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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  December 23, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PST

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rachel campos-duffy, and this is a special edition of the engber mingle, new york city tonight. >> breaking news tonight, major win for donald trump. the supreme court smacking down counsel jack smith and declining to issue an expedited on whether or not the former president has immunity in his 2020 election interference case. >> boxes. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram is here with all the details chad. >> rachel, good evening. this is a blow to special counsel jackson as he asked the supreme court to excel consideration of whether the former president was immune from prosecution for allegedly interfering with the 2020 presidential election. but the court denied smith's request. this down smith's prosecution of mr. trump. it could mean there's no clarity on smith's probe until well into 2024. the federal trial was scheduled to start march 4th. this could mean the trial comes amid the political conventions or down the homestretch of the
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presidential. team trump may want to drag this out. >> here's what's next. the appeal goes to the d.c. court of appeals just below the supreme court. smith wrote in his brief he wanted the d.c. circuit to consider the case quickly so the supreme court could handle a possible appeal. this term rachel. all right. thank you, chad. joining me now is mike davis, former clerk for justice neil gorsuch and founder of the article three project. also with me is miller, former senior adviser to president trump and founder of america first legal. mike, i'm going to start with you. what's your take on what happened today? >> well, jake smith is used getting unanimously slapped down by the supreme court. he did when he brought a bogus criminal prosecution against former virginia governor bob mcdonnell, a likely presidential or vice presidential candidate in 2016. and the supreme court today
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unanimously said, we're not going to hear this case. we're going to go through the normal process. we're not going to go along with your election interference. jack smith, you're going to take this through the normal process, and that's the right decision. stephen, i mean, these are not normal times. i keep saying this, but this level of election interference ,this kind of persecution of your opponents, whether it's, you know, donald trump or rudy giuliani, it just keeps going on and on. why do i feel like republican leaders are not fully appreciating the moment we're in that they're coming, not just them, they're coming for all conservatives, then included? >> well, absolutely. and to a popular phrase from the left in this case, silence is complicity. >> if your elected leader not speaking out and condemning this brazen, thuggish political persecution of joe biden's chief political rival,
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and they are helping to create the conditions that make it possible, the department of justice is, on the one hand trying to shield joe biden from accountability for his many crimes, which is why they're not going after hunter for the foreign alien registration act violations that point to joe. >> while they are also using every single legal tool at their disposal to, persecute donald trump for the crime of demanding a fair and honest accounting of the vote. this is the situation that we are in right now, a country and this is a significant setback for jack smith. let's be clear. the real win is for the court to rule that a president is constitutionally immune from being persecuted for the official conduct of office . a far left prosecutor cannot say that the elected leader of the country can go to jail for his judgment and his discretion in carrying out
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his official duties. >> well, damon linker, a upenn lecturer, wrote a piece on cnn. he's calling the colorado supreme court ruling, quote, breathtakingly foolish. here's what he had to say. he said trump fundamentally represents a political problem ,which means he can only be beaten in the political arena. efforts to take him down by other means will only make him stronger for a standard politician. a criminal indictment is a major a setback that can derail a career in public office. but a politician like trump, an indictment can be an opportunity because it confirms the populist narrative. mike is the only one. there's others in the media who are saying, listen, we're trying to take it down through lawfare. it's not working. it's making a stronger. >> what are we going to do? what do. what's your take on that? >> well, i've been saying that since the unprecedented, unnecessary and unlawful home raid on president trump in mar-a-lago in august 2022.
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and i said that this is going to put president trump back in the white house. and people laughed. and here we are six months later and, it's backfiring badly on the democrats there to impeachments that are to bogus impeachments. they're therefore bogus indictments for nine crimes. >> there are two illegal gag orders. >> they're taking a criminal defendant, which is un-american . they are trying to kick him off the ballot. these four lunatic left-wing judges out here in colorado for the first time in american history, dusted off 155 year old provision from the post-civil war constitutional amendments to chase out of civil war insurrectionists. they're using it now against their political. of course, this is going to backfire. the american people resent the fact that democrat prosecutors and democrat judges in democrat like new york, d.c. and atlanta think they get to decide the next president instead of the american people. >> yeah, used to do all this at the ballot box. >> i don't know what's going on. here's an msnbc legal analyst
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who's not taking the news today very. >> well. listen. this makes it more likely that the trial of president trump in the federal election interference case will either happen much closer to november or not at all. >> and here we have no indication of what anyone was thinking. all we see is a one line denial of the petition and no insight into how we got that place. so even if she worried because the democrats know that the courts are their only hope in getting joe elected. and also, i want you to speak a little bit to what will happen if you know, donald trump ends up in jail or of these ballot. >> what happens to the country ? well, to take your first question, the radical left is using the weaponization of government to try to stop donald trump from returning to the white full stop. we all know they know what everyone understands this fact.
