around the fire with family. >> carley: a lot of people will celebrate like that. brian doesn't seem impressed by it. >> brian: i like the fire, i love the song until i am here for a tan. great message about mentoring, hey, christmas time, get a tan. >> lawrence: it was the wrong transition. you are criticizing tobin. >> carley: not sponsored by
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america's dermatologist, they would not recommend a suntan for christmas. >> brian: next year get sunspots burned off. >> lawrence: holiday travel rush is on. >> brian: millions of americans packing up and going to the airport to get to their destination. >> carley: busy day at the airport and garrett is there live. what is it looking like? >> it is busy, security lanes are flying quick. for anyone traveling today, buckle up, it is expected to be busy across the country. how busy? triple a expects this holiday travel period to be second busiest on record going back to 2000. today is expected to be the busiest with tsa expecting 2.5 million people going through security today alone, roughly same number between now and
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january 2. so far it looks like folks travels are on santa's nice list. no major delays at this point and weather is good. nothing like the meltdown last year, with southwest's widespread delays and cancellations. if you are flying, as you know, airlines recommend getting to the airport two hours early, grandma tinney says three hours early and she's never missed a flight, take that for what it is worth. merry christmas. >> brian: thanks, appreciate it. i don't want to tell everyone about it, that clear lane, too many people have it. it is amazing and recognizes me by the color of my eyes and i can float through. i felt special until that line is now bigger than the normal
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line. >> lawrence: tsa pre-check, clear and clear tsa. >> brian: because everyone doesn't want to take off their shoes. >> lawrence: the thing i would say, be patient with people, that is hard during the travel season. a lot of us travel all the time. some of these folks are holiday travelers, they don't know the process. i'm telling you what i tell myself, be patient with people. >> carley: yesterday we were talking to kurt the cyber guy, they will test out going digital, which is good and bad. is it better than possible human error? that is something in 2024, as well. >> brian: talk about illegal immigration.
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there was a time they would say fox is obsessed with the border, now nobody is saying that. when you see numbers 12,000 per day and congressman gonzales shot a holding center, 400% capacity, people are sitting there in their own whatever, filth. we have nowhere to put them and saw one of the tickets that showed their court appearance, five years. between 9:00 and 12:0 0. >> lawrence: no way to track them. hope they return. the question is what are they supposed to do in the meantime? do they get to work? they don't have social security numbers or proper documentation. we hope they come back for their court appearance. this is a live look of eagle
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pass. >> carley: i'm sure it looks like that today, we are seeing record numbers. we were talking to garrett about everybody on planes and it is busiest travel day. i'm sure people boarding look at passengers and go, i wonder if one of these guys are an air marshal, they would be wrong. these are law enforcement agents, they are not on planes anymore, they're at the southern border. i spoke to the air marshal national council, listen to what she said. >> nothing has changed since thanksgiving, we're doing the same duties. we are doing one thing new, carley, we're driving the illegal immigrants to the airport to get on the aircraft we are not on. ironic we are ushering people
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that get a notice to appear and they have created a special lane for the illegal immigrants. air marshals are dropping them off to get in a certain aisle without air marshals being present. >> lawrence: this is the busiest travel season there is and we don't have air marshals on the plane? >> brian: you are knocked out of your seat because an illegal immigrant wants to get to chicago. they become experts and influencers and go out and tell you how to cross and what to say to beat our weak asylum laws. it is all compounding. you think it is just cartels, it is also passengers. >> lawrence: would we accept this for any other crime?
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they go online and tell you how to commit the crime. you would think we would start programs with mexico. s we had stay in mexico, but biden got rid of that his first day in office. >> carley: an article highlighted the fact illegal immigrants go to tiktok and document what they are doing. you don't think about cell phones, social media or interesting graphics on the screen, but that is happening and the article talks about one illegal immigrant, they call him mr. monterosa, returned to south america and tracked the darrian gap and he learned to make a living as a perpetual migrant, that is what is going on now.
