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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  December 22, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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see jesus in church this weekend. the best part of the season for me is observing how much time our 4-year-old, valentina, who happens to have down syndrome, spends in front of our family nativity scene. here she is reading to jesus. she is there all the time when i walked by her in the house. she is there sitting in front of the nativity scene. other times she brings the magi gifts, these little boxes i have on our family altar. how did she know to bring them in front of jesus? she will sometimes move the baby closer to herself, she talks to the statues. sometimes she is just sitting in front of them pondering, studying them. every time i see her there, which is often throughout the day, i can't help but realize how she's teaching all of us to slow down and spend some time with the baby jesus this christmas. that's it for me. i'm rachel campos debbie in for laura ingraham you should check out our podcast. here is will cain. ♪ ♪
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>> will: welcome to a special edition of "jesse watters primetime." i'm will cain in for jesse. we start with a fox news alert. a major blow for the democratic party. the supreme court today shot down special counsel jack smith's appeal to fast track trump's january 6th case, handing trump a christmas gift: time. jack smith, the overzealous prosecutor with a scraggly beard, tried to leapfrog the lower court of appeals and force a quick decision on the question of whether or not the former president should be granted immunity from his federal charges. why? to make sure donald trump spends the month of march stuck in a courtroom. trump, who's already been out of commission for the last two months over his fraud case in new york, will be taken off of the campaign trail. again, meaning no rallies, no fund-raisers. he will be forced back into the court the day before super tuesday when trump is supposed to be on the ballot in 16 states.
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it's been the biden campaign strategy all along. biden stays home, donald trump stays in court. but now the supreme court is ripping it out of the hands of jack smith and handing it off to another lower-level court, which could pump the trial until after the election. it's a big blow to the plan to stop donald trump, and the way things look, we could see a 9-0 supreme court decision to strike down colorado's decision to strip trump off the ballot. and that would be a second big blow to democrats, who all week have been dancing like kids on christmas morning. >> happy winter solstice, everybody! [applause] for my pagan viewers, happy saturnalia. one popular socialist tradition is to dance around a bonfire, but i already did my drunken dance two nights ago when colorado kicked trump off the ballot. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> will: democrats who love to
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talk about saving democracy are dancing for the death of democracy. all democrats want for christmas is trump off the ballot. colorado struck first. next up, california, michigan, wisconsin, and told other states who are dreaming of kicking trump off the ballot. the campaign plan for democrats is clear. it is ballot-strip him and strapped him into a courtroom. as joy behar puts it, "the law must defeat him." it's why they are smearing a former president with the term "insurrectionist." they know very well, you can't lead an insurrection against yourself. trump was the president on january 6th. the validity of the case isn't the point. the point is democrats have to turn to lawfare to this election. use radical judges and lawyers to enact. if they don't, then who will win this election for democrats? because right now joe biden is
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not doing them any favors. biden is walking into the general election with the lowest first-term approval rating out of the last seven predecessors. he is pulling at 39%. look, not even jimmy carter was that low. carter was pulling at 54%, and we know how that turned out. right now no one wants joe. not even hollywood wants joe. >> oprah, are you supporting the president again in 2024? >> i'm just here to celebrate this event. will: so if biden has lost hollywood, he is lost. and he's not making it any easier for himself. congress is right now sifting through his emails, his bank records. his son is fleeing subpoenas and getting hit with tax and gun felonies. and now democrats have opened a pandora's box with electoral
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lawfare. republicans have reached right in, slapping right back at democrats. republicans in the states of pennsylvania, georgia, and arizona, all swing states, are all drafting bills to remove joe biden from their ballots. their reasoning? for leading insurrection, this time at the southern border, and for selling himself out to the enemy, china. is that going to go anywhere? who knows? probably not. because, again, you can't lead an insurrection against yourself. but also, again, the validity of a case is not the point of lawfare. right now the democratic party's strategy of lawfare's blowing up in their faces, and joe biden is looking incapable of beating trump. if you can't win with lawfare and you can't win with joe biden, don't be surprised if behind the scenes democrats are already planning to kick biden off the ticket. if they do, i hear gavin newsom
