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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  December 23, 2023 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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humanity. there are indeed risks but the more optimistic reality ai is going to be a huge benefit to people and businesses in providing tools to learn more and faster as well as help innovation in biomedicine and so much more. do not fear the machine, use it. remember if you have your own hit or miss of 2023 be sure to send it to us at je are on fmc that's it for this week's show. thank you to my panel into all of you for watching. merry christmas we hope to see you right here next week. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> what would you say to some people who maybe have not gotten
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to the airport yet? >> be early. it is going to take longer than normal. >> the lines are going slow. i feel like they are understaffed. this is the single busiest travel day of the year. click •-middle-dot see a lot of stress. no absolutely. we sit back and wait. and be patient. >> that is good advice millions of americans are expected hit the roads and skies during one of the country's busiest travel weekends of the year. just how busy? aaa is projecting more than 115 million americans will take an airplane or drive to their destination and what may end up being a record-breaking holiday travel season bread hello welcome to a brand-new hour of "fox news live" i am bryan llenas. >> hi brian. despite the crowds and long lines at airport security the situation, is not too bad yet. you are looking live at
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hartsfield jackson international airport in atlanta the world's busiest airports. fortunately delays and cancellations have so far been minimal here and across the country fight over reporting more than 3000 delays and only about 70 cancellations. cb cotton is live in new york city with how passengers are faring there. >> hi as i mentioned earlier the afternoon rush has arrived here at terminal a. thankfully the line behind me is moving pretty quickly. i want to give our viewers a snapshot of what we are sitting across the country. two storms are traveling across the west on friday now appear to be impacting the central part of the country. we are seeing that play out according to tracking site flight aware. take a look as you mentioned is more than 3000 delays and cancellations across the country today. right now denver international airport is ranking worse for cancellations and delays. right there in the center of the
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country. aaa estimates 7.5 million people are projected to catch a flight sometime during the end of the travel year period which begins to date the regeneron first. her quick tips from the tsa pre-get to the airport early. know before you go. look up what you can and cannot bring in your carry-on bag but got gifts cosmic tsa recommends losing gift boxes or bags of use wrapping paper that triggers an alarm at may need to be unwrapped. if you are traveling with food solid foods can typically be taken in a carry on bag but any liquids or spreadable foods must be put in a checked bag that includes snow globes. people are telling us how they tried to prepare, listen. >> oh yes i am two and half hours early usually to this airport i will, like maybe an hour early and hour and half max today definitely two and half hours. >> make sure you set five alarms try to get up as soon as
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possible. they had preparations and things like that that's my best advice thus far. >> we have been closely monitoring the security wait times here in the northeast today. as i mentioned the afternoon rush is starting to tick up the security wait times for it's getting close to an hour right now. back to you. we will tayou. >> coming in here looking at the lens not too great. >> how is the parking? [laughter] not a nightmare it's stressful in the parking lot let's say that. >> it is not a nightmare but it is super saturday the last major shopping day before christmas and people are frantically trying to finish their holiday shopping or at least get it late start on it. the national retail federation estimates 141 million people who hit the stores or surf the web today. madison is alive at perimeter while in madison.
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>> malls are expecting to potentially be busier than a black friday. it seems to be the case over here in atlanta. if you have not already gotten the last items on your gift list i suggest going sooner rather than later for days and. over here we've got crowds getting bigger by the minute. lines out the doors at multiple stores but all of this two days before christmas. >> just trying to get a little christmas spirit and get some last-minute shopping done. >> one minute there is no line the next minute there's a giant line and you've got to wait like 30 minutes. >> people are in good spirits i will say that the national retail federation says this is the first time since 2017 super saturday has been right before the holiday. the association expects over 140 million people doing some last-minute shopping today. shoppers will spend around $875 on average this year.
