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tv   Hannity  FOX News  December 21, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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>> let's do text steve from new hampshire. >> i can't wait to see n what trump's plansew hn't wait r colorado, his one day dictatorship looks like. we got 49 states now. samantha from, texas, however,ad does not lie, cheat or steal. they simply elaborate collaborate and burrow. well done, michell e from ohio."no lobs >> no lobster on the first date. it's too messy. also, there is an expectation. we don't need to get into that. jerry from new jersey, i have fr been happily married for 37 years and i still pay and i >> i don't ever end. e >> but that's the end of this show and the end of jesse watters prime time for the year. >> well, hosted by men'srs prim merry christmas. i'm waters and this is my world. welcome to a special edition of "hannity".
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i'm kellyanne conway, in forthei sean. and tonight, the situation at the southern border is completeltun y, totally out of control. but president biden doesn'f t seem to care. he looks the other way. but we as a nation look weak. biden's too busy with other more important matters, like hanging out with mariah carey. rswatch. >> hello, mariah. how are you? looks i'm a fan. i'm a fan. i just wan t you to know. >> oh, we love you. all i want for christmas. the president also made timethe for another celebrity comedian, conan o'brieprn, for joe's first sit down interview in months. >> take a look.k. if you stay connected to these things if yo that embarrassede you when you were a kid, whatever it wakid,s, speechdimet impediment or anxiety or feeling awkwar, anxid or not bea
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good athlete, i my list goesgoes on and on and. g a >> having weird hair, having weweird name, wash out your haiir wish r. i trade right now if you want this hair it affects of itses dull in the back. if i could do it, i would do it, it. i will. i will mai i dl you this wig. >> my mother used to say, remember, joey, the best drop of blood in you is irish. joey biden,"u're a a bigot who tells about you. >> yeah. by the way , th, the corvette come out electric. sarah jessica, 2.9 seconds. you're going to drive that one. i'm not going to shop in between all the laughing and merriment. >> biden have a brief phonephone call with the president of mexico. but joe has zero plans to actually visit the southern border. >> between the u.s. and mexico, he's just too busy. instead, >> instead, he'll be heading to camp david for a biden family celebration. of course, biden's border czar, kamala harris, also has nor cz planars to visit the southern
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border. mcconnell did make time for a tripn border. atlanta for the3 cricket celebration bowl between howard university and florida a&m. >> kamala also had the time for another word salad this week. so delicious. during an interview on msnbc.. watch. i have beetch.n and blessed durg the course of being vice president, have many situations where it becomes clear to meatiw that there are, you know, people of every age and gender, by the way, who see something about being the first that lets them know they don't need to be limited by other people's limited understanding of who can do what. >>, that is remarkable for all the wrong reasons. while joe an d enjoy the christmas season two of their very worst cabinehet members, blinken and mayorkas, will head to mexico. tbut it's not clear that anyone
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in this administration has resolve to actually secure our own borderlve to a. now w here now with the very lateste from the border is our ownvery n bill illusion bill. >> well, kellyannebill?, border patrol is just completely overrun here in louisville, arizon a there's not evene a single agent out here to process these illegal the grants behinimmigrd us. they simply cannot keep up with the sheer volume of people crossingr vo day. case in point, take a lookt at this stunning footage our team shot early thiss morn morning here in louisville. just after sunrise. we hading here i a of well over 700 people cross illegally afterougb they came through a breach in the border wall. and they're coming in from over the world. a lot of adult men from africa, severat mel of them telling us y plan to go to cities in the us like new york, chicago new jersey and minnesota. and we had a chance to catch u c with a few guys from around the world, including a man from guinea, who saidhaif he wants to to philadelphia but doesn't really know why. takew fr a listen. y.