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think about the timing here. all of the facts that are alleged in this ridiculous indictment were known two years, in some cases more than that ago. all of this political persecution could have been started two years ago. but they waited until they thought it would have a impact on the election. and that is why they are now trying to go have, unfortunately for them, failed at the supreme court to expedite rulings to put president trump on trial at the point in time where they think it will inflict maximum political damage. as to what may happen with the outcome of any of these things. all i can say is this the american people are seeing through it. poll after poll after poll shows president trump way ahead of joe biden in a presidential election. because understand the government is being weaponized to try to change the results of a fair and democratic election in the future.
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>> and one last point on this. we're heading towards christmas where we take stock of what we're grateful for as americans. for centuries, we could say that we were grateful to live in a constitutional republic governed by the people. if the department of justice is successful in rigging a presidential election, in taking out a leading the elite and contender for that office, then we will have ceased to living in a constitutional republic. we will be living in an autocracy ruled by an unelected deep state. >> we'll make former obama official floated this theory as to why he thinks it's okay to take trump off the ballot. watch this. >> the language of the 14th amendment, which is as clear as day that insurrectionists can't hold office in this ruling, only shows no more surprising than if the colorado supreme court said arnold schwarzenegger is removed from the ballot for being president. because you have to be a natural born citizen in shorts and such. >> it's the same thing. wow. they're grasping straws, aren't
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they? well, yeah. what's clear as day is chief samuel chase's opinion from 155 years ago, that in order to disqualify under section three of the 14th amendment, congress has to pass a parallel criminal statute, which congress did in 1869. jack smith would have to bring charges under this federal criminal statute for insurrection. a federal grand jury would have to approve those charges. a federal jury would have to unanimously find him guilty. a federal judge would have to conviction that conviction would have to be upheld on appeal. that is the only way that you can remove someone under section three of the 14th amendment. you can't do it through partisan. goofball judges on a state supreme court. >> wow. unprecedented times. no question about it. two great guests reminding us of that. thank you, mike. steven. up next, new details on the tools that cartels are using to overwhelm our border. plus, chicago residents to city
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leaders that he says are prioritizing illegals over american citizens. that's next. >> the time is now. okay, here we go. we're giving you. fox nation's once a year sale just in time for the holidays. get lowest price of the year to start streaming our biggest shows. i'm rob lowe. and this is liberty or death. boston tea party with biggest stars. it's perfect. it's just perfect. and your favorite fox personalities. start streaming fox nation today for just 1999, a year, our lowest price of the year for a limited time only. >> sign up today. we had such a great experience with empire. we would recommend it to anyone. real customers share their stories about empire today. as a matter of fact, we already have customer service and the personal touch was really where it's at. the quality, too is important to us in the quality of the flooring was great. i mean, we've had people come in our home and say, wow, this
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then, join me in making a difference in the lives of families everywhere. cartel members cutting through the border wall resulting in mass crossings. just a short time ago, border
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patrol were able to stop three guys dressed in camouflage just behind us at the border wall here who are using this this electric power saw to cut through the border wall. this has been happening week long. they were able to chase the guys away. they left the saw and ran off into mexico. but it's the sort of thing that happens out here day in and day out. >> just this week alone, sources tell fox news that 45,000 people across our border illegally. that's enough to fill yankee stadium to capacity. and we're just getting in the numbers from november. more than 242,000 illegals were arrested at. the border breaking yet another record. 17 of those were on the terror watch list. but if ask the biden administration, this is really that big of a deal. >> what we're seeing here at the border, the migration flow increase, migration flow, certainly, you know, it ebbs and flows. and we're at a time of the year where we're seeing more at
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the border. >> and it's not unusual. it's just having and flowing. joining me now is lisa boothe, fox news contributor and host of the truth with lisa and ventura's former senior communications adviser for, senate republicans lisa, i mean, i don't even know. i'm almost speechless. >> well, rachel, it seems to flow more a lot more. i was listening to crack like it seems to just be flowing in one direction and they keep saying like, oh, the immigration, that's another talking point versus the immigration system is just broken it's broken. it's operating exactly the way they want. like it's open. >> well, yeah, i mean, this is with design. i mean, this is what they want. they want this from the beginning when they halted deportations, when they stopped building the wall, when they got rid of remain in mexico. i mean, this is totally design and it's putting americans at risk. >> i mean, you look at those numbers on the terror watch list. 1223 i think there was almost 740 on the terror watch list.