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is waiting in the wings. fancy, great to see you this evening. how big a blow do you think this is? affect the supreme court has said we will not take up the immunity case, you first have to process through the court of appeals, thus throwing off the timeline to have this done before super tuesday or at least started before super tuesday. how big a blow is this to the motivation of the entire case against trump? >> i think it is a big blow and you made a great point. lawfare is the point. it's not the point of whether he is guilty of these things, whether there's an insurrection or a rico case. the point is to keep president trump off the campaign trail, because then an ailing and aged joe biden won't look so bad when he is also off the campaign trail. but i think this blow by the supreme court, seem to be followed by the next ruling against the colorado
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supreme court, ought to be the death knell for these cases. but i suspect they will persist. see you and i think the motivation is to take trump off the campaign trail in part, but they see the polling. it's actually that president trump's approval rating goes up with these indictments, but they are banking on the idea that a conviction changes the equation. if they can get a conviction, that it will switch the polling and turn it in joe biden's favor. if that is their bet, my question to you is this: which of the cases is their best bet on potentially, maybe, and quickly finding a conviction? >> you know, well, i don't think it's going to be the d.c. case, the january 6th case. because i think trump is right in his appeal, it'll take months to get through the court of appeals into the supreme court on the immunity question. so i think their best hope now is going to be the case right here in my backyard where i'm
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sitting here in fulton county, atlanta. it'll be that rico case, because they will count on the majority democrats here in fulton county to convict president trump of rico, whether or not those counts have any law behind them. whether or not there is any basis for it, whether there's any evidence for it. as we see from the colorado supreme court and all the democrats dancing, as he said, they don't care what the law is. they just want to get trump. >> will: that's exactly right. that's the motivation. thank you so much for being with us this evening. can you feel that? is the christmas spirit in the air. but before we get to celebrating christmas, we have to at least pause for a moment and celebrate festivus. >> the tradition of festivus begins with the airing of grievances. i've got a lot of problems with you people! now you're going to hear about them!
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kroger, my son tells me your company stinks! >> oh, god. >> and now as festivus rolls on, we come into the feats of strength. until you pin me, george, festivus is not over. >> please, somebody stop this. >> lets rumble! >> will: you have no idea of a similar is to a cain family thanksgiving. there were a lot of grievances to air this year. rand paul has released his famous festivus report. inside is full of congressional pork. examples, $900 billion of wasteful spending from our elected leaders. you know, run-of-the-mill stuff, spending projects like $3 million we spent on training russian cats to walk a treadmill. yes, we sent $3 million to russia to put a cat on a treadmill. that's just one example. we have other examples.
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what was highlighted? about $30 million to monkey island, the home about 3,000 monkeys. that's just off south carolina. and since we are talking about monkeys, congress also sent money to a monkey casino, where monkeys are tested on their gambling instincts. we also paid scientists to give monkeys meth. why not? their gambling. even paid half a million dollars to turn male lab monkeys trans. big year for the monkeys. the u.s. government also spent $6 million to boost egyptian tourism. i'm not sure whether that ran through senator bob menendez. and who could forget, $9,000 for a lobster tank at the department of defense? lobster? i'm sure they had caviar. when congress isn't spending our money, they are pulling fire, getting saucy at beetlejuice musicals, fighting over the cattle and going nowhere with
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their investigation. so we have plenty of grievances this year. i'm sure we will have more next year. migrants racing to get across the board before the texas law that allows texas to arrest illegal immigrants, before that goes into effect. ♪ ♪ (vo) wells fargo has donated $525 million dollars... (girl) hey mom! is this one really mine? (mom) honey, like i said... you get your own room. (vo) support housing affordability solutions for families across america. when a bank does what it says, more people can find a place to call their own. doing gets it done. wells fargo. the bank of doing.