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>> brian: here is a little of his journey. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> lawrence: i mean, he's documenting it like a cruise excursion, where he goes to hike. they are crossing the border illegally and no shame. >> brian: we should do a side by side with the cruise as opposed to the darien gap cruise. >> carley: if we were born in the country they were, i'm sure we would be interested in doing the same thing, but they are
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breaking our laws. they are paying members of the mexican cartels to get them here. the mexican cartel is holding mexico hostage. this is one look at one seemingly positive journey with that cheery music, talk to other migrants that are -- run into cartel members and human smugglers and wind up raped, hurt or worse. >> brian: a couple kids crying and they talk about child separation. what about, is anyone curious what happened to these children, anyone at all? one thing trump was doing, they had d.n.a. kit. you come with a kid and you have d.n.a. kit and okay, we swipe you, you are under arrest if this is not your kid. >> lawrence: they never understood the separation, a lot
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of times these are not their children. part of the reason they do that to figure out if these folks are family members. 25 days from the iowa caucus and new polls show former president trump is favorite among republican voters. >> brian: just days after the colorado high court decided to keep trump off the ballot, the golden state says it will follow suit. >> carley: this is a spreading trend. mark meredith is live with the latest. >> mark: good morning to all three of you. presidential candidates are getting ready to take a holiday break. there is a new fox business poll which shows only former president trump can afford to take off. latest survey says trump is 52% support. florida governor ron desantis in distant second 18 and nikki
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haley 16%, vivek ramaswamy, who is barnstorming iowa 7% support and chris christie not trying to compete in iowa at 3%. trump was in iowa this week only an hour after the colorado supreme court voted he should be off the 2024 ballot. ron desantis argues the ruling goes too far and is a dangerous prus precedence. here is a letter, california must stand on right side of history and determine if trump is ineligible for the california ballot, it could be base for here in our state. this is quickly becoming a big problem nationally, not just colorado is talking about this,
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we're expecting a ruling to come down tomorrow in maine, number of states, 16 considering different challenges here. trump campaign says they will appeal, timing matters. voters are getting ready to head to the polls 25 days from now. >> carley: mark meredith, thank you. news starting in israel, iron dome is intercepting missiles over tel aviv this morning during our live shot with trey yingst. watch this. >> trey: guys, i will interrupt you, you should hear sirens sounding in tel aviv, we're going to take cover here. each time one of the rockets it intercepted, you have shrapnel reigning into the city below. >> carley: hamas rejecting a one-week truce that would require them to release 40 hostages.
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and just in, tesla being investigated by nor way safety reg later, this could lead to a recall on the electric vehicle. at home, the company's fix of two million vehicles is being called insufficient in a new consumer report. tesla does tell drivers to keep both hands on the wheel when using auto pilot. a tiktok user going viral for saying bah humbug to a holiday tradition, he is vowing to never do secret santa after going all out with his present only to get reece's. he was upset, the anonymous
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scrooges i had all kind of stocking stuffers and bells in the bag. his story has gone viral, receive are two million likes on tiktok. >> lawrence: this guy is a grinch, it is not about what is in the box, it is the spirit. >> brian: i know a lot of adults more into giving than receiving. he is left holding the bag, that is pretty good. you got to, minute you do it, do not wait for anything in return. if you pick candy, the way reece's was founded, great story. guy walking down the street with peanut butter and another guy walking down the street with chocolate and tripped. >> lawrence: there is no way. >> brian: look on the commercial. >> lawrence: i am waiting for
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you to say that was my family member. irish side and italian side -- >> brian: probably the reece family. we have documentation, we have the story. donny most did it? ralph? >> lawrence: that is not true, all made up. >> brian: it seems real. still ahead, it is amazing he knows this. safety for me, not for thee. slammed after requesting home protection from the police department he -- >> lawrence: you know him from "suits" and work on "yellowstone." >> all that tough talk, beth, i've got the cure for that, we'll see how tough you are after i give it to you. actor neal mcdonough has a new role and will join us just
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ahead. i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served. they've been in leadership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan.