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we're talking about six 73,000. and for special interest, illegal aliens, meaning they're coming from countries that harbor terrorism or a threat to the united states. >> we look at the fiscal year 2024 alone, thousands from china, a couple thousand from russia, 1200 from turkey. we know that there's a lot of people coming from various middle eastern. so, i mean, we've essentially ceded our country for foreign enemies without them having to fire a shot. rachel yeah, no, it's absolutely unbelievable. garrett i just want to point out that according to the "new york times", again over 24,000 chinese nationals were apprehended at the border over the last year, and that's more than we've seen in the last years combined. >> so that's that's a huge issue, isn't. >> no, it's an astronomical issue. just because, rachel, because of national security. right. if you take a step back, trump, they said it's not national security. it's just a border immigration thing. >> right, right, exactly. so that's what they'd like us to believe. all right. but if you take a step back, 242,000 people coming in over one month, i'm in the city of buffalo.
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>> it's like the city of buffalo crossing over in one month. that's absolutely insane. if you take a step back, why does this matter? joe spurred this border crisis, right? >> he didn't want to finish president trump's wall. he rescinded title 42, which allowed border patrol agents to expel these migrants and illegal immigrants. they were coming across remain in mexico, like lisa pointed out, got rid of that as well. and so is a lot of it been intentional is exactly what they want to hear? why does it matter? the national security aspect, what happened in israel could happen here. people are very afraid of something like that. when you have known terrorists or people who are affiliated with terrorist countries coming over here, that's a huge problem. there's an economic impact. you're talking about the port of entries where tourism is needed. those had to be shut down because they've got to go process migrants where they're being overrun in other areas. >> so it's a big problem going into 2024. yeah, it would be national security problem for destabilizing mexico and turning into a narco because the cartels are so powerful. i mean, none of this makes us a secret bio labs from the chinese and the chinese coming over. i mean, none of this is safe for america.
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lisa, to the point we just talked about, a piece in the washington post describes gop efforts to close the border as something that would, quote, degrade, not strengthen our u.s. writing, quote, what does safeguarding national security have to do? curbing immigration, for the most part. not much. i mean, again, that goes more to the point of of what we were talking about, attach it to about the ngos. we're not hearing enough about this coordination between our the u.n. who's handing them, you know, basically debit visa cards with money on them. all the ngos that are getting our tax, including catholic charities, who shamefully complicit in this open border, that, by the way, is facilitating child sex trafficking. >> well, you're so right. and we have these ngos which are facilitating mass illegal immigration. right. and then the rest of what comes with that. and they're getting billions of dollars from this administration. >> lot of it's coming from fema. and they're taking these we're receiving illegal immigrants from dhs, their housing down there, transporting them,
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and they're also coaching them on the asylum process, a.k.a. telling them how to avoid, you know, how to get in the country, claiming credible fear when we know that all these people most of these people are coming here for economic reasons. now or maybe nefarious reasons when you talk about the people on the terror watch list. so it's a huge problem, rachel. and they're getting taxpayer grant money and we are funding all of this. and it's insanity. >> yeah. i mean, i wonder what can be done about these ngos. like i don't want to take the focus what we need to defund them. of course. i don't want to take the focus off the administration, because obviously all of this is happening because. they are allowing it to happen. but the ngos are taking a lot our tax dollars. what can individual states who are being harmed, should those ag's be able to sue these ngos for the costs for the crime for everything that's happening to their individual states? mean there's a number of things they could do. >> and number one, congress should work to defund. number two, they should call them and hold them across on oversight or the homeland security committee and be answering these type of questions here, because, again, they're spurring on what
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is happening is an invasion of our country. here you're talking about these are folks from all over the all over the world coming across. and it's not just when you're seeing the fox news reporting at the border. the bill is doing right, rachel. it's -- it's not like these nice young women like joseph, mary and. it's like very grown aged men, single men coming across her. so that's a big problem, too. but i think at the end of the day, this is why we need a change in the white house, why we need to take the senate back as well. ted cruz, carrier lake, texas border is a big issue. they need to run on that. focus on that as. >> we need president trump back to secure the border as well. know why is it why are the republicans funding these ngos? >> and by the way, we're funding ukraine to china border ? >> i mean, it's absolutely it's insanity. it's insanity. absolutely. george soros is funding the world is what we live in. >> it's a cruel it's clown world, but it's dangerous. it is really dangerous. thank you both for joining us. >> we sit here. all right. >> coming to a country with down to a pay contract. >> this president,
