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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 25, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PST

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♪ ♪ holy night
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♪ all is calm ♪ all is bright ♪ mother and child ♪ holy infant ♪ tender and mild ♪ sleep in heavenly peace ♪ sleep in heavenly peace ♪ >> carley: that is our beautiful christmas choir. pastor lindsey williams and divine connection on fox square this christmas morning.
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good morning, everybody. carley shimkus, griff jenkins and kevin corke is on the couch with us. we hope you are having a wonderful christmas morning. the day is payable toly here. >> griff: what beautiful caroling. we were talking just before we came on. that is a beautiful a cappella. >> carley: difference between singing and caroling we think it's a cappella of course. >> griff: i called it a cappella. something something beautiful about caroling. i can't sing so i would never carol. it's really special part. >> carley: kevin, you have such a good speaking voice. can you sing? i wouldn't be surprised. >> kevin: go on, stop. i actually did sing in college. i sang in a church choir for about -- i would say about two years. alicia bryant, if you are out there watching. you're responsible. i loved it. it's a lot of fun.
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you really do get that great connection, i think, when you are part of a church community or ministry. in my case, now i don't have the time to do it. if i could, i would, i love it. i think, listen, music ministries do make a big difference. don't under estimate the power to bring people not just into the community but to keep them there. >> carley: amen to that kudos to pastor williams and divine connection for waking up early for us this morning and sounding so beautiful because i can't at all. >> they will be with us all morning long and so are you. sending us your christmas day photos pouring in. here is one from cheryl of her five dogs. that is amazing. >> wow. >> griff: all decorated for christmas. way to go, cheryl. >> kevin: that's awesome. #-year-old beth enjoying a christmas cookie thee decorated herself. well done, beth. >> carley: sweet beth, you are so beautiful. merry christmas, she is going to
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have a great day. this one from carroll in new jersey, her baby great granddaughter not very pleased to be meeting santa for the very first time this morning. send christmas photos to we will be showing them all morning long. look at that picture there that was brock's reaction, too. i was so surprised. because is he such a friendly baby. he will go to and smile at anybody. my husband and i were like o, would he are going to get the greatest smiling pictures and buck the trend. one look at santa and absolutely historical. [baby crying] >> carley: big beerld but then they grow to lo santa. three years or two years brock will have a different reaction. >> griff: particularly when they realize he is the guy who brings presents. >> carley: exactly. >> kevin: not squared just nervous as we hear from santa. we have a fox weather alert. christmas day blizzard sweeping
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across the northern plains and the midwest causing more than 120 flight cancellations and hundreds of delays. it's messy out there and means it may be tougher to get to where you are trying to get to this christmas. brief griff particularly in nebraska state troopers posting these photos of the roads covered in snow. check in with meteorologist adam klotz for our fox weather forecast. hey, adam. >> if you are trying to travel and stuck in that elizabeth, it's going to be puff it tough. if you have nowhere to be it's a tough christmas for millions of americans as we are talking about a big weather system. see where the cold air and warm air meet? the blues bumping into greens and yellows. right there in the middle where we see the cold front. and that is the storm system. if you live across nebraska, the dakotas, you are going to see a major snowfall here. everything in the orange is currently a blizzard warning which means white out type conditions. winds very intense. very tough to drive in conditions like this. wibut it is going to be very
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christmassy and wintery as you are talking about a weather system. winds are going to cause drifting snow and make driving all the more dangerous. possibly taking down the power lines over the christmas holiday. this lingers here for the next t couple of days with intense winds. this is slow moving storm system otherwise will leave you with the christmas forecast across the country. if you are off just to the east of this nothing but rain for you on this christmas morning. those are the weather headlines here this morning. for now, tossing it back inside to all of you guys. >> carley: thank you so much. if you are traveling not the best. if you are home on the couch with a blanket, nothing like a white christmas. >> kevin: yes. >> carley: there is this "the washington post" op-ed we wanted to highlight. we thought this op-ed just made such wonderful points about of the real way that you should celebrate christmas. there is such a focus on gifts. but this op-ed says this christmas share your most precious gift and that is your time a year from now almost no
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one will remember whether the turkey or ham was perfectly cooked, what friends and family will remember is who was around the table for the meal, or who took an extra moment at work to really listen to what you had to say. or that person who shared a laugh with you. this christmas take time to reach out to family, friends, colleagues, the neighbor you haven't heard from in a while. spend that extra minute. time is the most valuable present anyone can give or receive. what a great reminder. >> kevin: amen, so true. any time you are busy, and we all are, and you are traveling this time of year. and you know it's old martha thing. i'm scurrying about and you guys are not -- you know. it's like relax. take a minute. reflect on why you are trying to do all you're trying to do. it's for people. and it's for the ones you love. sometimes each for people that you don't know. just take a minute this time of year. i think that's great message. >> griff: time is the most valuable thing we have.
