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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  December 22, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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that's beguileed the parts of heartists over the centuries. the beauty of christmas that can draw people in. they are drawn by the beauty of it and we can look deeply at the truth and goodness of it. it has been a commission of mine that evangelically start with the beautiful. christmas is a beautiful piece. >> bret: we appreciate you coming in and merry christmas. >> god bless you, thanks. >> bret: it is good to touch on that. you have a little one at home and a special time four, too. >> gillian: i don't know what you are talking about. cocoa is 2 1/2 and completely grown up now, bret. she has no time for me anymore. >> bret: 16 and 13 are -- >> gillian: thanks, bret. >> bret: "the faulkner focus" is next, julie banderas is in for
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harris. >> julie: the floodgates are woad open at the southern border. the speaker of house demanding president biden to take executive action on the crisis. the images we see every day are just simply stunning. i'm julie banderas in for harris today. thanks for joining us. president biden spoke directly with mexico's president yesterday sending secretary of state antony blinken and secretary of homeland mayorkas there in the next few days. border patrol sources reporting a record number of migrant encounters, 200,000 so far this month alone. an average of about 10,000 a day. those are just the ones we know about. monday alone that number topping 12,000. border patrol agents outmanned by a 200 to one ratio even. wives of agents speaking out on the hardships suffered by those on the front lines.
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>> he is infuriated and heartbroken. he has loved his career up until this administration. and we have literally watched our border be handed over. it has become too much. it is overwhelming and our agents are completely demoralized under this administration. >> julie: mike johnson is calling on the president to immediately end catch and release of immigrants and also saying that he instead wants to see parole granted on a case-by-case basis and wants the remaining migrants to remain in mexico. that program to be reinstated and renew border wall construction. the white house once again shifting blame. >> i mean, look, we asked for more border patrol, right? we asked for more. and we got republicans in congress who especially in the house who want to cut that. they actually want to do the
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opposite of what the president is trying to do. and so look, the president has done everything that he can on his own. >> julie: chip roy here to weigh in. we'll go to bill melugin who is live in lukeville, arizona where officials had to shut down a port of entry because of being so overwhelmed. >> that's right. cbp contacts are telling us yesterday alone there were nearly 11,000 migrant encounters at the southern border. it is not slowing down. the board of entry is the lukeville port of entry closed for week. instead of international traffic coming through, but masses of illegal immigrants being processed. it is pouring rain here and storming all night and day and that is not stopping the illegal crossings. you can see the scene there under the port of entry. we'll show you what happened yesterday as well. a massive group. look at this video. more than 700 people all at once
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crossing illegally through a gap in the border wall cut by human smugglers. they were coming in from all over the world. a lot of men from africa. we got a chance to catch up with group of men from ecuador who said they are here to work and going to sanctuary cities. take a listen. [speaking spanish] >> pennsylvania. new york. chicago. chicago. take a look at this live video out of eagle pass. one of the fox news teams on the ground there as well. eagle pass completely inundated in recent days. border agents overwhelmed. border patrol union says more agents than ever will have to
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work this christmas holiday because of the record numb pearls we keep seeing. they tell fox news in part while our agents are more than willing to sacrifice the holidays to protect fellow americans, that is not what they will be doing. they will be processing the illegal border crossers for release into the u.s. while large parts of the border will be left wide open to exploitation by organized crime. these will not be happy holidays for the hard working men and women of the border patrol. back out here live the point the union is making is these agents all signed up to patrol the border, go after the bad guys, drug smugglers, cartels and human smugglers. they have been turned into paper pushers processors and uber drivers for essentially facilitating the mass release of illegal immigrants into the country. that's what's happening behind us right now. >> julie: great reporting as always. texas senator ted cruz this week writing to secretary mayorkas wanting more information about the screening process of migrants who enter the country
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using the customs and border protection one app. and looking to board flights. cruz wants to know why the tsa is letting illegal im granulitis in without identification to use the app to get on a plane. that process takes illegal aliens at their word. congressman chip roy republican of texas joins me now. thank you so much for talking to us. the border right now is wide open and the president has finally, i guess, had a conversation with the president of mexico to address the issue. but when the united states doesn't close the border, it is not up to the mexican president to tell its people to stop entering. isn't it our responsibility and what is this president thinking? >> well, great to be on, julie. you are right. nice that the president is finally talking to the president of mexico but it should have been happening a long time ago. when his own press secretary is
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going to the mic and saying oh, nothing new is going on here. that's crazy. what is new here is we have record numbers this week. we had 45,000 in apprehensions since monday alone. the extent to which this crisis is now escalating beyond anything we've ever seen before is something we can now see with our own eyes and shout-out to bill melugin for all his excellent reporting. you have are right. he has been shining a light on this for a long time. a lot of us are saying this and i've been on the show with harris and others on fox going to my first year in congress in 2019 pointing out when you are ignoring the enforcement of our laws you are going to have this crisis continue to grow. we've been saying that. and the white house has ignored it intentionally purposely. you heard in the interviews, right? what were they saying? they were saying i want to work. you have know what? god bless them. i understand that. that is not what our laws allow. our laws are not for that. our laws do not allow parole and