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about $620 on gifts a little over $250 on things like decorations, candy and food. over all that is about $42 more than consumers plan to spend it last year. and one thing shoppers do not have to worry about this time around is the low inventory. which means more deals. >> that is something we have not seen over the past three years because goods have been short but we have not seen as many discounts. it's a great time to be a consumer. >> are starting to see people wait a little bit longer. people are trying to stretch those dollars and i want to make sure they are taking advantage of the promotional deals that are available to them. >> he finance company it says three out of four shoppers will be using a credit card to pay for gifts this year. about one third are making installment payments. number 2020 for a lot of people will be focusing on paying off debt. >> a very good points, madison
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good to see you thank you. while shoppers may be in the holiday spirit, shop owners are keeping their eyes peeled for those looking to steal. doctor alex joins us later in the show with the sims tips for businesses on how they can pick their products and the customers. [inaudible] ask the prime minister netanyahu. >> did you tell him not to strike? >> i had a long talk today. it's rather complicated projects mr. president as you asked for cease-fire today? [inaudible] >> president biden just a few moments ago speaking with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu for the prime minister expressing his appreciation for the united stance at the un security council while the prime minister reiterated his route israel willcontinue its war on . gaza just one issue biden is
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dealing with as his campaign looks to increase its events in the new advents. alexandria hoff is live in washington with more. >> hi brian, the president saying today did not ask prime minister netanyahu for a cease-fire. sure to further put off the more progressive base. as will the greater focus is now being put on the political problem for the president that is the southern border. in the coming days the white house is going to send top effects shows like separatist at entity blanket and home and said secretary to mexico to discuss quote the challenges there. the president and vice president are also gearing up for travel of their own as the biden-harris campaign says concerns over the president's age or performance as we have seen in the end of your poles can be countered by more direct engagement. >> that's our secret sauce. it's extremely good and excellent politician we are
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excited to get out to all of our states. >> the biden-harris team they will hit full steam by early summer. we are seeing more pointed may be more aggressive being re- used. this was sent out yesterday. it was titled in side to attack bertha patrol and women and banned the abortion pill. there's a graphic information to hitler i went to the leading opponent former president donald trump it was yesterday the decision was made to not fast-track that he is immune from charges of plotting to overthrow the 2020 election parade this sense the case to federal appeals court and likely delays the trial start date. president biden asked today if it thanks any president against prosecution. he said quote i cannot think of one.
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>> the supreme court has decided it will not for now decide on whether president trump is immune to prosecution in his interference case. special counsel jack smith requested the expedition decision for the issue inspect the u.s. court of appeals if a ttrump wins the merits of the case the charges against him will be dropped. former president's trial expected to begin on march 4. let's bring in sarah bedford investigative editor the washington examiner also a fellow at the steamboat institute. sarah, good to see you thank you so much for being here. first update march 4 a trial date how likely is that to move? what can americans expect in terms of timelines in process in this case? >> right now the march forth a trial date is really in jeopardy the appeals process could take a long time. the first step in the appeals process is for donald trump to go to a limited panel on the
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circuit court and asked him to root the immunity claim if he fails there he can appeal to the whole court for what is known as a review which means every judge on the circuit court will hear the merits of the case for they will issue a ruling donald trump or jack smith that either of them do not like the outcome they can appeal it up to the supreme court and the supreme court does not have to review that on an expedited basis. it just showed it does not have an appetite to do so. i think the idea an open question then is a recent jack smith asked for the expedited review. justice department policy to not even have the appearance of trying to intervene in an election when you get into a certain window before november. >> and now we have the colorado supreme court on tuesday at makg the four -- three decision declaring former president trump may not be on the primary ballot here in the states.
