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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  December 23, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PST

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>> merry almost christmas. it had our names on it. how cool. >> makes me feel special and grateful to be here. >> the stockings made me think of it. my sweet mother, 91 years old, make as stocking for every member of our family with our names on it. she just got a great grand baby, cooper, she made one for hip. it's her first great grand baby and we have the new edition, sarah, to our family because my nephew got married and i talked to her last night. i'm like what are you doing, mom? i'm furiously working on the stockings. the clock is ticking.
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nicole: i love the holidays because it's all about family being together and reminiscing about old traditions making new traditions. will: i saw this internet meme my wife shared with me from instagram and said whatever it is you're doing, whatever it is you do, i don't know what you do for christmas, that is what your kids will do. so in, you think about, i don't know that we really have that big of traditions but we do every year. what do you do and they're watching. they're mimicking whatever it is you do. they're going to try to recreate that thing for their kids because it has all the nostalgia and i think about that and willie nelson is playing and i put on george straight christmas holiday on kris may day because that's what my parents did. we woke up and they played george straight. nicole: i make my little kids watch white christmas with bing crosby and my entire family does
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it for me and i don't think anyone else in the household enjoys it but they do it for me. i guarantee they'll do it as well. griff: will, you're spot on and i'll be here working on the set. it is like one of my favorite things to do "fox & friends," to fill in for you guys on christmas because i love the time, but my 18-year-old got a job at soul psycho cycle and shs working on christmas day. doing what dad does, it's in the family and dna. nicole: we hosted "fox & friends" years ago together and i still drink coffee out of the mug you gave me saying please don't confuse my your medical degree with my google search. griff: i love it. will: the supreme court rejected jack smith's political calendar on the january 6 insurrection case against donald trump. he hoped to have that immune because he was president before super tuesday. in the process, he was trying to
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leap over the court of appeals. generally part of the process of the federal judicial system. they said you've got to do this like normal and follow due process. we're not going to pay attention your pretty political aspirations and goals and trump with the truth social and supreme court unanimously rejected deranged jack smith's attempt to short circuit the country's substitution. they've waited three years to bring the case and tried and failed to bring the witch hunt to the court and i'm entitled to presidential immunity. griff: you talked a little bit about the battle of trump in the courts and this fast track, we're in this moment now where we've seen the politicization of so many things and now the judicial system; right? there's three branches of government and one is independent.
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it's never going to go there. and yet it's pretty obvious that the push for this fast track would have shown that the supreme court could be politically swayed, could feel pressure, could feel we showed in the last hour that montage of media gathering down and the supreme court didn't take this case. it only takes four justices to hear something and there wasn't even four and three liberals on the court and we don't know the breakdown, but there was no dissent for why they didn't take it. it was one sentence that simply said nope, we're not going to do it. because it would have been a precedent for future presidents in cases like this that you can circumvent the normal appellate process and just go right to the supreme court. why? because if then that decision was unsavory to their agenda, then they would politicize against that even further so it's really seeping like a technical thing, but it was a
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pretty significant thing that the court said no. nicole: well, you know, you've heard donald trump use the word witch hunt for almost eight years and the criminal suits and the civil suits and the doj and intervening on things and you're starting to get worried about the preservation of democracy and just the voice of the people. democrats are not playing games and at this point, they're doing everything they can to try and keep his name off the ballot because how badly joe biden is polling. will: they've gotten away because there's an information propaganda campaign that censors the truth and puts out this kind of crap. look at headlines in reaction. la times, colorado decision striking trump from the ballot is a boost not a setback for his reality. the 14th amendment gambit is breathtakingly foolish and in colorado, the political gift by barring him from the ballot. that's nbc. what they're beginning to address is the colorado decision to boot him from the ballot that
