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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  December 21, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PST

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>> jews control many companies around the world. >> many claiming today's jews aren't actually josh. >> the jews in palestine are not the true descendants of the judeans. >> run away from the prosecution. >> the problem is not that the content exists, it's that it exists alongside family programming. so you want this content separated so it's not on sites our children use. >> exactly. this content is harmful and hateful and prohibited by the policies of the social media platforms themselves. >> she says it belongs on hate channels, not on mainstream platforms. back to you guys. >> bill: douglas kennedy reporting there. thank you, sir. >> dana: fox news alert. the credibility of harvard taking another hit. the university finding additional evidence of plagiarism by the school's president claudine gay and
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congress is opening an investigation into the allegations warning the wealthy institution could lose federal funds as the school down plays the importance of gay's academic misconduct. now congress is involved. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. morning. >> bill: a good year, huh? merry christmas. >> dana: happy shortest day of the year as well. happy greg gutfeld day. >> bill: the president, claudine gay, becoming an embarrassment for harvard announcing it found more cases where she copied the work of others without giving procrit. instead of punishment she is being allowed to update her doctoral dissertation and make corrections. the house committee is expanding its investigation into anti-semitism at harvard to produce all the documents related to the allegations of plagiarism. >> dana: virginia fox writing is standards aren't be applied
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consistently resulting in different rules for different members of the academic community. if a university is not hold faculty accountable for engaging in academically dishonest behavior it cheapens its mission and the value of its education and why she is involved. lori line with the latest. hi, molly. >> good morning, dana and bill. as the congressional investigation expands planning a deep dive into the allegations of plagiarism against harvard's president as well as the handling of the school, how the school handled these accusations, the school's own newspaper on campus the harvard crimson reports that president gay will now submit three additional corrections to her 1997 ph.d. dissertation coming through the harvard corporation last night which previously acknowledged gay would be correcting two articles following, quote, a few instances of inadequate citation. republican congresswoman fox of
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north carolina is the chairwoman of the investigating committee sent a letter to harvard yesterday asking if harvard holds its fact it and academic leadership to the same standards as other members of the harvard community noting news reports and a 37-page document highlighting accusations against gay fox argues it is harvard's responsibility to investigate each claim with the seriousness that investigates allegations against students. federal funding to harvard is conditioned upon the school's adherence to the standards of a recognized accreditor. it also notes students have suffered consequences after facing accusations including some for plagiarism and demands harvard hands over records regarding its own independent review of gay's scholarship. the workforce committee has been investigating harvard and other universities regarding the handling of anti-semitism on campus since hamas's attack on
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october 7th on israel. >> dana: molly line. thank you. >> bill: migrants overwhelming cities as border patrol reports thousands of encounters by the day. you would not know it, however, looking at multiple nearly empty ice detention centers around the country. what is up with that, you ask? from l.a. william la jeunesse has the story. what did you find out, william? >> it makes no sense. every day taxpayers are paying millions of dollars for empty detention beds even as the border patrol releases thousands of migrants we know won't show up for court. take this facility in southern california, 2,000 beds fully staffed and operational, yet it houses just six migrants. why? one answer, the biden administration only wanted detention space for 25,000 migrants nationwide the last two budget years. president trump by contrast detained twice as many, 50,000
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in 2019. some judges did reduce jail populations during covid but those restrictions ended eight months ago. the real reason critics say president biden opposes detaining migrants giving in to progressives inside the white house. >> they keep releasing thousands while thousands of beds are empty. they rather put them in a hotel in new york city at $5 hundred a night than put them in an ice bed at $160 a night. >> that california location is not alone. ice contracts with dozens of correctional facilities around the country. as you can see, many are well below capacity under half full. the kicker, by contract, ice guarantees to fill 70 to 80% of the beds so taxpayers pay millions of month, empty or full, it doesn't matter. five locations we counted, more than 2,000 empty beds. >> this isn't about covid at all. it's shutting down immigration
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detention and shutting down immigration enforcement. >> so why does it matter? yesterday the immigration court backlog topped 3 million cases. when president biden took over in office 1.2 million. detained migrants show up for court. when they lose they get deported. released migrants like we see every day, 94%, bill, are never caught, never leave, ice did not respond to our questions. >> bill: what a story. william la jeunesse, thank you for running it down in l.a. >> dana: joining us for more on this is former border patrol chief rodney scott. we can't get over what's happening at the border and the pictures we see and oftentimes you'll hear us say it's not sustainable and not possible. it has been going on for so long the border patrol must be at its witts end. >> thank you for having me on again. the morale of the agents is horrible. i spent the day in nogales.
