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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  December 24, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PST

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♪ welcome back, america. this concludes our special edition of life, liberty and levin. i hope these guests have given you a lot to think about but also offer hope and encouragement for the future. a fantastic new year. i'll see you next time on life, liberty and levin the ♪ ♪
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[playing national anthem] [playing national anthem] ♪ ♪ ♪. will: maitri christmas eve on "fox & friends" i have never heard "fox & friends" the christmas edition. we would love to see how you are spending your christmas eve morning even the wet box and your picture my
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in-depth on "fox & friends".com. go jesus, it's your birthday, that's the best
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>> i love onesies. >> i have no idea. if you think of white christmas, we have it on parts of the intermountain west, the rockies and this is across the plains with a white christmas, it's not white w falling throughout the day from the storm the last few days it is a slow mover and warm, take a look at this, 45 degrees in fargo, north dakota, this is current
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temperatures, 29 in chicago, the temperatures argue to be breaking high record temperatures for the day that is how warm it is, this is a moisture streaming in across parts of the south, dallas getting the rain it could be better on this afternoon, to the north of this is where we got the snow so parts of eastern colorado areas of nebraska, some spots will pick up over a foot of snow it'll be a white christmas for a people across part of the northern plains but will be looking at the delays in the airports today, for flight is tomorrow getting out early tomorrow delays parts of the southeast in the western great lakes and the deny storm develop and problems across some of those area roads, here's our forecast for tonight were looking good across much of the west we still have the storm across essential part of the country in the east coast looking dry a little bit later on today and no snow at all.
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>> doctor saphier is saying jumpers are pajamas reminds me of a conversation yesterday, we had the rope debate but the pajama debate. >> this is a conversation during the commercial break. >> we have to make sure everybody is aware of what were talking about. very serious topics. >> window demand for pajamas into his life. >> what you do with them i get them every year for a tradition in our family. >> for the family photo with everyone in their pajamas and then they get into a drawer. will: then you take them off her bed because you know what to get twisted in your pajamas. >> you put even for a picture and then you take them off because you know get dressed to get into bed. >> great american traditions. will: we will see you a little later on these important deb debates. >> i want to interject i don't think we should keep saying that wwill make it home today i don't want to give you the bad juju
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and jinx it i just think that we say the weather looks great. you gotta get home. will: thank you for that is very thoughtful. >> you can catch a ride with santa. will: the secret effort to track and surveilled the chinese bible then, the reports of the biden administration did not want to report to the american public about the existence of the chinese bible in. >> this story was a huge story because we were treated to numerous citizens that went into the backyard and feels and looked at the sky and we were filming these things and nobody knew what it was in the administration it was not forthcoming. the quote from former senior u.s. official on the biden response was this. before it was spotted publicly there was the intention to study it and let it pass over and not tell anyone about it, they were
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not paying attention, however, once it became a thing john kirby was asked at the white house about it and here's what he said on february 13. >> because it's so unprecedented should the public be hearing from the president directly on this. >> we have been as transparent as we can be i won't speak for the president speaking schedule but he has been deeply engaged in every one of these decisions and kept informed including as of this morning on what is going on with recovery efforts and is very much staying on top of the issue and directing his team to make sure we are properly consulting a briefing not just members of congress the state leaders as well and were also doing what we can of the public sphere. griff: what is significant about
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that, when americans are located in the sky going what in the world is this, these chinese spy balloons were traversing the length and breath of our nation across some of armas sensitive military installations particularly out west. it is unclear at that point that he fully knew exactly what they were. nicole: that was february 13, they, norad was tracking before leaving costa canada and before it crossed over to the united states. they said they were watching and they recognized it was from china and by the time it started coming to the united states they put planes next to it to surveilled it when it was surveilling us and they did not choose to shoot it down until it made its entire way across the united states getting surveillance footage of a lot of our military bases and then they decided to shoot it down over the pacific ocean. griff: the atlantic. nicole: the atlantic on sorry
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the only reason we knew about it at all i suspect is because young public citizens taking pictures and videos saying what was going on it was a local newspaper in montana that was starting to report on it said in the white house had to play cleanup and said we know about the summer allowing china to surveillance. will: the entire story makes you wonder what was the motivation of the administration. i think of a couple of options, a this happens all the time and is the first time that we heard about is how they reacted as they usually do not that big of a deal or here's protocol i have a hard time accepting a because this is noticed by montanans and you think it would've been noticed in the past. so be they did want to study it, i don't know if that's true let it fly over and see what it does we can block any transmission to surveilled but i don't know if that's true. nicole: didn't say if there was
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a plan. will: i'm assuming their public statements don't say the truth and see they were just embarrassed by this but the point is that answers that we are getting quite honestly are untrue, what is intel in the intelligence agency for the reason that they handle this. >> president by december not coming down hard on this because the chinese were so embarrassed which i find it extremely hard to believe, i believe there has to be more to the story and will never know. >> we have the video from surfside south carolina so that his next to south carolina and they were on vacation for within 35 years, i was getting calls from everybody in the area estate if the government doesn't take it out were taken out i'm not sure how they're going to do that but he got the nation's attention.
