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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 22, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST

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tell us about $1000. >> i'll do that. what it is, during the season of christmas, it is about joy and hope and we thought, let's give some viewers the chance to experience christmas joy gchl to our website at giving, click on the code and you get a pop up and click and fill it out and we're going to give $1000 on january 15th to your organization in need. >> carley: thankful you are on hair now. what is your message? >> thank you for support of the moms, the moms to to the grocery store and they go and take -- to the juice aisle and take the
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juices off and fathers get involved and john paul was so spiritual and believed in god. and we love wahlberg. it is really important, that is our mission, to give back to everybody through giving juice. go to grocery stores -- >> carley: if you see giving juice in the grocery store, we know the special boy bhooen that. thank you for joining us. you are wonderful people happy to have you on. third hour of "fox and friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ joy to the world
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♪ ♪ our lord tis come. ♪ ♪ joy to the world the lord is come. ♪ ♪ joy to the world the lord is come. joy to the world the lord is come. the earth receive her king ♪ ♪ the earth receive her king ♪ ♪ let efr every heart prepare
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him -- >> brian: there you go, "joy to the world." >> lawrence: goes gospel version of "joy to the world." >> carley: james hall and worship and praise live on "fox and friends." we're grateful to have them here to wake us up in such a beautiful way. i can't imagine knowing how to sing like that. >> lawrence: one of ou >> brian: that that in the center. >> lawrence: missing the centerpiece. cancer brian is a director and doubles as studio fashion director. >> lawrence: our director finds these gospel artists. i thought he was a christian, a couple weeks ago i found out he
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is jewish. how does this happen? he goes, my dad took me to whitneyhouston's mom's church and i heard a gospel singing and i liked gospel music every since. >> carley: all the same god. amen to that. we'll have cardinal dolan on in 27 minutes with inspirational christmas message. >> lawrence: maybe he'll punch brian's other arm. >> brian: he lifts up the green room. anything else about ari? >> lawrence: awesome producer. i have favoritism, it is alternate though with the moment. >> brian: got to earn it everyday. >> carley: the other producers
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are listening. >> brian: i'm trying to save him. >> lawrence: a lot of wows in my ear. i asked someone this, always on the road, he travels with me most, he gets best kudos. that just cut out the prompter on us. >> brian: one of your favorite producers. >> lawrence: i th want to pay the price. >> lawrence: they turned the prompter all. >> carley: less than 24 hours away from the nation's busiest travel weekend. >> lawrence: crowds are building, including boston logan. >> brian: and a storm is sweeping west and could cause headaches for christmas. >> carley: live at denver international airport. how is it looking? >> it is 6:00 a.m. in denver.
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there is quiet hush, sleepy travelers, but a lot of them. crowds are starting to build at the tsa checkpoint. with this expected to be one of the busiest days to fly, we want to help everybody out. tsa says what slows down security lines, someone has a prohibitive item in their carry-on. do's and don't's. if you are bringing gifts, put them in gift bags. if you get flagged, they will be opened. finish your drink before you get in line. check with your airline for updates or delays. down my tsa app to help you out
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and get to the airport two or more hours before your flight. yesterday we talked to a college student who said she wishes she got here earlier. >> i've over weight, trying to get out my extra clothes. maybe going to tie them around me and get through security. >> she is excited to see her family, we caught up with alex and his dog reigner. they are delayed three hours. >> are you ready to handle the tsa folks and going to be nice? empty your pockets, you got it? [laughter] >> reigner is one of the friendliest travelers i've met. checking the faa site, so far,
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so good. back to you. >> lawrence: good news. >> carley: one happy traveller with that puppy, happiest traveller at the airport. >> brian: hearing more and more moving to the future of energy, hear from the president we'll be at zero and then we have california that wants to ban gas-powered cars and maine says we will ban gas-powered cars and have a threshold in 2030, 80% of all cars will be electric. little problem. before the vote, there has been a power outage and they realize, we should postpone this vote. had we had electric cars we wouldn't be able to get anywhere. >> lawrence: imagine having this big idea you want to force on
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voters for a while and get almost to the finish line and prove the people that oppose you. >> carley: how would you plug electric vehicles in to charge them if you don't have power in your house? they postponed this vote on the ev mandate and jared goldman posted this, forcing mainers to buy electric when charging stations are few and far between and storm like yesterday would render 80% of cars use lsz, it is ill advised. >> brian: the governor declared a state of emergency and everything on hold. you talked to tyrus about this. >> lawrence: tyrus has thoughts on this and did not hold back. >> this is a hustle because they want that old money.