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what about the black children in the ghetto? we got to make up for them. trump come in here. clean this mess up a lot more corrupt city in the united states. there's the city of chicago. >> wow. those are truth bombs. chicago residents are seething over the nearly 7000 illegals who have descended on the city in just the last year. the message to city leaders. take care of us first. joining me now is pastor corey brooks, ceo of project. pastor brooks, how utterly demoralizing it must be for these residents. >> what's going on? is he a reflection of the way others are feeling. >> well, he seems to be a reflection of what others are feeling. >> you know, chicago is a microcosm them of what's going on all across the country. >> we've been made a sanctuary city. and, you know, typically the citizens would have something to say about that. but here in chicago, not getting. we're not able to practice a true democracy by saying if
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we to be a sanctuary city or not. and as a consequence, they're being flooded into our neighborhoods and lots of funds are being invested into individuals who are not american citizens. >> and for a lot of people that, seems to be a major problem. >> yeah. speaking of that, here's another chicago woman who spoke out at the city council meeting. watch. i'm for the sanctuary city. >> and the reason why i'm not for the sanctuary city is because people have waited years to come in here legally. not just transported on these buses dropped off in our neighborhoods. >> rays of crime almost got here several times. >> just making it down here today. >> and this is ludicrous. pastor brooks, that really resonates with me. my mother is an immigrant, legal immigrant to this country. not only did she go the proper process, but back when she became a legal citizen, the fbi
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went and talked to her family back in her home country. i mean, that's how much security we had back then compared to now, where they're being vetted within a 24 hour period. i know that for myself because i went down to the border and spoke to people who are doing some of the vetting, and then they get on an airplane and they come to your city and. where's the compassion for the residents in chicago? >> yeah, you know, most black people have no problem with legal immigration. we're welcoming to our communities. we're welcoming to our neighborhoods. the problem that we're experiencing is the illegal immigration that's going on, the fact that we're a sanctuary . individuals are taking it upon themselves to fly to chicago or be bus to chicago. and as a result, that a lot of funds that typically hopefully would have went to our schools that are deplorable are fighting crime, our neighborhood that in chicago that desperately needs it, those would have gone toward those issues. >> but as a result, those
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are being spent on immigrants, illegal immigration and that just should not be in any city in america. >> so that man said trump here and clean it up. do you feel i just need to direct what you're in touch with a lot of black people in that community or, other people saying other black african-americans, are they saying trump come here and clean it up. do they want trump over biden? are they blaming or are they giving the right people the responsibility? >> what's happened in our border and what's now happening to your city? there's no doubt about that. >> people are blaming biden and there's no doubt about it that there should be an uptick, the polls suggests, for trump, especially amongst black males. >> a lot of us feel like for far too long, a lot of people in our community have been so loyal to the democratic party and it has not paid off and it is not paying off. >> and as you know, a lot of individuals that they should now consider taking their vote elsewhere. i believe you're going to see
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a real uptick in the voting of black males for donald trump in the upcoming election. >> very interesting. pastor corey brooks, you do a lot of good work in chicago. we appreciate you coming in and filling in on more of what's going on in your beautiful, once beautiful city. thank you, pastor. all right. well, biden-nomics put a bunch coal in the stockings of americans this christmas. monica crowley. plus, what happens when a rogue wave smashes into a cruise ship? the shocking video next next >> . people are always asking me why? >> why do i do this work? two words come to mind me. one is responsibility. the other's purpose. >> it's just so inspiring to do research that impacts human lives. stand up to cancer has been a critical partner in advancing research. cancer. cancer research saves lives. so please help us fight in this