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where are you guys from? mali. mali louisiana. >> senegal. i'm from human>> s guinea. guinea. conakry. guinea. okay. and where in the u.s guinea..? you want to go to the philadelphia? philadelphia. why philadelphia philadea. ? >> uh, i have to get behind on time and know the place where i'm typically based on to help this. y, >> okay, so just an address in philadelphia to go to. n okay. >> and then take a look at this video. our drone team shot in eaglet et pass, texas, today, another part of the border that has been completely inundatef d with illegal crossings. the eagl l crossie pass area seeingin the more than 10,000 of them in the last few days alon le, like here in louisville eagle passing people from all over the worldes border patrol reporting. they've recently encountered people out there froatrol reg tm bangladesh, lebanon, oman, guinea and albania. it's no longer just venezuelans, guatemalans and mexican ins. and they are completely overwhelmed in that sector are c
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as and back out here, it just c continues to get worse. cbp sourceontinu s telling fox news we're already at more thanters 200,000 migrant encounters for f the month of december. we're only 20 days in.we a we are on track to hit 300,000 for the first time ever and hit the single highestt time monthle record ever recorded. if these numbers keep upmber, we'll send it back to you. >> bill illusion. thank you. hank you the biden administration has no answers. literall ny. >> watch this. some illegal border crossersurte are given court dates in 2031. what are they supposed to do here for seven years? again, that's a better question put to the>> that' dhs. i'm not in a position to to talk about specific cases like that. the president believes that we've got to do better immigration. he's willingo bettern and to talkd and negotiate with members of congress about immigration policy. justnegotiate wi as well as he t border security. >>about bo biden and harris cant to the border, but sara carter is on location. arteu go texas, the site of some of the worst illegalle
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immigratiogal imn. now >> she joins us now, along with former senior adviser to president trump,e to b steven miller. welcome to both of you. otsara, you heard the report frm illusion high. you heard the reportbill from bd an illusion. walk us through what you're seeing in eagle pass and why is iseeing id whyt one of the ws right now for illegal gan? ratio well, it's certainly an area,ara kelly, right behind me, i have probably around 1500 people that are still being processed througilh. the so you ask the question, why is this area so imperative ? well, it's because it's an area controlled by trafficking organizationn areas. the drug cartels own this part of the border. ve peo they move people in with impunity. they are runningplin with impu e side from piedras, all the way up to matamoros and straight down the line to louisville, where where we have buildbi the illusion they utilize this area to move through because it's easier for them. they also know that border
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le that patrol is going to be processing the people that they are pushing through. this is what's so incredible. it's as if the biden administration is aiding and abetting the drug cartels sr the human traffickers. it's like they're working in sync. syand we all day, kelly, i've been watching bus loads of migrants, illegal immigrants come in, and then they've been pushing them out and sending them out on private buses to other parts of the stateh th where they will then push themem out into airplanes. some them are private, some of them are commercial aircraftta,r like delta, american airlines. we've seen that all onlinewe where they take them out and they fly them out to cities like philadelphi to citia. i think the biggest concern right now is the special interestrigh aliens as well, the special interest aliens that are coming from mali, from senegal, from bangladesh, from other areas, the world like sierra leone, are not being properly vetted.
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they are coming into the country and they are being checfreeorld, lierra leo and evn background checks on them, kelly, if they pas os a background check in the united states, which they more than likels, whichy will, they h be let and this is whatwh is concernini to law enforcement here on the ground, as well as intelligence officialto law s that are monitoring this situation in the fbi all the way to overseas when we're dealing with cia and other western intelligence agencies that say that we are putting our nation in a massive predicament and we are exposin g our to a national security yoreat that is unmeasurable. so iu t really is incredible and you can find your way there. but jofind your wae and his bor, kamala harris, somehow itr, can't. and stephen miller, i wonder why that is. i mean, clearly, kan has greatearly political risk here if he doesn't have the compassionpr if he doesn't have the guts and the courage and the strength as our commander in chief and our president, can he actually look at what a liability thisder-in-cesidentn