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you anticipate will have the affect all had with a benefit to trump. it's all resulted in polling bumps for trump. nicole: absolutely. look what happen when had they raided mar-a-lago and went sky high in the pollings and not just colorado. there's many other states that have pending legislation and we had joe concha on last hour and this is what he had to say. >> on a rush to judgment in this situation and maga supreme court and neil gorsuch and amy coneny barrett and why -- amy combmy barrett and trying to directly impact and interfere with the presidential election and listen to sane and sober legal analysts and jonathan turn turley that jk smith does not have the right to deny due process because he says so. he can't simply demand the supreme court to push everything
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else aside and hear his case. griff: joe mentioned we'll find out the situation in colorado quickly and the deadline for colorado to print their ballots is january 5. you know, talking alaska the cases, there's 31 separate pieces of article 3, 14th amendment under the clause of insurrection and 31 different pieces of legislation against trump. you've got maine was supposed to tell us whether or not they'll take trump off the ballot and it'll happen early next week and colorado lieutenant governor was an ambassador under obama to hungary is writing to her secretary of state saying find any reason to get trump off the ballot and openly politicizing the process. at the end of the day, it helps trump because he's said i didn't do anything wrong. article 3 litigation assumes that he committed the crime of insurrection. something he has not been charged with and not convicted from because he didn't get charged with it and yet in 31
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separate ca cases in multiple states, they're going to kick him off the ballot. talking alaska the threat to democracy, to succeed in doing that, it would undermine the democratic process, our constitution in ways we probably never have seen when it comes to using it to deny a choice for voters to elect for president. nicole: you really can't deny that p politics is certainly ply ago role in all this. switching gears, triple-a gearing up for a record break weekend when it comes to holiday travel. griff: they expect 7.5 million people will take to the skies and beats the 2019-7.3 million. will: a massive storm could bring problems for anyone traveling to central parts of the country after rain hit yesterday and more than 700 kemp lays or can sedded -- canceled. turn to ray of sunshine, rick
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reichmuth for fox weather forecast. reporter: that was the nicest thing you've said. 61 in dallas, really warm and 44 in chicago and these kinds of temperatures mean the storm you're get asking rain and not snow unfortunately for so many that want a white christmas and not going to be happening that much and today we have rain and maybe even a bit of severe weather across parts of west texas and watch for that and unsettled weather and the storm back across parts of the four corners and it's a slow moving storm and brought flooding rain across southern california a couple of days ago and flooding rain in towards arizona and most energy towards new mexico and colorado and parts of the northern rockies and going to cause big travel delays today and airports like salt lake city and denver, maybe albuquerque look for delays and scattered delays in houston and up towards minneapolis, all this storm energy move as bit further towards east tomorrow and some snow again across parts of nebraska, south dakota, inside and one north dakota and one
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part that gets rain. that rain is significant at times and cause a few trouble delays and i don't think will will have a problem tomorrow getting home. will, i know you're paying attention but there'll be a few delays in and out of there and be patient and a lot of people traveling as we just said and some few light delays. will: two airports. i want that's your problem. i can't help like that. will: cancel me, trust me, i'll use the credit. i'm giving myself option alty. reporter: you booked two flights so one of them works? will: in case, yeah, it's christmas. nicole: i have a whole new level of respect. reporter: i've never done that ever. will: i didn't do it but my wife. reporter: she's like you're getting home for christmas, will. nicole: well, first of all, holiday shopping and i was going to say you're a procrastinator and then for you i'd say probably your wife doing most of the holiday shopping and you just cinched that opinion i have
