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tv   America Reports  FOX News  December 21, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PST

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money or about time or about mental state or about worries, and so it's about being grateful and being happy that you are there in the first place. >> morgan: in biden's economy, this is all you can afford to give, leftover halloween candy. >> emily: have you ever experienced this? >> paul: i had a family member who did not give me something at all, a bit of an oversight and i'm over it, but i better get two. i'm not over it, actually. >> dagen: a member of steve forbes' family regifts, and regive things from other family members previous christmases. >> emily: we had a secret santa gift exchange with the team and everyone is amazing, like it was great. everything was awesome. thanks to everyone. don't forget to dvr the show when you can't watch live. now here is "america reports". >> something dangerous happening
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in america now. there's an extremist movement, does not share the basic beliefs in our democracy. the maga movement. >> they are willing to violate the u.s. constitutions at levels never seen before in order to win this election. >> we must be stronger, more determined and more committed to saving american democracy and maga republicans are destroying american democracy. >> no, i'm not a threat. i will save democracy, the threat is crooked joe biden. >> john: any moment now, more than a dozen states could join colorado in removing biden's rival from the presidential ballot. >> jacqui: i'm jacqui heinrich, in for sandra smith. the battle for the white house quickly a race to stay on the ballot as democrats across the country push to block americans from having the opportunity to vote for former president trump. president biden says there's no
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question donald trump supported an insurrection, his administration is refusing to weigh in on the legal aspect saying "we are not involved in this." >> john: fox team coverage to kick us off. ari fleischer on the pivotal roll the supreme court will play, mark meredith reporting from iowa how this ruling is impacting the republican primary, and rich edson live at the white house. will the white house stick with the strategy not talking about the ballot? >> rich: the white house is refusing to comment on the colorado supreme court case, keeping former president trump from the primary ballot. president biden has weighed in. >> is trump an insurrectionist, sir? >> let the court make the decision. he supported an insurrection, no
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question about it. none, 0. >> there are lawsuits in more than a dozen states trying to bar trump from ballot under the 14th amendment. law fair blog says it's tracking 30 different challenges across the country and there could be more. california's lieutenant governor says california is obligated to determine to trump is ineligible. the constitution is clear, must be 35 years old, and not be an insurrectionist. congressman dean phillips posted "do i believe trump is guilty of inspiring insurrection and nothing to stop it? i was there, absolutely. do i believe it's wrong to ban him from the ballot in colorado without a conviction, absolutely. do i believe the supreme court must opine immediately, absolutely." other democrats support the decision, they say colorado supreme court following the plain language of the 14th amendment. republicans have criticized the decision as judicial activism.
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also with the supreme court, special counsel jack smith has filed a brief, trying to move along the supreme court to decide when donald trump has immunity against the january 6th charges he's facing. smith wants to move the trials along, hit the mark trial date. trump's team says they don't want to fast track it. they filed briefings in the opposite direction. john. >> john: see what the white house has to say, if anything, coming up later on this hour. rich, thank you. on the north lawn. >> jacqui: new fox business poll revealed president trump has more than 50% in iowa for the first time, but other states could join colorado removing him from the ballot and his gop rivals are rallying in his defense saying it should be up to the voters, not judges. mark meredith joins us from des moines, iowa. are the candidates eager to talk about all this? >> jacqui, i don't know about eager but they are talking about it. reporters have been peppering
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with questions and come up on the stump, and amazing to see in the last few days trump's rivals in iowa have come to his defense saying they think what happened in colorado is wrong and other republicans are not happy with what was decided. now, the former president, he is not talking on camera yet about what happened in colorado specifically. he just added today a rally mason city, iowa will take place in early january, so we know he'll be coming here before the caucus. he's been very active on social media, posting i'm not an insurrectionist, crooked joe biden is. florida governor ron desantis continues to come to trump's defense on this issue. >> there's not been any trial or any guilty finding, they are just saying this from a colorado supreme court. so, that's a very dangerous precedent to say that a partisan court can just take somebody off the ballot.