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the older you get the more you realize something that needs emphasis. this time of year people get sentimental and someone may have something on their heart or chest they need say. such a tragedy if you miss that opportunity to hear. >> carley: yeah. >> griff: that's it. of the whole thing and i give "the washington post" about 99% credit. but they -- people won'ter with that turkey or ham. i have been doing ribs every christmas. and a lot of yankees that i get together with. i'm up here this year and not in d.c. hey, are you around christmas. were you there because they want the ribs. they remember of the ribs and the time. >> carley: food is part of the time spent with family and friends. >> griff: indeed. >> carley: this op-ed talking about a pastor in ohio who came up with something called the blue christmas service.
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what it is it is specifically for people who are suffering loss or are sad around the holidays so often christmas is supposed to be a happy time. there is so much pressure being put on feeling happy and being with friends and family if you are suffering the loss of a loved one it can make christmas that much more sad. he said he thought five people would show up and 60 did. this is becoming a tradition that is spreading across the country is having blue christmas masses for people are sad and share this inspirational message that really carries somebody throughout the year. we do have a loneliness epidemic in the country. one of the things so important to remember on christmas and also all year around is say hi to people not just friends, family and colleagues. just say hi to the person in the elevator or be niles to the person at the checkout counter. you don't know what they're going through. that hi, that simple conversation you might have with a stranger could really mean something much deeper though
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them. >> kevin: i so glad you say that i know we mock social media a lot. take shots a lot of the bad involved with social media. never under estimate. there is something that you can do. sometimes i will meet people whether it's on twitter or instagram. i might not know them personally. buff because we are connected through what we do here on television, or because they see something. you can really make a difference. they may be shut. in they may be alone, especially this time of year. it really does make a diff difference. >> griff: give me a present f only i were stale child and sanka would come. i'm adult and parent. >> carley: you know what, griff, santa can come right now on this couch. >> griff: don't mess with me. >> carley: we have him right here. santa, come on over and make griff's day. >> griff: santa?
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>> carley: hello. >> santa: it's been a while. >> griff: i can't believe it. >> santa: left stockings for us. they have our names on them. >> here is yours. >> griff: move over and make room. >> santa: pass this down to kevin? >> santa: ho ho ho ho. i like this it's got llamas. i thought they were reindeer they are llamas. >> carley: who doesn't like a christmas llama. let's open our stocking. should we take turns or do it all at once? s that watt debate. we have a fox news mug with a picture of ainsley on it. [laughter] >> carley: thank you. snow globe. and it's got fox news on it. that's great. i actually will keep it and put it on my desk. >> this is fantastic. >> that doesn't mean you have to cook. can we do a little cooking with
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friends plug because our cookbook came out and this is a cooking with friends april these are my fox fan shades. did you see these? these are pretty baller. i got a picture of rachel campos-duffy. >> griff: not signed. i'm going to get this signed. >> carley: is this stuff you had in the green room that you shoved in the stocking? >> griff: i got more. santa, you you have outdone yourself. >> carley: from the all a star beer company. >> kevin: what is yours? >> carley: does anybody still have the cd player i have raymond arroyo's cd. >> griff: i got kilmeade. look at this. i can't wait to get him to sign
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that. >> kevin: brian, i will have you sign. this that's awesome. >> carley: christmas survey. who is responsible for the survey? send me email. >> griff: by near woman. >> carley: thank you for the gift. interesting choices. we want to bring you in on this you were saying a few minutes ago about pug up a warm blanket and being -- liking white christmas, as a surfer. surf in hawaii. >> santa: tried. to say it was messy. >> griff: the survey, the first question we had was do you prefer a snowy christmas or a three-point line christmas? 85% of those surveyed agree with you carley. 15% are with me. they want 90 degrees, sunshine, sand and waves. >> carley: santa, what do you think? the warm climates or the cold ones? >> santa: you don't want to see this in a speedo.