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based on the flight. will: correct. nicole take ago look at holiday shopping clip from serendipity. >> whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, excuse me, sir. these are ours. >> your gloves? they're hanging there sleeping with their little price tag on. >> we were just discussing them; right. >> i have news for you and you can discuss them long after i paid for them. >> calm down. five days before christmas in the middle of new york department store asking me to calm down. will: i've never seen that movie. never seen serendipity. should i watch this? griff: yes, john cue sack, anything he's in is fantastic and he's make ago point there that you need to take your hands off the present i'm buying and that's what happens to people like me that wait until the last second to go out. nicole: can't do that. 142 million consumers plan to shop today, two days before christmas. i don't know, i get most of my christmas shopping down a month
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in advance. that shocks you. griff: i haven't bought a single present yet. it's true. will: are you going on a mad dash today or tomorrow? what are you going to do? nicole: where are you going to go? griff: take your time, it'll come. will: no, you can't take your time, you have two days left. nicole: but you're here so maybe they're doing a delayed christmas. will: i'm not pretending to be something i'm not. i'm like you, i'm a procrastinator but you're laid back in a way that wouldn't work for me. i'm going to try to do this today, but you can't just wander in because -- unless you have ideas. i don't have ideas and i start walking around and none of the ideas seem to work so this is going to be a problem for me today. this will not be good. griff: i'll help you. in my case, i have all women, a wife and two daughters. will: even worse. griff: i would wander in behind
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to berg korff goodman and you'll come out with something that works and shops over here and shops at macys and i feel like i'll do okay and they can exchange if they don't like it. i will say a lot of my late procrastination gifts have been returned. nicole: i can't believe you're going to face the crowds. that's my biggest thing. what about you guys at home, did you get your holiday shopping done or do you wait like griff. e-mail us will: on the will cain podcast yesterday, kennedy was on and kennedy told me she shops all yearlong and buys gifts when she sees them for christmas, stacks it up and her motivation is so you don't have a horrific credit card bill in january. which ask really pretty smart. you stretch that credit card bill out over six months. griff: that's a good point. not going to start early. nicole: i started my holiday shopping in october and keep track of what i bought because come december you forget what you've bought and may have
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bought certain gifts so have to keep it written down, but i'm avid note keeper on my phone so i don't forget things. griff. griff: if it's warm and i'm wear ago t-shirt, i can't christmas shop. will: i'm with you. nicole: turning now to headlines. a new report revealing the man accused of leaking classified government documents on a gaming platform was seen as a potential mass shooter. massachusetts air national guard member jack t theque theque andn airman warn that had he had a fringe thinking perspective and faces 15 years in prison.
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20-30 protesters reportedly crashed the party to confront a democratic congressman for his support of israel and police are investigating but no arrests have been made. results are in, google revealing the most searched christmas cookies in each state and turns out ginger bread and petter mint not on the top of the list for americans. in will's home state of texas and my home state of new jersey, people prefer italian christmas cookies. will: i don't even know what that is. nicole: they're good, they're okay. my home state is technically arizona, but i'm italian so i'll take the italian christmas cookies. in griff's hometown of dc, locals are more likely to grab a vanilla moon cookie and rick's hometown of arizona, and also mine, cake mix christmas cookies are a state favorite and i have no idea what those are.
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those are your -- will: look at the word underneath your picture, griff. griff: how can ginger bread not be on there? will: nobody likes ginger bread. nicole: no. i promised my kids when we go home we're going to make cookies and i love the smell of cookies baking on the holidays. will: i think i know what italian cookies are. they're smaller and a variety. nicole: they're good. we're going to do chocolate chip, keep it simple. griff: i'm allergic to chocolate to give me the vanilla one. will: never met min allergic to chocolate. >> yeah. griff: coming up, iran is helping the houthis attack ships in the are ed sea. nicole: what your kids are seeing on tiktok and morgan ortegas unpacks it all coming
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up. will: plus we have a special christmas performance coming up. ♪ lowe's knows you need to save money this holiday so... you can get more of what you want. with our lowest price guarante. this holiday if you find a better price we'll match it. get more for your home and your family. you got this. we got you. hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi-soothers for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief. try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. you know? we really need to work on your people skills.