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his election, since the democrats seem to care most ce about that? and kamala harris, too. i mean, stephen, you remember .hen we were in the whit when we house together, kamala harris and eight or nine other democratlly heres running for president in 2019 went to a teenage migran01t in homestead, florida. and this is what they do. they preennda, and , they pandeo they pretend to care about people while eoplr and kamala harris went down to homestead, florida. to f.oing to call for the twee t that she put up after that june four, 2019, so we can see it. shitshe sae said i went to thect homestead detention center tr see firsthand the horroser of trump's family separation policy and was denied entrpolicy under the harris administration. i will end un all profit detention centers and ensure kids are where they belong with their familiekids ares. n o she can't go down to the southern border now forown re some unknown reason. when she went, she wasn't even close to the border. she hes in texas. but stephen, i mean, i'm wondering about the political implicationst i'ou. la i want you to also tell us, what can a president do, a differenident president and ve
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president in the first days or weeks or months of a new administration that actually would make a difference for what bill and sara are seeingseeing and reporting? well, let me start with the the point about kittens to show how shameless and remorseless this administration is. >>sh the number of unaccompanied minors coming across the border. the numbere are people 17 and ur who are traveling alone, who are ofter traveln into sla, labor trafficked, and who are put into terribly inhumane conditions involving sexual assault and battery. the numbers coming across in thosettery, demographics ared and three times the highest levels recorded in americantory history. probablyprly half a million mins have been smuggled or trafficked across the border without adult other than the individual smuggling or trafficking that those individuals now by the tens of thousands, are completely lost, gone and missing. that is a moral stain on the conscience of this
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country for joe biden and harris are 100% solely responsible. as for the political risk. it is enormous, but it doesenor require the republicmous party to get in the game and do its job to be on top of this, every hour of every day of every week with the moral urgency thishis situation demands. you and i were there whenesiden president trump secured the border and what he handet re over to the next administration was they remain in mexico policyadminist that weren't tremendously safe. third, agreements that shut down asylum fraud, borderylum f security partnerships all around the worldraity to, expedite and speed deportations and enhanced ice authoritiestieo to remove illegal aliens as rapidly from the country as humanly possible. and, of course, title 42. these policies together sealedhu that border shut tighter than a submarine hatch. joe bidetn demolished every single one of those policies by choice,y by deliberate desin to mass resettle and release millions of illegal aliens into
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this country on day one. >> a future president, as president trump has said he would you put back in plac ee ev every single one of those policies and then you begin sings of removing everyvil pe single person that joe biden illegally allowed into thisrs country. >> that is how you seal it shut again. itstephen miller, my former whie house colleague who had immigration and borderr, m secuy in his vast portfolio, and sara carter joining us from eagles vt pass, texas. >> thank you both very much. merry christma s. merry christmas. joining us now with more reaction>> joini, fox news conth and former speaker of the house, the one and only newt gingrich. ke the p newt, i want to take that political question to you as well. if question to you, you're joe bidd you're constantly at odds with senator joe biden who onceu said sanctuary cities shouldn't ab. oyers do what they doar employers should be punished for hiring, quote, illegals. shhe he wanted to make sure that drugs pouring in fromo" corrupt mexico couldn't
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get here. i mean, president biden conflate as with senator biden, senator biden had a point. i think he was more center right in his views on immigration and bordeht r security. but as the as the problem has sc increaseurd in severity. joe biden's engagement on it has decreaseend. someon and i'm asking you first, as somebody who's known to work with joe biden for years, withe all that one.owno wo what about the political currency that he's? frittering away? the polls show that immigration the g with inflation, are hison worst handled issues. well, look, i think you can>> understand joe biden, withoutut looking at his eight years as barack obama's vice president. obama is arguably the most radical person ever to be president. protected by the news medipresi when you look at his underlying valus and hises, anche policies and the people he brought in, he is an extraordinar hy early radical in that process. biden, over an a
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eight year period, became sort of a mini barackar., if you wila >> and so what you have is werak don't have a problemwill on the borde.t haver. we have a biden immigration policy, which is working perfectly. d left person,ar which is destroying american identity, it's crippling the rule of law. it is floodingid country with people who haven't been trained into the culture. don't necessarily understand how to function in our society and create all sorts of problems. and i think we don'tf prob reale yet this is a deliberate policy by people who want to undermine america, change it profounnt tod early, and eliminate all of those crazy ideas like the constitution, the rule of law, the work ethic,ethic, meritocracy, actually being able to know and do something if you're on the hard left. those are all terrible ideas.