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we have a short memory. president biden campaigned and ran for president on a platform that he was going to tear down border security and they have just done exactly what they promised. people also forget sometimes i was in the biden administration for seven months. i participated in conversations with these people. tom homan and bill don't want to detain people. this is not a problem for them except for the optics. the optics are getting so bad the only reason they're doing the negotiations at the national level. but you hit on something. the reason in negotiations aren't going anywhere in the senate is because the republicans know hr2 has it in there without ending catch and release, either through remain in mexico or some form of detention, this goes on forever. depends on what you call sustainable. to the democrats this is fine. for the country this is devastating. >> bill: democratic senator mark warner from virginia says the negotiations have finally gotten
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serious. i don't know if they get anything done. they might want to pull somebody in from the house to get on the negotiations if they want to move it forward. meanwhile you have greg abbott in texas sent his first charter flight to chicago. 120 on board. here is alderman raymond lopez in chicago talking about that very issue. >> my mayor is blaming everyone except the person who needs to get the blame, president joe biden and kamala harris for not calling out secretary mayorkas for letting asylum seekers come to this country under false pretense and giving them court cases ten years from now. outrageous that common sense is nowhere to be found in the democratic party anymore when it comes to this issue. >> bill: we're not getting anywhere on this. it just this drumbeat day after day. it has only gotten worse in the month of december. what do you think would change the president's mind? >> honestly, i don't think
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anything will change the president's mind. this is like the border wall. when he shut down the border wall and again i was still a chief at the time, there were conversations behind the scenes how little could the administration do on construction without violating the empowerment act. when the courts ordered the administration to start remain in mexico there were discussions behind the scenes of how little can we do and revamp it so it doesn't work? this administration campaigned on this. this is their core belief system. the only thing that will change this, i think, is november 2024. americans need to wake up. i don't care who the candidate is. they need to vote for a candidate that supports national security, which is border security, which is your individual public safety. >> bill: if that's the case it's 2 million more. because it's where it is now. >> this could be fixed today. we don't need policy discussions at the national level. this was the policy that biden put in place.
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biden could fix it today by signing a document to put remain in mexico back in place. 80% of this would be over with. everything is semantics and show and why i believe the only thing that will change is an election. >> dana: rodney scott, thank you. appreciate it. merry christmas to you. >> bill: so the court decision out of colorado now to keep former president trump off the state primary ballot might parv pave the way for similar acts across the country. a dozen other states are considering lawsuits to stop trump from running for office. if it is not allowed in the state of colorado they may go to a caucus. listen to this. >> instead of having a super tuesday primary ballot where a ballot would be put in your mailbox and you return it, instead what we're going to be telling our voters is that you need to go to your precinct caucus on caucus night,
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march 7th and you are then going to elect people that will support your preferred candidate. >> bill: that would be a change of pace. we talked to karl last hour. he thinks scotus will take it and throw it out 9-0 or 7-two. >> dana: feels the consensus among legal scholars and people involved in politics. i think the court will want to get it done. >> bill: jonathan turley writes this in the "new york post." scotus should unanimously rule that constitution matters more than defeating trump at any cost. he goes on to make his case. he was on the air early the other night saying this will be tossed. >> dana: immediately. he said it was ridiculous. we'll keep in touch on it. meanwhile the former president trump continues to get more mileage from it. hamas rejecting israel's proposal to trade 40 hostages for one week of peace. how the idf is responding and
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where the ground offensive now stands. >> bill: where are you watching us now? home, on the road, at the airport? a live look at o'hare in chicago. millions of americans hit the roads for the holidays. airports will be busy. can tsa handle a near record number of travelers? >> dana: a spike in hospitalizations for kids because of hemp candies. why parents are concerned as the thc threats rise in popularity. my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger.
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hi, i'll have the avocado toast...
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minus the avocado. so, toast? yeah. everything is so expensive these days. hey, chevy gets it. that's why they're keeping prices down to earth. like on the most affordable ev in america. ♪ a super strong and capable chevy truck. ♪ and a high-tech chevy suv. ♪ why is chevy making affordable vehicles, connected by onstar? so together we can do more.
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>> dana: let's move. millions of americans taking to the sky as travel peaks at the largest airlines in the country ahead of the holiday weekend. 2.5 million people will pass through airports daily through the new year. garrett tenney live in chicago at o'hare international airport.