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will: alarming new report directly ties iran to houthi rebels targeting red sea trade routes. western officials tell "the wall street journal" iranian forces are providing realtime intelligence and weapons to the houthis. those attacks up ending shipping through the red sea and suez canal, which sees nearly 10% of the word's trade pose ago massive threat to the global economy. here with reaction is former state department spokes american morgan ortegus. morgan, at some point, we all know, it's not about acknowledging reality. we know iran is behind some of the attacks and i guess no one wants war, but at some point what do we do? we've got to do something. they're behind overt attacks on america. >> yeah, that's absolutely right and not only behind america and israel and you pointed out they're disrupting global strayed at this point. there's some reports that there's at least 14 days bedding added to some of the ships
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trying to con destruct some of the trade -- conduct some of the trade. the big question you're asking is how do you reestablish deterrence and i talk about deterrence a lot on this program when we talk about what's going on around the world and it's so hard when a president and his team lost deterrence with the enemy and so hard to regain it. only way to regain deterrence is show the houthis and iranians that we are going toises force and it was necessary to stop them. a weapons facility and we're going to have to get more serious with the targets and of course by the way the houthis are funded and trained and equipped by the iranians. do we think they can launch ballistic missiles and suicide drones and think they've got the targets on their own. this is fist indicated military work that the houthis are conducting and by the way, the saudis spent years going after the houthis really to no avail because the iranians come back
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and they fund and train and equip them. the houthis are also taking over ships as well. this is not just a rag tag terror group that we would normally think of the houthi in yemen. they're now incredibly sophisticated and iran is of course at least $80 billion richer thanks to the biden administration that did not enforce oil sanctions over the last three years. will: morgan, something that validates and well known is the new report by the network contagion research institute. it says regarding tiktok's affect or influence by the chinese government saying we assess a strong amount of content is suppressed with i at linement of the chinese government. sort of like iran's connection to attacks on the u.s. and we know this and this just confirms how poisoned and affected
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propaganda arm was for the chinese communist party. >> we're losing the battle with the young people of our country because it's addictive. that's the point of the tiktok algorithm that byte dance uses here in the united states and i remind our viewers number one if you have tiktok on your phone, the chinese communist party can go in and use that listening device and listen to anything you and your family are saying to each other. they don't allow the same version in china as they do in the united states because they'd not allow the minds of their young people to be poisoned. this war between israel and hamas since october 7, i see it as the canary in the coal mine and seen how tiktok and other platforms polluted the minds of young people for israel and same people if god forbid there's a military attack against the chinese communist party. will: morgan ortegus, thanks for
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being with us this morning. merry christmas. >> thanks, will. merry christmas. will: brian kilmeade is always working and decided to join us today. in turn, we got him a surprise christmas gift and that's coming up. first, john pardy has a special christmas performance and that's next. ♪
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one of the leading causes of stroke. and it's the only personal ekg that's fda cleared to detect normal heart rhythm, bradycardia and tachycardia. how much do you think this costs? probably in the hundreds. $79. oh, wow. that could be cheaper than a tank of gas. for a limited time, kardiamobile is available for just $74. hurry, these prices won't last. get kardiamobile for yourself or a loved one at or amazon. nicole: well, holiday travel is kicking into full gear. triple-a preparing to break records and they expect 7.5 million people will take to the skies. griff: more than 620 flights are delayed or canceled and if
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you're stressed out while flying in portland, they're using therapy llamas to help with stress relief. will: let's turn to meteorologist rick reichmuth for the forecast. >> wow, look at that llama kissing that girl. i don't know if that's therapeutic or not. there's storming causing problems and amount of precipitation and it's not happening at one time and those that want a white christmas and going for the rockies into parts of the central high plains and that's the snow and big concerns here where you see this pink, that's a bit of ice storm that develops say monday into tuesday and that could cause bisbig problems and everybody gets in on the action and from a very slow moving storm and it's not this moisture and it's out ahead of it today and really the center of low pressure in the states and that's going to cause our big problems here. airport delays, expect to see significant ones today back across parts of the west and
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east coast looking good and storm takes 4-5 days before it gets off towards the east coast and moderate delays each day for pretty much the next four to five days. guys. griff: all right. nicole: is that red new on the map? i don't remember seeing that earlier? >> that was early and probably with will looking at dallas but, yeah, there's big delays here today. salt lake city, denver, going to be problems and maybe later in the day as the rain picks up across parts of the central plains. nicole: thanks, rick. time for a special christmas performance. griff: multi-platinum country music star jon parti has a new album out. nicole: he's here to perform 40. take it away, jon.
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griff: that's how you get ready for christmas. jon pardi and a 400 horsepower sleigh. that's a fast sleigh. coming up, not just the border where biden is setting records. his approval is the worst of any modern day president. who's approval is very high, that's brian kilmeade and he's
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next. nicole. and the bizarre way kim carkardashian wraps her christms gifts. we'll try it. and more on your christmas gathering. meaux ♪ our future will demand more energy than ever. and with innovations in natural gas and oil, america can deliver. but washington keeps pushing extreme policies that limit america's energy. their plan? restrict oil and natural gas produced in america. government mandates for how we fuel our cars and cook our food. a future where energy could be less reliable and more expensive. tell washington - stop the extreme policies and let american energy deliver.
