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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  December 24, 2023 5:00am-6:01am PST

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♪ ♪ ♪ holy night ♪ all is calm ♪ ♪ all is bright ♪ ♪ round young virgin, mother and
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child ♪ ♪ holy infant so tender and mild ♪ sleep in heavenly peace ♪ ♪ heavenly peace ♪ ♪ sleep in heavenly peace ♪ ♪ ♪ silent night ♪ ♪ holy night ♪ ♪ >> a cappella right? >> that was vin september and sound of victory choir performing silent night live on "fox & friends" square. >> a cappella right? >> amazing that they're so talented you know hold that -- >> a cappella? >> tough questions now doctor i'm not prepared i think it is a cappella guys getting in my ear
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i'll get that. but it is christmas eve but we hope you're getting up getting ready and asked you how you're celebrating before christmas we want your photos send them "fox & friends".com. >> getting ready to celebrate the first christmas what a special, special holiday for them. will: an easy one. meaning it gets harder you're going to have to build -- you're going to have -- you have work ahead of you. mending as i go right now baby is all the baby -- >> baby didn't know what's happening. it gets wonderful. it is wonderful just enjoy this one. >> couple of years be on san tray's lap crying, screaming. >> in the mideast very grateful for the cards and stocking stuffers they received ahead of christmas and we're very grateful to them and their service. griff: we are indeed this one from tracy of her granddaughter
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helping to bake annual christmas cake show us how you are spending the day e-mail us -- at friends at fox you know if you do a big cooking or are you cooking? >> absolutely. >> start today? >> we do a big christmas eve dinner and big christmas day dinner. >> twice -- there are two days. you have to have two meals. i love to cook on the holidays. >> let's bring in sunday fox news sunday anchor shannon bream are you a big -- did you already like bake cookies yesterday an doing a christmas eve dinner today are you a big cook? >> baker than cooker and the ham will be picked up and i will make sides and my mom has her meading home made bread and rolls so a family effort absolutely. >> wealth compliment each other perfectly because i'm not a baker but i will cook. today we'll do the roast,
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salmon, tomorrow i do a goose -- but -- >> wow. >> oh, my. christmas goose. but i don't bake so i have to buy a pie and stuff. >> adventure -- >> at the market is that a special order situation? >> it is. it is but every year we do is i. >> by the way happy birthday you had a birthday yesterday. >> i did i saw that baby was cute i love pictures that everybody sent in but born on 23rd sent home in christmas day in a little red stocking they put babies in to sending them home on christmas so yeah. i was doing celebrating this time of year. >> that's awesome happy belated birthday. let's talk about something we've been noticing all of the attention on, of course, trying to remove trump from the ballot and colorado, and now we know there's 31 pieces of actually article 3 litigation flooding
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out there yet governor gavin newsom shot down lieutenant governor request she sent a letter to the secretary of state in california said find some way to kick trump off the ballot gavin newsom said no way he said, quote, there's no doubt that donald trump is a threat to our liberties and even our democracy but in california, we defeat candidates at the polls everything else is a political distraction. what do you make of this shannon will it perhaps take some steam out of the wind out of the sails of democrats that are sort of leading this push? >> maybe they're in california i think it is so interesting that you have people on the left who are saying wow this is not going well if this is how you keep president trump from winning again by kicking him off the ballot rfk jr. says i think if this whats there will be part of the country that won't be ungovernable if they don't vote for who they think and won through the primary and gone through the contest and cornel
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west saying he refers to former president trump as a gangster, but says that aside -- i do think that this shouldn't be up to the court. left rights and center you have people saying ow supreme court did not the best way to handle this and waiting to track from the supreme court and track from there because he'll ask them to get involved. and january 4th on that colorado decision but i would expect the high court is going to get involved. will: what do you think is the motivation for gavin newsom i can't think it is principle i don't think it is principle he and donald trump do have a relationship and i do wonder if it is something there they have a personal relationship i don't know how to describe it friendly or -- >> friendmi -- >> history and known each other for a while it could be that. will: could be he notices once drastic measures are taken they benefit trump in polling. so i'm just trying to figure out why gavin newsom would zig to