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asylum. that's for political and religious persecution. we put a sign on our border come in. our poor border patrol agents are overwhelmed and texans are dying. six children in the school district where i live is fentanyl poisoning. heartbreaking. we have to stop it. republicans need to hold the line against the white house. i'm glad you said about mike johnson. he is correct. we need to hold the line. we should not have a single dollar going to ukraine at all until the southern border of the united states is secure and importantly, why would we go fund the department of homeland security on february 2nd without demanding changes from this administration? >> julie: dan patrick with some choice words for the president over the border crisis. listen to this. >> everybody knows this president is cold hearted and doesn't care about what is happening to american citizens
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or those coming here. this is -- we'll put them on planes and trains and buses and do whatever we can and get them out of texas. i want to send them all to martha's vineyard and delaware and delaware. >> julie: under biden's open border policy you are allowed in. the border patrol agents is 200 migrants to one is how ridiculous it is. they are working the holiday. booking people or sending them back to their country they are processing paperwork in order for them to be bused to sanctuary cities in the united states. look at them climbing over the barriers. we have watched thousands. there is nobody there stopping them. they are like welcome, i'm surprised they aren't holding welcome signs like they do at the airport when loved ones touchdown. this is how easy it is for migrants to come into the border. we have an election around the corner. let's talk about that. supposedly kamala harris will
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start campaigning in 2024. she will start traveling across the country. when is she going to travel to the border? that's where she needs to go campaign. >> yeah, her only trip to the border has been in a pit stop to go to a fundraiser in california and stopped in el paso for the photo op. let me go back dan patrick is right. completely correct. we should be shipping folks to other parts of the country. greg abbott did that last year. desantis sent a planeful of people to martha's vineyard. it was important. on the political dynamic, republicans need to go on offense on this. this is something that is critical to our national security and we can win on this. it is something not only can we win politically and the american people if we stand up and fight. it will take all of us to say we'll hold the line on funding of government and on ukraine to demand change out of this administration. because they are blatantly ignoring the laws using asylum
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and parole to consume it. we passed hr2. people say it's a crazy bill. what you talked about on title 42. it was a health code coughed provision. we got hr29 to say authorities should be in place. embedded in give authorities the power to turn away. the white house doesn't want to use it. they want to endanger us and have open borders. we need to stand with the border patrol and american people. >> julie: the congressional testimony of former assistant attorney lesley wolf. she have is accused of working to limit questions about president biden. in her deposition last week she denied politics played any role in the hunter biden investigation. we'll see about that. jim jordan is frustrated by the interview. let's listen. >> well, ms. wolf refused to answer most of our questions,
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even we had a number of exhibits where she is sending the email or receiving the email and she refused to answer just about every question it seemed we had. >> julie: wolf testified 79 times that she wasn't authorized by the d.o.j. to answer certain questions about case. the house will likely weigh contempt charges for hunter. as you know you are on the committee he denied a subpoena for an interview. so you can deny a subpoena for an interview if you are innocent, why would you do that? second of all, if you don't answer questions how do you get answers? it seems dodging questions seems politically motivated. am i wrong here? >> you are exactly right. look, the truth is pretty simple. there are 15 to $24 million we know has flowed from foreign sources and countries enemies
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like china into the biden family and the president lied. the obstruction, the third prong of this where the d.o.j. is not allowing us to get to the truth and why the impeachment inquiry was so important when we voted to do that so we now have more powers. what you see with lesley wolf is more of the same obstruction and refusal to answer questions. they don't want to answer the questions because they know the truth. the fact is they were slow walking the investigation when we wanted to look at hunter biden's tax returns, in 2014 and 2015 they let the statute of limitations run. that means that they were engaging in obstructing justice of us trying to pursue the truth. jim jordan and jamie comer keep doing the good work. we should hold hunter biden in contempt. he knows full well he didn't want to come forward and testify. he wants to plead the fifth and he can do that. he should have answered questions in a deposition. he has a lot of explaining to do. >> julie: his father has a lot
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of explaining to do. the left likes to say there is no evidence that the president didn't know about his business dealings or profited from them despite there is a paper trail of millions of dollars being funneled to the biden family. i want to hear from the president himself instead of supporting his son. great he is a loving father but it looks like there is more here than that. >> the whistleblowers tell us that lesley wolf was saying oh, it was politically motivated in october of 2020 that the d.o.j. didn't want to go pursue what we were looking into with hunter's laptop. so we know that it was politically motivated. d.o.j. is refusing to let that evidence come to light. the american people deserve to know the truth. this isn't retribution or political. this is about our country and foreign actors sending millions of dollars to influence the vice president of the united states. he lied about it and obstructing us getting to the truth. this shouldn't be a shiny object from us doing the work of the american people to secure the border and cut spending.