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will: new year, new low and latest gallop poll showing biden's rock bottom approval rating is making history at 39% it's worse than any modern day president in their first term. nicole: this is as voters are still worrying about the state of the country. griff: the approval rating that's very high is host of fox one nation brian kilmeade. merry christmas ahead of time. we've checked here and your approval ratings are 79% up four from last year. you're crushing it. >> thank you, i'd just like to know is griff ad libbing that or is that really true? nicole: it's in the packet. it's in the packet. >> really? okay. well, all right. i'm going to say that's a little low, i thought it would be a
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little higher. for joe biden, let's be honest. what do you have to complain about when it comes to me? but for joe biden, it's true for the economy. guys, the crazy thing is he keeps running on it. the numbers are from the people and i think they're stunned by it and earlier in this week around tuesday, they came out and said that according to insiders, they're telling him stop bringing up bidenomics and stop telling everyone everything is getting better and say i know where you're at, but i'm with you on this. act like you're in it with them. instead he goes out and does the same thing again. i'm doing so much better than the other guy. we know who it is. it is donald trump. you don't have to say the other guy. these guys trickle down economics and donald trump doesn't do trickle down economics. i think if you've been doing this for 50 years, you have to have people around you that says this is what the american people feel and this is how we have to run. evidently he did something really interesting.
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he yelled at his people to get his ratings up. i'm like, okay, you are somewhat responsible for the fact your ratings are low. how about you don't do any press conferences. he sits down with conan o'brine, which is fine but have press conferences with everyone else and have conferences. will, one other thing in particular, you can run for reelection as a president and sit there and answer the questions from the press but use to run for president and obama did it, bush did it and bill clinton was the best and obama use it had to rip the future republican opponents and he decides i'm going to go on vacation and that's why republicans are so optimistic. he has a chance to work his way out of this and yet he knows he cane. will: i was thinking if the president of the united states is offered up, you'll accept him as a guest, but if you're conan, you've got to be a little insulted.
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he does nothing. joe biden does nothing and said i feel good about doing conan. i feel like i could come out of that with a win. i'd be a little insulted if i was the one guy that got the joe biden booking. brian. >> i would be i would take it, are you kidding. will: but like why did you pick me? >> i'm the easiest; right? i'm picking my opponent and the easiest. i never thought about that and here's a guy that sitting here and has great knowledge of history and he was trying to lead joe biden through the personality and at 80 years old, it's just not there. so i mean that's all we're trying to do is run clips. we can't find any. >> if you could travel in time as well, answer this question. griff: would you rather interview joe biden or teddy roosevelt? >> what a brilliant transition,
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dr. nicole saphier and will, if you want to take notes. as a future host on the channel, that'll do it. tonight is my slot of one nation, we'll do the hour special, teddy and booker t. been there a couple would he bees ago and last year she's been shooting as a chance to look at two great americans a z a difficult time and talking about jim crow and pull taxes and lynchings and teddy roosevelt saw a way to make the country better and here's a special. watch. >> as a leader of the free world, he's aligning himself with this fellow self-made man. >> he was made, this spatial adviser to president on negro affairs and he helped the president and create other hbcus around the country.