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congressman who wanted to defund the police is now asking for protectsion outside his home. michael bullock joins us now. this is shameful, i'm not surprised, are you? >> not really, lawrence, this seems on par for someone who made the austin police department their target and got us to the staffing cries and led to record of homicide rates and traffic fatal its and struggling to retain officers. >> lawrence: here is a tweet from him, we did it, just released austin pd. tens of thousands of you have
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called, e-mailed and testified you made that possible -- impossible into reality, that is from the congressman, sir. >> it just goes to show how out of touch the congressman, even as a councilmember is with the police department. thanks to his work, we are on track to lose more officers than ever before and since 2017, he started the antipolice movement, we have struggled and lost more officers each year than we have gained and we are continuing to struggle. and crime and citizens of austin are suffering. >> lawrence: i have friends that work out there, i hear there is a huge problem with moral. i know you had a suicide, as well, it is hitting every single day. >> yeah, the actions of elected
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official is taking a hove toll on our department, the congressman, district attorneys. we have had more officers getting shot at, killed and targeted for doing their job. this type of rhetoric and move ment against our officers is demoralizing. >> lawrence: if you had the opportunity to talk to folks against you guys. i'm from texas, dallas, a little different, they support the community, as well. what do you say to elected leaders that want you gone essentially? >> stop telling people and fostering this us versus them mentality. it is not the police versus the community. we want to keep the city safe. we have to be able to do our
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job. right now we are placating to people violating the law more than officers that are willing to put their lives on the line and die in the line of duty to protect citizens. elected officials need to work with us, we are trying to work with the communities, stop telling people we are the enemy. >> lawrence: republic of texas can't stay freedom if they don't have you. hope it gets better out there in austin. still ahead, you know him for roles in "ban of brothers," "walking tall," and "yellowstone." >> we are the perfect allies, john. >> lawrence: the tv villain, neal mcdonough will join us live to tell us about his latest rolep
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(marching music) ( ♪ )
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( ♪ ) (feedback ringing) (clearing throat) dear humans, this is an adoption campaign. but it's not for me (bark) or mr. buttons... (whimper) or frank over there, (groan) it's for you, humans. (meow) this is a call to humans to adopt our movement, to adopt our cause. this isn't just about saving one of us. it's about saving all of us! thousands of lives every single day. (snort) it's about support for every one of us four... uh, and sometimes not four-legged best friends, waiting to meet a best friend of our own, with best friends animal society leading the charge. shelter by shelter... city by city... we can save thousands of pets each day. all: join us. together we can save them all. (sfx: thunder and rain) ♪ you've been so kind and generous ♪
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♪ i don't know how you keep on giving ♪ ♪ for your kindness i'm in debt to you ♪ ♪ for your selflessness my admiration ♪ ♪ for everything you've done ♪ ♪ you know i'm bound ♪ ♪ i'm bound to thank you for it ♪ ♪ la la la la la la la ♪ ♪ la la la la ♪ ♪oh, i want to thank you show my gratitude♪ ♪ my love, and my respect for you ♪ ♪ i want to thank you ♪ passenger: what did the sushi say to the bee? driver: wasabee! passenger 2: gotta love an open-mike carpool.
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driver: less cars. more jokes! vo: the environment is the best excuse. find an out. and opt in at >> keep talking. >> don't. >> i'm here to help you. you okay? >> yeah. i'm fine. >> good. i want to talk to you about business. >> what business? >> i want to offer you a job. >> i have a job. >> not for long. >> carley: one of america's most recognized actors hitting the scene in science faith-based
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science fiction movie. >> lawrence: tell us about this new film here, going into a different space and i was reading your pov. you went to a different spot with this. >> i am really proud, my wife rave, and i produced the film together. it is a great film the whole family can go to. we had the premiere and my five kids were engrossed in the film. i can't have them watch yellowstone or justified with me. here we can talk about faith and god and how you can be better as yourself, it is a great, powerful film. >> carley: you are such a nice person and you're a religious guy, such great values and morals and you are displaying it
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in this movie. you always play the villain, why? >> everybody knows, i won't kiss another woman on screen. >> why? >> these lips are meant for my wife. >> lawrence: that is huge. >> been a career of playing lots of villains and my goal, i will be the best darn villain out there. when it came to this, portray the devil, no, i can't go that deep and we talked about it, prayed over it, she said, you are the best villain in hollywood and have a great relationship with god, angel studios they are incredible, they can take faith friendly films and tv series and put them out there. no one else is doing it. >> brian: you have to make sure people have a reason to go. here is a clip from "the shift."