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♪ ♪ >> will: illegal immigration isn't taking a day off this christmas weekend. bill melugin is at the border with the latest. >> will, cbp sources tell fox news that, since monday, there have already been over 45,000 migrant encounters at our southern border, enough enough to fill up yankee stadium in just four days. we will show you the situation here in lukeville, arizona.
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take a look, this is the lukeville port of entry which has been closed down for weeks because of mass illegal crossings here. you can see hundreds of illegal immigrants gathered underneath here, waiting for border patrol processing as nothing is slowing down down here. take a look at this video we shot in lukeville this morning. despite rains and storms this morning, illegal crossings did not stop. hundreds of people from all around the world crossing illegally through a breach in the border wall, a lot of them coming in from africa. we also had a chance to talk with a few men from ecuador who crossed over, who tell us they are here for work and they plan to head to sanctuary cities. take a listen. >> [speaking spanish] >> [speaking spanish] >> pennsylvania. new york. chicago. >> and the border patrol union
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tells fox that more agents than ever will be working on this christmas holiday, telling fox in part, "while our agents are more than willing to sacrifice the holidays to protect fellow americans, that's not what they will be doing. they will be processing the illegal border crossers for release into the u.s. while large parts of the board it will be left wide open to exploitation by organized crime. these will not be happy holidays for the hardworking men and women of the border patrol." the numbers for releases are jaw-dropping. cbp sources telling fox that, just since october 1st, border patrol alone has already released more than 386,000 illegal immigrants into the u.s. with the future court date known as a notice to appear. i'll send it back to you. >> will: thank you, bill. "the new york post" talked to megan's in mexico. they said they are making a run for the border. before a texas law that lets local cops arrest illegal immigrants takes effect. "with the new laws in texas we have a better chance of getting
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into america now then if we wait. we came to the border as soon as we heard about the new law." if the law doesn't take effect until march and biden is sure to tie it up into court, probably for months, from now until then it is a mad dash for the border. all the texas law does, by the way, is make illegal immigration illegal on a state level. with some in the media like my old friend and former debate partner, stephen a. smith, thinking that is racist. >> people can be arrested who are suspected of entering the country illegally. do you realize that means a law enforcement official can walk up to somebody, they look hispanic, okay, their english is broken, they don't speak fluent english, so that could be a cause for me to arrest them. it is racist! somebody needs to say it, so i'm going to say it. it is a racist-ass thing to do.
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what we are really learning here is that there are levels of enslavement. >> will: that is simply ridiculous. it's also not true, it is ill-informed. i don't know if stephen a. smith saw the report from bill melugin, but looking hispanic wouldn't be enough to contain the problem of illegal immigration, because illegal immigrants are coming from everywhere. central america, africa, iran, china. looking latino wouldn't even scratch the surface of affecting illegal immigration. here's the good news, voters don't buy any of that junk. the polls show the majority of americans want to finish the wall and deport anybody here illegally. they are sick of it. in new york, illegal immigrants are going door-to-door begging people for food and money. look, here is chicago. >> they're coming to compete with jobs. what about the bad children in
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the ghetto? we have to make it for them! trump, come in here and clean this mess up. it's the most corrupt city in the united states, the city of chicago. >> will: i'm curious, is that racism in chicago? joe biden is turning illinois and new york, for that matter, into swing states, and he's trying to turn texas into a blue state. mark lam is a sheriff in arizona, and he's with us this evening. sheriff, great to see you again. you have some experience, by the way, and arizona. there is a debate about a decade ago about a similar type of law in arizona on how you can find an illegal immigrant, a reasonable suspicion of somebody being an illegal immigrant. i'm curious, your perspective. you see trouble ahead for texas legally, or do you see relief in empowering local law enforcement to enforce laws of illegal immigration?