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hi, garrett. >> good morning to you. aaa expects this holiday season to be the second busiest they have ever seen and today is expected to be the busiest at airports. the faa is predicting 49,000 flights today and nearly 44,000 tomorrow. that uptick in flights has a lot of people nervous given what happened last christmas with thousands of flights getting canceled. airlines have taken a lot of steps to keep it from happening again. hiring workers, redoing flight schedules and upgrading equipment. faa has opened military airspace over the holidays to keep air traffic moving. the weather can throw a wrench into travel. so far things like mostly good for today. just a few dozen cancellations. next week, though, they could get more tricky. fox weather is tracking a storm system that could complicate things for folks heading home after christmas and something we'll keep an eye on. >> dana: okay, garrett, keep it calm out there for us. >> bill: keep it smooth.
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we're relying on you. hemp candy is setting kids to hospitals every month. the popularity is concerning parents and there is confusion out there as well. here to sort it out dr. marc siegel with us. good morning. hemp and marijuana similar, same plant, not exactly the same, however. but apparently according to this report there are fakes tricking a lot of kids. >> cannabis plants, people don't know this but hemp plants are almost identical to marijuana plants. they think hemp and rope, safe. they think marijuana that can inebriate you. the farm bill from 2018 created a scenario hemp could be used and games played with it. there is a limit to how much thc you can have in one of products
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only delta 9thc, the usual weed. .3%. delta eight called weed light is not regulated in a hemp plant. you have a gummy or syrup loaded with this delta eight which can make you very intoxicated and leads to an increasing amount of calls to poison centers. we are talking about hundreds of calls a month going to poison control centers now and flooding e.r.s. 50% are children. 80% of those going to the e.r.s are getting admitting. nausea, vomiting, sleepiness, kids that can't breathe. >> dana: the latest statistics are 2021. children ages 0-five accounted for 41% of calls to poison control centers and children ages 6-19.
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the young kids are more likely to pick up something an put it in their mouth. this is in a lot of different places that it's legal. the side effects are vomiting, dizziness, difficulty walking. rapid heart rate. breathing difficulties, confusion. >> one thing, you can get it online. kids having it handing it to another kid. have a piece of candy. you don't know what you are getting. it is causing a lot of people to get sick especially young children. >> bill: when you talk about this law, should that have been passed as a physician? a lot of times when you do this legislation you have unintended consequences. is this one of them? >> it should be looked at now. the purpose of the bill was for farming and agriculture. since these loopholes have been exploited they have to change it. they have to get it out of there. again i said it is a $28 billion industry. there will be a loot of lobbying
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back and forth. they have to change this law. hemp is a danger here. >> dana: if you are a parent and concerned, what do you have do you if you think you have a problem with your child? >> if you think your kid has taken some of this. the number one thing for a young kid is their behavior changes. it is not always you are seeing somebody short of breath or dizzy. a 3-year-old may not say. if behavior changes and not responding as quickly and you can figure out they may have been exposed to this, get them to the emergency room. >> dana: and also the number phone poison control. >> bill: thank you, doc. nice to see you. have a great holiday. >> bill: merry christmas. >> dana: thank you. >> they're trying to put their chief political rival in jail for the rest of his life and they are now trying to kick him off the ballot. >> trump ballot ban dominating political discourse. president biden is trying to
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stay out of it but some comments are coming back to haunt him. young soldiers in the army complaining about military life on social media amid a recruiting shortfall. how army officials are responding. ♪ when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief
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[gunfire] >> dana: no end in sight to the fighting in gaza after hamas rejects israel's call for a temporary cease-fire. that leaves the state of hostages still held in captivity very much up in the air. it all comes as israeli forces say that they are close to wrapping up high intensity combat operations in the northern part of the enclave. the focus is now southern gaza where many hamas leaders are believed to be hiding in underground tunnels. attacks against american forces
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from iranian-backed groups are increasing across the middle east. that number now rising to 102. america is about to have a holiday, but these guys, the iran-backed proxies won't take a holiday. our government and military will have to pay attention here. >> bill: see whether or not there can be a cease-fire achieved. the israelis have 40 people they want to get out right now, women, children, older men in gaza. >> dana: and those sick. we know there are a few in the tunnels in that condition. we'll keep an eye on that as well for you. here is president biden. >> is trump an insurrectionist. >> that's self-evident. the we'll let the court make that decision. >> bill: president biden in milwaukee declining to weigh in on the fight legally. however, you just heard his position regarding president trump on the ballot in colorado.