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and so what you have with biden co a commitment. and now i think politically, probably it's going to be a disastermmhink it', but they e it that way. they wonthey w the presidency0, in 2020. they survived 2022. they had an okay, 2023.n i they think that they have a reasonable chance of survivaly . and they know that if they were to go to the policies you and i believe in, that their entire left would erupt and there'divil be a civil war in the democratic party. so biden goes alonthg with the e most active, aggressive and militant parts of his coalition. and what we have is what you showed tonight on television, your new yorki d' i don't know if it's a full in civil war in the democratic party, but you do see some people pulling away from biden oc party,tn. this you have the democratic governor of arizona all of a sudden finding religioe democn on border security. john fetterman, the senator from pennsylvanibordera and a f others. and i think they're reading the polls and the tea leavesa fy
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are seeing that the growing number of democrats and certainly the vast majority of indepen she growid does now f security top of the list. and so i think people look at is national security sovereignty as well. as wel but as stephen miller was assting, there are thingl. the next administration can do. when you were a speaker that thinkinan do.k to youg bace as speaker of the house and as a congressional expert, what can the congress do to support the next president, united states so that everything is not through executivte action? >> what should congress do? well, let start with right now. they don't have to wait for next the next president. i thinth k that speaker>> mike johnson has done a very job of setting it up to say,p s look, you want to wait foray ukraine. you want aid for israel, fine. we're going to fix the border. hererder is a republican billca that passed that would dramatically change the bordern . and what you've seen so far isfs the biden administration and the senate democrats have said, no, no, keeping the border ope non, having a few million more illegal immigrants
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is more important to us than getting aid to israel or aid to ukraine. and i hope that the house republicans will stick very firml poin favor of a policy which, by the way,li at america's new majorityou project, we just did a poll and 75% of the country favors b more border guards. something likeor, someth 67% ofn country favors the bill that the republicanse bill t pae in the house. there is zero opportunity to ever get a majority in favor of biden's illegal immigration majcy. . so if house republicans will stand firm, you might so ihocked by january, february, march to suddenly see the president have to actually sign a bill that gets us backweo to a trump policy, which we know worked when this waw s a matter of practical fact. the trump policy on the border worked. we are a safer country. we have less illegal
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immigration. we had a much greater opportunitmmigration, we hy to e safe. we stopped a lot of drugs, and f human trafficking and a lot of cartel activity. tring, and back to that. and the house republicans under speaker johnsoern have taken st a very important first step in that direction. >> mr. spe thank you for your wisdom and your strategic counsel. merry christma a new sts, calista. >> and you. thank you. merry christmas. thank you. l.merry ch acoming up, the demoe hit the panic button as theirco pollming uhi numbers continue to crater. what's their solution? change the rules. plus, biden's weaknesses are making the world less safe. we'll break down the latest as thedown the special edition of "hannity" continues . the time is now. okay. here we go. we're giving you fox nation's once a year sale just in time for the holidays. get our lowest price of the year to start streaming our biggest shows. i'm rob lowe and is liberty or
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beginning to end shop now at show allegiance .com. >> welcome back to the specialck edition of "hannity". after activist judges on the colorado supreme court decided to throw former president donald trump offhe the 2024 ballot. other blue states are rushing to do the same 2, of the. rnia's california's lieutenant governor is calling on the state to explorant is cao legal option to get trump off the ballot in most populous state. while new york democrats while their to have him removed as the view's joy,
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they are explains, the law must defeat trump because is left up to the voters. he's going to be elected president. here now with reaction are kim strassel of thow aree "wall street journal" and fox jaws contributor jason chaffetwz . >>af welcome.fetz kim, it really is incredible that they're trying to go to every institution possible t deprive we, the people of ourofr right to choose our presidents . it sounds like electionrf interference. can you make a good caseerence for any of these actions from trying to impeach him twicee to the indictments and now the judicial actions nk this in different states? do you think this is ever going to catch up with him ? i of course, i can't make anf ce argument for and i do have to appreciate joe bejar for finally saying the quiet outt lo loud. but one thing that i really think is people are missin. gl of here, i keep reading all of this coverage saying, oh, look, the supreme court'ths back in
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the hot seat just like it was with bush v gore. >> no, this is entirel bushy different. back in 2000, no one went into that election thinkinguld have the supreme court was going to have to solve that issue. that was because of florida'smes hot mess of hanging chads. whereas everything that's going on now is deliberate and designed to force the courts to intervendesigned e and take the place of americans. >> if you're going to file unprecedented novel legal theories about conspiracies, you're going to indictecedentets the former president for the first time. goincourts are going to havets e to make a decision. and these people, whether it's a colorado majoritypeople,e whether it's jack smith, they're the ones that are deliberately putting the re in thiss position of now having posiecide whether or not they're going to be the ultimate deciders. and i think they should have to take responsiblcider's,e mono that. >> i hope it catches up with them, not the other way >> indthway arou. >> now, it's a great point. jason chaffetz, the fox news audience, you as a fox news contributor, but you were chairman of thcontrie house government oversight committee as well. i'm just curiouswell what, you w