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>> even trump critics in colorado, like outgoing republican congressman ken buck say it's the wrong decision, voters deserve to decide who they do or do not support. also some republicans trying to clarify it does not mean they are softening the trust or disgust with the former president. >> i side with trump, i side with the voters, i want voters to make this decision, not courts. and i think that it's dangerous for our country to have courts make this decision at this moment. >> and obviously these candidates are going to have to keep talking about this issue, if more states follow through with colorado and get the former president off the ballot. the candidates are wrapping up their campaign plans for now, jacqui, the holidays are here, people may want a break from politics. >> jacqui: mark meredith in des moines, thanks, mark. >> john: let's kick this around with former white house press
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secretary and fox news contributor ari fleischer. they say it's democratically appointed judges you -- usurping the voters. >> i think the critics are right. it's like the flu. it's not good for the health of the country and that's the problem with the flu. it infects liberals and there are liberals in new york, california, you name it that want to get into red states as well, and what it really shows is who is afraid of democracy. who is afraid that they are going to lose to donald trump if you leave it up to the people. so they resort to extra legal procedures to do this, and john, it's just dangerous. it's dangerous because as we saw with the two impeachments against donald trump, republicans then copy what the democrats have done. if you break the norm, the other side will break the norm. what's to stop a red state from trying to do the same thing to a
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future democratic candidate over some hyped up, gone too far allegation? that's where these things always go. >> john: in fact, the lieutenant governor of texas, dan patrick, on the program later saying well, joe biden has let all the illegal immigrants in affecting texas, maybe we should kick him off the ballot as well. all under the heading of the 14th amendment, states the following. no person shall hold any office civil or military under the united states who having previously taken an oath as an officer of the united states, support the constitution of the united states, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. that was written back in civil wartimes. there was a concern that powerful figures in the confederacy would rise to power again. how is that in any way applicable to 2023 or even january 6th? >> well, it certainly isn't.
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because it is in the constitution, it does have legs, just because it was written a long time ago does not mean there could be a circumstance where today it is valid. but in order for it to be valid, you would think a court would have convicted donald trump of insurrection. you would think the prosecutor appointed by the biden department of justice would have included that in his charges against donald trump. he did not. there is no legal allegation against donald trump for insurrection, let alone a conviction. what kind of freelancing is this by the democratic court in colorado and john, you know how extreme this is. every republican, even anti-trump republicans are denouncing it and very few democrats are relishing it. it's just the liberal activist who want to spread it, it's a slice of the democratic party and a dangerous slice for the democratic party, makes them look all extreme. >> john: there is evidence this could backfire on democrats in colorado. "wall street journal" editorial says the following, trump versus the banana republic of colorado. the effort to remove him from
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the ballot is legally baseless and helps his campaign. latest numbers, new fox business poll of iowa, donald trump 52%, that is up from 46% in september, and when asked if they are certain to support a candidate or may change their mind, 83% say they are certain to vote for donald trump compared to 59% for desantis and 51% for haley. could this in effect, ari, backfire and help donald trump? >> ari: everything they have done so far in the legal system has backfired. fortified donald trump in the primary. senate and governor races, they did their best to get the most trumpiest candidate. they are doing it again to get the trump iest candidate, donald trump, on to the ballot in the upcoming election. and that's why it's always backfired against the democrats, and you would think by now they
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would have wisened to the fact it has backfired, if they are confident, beat the man, let the people decide. it shows to me they are not confident. the polls are showing that joe biden will lose to donald trump, full circle. it would not surprise me the consequence is joe biden is the one who gets removed from the ballot at the democratic convention because after throwing all this stuff at trump and without sticking, they probably have to remove joe biden if they have any hope to win. >> john: as we close out 2023, looking ahead to a 2024 that is going to be very, very intriguing. ari, great to see you. hope you have a great holiday. >> jacqui: former new york city mayor rudy giuliani has filed for bankruptcy. comes just days after a court ordered him to pay nearly $150 million to 2 georgia election workers for defaming
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them regarding their role in the 2020 presidential election. listed his assets between 1 to 10 million and debts between 100 and 500 million. he also still faces 13 criminal charges in georgia in the trump rico case. >> the moral of the agency is tanked out. president biden campaigned, ran for president on a platform that he was going to tear down border security and they have literally just done what they promised. >> john: former border patrol rodney scott on america's newsroom earlier today, talking about the morale at the southern border, crisis so out of hand even democrats did not avoid its existence. the action texas is taking and how it could lead to a big battle in the courts. >> jacqui: the hits for harvard president claudine gay, the
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>> john: waiting for the white house briefing to begin as we get brand-new statistics from cbp sources. fox news is being told border agents encountered more than 11,000 migrants in just the past 24 hours. texas governor greg abbott taking action to counter the surge, chartering a plane to chicago tuesday with more than 100 illegal migrants on board. former acting dhs secretary chad wolf on whether the biden administration will ever take any meaningful action. but first to our bill melugin, live at the border, it's nonstop all week. >> bill: john, it has. we are in a remote random stretch of the arizona desert
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essentially in the middle of nowhere and they are getting overrun every day. i'll step out and give you a look. a part of adult men from all over the globe. we talked to them, most from africa, some heading to minnesota, new york city, chicago, and new jersey, and how they got here, just after sunrise, a massive single group of about 750 people who crossed in lukeville through a breach in the border wall. men from around the world and families from mexico and ecuador, and again, border patrol out here completely overwhelmed, we still have not seen any arizona national guard despite the governor saying she was sending them down here and had a chance to talk with the guys, including a man from guinea, he wants to go to philadelphia, but does not really know why. take a listen to this compilation. >> where you guys from?