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the democrats zag? >> i think you're right on the latser there every time something negative happens it benefits him politically i think ultimately they have a really good chance to win this at the supreme court and look what's happening in the meantime all gop rivals still in the race, they're out there speaking on cram, issuing statements saying this is crazy. what the colorado supreme court did so once again, it's got the gop feel that is fighting tooth and nail to be his -- even finish at close second somewhere in iowa or new hampshire. it is forcing them to all come out to defend him saying this is absolutely wrong it works for him in the primary and probably in the general if he ends up being nominee because his base will say this is more proof to keep you off the ballot so we don't have a chance to sending him to the white house. smarter than that. >>2024 is shaping up to be for
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the legal team but let's switch gears a little bit fox news sunday is doing special for this christmas holiday. can you tell us a little bit about it. >> listen first half of the show is news of the day we're going to talk about the attacks in the red sea, funding fights all of the garbage that is going to be on the table for lawmakers when they get back here in january because we're looking at another potential government shutdown so senator hagerty and panel will dive into brand new polls but keeping the faith. so we're going talk to people of inspiring stories hear from toby mack trying to reach other people and zach williams michael w. smith and scott hamilton by the way gave me a little bit of a skating lesson. i've got a long way to go that's all i can say there's lots of room for improvements. >> that on videos and part of the special? >> might see a little of that. and tune in just for that. >> do you have a message a specific christmas message this
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year? >> listen, i love christmas. it is second only to easter for me a favorite holidays -- it really gets the message of redemption doesn't matter on the naughty orhty or nice list and e spngd time on both but god sending his son to come here walk among us as a human being. as a baby, and then ultimately lay down his life so i think there's a lot of hope in that. i take a lot of inspiration from that. >> that is a beautiful christmas message thank you so much shannon. merry christmas. >> all right meanwhile, it's christmas eve, and we're tracking the big guy himself as he officially begins international gift deliveries looks like he's flying north of japan let's check in with chief meteorologist in santa tracker. >> he's got a overall good weather pattern for today xepght for the naughty kids he's going to not have a problem. getting anywhere attack a look at the map show you what i'm
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talking about. here is your weather forecast across the globe things really nice all across much of europe temperatures into the 70s in some cases, 71 in tel-aviv. today, beijing 38 a little bit chillier but tokyo to north of that santa has sunshine and clear skies those are daytime highs not overnight lows. where we're looking for santa but phoenix 56 and new york 53 this is tomorrow's weather as well mexico city 72, so things overall -- are looking pretty good not even any major storms we have one storm across lower 48, is goapg to cause some problems for us today. this is where we're going see some delays across airports places like denver over to minneapolis. and then down towards houston dallas at least starting your day -- and new orleans you're going to be looking at so the scattered delays because of some rain. we have a big rain storm brewing behind this, however, and it is going to cause maybe for some blizzard conditions some spots around areas around nebraska and south dakota getting very white
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christmas by tomorrow morning. overall guys -- white christmas not looking so white this year. maybe our lowest on record for white christmas across lower 48. >> santa has good weather he'll be all right, sir. [laughter] no doubt. griff: turn now to headlines florida police serging for person of interest in morning after a man killed in a mall shooting just an hour away from orlando yesterdays. the mall was evacuated after gunshots rang out no word yet if it will reopen this morning. a woman was hurt in the shooting and expected to live police recover aside gun at the scene. but are still asking the public for help locate the person of interest. pro-palestinian protesters storming city streets on supersaturday. shutting down popular shopping centers from coast to coast yesterday. the demonstrators disrupting more than 142 million american shoppers including yours truly trying to finish checking off their list in the last minute.
