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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  December 22, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PST

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e me♪ find relief that can last. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx.
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>> emily: unending tidal wave of border entries with no sign of slowing down. stunning images like the ones on the screen now speak to record-breaking pace of migrants entering the united states everyday. but the white houses "this is not unusual." this is "outnumbered," i'm emily compagno, joining me today carley shimkus, lisa boothe and fox news contributor janette nesheiwat and ranking member and host of the doug collins podcast, doug collins. cbp sources revealing to fox news there have been over 214,000 migrant encounters so far this month, including 11,000 in the last 24 hours. the speaker of the house johnson is urging biden administration
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to take immediate action to curb the crisis, warning that the southern border of our nation is being overrun and u.s. customings and border protect is at a breaking point. take immediate action available under immigration laws to stem the record of tie of illegal immigration. he's calling on the biden administration to use executive authority to end catch and release, stop exploitation of parole authority, reinstate remain in mexico and renew border wall construction. the white house insists its hands are tied. >> we are at a time of the year, seeing more at the border, this is not unusual. the border system has been broken for decades. the president is doing more, he has done everything he can on his own. there is diplomatic conversation
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happening with folks and leaders in the region and we'll have conversations to make sure we deal with the flow. we also need funding. >> emily: bill melugin is live in lukeville, with the latest from the border. bill. >> bill: it's been a flat-out historic week at the border. since monday, 45,000 migrant encounters. this is lukeville, we have several hundred waiting for porsche patrol processing. the green tents are packed with people, a lot are men from around the world including african countries. these guys are coming from all over the planet and border patrol overwhelmed, few agents to process them. yesterday we talked to a group of men from ecuador, they said they are here to work and planning to go to sanctuary
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cities. take a listen. >> ecuador? [speaking non-english] >> pennsylvania? >> new york? >> chicago? >> chicago. >> chicago. >> bill: take a look at live images in eagle pass, texas, overrun with illegal crossings this week. the border patrol union says border agents are going to have to work this christmas holiday because of sheer numbers coming across. border patrol union telling us, while our agents are willing to sacrifice the holiday, that is not what they will be doing, they will be processing illegal
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border crossers for release into the u.s. and the border left wide open. these will not be happy holidays for hard-working men and women of the border patrol. many agents in lukeville have to work christmas day when it comes to mas releases, numbers are jaw-dropping, cbp says since october 1, border patrol has released 380,000 illegal immigrants into the country with notices to appear. ex thank you so much. congressman, it hits deeper and harder when you think about christmas day with migrants in that situation in pouring rain and border protection agents in that situation, too. reality, it is not christmas day, it is groundhog day, where the record is being shattered and to how the administration
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take a position there is nothing they can do seems like the ultimate slap in the face. what say you? >> doug: of course there is, three years ago, donald trump closed the border, people were not coming across. it is not hard. they are making it hard, there is an agenda, they want to let them come in. as son of a state trooper and growing up here, you see people working holidays. border patrol is working holidays and not able to do their job. they are babsitting and we are funding the cartels trip we are letting them in. we have talked about this so much, people don't understand anymore. we are football fans getting ready for playoffs. alabama and michigan, stadiums fit 100,000 people, this month at the border 380s,000 four
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football fields full let in. georgia has a population of 10 million, 2 million across the border this year. think about that. that is what people need to understand what is happening in the u.s. >> emily: important to have that illustration, appreciate it. go, huskies. >> doug: go dawgs. >> emily: we digress. lisa, in terms of the pattern, the exhaustion i feel on behalf of the agents pails in exhaustion i feel for our commander-in-chief for refusing to take responsibility for the border. >> lisa: merry christmas, people. we have people having to fund people that are knowingly breaking laws and taking