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if you were interested in the environment and making sure, you would be working with oil and coal and gas and hydrating it together and over next 30 years we'll work to streamline. you are trying to load your banks, the world is ending in 10 years. mother nature is the ultimate carm ra, no electricity, no car. >> lawrence: what is upsetting to say you want all energy and you will decrease other grids by saying, look, i'll do coal and solar. it seems like the left wants one approach. >> brian: they were going to go zero admission and japan has gone hybrid, south korea and willing to shoot them over here. electric cars, that whole industry is china.
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china is trying to corner that market. they had cars sell to europe, i rather not be susceptible to them. >> carley: if you have ev mandate, you are propping up china. california has one, the biden administration has a plan for an ev mandate. there are people who make regular cars that -- >> brian: gas-powered? >> carley: gas-powered cars and i believe stillentas, people are losing some jobs. >> lawrence: the f-150 was planned to be electric. when i jump in my ram, i want it to work, i do not want to have to plug it up, i want it nice and dirty. >> brian: i went to ford, they
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have gave me one. i liked it, i wasn't allowed to drive it. maybe may looked at part two of my license. they had self-driving on. people want to buy it, it is not practical right now. they are cutting back jobs, too. >> lawrence: in defense of ford and car companies, that i they have been forced to do this. is the government going to pay for this? >> brian: you need a third of the workforce. >> carley: and car dealers wrote the biden administration a letters, please stop the mandate no one is buying these cars. >> brian: lawrence, do you have something to say to carley?
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>> lawrence: carley shimkus will have headlines. >> carley: goal of protecting ships in the red sea as number of attacks by houthi rebels continue to rise by the week. we spoke to a former ship captain who is familiar with dangerous waters. watch this. now we have added risk of ballistic missiles, drones and water-born ieds. divert and don't go through the red sea. >> carley: this is the route the captain is talking about, it will bring worldwide shipping delays. and trying to ban former president trump from the 2024 primary ballot, does that sound familiar? colorado supreme court ruled to disqualify the former president and a dozen other states have
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law lawsuits pending. right now robotic cargo ship is departing from international space station after completing crucial resupply mission delivering 8000 pounds of supplies to the astronauts. dad in south carolina giving his family a white christmas this holiday thanks to home-made snow machine and he joined us earlier. >> well, it is funny, my oldest did not believe it, he ignored me. my youngest was blown away. the oldest ignored it. dad, you actually made snow. >> carley: dad of two says it's been a big hit and invites his neighborhood to enjoy the fun. those are your headlines.
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>> brian: great job and i did not interrupt you, very unique. 14 after the hour, coming up, what does the white house think about 200,000 illegals crossing the border in december. we're seeing more at the border and it is not unusual. >> brian: that is note true, that is the administration's response, more on it in a minute. >> lawrence: plus, gavin mcgraw is performing and is coming up. ♪ ♪ jack frost niping at your nose. yuletide carols being sung by a choir and folks dressed up --
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hi, i'm sharon, and i lost 52 pounds on golo. i realized i needed to make a change when i looked in the mirror and did not recognize myself. i saw the golo commercial
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and i liked how they weren't actors. they just seemed like people that were just happy with themselves and had true results. since being on golo, i truly feel like i'm back to the best me i can be. try golo. it worked for me, and i'm real. (soft music) there's something going around the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together.