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coast newsroom with all the details. >> jonathan? rachel, i can tell you from experience, the north sea is an intimidating body of water at the best of times. these were clearly not the best of times. this is the a huge wave hit the bow of the rms maud, a passenger, apparently filming the bridge camera on a laptop in his room suddenly, and not surprisingly, stopping as the wave and the emergency horns began to sound. the ship was about 160 miles from the coast of denmark one direction and a little over 200 miles from the british coast and another as the wave hit and other smaller but still pretty large waves followed. passengers went across the floor, as did furniture, goods in a store on. basically anything that wasn't fixed to the floor. fortunate there were no serious injuries. and the 266 passengers and 131 crew members are all safe. a rescue ship was to get to the
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maud and it is being towed to a german port where it should be arriving shortly. >> the passengers by the way, were hoping to see the natural phenomenon of the northern lights. >> instead got an entirely different display of mother nature's power. >> perhaps they now will now realize you can see the northern lights just as well from on land. >> i know which i'd choose. rachel. me too. >> merry christmas, jonathan. thank you very christmas to you, too. you got it. >> is your message to americans who just think what you've economy is not enough. it's going to take some time for them to feel the accomplishments of what we've been able to do in the last three years. >> that's not something i say. that's something that economists have said. how reassuring. but what do americans think as we head into christmas? a new survey crc research reveals that 49% feel that they are in a worse position to buy presents and, celebrate the holidays this year than compared to last year. joining me now, monica crowley, former assistant secretary
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of the treasury and host of the monica crowley podcast, the great podcast. monica, americans aren't buying presents. they're not buying homes. they're certainly not buying by the nomics. where is the disconnect? by the way, she actually looks like she's lying when she says it, doesn't she? yeah, she does have that tell when starts to flutter her eyelashes, you can tell that she is not telling the truth, which is most of the time. you know, rachel, to quote judge judy, don't on my leg and tell me it's raining now. and for the last three years, joe biden and his team, including karine jean-pierre, have our leg about the economy and told us that it's raining it is not working. the american people are not believing they're selling out of the biden team because they're living economy and they have been for the last three years. you know when president trump handed off this economy to joe biden in january of 2021, we were coming out of covid
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and trump handed him the fastest economic recovery from any crisis on record. the economy was growing at about 6% and inflation was at 1.4% and the covid unemployment was falling like rock. biden comes in, he reverses all of the economic policies of president trump. and of course, began this outrageous government spending that led to hyperinflation and led to unsustainable budget deficits. >> so, you know, the people who are getting squeezed the most through biden-nomics, rachel, are the middle class, the working class and the poor . and ironically, those are the same groups that biden and the democrats say that they chant that they champion. but those groups know better because. they're really being squeezed and hurt very badly. yeah, you know, i just saw this. it said that in order to maintain their standard of living, the average american would have to spend an average of $11,400 more just to be in the same standard
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of living as they had under the trump administration in 2021. i mean, that's remarkable. just as anecdotally. i went to a print shop this week. the printer there, rich, told me that they got half the orders that they got last year for christmas cards. i've talked to people who are in the charity philanthropy business. they're all down there saying they're getting about half the donations they were getting. this is going to have trickling down effects all the way into next year. things we haven't even accounted for. monica yeah, sky high inflation ,sky high energy prices, the middle class, working class and poor getting squeezed the most by this. and they've continued spend in an out-of-control way and they keep pushing these government programs and big spending because they simply don't care. their eyes are on a much bigger prize, which is transforming the u.s. economy, into a more collectivist socialist kind of model. so they really don't care, rachel, that most americans have to choose eggs
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and milk or can't, you know, put the number of toys, the tree if they really want to this year for their children. they simply do not care. yeah, they certainly don't. at 34 trillion in debt and growing. you have to you have believe that this collapse is perhaps even imminent collapse is perhaps even intentional. i think you're absolutely right. monica, thanks for joining us again. cass, the monica crowley podcast. we have new details showing just how close a top sponsor of terror iran is working with yemen's houthi rebels and is next. >> we're going to talk about that. >> meet gold bond daily healing ,a powerhouse lotion that moisturizes heals and smooths dry with seven moisturizers and three vitamins and new gold bond healing sensitive clinically shown to heal and moisturize dry sensitive skin gold bond. >> i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial pen program.