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anti-israel protesters flooding fifth avenue last night even going as far as chanting while you're shopping bombs are dropping that's what they're saying. and what is the best way to eat asparagus if you ask the royal family it is with your hands dominic west nearly made a royal food faux pas in try to eat with a knife and fork before the show advisor stepped in and taught him how to eat the veggie like king charles and those are your headlines. never try asparagus with your i think fingers. >> my kids are allowed to because of that. but are they part of the royal family? >> no. but you know you have to pick and choose your battles but problem is we do a fried egg on asparagus with parmesan on top of it. >> you're cooking a goose today? like you're just mic dropping kitchen. next level.
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>> a.i. has come up with a list of some favorite christmas meal -- let's see what google's says number one cranberry sauce number two turkey, three gravy, stuffing, roasted vegetables, dinner rolls mashed potatoes pigs in a blanket queen wing casserole and winter spices. that is a thanksgiving meal. >> first of all what are winter spices? >> does that like nutmeg sit and eat nutmeg that doesn't make sense -- i object to the a.i. generated list. >> distinguishable from thanksgiving i asked this by the way what is traditional christmas meal? you're doing a goose and in my -- by the way i don't think i probably had goose at some point because i've hunted goose but i don't know if i've sat and cooked -- >> hunted but never had -- so ham -- >> more duck than goose. for italians i'm part italian you do seven fishes we don't necessarily do that.
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but ham -- seems traditional. turkey is traditional as well for us it is goose. goose is traditional. beef wellington for a lot of people steak so ding a roast tonight. we did that last year. >> i have pheasant sausage waiting for me my friend taylor gross was hunting here in recent weeks and got some pheasant sausage. >> i haven't had it what's yours? >> e-mail us friends at fox griff: still ahead millions of americans talk to skies this weekend a disturbing new report shows a number of close calls on u.s. runways. a live report with what you need to know. will: it's not policy john kerry says biden critics are simply ageists -- >> must really tech you off all of this about biden and his age. >> i think that's ageism he's done a brilliant job.
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will: jason chaffetz weighs in next. >> we're tracking santa this morning a live report on where the big guy is now and when he may be coming your way. ♪ jingle bells, jingle bells ♪ ♪ jingle all the way ♪ ♪ oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh, hey ♪ ♪ jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way ♪ ♪ oh what fun it is to road in a ♪ ♪
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>> must really tick you off all of this stuff about biden and his age. >> it does i think that's ageism he's done a bril ilian job as president and nato and galvanized critical values at stake in ukraine. critical values i don't know what has happened to a lot of people who back away from that now because the cost of not persevering would be just extraordinary for the world and i think he know how the congress works and america and how the world work that's what you need to know. >> he knows how world works and john kerry criticizing saying biden is too old to run for president fox news contributor former congressman jason chaffetz joins us now. merry christmas eve jason,
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what's your take? you served in congress. you know what are the rigorous challenges to be in the line of fire. in the president you're at the top of the totem polls and mental faculties yesterday john kerry says no problem he's good to go what do you make of it? >> well let's remember joe biden was first elected to the united states senate in 1972. now, i was barely starting to kick a soccer ball back then. he's -- he's been there for a while. i don't think it's as much about ageism as it is about the idea about joe biden's ability to negotiate and when i say negotiate negotiate stairs, bicycles and tell prompters those seem to be a big challenge for the president these days and he leads a lifestyle that you know it's just -- you know, his ability to do the most vigorous job on the planet,