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of all these new the newly designed lawsuits and judicially actions. you out really have lieutenantac and rnortions and jurists on the state supreme court arguing for this as a ways a to just deny donald trump access to the ballotway tt but really deny direct democracy in giving us a choice on the ballodirect dt. why can't they just beat donald trump on the issues, on policy ? >> because they can't beat him on the policy. that's they can't beat what thed about. >> i mean, fundamentally, donald trump, with this country going in the right direction. wie look, the puppeteers lik to like to have joe biden in the place that he is. >> i meat hen, this is a ultimae power grab. and let's remember, democrat s are doing this on both sides of the aisle. the floridthe a democratic partc deemed the election not necessar party y because it was uncontested. >> and i think dean phillips and rfk jr and others would take issue with that. right. issu exclude anyents
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opponents from joe biden on the democratic side of the aisl oe. well. but going after donald trump is the ultimate big fis donald th. t you and the idea that you could actually take somebody down who has never been charged, never convicted of insurrection ,as they call it, it's just absolutely stunning that would actually get behind this. >> the very people who preach democrace verye why. donald >> we have to get rid of donald trump to protect democracy, want tear down democracy. d >> they don't likeon't a constitutional republic that we have in this country. >> and kim, one thing i've noticed in the polling, emerso n out with a poll this week that showed, quote, threats to democracy week rising as a concern among republicans. suat was prior to the coloradoag supreme court decision. i think the leftist thoughonthrs they that space of threats to democracy, it's alluary 6th about january six. yet many republicans and center right independents upo they're being put upon and that they're being deprived. they're not suredeed. that their vote really counts. they don't know why wewe hav weo
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to vote for two months. it's election season now. they don't know why they're so i many different methods. but could that actually happen? could the threats to democracy ,quote unquote, be shared by both parties now and come be back to really bite the biden administration, the democrat s? olutel >> well, absolutely. and look at the actions of this week. those are the thingsy.t the ac ve voter conservative voters look at and make them doubt that institutions are really working. bed i do think that this is a this is an issue because democrats are very usefully relied on these threats of maga ultra republicans, and they're going to take away your rights and all of the things that you cherish and maybe use that to get people very successfullyu to the ballot box. but if you look at relative enthusiasmt there, kellyanne,ll at the moment, republicans are moreyanne, about many more m and more determined to go to the pollsin and try to make some change. and i think actions like this only refocuss their minds on issues, by the way, that have traditionally helped republicans likeby t hav makeup
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of course. no one should forget that. fyou know, senate democrats,ha pretty much everyone have said that if they geve saithat n 52 votes in the senate and they have the power, they're going to get rid of the legislative filibuster and they're going to pack the supreme cour t. and that is a threat that i think a lot of conservative voterst of con are looking at ah they consider the polls. >> jason, in the ten,conds 15 seconds we have left, do you think this is a vote intensifier, our turnouwedt multiplier for democrats, the way abortion is or trump, these, quote, threats to democracy way a in the colorr supreme court? or are things too far gone for biden among of those constituencies? >> i think true independents,e n people who are concerned about our country,de they gold p in favor of donald trump because the republicans right now look like the adults the room. they're the ones talking about principles and fairness, not the democrats. >> great points, as always. kim strassel, jason chaffetzpoi thank you very much for joining us. thank you. ing usfor the first time in morh a year, the leader of china's military speaking directly
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with the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. it waswi chairma the direct conn since china cut offt communication. after then speaker pelosi's visit to taiwan. keep in mind, china's president reportedly boastedttaa about a plan to attack taiwan during his recent summit with joe biden. so why are two militarieslk talking now? is joe asking for help in yemeio n . >> iran backed houthi rebels continue to disrupt shippinguthb routes in the red sea. and as we speask, mor more companies, including ikea, are no w warning that the chaos in the region will affect product shipments to theirtion t stores. here now with reaction to all of it is the host of the morgan ortega's show on sirius xm. former state spokesperson morgan ortagus. morgan, thank you for joininginv us. i interviewed your former boss, secretary pompeo, last nightieyr on this program, and we talked about the fact that taking
