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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 22, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PST

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make 44 degrees. the humidity would have to be zero. >> brian: what about your neighbor's reaction? >> i think -- well my neighbors have gotten to know me by now. they maybe weren't that surprised. they all love it. i love the reaction i get from everyone in the neighborhood. everybody always stops by and tells me how much they love and it appreciate it. it's a good feeling. >> carley: david, that's so cool. i think there is snuff snow that maybe you could make a snow angel and your little one can as well. you are a fun dad and really cool idea. i'm sure the neighborhood loves it. have a great day. thank you for joining us. >> too as well. >> carley: merry christmas. >> lawrence: we know who going to win the house of the year. >> carley: yeah, in that neighborhood. that is really cool stuff. >> brian: did you guys see the time? >> lawrence: is it almost time? >> brian: time. >> carley: it is time. >> lawrence: second hour of "fox & friends" starts -- >> brian: right now. ♪ ♪
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♪ we three kings of orient are ♪ bearing gifts ♪ we traveled so far ♪ field and fountain ♪ moor and mountain ♪ following i don't know der star. >> carley: welcome to "fox & friends." you are looking live at our beautiful all-american christmas tree. it is upon us, guys. christmas is just -- what's today's date? the 22nd. three days from now. >> lawrence: i'm so excited? >> >> carley: kids are getting excited and parents getting excited perfect time of year.
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>> brian: saturday warm-up. monday christmas. people got to decide your office or not goes back to work 26th through the 30th. perfect way for it to break. meanwhile also perfect is cardinal dolan. is he going to be here with the christmas message. i believe it's going to be positive and upbeat because i have never seen him in a bad mood. he is my vote for pope. >> lawrence: we get to vote? >> brian: we should. >> carley: we should. world should vote. >> brian: they would love him new york would miss him certainly. cardinal dolan is going to be here. he also would have been a great talk show host if this cardinal thing didn't work out. >> carley: he has a great attitude. is he a fun guy. and you are saying what did he do to you? >> lawrence: he punched him. >> brian: punched him me in the arm and kept going. i'm the only person probably the cardinal punched. >> lawrence: what do you do when the cardinal punches you. >> brian: he didn't want to talk. how are you doing?
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[laughter] >> lawrence: that was a little aggressive. >> brian: i'm just saying. i want you to relive the moment. >> lawrence: now you know how he felt. >> brian: as close to a blessing i will ever get from a cardinal. punch in the arm. >> carley: ask him about the origins of that punch later in the show. >> brian: this had to feel somewhat of a gut punch for the former president of the united states for the first time we see a poll that fox news supports that says that i -- that is reputable. i think the second major one since governor sununu endorsed governor haley. governor haley is within four points of donald trump in new hampshire. >> carley: that's right. 33 to 29%. this san american research group poll, which is based in new hampshire. and this could be seen as a bit of an outlier poll. there was a cbs news poll that still showed nikki haley surging but trump 15 points ahead. so, possibly a bit of an outlier but certainly one that's making headlines. most polls show donald trump in national polls up by 30 points.
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so, is haley inching closer to donald trump since governor sununu's endorsement? that's the big question this morning. >> lawrence: look. i was talking about this last week. fog with voters. the race has become some sort of a two-way race. donald trump is still the leading candidate. when you look at the rcp average in even new hampshire. is he up by 21 points. plus, this poll was conducted right in the middle of what colorado just did right there. so, you didn't get voters' reaction to that. there's another poll that is going to be coming out that's after the -- how voters, how that may impact new hampshire. so, look, i think it tells you that haley does have some folks that are supporting leaving ron desantis and maybe some of them are going to haley. but, when you look at the national polling as well as new hampshire, he still up 21 points, brian. >> brian: governor sununu made the move to endorse governor haley, not governor christie.
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we all know he is against president trump. watch. >> she is surging. it is real. there is a lot of momentum here. we have always said this is a race between donald trump and nikki haley. people see this as a movement a real movement to kind of make sure the republican party is moving forward, making sure that we're galvanizing the country with someone that not just can win. most of the candidates can beat joe biden. that's actually not very difficult. but can actually carry the entire ballot with her. >> brian: that is one poll that 600 people likely republican primary voters in the american research group sain saint ansle, still got 33 point lead there. everything is going to change after iowa. don't you think? five days later we are going to be at a primary right after the caucus, any momentum. for example, if desantis does really well, he will close the gap in new hampshire. if he does not do well, you wonder if he is out by new hampshire.