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i mean, would you get on an airplane if the guy was flying plane -- i wouldn't. i don't know that he would qualify to get a -- you know, a golf cart drivers license in the villages. i wouldn't would you do that with him? i wouldn't want to ride in a golf cart with him that is the problem. not how old he is but not up to the job. >> you raise the point there we were just showing showing video now of the president tripping up the stairs. but on the bike falling over on the beak and actually john kerry is an avid cyclist like tour delaware france cycles and i've seen him numerous times ride full disclosure and popular trail and saw him as recent as last summer in so -- you know, being 80 years old john kerry is 80 being 80 having ability to maintain a racing road bike versus what we see from president biden falling off of a bike on a beach on a beach
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cruiser is an entirely different thing. >> yeah. he was barely able to ride a pick up beach chair at the beach look, lifestyle the idea that something like 40% of the time he's off at his home at beach house -- all right all reports does not lead a vigorous schedule. there in the white house, and it's not as if you know, hey, camera is on you and had a couple of stumbles but a regular occurrence with joe biden and even know it is. trying to deny that he's in cognitive decline -- come on it is just not realistic. griff: jason just day before the deputy campaign manager for biden's campaign was saying something to the effect that you know they're, quote, secret sauce was his ability and being a retail politician. and that they looked forward to, quote, getting him to every state to get him out there pressing the flesh. do you honestly see that he is
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able to maintain that kind of campaign -- schedule and to use what clearly he did and has had in his very long political career show that he's a retail politician. but to jurntiond that i can kind of campaign as campaign manager says they're going to do. do you see that happening? >> well look decline in polls i would argue is primarily because his policies are failing. i mean, it's all about safety, you know safety at home. safety in your wallet safety on streets and border safety overseas by all of those accounts he's failing but to suggest that more cow bell more joe biden -- out on the campaign trail press in the flesh given impromptu speeches is the solution. go for it folks. because he can't do it. that's the fundamental problem you compared to any other republican nominees or -- candidates at this pongt certainly donald trump. you never hear these criticisms
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about donald trump because he's one of the most vigorous people out there nobody can keep up with his schedule. he's unbelievable never runs out of energy. but you compare and contrast to joe biden and let's see if joe biden does debates. if he's the nominee i don't think he will be i don't think he can do debates. >> fascinating to hear that's their strategy because i don't know what the plan b will be if he shows that he can't maintain that rigorous schedule and like 15, 20 seconds would he predict what happens and what's their plan b? >> i don't think he'll be the nominee. i really don't. i think that in democrats understand this and look at all of the polls i don't think he'll be the nominee i don't know who the other is but bench is shallow on this. >> merry christmas eve dpluk -- last minute christmas shopping doing some cooking i don't know if you're cooking a goose like dr. saphier is but people are
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undertaking a lot of work on christmas. thanks so much. >> i'm eater not the cooker. griff: smart man. merry christmas still ahead -- >> merry christmas. >> danica patrick telling critics to take a lap after outkicks charlie says the woke mob should stay in their lane next. but first, fox news contributor and theologian morris joins us live with a christmas message everyone needs to hear after a turbulent year. ♪ oh cool all ye faithful ♪ joyful and triumphant ♪ ♪ oh come ye ♪ ♪ but we know christmas isn't about something you buy at a store. it's about something so much greater. it is the day we celebrate the incredible truth that god so loved the world that he gave his only son.
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it's not about presents. it's about jesus. join me this advent in praying every day on hallow. cut through the noise and find god's peace.
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>> shot in the morning we asked how you're celebrating christmas eve. your photos pouring in, like this patriotic family waving their flags check that out. >> they can out kevin kriew in matching pj's with four generations of their families see pajamas well -- >> i love it. adults in pajamas. grand dad on thes screen left they're smart. only plaid, though, there's a theme happening. will: check out tracy of her dog nina in front of the tree e-mail us your photos at fox friends at fox >> all right so while christmas eve is often a happy time it is somber.