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the houthis off the terrorist watch list happened on about february 6th or fifth or february 20, 21. it was one of the first priorities joe biden had. and here w e are. tell the audience tonight what's happening in the red seea ,how it affects us and why we should care. >> yes. so the who these are a terrorist group in yemen at the bottom of the peninsula that are funded, trained, equipped by the regime in iran r . so this is all variations on aon theme, kellyanne, whether we're talkins on atheme, g about whether we're talking about hezbollah or the houthis, they've been around, obviously, for quite some time. >> we followed them. it probably took us, kelly in in the trump administration. i bet it took us a year to build that designation because it's a legal document that says this group is a foreignzati terrorist organization. and here's why. noon, w, there is a process. >> you don't have to stay as a state sponsor of terrorism or a fto foreign terrorist organization for the for in perpetuity you can get out of it. in fact, in a trump administration, suda
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to g through about a two year process with us in order to get out from under that status as sponsor state terrorism sponsor, had. a designation that they had. but the point is, kellyanne, it took two years for them to get out of it. and sudan had to say, we're renouncing terrorism. we don't want to be a state sponsor of terrorism, we don wet going to engage in this activity. they had to make many other they had ts. n the biden team did not go through that process. kellyann e, with the houthis, instead, they just lifted the fto and they got nothing for it. we should have seen just a fewdt weeks into the administration what terrible negotiators they would be. they give the houthis to say,o , you know what, i renounce terrorism. i'm not going to do it anymore.d they got nothing for it and then lifted that designation by by a political measure through political means. >> and now we, throughe see thig of course, engaging in acts of terrorism, because that'ss of the islamic republic iran pays them to do. blic oirani suppose we should hn
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then what might happen on jfghanistan, ukraine, israel. right. i mean, on joe biden's watch, you would think that thaiden's t someone who had been vice vic president for eight years, chairman of the foreign relations committee in washingtoe ident fon for hal a decade, for half a century, woulcentury,d have us on bettert worldwide. but it seems to be one of his greatest vulnerabilities, g in the few seconds we have left, china are you do you take this threat seriously by president xi that he seportedly said to president we're going to, quote, reunify taiwan, which is the differentnify this is tha i should say reunify actually means invade. >> no, you're totally right. we should take it seriously. a lot of peopltally rie saying i jinping says this all the time in china. that's true. saybut he had the gall to say h to the president, to his face. , kellyanneortedly asked president biden to sign a document that would be released publicly that would sort of say that america agreed to this. again, these are in the public reporthes. biden did refuse to do it. but the problem is that xi jinping think that there's anyhe problem with asking. he thinks it's okay to tell.
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i mean, that was a threat, right, to say it to biden gointo say we hope to take h taiwan peacefully, but we're going to do it either way. ann as far as to ask for that signed document reportedly from the administrationcument just si that xi jinping feels that he can act brazennp with president biden. yes. weakness where thereid is weaknesent biers and strengt, that's what bullies do. morgan ortega's, thank you so much for joining me tonight. >> thanks, kellyanne. here now with is pennsylvania republican u.s. senate candidate david mccormic nowk. dave, thank you so much for being here. i know jusank you so muct last , on the anniversary of the pearl attacks, you put out six fairly chgressive actionst that we can take against china. and i was hoping that give i wnn the news that president xi did, felt that he shoult e d say this richard biden's face. you can walk us through actio your six actions if you werens you when you become a united states senator, but alsome the u what can we do with respect to taiwan rather than just waith t
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for them to wait for chinao to reunify? >>reunif thanks, kellyanne. thanks for having me. you know, i think that the old e adage of peace through strength is the key here. ded we've lost deterrence under joe biden. >> and so i laid out a vision,ta redury tough action that we can do to reduce our dependance on china and ensure that we're not supporting the techno authoritariasupporn nation ther. a couple of just off the top of my head. first, reduce our dependance on lithium batteries. >> this whole every effort wher depe we're putting trilliof of dollars at work is creating the same dependance we hadn on semiconductors and also pharmaceuticals that we learned about during covid. >> so we have to reduce our dependance on things like that. solar panels. we have to stop this strategic purchases of farmland across the united states, particularly our military bases. but that's a hugce strategic asset. we have to stop the flow of fentanyl, interdicted china is the source of the ingredients of fentanylve that are destroying the lives of communities. >> 106,000 americans last year,i
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the world health organization. it's unacceptable. wee lack of transparencys an ac the origins of covid, we to ense that america creates independence from china and is prepared to exercise its economic, military strength to deter bad actions around the world, particularly with chinaons arou moving againn taiwan. the way to do that is to helst p the taiwanese have the capabilities they need, but also to createpabilitian american strength, military strength and economic strength that makes that ac strent to have. everything you're laying out sounds like common sense. how in the world does this become partisan? and why does bob casey, partsenator, trying to unseat, disagree with any of this? >> wel senat disagrel listen, he's beh bob casey has been in the senate for 17 years. e sena17 yearshe's had an opporp tough on china during that whole time. and all of a sudden he's poppeoa his head up and started to talk about it. >> these are common sense th to do.