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he did say there is no question that trump supported that insurrection and kellyanne conway is here to analyze that. we begin at the white house and peter doocy. they have a message on the north lawn. >> they do, bill. just because trump has not been charged or convicted with insurrection doesn't mean president biden doesn't want to feel free to talk about him like this. >> he certainly supported an insurrection. no question about it. none, 0. >> now california's lieutenant governor says the colorado decision can be the basis for a similar decision here in our state. the constitution is clear. you must be 35 years old and not be an insurrectionist. but there are republican lieutenant governors who don't like president biden and now see the colorado ruling as a potential 2--way street. >> maybe we should take joe biden off the ballot in texas for allowing 8 million people to cross the border since he has been president.
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disrupting our state far more than anything anyone else has done in recent history. and so this is -- this is so outrageous, 10,000, 12,000, 14,000 people a day crossing the border. >> we know and president biden knows legal challenges could complicate an anticipated biden/trump rematch. the white house is not involved in any anti-trump lawsuits specifically, he has talked about them over the years supportively. >> president biden: well, we just have to demonstrate he will not take power by -- if he does run on making sure he under legitimate efforts of our constitution does not become the next president again. >> in 2020, biden said i will beat him like a drum. in 2024 biden says i will let a court make that decision. bill. >> bill: okay. peter. more to come from the north
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lawn. thank you. >> dana: "wall street journal" editorial board weighing in. democrats believe that mr. trump is such a threat to america's democratic institutions they're justified in abusing those institutions themselves. they are damaging democracy in the name of trying to save it. kellyanne conway fox news contributor and former advisor to president trump, great to have you here. yesterday was the initial reaction. now after everyone has had a night's sleep and thought about it you wake up to this in the "washington post." should courts throw mr. trump off the ballot? not so fast. what is to stop a republican politician seeking to bar his opponent because his opponent went to the blm protest and that it qualifies as insurrection. that's the "washington post" and where the national consensus for the legal community, even more responsible people in the media saying this is not the way to
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go. how do you see it? >> that's right, dana. basically the clause has been applied once a century to public officers and this would be one of the first times in this century. and where will it stop? i think the better analogy even from the border or black lives matter protest is the unfreezing of billions of dollars in assets that joe biden did and gave back to iran? why? everybody's focus on the first part of that clause talks about rebellion. the last nine words or giving aid or comfort to the enemies of this nation. you unfreeze assets and give them to iran you have given aid to the enemies there. i would be very careful in interpreting loose language as pundits on television when the judicial system will decide and the highest court will decide. i have to credit the "washington post" for doing that.
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legal scholars, no friend of the presidents talked about both impeachment of president trump and january 6th as i have as a dark day in the nation's history but said you can't deny donald trump his due process of law. i think a smart court and a wise court and a court that does its job justice being blind and doesn't sit on the scales of justice, this is a fairly open and shut case. now how it affects trump in the polls. i see something fascinating in the polling with respect to former president trump. one is if you ask trump voters if he is convicted of something would you stick with him? there is some erosion. we've seen that in the polling. the poll asked if donald trump were to be convicted of something, would you vote for him yes or no? over 50% said no. when you put him in the head-to-head question as the "wall street journal" did and ask if donald trump were could be convicted of one of these charges would you vote for trump or biden he is beating biden.