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we should pursue the truth wherever it may lead. >> julie: it is under there somewhere. unnaturally they aren't being very open about it. colorado booting trump from its primary ballot could just be the beginning. efforts in more than a dozen states now aiming to do the very same thing. how that could divide americans no matter what the outcome. plus what will it take to fire harvard's president after her disastrous anti-semitism testimony to congress? and more examples of plagiarism. >> this is nothing short of just absurd double standard hypocrisy that has actually gone back to the early 90s when the harvard review pointed out that her work had issues. that it was regrettable. >> julie: calls for the elite university to give her the boot is growing. one very prominent professor now
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telling the school to steer back towards sanity. brian kilmeade has plenty to say. can't wait to join him next. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi, i'm on my way with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur.
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>> julie: we'll talk to brine kilmeade about this story. harvard saying it supports claudine gay despite more examples of plagiarism, not to mention her anti-semitism. the university tells the "wall street journal" that most of the complaints have been reviewed while four of the newer claims were deemed to be quote without merit. calls for the ivy league president to resign are getting louder. dr. carol swain, a former and prominent professor who works --
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whose work gay copied without credit posted this. i have free unsolicited advice for harvard, fire claudine gay post haste. hire the best man or woman to steer the university back toward sanity. kat cammack on this program yesterday with some pretty strong feelings as well on the issue. watch. >> this is nothing short of just absurd double standard hypocrisy that has actually gone back to the early 90s when the harvard review pointed out that her work had issues. that it was regrettable i think was the word they used. so we know that she has continued to steal other people's work and failed to give them procrit. if the board of trustees is serious about maintaining the last shred of credibility that they have, they need to fire her immediately. >> julie: the list of billionaires pulling donations from harvard is getting longer.
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another one announced he is pausing his gifts which reportedly total more than $270 million. brian kilmeade, host of one nation and the brian kilmeade radio show and dear friends joins me now. hoping we would be in studio tomorrow but you are standing in yours. >> brian: we're sharing each other's airwaves. i'm honored. i will sacrifice my show to be on together. a week ago during these hearings, the worst series, these overlawyered presidents of schools that would never accept someone like me, so harvard has to really ask themselves why they keep someone in place who has, get this, 409 allegations of plagiarism dating back to 1997 and 37-page document that
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details it all. how could they possibly hold their students to any standard when their president doesn't have any? >> julie: you are absolutely right. the standard she upholds is an awful example on her students. the fact she testified she didn't believe that, you know, calling for the genocide of jews was anti-semitic is about the most ignorant thing ever. i'm more worried about that rather than even plagiarism. her ok'ing the genocide of jews, what does she think the word means? >> unbelievable and apologized the next day. if you want to get the arrogance of harvard in a nutshell listen to this professor at harvard. he said he doesn't care. the people are lame and bad. if it came from another quarter it might be granting it some
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credence but not from these people. everyday people that go to normal public colleges or dare i say graduate high school? how dare we think about judging someone at an institution like harvard. >> julie: she has only been there for not even a year. not like they would lose month. they are losing hundreds of millions of dollars in donations. i believe that's more important than keeping this woman at her job but for political purpose else she still has one. this week the democrat majority colorado supreme court labeled former president trump an insurrectionist and kicked him off the state's primary ballot. the move drawing fierce backlash from republicans and critics of the former president. right now there are 31 legal efforts currently to disqualify the former president in more than a dozen states. president biden meantime said trump is absolutely guilty of inciting an insurrection.