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in bethlehem as city where jesus was born canceled annual christmas celebrations. war is raging in israel -- here to help us make sense of all of this is fox news contributor theologian jonathon morris jonathon thanks for being here. merry christmas eve. >> merry christmas to you. willy talked about this earlier this is a significant time in bethlehem. the -- you know, birthplace of jesus and yet because of what's happening -- there's no tree. and crowds are diminished greatly what is your read on it? >> i was just there just before the war started in bethlehem in israel, and so it is very sad to think that that's happening. but it's understandable there's a war raging -- but you know, it wasn't so beautiful and there were no crowds when jesus was born either. he was born in a stable. he was born in poverty. he was born his mother had just -- and stepfather had just taken a
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90 mile trip from nazareth on a donkey last four days of the pregnancy of mary it was not -- it was not bells and whistles and that is exactly the message of christmas. that god would say -- i love you so much that in your brokenness and in your poverty in your loneliness, i'm going to come and be present to you in the form of an innocent baby. and not thoonl you look at entire life of jesus and really i was thinking earlier when they said can you give a christmas message i don't have to come up with any message i studied a lot of years at philosophy and theology but god gave us the message 33 years of living in -- with a lot of rejection. with a lot of people saying who do you think you are? living as a carpetter in the house with mother and stepfather and then, of course, being prosecuted torture and died for our sins yes it is sad in beth rehim right now but you know
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what message is in your sadness i am there to comfort you and to be with you and to give you salvation redemption. >> while they're scaling back not doing some of these celebrations they still are holding the traditional mass. and we had lauren greene on earlier today and you know she had such a profound message as well similar to what you're saying love will always concur hate maybe in times where there isn't bells and whistles you can come back to the true meaning of christmas. >> yes doctor saphier i couldn't agree more even in our own live when is we go through hardships -- when we get to a point where we know we can't control our success -- and it's through sickness or maybe it's loneliness or broken relationships -- that's when we usually look to god for help -- and that's exactly why god gave us his son in the form of a baby -- that we can say this innocence i can embrace. so there's so many people who are watching right now who are in -- pain and suffering. maybe a alone during christmas,
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what an amazing gift that god has given to us that he said i'm going to go through all of the suffering that you might be going through, and i'll do it out of love for you so experience my love. will: it is interesting as an individual when you find your path to god it is often through the path of suffering. but enhad it also ends up somehow on that last final road which is gratefulness i don't know -- you -- you end up grateful. even of a the suffering. >> gratefulness comes from humility right and which we say -- i didn't all of this is not because i deserve it. but rather what a gift from god and from other people able to offer forgiveness to offer not vengefulness but rather mercy and peace to other people that's a lot like god does to us. >> how are you spengsding christmas? >> in a simple way with two little kids i have a two-year-old and four month old we're talking -- at the break this simplicity of
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bethlehem is like being a parent taking care of them giving them a bottle and trying to be there for my wife as she makes an amazing christmas environment for us. >> merry christmas to you and your family thanks for being here and for the inspiring words. j thank you guys. >> thank you jonathon still ahead a disturbing new report shows a number of close calls on u.s. runways the highest it's been in years. plus, racing great danica patrick tells krit toix taken a lap after she slammed online for attending conservative event outkicks charlie arnold says woke mob should stay in their lane next. >> vincent play us out on this christmas eve. ♪ ♪ ♪ he alone is worthy ♪ for he alone is worthy ♪ ♪ for he alone is worthy ♪ ♪ christ the lord ♪
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♪ christ the lord ♪ ♪ christ the lord ♪ ♪ christ the lord ♪ ♪
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or not being able to climb up stairs without taking a break. so i'm committed to golo for life. (announcer) whether you need to lose 10, 20, 50, or over a hundred pounds, lose it the right way with golo. go to that's there's something going around the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together.
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griff: we're back with alarming story about air travel as millions of americans take to the friendly sky this is holiday weekend a new wall street journal reports showing federal aviation administration identified 19 runway incursions most since 2016 for reference there will only 23 comparable disingts in the past five years combined. and those are serious ones according to "new york times" analysis, of internal faa records close calls involving commercial airlines have been happening multiple times a week on average officials have traded theories about near misses including lack of experience among newer pilots a need for better technology in staffing issues in air traffic control towers. the faa announce address fatigue amid staffing shortages. whether or not that will help you make your desired destination caffly and on time,
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well, that's still up in the air. will. will: scary stuff griff thanks. racing great danica patrick driving circles after blasted for attending conservative event saying, quote, not a liberal. i'm somewhere between republican and independent and i believe we should be able to speak freely i think it is bs that democrats can be proud but republican can't in society. so here to react is out kick personality charlie arnold great to see you so danica patrick a surprise to me i didn't know she was conservative and maybe that's kind of the point. you've got to be quiet you keapght let people know where you may lean unless it is liberal. >> of course. well first of all will and to the rest of the crew in studio merry christmas to you all. this is not anything that we're surprised about liberals love to kick yell and scream when something doesn't fit within their agenda and danica patrick made it clear after the fact she
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posted she was at the turning point effect at this point not speaking about politics just her being there alone enough to provoke major outrage among left and came back and clarified she said listen i'm not a liberal. but i do identify somewhere between conserve teff and independent and then went ton explain the reason why is she feel this is way she doesn't like how government is weaponized and lack of transparency and fact that there can't be a healthy debate about what types of things you believe and this is something we all have realized doesn't exist in our society anymore and quite frankly at the end of the day saying i love our country and i don't see what's wrong with that will? >> i don't either charlie i want to get to you on this and san francisco 49ers barak been the -- i don't know if people are making fun of him on criticizing hem in some way because he enlisted or got the help of christian mcbuying presents for his teammates. watch this.