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if you ask if joe biden were to be impeached on one of these counts it is trump 46, biden 41. when you bring biden into the equation, biden knows this. trump ends up on top. >> dana: that is interesting. so i think the court will rule pretty quickly. we'll try to have that -- they should probably have that for america maybe even before the end of this year. if they decide to act and get it off the table. one minute left. i wanted to ask you about the latest quinnipiac poll. president trump at a 67% high for the republican presidential primary. this is nationwide. haley in this poll had her best number yet at 11%. still tied with desantis. trump's lead is so commanding and here we are waiting to see what will happen in iowa and new hampshire. even south carolina, nevada and super tuesday. your take on the latest polls as we try to wrap up this week. >> sure. well, obviously the former
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president is in a dominant position. i think he pivoted to a general election strategy in his words and deeds a while ago taking on joe biden and comparing the two presidential records and make you decide which life you want to have with trump or biden as president and their policies. but i will say this. i like a competition. i've been very critical when the republican party cleared the field for anyone. this country was founded on -- the republican presidential candidates not named trump have had a lot of girth to make their case to the republican primary electorate and a lot of independence in states they can quality. there have been debates and the fact is those people on the stage had ample time without donald trump to seal the spotlight. to make their case. i think the nikki haley story is the way she has been able to
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push back ron desantis and claw her way to be the alternative to trump. the calendar, the race is against the clock as well as trump. but that's why we'll be in iowa and new hampshire and see what the voters say. haley is her state of south carolina. the governor there. if trump beats her there then it is lights out. i think the trump campaign believes they can wrap it up by march 15th that would put them two months ahead of 2016. >> dana: we'll be gathering around the christmas tree before going there. wish you a merry christmas, kellyanne, thank you. >> same to you, merry christmas, take care. >> bill: a bit of a holiday surprise for ryan gosling. a christmas version of the song from the movie barbie. the new version is one of several featured on ken, the
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e.p. my question to dana marie, do you think it will be on the spotify list. >> dana: i'm not saying no. i tried to watch the barbie movie and i got 32 seconds in and said this is not for me. i don't know if you would last longer than 32 seconds. let's see. >> bill: i shall and then i'll text you. good deal. check it out. >> dana: we're keeping a close eye on a crisis now in freefall. tens of thousands of migrants pouring across the border. utah became the first state to restrict social media use for teens. utah's attorney general is next.
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seeing all the places i come from, i know. if it's a serrano, it's something to be proud of. give the gift of family heritage with ancestry. hi, i'll have the avocado toast... minus the avocado. so, toast? yeah. everything is so expensive these days. hey, chevy gets it. that's why they're keeping prices down to earth. like on the most affordable ev in america. ♪ a super strong and capable chevy truck. ♪ and a high-tech chevy suv. ♪ why is chevy making affordable vehicles, connected by onstar? so together we can do more.
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>> dana: p gen z troops of taking to tiktok complaints. recruitment is dipping again. aishah hosni live in washington with more. >> this is stunning stuff. if you are a veteran watching this it will make you mad. current and former soldiers posting tiktok videos why nobody should join the army. watch this? >> the reason why you shouldn't join the military. reason one is pay. we don't get paid enough for what we do. >> i wouldn't join the military. you can't say whatever you want to say. >> check out this former soldier here blasting the army for having no privacy, the pay sucks, they say, bad food, disrespectful leadership. over 600,000. 89% of people get their news there. the army, air force and navy are falling short of recruitment
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goals and have the smallest active duty force since 1940. apparently this is fine with the army as long as recruits don't bash a specific leader. army personnel acting in a private capacity can express their personal opinions being social media provided no laws or regulations are violated. the former centcom spokesman said these soldiers would get required if they worked everyone else. republican lawmakers believe the army is really woke. we'll hear from them later today. >> bill: on a similar topic a group representing tiktok, meet yeah, x suing the state of utah over a law that restricts kids and teenagers from using social media without their parents' permission. the lawsuit says this, quote, the act restricts who can express themselves, what can be said and when and how speech on covered websites can occur.
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down to the very hours of the day that minors can use covered websites, the first amendment reinforced by decades of precedent allows none of this. so sean reyes is the attorney general in utah. you sued tiktok in october. make your case. >> we sued tiktok and meta , members of net choice. the relish yu is not about the first amendment. we're strong defenders of that in the state of utah. we're concerned about the mounting evidence of the devastating impact on mental health, on emotional well-being and the social psychological behavioral effects of social media. this is not just us. these are experts, the ama, the mayo clinic. it is a nonpartisan issue. we're fired up in utah ready to defend the laws the legislature
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passed and governor signed. the effects are not just what i stated, beyond that you are looking at physical impact, suicide ideation. the impact on teens' self-image. bullying going on at a rampant rate. exploitation in the law enforcement community since that's where i spend a lot of my time as the state attorney general. we're heavily concerned about predators on the internet. the amount of sextortion. all of these things factor into the reasons why we believe we have plenty of constitutional and other basis for limiting. restricting but not entirely eliminating the access to teens. we're empowering parents and we think these bills are a great balance between other constitutional rights and our ability as a state to protect the health, safety and welfare of our children.