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advantage of loopholes. it is wrong and unfair. we have seeded our country to our enemies without them having to fire a shot. wee have seen 736 people from the terror watch list and almost 73,000 special interest aliens in a two-year period. people coming from countries that harbor terrorists or national security threat to our country and this fiscal year alone, 4000 chinese nationals, 2000 russians and people from turkey. we are not safe and punishing hard-working americans who have to foot the bill for people coming who want to do god knows what to our country. >> emily: carley, speaker johnson is demanding restoration of what the congressman pointed
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out, to return to what worked. biden is most disapproved of president. four million illegal immigrants not including gotaways. >> yeah, speaker johnson's statement is simple, we are being told this is a complicated issue. you have title 42, title eight, you can't break this law, people can only stay in certain areas. it is truly simple to fix, as doug said, it happened before. all you have to do is start rebuilding the wall, go back to remain in mexico and have migrants apply for asylum in the first country they step foot in. that sends a signal our border is closed. border patrol agents are processing people, not enforcing border laws. that is one thing. this is my favorite story of the week, irony is rich, what is
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happening in new york city and not getting enough attention. mayor adams is putting migrants on flights and giving migrants tickets to go to other cities and a year ago, when governor abbott was doing that, he called that inhumane policy. this is a reason why dhs secretary mayorkas will be going to meet with the mexican president because democratic lawmakers are saying, you have to do something about this issue. we'll see if that results in any solutions, i'm skeptical of that meeting resulting in solutions, we'll wait to see on that front. >> emily: doctor, the inhumanity argument, majority of ice detention beds are empty, migrants are in the rain, and being raped and murdered and horrible things they are going through and this administration pats us on the back, but it has
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been cruel since day one. >> dr. nesheiwat: a country is defined by their border, you hit approximately 300,000 by end of december coming into this country. to your point, lisa, this is a public health crisis and national health crisis. i take care of immigrant patients almost everyday, they come in with communicable diseases, tuberculosis, which requires six to nine months of antibiotic. they are consuming resources, urgent care and hospitals are overwhelmed, education system and shelters. it is a tough situation and i hope to see action, we'll get
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something done coming up soon. >> doug: and border patrol agents is the first ones they see. the front line border agents are being affected. >> emily: so much more to come, stay with us.
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>> emily: the united nations security council voting 13-0 to boost aid to the gaza strip. the united states and russia abstained from the vote. today's vote after two weeks of negotiations and several days of delays. greg palkot with more from tel aviv, israel. greg. >> greg: emily, we got this vote
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in from the unsecurity council regarding israel and hamas war. to some degree, it is a vote in favor of dealing with this battle. the vote went 13-0, that nothing was no nos, no vetoes and two abstentions, one from the u.s. and one from russia. that doesn't sound great. abstention from the united states is a positive thing, the u.s. is working on rewriting the language on this ez resolution, first dealing with the pause, initial wording had wording that ceasefire would take place and u.s. came up with compromised language, i'm looking now. saying conditions should be created for the seization of hostileities and regarding
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humanitarian aid, there is a sticking point on that. the un saying all humanitarian aid should go in, controlled by the un, by all means, the u.s. has been worried that other stuff could get mixed with that aid if israel doesn't have a hand with it. they are calling for steps would be taken to allow in more humanitarian aid. those stepings could mean more aid account be coming, maybe not a full-blown rush of aid as initially referred to in the wording. again, that was enough for a u.s. abstention. we heard from linda thomas greenfeld, she had said the resolution is something we could vote on, which is short of saying vote for and that is what happened. russia had problems with the