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trump responding in a post i'm not an insurrectionist. crooked joe biden is. trump rival florida governor ron desantis popped off on the program yesterday. watch. >> what is keeping a republican state from saying biden shouldn't be on the ballot? what the colorado court did had no precedent in american history. it is not something that is going to be upheld by the supreme court. the democrats want to keep doing the legal stuff and make 2024 a referendum on all the trials and everything else that's out there. it is not fair, it is politically motivated. >> julie: "wall street journal" had a headline. sandbagging the supreme court. the left's legal assault on trump is a threat to the institution and that's by design. peggy noonan wrote mr. trump hasn't been convicted by a jury or judge. ist seems to me that when and if he is, a state court might feel
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free to remove him and his name from a ballot. until he is, they shouldn't because without conviction, whether trump committed insurrection is a matter of opinion and argument. i have to side with ron desantis's comments just now where he talked about the supreme court and whether they will weigh in favor of this. i highly doubt they will. it just doesn't seem likely considering once again you need a conviction. until there is a conviction it is considered opinion. an opinion won't get somebody convicted of being an insurrectionist. >> brian: this the probably the most dangerous thing i've seen. i don't have a rich legal background but if you look at a candidate and just say not good enough, make up some charge insurrectionist that jack smith can't even find. if they don't come out 9-0 i think it is dangerous. here is why. let's say there is somebody else what texas did. lieutenant governor dan patrick says joe biden has let the
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border collapse and not on the texas ballot. six or seven years from now there is a charismatic democrat who gets people so worked up they start wrecking the city, even washington, d.c. and republican state says i don't want that candidate on a ball bought. a civil war on who they want as a president and the undercard, or the other seats to get no attention because no one shows up because there is no president on the ballot? it has to be 9-0 punted to the curb. i opened up the "new york post." new york is doing everything we can to make sure donald trump is not on the ballot. california said that on thursday. >> julie: it sets a dangerous precedent for sure. i want to go from the economy to the border to foreign policy. president biden's poll numbers are tanking despite the impeachment inquiry whether he profited in hunter rest foreign business dealings. he is putting his chips on
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voters rewarding his embrace of his son. he has been keeping hunter close by but unlike other family members hunter has never been listed in the marine one visitors logs. karine jean-pierre, pressed on the reason for that. listen. >> will the white house announce hunter biden's presence on marine one moving forward? >> that's something that we've never done. this is the family. they get to travel with the president and that's been the case with every other president and so it is not something that we have done or we would be doing moving forward. >> julie: biden and his son were most recently seen together on monday in delaware. they marked the 51 years since the car crash that killed the president's first wife and daughter, hunter and his later brother beau were in the car at the time of the crash. a very somber memorial. but you have to wonder, you
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know, with biden actually saying he thinks that his -- he will get rewarded by voters because he is standing by his corrupt son is how he plans on getting back into the white house? >> brian: without the laptop and extensive text messages i would say right away maybe he trying to get to something there. very little sympathy for hunter. we barely know the story and we can't trust the facts of it. take a short time-out on this show. to continue your answer, julie, the answer with body he won't get any sympathy. nobody feels bad for him. here is the thing. he has continued to lie. after that press conference, which makes him look terrible, i actually think that this is a bad play on their part. >> julie: brian kilmeade, great to see you. merry christmas. >> brian: see you soon. july before we go you have a special coming up based on a
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book, your book, "teddy and booker t." airing on one nation saturday night. i'm canceling my plans and be on the sofa for it. you don't want to miss anything brian kilmeade writes or hosts. holiday travel in full swing. pain at the pump could make voters feel worse with polling already near rock bottom. congress is on break for the holiday. some argue you wouldn't actually know the difference. >> i want my republican colleagues to give me one thing -- one, that i can go campaign on and say we did. one. well, i guess it's not as bad as the democrats. >> julie: if you thought 2023 was a rough one on capitol hill buckle up for the new year. the border, the bidens and two foreign wars plus a possible shutdown. merry christmas, everyone.
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(carolers) ♪ it's all good - just a little awkward. ♪ (soloist) think we'll wrap this up. (vo) it's your last chance to turn any iphone in any condition into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium and ipad and apple watch se - all on us. that's up to $1700 in value. only on verizon. >> julie: when congress returns after the holiday break lawmakers have a full plate and a big deadline. the border is in shambles. wars in ukraine and israel are still raging, and inquire eaves into the biden family businesses are reaching critical stages and lawmakers are staring down the barrel of a government shutdown. chad pergram with a wrap-up for us. >> the first order of biffs business is to avoid a government shutdown. there are two funding deadlines, january 19th and february 2nd.