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[laughter] >> santa: second of all i go to three-point line the 26th. i like a white christmas. >> kevin: i'm from colorado what do you think? >> carley: debate dividing the country do you prefer artificial tree or real one? i have artificial because it's easier but i like a real tree what about you? >> griff: i like real only go real. not bee laboring this economy stuff we were talking about. christmas trees are ridiculously expensive this year. i don't know how much longer the real tree thing is going to stay. but i do prefer the real. >> kevin: i prefer the real but i have gone to the artificial a shop not to give a plug merrifield garden center they have trees everywhere and all decorated i just love that and after i saw that get something that you can keep every year and refresh if you would like.
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>> griff: what say you? sant isn't a absolutely. i have to keep a tree up all year and to just replace new ones just isn't going to work. so i have this beautiful, you know, flock it's already sprayed with snow. and it's beautiful. it's in my office all the time. it's wonderful. >> carley: of course. so you like the real tree? >> santa: just get that air freshener and spray it. i digriff griff last thing we go hit and this is very posh. what do you put on top? a star or an angel? >> carley: i like a star. >> griff: 53% of respondent agree with you. >> carley: a majority. >> kevin: an angel. but a star is cool. i could go either way if somebody said you have it pick one, i would pick the angel. >> griff: 25 years in our family, we have a tradition. we have a dog on top of our tree. now, in. >> santa: i remember seeing
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that. >> griff: jack russell head angel. >> ainsley: a dog with angel wings. >> santa: that's very creepy. >> griff: remain on that tree as long as i'm alive on this planet you can see there. kathleen was a little upset because i cut too many branches to make it so she could sit right in the middle. kind of cut the top of the tree. i screwed that up. i. did you thought are a 25 years i would get that right. let's go to the close-up. exactly. the patron jack russell angel goes on top. >> carley: i think some viewers would find that sacrilegious i think it's fun. >> santa: probably the scariest thing i have ever seen but then i have winnie the pough on mine. i have a winnie the pough angel. >> griff: you there you go. >> santa: antique star in the living room. in my office it's another star. >> carley: a little fun and a
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little tradition. >> santa: absolutely. >> carley: balance of both. >> griff: does your tree stay decorated all year long? >> santa: all year lock. i like it when i visit families when they are still awake. some of the kids actually make me little ornaments. the tree in my office has little on. s all over it from decades. >> carley: those kids are permanently on the nice list. can. >> santa: without a doubt. >> carley: thank you for being part of our christmas survey and griff for sharing your dog angel. >> griff: scariest thing san saa has ever seen. >> griff: santa brought me a beer. >> carley: season of togetherness. did you know that time with family and friends is not only good for your mental health but physical health as well. dr. marc siegel joins us live to explain. >> kevin: we love dr. siegel but, first, a christmas message from the world famous radio city
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rock questions. merry christmas, "fox & friends." holpp you have a high-kicking holiday. ♪ ♪
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loving this pay bump in our allowance. wonder where mom and dad got the extra money? maybe they won the lottery? maybe they inherited a fortune? maybe buried treasure? maybe it fell off a truck? maybe they heard that xfinity customers can save hundreds when they buy one unlimted line and get one free. now i can buy that electric scooter! i'm starting a private-equity fund that specializes in midcap. you do you. visit today.