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>> what we're seeing at the border, the migration flow, certainly it ebbs and flows. we're at time of the year we're seeing more at the border. this is not unusual, the immigration system has been
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broken for decades. the president has tried to do more. >> brian: no one believes a word she said. not unusual to twenty 200,000 entering the u.s. this week alone? here to react columnist david marcus. were you happy with that explanation? >> morning and merry christmas. of course i wasn't. now administration will send secretary mayorkas to mexico to secure the border, that is like sending the hamburgler to mcdonalds to protect the burgers. they have a problem, they have a far left that wants to give every migrant hotel room and tickets to disney world, now they have eric adams and black voters in chicago saying this
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issan tainable. biden is between a rock and a hard place. >> brian: we have antony blinken, now he will settle things in mexico. why do they not have marines at the southern border like they did with president trump. these are democrats, watch. big part of the reason it is so tough to legislate on immigration is because you have the leader of the republican party who is parodding nazi and hitler talking to immigrants poisoning the blood. >> now is not the time for partisan politics, it is time for action. >> brian: so trump's words are the problem, his words have nothing to do with it. setting aside that nonsense, i
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was in el paso when the people were under the bridge. that got alleviated by mexico. the bridge was shut down and mexico said, we'll help out and that problem was aleaveiated. mexico is key player here, that is why big players are going to mexico. this is election-year ploy. biden may try to patch up the border to get re-elected, but if democrats get back in office, this starts again. >> brian: no question. president trump had to threaten tariffs and they end up being friendly. obrador was the last leader to recognize trump lost. you get their respect and help
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our country to put it first. fascinating to see democratic mayor in new york who says i've been abandoned by the federal government and now cut school budgets and parks and recreation and nypd because of illegal immigration. 100,000 being housed and fed. >> one might say to new york city, drop dead. >> brian: thank you, 37 minutes before we are done. timothy dolan, the cardinal is here with his christmas message and i know it is going to be good. ♪ ♪ what can i do to make a better cotton crop? we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable
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farming techniques. from our sheets to our blankets and quilts this is a product that can be passed on. it could be a family heirloom. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20.
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hi, i'll have the avocado toast... minus the avocado. so, toast? yeah. everything is so expensive these days. hey, chevy gets it. that's why they're keeping prices down to earth. like on the most affordable ev in america. ♪ a super strong and capable chevy truck. ♪ and a high-tech chevy suv. ♪ why is chevy making affordable vehicles, connected by onstar? so together we can do more.
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we wish you a merry christmas, we wish you merry christmas, we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year. we wish you a merry christmas, we wish you a merry christmas, we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year. good tideings we bring to you and your king. we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year >> we wish you a merry christmas, we wish you a merry christmas, we wish you a merry kro christmas and a happy new year. >> carley: we wish the james hall merry and christmas. never sounded so beautiful. >> brian: they have speakers and
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stuff out there. >> carley: it is easy to forget the true meaning of christmas. >> brian: cardinal dolan. >> you are in a good mood. carley, lawrence. this james hall we have to get over to st. patricks. you could tell they were not all catholics, they were singing. enthusiastic and all. he was great. nice being with you. here we are, you don't have today show eggnog? i don't like to -- >> brian: we are sober over here. >> thanks for the presumption. >> brian: every year you have a special message you work out on the couch.
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>> you are thinking about it a lot, brian, homily is like a crackpipe, it is brewing so you have a good product. one way the christmas message is the same, has been for 2000 years. this year has a special intensity, the message is hope and light conquers darkness. i was watching you guys a couple hours ago and the weather person said today there is eight seconds more sunlight than yesterdays. this is the darkest time of the year and when the light begins to conquer the darkness and that is what christmas is about. jesus christ come says to bring light to a dark world and it is
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dark isn't it? be realistic, middle east, ukraine, our 73 city, country, border and darkness within. we see darkness within. >> lawrence: it seems like americans are at each other's throats and divided what message do you have for the country. you may disagree with your neighbor, but love your neighbor, right? >> that is a good line, where did you get that? you listen to jesus. one thing in response to your good question, lawrence. why do we have midnight mass? not most convene yents, it is most silent time of the day. we're at a stage in our country and world where you can use silence because we're yelling at
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each other and at each other's throats. christmas we use our throats to praise god and speak well of others, not to yell at one another. silence sometimes to reflect and listen, listen to god and to one another is not a bad thing. >> carley: christmas can be sad time for some people. those who struggle or have just suffered loss because it is supposed to be a happy time, what do you say to those folks? >> there is a lot of those. somebody said, i'm envious of you, you speak well of joyful, grateful christmas memories, he said for me growing up christmas was one of the worst times of the year, but he now more appreciates what it was supposed to be. he says to me, i am committed to make sure my kids have happy
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memories that i didn't have. let's not wallow in the sadness or feel sorry for ourselves. let's break out of it. this fear, there is a lot of fear going on. lawrence, your dad used to say, the lor says be not afraid, don't be scared. god is in charge. every once in a while, we wonder, where are you and why aren't things working out better? we know he will triumph. >> brian: we do this every year, you are kind enough to come by. i come to you or you come here. during the pandemic, people were told don't go to church. that was a time, if you look big picture, things are not perfect now, i think things have gotten better in some ways. my pastors tell me that, people coming back are up and beyond
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old numbers, collections have gone up. shh. tangible things. it is tough to measure and chart spiritual, are folks coming back, attentive, are actses of charity up? you are on to something brian. >> carley: there is something you and brian need to hash out. he she gripe something >> lawrence: he claims football game giants and patriots, you punched him. >> his lawyer has already been in touch. >> brian: i was punched. >> we were there on the field and neither of us got to meet tommy cutlets. >> carley: how was the game?