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i do have to update, shifting gears i've not begun shopping. nicole: 142 million americans did. griff: i was going to but i incurred some dues during the middle the day, got a good plan i'm going to go block over fifth avenue and get it done and overspend which would be good for the gift recipient because i'm in a pinch but the pro-palestinian protest they took over it was unbelievable it was busier than the normal walking over there but as you approached rockefeller center and fifth avenue it was out of control. i did not get fully into it because they were marching around and i said i'm not going to do i'm not going to get into it but this is what it looked like. [shouting]
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>> bob's are dropping while you're shopping. >> now you're yelling the double horn and i cannot shop speed when they stop people from shopping this is one of the most festive and what are the most greatest time to new york city and they completely shut it down they were screaming bombs are dropping. one of the things that i have with these protest other than being completely disrupting society, what are they standing for. they're saying everyone is united, united in way people are not united you called for a cease-fire but what does it look like when it comes to israel and as long as you palestinian people who continue to support the terrorist organization of hamas which a wartime poll in palestine show 57 - 82% of palestinians believe that hamas was correct in october 7 attack in 42 - 44% support hamas as
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long as you have strong support for the terrorist organization of hamas in palestine, israel will never be safe you could not say a cease-fire without delineating what that looks like. griff: when we were anchoring in the afternoon yesterday a group of pro-palestinian protesters took over the denver international airport and it was shocking that airport security would allow dozens of people to come in with bullhorns and start disrupting. i hope you don't run into this in the airport that you go to. what strikes me in a large pro-palestinian protest that came to d.c., couple hundred thousand or more it's not clear that they understand what the protesting they don't really know the history, they are after disrupting it in there chanting some things that they don't fully understand. in many cases they don't condemn hamas. nicole: mini chant from the river to the sea and many don't know what they're talking about. will: no be interesting to see
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this tomorrow christmas day. the christmas festivities in bethlehem in the west bank have been significantly less than what is done in the past and it'll be interesting to see this took place on christmas day. we are going to turn to your headlights tributes are pouring in for laura lynch dixie chicks she died after getting into a car crash last night the band writing an instagram were soft and shocked and saddened we hold a special place in our hearts for the time we spent playing music and laughing and traveling together. she died following a head-on collision on a undivided highway in west texas. she was 65 years old. florida police are searching for a person of interest after man was killed in a mall shooting an hour away from orlando the mall was evacuated after gunshots rang out no word if it'll reopen this morning. the woman was hurt in the
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shooting and expected to live. police recovered the gun but they're asking for the public to help locate the person of interest. soccer fans spent $5000 to travel across upon to see a soccer team play in the uk only to have the game canceled. the game was rescheduled days later only to be canceled again due to rain. he says the disappointment was spread out a few hours as it kept raining more and more the game was definitely going to be postponed he and his wife got the full tour of the stadium. that's been on my to do list my boys are big into soccer. nicole: my youngest is for sure. will: this isn't the prettiest time to go to england. nicole: it is very festive and i've been to a game 20 years ago and is completely different than anything that you've seen and the united states the culture in the fans is quite an experience.
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>> my older brother and i are talking about doing that and i grew up playing soccer because of him and as an adult he plays recreationally when he's not injured because you get older and is tougher to play soccer. but it's fascinating in the 80s growing up few people in america watch the world cup and cared about it adidas in soccer shoes and into the culture and now it is become really big and i think they would do themselves a favor if they would cater to american tourism to bring us over and help guys like that and he clearly did it on his own. nicole: is certainly changed over the course of the five years with l.a. galaxy and david beckham and iec was going on in miami i took my youngest for his birthday to see lionel messi. it was awesome. griff: migrants at tucson's
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airport at a tsa airline just for them with a sign reading non-us citizens without passports only. tom homan on that as holiday troubles in full swing. nicole: what better way to get you ready for christmas then your favorite christmas movie, the top seven on the list, stay tuned to see if yours made it. ♪ ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ [bell ringing] and doug says, “you can customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual.” he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? with this guy? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache!