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>> mali. >> senegal. >> guinea. >> guinea, ok. and where in the u.s. do you want to go to? >> philadelphia. >> philadelphia. why philadelphia? >> i know the place, see the place. >> ok, so just an address in philadelphia to go to? >> bill: we looked it up, it's a local community center in philadelphia. eagle pass, the fox news drone live, there are still masses of migrants out there waiting to be apprehended, eagle pass has seen more than 10,000 in the last few days, completely inundated there. and no longer just venezuelan and guatemalans and mexicans, but recent days, lebanon,
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bangladesh, part of the reason why greg abbott is switching up the game plan. he is flying illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities, it took off from el paso and landed in chicago at o'hare airport tuesday evening, 120 migrants on it, they all signed voluntary consent waivers. he's doing this because chicago was interfering with their bus drop-offs. we'll show you what governor abbott said about this in part "sanctuary city chicago started obstructing and targeting our bussing mission. texas will now expand to influence flights to chicago. until biden steps up to secure the border, we will provide texas border towns with much needed relief" and you said the numbers off the top, more than 200,000 for the month of
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december, more than filling up two rose bowls to capacity and still overflow and the month is not done yet. >> john: no, a third of the month to go. we'll talk about lieutenant governor dan patrick about this. bill, thank you, lukeville, arizona. >> jacqui: chad wolf, former acting dhs secretary, appreciate your time. >> chad: happy to be here. >> jacqui: do you think the migrant flights out of texas going to chicago or even the new law that they have signed in texas allowing local police to arrest people coming over the border illegally, will either of these things prompt new action to the biden administration to crack down on illegal crossings? >> chad: i hope it does, although i'm not holding my breath on this. look, governor abbott is having his hand forced here a little bit. having to take a number of
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unique and really precedented actions because the federal government won't do its job. biden administration time and time again will not secure that border and so the governor has a decision to make. he can continue to let americans and texas and communities along the border be at issue here or take actions such as sending planes to chicago and elsewhere or passing and signing into law some actions that texas dps and others can do regarding the illegal migrants crossing the border. all of these actions he shouldn't have to take, shouldn't need to take these, but the biden administration is absent from the job and the images you are showing and we continue to see is anything but a safe, legal and orderly process, right. that's what secretary mayorkas calls what's occurring down on that border today safe, legal, and orderly, and it's anything but. >> jacqui: let's look at the numbers bill was just touching on. since the first of december,
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more than 200,000 crossings, illegal crossings, and since october 1st, more than 686,000. this new law that the governor signed in texas does not go into effect until march. so, is that too late to make a difference? >> chad: here is what i would tell you. what we are seeing occurring along the border when you have 10,000, 11,000, 12,000 apprehensions per day, it is catastrophic what we see in those images and it's hard for me to say that strong enough. border patrol has been overwhelmed, they are extremely overwhelmed. we have no idea unfortunately who is entering this country. so, we need all the measures in place today and to be clear, the biden administration, secretary mayorkas, can stop all of this and address this all differently tomorrow if he choose to. he continues to talk about needing new authorities from congress. he has all the authorities he needs today to put an end to what we see along that border.