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>> the giants won, they want me back every sunday. >> brian: one of the biggest surprise, you had faith. made me question my faith because both teams were terrible. they played and giants win. >> giants and jets, it was great at the altar this year. >> lawrence: i have to ask, my final week with these guys -- >> where you going? >> lawrence: going on vacation, i'll be back. i am not leaving the show, i just got here. have you had luck getting brian to church? >> i have had luck getting him to church, i have not gotten him to confessional. >> carley: i was just reading, you made news about your health.
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>> two weeks ago, what happened, thanksgiving time now i got my brother pat and his three kids here and thanksgiving my sister lisa and her two daughters and great nieces and nephews. one of them, jack, he went home, he is nine months old, he had that covid and that rsv. a week later i got it. i'm clean now and tested out. some symptoms are still there. bad to be laid up this time of year. worst time. >> brian: i want to end positive, i have to ask about the antisemitism raging in new york city and watching riots and seeing what happened at columbia and bridges being shut down. how do you wrap your head around this? some of your best friends are rabbis. >> i am a histo historian and
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antisemitism is always there, you like to think it is dormant but it has exploded. all i know, stay close to our jewish neighbors. when you are scared and in trouble and suffering, that is bad enough, to feel alone and nobody is with you makes it worse. i was at a synagogue and i said, when jews were in trouble, you looked for friends and you couldn't find any. we can't let that happen again. we got to stand with you and i'm finding god can bring good out of evil and he's bringing it, we see obnoxious riots and demonstrations, i think the
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kitchen tables of this country and you do a good job of covering that, people are shaking their head and saying this can't go on, we got to come together and stand up for one another. disagree in a civil, good way whchl we lit the christmas tree, there were fanatics yelling and screaming. >> brian: they hit our building right after. >> lawrence: what is giving me hope, even when lighting that tree, you stop to give your prayer, they were -- >> they stopped. >> lawrence: at least we still have some type of class. >> at least they paused for that. people tell us that about the united states. they will say, we don't know of any other country in the world where the whole nation stops on thanksgiving to give praise to god. we don't know of any other
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nation in the world no matter what you think about the president, he would never give a speech without saying god bless america. there is innat sense of divine and embedded sense of in god we trust, we need that more than ever. >> brian: do you look us as indispensable nation? >> i believe that, it should never lead to arrogance. i think the founders, when they spoke of us as city on the hill, light to the world, remember president reagan used to speak about that all the time and civilization best hope. with all our flaws and we know it, america the beautiful, mend our every flaw, we give the world hope and light this time of year. >> carley: that is the christmas
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message. wonderful to have you. >> brian: we were going to try to make you pope. >> look -- >> brian: if there is ever an opening. >> way to go. >> brian: we end there. >> carley: we would vote for you, don't go anywhere, gavin mcgraw performs live for all american christmas concert series next. hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi-soothers for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief. try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. you know? we really need to work on your people skills.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> carley: two million americans are expected to go through airport security as they head home for the holidays. >> brian: pails in comparison to how many are hitting the roads. >> lawrence: behind the wheel in chicago, hi, kelly. >> brian: she's going fast. >> good morning, i will not look at you to be safe this morning. the roads are not bad, 103.6 million people will hit the road during the holiday travel period, taking the journey over 50 miles according to triple a. if you make a trip to visit friends and family, best time to leave is before 10:00 a.m.