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all of the recent malevolent acts. i mean, all of the strings from their terror puppets go back to tehran, hamas, hezbollah, the militias in iraq and syria. >> they've had all of them attacking both us and israel. >> now they've activated the houthis, another one of their farm teams, and taking attacks at shipping in the red sea, which is an intolerable situation. we're going to have to do something about this, because now we've all these ships having to go around the horn of africa, which 40% farther. that's not something the united states can tolerate. >> so to your point, jim, the leader of the houthi movement delivered warning to the united states on wednesday. watch this. >> i know that america will not stand idly by if the americans are tempted to escalate further and commit foolishness by targeting our country or waging war against it. it is any american targeting. our country will be targeted by us. we will make american interests
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and navigation a target our missiles, drones and military operations. jim, we've known since 2015 that iran has been funding the houthis, and yet the biden administration remains obsessed with the iran deal. what's your reaction to what that leader said and what do you think should be done? >> yeah, well, talk is cheap buddy is my reaction to that. >> iran put them in the game and now they're going to pay the price. i think the houthis little fishing boat flotilla as are about become flotsam and jetsam and some oil slicks on the red sea. and i think we should probably also take iranian spy ship that they're using for command and control and send that to the bottom. >> this is why we build carriers. >> sometimes we send 90,000 tons of diplomacy to try and change people's minds. but when that doesn't work, then it's time for payback. is medivac. >> well, i understand your sentiments, jim, but i'm
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really worried about this thing escalating and, getting into world war three with iran, etc.. i just wish our administration would use more diplomacy and more caution and have better judgment when it comes to iran, especially with the iran deal. i appreciate you joining us today. great information. who's the boss when it comes to our relationship with china it's clear that it's ping. and your report reveals that she bluntly told biden that they're taking taiwan. she knows we won't do anything about it, just like he knows we won't do anything about them interfering in elections. and you into the report is detailing how the ccp ramped up its attempts to influence the outcome of the 2022 midterms, and officials are now concerned that china will intensify those activities in next year's presidential election. in fact, the interference is likely to get worse. the national security agency reports that since 2022 wrote the giant, that china has
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been experimenting with a ai to spread disinformation. laura spoke with. former trump director of national intelligence john ratcliffe about all this and more. >> john in reading this report, they went out of their way to say that, well, there's no sign in 2022 that any infrastructure was tampered with. but does that mean that couldn't happen in the future? >> well, the first thing that jumped out at me when i looked at the report, the grudging admission that the 2020 report, where the majority view that was expressed, that while preferred that joe biden become president, stood on the sidelines and did nothing about it, that that was wrong. i said that was wrong at the time i wrote a dissent letter. china had a significant influence campaign to try and help joe biden and harm donald trump. >> and that's that's what's expressed in this current report, is that those efforts are going to, as you said, not
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just a continue, but intensify. >> and i do think that, you know, you know, china will focus on things like artificial intelligence and other means to try and continue, you know, influence the american people very clearly. you know, china has and continues to want joe biden to be the president to be the next president because he's been very good to china and, as you said, unwilling to confront them. everything, you know, the embarrassment over the spy balloon to, their aggression against us in the taiwan strait. >> china sees absolutely and free press for china. >> and you know, laura, this report does you correctly say it really goes through all sorts of contortion ins to avoid talking about the purpose of china's to try and influence the outcome. they talk vaguely. >> china will target anti-china
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us politicians, ignoring the fact that in 2020, the largest anti china us politician, the only one on the presidential ballot was president trump, and that in 2024 that will be either president trump or a republican . and that you know, joe biden and the democrats, again, have been a dream candidate for china's naked aggression really around the world. >> yeah, well, john the atlantic, yes, that's still publishing is claiming that xi jinping actually wants biden to lose, which is talk about disinformation and claiming that joe has hit china harder than trump ever did. the chaos of the trump presidency allowed chinese propagandists to cast the united states as a superpower in biden's diplomatic re-engagement has made spreading that narrative harder to take. i mean, the absurdity of that, i mean, it really it just shows
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the atlantic the atlantic as part of the media, social media continuing to work to create, you know, a false narrative about that. look, joe biden's foreign policy not just with regard to china, as we've talked about, but with regard to all of america's adversaries, i mean, everything from running from the taliban to now a daily basis, getting sand kicked in their face by, you know, iran hamas and even the houthi rebels. you know, this turn the other. foreign policy really projects not just weakness, but fear. >> and, you know, all of adversaries, but particularly china has benefited from that around the globe. up next, a special guest is joining us all the way from the north pole. could it? is it really here? we'll be right back with, santa. >> stay right where you're at. >> my most important kitchen tool, my brain. so i choose new eureka ultra.