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>> griff: president biden calling out the media for their coverage of the economy has his approval rating continues to tumble. alexandria hoff joins us from washington with the very latest. merry christmas, alex. >> merry christmas to you, griff. so we know from the bryden bides campaign that voters are not going to be engaged in the election until early next summer they say the campaign plans to get into full swing. recent reports suggests that the president is frustrated right now series of end of the year low poll numbers. this survey out of quinnipiac university shows the president with a 39% approval rating. but for president biden, the trouble isn't his performance. he feels it's how americans view the economy under his leadership and for that, the president blames the media. >> about the economy, sir, what is your outlook on the economy next year. >> all good. take a look. start reporting it the right way. >> this as the president's top competitor in 2024 is hitting
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early voting states with a new ad. former president trump released a christmas spot yesterday afternoon it. describes trump's 2018 surprise visit to iraq on christmas day. and what happened when he entered a dining hall full of service members. >> absolutely erupted. that was the kind of patriotism president trump brought back to our country. >> i don't know if you could tell there the ad is voiced by former white house press secretary and now governor sarah huckabee sanders. it's been released in iowa, new hampshire, and south carolina. kevin? >> all right, alex, thank you so much. meantime, of course, tis the season of togetherness and actually turns outs. i think you will find this interesting. all the time that you spend with family and loved ones this christmas, it can actually improve your health in every way. fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel is here to explain. dr. m marc, you know how much i
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love an hanging out with you. this is perfect to have this segment together. what people don't realize is the idea of just having the communication really does sort of build them up. isn't that right? >> right, kevin, and you are actually a perfect treatment today for this whole idea of kindness and interaction. you are always so polite and kind to everyone. do you know what that does? that causes the brain to release the happy hormone, the love hormone known as oxytocin. it lowers blood pressure. it lowers stress. in related to kindness. if you are feeling stress and you release this hormone, suddenly you are feeling empathy and generosity. that's what we need this holiday season. before i came on, carley was referencings loneliness epidemic. and that is so true. i interviewed the surgeon general vivek murthy about this. he says between the ages of 18 and 25, 60% of our young are reporting severe loneliness that
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generation some of it is connected to social media and being isolated. you know, you pointed out that social media could have some positive things, kevin. watch out for the isolation. when you go to your christmas dinner today, christmas day dinner, i think you check your iphone on the door and you touch and you look people in the eyes. you know that touching itself improves this happy hormone. simply touching someone and that hormone goes up. hugging it shows increasing it dramatically, blood pressure drops, heart rate drops and risk of diseases goes up. >> kevin: i think stress is a major problem in the country right now. even if you don't just absorb all the politics, there is in this general mood right now. it's tough out there. let's be honest about it. especially when you have a chance to connect with people. i think it also reduces stress. is that true?
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>> and that is so true. that's another thing i love about you is that you have political beliefs, but you don't judge other people based on theirs. and the political divisiveness in our country right now. which is generating hatred and strife is bad for everyone's health. so we need a collective sigh and collective hug, virtual or rear everybody accept each other's believes and opinions. that's the way we used to be in the united states. no a country not of division but of accepting each other. >> kevin: you are so great my friend. you know how much i enjoy working with you and i know you personally. happy holiday dr. marc siegel. >> merry christmas great to be with you. still ahead. spirit airlines forced to apologize after being unaccompanied minor on the wrong flight. sound familiar. >> what else could would he be forgetting?
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>> kevin! >> kevin: without a doubt, my gave rift christmas movie. more on that. plus, we are counting down the top viral feel good moments on the season. that and more as we continue this quick time-out. >> a special. >> guest. >> guest. [applause] he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ the all-in-one and done symptom relief of mucinex is delivered fast with doordash, so you don't have to leave the couch. oof! that was fast. mucinex. available on doordash. it's comeback season.