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>> carley: if he doesn't do well in iowa, and nikki haley does better than him, a lot of people are going to say, listen, it's over for you, which would be really surprising given a year ago everybody was thinking that trump and him could be neck and neck. and then a lot of people are putting pressure on chris christie because of this poll. is he at 1%. he has put all his eggs in the new hampshire basket. if he drops out and that support goes to nikki haley, could there be a viable haley chance at winning this whole thing? >> lawrence: chris christie has made it very clear he is going to stay in the race because he wants the other candidates to be more critical of donald trump. the problem is that's not where the republican base is right now. it's pretty much clear that the former president has the bulk of the support and, brian, i have made this point consistently, there are some people that are within the party that want the traditional republican party, that's where nikki haley comes into play. i don't know if a lot of ron desantis supporters are going to
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go to nikki haley. but i do see some chris christie folks going over to nikki haley. >> brian: see, the thing is, too. the most interesting question for all the experts to tackle is if you want to beat trump, how do you beat him? everyone says if you want to beat him, you criticize him. that doesn't work. his base takes it personal. you're insulting the people you want to win over nikki haley thinks it is he was right then i'm right now. they were trying to bait her. i want to vote for you but you are not tough enough on trump. i said i think i'm a better choice. we want to be tougher? what's the point she said i'm friends with him, number one. number two he did do a good job. number three, he brings chaos. i'm more calm. i could bring next generation. i am younger. but, if you insult trump, everybody you are trying to win over will not run to you. >> carley: absolutely. >> lawrence: you have seen it in the polling. ron desantis did not criticize him initially from a personality standpoint. there was some jabs here and
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there. >> but it wasn't overall. when he started to attack him, he started to drop even more, carley. >> carley: that's so true. donald trump recently addressed this saying a lot of people are talking about the other candidates surging or getting ahead in the polls. he is like nationally i'm up 60%. these little marginal differences he says he is not worried about it. you understand where is he coming there it. on the other side though, super pac attached to trump releasing attack adds in new hampshire. good sign she going in the right direction. >> brian: complete victory before trial starts. he wants a knockout early so he could focus on biden. meanwhile seven minutes after the top of the hour. two people have given me hope for the country. bill maher, who is a liberal. is he never going to vote for republican. i get it. but he loves the country. and the way he breaks down this support for israel and the way he is concerned about the border. and the idea of what is happening in our cities. and the lack of crime and punishment -- there is no punishment with crime. that bothers him.
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and yet democrats seem to be running from that they never bring it up. senator fetterman is the other one who gives me hope. >> lawrence: it's weird to see this transition because i find myself every single week retweeting something that fetterman has said and there's been, you know, i followed his race. he was somewhat of a progressive squad member but just doesn't like what is happening at the border. he has been very supportive of israel. so the fetterman did an interview with the "new york times," and is he claiming that both parties are rooting against him. this is what he said. there are ones that are rooting for another blood. they have both now been wishing that i die. >> carley: it's interesting what has happened with john fetterman. because, throughout his political career, and, of course, we covered the senate race very closely. it was extremely important. he was so -- he was a
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progressive. >> lawrence: he changed. >> carley: pennsylvania is a swing state. maybe he is listening to the whole of the state as oppose to the area that he was representing as a local politician. and has spoken out against senator menendez. he says that he has strong support for israel. not the palestinian side. and also, the border. he just came out and said that we need to do something on the border. there's another "new york times" quote that we have and he says it's just a place where i'm not. meaning the progressive side. i don't feel like i have let the progressive label. it's just more that it's left me. i'm not critical, if someone is a progressive. i just believe in different things, you know, i'm so grateful that he was able to recover. but something changed in the middle of his recovery. him going to therapy and everything. when he reemerged. his comments seemed to have changed. and, look, we have been reaching out. i have been reaching tout his people.