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>> yeah. yeah -- financially i wouldn't be able to cover that right now. but -- he -- no shoutout to him everyone loved it. thank you christian. >> so charlie people are saying hey you make 870,000 a year how can you not -- but i can charlie. you and i both know sports, there's a level of expectation that quarterback buys stuff for offensive lineman and teammates and that stuff could be like rolexs and barak is on a rookie contract look you take a 70 take the government out of it including california and san francisco. and it's kind of -- i actually can be hard for barak to live up to level that quarterbacks who make 20, 30 a million have set the standard. >> well that's the thing is you just mentioned rolex that's not a wow my gosh you got me a rolex but a common gift for a quarterback to get his weapons -- those are players that he turns to a lot during games. as a gift to say thank you so much for being there for me thank you for making me look as
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good as you do barak as many headlines as he's grabbing right now he's in the, you know, top spot right now to get the nfl mvp he's called mr. irrelevant because he was drafted last -- in his draft class so his paycheck nowhere near what we're seeing even some of the backup and teams making so it would make since that christian with a mega deal makes tons of money might help him out a little bit because if barak isn't there christian doesn't look good so everyone is holding hands here and make each other look good. there's no problem with him asking christian for a little help this holidayen. we actually need a little help this holidaysen is and we're making nowhere near what brock is. >> he makes incredible amount of money as a rookie even though it is not at the standard of other quarterbacks real thing is extravagance of gifts we have to give each other by the way is absurd. >> it is. absurd, and you know, there's a lot of things that happen in
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prosports that are absurd, bar has been set probably too high i think a lot of people -- you know, his teammates would realize he's not making multimillion dollars you know a year like a lot of them are. and even if he was, you're right bar is too high. there's no need for the expectation to be so crazy that you would expect a rolex which is a very uncommon gift for anyone to receive -- from not to be just one but multiple for his teammates we need to reset the standard next year will. will: let's stop making rookies buy 50,000 dollars i hate when they have to peck up the tab it is ridiculous dinner and order everything they could find. charlie. merry christmas to you. >> merry christmas. nicole over to you. >> 50,000 dinner tab -- >> ridiculous thing nows sometimes veterans get to help out but yeah they order -- every drink on them every appetizer and fancy restaurants
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and say hey rookie pick up the tab. >> i couldn't afford it even if i tried turning now to your headlines -- a sheriff deputy expected to live after he was shot and houston yesterday. the office says he was responding to a call about people breaking into cars when he confronted three suspects before getting into a shootout. that deputy was hit bus managed to injure one of the suspects. a 16-year-old the teen is now in custody and law enforcement is looking for the other suspects. and blastoff, spacex falling con 9 rocket launching two satellites into orbit earlier this morning. the rocket carrying reconnaissance satellites for german military. the space flight was originally scheduled for yesterday, but was delayed due to preflight checks. and just moments ago, falcon 9 booster made a success landing back to earth. and those are your headlines. let's turn now to chief
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meteorologist rick for our fox weather forecast. >> so cool love seeing that. all right, they have decent weather there but we have some rain going on across parts of texas this morning we're looking at rain and cause big problems for us with travel today and temperatures leak these, these are forecast highs 58 in kansas cities and 55 in chicago for christmas eve day that's amazing and we're going to see 50s up across parts of new hampshire and wisconsin so really warm air settledded in there all with this storm -- ahead this storm temps will cool down behind this but you see that snow, that's falling in across areas of -- a little further towards the north that's gong to be problematic to us and to the south rain. maybe a few delays in the airport there is. today but snow is going to turn into a blizzard by tonight into tomorrow. so we're looking at a really problematic thing maybe one to two feet of snow falling and that wind will be whipping this goes all the way through tuesday. going to cause problems for santa claus going to cause problems for people driving on
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the roads trying to get home for christmas day tomorrow. nicole back to you inside. weather does not cause issues for santa laws he comes no matter as long as you're sleeping and on nice list he will be there absolutely we're tracking him all morning long. still ahead grammy nominated singer/song writer gavin mcgraw performing christmas number but first it's final day of our 12 days of giving. this morning with bring you remarkable story of a football coach whose mission it is to tackle childhood cancer. that's coming up next.