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hi, i'm stacey, and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) this belt i used to wear, way down at the first and second notch, it's the only thing i've kept from before losing weight and i'm keeping this because i'm never going back.
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i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief.
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cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx.
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♪ come let us adore him ♪ kneel down before him ♪ o worship him and adore him
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♪ come ♪ come let us adore him ♪ kneel down before him ♪ worship and ador him ♪ come on, choir, help me say come on ♪ emanuel ♪ o, o, o ♪ emanuel ♪ emanuel ♪ emanuel ♪ emanuel ♪ emanuel ♪ we worship ♪ we worship you ♪ o ♪ we worship you ♪ o ♪ we worship you ♪ we worship you ♪ we worship you ♪ we worship you ♪ >> carley: pastor lindsey williams and divine connection
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on fox square entertaining and inspiring us all morning long. so we thank you so much for joining us this morning in front of our all-american christmas tree. and to celebrate the holiday season, we have this season's top feel good viral stories. joining us now is fox news contributor joe con challenge. joe, merry christmas to you. i like the book that you are reading. >> i was just reading a great book that everybody should get for christmas by the way. new year's gift. >> carley: i think it would make a good christmas gift if you are late getting a gift for loved one we have cooking with friends. we have feel good stories to talk about. stories that don't often get highlighted in the news. i'm so happy to be talking about these stories with you this morning. and we want to start off by talking about this girl, her name is lindsey moore. she surprised her father with a dan marino football card for a very special reason. i see your kids in the background of this shot. hey, guys.
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>> joe: yes. >> carley: indivvideo of mom dor daughter slindz is i. watch. this thank you for everything. i love you. >> [laughter] >> is that the -- >> carley: joe, can you tell us why the daughter lindsey got dad a dan marino football card? >> dan marino is one of the great who played before you were born, carley for the miami dolphins for many, many years. considered at least in my book a top five quarterback of all time. and obviously his card will be worth a lot of, a lot of money as it is right now given snea a hall of famer. should have won a super bowl. didn't quite have the team around him. that's the reason why that is so special. >> carley: absolutely. and also because the dad, the
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father sold a dan marino football card. prized possession when little girl because money was tight. that was the daughter getting the card back to dad when she had some extra money and saying that she is so appreciated the father's sacrifice. these moments never get old. watch this. >> would you join me on stage. >> welcome to. >> our special. >> our special guests. >> guests. >> very good. a round of applause. >> carley: that is 8-year-old harlem scott running to the arms of her mom, army soldier scott inside their elementary school in louisiana, joe. >> joe: wow, as someone with two young kids, carley who you may be meeting in a moment. you just saw a moment ago. this is the kind of moment that could bring tears to your eyes mile. children get upset when i go
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away for a couple hours. for you guys a night for arc would. let alone nine months. this is 8-year-old girl who just wants to be with her mom every day and to see this reunited and for the school to arrange this is just incredible. we salute all of those by the way who salute this country. we recognize the sacrifices that they make which includes being away from little boys and girls for months and even years. look, the picture says it all, carley. what can you say? >> carley: that hug is so meaningful. serious and sweet to down right fun. take a look at this kansas city church and their flash mob performance at a walmart. ♪ o come let us adore him ♪ o come let us adore him ♪ christ, the lord ♪
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>> carley: joe? >> joe: general terms, carley, social media is the anti-christmas, right? it's a negative place for the most part. when moments like this go viral, we are thankful for it. it's reminder with obvious exceptions the world is filled with good people who just want to make it a better place. the fact that this just happened organically in all places a walmart while people are rushing to get home with their presents and waiting on long lines and come together like this truly shows you that we are a country that is more united than it is divided when you take away the partisan people. >> carley: absolutely, totally. i have never sang christmas carols in the produce aisles but this is inspiring us to do it later today. there they are. merry christmas, kids. >> joe: they are. one has been naughty, apparently. maybe the future brock and person nice liam, cameron, 8 years old, 10 years old. guys, what do you want christmas the most. >> i want world peace.