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think were all the product of this kind of help or tension that booker t -- attention that booker t drew to the president. nicole: brian, you know, i was going to say you go and do these live, teddy and booker t book tours that i just want to note, how can i get a role in upward mobility of these re-enactments? >> go to joliet, illinois, i'm putting you in. we used a very pregnant charlie shimkus 24 a very creative way and rachel cam p campos-duffy ie flying none outfit and other fox personalities in roles including pete hegseth and go through time and try to re-enact in a fun way moments in american history, and we create a live audience event the question is, i'm going to audition will and griff, doc, you can do anything and you've proven it. i need the acting skills of
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griff and will to see if i can pack you up and bring you to joliet, illinois, at 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon. griff: let's do it. will: i'm crushing it. i'm crushing it. griff: merry christmas, my friend. will: merry christmas. >> thanks, guys. have a great show. will: we will as you will tonight, that special airs on fox news channel at 9:00 p.m. eastern time. we're going to turn to headlines and we'll start here. an american passenger was scared for her life after a massive wave hit a norwegian cruise ship on thursday. the california resident saying there was about 20 minutes where i thought the ship might capsize. it hit home when they started handing out orange survival suits to everyone. the ms mob was sailing through the north sea about 200 miles off the british coast and rocked bay rogue wave. luckily once the waves calmed down, rescue boats arrived and brought all those aboard to safety. that would be terrifying. los angeles police say charlie sheen was attacked at his malibu
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home. officers say the suspect grabbed sheen's neck and ripped his shirt. she's facing several charges including assault with a deadly weapon. kim kardashian is showing off reusable white christmas wrapping. she posted the video on instagram showing off her home's winter wonderland theme. she says everything is wrapped in her brand skims cotton jersey and she wrote, it looks so pretty with my tree. those are your headlines. so she wrapped her presents in cotton. i'm into it. nicole: why don't we do something for the kids and not just optistic and esthetics. griff: social media. she put it on instagram. that's where it's all about. nicole: my kids love the tearing open of the presents and can't get fancy paper, has to be easy.
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will: as a cotton farmer, i endorse this. let's move to cotton. from now outrebounded, wrap in it. nicole: i strongly object. griff: that would be too difficult. can't fold cotton. will: i think wrapping the paper is difficult. nicole: we'll get to that later on and we'll have a wrapping competition. will: i'll lose. griff: not in cotton we're not. that wave is really scary. knocking on your door, their's a survival orange suit, good luck. no thanks. coming up, this terrifying image of illegal immigrant making it across the border with a gun. we've got more on that coming up. nicole: but first, time to get festive with a feast. we've got your last minute recipes set to be a fan favorite at your christmas gathering. ♪
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will: christmas is two days away and if you need last minute ideas to feed family and friends, we have you covered. nicole: delicious apps and sweet treats is the chef and thank you for being here. good morning. will: it's beautiful. >> keeping it simple, easy and fun and family friendly is the most important for us. we have a bunch of savory items and sweet items what we have on this rack here, little duck with apple marmalade, smoked salmon and dill moose and here in your hands is a grilled cheese with a bit of a clam chowedder and similar pinata and easy and christmas pepper filled with a crab stuffing which again, fun. shrimp and white bean cup and lemon juice and olive oil and salt and pepper and doing things way ahead of time. griff: eric, none looks easy. >> it is. it is.
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the cool thing is we'll have the recipes on your website so people can actually make it themselves. griff: he got a lobster grilled cheese already for will over here. >> the game is on. griff: i pregamed and asked will to pass to me. >> how good is it. >> it's savory and a beat hum mas and chicken and -- humus and gryere cheese and we have an apple tart and christmas eggnog moose and on the bottom it's like a cocoa powder, almost like a smore. you're going to fill the cup halfway into the bottom and there we go. nicole: put a little muscle in
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there. >> take our cotton candy. nicole: i want this directly in my mouth. >> a bit of whip cream on top now. >> okay. then some candy cane and little bit of cotton candy sugar and go right in there. griff: you're doing the technique there. >> this technique grab the top of the bag and put it into the cup, on the bottom and geez it right out. nicole: i do that when i make deviled eggs. >> same concept and ease into the middle of it. nicole: this is better and i'm sticking with my day job. >> right on top and fun for the kids to do and play with and again, it's just nice and simple and fun. this one here, these are gyrere
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chicken. you want to try it? will: you got it. your hands are all up in there. >> fill in there and a bit of each of the pan chet tafanely and sage on top. rick: you made this ahead of time? >> yeah, all of these you can make ahead of time. punch that with a bit of apple core. nicole: look at that, rick. >> simple and easy and whole idea to make thins simple for the holidays and make it fun for the kids to play along with. nicole: if you don't want to make it at home, we can visit you at your restaurant. >> 317 farm street. griff: fantastic. lobster and grilled cheese, fantastic. will: age-old debate, is die hard a christmas movie? that's coming up. rick: you're going to answer that? >> christmas eve in la. >> is daddy coming home soon? >> see what santa and mommy can do, okay.
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