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>> this is not the first time we've done this. >> you are certifiable, i have never seen you my entire life. >> of course you haven't. >> who are you and where did everybody go? >> they didn't go anywhere. you did. are you sure you are where you think you are? >> lawrence: what a moment. >> pretty good moment. >> brian: he's in hell and didn't know it. >> it is basically the test of job. one great thing we talked about and my wife's idea, you have to give humanity to lucifer. you see this moment of why can't i have what the lead character has and tears well up in my eyes and i have to go back to being lucifer again. it was a fantastic moment
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because at one point lucifer was one of god's guys. it is how you get up after and dictate what kind of man or woman you are. i love films like "the shift." it was number eight in the box office and keeps going up. people go, i loved you in "the shift," and i go, you love me as the devil. it's worked, angel studios, god bless you and thanks for letting me be part of it with rave. >> lawrence: the story of job, god tells satan -- you can do everything, you can't touch a soul. >> we all go through hell and get crucified for certain things, especially when you are a believer. to have a film that talks about it is okay to believe, you may
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go through some struggles, but god has your back tomp have films like this, a, entertaining, if you make a movie, it has to be entertaining. if it has a great message that allows you to think and pull in what you want out of it, that is great movie and i'm proud of what me and rave have done with angel studios, we have a western i wrote. >> brian: all done? >> we go to production, john avnet is doing "last rodeo" in march and oop00 >> carley: "the shift" is out now? >> out now, if you have watched it, thank you. look at size of that head, that is irish skull. >> carley: big brain. >> my wife is the brains. >> brian: if you are looking for someone without talent, i offer
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myself. not good at memorizing either. >> neither am i. >> carley: selling yourself, brian. >> that's me. >> brian: what is happening with "yell "yellowstone." >> i don't know. i am not dead, who knows what is going to happen next. >> brian: you do know. >> i would love to reek havoc on yellowstone. >> carley: you were fantastic, i love everything you do, such a talent and such a wonderful person. >> brian: how fit you are, i hope that doesn't make you uncomfortable. >> when you run after five kids all day long and coach them. >> carley: when we met you, brian goes, wow, you are fit, what do you do?
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>> i'm training for "the last rodeo" i'm a rodeo megaof had star and i have to go ride one more time to save my grandson. i got to be fit, stay in shape. >> brian: i asked four times, no answer, she asked once. >> i got to save it. >> lawrence: you are pushy with it. >> brian: i have to learn. sorry, lawrence. >> what you do at fox is amazing. >> carley: wonderful having you in studio. >> brian: the cries at the border a key issue heading into 2024, you think? democrats remain sharply divided on the cause. >> arizona bore brunt of federal inaction on the southern border and i'm tired of it. >> it is so tough to legislate on immigration is because you have leader of the republican party who is parroting nazi and
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hitler. >> lawrence: next guest says party of division is about symptoms of their weak leader, we'll discuss that next. minus t. so, toast? yeah. everything is so expensive these days. hey, chevy gets it. that's why they're keeping prices down to earth. like on the most affordable ev in america. ♪ a super strong and capable chevy truck. ♪ and a high-tech chevy suv. ♪ why is chevy making affordable vehicles, connected by onstar? so together we can do more.
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>> it is tough to sincerely legislate immigration because you have leader of the republican party parodding nazi and hitler and talk about immigrant poisoning the blood of the nation. >> now is not the time for partisan politics, it's time for action. >> brian: that is the democratic governor. governor hobbs is calling it out. and points to president trump's language. the party can't get together on the border with a democratic president. look at the poll, second only to economy. bring in washington free beacon contributor noah pollock. there was a time it was a republican issue, now it is so bad you can't put into words. where is this conversation
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going, first on the left? >> this is a big issue, including the war with israel and hamas. there is a rift opening between progressive wing of democratic party and democrats who would like to win elections and the border is really this kind of open wound and i don't think the weirdly honest statements by those we saw from representative castro, he said, the reason we're not willing to take action on this problem that is destructive for the country, millions of people flowing across the border is because donald trumps things we don't like and talks about cracking down on the border so we can't do anything. that is deeply unserious way to handle a issue of this magnitude. >> brian: democratic mayor of new york, used to be a biden disciple, he visited 10 times and can't get anywhere and now
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the city council -- citizens in inner city chicago demanding to get rid of the sanctuary status of that state now. >> right, it is an amazing virtue signalling and virtue signallers are until the problem is at their door step, what you are seeing when you have politicians in illinois, new york, and martha's vineyard a while back end up with the problem at their own doorstep and all of a sudden, they get realistic about the problem. the real issue is biden and one reason this issue plays so poorly for him is that it is an illustration of how weak he is, normally one of the main things a president does is keep his party and coalition growing in the same election.