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i would love to talk to him. i'm just curious of what changed in the party. >> brian: talked to aleta zeno a conservative columnist in the area. he gave her a great interview. tomi lahren of outkick also is as conservative as it gets sees something different with fetterman. watch. >> a lot of folks are saying that he is sounding like a conservative or is he sounding like a republican. i don't think so. i think he is sounding like a moderate democrat or maybe just a good american. a good measure that believes we should have a secure border. a good american who believes that we should support really our only ally in the middle east and condemn terrorism and condemn those that say from the river to the sea. so i don't think what he is saying is necessarily conservative or republican in nature. i think it's just common sense and the left has gone so wacky, so woke, to ridiculous that they think now that this makes him a conservative. so good for him tore rejecting the label. good for him for being
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independent-minded. >> carley: certainly not conservative but definitely not as progressive as he once was. i think it's just him listening to the whole of the state. mae is certainly not progressive. so is he listening to his constituents, which is what a lawmaker should do. >> lawrence: i also don't think the guy likes being bullied. it seems like members of the party has continued to come after him, protest in front of him. just for having moderate views there was once a period of time where democrats as a whole stood with the nation of israel. and that hasn't changed. so they're trying to bully his position. and i don't think he takes too kindly. >> brian: little bit of a divide in the house. we know that with the senate, with israel and other things. now there is going to be a divide somewhat in the senate. sinema has broken ways actually an independent. joe manchin for the few years he has left, he has always bucked the party to a degree. now you have senator fetterman who might be tough to categorize. >> carley: top military brass from the u.s. and china meet for the first time in over a year. general jack keane on what it means for taiwan and more.
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>> brian: plus, a nativity scene in boston is vandalized spray painted with jesus was a palestinian? more on that. >> lawrence: 2.5 million travelers expected to hit the skies today. bad weather could cause chaos. i will be traveling. we will bring you the latest on that. ♪ ♪ and even when your hope is gone ♪ mo move along ♪ got make it through ♪
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>> carley: we are back with your headlines, prosecutors seeking a summer trial for quadrupled murder suspect brian kohberger. prosecutors want it to be held while local schools including the university of idaho are out of session. this filing comes days after a second attempt by kohberger's team to dismiss the case was denied. kohberger is accused of stabbing four college students to death back in the fall of 2022. if convicted, he could face the death penalty. police investigating after someone spray painted jesus was palestinian on the front of a nativity scene in boston commons facing part of the freedom trail. the message found yesterday morning was quickly covered up. a parks department spokesperson telling a local paper that he doesn't know yet how the incident is being classified but would assume it could be
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investigated as a hate crime. and finally, to louisiana where a young girl receives a heart warming surprise home from her military mother. >> a special. >> a special. >> guest. >> guest. >> very good. a round of applause. [cheers] you lo to see the 8-year-old running into the arms of her mother. she is a 10-year veteran with the national guard who just came back from a 9 month tour of duty in jordan and kuwait. those are your headlines, brian, what an incredible moment to lead off on. >> thanks so much, carley. for the first time in over a year. top military base in the u.s. and china hold virtual talks. tensions extremely high as president xi warned president biden last month that china and
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taiwan will reunify as if we can't do anything about it. here to react, fox news senior strategic analyst, retired four star general jack keane. general, this is major news beginning to leak out of that san francisco summit. >> tension's and certainly mill-to-mill talk is part of that but, what is coming out in my sources support it as well, is a rather profound and unprecedented message by president xi to president biden. and it has to do with the fact that the onus is on the united states if they want to avoid war over taiwan. and president xi told president biden in some very direct language that the reality for him is that reunification with taiwan is more important than maintaining the regional peace and he expects the united states, if they want to avoid war, to support him in his
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peaceful reunification efforts. so, he i think has taken a measure of the president similar to what putin has done. and similar to what the mullahs in iran have done. and they see vulnerability here. and an ability, also, to take advantage of that vulnerability. and they also see, in the united states a lack, a declining political will in the united states. and that is why adversaries. middle east. the reality is right in front of us. we have got to. wake up and start dealing with these adversaries. >> brian: general, play this out. china knows our political system well. they see how president biden is struggling in the polls. they know it could very well be next. how do they take that into account? how do they react knowing that president biden might only have
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a year left? >> well, certainly, you're right. they know our political system. they are very tuned into it. they watch it. i think they try to undermine the united states by taking advantage of lack of political and social cohesion in the united states. any time something bad happens, their information operation plugs in to undermine the people's confidence in its government government. this is what they are all with. there is also an election coming in taiwan in january. right now the incumbent party. is ahead by seven points. that's the party. the dpp that has stood up to mainland china under president presidenttsai's relationship. if they're elected and continue to take a strong stand. i think president xi has a decision to make. is he going to take action in