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they simply won't use the authorities they have, and that's -- it's terrifying because americans and american communities are paying the price for their indecision. >> jacqui: i want to ask you before we run out of time, you talk about resources being overwhelmed and there is a counter argument to the new texas law and sheriffs say it could overwhelm the jails and the courts there, not additional funds appropriated for this, one el paso official estimating cost another $6 million a year, i believe the figure was, so is there a risk that this law has a negative impact as well on these local communities? >> chad: the law is new so i think there are a number of risks but obviously the state of texas has some funding it can provide. the federal government has funding it can provide. and the federal government can deputize and provide local law
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enforcement officials, they are not doing. so governor abbott has to sign a new law to allow his law enforcement to do this. what the biden administration should be doing instead of suing the governor, instead of not providing those authorities, they should be working with the governors to figure out how to secure the border. so look, all the actions the governor has taken are unique, they are precedent-setting, but it's because we have an administration, first time in my lifetime that refuses to implement border security measures along that border and the governor is not just going to sit back and watch it happen. he's having to take certain actions. >> jacqui: to your point, if some of the federal government would take more action, it w would -- and some critics think the police could harm the relationship between the hispanic community and local police and another critical element of the border communities. john. >> john: jacqui, potentially
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ominous warning from china to president biden about the future of taiwan. what exactly are beijing's plans and is the u.s. prepared for them? >> jacqui: as we await a pentagon briefing, u.s. troops face threats in the middle east. what needs to be done to protect around the world. >> not until joe biden came into office did we see this level of attacks on u.s. troops. they do not fear the biden administration. they know there is no retaliation. with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ahh, -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. (♪) veteran homeowners,
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>> jacqui: the pentagon will give an update how the biden administration is responding to the growing number of attacks on troops in the middle east and commercial ships in the red sea. talks for a new ceasefire in gaza remain uncertain, hamas saying it will not release more hostages until the war is over. senator tom cotton with more on threats in the middle east but first, trey yingst is in tel
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aviv we have efforts for a new hostage deal. trey. >> trey: good afternoon. hamas has rejected another ceasefire saying no further hostages will be released until the war is officially over. hamas says one thing publicly, they are saying something else privately. yesterday the leader of hamas traveled from doha to cairo to continue discussions about the possibility of a new deal. it comes as israeli forces say they are close to completing high intensity ground operations in northern gaza, much of the focus for soldiers over the past day is in the jabalia neighborhood, they say troops from the 500 and 51st brigade evacuated civilians in a building there. southern gaza, total of 137 killed of israeli troops since the ground operation began. a former ambassador said this
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about the possibility of a ceasefire. >> that is why we cannot agree to a ceasefire now, and you see the voices coming from the u.n., pressure on the u.s., ceasefire now will keep hamas alive. will allow them to reconstruct their abilities, they would become heroes. that should be a symbol that when you come against a democracy and you try to te terrorize it, your last mistake. >> trey: battles in gaza, strikes on southern lebanon were more serious attacks from hezbollah. and attacks on american forces are increasing in the middle east. rocket attack overnight brought the number to 102 attacks since mid october. critical to talk about the threat israel faces and
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iran-backed shia militias, and lebanon, and the fire does not stop. jacqui. >> jacqui: thanks so much, trey. john. >> john: joining us now is arkansas republican tom cotton, we are going to hear from john kirby in a few minutes but something he said yesterday or the day before about the fact the attacks launched by the houthis need to stop. listen here. >> bottom line is, these attacks have to stop. they need to stop, they are not acceptable, united states, our allies and partners will do what we have to do to counter the threats and protect the ships. >> john: do what we have to do to counter the threats. the u.s., seems to me, with all its fire power and the houthis limited fire power, could stop this in an afternoon but don't seem to have any inclination to do that. >> the press secretary is not going to make it happen. air and naval strikes against
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the houthi, their sites and other command and control facilities. it should have happened two months ago, the first strikes towards our ships or israel or commercial vessels, red sea, one eighth of commerce goes and global oil trade, the fact it has not happened is why the attacks are accelerating. the same strikes on the troops in iraq and syria. the more we let iran's proxies get away with the attacks, the more we get of them. and sooner or later americans are going to die and it's going to hurt the american economy because the red sea is so vital for global trade. it's long overdue that we should be conducting air and naval strikes against the houthis for the threat they pose to our sailors and global commerce. >> john: a moment ago we saw on the screen something that happened on november 19th, houthi rebels, like somali pirates, they had a helicopter and landed on the deck of the
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galaxy leader, and hijacked it. and saying the houthi-led seizure detention of the 25 member international crew remain unjustly detained is appalling. also threatens the movement of food, fuel, humanitarian assistance and other essential commodities to populations all over the world. there is no justification for the attacks. in that statement, there's a lot of tisk-tisking, but nothing that would constitute an actual response or some kind of deterrent. >> john, sternly worded statement is not going to scare the houthis or deter them from these attacks. shooting down their helicopters when they approach ships is going to deter them. we had an example of this in the 1980s in the persian gulf with ronald reagan and iran itself, threatening u.s. naval ships and commercial shipping. ronald reagan finally sank half of their navy and blew up their
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oil platforms and iran pulled in its horns, and stopped the attacks, and ended the war between iran and iraq. and someone asked him if we are now at war with iran and he said no, they are not that stupid. and they would not be so stupid as to try to retaliate and frankly, they would not be able to retaliate anymore. >> john: senator, do you have any idea why biden is showing so much restraint? there might be something with saudi arabia worried that the truce that it has with the houthis is fragile, does not want it to flare up again, but as ronald reagan said they would not be stupid enough to go to war with us. what's holding biden back? >> i think it's his failed iran policy and middle east policy. donald trump put the houthis on the foreign terrorist list.