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now there is worry that congress may need to approve another interim spending bill to avoid the shutdown. they did it twice in the fall. mitch mcconnell opposes a stopgap spending plan which simply renews all funding at old levels. a freeze could harm the military that receives the most money from congress. >> a cr is simply unacceptable for a year. it is devastating particularly for defense and we have all of these wars going on. so we need to reach an agreement on the top line and get about getting an outcome as soon as possible. >> the house and senate failed to address any spending bills after thanksgiving. bipartisan lawmakers are still trying to forge a deal on border security. they would attach that to a bill aiding ukraine and israel. >> this is tough to come to a compromise and it is just as tough to write to make sure that
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you get the ideas down onto paper in a way that makes sure that the policy is implemented correctly. >> the avalanche comes at the house pursues an impeachment quirey. closed door interviews and perhaps a contempt of congress citation for hunter biden after ducking a house deposition. >> julie: chad pergram, thank you. >> inflation has been rocky. >> everything has gone up. >> i have a lot of concerns about inflation, gas and groceries are outrageous. >> julie: many americans are still feeling the pain of high gas prices. high prices across the board. gas prices in particular, though are slowly rising again up to $3.12 compared to last week's $3.08 a gallon. fox business is live in chicago.
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hi, kelly. >> yeah, the chicago traffic is ticking up for people hitting the roads. 3.6 million people will be hitting the roads to travel 50 miles or more this holiday travel season. another 7 million by air. another 4 million by train -- train, cruise and bus, of course, people taking the bus to get to see their friends and family. as you can see the traffic is picking up so remember if you have to hit the roads to get there before -- to leave before 10:00 a.m., julie. >> julie: at least you seem to be moving. i know the traffic is also going to be than issue today. you will spend more money on your gas tank. thank you very much. just 24 days until the nation's first nominating contest. ron desantis and nikki haley to
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chip away at the big lead gap with former president trump holding in the polls. plus president biden facing the worst numbers of his presidency as he ramps up his re-election campaign and reportedly has a new strategy up his sleeve. as someone living with type 2 diabetes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. with type 2 diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. even at your a1c goal, you're still at risk ...which if ignored could bring you here... ...may put you in one of those... ...or even worse. too much? that's the point. get real about your risks and do something about it. talk to your health care provider about ways to lower your risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. learn more at
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>> julie: president biden has held one campaign rally. that's about to change apparently. the campaign says biden, vice president harris and surrogates will ramp up travel in the early months of new year coming as biden steps up his attacks on former president trump. >> is trump an insurrectionist. >> president biden: that's self-evident. we'll let the court make that decision but supported the insurrection. no question about it, none, 0. >> julie: biden near historic deficit. voters never expected much of biden. should anybody be surprised he is unpopular? rich edson live at the white house. >> the president's campaign manager says biden/harris 2024
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will be operating at full steam by the early summer of this upcoming year. the campaign manager says president biden, vice president harris going to get out on the campaign trail in the early part of 2024 and that the vice president will embark on a reproductive freedoms tour and we're treating this election like it will determine the fate of american democracy because it will. every single day donald trump and the extreme maga republican party are telling us the quiet part out loud. if they take power they'll do everything they can to dismantle american democracy and continue stripping americans of their hard-fought and fundamental freedoms. this week the biden campaign called former president trump an insurrectionist in response to the colorado supreme court's decision barring trump from the primary ballot there. as the biden campaign wraps up their candidate is down in the polls ten months from the election.