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today is final day in our 12 days of giving we're highlighting remarkable work was tom coughlin j. fund with a mission to support families grappling with childhood cancer fund has provided 24 million in assistance to some 6,000 families since 1996. former nfl coach tom coughlin started the foundation in honor of late boston college football standout jay who lost his battle with leukemia while playing for coach coughlin in the 90s. coach coughlin joins us along with his daughter kelly coughlin
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joyce thank you so much for joining us today. tom i want to start with you. >> good morning thank you for having me. >> tom you started this fund in 1996 can you tell us a little bit about what motivated you to do so. >> well i was head coach boston college i had a young man playing strong safety by jay after the 10th game of the 1991 season, trainer came to me said aye is not going to be able to play this week i said why not, and o.c. went through all of the tests and jay had leukemia. well it was a rav ravaging form and watched what family went through throughout the course of that season and in july 3rd, 1992 jay passed away. but watching the family, and seeing what they went through one of my line backers came to me and said coach we have to help the family. and so we put together a package where the players went out into the community, and got pledges
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for max lift came back in and we had raised $50,000 which we presented to the family at halftime of the spring game. and that's where the thought came for my wife judy and i that if we ever had a way to give back at a time to give back it would be in the name and spirit of jay -- and it would be to help families who have a child diagnosed with cancer. >> that is a beautiful thing you're doing now kelly you copy on at ceo you say this is more than a nonprofit. you are more there for the families as well. can you explain that a bit? >> yes. we really pride ourselves on being there for the families from diagnosis to recovery and beyond we really wrap our arms around whole family providing financial and emotional support. so that they know that they are not doing this alone. so often at the same time that expenses are going up because of medical costs for these families. they have also their income going down because they're unable to work because they're
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caregiving for a child. and so the jay fund steps in and keeps roof over their head keeps food on their table, and keeps all of the essentials so that they can have as much normalcy as possible and really focus on what's most important which is getting their child well. >> kelly you're right cancer care is expensive also challenging mentally, physically, so it takes a village complete support system to wrap their arms around not on the patient but their families. but now tom and kelly you've enlisted famous people who have cool toll help you i think eli manning joined you. >> eli has been a really great asset for the jay fund he's -- all of the time i was head coach of the giants eli could volunteer to be a part of our sunday blitz enjoyment time with families -- and here we are -- eli and i hosting ten families at stop and shop and turning them loose to fill baskets with
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food of all kinds to help them get through the holiday time. and it's always great to have eli onboard and he enjoys it he has fun with the kids, and their families and -- we this was a very successful adventure for the jay fund pmg >> everyone is so excited to see a familiar face and such a wonderful christmas message if you want to help more learn more visit tcj thank you for everything you're doing. >> thank you. >> well still ahead gavin degraw performing i'll be home for christmas and "fox & friends" nice list is coming up next hour. ♪ christmas morning ♪ ♪
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