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wording, too. russia probably did not think it went as far as other people would have liked it to have gone and their way of issuing an opinion. they did not issue a veto either. this is seen overall as win for the folks trying to reign in the israeli war against hamas. not a full-blown win, a qualified win. emily, one final point. bad hostage news, 73-year-old gadi, an american held hostage by hamas is dead in captivity, shot and killed on october 7 when hamas came into his kibbutz and took him away. his body remains in gaza. first of all dual citizens that we now know is dead, he leaves behind a wife, that was
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kidnapped, plus four children and seven grandchildren. somewhat hopeful news coming out of the un. back to you. >> emily: thank you for that, bring conversation back to the couch. prayers to that family. heartbreaking news. hamas rejected offer by israel of ceasefire in exchange for hostages, poignant loss, always loss of human life, this is american-israeli dual citizen and un votes for more funding to gaza. what say you? >> doug: it is tragic, we're seeing this happen and part of what we've been seeing since october. question that comes to mind, with this resolution, this is victory for hamas in this battle with israel. you are putting the un saying we need more aid put into gaza, like a government program in the
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u.s. then what is next step? un actual control of this aid? and if un controls the aid, security forces will have to come into play. interesting we abstain from this. >> lisa: hamas never seems to run out of rockets. they are not voting to give aid to innocent gaza, they are voting to give aid to hamas. 80% live in poverty, 47% unemployment rate, hamas has 500 million in annual military budget of $350 million. where do you think the money is going, people. >> dr. nesheiwat: there are some innocent civilians in gaza, not all terrorists, but when you think about the humanitarian aid, food, water, medication to
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conduct operations. beginning of the war doctors and hospitals al-shifa hospital did not have medicine to take care of innocent children suffering as result of hamas terrorist action. we need to help the innocent, yes, to your point, lisa, a lot of aid is going to hamas. we know are using undercover schools and hospitals and churches to decide themselves. it is a hard balance, they need the basic necessities to survive. we need everything we can to eradicate hamas off the face of this earth. >> carley: we just learned the first u.s. hostage has died. we all -- celebrated the release of the little girl, first
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american to be released and to hear the first american hostage has passed away. think about this man and his life and news and think about consideration the biden administration might be under. i know the un can be confusing and i got a lesson from doug on what this means. by obstaining from this vote, biden administrationed hands off, let aid go to gaza, which means let this aid go to hamas. if united states voted no, there would not have been increase in aid, for these things to happen at same time is notable. one last thing, there is a politico report that kamala harris is pushing the white house to be more sympathetic to
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palestinians. remember this man and the united states citizens that have died before she rushes to talk about sympathy for palestinians, they voted hamas into family. >> emily: family, our prayerings and love is with you and gadi, may your memory be a blessing. more "outnumbered" next. gs and love is with you and gadi, may your memory be a blessing. more "outnumbered" next. gs and love is with you and gadi, may your memory be a blessing. more "outnumbered" next. s and love is with you and gadi, may your memory be a blessing. more "outnumbered" next. (fisher investments) it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same, but at fisher investments we're clearly different. (other money manager) different how?
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of his job performance in the latest gallup poll. lowest approval of a president seeking reelection. we look at numbers and it brutal for joe biden. we are months out from the election. how much do the polls matter? >> doug: in the general not as much as primary polls, primary polls are now hardening. what i notice on the screen was barack obama 43%, right before his first reelect. joe biden is 39 and donald trump 45. look at the numbers in perspective. big problem is not poll numbers, people see issues they are running on. economy and the border and they are making an opinion because they can compare to what it was like a few years ago.