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the traditions, the meaning behind it, spending time with your family and friends. nothing is better than that. and tonight we so blessed to have a very special guest joining us all way from his workshop. it's the big man himself, santa claus. so, santa claus, thank you for joining us today. people want to know what people. people do know santa claus, but they also know that you go by saint nicholas. so how did you get that name? well, that is correct. >> so saint nicholas, i became a saint by qualifying miracle. >> i used to be a bishop and i became a saint when i cleared rough seas. so most people don't realize i'm actually the patron and savior. >> christian. yes, that's right. you were originally from the of . now that's turkey. what great little history you're offering us here on your legend and your life. so tell us this. >> if somebody is on the what
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first, let me ask you this. >> what do you do on your off season? >> oh, let's see. so there are few places like to visit, especially florida. >> so i actually spent some time down there with some baby alligators recently. i take some pictures of you in florida, don't we? >> yes, you do. you're catching. yes, i had such a good air. >> who knew? santa loves florida as much as the rest of us. so, santa, what do we do? somebody is on the naughty list right now. is it too late to get off? and what can they do? >> so it's never too late. there's always a second chance available because in actuality, there's really not too many naughty kids. there's mostly misunderstood ones. so just like when i used to get cold, people thought that was a punishment. but back then, all the homes were heated with cold, so that was a second for those children to give back to their families to help them heat their home. >> i didn't know that.
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that's so awesome. okay, well, santa, everyone knows that you're partial to cookies. you like cookies and lots of kids leave. you cookies. but what does the kids want to leave something for the reindeer? what should they leave for? the. >> my reindeer really liked carrots. they like raw ones. not much cooked ones. >> they also, like, take dry oats and sprinkled with cinnamon. but my favorite is what if i get a broken candy cane and there's a child upset with that? i remind them very special because take the broken ones. i crush them up into little pieces and i give them to the reindeer as a little special treat. >> oh, i love that you don't waste a. okay, so how do you fit down the chimney? know, what do you do if people don't have a chimney? >> well, cutting down the chimney is a little easy with some christmas magic. but if i don't have a chimney to go down and i don't have a fireplace as well, that's when my magic key comes into place. oh, a magic key. >> i love it.
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okay, last question, quickly. and i know you're so busy this time of year. what's your favorite movie? oh, this might surprise everyone. my all time favorite christmas movie is actually a flintstones. christmas. >> oh, that's a good choice. my favorite miracle on 34th street. and it's a wonderful life. santa, it is great to have you here today. all the little kids are waiting for you. i know you're so busy. what are you doing next? >> what's the really quick. what are you doing right now? >> finishing all that that i can and then taking my big around the entire world to see all of you and leave something special underneath your tree. >> well, santa, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk to us. merry christmas and good luck over the next two days. thank. >> all right. well, for all of you who took your kids to see santa, that's a beautiful thing. make sure you also take them to see in church this weekend.
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the best part of christmas for me so far been observing how much time our four year old valentina, who happens to have down syndrome, spends in front of our family scene. here she is reading to . she just there all the time when i walk by her in the house, she's there sitting in front of the nativity scene. other times brings that magic gifts. these little boxes that i have on our family altar. >> how did she know to bring them in front of ? she she will sometimes move the baby closer to herself. she talks to the statues sometimes she's just sitting in front of them, pondering, studying them. every time i see her there, which is often throughout the day, i can't help but realize how she's teaching all of us to slow down and spend some time with the baby jesus this christmas. that's it. me. i'm rachel campos-duffy in for laura ingraham. sure. to check out our podcast from the kitchen table. here's will cain. hell


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