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griff: the new year. up to be a record one of the border, hundreds more illegally crossing into the u.s. as part of the year end search fox news contributor and retired ice director tom homan joins us now you and i have been talking all year long, neither of us would've thought we would ever be here dealing with the crisis at the stated is, as we head into christmas eve this morning, there are hundreds of border patrol agents men and women in
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green not signed up to make a commitment to protect the border national security and they're going to spend their time away from family and friends processing and transporting migrants by the thousands to the inability to deter them. the administration doesn't want to deter them, there is no consequence in this administration decided this. we have thousands of border patrol working through the holidays doing what they do what do they want to enforce the law and secure the border but last week in texas one agent told me he felt like a tourist agent and another one sided new were driver because all they do is process and release. yesterday i saw a tweet from cory miller saying we need more money from congress to deal with the search engines because they
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manipulate aliens coming to the united states at the stone cold lie he should have integrity. they're calling because they see the actions of the administration that they turn themselves and they don't all be released to be thrown into the city of their choice on taxpayer dime supported a hotel room with three meals a day and free medical care and work authorization that's why they're coming out because of being lied to they see the truth from this administration. griff: my colleague bill melugin has done a great job in lucca arizona he was flying out of tucson and there was a song saying non-us citizens without passports come to dislike. it's unthinkable not clear to be honest how the coronation works between cbp and the local ngos in this case in arizona and whether or not federal dollars are supporting this. fox is looking into that. this is now being organized in a more orderly way and i asked you this question speaker mike
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johnson is taking a code out in the first week of january down to eagle pass to stand there and demand action do you think that's going to do anything? >> it's not going to do squat i'm sick of the dog and pony shows because the republicans what they need to do is stay in d.c. in do their job and they need to impeach alejandro mayorkas i've been calling for that for two years most border experts have been calling for the end due to the midterm sets with a to do they get reelected they need to stay in d.c. and do their job and past policy and secure the border in impeach alejandro mayorkas another trip to mexico and the border is awkward to do anything at the dog and pony show. i was in phoenix, arizona they don't have to pre-check or clear they have their own vip line and not only that the get on the airplane first. i'm the captain and he pulled me aside and says i deal with this
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every day half of my plane is full of these people do we really know who they are, the answer no we don't most of them dropped the idea in mexico. griff: it's hard to see this other than a sheer backdoor amnesty process if not play on i don't know what the administration intends or not. another border patrol agents will be spending the holiday working hard and we appreciate them and we will continue to shine a light in your from great experts like you, merry christmas my friend. >> god bless the men and women of the work under border patrol. griff: they are heroes indeed. merry christmas. as goldberger president texas is calling on people to say christmas break instead of holiday or winter break, he joins us next. we are tracking the fat man and the red suit santa claus is headed to the islands and later
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this hour we will check in with norad who is in charge of seamless delivery as he delivers present around the world. ♪ ♪ today, my friend you did it, you did it, you did it... ♪ centrum silver is now clinically shown to support cognitive health in older adults. it's one more step towards taking charge of your health. so every day, you can say, ♪ youuu did it! ♪ with centrum silver. there's something going around the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together.