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getting them out is an iffy think, joe biden is not the sales person they need. he is not selling it. it is not being bought. we have no plan b, there is plan b called joe biden. >> lisa: or plan b what they are doing to donald trump. what they are doing in colorado and indictments donald trump is facing. would donald trump be facing that onslot if joe biden was not so weak? >> emily: i don't think he would, you can tell strength of the fear by strength of the attack, viciousness and delusional quality of the attack. donald trump is right when he says it is us they're after, i'm just in the way. democratic party has made it about trump, people who support trump realize they made it all
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about them. it is rare under democratic watch. i point out, which i have been lately, i worry about the polls. kids 18 to 29 are fleeing to trump in droves and disapprove of biden's handling of -- when you say let me know what the kids want and i'll tell them that, it will never be enough and they will not be satisfied. they are done with him. it was not a red wave and i'm afraid for the ballot box. what now gop and republicans? we need coheegsiveness and togetherness, a strategy. we need to see thatta the ballots. >> lisa: we are putting our faith in you, america, please don't let us down. >> doug: republicans, we have to
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do better at doing work of elections, getting people to the polls and making an argument. democrats are better at it. >> lisa: talking about the vice president hitting the campaign trail for abortion. you are covering the news every morning, what issues do you foresee for the 2024 election? >> carley: great question, you see in the polls, economy is number one, illegal immigration is number two. on the other side, abortion is major talking point for democrats and i don't know about that one, the midterm election, the fact there wasn't the red wave people expected, was blamed on reversal of roe v. wade decision and had a lot to do with the fact republican candidates won in the primary that were unelectable in the
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general election. wait to see if the abortion issue has as much power behind it as democrats hope to. these poll numbers, brutal. and there was a report that president biden after the turkey pardon said that -- he called meeting of closest aids and furious about poll numbers. rightfully so, how he will change it is yet to be determined. >> lisa: it keeps him up at night, but he goes to bed at 5 a.m. he is the oldest president and will continue to be going into election cycle, how does that impact his ability to go out and campaign? >> dr. nesheiwat: it is a massive issue, he is 80 something years old. over the years, look at cognitive function and decline. it is heartbreaking to see, he
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is a president and senior, to see him tumbling and falling, god forbid, if he falls on the bicycle, he could hit his head and he's on brain thinners. if you look, this is probably a wake-up call why they want to go on this campaign tour. they are the lost ratings, 34 and 35%, lowest presidential and vice presidential ratings in history. i don't think there is a comeback solution. 1% inflation to 10% and we're back down to 3%, triple what we were and americans are hurting. my patients are struggling to pay healthcare, pick up medication and americans are struggling to put food on the table and groceries and take this into consideration, it is not looking good for him. >> lisa: he should take bc boost. i am 38 and tired, i can't
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call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. >> carley: tsa is breaking for record-breaking crowds. severe storms are threatening delays and cancellations for millions of americans. transportation secretary pete buttigieg says airlines are stepping up to meet the challenge. >> winter weather will be a
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challenge, thanksgiving travel, cancellations stayed below 1%. this year, so far, 2023 has seen lowest cancellation rate in the last five years. >> carley: live at denver international airport. hi. >> hi, carley, give you a look at security checkpoint at the third busiest airport in the world. it is super packed today. it is going through a lull. tsa does have tips for folks to keep things moving, specific to your carry-on. if you are bringing gifts, put them in gift bags or boxes. wrapped gifts are allowed, but they can get unwrapped. finish your coffee or nothing drinks and water before you get in line. check with your airline for
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updates and delays, download the my tsa app to help you out and get to the airport two or more hours before your flight. we chatted with folks doing their best to keep the spirit. mave is traveling with willie, he says with lines and crowds, it is worth it. >> you can't not be around family during holidays, that is the biggest part for me. >> you are one of the happiest travelers i ever met. >> i'm trying, you got to be happy and have fun during the holiday and enjoy it. >> how about the mood, is everybody in the holiday move and handling traveling well? >> seems typical, i wouldn't say it is ugly at all. >> you sing christmas songs entire flight from north carolina? >> no. >> who did? >> my brother. >> her little brother is a good
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singer and he plays with her all the time, i will tell you guys, their mom said that her young children did not sleep the entire flight from north carolina and anyone with kids know when they sleep for the whole float, she is happy to be off the plane. >> carley: they are excited because santa is coming. great to see you. doug, you are about to go to the airport, are you worried? >> doug: yeah! >> carley: 1 of the 2.5 million. >> doug: yeah. we made goals, honey. it is exciting. for those who travel, my own personal -- i travel every two or three weeks, just go with the flow, it is okay, people do this everyday, take your coat off if you need to, don't take bottles of water or eggnog, you will get
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through it better. tsa agents are there for your protection, be nice to them. they are there to help and if you are nice to them, i have found when you are nice to somebody, they are nice back. that is the way you travel. >> carley: what do you think? >> lisa: most much the time. okay, the administration is not responsible for the weather, but they are for bad things, especially mayor pete. pothole pete, is secretary of department of transportation. baby food shortage and first grounding of planes, train derailment, joe biden got his first openly gay cabinet secretary with him. everything else falling apart. >> emily: my sister just traveling to romania, she just
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forgot all her gifts at the airport. >> carley: tips about not wrapping gifts is a good one. >> lisa: i wish we could bring eggnog. >> doug: i'm a bag person. >> more "outnumbered" in just a mo moment. because we had christian healthcare ministries. i went directly to the specialist i wanted. they took care of all our medical bills. over $60,000. joining christian healthcare ministries is one of the best decisions we've ever made. we're the suarez family, and this is our chm story. choose your doctor without network restrictions, all at an affordable price. enroll anytime at chministries. dot org / enroll.