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the next few years over taiwan? many believe that is truly the case. and they know full well that our military isn't what it used to be, brian. and are we the most powerful military in the world? yes. we get within 1,000 miles of mainland, china, the advantage swings to the chinese. that's the harsh reality of it. you are likely not going to get a public statement from anybody in the military about something like that. but that's the truth of it. >> brian: got to make sure taiwan at the very least can defend itself and the stuff that they have paid for has not arrived. and we got to find a way to let them fight and make the chinese think there is going to be a lot more difficult than it does -- than it actually -- than they had hoped. >> brian: general, thanks so much. appreciate it. >> yeah. merry christmas to you and the team. thank you. >> brian: absolutely. general jack keane. meanwhile, coming up saturday night at 9:00. teddy and booker t. the one hour special that i have
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been working on for about a year based off my book, and it talks about how two american icons racial equality. here is a clip of what you will see, saturday. >> brian: booker t. washington became the first african-american male to address a crowd as diverse as his country. white northerners, racist southerners, and blacks from every corner of the nation, all stood together to witness the power of what became known as the atlantic compromise. >> his goal was to figure out how could i have a shared conversation between all of these desperate groups. >> believe it or not that guy was born a slave. think about what he accomplished with teddy roosevelt. i will be talking about that more january 21st. streamed on fox nation. a live show talking about america really great from the start. talking about our history in a fun, interactive way as carley says immersive. >> carley: an immersive experience. >> brian: i will put that into
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my vocabulary starting today. just go to brian hope to see everybody out there. that's in joliet, illinois. coming up. to many it's just chocolate. but there is a bigger story behind reese's creation. >> the guy walking down the block, he had peanut butter, another guy with chocolate, he trips into and the chocolate. >> lawrence: there is no way. there is no way. >> brian: that's what happened. >> brian: yes, that's exactly what happened. yes. [laughter] candy man kilmeade investigates. a "fox & friends" exclusive as we hearken back to the 70s. yes. but, first, pumps the breaks on the gas powered car knock out the power in the region. tyrus on the iconic twist next. there he is. he did not know anything about reese's but he will take my side. ♪ it's where i drank my first beer ♪ it's where i found jesus-z ♪on
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>> so you have got to hear this. maine was set to vote on a proposal to phase out gas powered vehicles here is the catch. massive storm came out and knocked out regions of electricity. ultimately delaying the vote. just more reasons why biden's green jean dream isn't as advertised. let's bring in fox news contributor tyrus. the man, the myth, the legend. >> tyrus: i'm sitting next to one. merry christmas, my brother. >> i mean, you can't make this up. you can't write a script about this. >> it's the great green con. we don't have the infrastructure for electric cars. we saw what happened in texas. but here's the thing. this plant, since they want to do science. beautiful thing about science. can you stretch facts. there has been five mass
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extinctions on this planet. four of the five sun gets blocked out volcano, asteroid, gas from the ocean. extreme cold. the sun gets blocked out. if it happens again according to man made we are going it cause the same thing to happen again. so there will be no sun. the solar is not going to work. the electricity is not going to work. what are we going to have to live on when we figure it out? gas and coal. those will keep the cars running, those will keep the generation. might have to live under ground for a while. they don't even look at the science of what they are talking about it's a money laundering scheme. they have to have a committee to research these cars. >> lawrence: do you think that's what it is about? look that information greatest scientists in the world you would think they would look at the same data you presented our audience. >> tyrus: go on netflix look up the dinosaur and talk about the five mass extinctions. it's a hustle. they have been -- because they
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want that old money. because if you were really interested in the environment making sure you would be working with oil and gas and hybridding it together and next 30 years work together to streamline. that's what you do when you are looking out for man kind. when you try to load your banks, the world is ending in 10 years. >> lawrence: we have been looking at. what happened with the cars as well. people aren't buying the cars is this the beginning of the end of this movement? >> tyrus: as long as americans still vote in progressive -- i hate calling them democrats because i feel earlier you had a great point about what is going on when moderate democrats being attacked. they are going to because that's their lane. >> lawrence: yeah. >> look at the longevity when you do the world is ending. it's such a great hustle mommy
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generally care about the planet. we were running around and collecting tin cans. >> lawrence: it was cool then. >> now it's this doomsday thing and only way can you do it is by paying politicians to put the squeeze on americans. telling us it's hard enough to buy any car right now. forget electric. how about a used chevy truck right now. you look across -- this christmas i have seen -- this was the first christmas that i can remember where there were no lines in the stores. there was no black friday. it was maybe light blue friday at best. we have no videos of people fighting over stuff because they just can't afford it. you put this on them mother nature is the ultimate karma. there is no electricity, there is no car. but, geles what? even our president, he didn't trade in his corvette, did he? >> lawrence: no, no. >> "nuff said." >> lawrence: i don't with mess with any mothers. >> moo neither. >> lawrence: mother nature during christmas time. >> tyrus: i have four mothers have i have to deal with i don't
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mess with any of them. >> lawrence: tyrus, make sure you catch him on gutfeld. this story will catch your eye. florida police searching for a suspect who took a fish out of the bats pro shops pond. insane video ahead. time to get festive and feast this christmas. dr. janette nesheiwat on how you can have your cake and eat it, too. that's next. ♪ it's where we gather as a family. it's where we experience the excitement of opening day. it's where we caught our personal best. and this tree is where it all began. this christmas start traditions under your tree... share the tradition of visiting santa's wonderland at bass pro shops and cabela's. and get your free photo with santa. bass pro shops and cabela's.