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the president's attorney had said they will appeal to the supreme court pro but here's a former attorney general built bar on that. >> i hope the court district the court has >> the stem very quickly. i think the legal argument here for it is ridiculous. i think even more importantly is highly destructive. it is exactly the kind of tactics by the left that created donald trump in the first place. they are the anything goes to sx that created trump in the first place and continue to breathe life into him. so the bogus cases in new york, the cases in atlanta and so forth strike from him. >> he has a point there. whether you are talking about polling, fundraising, both of those go up for the former president. every time his supporters and even some of his detractors feel he is being treated unfairly or targeted. >> that is right. president trump saying he's the
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victim of a witch hunt for years now. it was easy to write off went may be used under investigation for one thing and there seemed to be some evidence of the public record at that time potentially there was some merit to it. but now, every time some frivolous investigation is opened against him charges are not well supported by evidence are brought against him it really reinforces the narrative donald trump has been pushing that he is being persecuted. i think even voters on the margins even independents were independence werenot inclined td trump is a victim are starting to her some truth in donald trump's message. and at this point i think collectively put legal woes he's facing or strengthening him politically even if he does basic conviction at this point progress and w i want to put upp here. because it really shows i want to ask if this is more of a trend. these are states with suits to bart trump from the ballot
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pending litigation there are different stages of litigation. however, you can see how many are there. is this a trend? have the floodgates been opened at this point? >> it is a coordinated effort it's coordinated back groups in some cases with a democratic dark money that are funding the lawsuits challenging donald trump's eligibility to appear on the ballot on the grounds of him violated the 14th amendment. now, the danger for donald trump is because this colorado supreme court defined what happened on january 6 as insurrection excuse me, in the context of the 14th amendment that could put donald trump in danger of having other judges and other states cite that as a precedent sprayed that's why there is a consensus in the legal community the supreme court needs to act quickly so this is not a domino effect of other states citing the ruling to keep him off the ballot in states that are consequential for his election.
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>> is a lot of states on that map. sarah thanks so much good to talk to you. >> attacking ships and interrupting international trade. all with the help of buy ron for his united states and its new coalition of partners in the region doing enough to stop it? doctor rebecca grant joins us next. now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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>> israel ratcheting up attacks across gaza with the ports of hundreds of palestinian deaths in the past 24 hours. as the war rages on their fox news confirms iran's role in helping rebels target ships in the red sea a radiance by ship providing them with weapons and real-time intelligence for those drone mis and missile strikes. senior court foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot is live. >> hello this is pretty tough weather up here in tel aviv tonight. there has been some very tough battles down south israel slamming hamas targets all along the length of the gaza strip defense administered today it was with troops in the north which he now says is under his
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country's control but remember that is after weeks and weeks of fighting. idf is also saying it's taking out compounds and tunnels in the southern city that's thought to be the headquarters of the group it all the combat coming out of price of five soldiers were killed today 144 since the ground were began. all of this is a side israel is not altering its aversion to battle even after yesterday's resolution the un security council calling for humanitarian cause. the writing of that was toned down to get them to go along even if it's just with an extension. critics say it's not strong enough to get sufficient aid into gaza. just a fraction of the necessary relief trucks got through today is the hamas supporting a ratinn backed fighters continuing their attacks on international shipping in the red sea and the past couple of hours. we have a new report of a possible hit fox has confirmed iranian naval spy vessel is relaying information to the rebels about the roots of the ship the placement of the ship.
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no word on who is responsible for the strike earlier today on israeli linked ship in the arabian sea. meanwhile israel's getting help of fort leggett kind the idf reveals army dogs with body cameras are stiffing their way through hamas tunnels hunting down fighters, hunting down weapons, maybe even hostages. finally christmas in bethlehem in the west bank more subdued due to the war. a manger square this or tree, no lights, very few celebrations as the fighting goes on. there will be a midnight mass at the church of the nativity on christmas eve and the name of these there is of course a lot of hope for peace and quiet here. a lot of nasty noises throughout the region back to you. >> craig live in tel aviv thanks. >> even before fox confirmed iranian spy ship was helping attack red sea shipping the white house has acute to iran of
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deeply involved in helping plan those drone and missile attacks. let's bring in doctor rebecca grant national security expert present a virus independent research. dr. grant, thank you for being here pretty want to start off with brand-new reporting from the wall street journals. in exclusive report that came out a couple of hours ago. that spoke about president biden calling benjamin netanyahu four days after the october 7 attacks urging him to stand it down on an attack against has a lot in lebanon to the north. in fact the airplanes in the air when the call came from president biden to prime minister benjamin netanyahu and he stood down this was of course all concerned about the white house being concerned about this projecting into a larger regional conflicts were in a morning what your responses to that new reporting? >> fascinating. airplanes in the israeli pilots like ours are used to getting a
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last minute last second they can a dime. but what really caught my eye here that means the united states was using very sophisticated intelligence. telling netanyahu we see something else it looks to us like hezbollah's not getting ready to strike this was known all along there's very intensive intelligence cooperation coming from the united states to israel and partly in hopes of keeping a lid on that conflict in the middle east for. >> it also says something about the fact even in the early days the real emphasis was making sure this did not expand into a larger war in that region. >> fighting has been fairly blunt about this. israel has to restore it security we have one 100% support to israel hence the aide. but also we deploy military forces very quickly to send a signal to iran and the bigger piece we know is going on.