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there's a lot of reasons that people are pushing back ond him, but there's no good reasons. >> and we need american strength in then st see . we need american strength in the white house. and we need to takn the whnde os aggressive threat from china, take it seriously. >> peace throughke it serength a and deterrence, american strength. >> dave mccormick, thanketerren. very much. straight ahead, republicansrprii have found a surprising new ally in pennsylvania. senator johnng fetterman. how is the left handling this? about as gracefullt and duy as d expect. tomi lahren and tweeter dixon reacexpectt after the break natl ingredients and it usually works from the very first
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>> oh, man. seek the vaccine. meet at pest world, dawg. >> republicans have found themselves in unlikely ally in recent weeks. pennsylvania senator john fetterman, who has been anstaunch of israel. and now he's breaking fromd now progressiveshe. w with in an interview with the "new york times", fetterman said he rejects, the progressive label, often used to describe him. fetterman slammed the left for demanding what he called purity tests. but his recent pushback against the left has not come without a price. the senator told the new york times he is now receivin fetterh attacks from those on the left, some of whom, accordine tests.gk to fetterman, are rooting for him to die. the with reactions
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. host of tomi lahren is fearless on outkick tomi lahren o and podcast host tutor dixon. utwelcome to both of you. >> tomi think i welcome all democratic progressives who have seen the light to come over. he has a spotty record. but let's give him some grace here. s give somare you surprised to s from john fetterman? >> yeah, the unlikely voice of reason on the back end of 2023 being john fetterman was certainly nok t my end of te year bingo card. i am pleasantly surprised, but i have to say this a lot of folks are saying that he's sounding like a conservative or he's sounding like a republican. i don't think so. think sok he's like a moderatea democrat or maybe just a good sl american. good american that believes we should have a secure border. a good american wh o believes that we should support really our only ally in the middl,e east and condemn terrorism and condemn those that say from the river to the sea. so i don't think what he's
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saying is necessarily i or republican in" nature. >> i think it's just common sense. and thservativn naturee left goo woke, so ridiculous that they think now this makes the a conservative. so good for him for rejecting the label, good for him for being independent minded. i wish we would see i jump on that jus bandwagon and not just to get reelected in statereelecs that they're concerned about. >> i'm sure you probably see run statewide for office in your home state of michigan. i think john fetterman may justi be reflectincesg the will of the pennsylvania voters as he hears it when he's home. >> they don't want this radical policy shutting out is israel not wanting a secure border. >> but it does seem like settling a couple scores within his party as well. it's a pretty severe statementiy to say people are, quote, rooting for me to die in my ownn partin my owy. >> well, he i mean, he is" saying that he's sayingfeels that both parties are if he feels that way, boy, that should really convict a loth wayt of people on both s. if somebody who has goneas through a stroke feels like any
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of us have rooted on for his death, that's a problem forf all of us. u but honestly, we need to unpack this really, because whenogress he says he's not a progressive anymore and people say, ohive a, what was he really a progressive? >> yes. he came out in, tweeted multiple timesreallyprogre thatt progressive. and he says he's stepping back from that positio progresne these people have gone too far where we'rave all like, this is very exciting that he's come over to the side. wh this?we excited he's not supporting terrorism. i mean, good grief's not s. i would hope that all democrats would go, yeah, we're pretty much all in the bucket, we a oft supporting murder and terrorism. >> that's a good thing. and whmurdery aren't they all ie bucket of having a secure border? why shouldn't this be a numbercr one concern of all people in office, whether you're on peopn a different side of exactly how they get it done? every single should right right now should be saying we shouldn't let this massive masl amount of people across our border from all different countries, includinges, adversarial countries. it is ridiculous that right noiw
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we're excited to see john fetterman speaking. . mmon sensew and tommy, i think the democrats claim to have unity, but i always see it as unanimous democraed, not unit they don't break rank on anything. hakeem jeffries got every singleak rank vote for every se pallet for speaker. none of them voted for amy coney barret t. none of them voted for the tax cuts, tax cut and jobs act, even though it benefitedgh their all of their states. >> but i think here thisma fetterman is leadingn is of whas going on in the democratic party right now under biden-harris, whiccratic ph is d are going on the record to say, i don't agree with what'ee withg on at the top. >> right. and he's right to do that. and i also think and he' that he reflects what is actually probably the democrat votee r going to come out in 2024, not the democrats and the liberals who sit on twitter and they do this this extremist rhetoric, this walk on tick tock. i think he actually representswg the democrats that are come out and vote. so if joe biden were smartoi and i don't want him to be because i don't want him to win dot evection, but if he were