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joe biden, one of his first actions in office removed them from the list. indictment of that decision like indictment of the iran policies. houthis, goat herders in the mountain of yemen get land attack cruise missiles. they got them or components from iran. it's what you see the strikes on the troops in iraq and syria and ukraine for two years, biden is cared what he calls escalation of strikes that are going to lead to bigger strikes by our enemies. but we already have escalation. we already have a widen war in the middle east. the way to restore peace and stability is firm decisive action by destroying the houthi's capability to launch these attacks. >> john: we'll see if it comes up in the white house briefing just minutes ahead. senator tom cotton, if i don't see you, merry christmas. >> thank you, john. to you and all your viewers. >> jacqui: stunning new numbers
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show the blue state exodus is accelerating. what is driving the trend? joe concha is up this. >> i have paid $120,000 and i still owe 76. how the [bleep] is this possible? >> john: student loan payments restarting after a three-year pause. some borrowers are refusing to pay up after president biden pledged to clear their debts. economist doug holtz-eakin ahead what this says about bidenomics. hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently. (singing )i'll be home for christmas.
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>> jacqui: it's been a big trend since the start of the pandemic, americans in blue states fleeing in droves and that development
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showed no signs of slowing down in 2023 as red states like texas and florida saw notable population gains while blue states like california and new york saw hundreds of thousands leave. let's bring in joe concha, joe, what is behind the trend? >> i think there are three major reasons, and common sense, regardless if you are republican or independent or democrat. some high state tax rates and that's a major factor, particularly with inflation still as high as it is. also you have crime, violent crime where people don't feel safe in their own communities, particularly in cities in those states i just mentioned. and finally, education, people don't talk about that much but in places like chicago, for example, jacqui, you have 80% of students in the public school system that cannot read at a
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grade level. so you have all this tax revenue going out of homes and then people are not seeing the return on investment, in terms of do i feel safe and my kids being educated the way they should. so go to not just florida and texas, but other red states, like georgia, south carolina, tennessee, it's not a one-off, we have been seeing it for years now. >> jacqui: it was a topic of discussion between the florida governor and the california governor, listen to bit of them battling back and forth. >> first governor to lose population. they actually at one point ran out of u-hauls in the state of california because so many people were leaving. >> the last two years, more floridians going to california than californians going to florida. >> i put up on the screen -- >> it's going to be fun to fact check. california has no peers. california dominates, size of 21 state populations combined. >> numbers speak for themselves
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way more people coming to the state than leaving. people are leaving california in droves largely because public safety is collapsed. >> jacqui: so watching this tells me that at least if you are living in california, it does not appear to be any policy change on the horizon that might reverse this trend, right? >> precisely, and jacqui, we see california, the highest state income tax in the country, 13.3%, highest homeless rate in the country, highest poverty rate in the country, gavin newsom said fun to fact check as far as people not leaving the state. no, according to every mesh and study, tens of thousands of people are leaving california and never the case. people always were going into california because it has climate and it has coastline, now they are opting for another state that has climate and coastline and that is florida and more importantly, tax revenue is leaving the state of california and new york in ways that are unsustainable. in california alone, a budget short tall of 68 billion, with a
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b. in new york, it's going to be 37b and a b by 2027 and the thought process, a democratic president and democratic senate, they will back load whatever we are short falling as far as the budget gaps are concerned, but that means everybody in the country ends up paying for this. so, that's where we are at this point and if you live in those states, since people could work remotely now, more and more they don't have to go to an office, a conference room or fax machine, they can move the jobs and be gainfully employed. >> jacqui: a lot of this is in clear categories, crime, inflation, but a state like louisiana, fourth in line for the most people leaving that state behind california, hawaii, illinois. why is louisiana on that list? >> new orleans has one of the highest murder rates in the country right now. i think the highest murder rate per capita. i think it goes back to crime
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once again, folks are leaving that state for perhaps that reason, jacqui. but i want to say since we are almost out of time, the first time you and i have been on the air together and i want to let america know, you are looking at one of the top white house correspondents and also the next rachel ray. if you have not seen "getting fat with jacqui" on social media, missing out on what should be an award winning show. >> jacqui: i think you made a pitch for my show one day. thank you joe concha, appreciate your time. >> i get 12%. >> jacqui: deal. >> john: clearly i have been missing something. how wealthy was kevin's family in "home alone" to afford the big house or a trip to paris for a family that big. economists looked at the numbers. what you need to live like the mcalisters did. >> jacqui: one of e siest travel days of the 2023 season, how is the tsa preparing for the