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they don't talk about it very much. but the incredible space-based electronic -based aircraft maritime surveillance that we are contributing into the israeli defense forces that is making a difference at least in the context of the gaza conflict because united states and israel have stood alone. especially the united nations security council which a resolution was passed yesterday. the un united states abstain frm voting on this this resolution called for humanitarian causes between israel and hamas increased aid to gossett most important for the israelis and did not call for a cease-fire today. benjamin netanyahu president biden had a phone call. the president was asked whether he asked for a cease-fire today. biden said no he did not. how important is it that language was stripped from that resolution? >> i was really close it's very important because u.s. policy
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obviously is not to demand an israeli cease-fire into israel's objectives of clearing out hamas military capability are met. but now it is real happy with the situation. it is sad and a way to see this is what the un has come down to. able to help get aid in we are glad to see that but unfortunately the un to solicit in preventing the violence is going on in the region. >> let's move on to the houthis in the red sea for their been over 100 attacks on 13 commercial vessels in the red sea over the last couple of months. there is pressure on the white house to do something about this. they have declassified information that shows we can confirm there's iranian spy ship that's being used to help with these attacks. there is also missiles and drones. the white house trying to ratchet it up. the evidence they have iran is part of this. they are trying to attack these
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ships through the houthis rebels. i am wondering what you are thinking about the white house's move to declassify more intel rather than go on the offensive and attacked the houthis rebels and whether or not you think it's time to do so? >> d classifying and revealing information that is the biden white house standard tactic when they don't really want to take military action. i think it's time for iran and the houthis to get a rebuke. i will say operation guardian on this new release of information does give us the groundwork. my first choice would be chased the iranian cargo spy ship out of the red sea peers giving targeted information the houthis are not great tacticians with their relying on iran and crating a hughes disruption that's got to go for.
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>> quickly they did not want to disrupt a peace deal it's a precarious situation we ran out of time but appreciate her joining us. >> thank you. >> thank you doctor rebecca grant thank you for being here. >> organized retail theft take a major toll on both large and small businesses shoppers rushed to the short stores this holiday season. criminology professor with tips on how stores can protect their products and their customers, next.