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>> brian: candy, the way reese's was founded a great story. a guy walking down the block he had peanut butter. another with chocolate. he trips into and chocolate. >> lawrence: there's no way. >> brian: it happened. and it was a great invention. it's a great story. >> carley: is that true? >> lawrence: the moment where you leap in and say hey, that was my family member. >> brian: no, no, not my family. >> they bumped into each other are. >> brian: probably the reese family. we have documentation. we have that commercial. >> brian: so that was -- it seems like a year ago. it was only one day ago when we stumbled into this reese's story where once again carley and lawrence doubt the veracity of
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the tale i was telling. >> lawrence: i think carley was a moderate. >> brian: she didn't know what to do. >> ainsley: i was letting it play out. >> lawrence: i let it happen. did i some research. >> brian: play it first? we actually have footage of the moment when reese's was invented and how. >> lawrence: don't get. >> brian: how random it was. let's watch donnie most and robbie benson, 1972. >> hmm chocolate. >> hmmm peanut butter. hey, you got chocolate on my peanut butter. >> you got peanut butter on my chocolate. hey it's good. >> two great tastes that tastes great together. reese's peanut butter cup. real milk chocolate. peanut butter. >> brian: even the girl came back and say i can't believe
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what you invented. >> lawrence: i must say brian, the marketing work. >> brian: i never forgot it. >> lawrence: such a great marketing tool it even got someone smart like you to believe it. >> brian: i totally believe it. >> carley: you remember that from a little boy. >> brian: because i love reese's peanut butter and finally had the origin story. here's the thing. robbie benson ends up being like the top star in the country and donnie most is ralph mouth from. >> carley: from happy days. >> brian: how random two people come together. >> brian: walking around with peanut butter, a jar of peanut butter. who walks around with food. what orphanage? >> lawrence: 95 years ago the guy invented it in his basement? >> brian: this is the real story. [sighs] >> lawrence: that's the real story. if you are the president and watching. this real things can happen if you just. >> brian: a guy invented it in
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his basement? it wasn't robbie benson and donnie most? >> lawrence: no. >> carley: if you really look at that commercial. they were both staring at a pretty girl. [laughter] >> brian: there you go. oh. >> lawrence: that's what happened. >> carley: coming out of a bookstore. >> lawrence: that tells you all great things come from women. >> brian: absolutely. >> lawrence: when we're not at a paying attention. i love the closing shot when the come comes back two boys. and i just looked back and robbie benson was probably like okay, congratulations you got the part. you are going to be walking down the block with a spoon and a jar of peanut butter. by the way, someone looked at that and said you will be a great matinee idol and one person said you are a perfect ralph mouth. >> carley: this was before they became famous. this was the start of their careers. >> carley: which one is the guy with the dark hair? >> brian: that's robbie benson. >> carley: i don't know that is. >> brian: do you know the movie he was in that basketball movie.