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>> state efforts to keep donald trump off the ballot hurt or help his campaign? we will look at the lay of the land. illegal migrants are showing their traveling to the border as an adventure, we'll have the latest on the crisis. can artificial intelligence help save lives? marc siegel will be here. and i'm john roberts, join us at top of the hour for "america reports." ♪ ♪ >> emily: welcome back. it is time for in case you
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missed it. 1st up, new york city seen mass exodus of residents in recent years and democratic mayor thinks he knows why. mayor eric adams is blaming rats. watch. >> some people who have children and families decide they want to go to a place where children can play outdoors, larger green spaces, they want to see animals. you don't see animals, except for rats, there is combination of things. we're getting rid of the rats, by the way. >> emily: are we? the rat czar has not been -- >> dr. nesheiwat: i almost tripped over one crossing the street going to work. they are huge and real. it is a huge problem we need to clean up along with drugs and crime and homelessness. people are leaving because we
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have highest tax rate in the country after california and there is better climate in florida, right? >> emily: a lot of fleeing happening and rats is the tip of the iceberg. >> lisa: prices are increasing in florida, maybe people should stay here. murder and people supporting terrorists, taxes, the list is almost as long as hillary's excuses for losing the 2020 election. >> carley: he is not wrong, it is rats and high taxes and education problems, as well. what i almost tripped over, i'm not lying, a raccoon. >> cute. >> carley: i don't know, i get to work early in the morning and saw out of the corner of my eye, something large and larger than normal rodent, i was like, that is a raccoon patting down the
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street. >> lisa: that is better, i don't know, what would you rather? >> carley: or a raccoon? i don't know. >> none of the above. >> emily: i saw a rat fighting a pigeon and the rat won. >> doug: y'all come to my backyard with deer and everything else, raccoons. >> emily: speaking of animals, a fishy story, lee county on the hunt for a male suspect who stole a fish from a bass pro shop. he was carrying it in a net and he ran off. tarpons are protected in the sunshine state and this grinch may find himself in hot water. we are doing our part to put his
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photo out there. i hate this, people stealing animals, put them back. >> doug: water in the store. >> emily: good start. >> carley: that evidence eshg vaperates. >> dr. nesheiwat: my baby nephew anthony would do, give me a break. >> lisa: this is fishing i want to do. >> doug: that is called catching, not fishing. >> carley: i love it said fishing for a jail sentence at the top of the screen. i feel bad for this fish living in bas pro shop, i will never get eaten, i live here and fish out of water. >> doug: medicines were hid behind the counter and now a latch on aquarium. >> emily: lid on the water. goodluck keeping stress in check this christmas. research with american heart association reported 63% of
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people say holidays are more stressful than tax season. and they find americans of all ages have a problem with winding down. >> dr. nesheiwat: stress hormone increase cortisol, which can weaken your immune system. christmas is my favorite holiday, take it easy, relax and remember what is purpose of holiday and christmas, to celebrate jesus christ and spend time with loved ones and family. >> the to-do list is long. >> carley: my husband does taxes, i do christmas gift, this is more stressful than march. >> lisa: i love this time of year, i love buying gifts. i got my nephew a parting dinosaur, little boys love anything with parting. i'm stocked.