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♪ ♪. will: santa claus is coming to town our friends at norad are tracking saint nick as he starts his journey. right now he is deep over the pacific. let's go to rich reichmuth christina's global "fox weather" forecast. i requested this yesterday you three together so fast i'm so impressed i did not know you did that. >> are "fox weather" people help
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me. we have to know how it's going around the globe for santa. >> hold on let me restart it. will: i was complementing you. >> where is y that? somewhere over the pacific. this is what the weather looks like for santa cold air across russia, 71 in tel aviv sunshine happening, new delhi 76, tokyo 55, beijing 38, there you go that's the cold air, mongolia, russia, this is the pacific somewhere is yarn, phoenix 65 today, looking pretty nice, little bit of cold air across northern canada down towards brazil, there you go into the 80s, overall santa does not have no delays across the lower
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48 it's good cause problems in some of the airports and later on tomorrow it will see an ice storm developed and may be afoot in the northern plains. ascended over to you. nicole: i'm very excited to see santa and learn our geography over the next several hours watching santa. a school board president in texas is calling on officials to say christmas break instead of holiday break during this time of year end officially making sure christmas break is printed on next year's school calendar. >> will have several correspondences month from the district referring to a winter break, winter party holiday break holiday party everything but christmas break and christmas parties and. it's christmas and new year's break in the district should refer to it as such. it is okay to recognize and observe this holiday on our
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campuses. nicole: carol texas school board president joins us now. merry christmas eve thank you for joining us. >> merry christmas. nicole: merry christmas is a seasonal greeting some say out of habit and others out of obligation but really it is a way to greet people during the season. when people say increasingly over the last ten years we got away from saying merry christmas because we did not want to offend anybody and everyone says happy holidays. what you doing to combat this. >> it is interesting in our district we call every fellow holiday by its real name we call thanksgiving takes giving break and we recognize labor day holiday martin luther king holiday and would recognize every federal holiday by its name except for christmas and we think that's ridiculous, call christmas christmas it's an
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inclusivity ideology that so out of whack that is in the border to be inclusive, you have to exclude things like christmas. nicole: you said that, the progressive line is to be as inclusive as possible but you are excluding christians and christmas altogether. james hamlin of the atlantic said when president trump was a merry christmas during his presidency that it was a tool of demagoguery and oma's when the nation was christian and white. when people are being offended by merry christmas is seems to be a sign of the politics and the actual faith. >> it does the first amendment to our constitution says we have the right to freedom of religion not freedom from religion and that's exactly what this is texas had a law signed by governor. in 2013 called the merry christmas law and it protects people from saying merry
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christmas or happy hanukkah on school ground and it's a shame that we have to pass a law in texas that tells people are protected from saying those things. nicole: it is a shame in merry christmas should be the festive greeting that it is. thank you so much for joining us. merry christmas. >> thank you and merry chri christmas. poll numbers show president biden losing support with black and hispanic voters, we break down the newest strategy. that is coming up next. what better way to get you ready for christmas tomorrow then your favorite christmas movie, the top seven on the list, stay tuned to see if years made it. ♪ (fisher investments) it's easy to think that all money managers
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will: president biden is planning more trips to minority communities in 2024 to reinforce advertising campaign broadcasting directly to black and hispanic voters support continues to decline within ap norc december poll finding only 50% of black adult approved 86% in july of 2021 and only 57% of
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hispanic voters approved a fox news poll, here to react his host of stacy on the right on sirius xm patriot and air force veteran stacy washington, daniel garza good to have you on the program, let's start with you, what do you think is happening why is biden's poll numbers that is a big drop i'm tempted to use the word cratering it's going way down with black americans, why? >> if you look at what americans are facing in this country let's say our expenses, 11400 more dollars a year to live during the biden administration during the chapo administration, there are very real impacts for bad energy policy and refusals to unleash our energy as it pertains to pumping and pulling oil out of the ground at home were not in the energy producer any longer it cost more at the grocery store and more for your
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energy at home to wormer house at christmas americans are looking at those things in air ads in the body to administration campaign is planning on doing until run ads on radio and rollout for the campaign in those things don't impact americans i don't care what's on the radio when i'm spending $300 to feed a family of three at the grocery store every week that's an unreasonable thing to put up with an biden has not explained how we can improve on that or change that in another term. will: black, white, brown, whatever, the economy translates across america. i'm sure that is the case as well for latino voters but i'm curious in your estimation everyone wonders what role is illegal immigration playing among latino voters. >> huge, latinos come to america because they believe in the rule
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of law in the american principal and individualism in these things and when they see the loss of control the border in this universe and of the immigrant principles and they try to impose the agenda on the latino community without considering being said about inflation, crime and major cities and what people feel in faith at the border and their driving a green agenda for the benefit of latinos when we all know it's going to produce scarcity and skyhigh bills for everybody and what we want is energy abundance in open borders and what we want is a return to a control of our asylum process that is being gained for the love of god we have 17 people on the terrorist watch list,