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do you remember, chris? he was fantastic. he was star. and a red hot poker because they tried to get him to give up his scholarship. >> lawrence: can we talk about the joy in these guys eyes as they were eating? this is incredible. now you know. >> brian: you don't actually see the bar go into the peanut butter. who falls and goes like this. >> carley: brian, when you said yesterday i believed you. that's incredible story. >> brian: did i believe that story. i was 6 years old. so i was very gullible at that time. i ran inside. thomas edison of candy. [actual candy bar. >> brian: at the end. >> carley: glad we cleared up the origins of reese's and we got the flashback of the commercial as well. all right, well, speaking of candy and sweet treats. not the only one filled with cookies and treats this christmas. >> lawrence: we are all likely
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going to break our diets this week. how can we plan to get back in shape after the festivities? >> brian: all right. fox news medical contributor dr. janette nesheiwat joins us now. we should put away the ozempic for this weekend, doctor? >> good morning. happy holidays, guys. great to be with you. >> carley: merry christmas. >> merry christmas. i have good news for you. published in the journal of obesity, you only gain about half a pound to one and a half pounds over the holidays. it's really not as much as you think that you normally gain. but, a year after year it can add up. so you want to be careful. you know in the bible it says your body is your temple. you want to take care of it. one of the most important things that i tell my patients to do around the holidays and especially if you are looking for some new year's resolution is get moving. stay active. you want to get about 150 minutes of activity every single week. why do you need to do that? the american heart association
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put out data that says if you are active and if you exercise routinely, it can help reduce your blood pressure. it can help reduce your cholesterol and reduce your risk of developing dementia and diabetes. lots of good reasons to stay active. not just for new year's resolutions but every -- even before so. >> lawrence: doc, it's all about moderation, right? you don't have to not eat the pie or the cake or the chicken but just have a piece or a slice. >> yes. absolutely. and it's all about portion control. the holidays christmas, yes, it's about celebrating the birth of jesus. but it's also about family tradition and having fun and culture and making new memories and it's also about making the best choices that you can. and it's okay to have, you know, that slice of pie or a cookie. but portion control. if you -- you know, are eating the whole tray or the whole pie, that's one thing. and then if you start to feel full, you know, walk away from the buffet.
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go for a walk or go watch your favorite football game. >> carley: how do you feel about intermittent fasting. that's a popular way to diet where you don't eat for like 1 hour stretches and get all your calories in a short period of time. >> that's a great question, carley. it depends on underlying health status. for example, are you a diabetic? do you have heart disease? you have to take that into consideration. but, if it works for you, talk to your doctor, make sure you are on the same page with your doctor. and if it's effective for you, absolutely. it can be very beneficial and very helpful for many people. you sort of give your body a chance to, you know, relax and excrete those toxins and restart and rejuice your digestive system if you will. >> brian: right. the other thing is you can have the mindset hey, it's a cheat day. every diet has cheat days. every time someone wants to take a day out from working out cheat day that could be the mind mindset, too. correct? >> you could do that. each better, what if you just find that balance and maintain it?
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you know, for example, making sure that you're not spiking up your blood sugars by eating a bunch of can des or reese's pieces all in one sitting. get enough fiber. 25 to 30 grams of fiber a day. why? this makes it so you don't have those cravings for sugar and spikes in blood sugar and feel better in the long run. best to do is always make sure you are staying active. no smoking, staying hydrated. managing your stress and getting lots of sleep to get you through the year. >> lawrence: can i say i love how the good doctor said you could do that, brian. >> brian: but you should not. >> lawrence: but don't. >> brian: you're not helping. you're not helping the segment. thank you, dr. nesheiwat. >> carley: she is the best. >> lawrence: thanks, doc. >> carley: thank you, dr. nesheiwat. >> brian: the robbie benson movie one-on-one. you should like it if you like basketball. great movie. turning to your headlines. two long island men now charged with assault for a stadium fight that led to the death of a man.