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the ballot races are successful for his party and this is one the issue cannot be dealt with and festers because biden doesn't have juice inside his own party to stand up to activists and say no, guys, we will have a policy that doesn't alienate the country. >> brian: a lot of issues donald trump talked about in 2016 are even more right today when it comes to strong foreign policy, isolated iran, not the rest of the middle east, always standing with israel. no one was talking about the border, they were afraid of being labeled antihispanic, he dove in. and in 2024, he can say, i have a track record on this, how does that play out for the following year? >> i think you raise an interesting thing, there is like a common thread running through a lot of problems, right? whether the rise of crime and
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homelessness in cities, illegal immigration, iranian sponsored attacks on international shipping in the middle east and common threat, democrats can't stand up to bad actors. i think the perception and it is the correct perception, this is the chaos party. they can't say no, these are solvable problems, it is not hard to reduce crime in cities. you have to arrest people. it is not hard to stop terrorists from launching at ships and retaliate when they do that and they'll stop. no innovation needed to address the problems, but they can't do it. >> brian: for me, complexity of stem cell research, you see nancy reagan separating from george bush. that to me is an issue. these are very easy issues that
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they are choosing not to solve and their way of implementing their programs has been a disaster for the country and it is preventable. thank you, appreciate your insight. earlier this month, series of tornados devastated a tennessee town. now 12 days of giving, we spotlight team rubicon. bill hemmer does fantastic work and he will start? 11 minutes. >> bill: new fox polling numbers and meanwhile, you will not believe number of efforts as states try to keep trump off the ballot, there are dozens out there. there was a deal on the table to release hostages and hamas won't budge, some crossing the border are social media stars, how does that happen? see you top of the hour. my dad
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>> welcome on fox square. i have folks traveling from across the country. you were out here an hour ago. i said if you come back i'd put you on tv. do you want to give a shout-out to anybody? >> curtis and jenny.
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happy first day of winter. happy myrtle beach. >> my entire new york and new jersey and atlanta family. >> we have a beautiful day for you in new york city. that's not the case everywhere. let's look at the graphics and talk about the forecast around the country. rain out west in portions of southern california. a serious rainstorm. flooding could be a major issue. flood advisory across southern california and portions of arizona. that rain is going to be continuing throughout the day all the way into friday. that will be the major concern. quick look at your forecast if you travel today. it is southern california we're looking at the biggest delays and rain around the dallas ft. worth area. weather headlines for now. want to wave? >> waving back. i didn't know it was the first day of winter. now turning to this. on december 9th there were at least 11 tornadoes during a severe weather outbreak in
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middle tennessee and kentucky leaving more than 60 people hurt and 1,000 homes destroyed. team rubicon has been on the ground in clarksville, tennessee since early last week. team rubicon ceo art de la cruz joins us now. great to see you. incredible work always. tell us about your mission in clarksville right now. >> team rubicon continues its mission here in clarksville to help communities after disasters and crises as a humanitarian organization, we've been busy in this amazing community helping with debris removal. cutting downed trees and helping communities from tarping to insure they can get back on their feet after the tornadoes. >> carley: after the news crews leave, sometimes people forget about the disaster area and the people that are so deeply impacted by these natural disasters. it sounds like you are determined to make sure they don't feel forgotten.
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>> that's the story across the country. we've had our first operation on january 3rd and this is probably our last operation but we've done 134 operations in communities across the country, we're launching an operation over 2 1/2 days. >> you meet with so many people who need so much help. is there a moment that has stood out to you the most? >> yeah. i would call it a moment i've seen 100 times. incredible volunteers giving time and energy and homeowners grateful on their worst day that men and women volunteers will drop everything they're doing to help people in need. that's the real miracle that is operation after operation. >> carley: it occurred to me you are going to these disaster areas yourself. does that mean you are always on the road? never home? you are giving of yourself so much. >> i'm a busy guy. i'm on the road a lot but i will tell you i get so much out of
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volunteering. i would encourage anyone who has the opportunity to help someone else out, you are helping yourself. >> carley: a special guy. you have a team of people who are equally special. >> we have 170,000 plus volunteers. we've got families, supporters in the community here in clarksville where an amazing church has rallied to support our 50 volunteers. >> carley: if people want to donate where can they go? >> team rubicon we need your support financially and support with people ready to volunteer with us in the communities. >> carley: if you are looking to give back this holiday season join the mission at team rubicon thank you for joining us this morning. great work as always. have a great christmas. merry christmas and happy holidays. >> same. >> carley: four days until christmas. we're counting down with the "fox & friends" advent calendar. let's open up day 21, shall we?
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i'm going. >> lawrence: brian, because i care about you and day 21, you are my elder, i'm going to go and bend over and what have you got? i wanted to be a robot. >> that is the weirdest thing you want to be growing up. >> brian: it's the witch from mercury, a super articulated action figure. >> carley: it's a game. >> lawrence: look at all the different things it can do. >> brian: animal lovers. >> thanks so much for watching "fox & friends" >> carley: have a great day. >> lawrence: we'll see you all tomorrow. >> if we can wea t


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