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>> i see a little bit of both. i love that governor abbott is doing this because clearly a federal government is not doing their job and the state has to protect their state and their people. frankly, they are protecting america by doing this. we did try to pass this in arizona about ten years ago. 2010, i think it was. immediately the obama administration challenged that and it went to the ninth circuit, and the ninth circuit overturned it, basically gutted the law by saying immigration was a federal government issue and it was their federal government responsibility and theirs alone to hold people accountable for coming into this country illegally. so my guess is that texas will face a similar challenge on this, but i like that they're doing it. >> will: absolutely, because the federal government is not doing it, so might as well err to the site of action and let the chips fall where they may in the court. i have been in your county. i have been in your car. somebody has to do something
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about this metastasizing problem across our country. >> amen, and i'm glad they're doing it, too. they need to challenge this law. if the federal government is not going to do it, then we should have the right as states to do this and we should have the right to hold people accountable if they are breaking the law and our states. i love that they're doing it. we are going to continue to push hard. look, i realize there's only so much i can do as a county sheriff, which is why i'm running for the u.s. senate, because so many of these sites need to be had on a federal level, and i'm glad that texas is pushing the federal government and challenging some of these bad case law that some of these courts have set over the years. >> will: all right, sheriff. best of luck to you. appreciate you being on with us tonight. great to see you again. >> great seeing you, too. god bless and merry christmas. >> will: pro-palestinian protesters disrupt a christmas party and left one attendee bloodied and bruised. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> will: well, a christmas party devolved into chaos after a pro-palestinian mob stormed michigan democrats' holiday party in detroit. garrett tenney has the latest. >> this holiday party was supposed to focus on unity among democrats and instead it devolved into chaos and highlighted how divided the party is over the war in israel. several dozen protesters aggressively push their way into the party to confront democratic congressman st over his support for israel. when the partygoers tried to force them out, the protesters fought back. >> please leave the building. >> there asking them to leave.
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>> that women come a long democratic activist, was hospitalized with a buddy nose and two black eyes after trying to get the protesters to leave. a few hours later, some of the pro-palestinian crowd showed up outside the progressive congressman's home in the middle of the night, honking their horns and yelling at him on bullhorns, demanding a cease-fire. thanedar, who until recently was a member of the democratic socialists of america, isn't backing down in his support of israel. he posted, if these protesters think hurting senior citizens at a christmas party is going to win people over to their side, they are very mistaken. so far there have been no arrests and no charges from the democrats unity party saturday night but detroit police say they are investigating. will? >> will: american colleges are out of control. the reason so many young americans hate our country is because they are being taught to
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resent themselves and our nation. from the moment they step foot on campus. we have seen this at colleges all across the united states, and a recent display from ivy league presidents on capitol hill showed that even our previously most prestigious institutions aren't immune. in reality, the fish rots from the head down. it starts at these kinds colleges, the prestigious ivies. but now professors at every level are becoming emboldened and instructing the students to explicitly de dismantled the ene united states. >> is our responsibility as people within the united states to go as hard as possible to decolonize this place because that will reverberate all across the world, because the u.s. is the greatest predator empire that has ever existed. so we want the u.s. out everywhere. we want the u.s. out of palestine. we want the u.s. out of turtle island. the goal is to dismantle the settlor project that is the
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united states. >> will: now, if you don't know what turtle island is -- i didn't know what turtle island is. it is not some province far off that just got invaded. it's nothing like that. it is actually a term that activists use when referring to the entire continent of north america. so she wants to decolonize the entire continent of north america. and don't forget, the radical ideology is being pushed beyond our borders. they are using bei and other race-based footholds to indoctrinate an entire generation to become international terrorist sympathizers. everyone saw the horrible stuff that happened by hamas on october 7th. men, women, children, holocaust survivors, butchered by islamic radicals. and those left alive were kidnapped, raped, and tortured. but if you see those facts, the academic class will say you are racist. a minnesota professor said, "part of our work and part of my
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experience was how men of color in the u.s. have been demonized and have been falsely accused of rape exactly because of racism. i think that is also repeated in the context of israel and palestine, because arab men have been demonized and marked as monstrous people who are rapists and r for violence." or it just happened in reality and was effective october 7th. but that line of thinking shouldn't surprise you. this professor is in the running to become the dean of the dei office at the university of minnesota. and dei has always been about the totem pole of oppression. they never cared about leveling the playing field, their goal has always been to create different standards for every race and gender. that is why claudine gay is still the president of harvard. she is the university's first black president, so it doesn't matter how much she has