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>> joe: he means that he said that without rehearsal. >> cameron, what about your message? >> i want a water bottle and taylor swift tickets. she a swiftie, carley. >> carley: we just had santa on the show he was saying all the girls want a stanley cup. what a good-looking family. joe, thank you for joining us. >> joe: thank you. carley, great to see you. merry christmas. >> carley: few more of our viewer "fox & friends" photos. this is kelly showing her dog briggs proudly wearing onesie christmas pajamas in front of the christmas tree. raquel sending this one very large family all gathered together this christmas morning. good morning, guys. merry christmas. check out 8-month-old twins bentley and brogan from pennsylvania. look at that great picture there sitting on santa's lap on their very first christmas. show us how you are spending the day email us at friends at
4:41 am stay with us. ♪ beautiful sight ♪ we're happy tonight ♪ walking in the winter wonderland ♪ going away ♪ is the but bird ♪ here to say ♪ is the a new bird ♪ yeah. everything is so expensive these days. hey, chevy gets it. that's why they're keeping prices down to earth. like on the most affordable ev in america. ♪ a super strong and capable chevy truck. ♪ and a high-tech chevy suv. ♪ why is chevy making affordable vehicles, connected by onstar? so together we can do more.
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did you lock up? >> yeah. >> did we set the timers on the lights. >> um-huh. what else could would he be we ? >> kevin! >> carley: back with a few headlines. a story reminding people a whole lot of home alone 2 spirit airlines involved in a slip up drawing comparisons 6-year-old boy put on the wrong flight alone from philadelphia to orlando. but he was supposed to be on a flight to fort myers to visit grandma. spirit saying, quote. of the child was always under the care and supervision of the spirit team member and as soon as we discovered the error we took immediate steps to communicate with the family and reconnect them. and that little boy is back with his family this christmas morning. what a journey for him.
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>> kevin: wow. >> carley: we are looking at unique christmas traditions all across the world. in germany they celebrate the y'yuletide. whoever finds it gets a christmas gift. celebrate with yule goat figures and mexico residents complete a radish carving tradition in the run-up to christmas. folks in the u.k. celebrate with christmas crackers made cardboard tubes. i did know about that. pull them and they crack open. we want to hear about your unique that its dids. email us at friends at i cannot wait to read those. i love the christmas pickles in germany. >> griff: kathleen does crackers. where you pop it and little things. >> carley: there you go. >> griff: we don't forget about the millions celebrating war of
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cloud and tragedy. >> carley: while in israel last week meeting hostage families and prime minister benjamin netanyahu. ce kev here at home about christmas and family. here with christmas message the gov mike huckabee along with beautiful wife janet. so happy to have you with us. merry christmas to you and don't forget to give sarah our best as well. i'm liking the beard gov. it's coming in nicer every year now. >> eventually can i be a department store santa this time of year that's what i'm auditioning for. >> kevin: that is beautiful. what is your message, my friend. i know the reason for the season is something that is near and dear to your heart and obviously to janet's as well. >> we are just so grateful to live in a country like america. we are grateful to have a wonderful church and church family. yesterday was a delightful day at our church. and then we did something we have been doing for a long time.