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>> actor charlie sheen allegedly attacked by his neighbor wednesday. after she broke into his malibu home l.a. sheriff's deputies arrested the woman for burglary and assault with a deadly weapon. christina coleman live in los angeles with more in the story. >> a brian bird sources told foxnews their been ongoing issues between sheet and the suspect in this case. ishis neighbor a 47 noblewoman. a source close told tmhe heard the two talking recently saying something to the effect of letting bygones be caught god bs the day before the attack the same woman reportedly dumped trash at his front door l.a. county sheriff's office as they responded to his home wednesday afternoon for a battery disturbance call but they identified sheen as the victim ain schrock as the suspect. assault with a deadly weapon bird sources tell us schrock forced her way into his malibu condo and grabbed at his neck
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multiple times for eventually ripping his shirt, he tried to get away she allegedly chased him in his halberd this is not her first run it with a levered court records showed she was charged with elder dependent adult cruelty in march where she pleaded no contest and was arrested or actually was released on a 25000-dollar bond. now she is back in custody. it is unclear what prompted her alleged attack on sheen. he has been involved in several assault cases over the past 27 years he was placed on two years probation after discharge with attacking one of his former girlfriends for that was back in 1996. he was also arrested and pleaded guilty to assault charge as part of a plea deal following a domestic violence incident involving his former life -- rick wife in 2009. the actor's erratic behavior off the screen and struggles with substance abuse took a big toll on his career the 58-year-old former two and a half men star
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was earning a whopping $1.8 million an episode during his finthis final season of thet show. he was fired after making controversial statements about one of the show's cocreator spreadsheet riesling told people magazine he has been sober for the past six years knowing he is focusing on his kids. again no word on a motive on that attack on wednesday buried the neighbor who allegedly tried to choke him is being held on 80000-dollar bond. her first court appearance in this case is scheduled for tuesday. >> a wild story christina coleman live in los angeles thank you. that was a scene earlier this month in california when a store clerk defendant's place of business from being robbed by thieves it is a scene we have seen it play out too often.
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retail theft is causing large and small businesses billions of dollars. last year alone thieves made off with 112.1 billion in goods. up from 93.9 billion the year before. so tips on how businesses can fight back against theft of this holiday shopping season bring it university of miami criminology professor doctor alex piquero. thank you for being here. going to put up a survey before we get started here so kids can see the impact is taking a businesses here it's on stores survey 28% said they had to close a location. 45% said they reduced operating hours and 30% reduced or altered product selection. so doctor piquero what can businesses do because this is dire. >> is great to be with you. i wish we were not having this conversation to be quite honest here in my hometown of miami a very famous photoshop was
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burglarized in the same kind of way. those mom-and-pop stores depend on selling product especially at this time of year. there are a few things they can do the first thing is very simple, very common is obviously the more eyes they have the better that they are. second is to hire security personnel. now of course those two things involve a cost to the retailers we have to bear that in mind. a third thing is to work with law enforcement to do random patrols around town in certain areas and certain businesses the mind of a high degree of risk for being burglarized or broken into. because you are speaking we are showing video of groups of people going in to the stores and robbing them of flash mob style. can you explain this a difference between a shoplifter someone who goes in and shop lifts not that that is okay but a difference between that and the organized retail crime? what's it's a great point you raise. there are two very different
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kinds of thefts but both are theft. we have some data on a shoplifting. the problem is we do not have a lot of data on retail theft. there are some police department that have that. what we see on television these brazen acts they insight not necessarily fear but oh my gosh this is happening a lot. we just do not have the data for the national retail federation or a law enforcement at the national level but i think it's time we start to collect the data to understand the trends. >> now congress is getting involved but earlier this month the subcommittee on house homeland security committee held a hearing to address this problem. this is what the hearing was called quote from festive cheer to retail cheer addressing organized retail crime at home depot's vice president president testified these groups are getting even more dangerous and they care little about any consequences. so, what can congress actually do here? >> is a range of different things congress can do but one
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of the first things i should do is increase the data collections to understand the problem. not just big retailers like home depot and target and best buy it also smaller retail smaller mom-and-pop restaurants. all that information is necessary. the second thing is we have to be very mindful of severe punishments versus increasing the certainty of apprehension. what we want to do is get the individuals who are considering this kind of crime to stop and think about the consequences of their doing so but more generally we have to get back to realize stealing is just wrong. all of those kinds of things are part and partial with overall crime prevention strategy. >> it seems like in some places it's getting harder to walk into a store and shop. go into a walgreens and the shampoo and yet or is locked up and you have to find someone to help you out. that is no fun. people see these videos, it is scary. we are in this last minute holiday rush right now. what can you tell folks at least to help them feel a little better about shopping? it is not easy right now.