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plagiarized throughout her career. but the pressure to give her the boot has gotten so intense that the harvard alum barack obama has reportedly stepped in to tell the university to keep current administration stable. you would think if you graduated from a prestigious university you would care more about academic integrity rather than what the boxes its president checks off. horace cooper is the chairman of project 21 national advisory board and author of "put y'all back in chains: how biden's policies hurt black americans." barack obama steps in to defend claudine gay. why's that important for the former president? >> what he's doing is demonstrating that standards don't matter. what the former president is doing is demonstrating that, if we required excellence of every single professor, of every single student, the former
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president believes, apparently like david duke, there wouldn't be any black people in these positions. when i went off to school at a great university, the university of texas at austin, i was there during a period where, yes, there were liberal people, yes, there were liberal professors, but they understood and accepted that people had different views, and they were welcome to express those as long as they could do so constructively. when we had exams, we were integrated based on our race, we were graded based on our mastery. if barack obama, if the harvard corporation has its way, if this dei mindset has its way, we are going to roll back the clock substantially so that most americans, when they see black people in positions of
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prominence, they are going to believe, like david duke does, those people aren't competent, those people aren't capable of. miss gay, dr. gay, should resign and let a talented, capable, and skilled person take her place. >> will: you know, horace, i was tempted to estimate the utopian vision or the end game of this entire ideology is, but you described it. it is resegregation in the style of jim crow era america. by the way, i didn't know you are a longhorn. i'm a longhorn and we have a gigantic game one week. hook'em horns. you have to get in hit camera angle. we are taking down the huskies. >> that's right. >> will: thank you so much. >> thank you. merry christmas. >> will: merry christmas.
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hook'em. charlie sheen attacked by his neighbor. ♪ ♪ o sk i'm 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. with skyrizi, nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. biovanta is the only number one physician-recommended product chosen over all others, including tylenol, mucinex, zicam, and nyquil / dayquil. the combat symptoms and boosts immunity. biovanta really works.
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♪ ♪ >> will: charlie sheen was
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attacked inside his los angeles home by a female neighbor, but don't worry, it's not the one you thinking of. >> you! >> having heard of the neighborhood watch? >> we don't have a neighborhood watch. >> well, not yet. if we did, i surely couldn't stroll in here like i just did. >> will: fox news chief correspondent jonathan hunt has the latest on this real-life incident from police. >> hey, willow. this sounds like it was a terrifying incident for charlie sheen at the hands quite literally of a neighbor. he is the official sheriff's statement. on wednesday, december 20, 2023, at approximately 1:00 p.m., malibu lost hills deputies responded to the 6000 block regarding a battery disturbance call. upon contacting the parties involved, deputies identified charlie sheen as a victim of assault. the suspect, electra schrock, was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon, and here's what
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we understand happened at sheen's apartment. he heard knocking on his door, slowly opened it, and saw his neighbor, who is indeed named electra schrock, standing here. she pushed into sheen's home and began grabbing at the actor, ripping his shirt and repeatedly grabbing at his neck. our sources say she chased him through his home. sheen was able to call 911 while he was being attacked and continued to scream to let him go. other neighbors apparently heard the commotion rushed to help, eventually getting the suspect out of his apartment. sheen told police that schrock lives above him and they had a previous issue. electra schrock was do to make her first appearance in court in the l.a. area today but
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apparently there was some sort of transportation issue. we don't know precisely what, getting her from the jail to the court. so that initial appearance will now take place on tuesday. she will be held in custody until then. >> will: thank you so much. it seems like the world is teetering on the edge, tensions high all across the country. road rage incidents, for example, turning into murderers, students starting massive brawls that border on riots, and cruise ships being taken out to sea by mother nature. it almost feels like we are living in the james patterson novel. unfortunately this is all real. a 4-year-old was killed last week when a california road rage incident turned deadly. 29-year-old byron burkhart allegedly cut off his parents as they were driving home after picking up groceries. he then pulled up next to the family, fired eight shots into their vehicle, and he was hit and later died at the hospital.