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tomorrow. get out before saturday 10:00 a.m. seven million people will be taking to the skies to get to their destination and will be using bus, train or cruise to celebrate. triple as more people are investing and making memories despite what it may cost them. 2.5 million travelers will be traveling than they did last year for this holiday season, as well. if driving like we are, it will cost more to fill up your tank, prices are up from last week, back to you guys. >> brian: is your teleprompter in your windshield? how did you get that down? >> carley: flawless. >> that was just, i know, i got --
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>> carley: memorization. >> brian: fantastic. >> lawrence: live from chicago, thank you. still ahead gavin mcgraw performs live for the all american christmas concert series. that is next. >> brian: he loves to wave. my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. i got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk.
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side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. need to get your a1c down? you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. hi, i'll have the avocado toast... minus the avocado. so, toast? yeah. everything is so expensive these days. hey, chevy gets it. that's why they're keeping prices down to earth. like on the most affordable ev in america. ♪ a super strong and capable chevy truck. ♪ and a high-tech chevy suv. ♪ why is chevy making affordable vehicles, connected by onstar? so together we can do more.
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>> lawrence: he is a multi-platinum singer and songwriter known for these massive songs. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> lawrence: believe it or not, christmas music is where his heart is. ♪ ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ . >> lawrence: that song along with five others is part of gavin degraw's first christmas
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album. he joins us right now. gavin, i guess i speak for all your fans by saying what took so long? [laughter] to get a christmas album? >> that's nice of you. it is something that i always thought was that's what you do later on in your career, give it some time, give it some time and the time is now, you know, i've been listening to these christmas records all year round since i was a kid. bing crosby, white christmas to me is the perfect record and a good movie too, by the way. i think my voice has matured a little bit more and -- you know, i feel like it is something you do when your voice matures a little bit and you sound a little bit more, i don't know, more grown up. i wanted to hear those classic old school tunes sung a little
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bit more maturely. >> lawrence: you listen to christmas music year round, not just christmastime. i fully support it. why? >> it just makes me happy and feel like with family and friends. also you can't get eggnog all year round but you can put a christmas record on, you know what i mean? it is just, you know, gives me an excuse to do that thing that feels super traditional and old school and it really makes me feel like i'm at a particular time of the year that usually have to wait a long time to get to be around. i don't want to have to wait that long. i want to put the record on. >> lawrence: you waited a long time before you decided to do this album. you put all your heart into it. >> yeah. >> lawrence: what will people get different from you in this album? >> a classic christmas record. people aren't often making
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classic-sounding christmas records anymore. >> lawrence: there is a yearning for that, right? >> absolutely. i think the great old classic records are the pinnacle of recording for me. as a fan of music. i wanted to pay homage. >> lawrence: as i fan of yours i'll let you take it away. >> thank you very much. ♪ ♪ chestnuts roasting on an open fire, jack frost nipping at your nose ♪ ♪ yuletide carols being sung by a choir, and folks dressed up like eskimos, everybody knows a
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turkey and some mistletoe help to make the season bright ♪ ♪ tiny tots with their eyes all aglow will find it hard to sleep tonight ♪ ♪ they know that santa's on his way ♪ ♪ he has lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh ♪ ♪ and every mother's child is gonna spy to see if reindeer really know how to fly ♪
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♪ and so i'm offering this simple phrase to kids from one to 92 ♪ ♪ although it's been said many times, many ways merry christmas merry christmas, merry christmas to you ♪ >> carley: we're so happy to have gavin in studio. >> brian: get over here. i walked over from the set. >> carley: three days to
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christmas we're counting down with our christmas calendar, our advent caller dar. >> brian: what day is it? it's the 22nd, baby. look at this. >> carley: this is a good one. it's screwball peanut butter whiskey. so delicious. >> i do like whiskey. >> carley: shall we talk about reese's again? >> someone was walking down the road with peanut butter and whiskey and tripped and put them together. >> lawrence: the black sheep and the screwballs. >> won the best whiskey award at world wine and spirits competition. screwball >> lawrence: i think i'll order one of these. >> brian: stay within yourself this holiday season. see you on the radio. >> carley: have a great day. >> we're at a breaking


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