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i've apologized to my brother and sister-in-law. >> carley: the fun aunt. >> emily: you think tax or what is worse and more stressful? >> doug: i'm okay with both, both. >> carley: he is cool as a cucumber. >> doug: i have a bride that handle the gifts. it is stressful. christmas, we're trying to impress others with things they probably don't want and real season is about family and friends. >> emily: more "outnumbered" in just a moment! my plaque psoriasis was so bad... i couldn't get my hair done. my psoriasis was all over. then my joints started hurting, found out it was psoriatic arthritis. who knew they could be connected? for me, cosentyx works on both. 5 years and counting. did you know people with psoriasis on the scalp
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have a 4 times higher risk of developing psoriatic arthritis, which if left untreated can lead to permanent joint damage? cosentyx works on all of this and helps stop further joint damage. talk to your doctor. find something that works for you. serious allergic reactions. severe skin reactions that look like eczema and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. cosentyx. still workin' for me. ♪see me♪ find relief that can last. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. i'm yael eckstein of the international fellowship of christians and jews, and this hanukkah holiday is of urgent importance. this is our last chance to help thousands of
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holocaust survivors who are suffering today. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday, and this is what she ate in two days. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty. this hanukkah, your urgently needed gift of only $25, will help rush a food box packed full of life-saving essentials, and includes everything they need to celebrate the miracle of the hanukkah holiday. i am very proud to partner and align with the international fellowship of christians and jews. this trusted ministry is giving christians like me a way to bless elderly jewish people who live in extreme poverty around the world.
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i need to humbly accept it with gratitude because this is the only food i would have. my brightest memories are going to my aunt rosa, and i remember her on jewish holiday. they lit the menorah. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story, and i will find a matching soul that would understand i face hunger again. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the miracle of hanukkah.
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(carolers) ♪ iphone 15 pro, your husband deserves it! ♪ (mom) carolers? to tell me you want a new iphone? a better plan is verizon. (dad) no way they'd take this wreck. (carolers) ♪ yes, they will, in any condition. ♪ ♪ get iphone 15 pro and ipad and apple watch - all on them! ♪ (mom) please forgive him. (carolers) ♪ it's all good - just a little awkward. ♪ (soloist) think we'll wrap this up. (vo) it's your last chance to turn any iphone in any condition into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium and ipad and apple watch se - all on us. that's up to $1700 in value. only on verizon. ♪♪ >> emily: last but not least, porch pirates are back. that's right, shipping experts say 82 million boxes are being mailed out across the country every day this holiday season
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and more grinches seem to be stealing them from front steps and porches. 76% said they have had a package stolen, over 119 million packages, although weirdly it's only up 5% from last year, seems it would be up a billion percent. this kills me, you guys. it breaks my heart. >> they should have to wear an eye patch and hook to identify themselves. >> emily: it affects every american except those behind a gate. everyone has it happen to them. >> crimes of opportunity. the ring cams, those are great to catch the perpetrator, even better at the security at the border. >> emily: get a doberman, keep it outside. >> that's so you to get a big dog, and porch pirates lean into it and get the eye patch as well. this happened to me last year.
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>> what? >> it was a blanket and 3 or 4 candles around the holidays, it was to be a gift and somebody stole them. i know, injustice of it, it's really annoying. >> emily: whatever is in the package you needed but for them, they don't need your really specific eye dropper makeup remover thing. you needed it. >> they want to sell it. >> in the rural communities, you are a little more hesitant to steal a package. >> emily: the racoon, be wary if there is food for the pet, critters like to get in as well. have a wonderful weekend. see you the next time back here on christmas day. and now here is "america reports". >> santa came early last night, when the colorado supreme court ruled donald trump is disqualified from holding


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