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november, listening to democrats you think were equity is the endgame when in fact we want equal opportunity in this administration doesn't seem to resolve any of these issues. will: we had on the screen when we were talking approval rating is 57% that is lower but is still higher than the nationwide average, how would you analyze that this is historically the case but why do disproportionate number of latinos improve even than the population at large. >> it can be in the framing of the question that seems high to me a lot of the polling did not show that and a lot has to do with the fact that this is a failed policy approach by the biden administration when it comes to these issues and they can't even do and it connects
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and really fast, whole thing with a breakfast taco with joe biden in the debacle by joe biden all of these things are turnoff to a lot of latinos and what the focus on in their policies. will: is pandering. they want policy impositions that are good to reverse the trajectory that were on. >> as some of the question back to you while the approval rating may be down among black voters will that ever inspire them to vote the other way, will devote republic. >> some of the most interesting things i see on instagram as i'm scrolling late at night when i can't sleep there somebody black americans especially in chicago and new york city creating videos at rallies were there addressing the fact that they have been voting for the democrats and having their own programs after school programs and things for elderly senior
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citizens that are all being canceled so those facilities can be repurposed for illegal aliens in the country and they're asking for people to come out republicans, independence to talk of about politics so i think it's very real when you hear that people are getting a $9000 a month check to get in the country illegally and after school program has been canceled a neighborhood and senior citizens have hotels it's a serious problem i think you have an impact next year. thank you for having this conversation ahead of time we will see how it all plays out, merry christmas. i see your sweater it did not escape my attention merry christmas. over to you. a great conversation, turning to your headlines police arresting a suspect after he led them on a chase when officer say was a stolen box truck to los angeles yesterday officials say the drivers trying to shake off law-enforcement driving on the curve and more, the chase ended
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really hit the median and nearly flipped no word on charges he will be facing. it is christmas eve what better way to get you ready for christmas tomorrow then with your favorite movie, fox news digital revealing the top seven christmas stories started with the miracle on 34th street and number one followed by a christmas carol else it is a wonderful life, scrooge in a christmas story, i guess my favorite christmas movie jingle all the way to did not make the cut we want to know your favorite christmas and larry the cable guy if you're watching agastiya numerous times calling and support me. >> on supplies christmas vacation did not make the top. nicole: two of my favorite winsted elf and white christmas.
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>> you said you watch these. nicole: white christmas we watch every day we do a big christmas and watch white christmas before a big dinner. >> my mom watches a wonderful life every year, i cannot do old movies i cannot. have you seen jingle all the way to. >> i have not seen jingle all the way to. a good when his christmas chronicles have you seen that that's a good one. with kurt russell and goldie hahn makes an appearance. griff: i've shed more tears on jingle all the way to. it is a heart tiger. nicole: gavin the girl performs all be home for christmas. >> trivia was a best-selling christmas song ever. >> first we are tracking santa would norad they join us next to
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tell us we santa is right now. ♪
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♪ ♪. griff: it is christmas eve in case you weren't paying attention. santa claus is a new zealand. nicole: the aerospace defense command norad tracking santa since 1955. will: a deputy commander blaise f frawley joins us now. great to have you on the pro program. you have been tracking it for a while are we following historical precedent is he going fast or slow or has he picked up speed over the years? >> good morning, thank you for having us on the air this morning. he is following the traditional path what we normally see.
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it starts off out of the north pole and head south on the international dateline then weaves north and south we show him over russia right now but is making the same pace as he normally makes. nicole: we started at 2:00 a.m. mountain standard time this morning and you guys have been keeping us up after russia where do we anticipate him going to next. >> it is really hard to say he follows the route he wants to follow in traditionally he will weave north and south on the time zone so probably from russia you could anticipate he will weave his way south and continue westward until he hits north america. nicole: does he follow the same route or acm predictable. >> is fairly unpredictable. he essentially goes where he wants to go and goes to the
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houses where children believe andy does circle back because he goes where children are asleep but that does change and it goes quite fast speed when he knows if you're sleeping or not. will: that's why he doesn't come to america first were not asleep for christmas morning, right commander. he does wait until folks are sleepily does circle back. will: how much does he get bogged down in the urban areas. i imagine he keeps a good clip over the pacific. once he gets over the new york new jersey metro he has to get bogged down for a while. >> that makes a lot of sense he does get bogged down as he delivers presents to each and every house and santa does not experience time the way you and i experience time he did his time space continuum but he goes quickly across the oceans and makes up a lot of time there.
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when you look at the threat matrix, children aren't behaving that won't go to bed is not an obstacle that you have to prepare for. >> he will actually visit the houses he will have to circle back he will wait until their sleeping and somehow he knows and he circles back when the is asleep in children the arm to sleep he does know that. what is the maximum altitude. he doesn't have to fly out at night, he flies in the 5 - 1000e there's enough oxygen for the reindeer to get the max performance speed when he needs the oxygen. thank you so much we will track all day long and if you want to track santa go to norad more "fox & friends" coming up. affordable healt h care?
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my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c?
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it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. i got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. need to get your a1c down? you may pay as little as $10 per prescription.


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