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>> bill: part of your case would restrict usage between 10:00 at night and 6:00 in the morning roughly speaking. there are other states fighting this out as well and hasn't moved forward to a point where they made a decision. you said i'm tired of our kids losing their innocence and lives. why not just trust the parents? >> we're empowering parents here, bill. the opposite of what the plaintiffs are trying to portray that we are taking away choices or the power of parents. again, i talked to parents across our state who wanted to go further in terms of restrictions. we are empowering parents to be able to. these are default settings. the one that you just mentioned, access between those sleep hours. our bills limit ads. they limit data collection and limit notifications that keep pinging children all hours of the night, alerts that keep them from getting sleep and keep them
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from being able to have what we grew up with, the innocence of youth. so that's what i was talking about in there. i came from the tech sector. i was a tech gc and vc and understand the positive side of technology but it is the dark side of technology and we have to limit it. >> bill: if you win it would be a landmark case. sean reyes, we'll follow it. thank you for your time today. >> dana: an a apology of the city of boston shining a light on racism in that city's past, so says the mayor.
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>> harris: downing, enormous numbers of illegal immigrants. governor abbott of texas is making moves to stem the tide of humanity crushing our nation's sovereignty. gop presidential candidate ron desantis hanging onto second
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place despite moves by nikki haley recently all over. desantis is with me in "focus." and a do-nothing congress you say? what's up with that. kat cammack and jason chaffetz "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> dana: boston's mayor offering an apology from willie bennett and allen swanson wrongly named in the murder of a pregnant woman. her husband told him a black man shot them leaving her and her unborn baby dead. the husband confessed to his brother before committing suicide. brian claypool is a defense attorney. to be wrongly accused. about a pregnant woman murdered in cold blood got a lot of media attention. now you have the apology from boston. your thoughts. >> dana, happy holidays.
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it took 32 years for the mayor to apologize to these two young men. it took a lot of courage. michael cox, the boston police chief came out and said he apologized for what may have been unconstitutional behavior by the police department. that will go a long way in mending the wounds in this community. at the end of the day i think we need to learn from what went wrong in this investigation. charles stewart is the one that said a black man did this. we need to look at what evidence may have been ignored during the investigation and what evidence may have been manufactured, for example, a witness persuaded to identify one of these two suspects and learn from it and improve investigative tactics of the boston police department. >> bill: on another story it will be a big deal in the legal front in 2024. that's the trial in northern idaho of brian kohberger.
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the trial date isn't yet clear but there was a hearing in october on dna. and we'll wait for the ruling on that. the school wants to take down the house, demolish it. is that wise at this point? >> that would be a catastrophic mistake by prosecutors to try to have this home demolished. why? because there is actually a jury instruction in civil and criminal cases what is called destruction of evidence. if this home was destroyed by the trial and defense attorneys couldn't do a reenactment to have jurors come out to the scene of the home. that sways some jurors. if this home is demolished, defense lawyers argue destruction of evidence. the jury can draw an adverse inference against prosecutors if that happens.
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that is the focal point of the evidence generated in this case. you need to have that home there for the trial. >> dana: we saw that in that case in south carolina where the jury takes the field trip to go to the crime scene so they could better understand it. you can imagine that prosecutors might want that to happen here. >> yeah, dana, absolutely. for example to show the schematic where kohberger allegedly went from room to room to room and back downstairs. could he have been able to do that? if defense lawyers say one man couldn't have done this. it could have been two. it could help prosecutors to show he did this and where did he break into the home and the preservation of evidence is the biggest argument by the defense. the crime scene was contaminated. if you have the house and you can show where the evidence was preserved, that actually helps the prosecution in this case. if you don't have it, how will the prosecution rebut that?
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>> we'll see if the school gets its way. you have to think what the school thinks, right, get rid of the house and put this behind us. brian, thank you for your time, appreciate it. breaking news coming in from prague and czech republic. there was a deadly shooting in downtown prague. believe it happened near a university. matt finn is sorting through the facts on this based on what we think we know in the early stages. matt, what do you have? >> the latest we just got in from prague emergency services say 11 people are dead including the shooter. a terrifying scene in downtown prague. one hour ago police started tweeting about a shooter at a university in the czech republic capital in an historic area considered old town.
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czech police say the shooter has been eliminated and no longer any apparent dangers. an email was sent saying don't go anywhere. stay barricaded in the office. we'll continue to monitor it. >> bill: also reporting to reiterate nine seriously wounded as well. these numbers could change as they so often do in major stories like this. that video is some of the first video we've taken with the ambulances either reporting to the scene or heading to the hospital. thank you for the update and bring you more throughout the day. >> dana: we certainly will. pleasure to be with you today and we'll see you, you know when, harris faulkner will take you through the next hour today. see you on "the five" later this afternoon. here is harris. >> harris: donald trump has done it and now we're set for a


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