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smart, he would look at someone like john fetterman and say, you know what, maybeeron, he w e in line with the average voter. i hope that doesn't happen because i'd like to see someone dese in office but leave it to democrats to mess it up formo themselves. that's right. fetterman trying to be a better man. tommy tudor, thank you. up next, the blue state exodus a continuenks with no signs it is slowing down. we'll explain as this special edition of "hannity" continues . >> people are always asking me why? why do i do this work? why do i do this work? >> two words come to mind for me. one is responsibilit that imp >> the other is purpose. it's just so inspiring to do research that impacts human lives. >> stand up to cancer has been a critical partnerin this in adg research for cancer. cancer research face light. >> so please help us fight in this battle against cancer. >> this holiday season helped fund cancer research at stand up to cancer taught attention
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growths. >> the american redistrictintwog project predicts california could lose four seats in thealii house and new york could lose three. te the other end, they have texas gaining four seats and florida gaining three. joining us now for reaction, fox news contributor david webb, along with democratic pollsterx news k penn. you know, david, last century when you and i were kidsc pollwl people in our generation, it was a goal was aspirational to mov ande to california,, ne new york. you really made it. now the statisticsw yo show, ge, the most mobile generation, 17% of them having moving last year. they're seeking out texas a. west virgini it can't just be the sunshine and no state income tax. people complain about cost of living crime, but aren about you surprised by all of this? in california, our most populous state canth, d ac actually lose seats. >> oh, no, i'm not. kellyann lose se e and there are a variety of factors that i'll go backwards to bring us to where we are. i ran decennial census
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operations in 2000. following that, i ran some of an out-migration studiesos, outmigration from states, and the reasons were pretty tes,popular. pretty common, right? retirement. people were leaving for economic, but now you add crime, quality of life, and then o for youngerle, op people opportunity. but they're going wherportunityh they can actually, whether they are living with friends or by themselves. liviith frieplant their feet. and we're seeing that grow in numbers. the other thing is they're not going back. and it's too early to tellw. right now. but since covid, covid lockdowns and you add high t sinccovid,s, high cost of livg in these cities and states,o bak the young people are just not b going to go back there because they can't afford it. they have a $5,000 average in new york city for an apartment, a small one bedroom. who's going to move to texas? ing toa or other states? and i want to go back to thatk o and add ta tx burden to it. >> it's just not going to happen. and mark penn, you are a publicn
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opinion expert, so you see you s in the polls. constantly. but i want to ask you what , the democratic party can expect to do if they start losing major seats in, quote,tates" blue states like california and new york and the ones seiken to gain. we talked about florida and texas, but also on the lisga are idaho, utah and north carolina, other places where people are migrating. >> do you think this is a realth concern for the democratic party? well, it is fascinating that ite is younger people who are moving kellyanne in as you said before. people used to see opportunity se new york and californiaeople and now they're seeing it in a lot of different states and especiallyf di florida and texa. but the question is, are they at going to adopthe politics of the areas they move to or are they going to changor are te that? are republicans going to be worried that texasans goin tip r to the democratic party if too many youngmocratic people typicy vote 6040 democratic, moved to texaste? appen
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the same thing could happen to florida, which used to be a lot more democratoch used t, s a democratic state before it was a republican state. and so i don't know whether or not this is going to portend a changeortend. ts are r these states or whether or not democrats are really going to lose votersg to in states. a certainly these two states are going to lose lose seats, no question about it. >> it is fascinating on sean aby, fact checked gavinse newsom in real time when he claimedan hanavin new that to blue to red state migration. o r there certainly is. from california to florida and otheidr states.states and it goes, i think, according to the policies you both cited, on th . but, david, given your workes on these projects in the pas t, what are you looking for demographically that's changed? >> for demo we just seem to be a mh more diverse society when when whene they're making the whene e they're deciding how many districts eachciow state has and then when the party to try to gerrymander and redistrict those district are trys. >> what concerns you or wish you be looking out for in the
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next couple of years? >> i think mark brings up a really good point. what about the politics now? politics are often driven by life circumstance. when you're in your twenties versus in your thirties. maybe as you pair up with a partner or a husband or a wife. so that is a goo but to the point of bringing their politics, dod the pol thn them because we tend to getpaso more conservative as we get olde tha r, which is on on th the republicans to message to keep an environmente blicansp a strong state governance structure so that people have safety, have the economic w opportunity, which is really the core of all of this, coe then they'll vote theirth interests. >> and that's the challenge to makeir terest. is the, sure,w their interests and when they vote that way, they will typicall they towards the right in most of these states. thank you,es. david webb and mak penn, thank you so much for joining us. >> that's all the time we have thank you fo tonight. >> thank you for tuning in. that fel