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some show him trailing trump in several swing states. the party needs to back a competitive primary. >> joe biden is a good man, a man i respect. but he is going to lose to donald trump. the evidence is very clear. it is not going to get better. that's why i think the democratic party should be promoting a multi-candidate primary. >> this afternoon the president and first lady travel to children's national hospital. earlier this morning the white house announced pardons for about a dozen non-violent drug offenders and also issued pardons or commuted sentences and also issued pardons for thousands of people who had been convicted of marijuana possession on federal lands and in d.c. julie. >> julie: thank you so much. marc thiessen, former speech writer for president george w. bush and "washington post" columnist joins me now. great to see you. let's just talk about how unpopular this president is. he is the most unpopular president in history dating back
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to world war ii. but he thinks that he is going to somehow win a popularity contest when it comes to the next election. >> that's the average of polls going back to harry truman. there is not a single president who is more unpopular than joe biden. you used to have to say except for jimmy carter. he is 11 points less popular at this point than jimmy carter was when he was going into the re-election campaign against ronald reagan. this is deeply unpopular. his base is collapsing and abandoning him. he won young voters but now trump has a lead with young voters. won hispanics, now trump is making gains with hispanics. african-american voters, trump won 8% of them in 2020. right now winning 22% of african-americans in key swing states and arab voters. he needs to overwhelmingly win arab voters to win that swing
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state and they rebel against him after his support for israel and losing ground with them. his base is falling apart. the most unpopular president we've ever had and donald trump is only beating him by four points within the margin of error. >> julie: according to one poll 67% of democrats want somebody else to be the party's nominee. that doesn't look good when your own party doesn't support you. the president gave one of his final and rare interviews of 2023 with comedian conan o'brien discussing serious topics but not hard hitting. they had time to get in some jokes about trump comparing him to a villain in harry potter. let's watch. >> maga republicans have flipped the script and they are saying well, we can let ukraine go. it is not really in our interest and i don't understand it. it is confusing to me. >> president biden: the other guy says i can work with putin
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he is smart. >> i like the other guy now. his name shall not be mentioned. >> president biden: good point. i plead guilty. >> julie: okay. biden has held a significantly -- it was awkward. significantly less interviews compared to trump. so far in his presidency biden has held 76 interviews compared to trump who held 273 at the same time in his presidency. white house press secretary karine jean-pierre defending the president's decision to skip his year end press conference. watch. >> any time the president travels and is in front of the american people he does that. he did it in wisconsin when he talked about bidenomics and small businesses and how that is a pillar of bidenomics and investing in america. so you heard him do that directly to the american people. we make an effort to do a press conference as often as possible whether it's here, at home, or abroad.
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>> julie: i don't know what she is talking about. i don't know why she keeps saying bidenomics. i don't think biden knows what the word means and the administration wants the word tossed around. as far as news conferences, he avoids the camera in general and there is a reason for that. it is not his decision. his handlers are like keep it away from the camera. when the reporter shouts out a question usually it's an incoherent answer and here we are. >> first of all bidenomics they are trying to embrace reagan nom i cans. it is not morning in america today. embracing bidenomics, fox news poll shows 14% of americans think biden's economic policies have improved their lives. that's a great strategy. look, that balance of press conferences you showed actually works in biden's favor. yes, we'll criticize him for not coming in front of the press. the only way he wins this election is by making it a
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referendum on donald trump. a basement strategy from the basement of the white house residence. the more he talks he makes it about himself, the more he is the most unpopular president in the post war era. it is not going to help him. he wants to make it a referendum on donald trump and donald trump will cooperate. he likes to be the center of attention. that's their winning strategy and how they think they pull this off. don't focus on me and the fact that everything you are paying for is more expensive. the economic policies have made your life worse. focus on that guy. he could be president. nothing to see here. >> julie: that's the mentality, i swear. crunch time in iowa. the first in the nation caucuses as you know just 24 days away. gop presidential candidates have been all over the hawkeye state in recent days including florida governor ron desantis. now, there is a new fox business poll which shows him a distant second to former president trump
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in iowa with 18% support but his supporters say it is far from over. listen. >> i'm here for one simple reason because i believe in ron desantis. it is why i'm here in iowa. >> i am here supporting governor desantis for president. when he gets in that office we'll have leadership on the border. >> we need somebody that's focused on disciplined and has a record at getting things done. it is a different time. it is time for a leader that can serve eight years, not just four. we need somebody that can get in there and attack the bureaucracy. turn this country around and take it to the next level. that person is ron desantis. >> julie: the race is tighteninging in new hampshire. nikki haley trailing former president donald trump by just 14 points. we have to weigh in, you know, his hearings right now and fact that colorado has decided to take him off the primary and
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wait for the supreme court to make the ultimate decision. he hasn't been convicted of insurrection yet. but it seems it is empowering his base. >> 100%. that's why he is in the lead he is in. but look, interesting thing about the iowa poll is that nikki haley is within two points of ron desantis who put all his eggs in the basket. it is about who comes in second and who will come with momentum going into new hampshire. if he comes in third he is finished. nikki haley has 30%. in chris christie got out of the race and his voters went there it would be a 42, 44 race between her and trump in new hampshire. chris christie has to get out. >> julie: thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." "outnumbered" after the break. i'll be here all next week. join me here. oof! that was fast.
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