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>> i'm a regular person to take off my criminology hat. i would tell people this. there are fears that videos and the viral videos they do elicit fear in people. but i would recommend people go about their business watch their belongings, the goods, their cars, lock their cars. and be mindful of their surroundings. i want shopping twice today i'm going to add again after this segment we have to live our lives. we have to beat mindful of that. we also have to be mindful of the people working in these retail establishments. everybody wants a safe community where you can go and shop. it's all of us to do our part to make sure it happens. >> our country need small businesses they are so important and they are an integral part of our communities for integral part of our economy. we really need to come as you said get out there and live our lives for great advice. doctor alex piquero merry christmas good luck with your shopping today and thank you for
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joining us. >> likewise to you and your family. >> thank you. >> of the holiday season upon us, so are the cowards 2023 comes to a close nearly half of americans are saying fitness and weight loss are their top priority for the new year. doctor janette is here at next was some tips on how you can meet your goals. - [woman] we're completely full. - it's okay, we're here to help you. (piano music begins) - hi, little guys. - [man] settle in. (van door closing) - time to meet your families! (puppies barking) (puppies sniffing) - hi there! - what should we name him? - buster!
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my husband and i have never been more active. shingles doesn't care. i go to spin classes with my coworkers. good for you, shingles doesn't care. my name is nikki
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>> fox news alert. the sad news out of the music room. country music star laura lynch a founding member of the dixie chicks who left the group in 1995 hasn't died in a head-on car crash in texas. report safe car driving on the other side of the highway crossings out of my and hit her car. no word yet on any injuries or deaths. laura lynch was a 65 years old.
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it is time to think about new year's resolutions and many americans are putting health goals at the top of their list. a new nearly half of respondents improving their fitness is a top priority for 2024. one third had a losing weight and improving their diet on the resolution list. fox news medical contributor dr. janette nesheiwat joins us now with her advice on improving health in the near. dr. kagan thanks so much for being here you look at that list, not surprising it seems like everybody has that initial goal, got to be healthier and try to lose weight. you've got top five tips and at one and two to take it away for us but will start off with number one which is prioritize activity. >> hate happy holidays to you. yes. these are great goals that everyone has to want to lose weight to get in shape. it is the first time of year to get started. my number one tip for viewers is you want to get moving but you
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want to make sure you are getting a 30 -- 40 minutes of activity every week. thirty 48 minutes a week. about one or 50 minutes every single week. this is important most americans suffer with elevated blood pressure they have about 40% of americans activity will help reduce the blood pressure by helping with weight loss put up will also help reduce your cholesterol it's very important to understand and can help reduce your risk of forming diabetes which of in your blood sugar goes up high in that can be very dangerous. one thing we don't think about often is the fact that exercise exercise canhelp reduce your rif dementia. 40% of those who are diagnosed with alzheimer's, dementia is the most common dementia it can be prevented from my cell changes that's a step in the right direction there. the second thing i tell my patients is you want to make sure you are hydrated.
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about how much water should i drink? for example seo are 150 pounds going to cut that number in half which is 75. that means you want to drink about 758 ounces of fluids daily. the good thing is we get a lot of fluids a lot of water from the foods that we eat from fruits and vegetables which leads me too might next tip number three you want to make sure you're getting enough fiber in your diet. for most adults we went to 25 -- the fiber a day. why it's so important? when you eat enough fiber that you will feel fuller faster it helps with digestion, and it also helps reduce your risk of colon cancer which is very important we are seeing: cancer diagnosed in the younger population more and more these days. that is really important not to mention it coul can help reducer cholesterol as well. and then i always say to my patients, you want to make sure you're getting enough sleep, why is that? when you are sleep deprived believe it or not you become
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hungrier. >> i believe it. [laughter] >> you get more cravings for the unhealthy foods the late-night snacks and chips in those things high and fats and sugars. it's important you get enough sleep. then of course you want to make sure you're managing your stress because when you're stressed out during the time of the holidays we stress hormones which could be inflammatory to your body and throw your whole body out of whack and out of rhythm. when you can gain weight and on average most americans gate one -- 2 pounds over the holidays. you're not going to lose it overnight so be patient. the all of my five tips i guarantee you start seeing results in assaults one -- two weeks for. >> let me ask you doctor what is the number one reason you see why people fail to reach a resolution of losing weight and getting healthier? the number one pitfall?