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surge of travelers into the new year? live to one of the nation's busiest airports. ♪ i'll be home for christmas ♪ ♪ you can plan on me ♪ yeah, i'm ready. is your treatment leaving you with uncontrolled symptoms? like the cover-it-ups and brush-it-offs? enough with good enoughs. don't stay hiding or hurting. ♪ when your lotions and creams don't do enough to help treat the inflammation beneath the skin, causing plaques and pain, it's time to get real about psoriasis, so, your dermatologist can help you get clear. make the appointment and ask about real clear skin. if you're a veteran wife, homeowner, and the family bookkeeper, you're the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget. but your family's service has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan, you can pay off high rate credit
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cards and car loans. and can save $6,000 a year. that's real money you can use to take care of your family and home. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. [dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪
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>> john: shooting at a university in prague leaves at least 15 dead and dozens of others injured. police say the gunman is also dead. they say the shooter was a student at the school. matt finn is live with more on all of this. what have you got? >> this is described as one of the worst mass shootings if not the worst mass shooting in the history of the czech republic. the latest update from police indicates the death toll is rising. police say at least 15 people are dead and dozens others injured. we have seen some horrifying video in which several people from inside a building crawled out on to a high story ledge and were apparently hiding from the shooting. the shooting happened at charles university in prague's center square, a short walking distance from what's described as a christmas hot spot right now. other video shows people running for their lives or being
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evacuated as the shooting unfolded. the shooter was a 24-year-old student at the university who has been "eliminated," found dead in a building. the shooter's father was also found dead earlier today and reuters reports during the shooting, an email was sent to faculty that read "don't go anywhere, if you are in the offices lock them and place furniture in front of the door, turn off the lights." police report no law enforcement were hurt in what appeared to be a quick and heroic response and authorities have posted they will alert embassies if any of the victims are from foreign countries. there is a lot of shock in the country, does not typically see these mass shootings. prague's mayor posted the world is changing and the problem of the individual shooting is emerging here as well. of course, there's a lot of speculation about the motive and who the shooter was.
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we will keep you updated. >> john: stunning. >> jacqui: police can arrest illegal immigrants in texas, facing serious pushback. lieutenant governor dan patrick on what happens if it winds up in the supreme court hands. >> john: and major flood concerns as excessive rainfall through tomorrow. what areas are impacted and when, coming up.
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♪♪ >> john: millions of holiday travelers are hitting the road and catching flights with only four days left before christmas. tsa now bracing for an onslaught with more than 2 million passengers expected every day at
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u.s. airports through the beginning of next year. garrett tenney live at o'hare airport with the latest and the rush is on to reach their destinations. >> today is expected to be the busiest travel day of the busiest holiday travel season on record, according to the aaa. but the good news is, despite the increase in the number of flights, passengers say so far things are going pretty smoothly and are nothing like the nightmare of cancellations we saw just a year ago. >> actually it was great. they got us through. >> i was cringing thinking oh, no, you know. but i feel all right, my wife is in charge, i just follow her. >> i'm not mad about dealing with any of this if i get to go somewhere warm. >> inconvenience or two, but i'm not going to mind it. at the end of the day we get to family and that's what matters. >> the airlines say they have made a lot of changes since last year to avoid a repeat of that
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mess. hired more workers, changed flight schedules, upgraded equipment and the faa has opened military air space over the holidays to help keep air traffic moving. the weather today and most of the country is helping as well. next week it could change with the storm system in the west coast, working across the u.s.. for now, fingers crossed the smooth sailing tins through the weekend. >> let's hope it that stays that way, too. garrett, thank you. >> president had a chance this morning to speak by phone with the president of mexico. the two leaders agreed additional enforcement actions are urgently needed so key ports of entry can be reopened across our shared border. >> john: the white house announcing moments ago antony blinken and alejandro mayorkas will be going to mexico in the coming days to


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