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schools used to be safe havens for children. we trusted they would be taken care of, but this is rapidly becoming the new normal at schools all across the country. >> [shouting] >> [bleep]. holy [bleep]! >> will: all those fights were at one school in one day. charles herbert flowers high school in maryland wound up having ten fights break out on their campus on tuesday. it doesn't seem to get better if you try to leave the country. a european cruise ship is on its way to england when he got struck by a rogue wave. the windows were smashed, the ship lost all power, and lost
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the ability to navigate. all these things, it just seems stranger than fiction but it's happening all around us. joining me now, the author, james patterson. great to have you on the show tonight. >> nice to be here. >> will: i don't know if you model any of your books off real-life events. this plenty of source material. >> fortunately we have alex cross around us all some of these problems. it's very safe here. i'm a little less than a mile from mar-a-lago so our streets are pretty good. the culture needs to shift a little bit, and one of the things that needs to happen is we just need to arrest people if they're doing the wrong thing. you rob a drug store, you get arrested, and things like that. so the culture just needs to change a bit again, to shift back to closer to where it was. >> will: i think we take for granted that we are on this
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constant march of progress to a safer and better world. if you look at history, it bends back toward violence and chaos if it's not controlled, if people are interested, if we don't impose civilization. >> there is certainly a lot of truth to that, absolutely. do the crime, do the time. >> will: and there's guys like alex cross, like you said, and a new book you have out, "alex cross must died." i saw you at the patriot awards just about a month ago. there's a real life alex cross out there helping us impose that civilization. >> that was an honor to be called the patriot. no one can object to that. obviously a lot of people who are watching our patriots, too, so it's all good. i'll tell you what, the holidays are a good time to read a good book, and it is a good book, so hopefully people will have some fun with it through the holidays. >> will: i'm sure that it is,
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and i know that you are a patriot. we appreciate you, james. thanks for being with us tonight. >> think you. >> will: christmas events canceled in bethlehem as the war between israel and hamas rages on. benjamin hall's christmas message, next. ♪ ♪ fits at visionworks. how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone! ...hey! use your vision benefits before they expire. visionworks. see the difference. what is cirkul? cirkul is
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♪ ♪ >> will: for the first time in recent history, christmas is canceled in bethlehem as war ravages gaza. the manger square outside nativity church is historically a beacon of light, the epitome of the christmas spirit, but bethlehem officials are scrapping the annual tree lighting, fireworks display, christmas parade, and holiday market. now activists are sending a message of their own, with a nativity scene made of rubble to represent the state of gaza. there is a feeling of hopelessness and so many people are experiencing this, it is not unlike the mood that might have existed during world war i. we need a moment like they had during world war i, the historic
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christmas truce between the british and german troops. the battle came to a screeching halt when rivaling soldiers declared an impromptu cease-fire december 25th. >> it simply wasn't appropriate to be shooting at one another, and so there was a mutual agreement that it was a cease-fire and an opportunity to just enjoy christmas and make the most of the opportunity. before you knew it, in some areas, there were hundreds of troops out in no-man's-land, talking together, fraternizing, swapping souvenirs, buttons from their uniform, sharing food, sharing meals, drink. they famously played football together. >> will: you can hear all about that in benjamin hall's new fox nation special, and he joins me now. it's great to have you with me tonight. you know, i'd love to take that christmas truce from world war i and see if there is any
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potential application to where we stand today. one of the things that strikes me, with the british and the german soldiers, the french and german soldiers, there was a point of commonality. they did share christianity, they did share that holiday. do you see any hope for that with what we are dealing with right now? >> it's amazing, i have been listening to you talk for the last 10 minutes and the message you sent across, that the world is on edge right now, christmas is being canceled in bethlehem. there are wars across the world. some people might think there isn't hope, things are so divided right now. how can we move forward? but one of the purposes of this special is to remind people that, no matter how bad things get, yes, there are always things in common. and maybe it isn't religion, certainly not in israel and gaza, but there is humanity there, and community. and i think even in the worst of times, if you can find things that bring you together, that is positive. look what happened to myself