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lifelong patriots fan dale moany, the 53-year-old died back in september after being hit in the head during a game at gilt stadium. mooney's death being officially ruled a homicide on thursday with the two suspects set to be arraigned next month. florida police on the hunt for a man who literally took a fish out of the water at a bass pro shops if fort myers, florida. carry him lye tarpon in the net. he ran off after scooping up the 50-pounder. tarpons are protected in the sunshine state that guy may soon find himself in hot water. maybe in the big house. enough to to a little christmas magic in deep space. nasa capturing incredible images of a cluster of stars shaped like a. >> carley: i see it. >> brian: thank so glad for participating in minus. i don't say anything in your news. mill can i way one and 5 million years old. nasa says the christmas tree cluster is about 2500 light
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years away. and those are your headlines. [laughter] >> carley: was the first time i ever understood like a star story. >> brian: right. >> carley: every now and then nasa released this image and what am i looking at? >> brian: you were afraid to say anything. >> carley: now i am standing my ground on the nasa star story. >> lawrence: i actually got to see my first shooting star this year and i saw two in one night. >> brian: did you know to look up? >> lawrence: so so my buddy was telling me that they were prevalent in canada and it's in the countryside. and it was so dark and, boom, there it goes. >> carley: do you know what funny, lawrence, i haven't seen a star in a decade because how long i have lived in new york city no stars. you can't -- all buildings and you can't see the sky. >> lawrence: you and your husband pete and baby brock should go to the countryside and just chill out. >> carley: speaking of the sky,. >> lawrence: lawrence heading into the nation's busiest travel weekend. the tsa is expecting to screen
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2.5 million passengers today alone. i'm going to be one of them. and the check-in line growing by the minute at orlando international airport. a major storm across the u.s. could cause some headache as americans head home for the holidays. let's check in with meteorologist adam klotz for our fox weather forecast. hey, adam. >> adam: very active weather pattern across the country here today. folks could be slowed down with travel. and here on fox square we are dealing with cool temperatures. look at that, 26 degrees here in new york city. about as cool as it has been so far this season. the big weather story though is that low pressure system that's rolling in across southern california. that is going to move into the middle of the country. going to be a rainmaker for some. a snow maker for some others. this is what that looks like, right? if you are in the rockies, to the west of this, that snow, snow on christmas morning, everyone to the east, you are talking about kind of a raw, rainy situation. i will leave with you this really quick. here's where the airport delays could be the next couple of days as that system moves across the country. that is where you could see some trouble on the roads. those your weather headlines.
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for now, i'm tossing it back inside to all of you guys. >> brian: soon that chorus will be inside, too. that's going to be great. thank you so much, adam. cardinal dolan joins us live in studio with a christmas message and we hope he is in a good mood. >> carley: 1 days of giving giving juice company inspired to bring healthy organic products to families in need. their story coming up next. ♪ sing a chorus or two ♪ come on it's lovely weather ♪ for a sleigh ride together with you ♪ baby, with you ♪ giddy up, giddy up, giddy up let's go ♪ let's look at the showra ♪te we're ride but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill
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did you know most dish soaps don't remove all the grease, even with scrubbing? whaaat? i just cleaned those. try dawn platinum. it removes 99% of grease and food residue. that's why dawn is trusted to save wildlife affected by oil. dawn platinum cleans to the squeak.
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>> carley: today is day 12 of giving -- sorry, day 12 of giving continues. giving juice gives 5% of all proceeds to john paul heart of the lion foundation. the charity is named after our next guest's son. she was such a special boy. he helped create the giving juice recipe and his dream to give back to families with sick children like himself.
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co-founders anette and brian george. i had the honor of meeting john paul when i was don imus's assistant, it's been a while. tell us about your son. john paul was born with hyperplastic left heart, he only had half a heart. he was the love of our lives. he was passionate, a joy to be with. he always lived life to the fullest and was passionate about what he wanted to do and give back to others. >> carley: it was a shock when he passed away. it was absolutely a real shock. we think about him and try to strife to do what his mission wanted us to do, give back.
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>> carley: he beat the odds, he was given a month to live, a year, he lived to how old? >> he lived to 23. >> carley: now they are helping other kids in the hospital. tell us about that. >> john paul went through so much and was in the hospital so much. he wanted to give back to people who traveled the same path he had. he didn't single out a type of illness, he just wanted to give back and show his passion for giving. >> carley: giving juice is now in hospitals helping other children. >> that is true. we also give back to little smile and quantum house and community centers and daycares and grit of the earths, we want to help everybody in need. >> carley: in honor of your son.
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tell us about $1000. >> i'll do that. what it is, during the season of christmas, it is about joy and hope and we thought, let's give some viewers the chance to experience christmas joy gchl to our website at giving, click on the code and you get a pop up and click and fill it out and we're going to give $1000 on january 15th to your organization in need. >> carley: thankful you are on hair now. what is your message? >> thank you for support of the moms, the moms to to the grocery store and they go and take -- to the juice aisle and take


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