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>> it varies for all of us. some people may have a fast food lifestyle they can't cut they are not saying as a result as fast as they like. maybe they are doing at the wrong way or maybe they are grazing and don't realize how many calories they are consuming and they do not put themselves in a calorie deficit. it varies. sometimes you might need assistance and support from your doctor or medical professional like a dietitian or a nutritionist to see where you're going wrong and put you on a path that has you looking at your food intake, much protein, how much carbohydrates, how much fat are you taking end? and how many calories you're expending as well. so look at the big picture progress lastly and 20 seconds hear a lot of the conversation at the dinner table is going to be about weight loss injections like the is epic et cetera. what is your advice on that right now?
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>> if it works for you then that is fantastic for the most important thing is talk to your doctor. you always want to try first the conservative measures if you don't change her life south healthy nutrition and activity, once you stop those injections you will gain the weight back. it's okay to use it if it's beneficial for you and you need it but always talk to your dr. about what is best for you. >> good advice i guess we will see more of the study will come out as to whether or peoples weight comes back if you get off of it the health studies people seem to love the results so far. dr. janette nesheiwat thank you very much merry christmas happy holidays and thank you for joining us for. >> merry christmas thank you brian. lethat's looking for get this holiday season for a romantic partner? a sparkly new trend could be your new best friend. we will explain next.
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>> it is a season of giving many shoppers cannot resist putting a special something shiny under the tree for their loved ones with inflation expensive jewelry may seem too expensive for many lab grown diamonds are getting g shoppers an affordable alternative to natural rocks foxbusiness jury wills with the story. >> tis the season. it is engagement season and more
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and more americans are thinking about man made it diamonds, lab grown diamonds you can see them right here the marker growing with sales totaling $12 billion last year that is up 38% from a year ago. in fact 20% of the entire diamond industry right now up to 1% in 2 2015 weary clear cut wih olivia she is the owner of this enterprise and also a gemologist. i am glad we have lots of questions. so, let's start with how are these two things different? and really, how much more at wwouldi pay for an actual diamod compared to a man-made one? >> natural diamond's growth under the earth over billions of years a lab grown t diamond is a synthetic diamond front under similar conditions in the laboratory they are very different in pricing. lab grown diamond we only sell natural diamonds we give away a
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free for a travel r wrinkly purchases lab grown diamond for about $100 a carat wholesale natural diamond would cost thousands of dollars a carat depending on the quality of your. >> what do consumers need to know? might look at those two things i cannot see how the lab grown diamond doesn't look like a real diamond progress consumers just need to know the inherent value there is no inherent value in the lab grown for that natural will hold value over time. the need to be wary jewelers may push them to purchase a lab grown the margins for retailers are 300 -- 500% when it comes to a lab grown closer to 10 -- 20% when it comes in natural progress good to know olivia thank you very much. in new york gerry willis foxbusiness. >> gerry, thank you. >> it could be a very merry christmas for one lucky lottery player tonight's powerball soaring to a whopping $620 million after no winners were announced during wednesday
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night's drawing the grand prize is the 12th biggest powerball jackpot ever. do you do scratch offs for christmas is a big family tradition in our house for. >> i don't but about when a powerball i will still totally hang out with you, by appointment. merry christmas progress you're the best, merry christmas. that is it for us we are back at noon eastern tomorrow but have great time with your families everybody. before they expire. visionworks. see the difference. pain hits fast. so get relief fast. .. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now, get max strength topical pain relief precisely where you need it. with new tylenol precise.
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this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews
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living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. i have a tremendous love for israel and the jewish people. this is why i'm partnering with the fellowship. it gives me a way to authentically bless jewish people in need around the world. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor. when you call right now, your gift's impact will
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be doubled to help save lives. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone. ♪ ♪


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