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last year. i was very badly injured in ukraine, my team was lost, and yet i stand here, i sit here today knowing that even in the worst of times there are things that can get us through. what happened 89 years ago in world war i was amazing. people lay down their weapons, came out of their trenches, met in the middle, they put aside everything that divided them. they sung carols, played soccer together, they said prayers. those are things we can never forget. there's always hope out there and i hope this special conveys it. >> will: what an awesome message. real quick, i don't have a lot of time, unfortunately. it's the nature of a program. but as a follow to that, it is historically a note that they did that in 1914-1915 and not in later years of world war i. and there is something about the hardening of the human spirit, perhaps, over time that we need to take lessons back to that first year of world war i where you still had some humanity. >> this only happened five
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months after world war i broke out, and a year later this had been torn apart. world war i was so brutal. you do have to wonder whether or not conflict goes on -- the longer it goes on, whether it becomes harder to heal those wounds. we did heal those wounds after world war i. they fought for many years and we healed those wounds. it gets to dark places, but you can always heal it. we have to remember that, and i hope this special really conveys that. >> will: you can check it out, the christmas truce of 1914 on fox nation, and your personal story, as well, shows us the power of hope. thank you so much. >> thanks, will. >> will: california is proving to be bad for business. between pro-criminal policies and sky high taxes, business owners say the golden state is taking a huge bite out of their bottom lines. the state justice department reports that a 9% increase in violent crime between 2018-2022. and this celebrity chef is fed
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up, taking california off the menu, vowing never to open up another restaurant there again. so they will miss out, but we won't. he's standing in the kitchen now with tips for us for christmas. chef? >> thanks for having me. some of those numbers you put out there, being on the ground he is even worse. we were broken into a couple weeks ago and it's funny because the police department came and did fingerprints, spent three or four hours only to hear they won't do anything even if they catch the guy. at the end of the day, it is absurd. i'm going to put this noise off for you here. we've still got this going on. but i'm in a working kitchen right now. there is no money to be made and they're not putting any of these criminals in jail. it's really a shame, and i hate to leave california from a restaurant perspective but there are a lot more states welcome to have me. speak when you are exactly right, many states. as speaker texas. happy to have you step in.
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if you did and you are there for us on christmas, what would you have for us? beef wellington, it's actually a tradition in the family and married into. what do you suggest for christmas when it comes to dishes? >> i talk about roast. i'm always posting about different types of meat, and you don't have to do the tradi traditional. this is a less expensive cut. it's a ton of flavor, a little bit lean. i have a script, ribeye, but it's the same technique for all of them. you salt it at least 24 hours ahead of time, leave it uncovered in the refrigerator, and you can see how heavy i'm going on the salt. that diffuses the moisture. then go low in the slow in the oven about 250 degrees until the internal temp hits 120, then blasted up and get the beautiful sea or on. it's known as a reverse sear. he could do it with any of these cuts of meats, and that's the way to go for the holiday.
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>> will: a real quick question for you. i don't think i've ever seen consistency on a traditional christmas meal. we don't do goose, whatever. i have seen pasta, roast, beef wellington. what is the most common traditional meal for christmas? >> i would have to say any type of roast, and that's why in pushing this on here. finish it with nice herb butter extra roasted garlic, and you're all good. that's christmas right there. eating meat and getting your protein. >> will: chef andrew bruhl has prepared us on how to make that perfect roast. thank you. thanks for watching "jesse watters primetime." i'm will cain. if you haven't ordered your copy of his new book, go to plus new episodes of the will cain podcast available now. check it out at or wherever you listen. i'll see you in the morning on on"fox & friends." ♪ ♪


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