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we go to christmas eve service. and then we take the family and we all go eat chinese food on christmas eve evening. so we have done that and then later today we will go to sarah's house for watching her kids open the presents. yesterday we had a big family get together with all of the grandkids. all seven of them. so it was lots of noise, food flying. and a great reminder of god's love for us. we are just enjoying this beautiful day, especially a respite from what i saw last week when i was in israel. >> carley: governor, tell us a little bit more about that trip to israel, what you learned and what you saw. >> you know, carley, it's so much worse than anyone can describe. and the incredible vicious, savagery that the people of israel experienced on october the 7th is simply unspeakable. things that cannot be discussed even in mixed company or on television for sure. and i think people across the world should follow that
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biblical mandate and pray for the peace of jerusalem. i want people to understand that it was a true contrast between good and evil. and what happened was evil. and i know there is extraordinary suffering in gaza with people who are there. but they are suffering because of hamas not because of israel. and they could end the suffering if hamas would quit their terrorism and i hope they will. it's not likely because it's an evil force. but, you know, in the midst of that. we shouldn't forget that on this day we celebrate that god didn't just send a message. he didn't just send a book. he came in person. and he delivered his message of love in a human form and what a great way to remind ourselves of that today. >> griff: such a great message, governor. i want to give janet a chance to weigh in. janet, you know, we know behind every family and yours is among the most successful in the nation with your husband, with your daughter. giving themselves such service.
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what's the secret, janet? was it the christmas traditions? your family is so special and so dear to the country. >> well, i think our faith is the secret. and so many times, especially in time of year, one of my main traditions is to put out the manger scenes. i have manger scenes from all over the world. and keep them out most of the year in a curio shelf. but i think even when the bible says in luke 2. glory to god in the highest peace on earth and goodwill toward men. we have to take baby jesus out of the hanger and put him in our hearts. we strive do it in our family. we should do in our neighborhoods and communities and maybe some day we can have peace on earth. >> carley: take the baby jesus out of the manger and put him in our hearts. that's a beautiful message. thank you both for waking up and being with us this morning. merry christmas. >> merry christmas. thank you. >> thank you.
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>> griff: mike and janet huckabee, they are the best. coming up, one can fire department pulled this iconic moment. watch. >> hallelujah ♪ hallelujah. >> griff: you don't want to miss their next version coming up. >> carley: fresh off his busy night, santa claus is coming to town. is he here live on "fox & friends" ♪ show me around your town ♪ take me where you used to watch the snow come down ♪ all of your traditions ♪ i want to know them all ♪ you check every box ♪
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4:57 am
>> it's one of the most iconic christmas movie scenes ever. ♪ ♪
4:58 am
move over, clark. at one minnesota fire departmen getting in on the action going viral with their own national lampoon video markup. >> stupid. >> what is he doing? >> stupid [indiscernible] >> it joining us and knew from the savage minnesota fire department, those firefighters achieve jimmy breslin captain kevin pass lieutenant tim nordstrom. it dockery and ryan lutu will. i am stunned. it's my hats off to you. by the way, merry christmas. will watch the entire video my favorite part was the outtakes you did. you guys were giving each other lines trying to do this. do not highly actors but you
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delivered hollywood level video it. at the last three years in 2021 get it home alone. last year health. this year get out than yourselves. cheap, what is at the inspiration, motivation behind this? >> being part of the inspiratio is to show company pride are city pride. to our staff in true belief in this community. there's a couple other ones too with all the increased attentio to our social media pages, woul we do deliver public education, it has a bigger outreach it. also, recruitment, retention an public safety is challenging. would we do these videos, it gives that there is an insight to what her organization and is. >> i have to ask it, how did yo decide to play the role of clark's wife turning the lights on and off? and how did you decide who is a creative genius behind this
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unlike in the movie itself, you guys had multiple occasions of you going in and out which adde to the piece. >> arctic city communications department are the genius. our 30 and candy argument occasions department. they're the ones behind us. we are the ones you're always going to partake in it. it's always a good time of the year and has a lot of humor and joy in our department. >> and how much of it was scripted and as i mentioned, th outtakes at the end of the vide that you posted on youtube is m favorite part. how much of a descriptive and how much has been prompted to elect the kicking of the cones of the other stuff. >> hey think it's a basic script . the communications department doesn't let us ad lib. quite a bit if you can't tell. that's why the outtakes are usually good. >> achieve the, thank you into everyone at the sage


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